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    1. Night of Monday 3/25/24

      by , 03-28-2024 at 12:40 AM (Dreamlog)
      La Bamba:
      A boy and a girl are fighting in a hallway.
      The boy is looking for his sword, the girl has it. It is a double blade, with velcro holding it together.
      The girl doesn't give the sword back to the boy.
      It is night-time, with a blue-green feel to the scene.
      The classroom is a portable pod, similar to the ones from my elementary school, but closer to the ground.
      I'm in the scene now and notice the sword outside the classroom door.
      I've returned to the classroom, and know that I am late.
      It is a band room, with the regular odd variety of sounds coming from people warming up (or messing around).
      I hear a violin, and notice how out of tune it is. I reason that, if I were to learn that instrument, I would suck at it for a time too.
      M from the clarinets in high-school marching band starts to dance and play a "La Bamba" type tune in front of the group.
      The teacher highlights him, and then the class joins in.
    2. November 14, 2023 10:?? am

      by , 11-14-2023 at 10:52 AM
      It was the last day of elementary school, a lot of festivities and performances were planned in the gymnasium, me along with three other kids, one being a girl I had a crush on during 5th - 6th grade, another being my current best friend I didn't even know back then, and I think the last one was the girl's best friend. We did a short skit, or performance that was maybe three minutes long or something followed by us dancing to either Barbie Girl or a song from the Dutch girlband K3 as ending/credits as the audience would give us an applause! However, we would just continue dancing for the entire song while they kept applauding. We would've done so for the entire 7(?) minute run of the song, but eventually decided to gather in front of the audience and bow, my theatre school instincts kicked in to say "Yes!" as we bowed.

      We then leave the gymnasium and decide backstage to hang out together instead of attending the rest of the event (considering it was primary school, it was literally early in the afternoon) We then decided to go to the city, my crush asking me where I live to see if it was possible. Although I was thinking like my current age self while supposedly being a prospective 7th grader, I was still convinced I lived in Utrecht rather than Berlin where I currently live so I'd be good. We went to a supermarket nearby to get some food, but I woke up.

      Curse you brain for finally letting me hang out with my crush ;_;
    3. July 12, 2023 6:35 am

      by , 07-12-2023 at 05:47 AM
      I went to elementary school where I, because I apparently kicked over their drinks at one point, kept getting beaten up my this group of very big and strong men. This would occur every lunch break for weeks and I'm pretty sure people ssw me get beaten up but we're too afraid to interfere. At some point I was considering getting my strong friends to become my bodyguard and help me. I was sitting at home on a rainy day, about to have to leave for school when I told my parents, who looked like Boards of Canada for some reason, slowly what was going on, I was building up slowly to that part when I suddenly woke up.

      Dream was in English
    4. May 23, 2023 8:25 am

      by , 05-23-2023 at 01:49 PM
      I was at primary school when we went to gymclass where we were all strapped onto some chair like those swing carousels had, I was at the front and was the first to leave, it was some sort of underground rollercoaster. When I was done, I didn't bother waiting for the rest of the class and snuck off to the classroom, grabbed my stuff and saw this kid from my primary/middle school who used to be a class clown back in the day and now does nothing but smoke weed all day, he suggested we ditch the class and he snuck out, I was about to follow him but my high school sociology teacher stopped me, he sent me back to the classroom and I was waiting for him to leave so I could sneak out but woke up instead
    5. Revenge of the Nerd? Or Another Angry Vegan :D

      by , 08-20-2015 at 05:41 PM
      I was in my old childhood room at my parents’ house in Colorado. I wondered how I got there, since I was in Australia last I remembered, but I dismissed the thought and started thinking about other things. I wandered down the hall into my parents’ bedroom where I found my Uncle. He was in there with his Chinese lover. I rationalized that he and his wife had gotten more open about their relationship since her recent bout with cancer. His lover said that she was studying to be a naturopath and that she wanted to do an energy healing on me. She put her hands on my tummy and was sending loving, healing energy into me to fix my stomach. My uncle took her place after about 30 seconds, and he was way better at it than her. He was gently blowing onto the area that he was sending energy to, as though he was fanning a flame. I felt very happy, appreciative, and connected with both of them. My uncle put his hand on mine for a minute.

