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    1. Chain of Semi-Lucids and FAs

      by , 05-06-2023 at 06:50 PM (MeiSEKAI)
      Yesterday when my friend J and I were walking home from school, I asked her what she would do if she could do anything she wanted, including supernatural things. Her answer was "teleport." This is relevant for later. Went to sleep at 11:30 as usual.

      Dream #1: Non-Lucid
      I don't remember much of this dream. I was climbing a super tall tree, a popular one, so a bunch of other people were doing it as well. I was thinking about the different types of acrophobia (fear of heights), that mine was the type who doesn't get scared until they're really high up. [Actually, in real life I get scared just from being six feet off the ground.] I thought it was the most dangerous type because you would lead people to believe you could do more than you were truly capable of.

      We had to play videogames to progress, and each of them would fill the entire "screen." I specifically remember a racecar game but it's hard to explain, at first I was losing but then I put in more effort and managed to pass the few other people playing. At one point my car shoved aside someone else's and went down a narrow path, the other car pushing me from behind, unintentionally helping me out.

      Then we were back in the tree and there was a young man near me, he said he didn't know anyone his age who saw colors as badly as he did. (I guess he was colorblind.) My vision was messed up as well; I could see colors fine but my head was spinning from fear so I couldn't concentrate on anything. I kept looking down at the large patch of grass far, far below us.

      Eventually I couldn't stand to be in the tree any longer, so I forced my locked-up limbs to move and climbed down to a ledge, nearly falling to my death in the process. The way I pulled myself over a branch was so awkward and I was shaking horribly but I managed to get to the ledge. I breathed a huge sigh of relief
      and woke up at 3:25. Was extremely tired but jotted down the dream anyway, falling back asleep within seconds.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      Remember even less from this dream, and I can barely read my own handwriting. I was on the bus, sitting between J and a girl named Sarah. It was really dark in there for some reason, and on my phone I was watching an animated version of Genshin Impact. The style reminded me of Animal Crossing, though at the time I couldn't remember the name and just settled on Animal Farm.

      When we got off, I asked the bus driver how to save (as in download) something. She explained it to me but was a little too helpful in my opinion. She kept talking and asking if I needed help and I started to feel awkward because my only responses were nods or shakes of the head.

      When she finally stopped I yelled, "J!" because she and our friend K were leaving me behind. I wondered if the driver was surprised by my sudden outburst since I didn't say a peep to her.

      J and K walked back to me, and I thought, It's as if I summoned them.
      Then I woke up at 4:50-ish.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      Another short one! I was with my childhood group of friends (as our current ages), but they had all ostracized this kid named Sam H. (He wasn't part of our group in real life but he was another childhood friend of mine.) He kinda reminded me of Yu Yang from Here U Are so maybe he was gay, but I don't think that was the reason they disliked him.

      I was the only one to take his side. I went up to one of the group members and told him off for being so mean. He threw a rock at me but I caught it one-handed and glared.

      Then there was a flashback to Sam H. and Sam G. (another member) talking. Their hair colors were switched for some reason. Sam H. asked who in the group the other Sam would want to get rid of [not exact wording], and Sam G. basically said that they were all too precious to him to choose. (Which was ironic considering his treatment of Sam H. in the future.)

      After a pause, he said sheepishly, "Maybe S though?" (I don't know how but this somehow implied something else, something romantic.) Then he added, "To get them off my back." (Which removed the implication.)

      I thought it was hilarious and texted S about in in the present, since they had a crush on him back then. But I kept stumbling on how I knew about their talk, since I wasn't there. My thoughts were all jumbled up: "Sam G. told me... no, Sam H. did... hm..."

      At some point I was with my dad and he was talking about Animal Crossing, but calling it Animal Farm. He searched it up and asked if that was the correct name. I saw the style and thought of my last dream, telling him yes, it was called Animal Farm. But I was still uncertain.