      I walked out of the room and into the kitchen where my mom was cooking spaghetti. I got really excited because I loooooove spaghetti, but then I noticed that it was filled with meatballs and ground beef and Italian sausage. I was sad, but I decided that I would make my own spaghetti. My sister came into the kitchen and told me that I looked fat. I took off my shirt and showed her that I had no tummy, but then she started talking down to me about being vegan, saying how it was very unhealthy and that I was pathetic for only taking my philosophies on how I want to live my life part of the way. She was saying that I should go move to a commune and be in nature rather than half ass things, because I will always be supporting corrupt corporations and unethical practices as long as I’m in society. I lost my temper and said to her, “At least I’m trying, I’m doing the best that I can. You believe the same things I do but you don’t even go part of the way.”

      She looked shocked that I defended myself rather than letting her take punches at me without any recoil.
      I took my vegan pasta to my room and became lucid while I was eating it. I thought to myself, “This pasta doesn’t taste like much for being dream food”. So I infused it with deliciousness and made it taste yummier. The next bites were a lot better but still not fantastic. I woke up.

      I was on my elementary school playground and it was kind of a gloomy day. There were guys throwing a ball to each other, so I ran out to try to get past a defender, but I couldn’t shake him. The guys started to make fun of me and bully me. They made me feel like I didn’t belong with them even though I was just as athletic as them, if not more so. One of the bullies threw a ball at my face and I became lucid from it. I think he threw it at me again and then punched me, but I made myself impervious to harm and I was unaffected. Two other bullies threw their balls at me simultaneously from opposite sides - I caught them both with my hands in the air. I stole a beer out of the hands of the 1st bully that tried to punch me, tore off the cap, and then drank some of it. Very realistic. I tossed it on the floor expecting it to break but instead it just bounced up and down, spewing beer all over the place.
      I looked at one of the bullies and told him that he was only mean because he was bald since his mom gave him a stupid haircut and so he was taking it out on everybody else. I looked at another bully and told him that he was mean because he was secretly gay. I told him that I knew about him wanting to have sex with the other guys in the locker room. I whispered into his ear that it was okay to be whoever he was, and that I actually preferred him that way. I transformed him so that he was wearing fabulous clothes. His physical body changed as well. I then took control of him and made him act feminine.
      I turned my eyes towards the initial bully that made me feel like I didn’t belong, that had teased me and punched me and threw a ball at my face. I told him that he was the worst of all, because he had no heart. I told him that he had no way of sharing in the pain that he inflicts upon others. I told him that he was already dead inside.
      I summoned a stairway that led up to a portal. I told him that if he truly had any heart, then he would pass through the portal unfazed, but if it was as I said, then he would be teleported to a hellish world that reflected how he was inside.

    6. N8: ...

      by , 08-16-2015 at 09:27 PM
      So I dreamt that I was going back to elementary school for a visit with my class. There was something going on. If we found a pig in a wedding dress, and a baby cow, we'd get a prize. I found the pig- it was in a closet. Then I walked past a 3rd grade classroom to see that the kids in there had already found the cow. Then the dream shifted- I was at a hospital waiting room at night. We went outside (my mom, sister, brother and I) To see... Barack Obama! He needed a ride somewhere. That just seemed so strange to me, I did a reality check. My finger didn't go through my hand, but sort of "melted" into it. Eh, still, that wouldn't happen IWL! I plugged my nose too, and could breathe perfectly! I tried to take off to fly, but couldn't! I "woke up" and immediately did a reality check. Nope, still dreaming. I got up, but as soon as I did, I "woke up" again, and did a reality check, only to find that I was in yet another false awakening. I tried shouting "Clarity now!" a few times because everything was blurry, but it was no use. After a few more false awakenings, I woke up.
    7. (L) Fun, Mystic and going to the mirror world (TotM)

      by , 03-25-2015 at 12:41 PM
      I was close to my elementary school. I do not remember this part that well, but I became lucid and I started to fly, but in a weird way.. It could look like I got pulled up in the air with a leash around my waist. I flew to the elementary school, and walked around. It looked very different from what it does in waking life, it was like some of the building I went it to were minecraft on 2 walls and real walls on the others.
      The minecraft walls were tall so I thought it would be fun to run up alon them. on the walls there were minecraft wood fences, which were impossible to get over.. So I got down into that room again.
      I heard knocks or something, and I look over at an opening to another room. The knocks and the way that opening looked just told me that things was not good there. I walked away and then I heard it from a window. I walked over to the windows and saw 3 dream characters a man, boy and a girl. They played on music instruments while they just looked into the air with a natural face.
      I tried to push myself through the wall, but I was not allowed to so I walked away from the windows and I noticed that there now were a mirror where the opening to the creepy room where. I stood in front of it and noticed that I did not have a relfection, and thus came my reflection from the same side I came from, and did the things I did just seconds ago, so it was delayed, which were fun but also weird to experience. My reflection started to get white eyes that started to glow, so I turned my back on it and moved on.
      After I turned my back on it, I noticed that there were more mirrors and I got reminded of the TotM, so I thought "Oh yay! Now I can do the TotM" so I ran towards the mirror I was facing and jumped into it. There was no resistance, I went through like nothing was there.
      The room I jumped in to were like a flipped version of the room I just came from, it was pink-ish (I can't explain how it looked but it makes me think of a sunset). There was a pile of kids toys on the floor including a mp5. I thought of another thing I had wanted to do for some time, and it was to use a portal gun (Portal video game). So all I expected was that it shooted portals, and it did. I shot it down on the ground and an orange portal appeared. I walked onto it, and nothing happened, so I randomly just shot up on the roof and then I woke up.

      This was the lucid dream I had yesterday.
    8. 6/27/14 - My Sword

      by , 06-29-2014 at 05:37 PM
      I'm watching a group of people huddled inside a boiler room. I'm there, but not there. They seem panicked and are making possible plans of escape. I watch as they come to some conclusion and huddle closer together. A woman, she might be the leader, tells them all that it's necessary to feed and to do so quickly. Half of them bite into the others flesh, drinking their blood. I feel like I should be startled, but I'm not. It kind of seems like a normal thing. One by one the blood feeders pull away from the others, blood all over their happy faces. I turn away from them towards the heavy steel door. There is a little window that opens and while I cannot see anyone looking in, I know someone is there and I know that's not a good thing. The window closes and the door opens. The group runs out and scatters. I step out of the room and I take in the scenery. I'm at my elementary school. People are being chased by other people, but these other people, while looking human, they aren't human at all. It's like they are imitations, zombies. I should be frightened, but it's like I don't have the time for it. A few innocent people hide behind me and I feel the need to protect them. Suddenly I'm holding a giant sword in my hands. It's obnoxiously huge in size and there's no way I should be able to hold it, but it's as if it were made for me and only me. It's blade is very bright, almost as if it were light itself. The imitations notice me and start charging my way. I kill them one by one as if I'd done this a million times. I kill many.
    9. The 13th

      by , 05-13-2014 at 10:40 AM (4th DJ-Attempt)
      .../It's twilight time. No lights outside. I went out home but must get back, I forgot something. 3 guys are walking close in a suspicious attitude. I keep my distance, they don't look too friendly. I don't want to walk in front of them. I see them changing direction in a crossroad. I get to the door, open it and get in. In the corridor, there are 2 doors to get into the apartment. My cousin's wife opens the door which connects to the kitchen, I prefer to use the other one that leads to the living room. I have a bag in my hand, I let it on the floor. There's something about their daughter/...