      Woke up at 6:05 and after writing down that dream, I tried to do WILD by staying focused on my breath and repeating "This is a dream" in my head. I also briefly thought of the conversation I had with J, but decided that "teleport" was too vague a mantra and I'd just have to remember to do it once I became lucid. [The reason I wanted to in the first place was so that I could report the dream to her, motivating her to put more effort into LDing.] Fell asleep around 6:20-ish.


      Dream #4 (Chain of Semi-Lucids+FAs):
      The WILD must have worked because next thing I knew, I was in a dream and semi-lucid. I was talking to S in Sarah's body, using my voice recorder to record what they were saying. [I had asked them a question but was more focused on the recorder and my thoughts than their response.] I was hoping that I could bring it back to the real world and show S what their dream self was like.

      But as I was "waking up," trying to stabilize by rubbing my hands together, I realized that since I had started recording in the dream, it wouldn't be able to come back with me in reality. I told S this and they wailed comically in despair.

      Then I had a false awakening and was disappointed. Went back to sleep, using the same WILD technique as before.

      Now I was outside of J and L's house, except it was actually S's house and neighborhood but functionally it was J and L's. They were both freaking out about something, maybe these silver flecks all across their collarbone areas. (In the dream I believed it was a skin condition they've always had.)

      They were trembling and whimpering and being really dramatic, and I asked, "Why are you guys freaking out? I mean, I get L, but why you, J?"

      I don't think they answered, but that's when I remembered the conversation J and I had yesterday. "Hey, stay here," I told them, and dashed off a little ways away.

      Apparently Laila followed because she was sitting on a doorstep nearby. I told her I was going to teleport into her house and doubtfully she asked, "Is that really possible?"

      "Anything is possible!" I declared, and flew into the air, spinning with my arms outstretched. I consciously made black lines trail from my fingers through the air. L seemed impressed. Then I thrust my hands downwards, imagining being in J's house, and yelled, "Teleport!"

      A golden glow engulfed me from below, but something went wrong. The dream started falling apart. I thought that I should've opened a portal on the ground in front of me, and another in front of Jude, then jumped into mine to appear before her.
      I had a false awakening in my bed; it was so realistic! I quickly went back to sleep to try again and ended up in the same place. This time both J and L were in the spot I'd told them to stay.

      Instead of instantly trying to teleport, I got on all fours and crawled on my stomach toward them to stabilize the dream On the way I passed by these guys throwing each other across the street. I figured I should question things so I asked what they were doing, but they didn't answer and I honestly didn't find it that strange in the first place. I picked up a green paper and threw it in their direction. The sound and sensation were very vivid.

      Alas, I woke up anyway (FA). Frustrated that my stability rates had become so low despite my best efforts, I went back to sleep once again.

      I was now at the top of some stairs in a basement area. It was part of my school in the dream but it doesn't exist in real life. There were a ton of students having a club meeting down there, circled around a teacher that was like a mix of my long-term Theatre sub last year and a young sub who always talks nonstop about gaming during class.

      He was telling them about LDs and I said, "I had three lucid dreams just now!"

      I crawled down the stairs on my stomach, but they didn't pay much attention to me. The students muttered amongst themselves about what a lucid dream was, if it was something demonic or a ritual or whatever. Mr. R didn't seem to know much either and was fumbling with his words.

      I went to his side, crouching for some reason, and said, "A lucid dream is when you're aware that you're dreaming while you're dreaming. That's it."

      "Ooh." They seemed more open to me now. I noticed this guy named Daniel in the back of the crowd, it's kinda funny that he was there because he's in a million different clubs in real life. I wondered if they all thought I was a natural lucid dreamer, and considered recommending that they form an LDing club, but decided against it.

      Later I was sitting on the couch with all of them
      when I suddenly realized something. "Hah... you all are talking about lucid dreaming—of course this is a dream."

      They seemed a little confused, so I got up and said, "Watch this. I've been wanting to try this."

      I held my hands close together and tried to summon a fireball in between them. I could only manage to impose a translucent flicker of realistic-looking flame, and only for a short time. The girl next to me made a biting remark, and I thought with some bitterness, You're only saying that because I'm thinking it.

      I gave up and instead thrust my hands in front of me, trying to launch a line of fire from them. There was a girl in the way but I didn't really care. It didn't work at all though; I was trying to at least feel heat on my hands but nope.

      This is harder than I thought it would be, I thought. [I still think it would be pretty easy with full lucidity.]
      Then I had yet another false awakening!

      I woke up in the same basement, but this time it was in third person. I was an anime boy buried in a mound of plushies, my face flushed and my eyes literal spinning circles. There was a kid checking up on me but when I opened my eyes he retreated as if he'd been doing something wrong.

      "You okay there, Meiseki? Looking a little hot," someone said. It was a friendly, gym-teacher-like voice.

      "Yeah." I dug myself out of the plushies and the perspective returned to first person. "I had a dream about fire."

      I still kinda knew it was a dream, but at the same time thought I had to sleep to enter another one. So I buried myself in the plushies again, this time on the couch, and waited for sleep.

      Soon after, a delivery guy came in, trying to sell his own plushies and insulting a giraffe one near me. (It was made by a different brand or game or something.)

      "Hey!" I said in a jokingly offended tone. "Don't insult the giraffe!"

      He held up his hands and smiled. "It's part of my job, I have to say it. I don't actually hate it."

      Satisfied, I continued trying to fall asleep. In front of me there was a guy flipping through my DJ entries from tonight (all the ones previous to this one including the semi-lucids), comically horrified at their length. There were drawings at the end, one of which was of the club members and I sitting on the couch, me in the middle, smiling.

      My vision was fading out, and up until this point I believed I was drifting off, relieved that I wouldn't have to write all the previous dreams when I woke up since apparently I already did. But when I saw that drawing, so detailed and professional-looking, I realized that they were false entries and I would have to write everything "again."

      That's when I finally woke up for real at 6:45, actually remembering to do an RC. I now fully realize and appreciate the importance of RCing every time you wake up, no matter what... just one would have boosted my lucidity level so much... probably

      Anyway, it seems I have more luck with LDs after 6:15. Maybe because I can focus on WILDing better, idk. Too bad I have to get up early 5 days of the week... This was so interesting though, even if it took foreeever to write I'll be adding it to my LD count as a single lucid, since it all technically took place in the same dream.
    2. Trying To Get an Android, Turning Lava Into Ice.

      by , 09-07-2017 at 05:33 PM (My Dream World)
      I went to sleep at about 23:30 and I woke up about 6:40 if I remember correctly. I did a quick wbtb and then tried to wild for a bit, but ended up falling asleep.

      The dream begins at my grandmother's appartment, in my brother's room. I make a RC, since I try to make a habit of doing one when waking up.
      I do a nose RC and I get lucid. I then do a few more, just to make sure.

      I walk out of the room and the place is eerily empty and quiet. When I'm about to turn around the corner and go to the area with the dining table and balcony up ahead, I think I should summon a DC so I can have them help me with stuff. For some reason, the first one I think of is a girl I used to go to school with, F. She's there in the balcony when I go around the corner. I call her and tell her something about opening up a portal. She opens up a portal to a weird dimension that doesn't seem as vivid for some reason. It's kinda blurry, it almost looks like a videogame. I step inside for a few moments then come back to the living room. Suddenly, it's filled with people.

      I'm still lucid, but around this part of the dream I begin to lose lucidity a bit, so I start losing focus of my objectives and kinda start going along with the dream plot. I'm talking with my family and for some reason have a discussion with my uncle, so I decide to get rid of him. For some reason now I feel like I'm an evil genius and kinda start playing a character here (I'm still lucid, but it's like my personality changed) so I want to replace my uncle with an Android.