      * That apartment is an old recurrent dreamscape

      .../I see a friend of mine from my elementary school times. He's older now and takes part in a sport event with other students from his new school. They are formed in lines wearing sport uniforms in white and light blue. I remember he had a little sister. I remember he was the only one who could help me stop crying when I squeezed my finger with a tree trunk when we were little kids. I think I should say he acted like an angel/...

      * From time to time I tend to remember in dreams, people who I don't see since a very long time. I don't know if I'm going to see them again but in dreams.

      .../I'm at the bottom of some long stairs. I'm wearing my folk dance custom of a devil. It's the second day of the party. I'm with a DC who is a mixture of my wife and an ex-girlfriend. She helps me to push a mountain bike I'm riding to go up. In the middle of the stairs we meet a friend of mine who greets her with a kiss in each cheek and one in the lips. I pretend to ignore it. He asks me if there was something wrong. I say him I just didn't like that. There's nobody else from the group at the top of the stairs. Apparently we are the first people to get there. We walk around. It's twilight time...

      * Alarm clock went off.
      * The DC mixture appears from time to time, she didn't like it when I told her it was a dream once.

      * I'm still trying to find a proper timing and a structure to fit my daily activity.
    10. Home Search Next to School; Golf Carts and Lost Son

      by , 08-24-2013 at 01:05 PM
      Fragment: Something about summer students as interns, their tasks, changing them. Needed to get permissions, and justify it.

      WBTB Attempt failed - but remembered two dreams from the two last hours of sleep after WBTB attempt

      Home Search Next Door to a School

      We were home searching again (doing that a lot in dreams lately). Again the house we saw was supposedly one we had viewed in a prior house search (did not really look familiar though).

      The house was next door to a school. The school had a playground. We asked the home's owner about the school. It was an elementary school. She claimed it was a public school but I was doubtful, so I asked something like "So if we live here, this is the school our kids would go to?" And she answered "You have to keep in mind that your kids will soon outgrow elementary school and not go here." My older son is now in second grade and my younger is not yet old enough to start school, but in the dream I agreed "Yes, they will soon outgrow it." How big is the school? Oh, only right classes, she said. I asked her whether I remembered correctly from the previous time we had seen the house that she had a kid too. She said she did not. I felt embarrassed that I did not remember that.

      Just like in previous house searching dreams, I notice upon waking up that we did not look inside the house. The focus is on what is next to it.

      Golf Carts and Lost Younger Son

      My husband and I were in gold carts chasing some sort of fast train going fast in golf carts.

      Suddenly I noticed: where are our kids? We had been with our kids before. I confronted my husband. It turned out he let our seven and four year olds drive their own cart, but it was a slower one, so that was ok. I insisted we backtrack and find them.

      We find the cart and my seven year old is driving it and doing just fine, but my four year old is missing. I continue searching for him frantically on foot.

      My step father and my mother pull up in a car and want to know if I want to get in. I decline. As he is closing the door, my stepfather drops a pair of sunglasses. He asks my help in picking up those glasses, and also all other pairs of glasses - there are a lot of glasses around the car on the ground. I start picking up glasses.

      My mother reminds me that I should be looking for my son. And comments on, see how willing to help my husband is (sarcastically). I feel guilty that I let myself be distracted.

      I keep searching, but we do not find my son before I wake up.

      Updated 08-24-2013 at 01:08 PM by 61501

    11. Tiger Chase

      by , 02-24-2013 at 09:50 PM
      This isn't good, I'm starting to forget my dreams. This was the only dream I had this week and I'm getting worried I'm losing my recall.

      Sometime in the dream I was standing next to the big plain field at my old elementary school again. I've been dreaming of this place ever since I left high school, one of my dream signs. I don't remember what I was doing here. I remember seeing a few people there but I forgot their names.