      I walk outside the apartment and go into an elevator. Suddenly, I'm accompanied by a college friend, A and someone else that I cannot recall. We go down the elevator into another area. We are now in what seems like an office building with several people. I go up to a DC and tell him I want to replace a defective Android and he gives me a number. I'm supposed to wait for my turn but I decide to speed things up. I go back to the elevator and rip up a panel from the wall. I make up some logic hoping the dream goes along and say it's a living creature mixed with machinery. I "hack" it by jamming a screwdriver in it and twisting it and I hear my number being called on the speakers.

      I go up to a desk and explain the situation to the DC that works here, saying that my Android that I purchased there is malfunctioning. The clerk gets up to get some forms and I think about how I need a receipt. I pull out my phone and again make up some stuff and press buttons on the screen and somehow the phone prints out a receipt. When the clerk gets back they handle me a form and I think I start filling it, but this is as far as my recall goes, I think the dream ended shortly after this.

      I wake up in my grandmother's apartment in the morning. I decide to turn on the TV because I want to play something on the PS4. The TV makes a lot of noise when turning on and I hear my brother shout something from the other room, so I turn the volume down. I notice I'm actually very sleepy so I turn the TV off and go to sleep, quickly transitioning into a lucid dream.

      In this dream within a dream, I'm flying around and I think I'm seeing a scene from a movie. I see two characters fighting in the distance. I'm in some gloomy forest in the dark. I continue flying around very fast and transition to an area with a volcano. I was feeling powerful, so I extend my hands and make the volcano erupt. I then transform the volcano's lava into two ice pillars on the sides of the volcano.
      I wake up shortly after that.

      Updated 09-07-2017 at 06:33 PM by 36767

    3. #198. Waterpark in the Sky

      by , 08-17-2015 at 07:23 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Long dream that started out when Fitz wanted to go base jumping with Simmons, but he hadn't suited up by the time the group was jumping.

      Later, Fitz has to rescue Simmons. Everything has turned into a weird waterpark in the sky. Simmons is briefly some sort of bivalve (like a clam or an oyster) and is glowing, and Fitz has to sneak her in without anyone realizing. Everyone is now looking for the glowing bivalve, because it's some sort of MacGuffin.

      Simmons is turned back into her regular self, and now she has to rescue Fitz. I swim through the waterpark as Simmons, breathing easily underwater.

      There's a gunfight now.


      We're on the ground, now. Autumn colours, and there's some kind of graduation happening. I'm a teenaged girl in a blue dress, only a little bit more practical than Cinderella-style. We're marching against a rival town.

      The two groups of rival townspeople meet on a grassy field. I summon a whirlwind of fire. Or try to—it turns out that I have an ice staff, so I freeze everyone within a five-metre radius. Most of the enemy group is frozen, but so are a few allies, including my mage.

      I switch to a character on the outskirts. Katniss. Ranged. I nock an arrow.

      We shift

      so that I'm watching my brother play a strategy game in the same setting. Rival towns, grassy fields. The game involves playing rival towns' structures against one another, so my brother is using playground equipment against his enemy's farm equipment. Jungle gyms versus tractors and combines.

      The enemy structures approach and my brother bashes his playground equipment against them. The enemy's mass and your mass cancel each other out, so if you can find enough structures to throw against the invaders, you win. Otherwise, they keep coming.

      There's also something about a fairy godmother.

      Adventure: 5/10
      Control: 4/10
      Fear: 2/10
    4. Bathtub

      by , 04-10-2014 at 11:37 PM
      Pre bed: lecithin

      Pre wbtb dreams: vivid but didn't write down when natural wakes so forgot

      Wbtb: 1/3 latte

      It was very hard to convince myself to do a wbtb as I was feeling so nice and sleepy. The lds were interrupted so my memory is a bit hazy for all details.

      I miss the transition and a dream starts.

      LD [summary]: In a dream version of my school and class starts. I become lucid and decide to do my location experiments [go from one place to another or as far as possible without the world changing]. After opening a door after door after door, I finally manage to leave the room and continue down a very distorted corridor, then struggle to maintain the building as is. The dream interrupts a few times/blindness. I get out of the building but unexpectedly teleport in front of our old place. Here I feel weirdly confident about being able to change the surroundings by simply turning around due to the high level of instability. Yet, it's against my initial goal, so I continue exploring the street with emphasis on proximity until the dream blacks out.

      DEILD/or in dream chain:

      I appear in the bathtub a bit uncertain about what's going on. Awareness increases and I move my hands around to stabilize, etc. What's interesting is that the bathtub is getting full of nice warm water that feels quite similar to rl. There is also music coming from somewhere, I assume it's my dream tablet. Still a bit confused about which dream goals I was supposed to be doing, I conclude that it is perfectly fine for me to just relax in the bathtub and listen to the music. The song sounds like depeche mode and in the dream I know the song and chorus lyrics. I chill out and listen to about half the length of the song, where the lyrics are a bit gibberish and I also don't know them, but once the chorus comes, I confidently sing with it. Also, at the end mentally manage to increase the volume of the invisible tablet for an ever better sound. [Post dr: have no memory which Depeche mode song this was or what those lyrics I knew were, it may be possible I came up with a different song altogether!]

      There's a blackout/dream end and possibly I wait as in deild for the dream to continue.

      The next moment, I'm back in the bathtub examining my hands and wondering what's going on. Minor confusion but then I mentally fill the bathtub with warm water again and pay attention to the sensation. I think about the dream length and conclude not to worry as I probably have caught a long rem rebound. Finally remember a task - easter egg and remind myself I can summon one. I close my hands and try to produce an easter egg - something egg-like comes into existence, with decorations and stuff, possibly plastic. It then undergoes changes and becomes completely transparent. This kind of defeats the purpose of the task since I'm supposed to open it and I try the summon again. Once more I get some strange transparent plastic foil egg with cool colored pics on the surface and another transparent plastic egg inside. I think this is like a balloon and wonder about it being ok for the task. As I examine the pics for the journal I notice that the inside egg has now colored pictures of balloons on the surface and the outside egg some disney characters like Mickey and Pluto. I think at this point the dream fades again and I end up mid way to wake.

      DEILD/or in-dream chain:

      Memory gap but I'm now in my old room and remember the next task - to come up with a new plant. I approach the window and see a plant whose foliage already looks weird, the leaves are similar to pelargonium but more curled. I decide to add random red fruit there, getting a mini-mental image but this doen't change the plant accordingly. There are two plants now, and without touching them and using mind, I start to twist their leaves and stems into all sorts of shapes, trying to create some sort of different plant. In the meantime flowers appear on one of the plants - two different types but they are almost drying now. More manipulation until in the end the plant turns into a smaller plant, mix of an orchid and violet. I think about the size then conclude this experiment in botanics is enough.

      I then recall the tornado task and look out the window, thinking about one. The sky is gray and a tornado appears in the distance. It does look quite large and menacing and I briefly give in to paranoia, wondering whether I should hide since it is coming in my direction. Then I look at the opposite part of the sky and see that another one has formed. Two tornadoes, task complete and my mind is off the paranoia. Since this task is in line with my improve element manipulation goal, I wonder what else can I do here and decide that the thing to do would be to get rid of the clouds and tornadoes.

      I go out on the balcony and focus on a tiny area of the sky that is blue and hold my hands up as if I'm stretching the blue sky gap, then decide to use the cover with hands tech to continue, covering the entire sky with my hands but for the gap of blue sky, so that the only thing I see and perceive is the blue sky (thus making me think of only blue sky). Allow a short while to pass, then move my hands away to see that the sky is indeed clearing up and is mostly nice blue sky. There are a few completely black clouds in one corner which I find interesting. Thinking about more element manipulation, I want to do something to the other clouds now - rearrange the sky again. I pick up a tiny white cloud and try to stretch it to the sides with my fingers (not really touching it) but end up actually holding a tiny piece of cloud in my hand.