      This next part, I was being chased by a big white tiger. It felt more like a game at the time and my job was to escape from the area without dying. This tiger was really fast and no matter how fast I went, the tiger was always a few feet away from me. I was jumping from mid block to mid block trying to get the tiger to fall down to the darkness below and die. Instead, I fell down in to the hole and the tiger went down after me.
    12. Playing a game at school

      by , 12-17-2012 at 02:46 PM
      3 am. I arrive at my old elementary school. We're about to play a game, most likely soccer. Walk onto the field area and notice that the school building is gone, it's just fields. Someone says there are no schools left in NJ. People start playing a game and I'm on the sidelines kind of sad because I don't fit in because i don't know how to play. It's like a game where people spread out, throw something into the air, catch it and then continue to throw it. Finally, i get involved. Sit at a table with my sister and another unspecified family member. Sister is a little unhappy to be with me. Several times i catch it and throw it. There are many hands in the air above me so that I cannot catch it. I throw a blue stuffed animal after several fake outs and then throw it but nobody catches it and it falls into the mud. There is the sense i did something wrong. All these people in uniforms show up and they are angry with our game. There is a sense of fear in the group but not fear that comes from having life in danger. There is a "commercial" in my mind of somebody eating chicken meat and preparing a beef stock like liquid. It's very thick. I recall that somebody once kept a stock for several year, using all types of meat.
    13. Common Theme, Common Dream

      by , 08-11-2012 at 05:24 AM
      My goal of controlling the theme of the dream was surprisingly easy. Getting into a feeling that I expect the dreams to come to be in has been so easy even that it is now hard not to do. This has given me a lot of control over the dream world even if I am nowhere near lucid. With new power there are new problems namely what controls the controller. I control the theme of the dream but those feelings I use to control the dreams sometimes come from the night’s influential dreams and not what I wanted. This has given me whole nights of dreams with all the same feel to them; this is actually kind of tiring and boring. I need to work on creating feelings independent of any influences upon me.

      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      D1 Enchanted cottage

      I was wandering around an elementary school wondering why I was there and what I was supposed to do. Eventually I got fed up and found the exit. Just before the doors I stood looking around to see if there was anything I could do. I didn't see anything worth doing just kids walking around and administrators directing the kid’s traffic, so I decided to teleport (tp) somewhere. I thought it would be strange for people to see me tp so I walked outside to look for a secluded spot to tp in.
      Outside I saw an ornate manhole cover and thought that would be a good spot to tp on. Standing on it though opened up a passage to another dream world, an enchanted forest. Within arm's reach was a large heavy old dark wooden door with ornate patterns similar to the manhole cover but more so. Entering I saw it was like a cottage/club house with 2 young twenty-something women sitting on the floor. I went over to them and saw they were rolling dice and small bones and other things on the circular rug on the floor. I walked onto the rug with them and they were totally accepting of my presence there so I moved some of the clutter away to make room to sit down with them.

      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 over most of dream
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      D2 Phone Call from Subconscious
      I'm wandering around another elementary school wondering why I'm there and what I'm supposed to be doing. I look for the exit a lot sooner this time. Outside I think about finding my car but I can't see all of them from the entrance so I fly up to get an overview. Looking down at all the similar looking cars I realise this task is futile and so is my flying here. Slowly I descend. Apparently the school is on beach land and the school is surounded by that pine shrubbery which I then descend into. I feel the hurts of lowwering into this scrub but the pain is not painful. I say "That's one of the perils of flying, landing" as I walk out of the scrub area.
      One of the librarian types I saw inside the school is standing there telling me she had something for me to do inside if I was up to it. I said I was and followed her back to the school but just before I got inside I heard a phone ringing. I stopped and checked my pocket and there was a phone unlike my real phone, I was surprised. Pulling it out I realized it was not mine at all but it was still ringing so I opened it. It had tiny instruction card adhered to it and those clear fake display stickers that are on new phones, it was brand new. Curious I said my "hello" into the phone in a unsure high-pitched voice. "Are you a kid?" I heard the unknown caller say and replied with my name but I heard nothing so I spoke again and louder. I did this a few more times till I was yelling into the phone hoping the person on the other side could hear me. By now I had walked behind the woman into the library and went over to her at a table where she was making something with construction papers of different colors.
    14. These guys want their Pepsi O_O