      I contemplate what else to do, might as well do the zoom task finally. Look to the other side of the balcony, where I see the neighbors' kid and his grandma and try to pick up a spot to zoom into. I look at a spot that will not be a too drastic scene change and point out to it, saying something like I want to be there. Nothing happens, but I see a second transparent but colored layer of my finger while pointing. The kid says something meaningful, giving me the impression of a smart DC so I think about interacting with him, also mentally remind myself not to lose my lucidity when doing so. The dream ends, back in bed and waiting for a bit but nothing more happens.

      Updated 04-11-2014 at 12:16 AM by 61764

      lucid , memorable , task of the month
    5. 4th May 2012 - First Lucid Dream

      by , 05-08-2012 at 09:23 PM
      I was in a foggy, snowy environment. I believe there were mountains in the distance but the fog was so dense that I couldn't be sure. Out of the fog a white fox came pacing towards me. I got the feeling the fox knew me and that I knew it, it continued to pace towards me without unlocking its gaze from me. I become suspicious of my environment and perform a reality check by looking at my hands. I had an extra finger! The dream dissolves, becoming more and more foggy, before I seemingly awake.

      Although, I hadn't awoken. I was laying in bed but still something felt very odd, I checked the time twice, and the time had changed. I checked my hands to make sure and I now had 7 fingers. I realised I was still dreaming and got excited, the dream faded again and I actually awoke.

      I was still in a daze, unsure of what happened, but I attempted going back to sleep. I was laying in my bed with eyes closed when all of a sudden my body just felt weightless, like a feather. I gradually opened my eyes and checked my hands, I again had 7 fingers and knew I was dreaming, but I checked the clock to make sure, it was changing times.

      I lifted myself from bed, kind of unsteadily and was shocked by how realistic my room felt, yet it was still kind of dreamy. There were slight differences to real life though, I noticed something pulled out from under my bed, and the drawer in my desk was open.

      I decide I want to try flying, I walk up to my wall/window and imagine myself phasing through it, I put my hand on it and it just slips through the wall. I edge the rest of my body through and it feels like my entire body is being squashed as I pass through, it was a really strange sensation. As I reach the outside world, my weightless body floats down into the garden.

      I am again in awe at how realistic the dream is, I could feel the grass between my toes and the cool air. I assume it was early morning as the dream was dimly lit, I want extra light so I try to brighten the dream but it only gets washed out and blinding, so I tone it back down.

      I then try to fly, I leap up into the air but I am unable to sustain the flight, and instead simply leap over the back fence into a small garden, nothing but grass surrounded by fence. I try to leap into the air again, only this time I shoot right up, flying higher and higher and eventually into the clouds. I can see all the houses and gardens below me and I am beginning to see the curvature of the Earth.

      I begin flying, it was a surreal feeling. I am in a superman pose although I notice I am quite bad at turning. I move my legs and just about manage to perform a turn. As I'm flying by this building, I attempt to smash the windows in it with telekinetic powers, but fail.

      I come across this zoo-like area, there's only one cage with animals in it and they were polar bears. They are fighting it out. I wonder why the zoo is closed, but notice a sign that mentioned it was Saturday but that the theme park was still open.

      I fly down a bit more and see queues of people and roller-coasters, all tightly packed together. I fly up into the inner-workings of the roller-coasters, a small dimly lit box where all the roller-coaster tracks passed through. I am almost hit by the coasters several times, and make sure I can pass through the roller-coaster tracks like I did with my wall so I know I am not going to be hit.

      I cannot find a way out of this room, but notice in the distance a group of kids swinging down on ropes and watching the coasters zoom by. I hover up to them and grab onto one of their ropes as they pull me up.

      I begin to lose lucidity, I walk down a flight of stairs and become lost in this house. I ask a woman if she knew the way out, but she seemed to be kind of lost too, there were lots of false doorways with nothing but brick walls behind them. Eventually we go down this tiny flight of stairs and have to duck under a low roof with a tiny door at the end.

      Things blur here and I lose a lot of vividness and all my lucidity.

      Non-lucid segment:
      I find myself in town. I am an earth-bender and somebody else is a fire-bender. We decide to combine out elements to make a lava-element. It gets out of control and lava is spewing up from the ground and lava golems are rising out and attacking.

      I try to control it by restricting my earth element but fail. I go get the fire-bender back, who was just driving away in his fancy car. I get in the driver's seat of his car and drive it back down to where the chaos is happening, smashing his car into another parked outside a store, and then we stop the lava.

      I realise in the intensity of performing lava abilities that my earth-bending has become much more powerful, I am able to move people underground, effectively teleporting them, just by surrounding them in earth. Everyone is fascinated with my new power and we do a bunch of experimenting with it, before I wake up.
    6. Three Step Task Attempt

      by , 04-16-2012 at 09:29 PM
      Nonlucid, Lucid, Partially lucid
      April 16, 2012:

      I am walking up stairs to my bedroom. It is my old bedroom in my parents' house. I go into the bathroom with toothpaste and a toothbrush. I have a big glob of toothpaste in my mouth. I spit in the sink, but there is still thick stuff in my mouth. In the mirror I see green stuff in my teeth. I start to pull something long out from my mouth. I look in the mirror and say "I must be dreaming." It sounds muffled from the thing in my mouth.

      The scene fades and I re-enter a new scene, in church. I know I am dreaming. I touch the walls with both hands. I find my girlfriend and another girl. I kiss them both on the lips and on the belly.

      The scene fades again and I am in one of the small back classrooms with the brick walls. There are other people sitting in chairs around the room. We face someone in the center of the room who looks like Abed from Community. I tell myself that the class is part of a conspiracy.
      Abed talks softly and I can't understand him. I say "What? Speak up!" He mumbles something again. My stomach growls and I know I am physically hungry. I hope it doesn't hinder my lucid dream.

      Then I remember my first task to summon an object. I reach into my pocket and say I want a spoon. I feel nothing. I remember that I wanted to summon a fruit. Still, I feel nothing in my pocket.
      I see apples placed around the room and wonder if that counts. I pick up one of the apples to feel it, then take a bite and toss it aside.
      I reach into my pocket again and pull out the same apple, with the bite taken from it. I say "There's that fucking apple! But I'm not sure if this should count..."
      I am referring to Mat87's Competition and whether I should whether I should get the points or not.

      I walk outside, through the back door and start to fly a few feet off the ground. I remember my second task, element manipulation. I put my hands out and make the wind start blowing towards me. Then I change the direction of the wind to blow from behind me really hard.
      The wind pushes me as I float in the air. I aim the wind at the ground so it pushes dirt and pebbles around. I stir up some dust into the air. I try to control the dirt directly, but it is not effective. There is gravel I try to make move, but it doesn't work either.

      The dream fades and I go right back into it again. This time it is a bright sunny day. I remember my third task, advanced flying. I float into the air and notice some dark clouds. I consider controlling water, but continue with the flying.
      I fly pretty fast down the gravel road, seeing the trees go by quickly as I pass them. Then I fly up. It is hard to get up very high at first. But then I watch the ground beneath me get further away and smaller until I can see the tops of trees and entire woods, or forests and lakes. I rub my hands together to stabilize so the dream doesn't end yet.
      I see an earth-like world with continents and oceans, but it is also kind of alien and not shaped like earth. I start to see the round edge of the world. The sun is still bright.
      Space is not dark or starry but white, and is getting brighter. Everything goes white and I wake up.

      Updated 04-16-2012 at 09:39 PM by 36900