      by , 08-02-2012 at 08:12 PM (Dimension X)
      Ok so I was in my elementary school's field, and i was with some of my friends, plus these 5 other guys who were like basketball players, and yes they were black... anyways we had basketballs and we traded them in or something, to get Dr. Pepper... O_o But the basketball players wanted Pepsi... Which you needed to trade in a football to get... but there were bullies that had the footballs, so the basketball players wanted to go and steal them. So i remember us actually getting 5 footballs. then i picked them all up and brought them back to where we were before... and the basketball players got the pepsi they wanted... Also this was semi-lucid too because i remember that i realized i was in the dream, but i wanted to show those bullies who's boss. So that's pretty much the end of the dream. I hope to go fully lucid again, eventually, but it's kinda difficult for me to do... It has been lately O_o
    15. Playgrounds, Movies, Thieving, Surgery and Missions

      by , 07-03-2012 at 04:18 AM (The D-Log)
      Damn. Three nights of lucid dreams in a row. I think I'm starting to get the hang of this.

      So to start this entry out I need to lay down some knowledge. Usually when I go lucid, it's after I wake up for a minute or two and go back to sleep. So basically an improper WBTB. This night, however, I decided to do a full blown WBTB. Went to sleep around 11:30 and set an alarm for 5:45. Unfortunately, I woke up at about 2:30 for some reason which caused me not to have any before 5:45. Anyways, I woke up when the alarm went off, stayed awake for 12 minutes and went back to sleep. I became lucid right away. (Also, I was repeating to myself "Become lucid right away" in my head as I was falling asleep.)


      As I open my dream eyes, I am greeted to the sight of my old elementary school's playground. There were only a couple kids near me. More interestingly, there were floating balls of light that disappeared after a few seconds. I decided to walk over to the big concrete rain shelter and ask a DC what time it was. I found a young adult male and asked him. He said it was 5:20 in Thursday. I asked him to repeat himself but he just kind of waved me away. I walked around the shelter and started hearing some interesting whispers from DCs. They were saying that Chloë Grace Moretz was hanging around the playground. (Which makes some kind of sense because the last thing I was doing before I went to sleep was watching Hugo. I found out where she was and decided to go say hi. I got over to her but then the goddamn Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles came out of NOWHERE and tripped me. I flew into a crowd of children, got all embarrassed and woke up.


      I fall back asleep. I'm on a movie set. There is a large wooden door. I go through it. Through the door, Marlon Brando is sitting at a desk dressed as Vito Corleone. I walk through the set and find myself in the back alley of a city neighborhood. I go up to a house. I find that it has a hidden door. For some reason, I was scared to go in. So I turn around and go up into a modern looking house.

      I'm greeted to the sight of the two guys from American Pickers looking for stuff to steal. (I know. I dream about movie and tv stars too much) I try to convince them that they aren't thieves and they don't have to do this but they ignored me. Eventually, they find an old wooden box. They open the box to find a broken baseball bat. Signed by Babe Ruth. They flip out but suddenly a car pulls in the driveway. They try to make a break for it but are caught by the people who were in the vehicle, a young straight couple. I get thrown out by the angry couple.

      I am on a city street. It was day time while I was in the house but now it is night. I get approached by a scuzzy looking man. He tells me I need liver surgery and I am presented with what can only be described as a holographic, touchable GTA Map screen. He points out different clinics tell me which are the most expensive and cheapest. I ask him about one of the cheaper ones. He says I COULD go there. If I don't mind having my liver replaced with garbage. I head to the clinic but apparently changed my mind and turned around. Boom. I get hit by an ambulance. Ha Ha fucking HA.

      I get revived and dropped off at a hospital. Suddenly, a mission marker pops up in my FOV and I start to dash along the sidewalk to it. I pass my theaters with neon lights and pissed off looking hookers. I turn to go down an alley but then wake up.

      Shorter dreams but easier to get lucid. Hmmm. Gonna stick with WBTB for a while.
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