07.10.2013Dreaming within a dream and failing to visit the Colosseum. (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was with a group of people in a big room. It seems that we were in some sort of meeting group in order to lucid dream. But we were actually got together to be able to sleep. The room was big, but it had no furniture, and we would bring our own matresses. All the DC except my wife were make up here. They turned off the lights and then we started to focus on lucid dreaming and we went to sleep. I was with my wife in a very tiny airport and we got inside a plane. It was very dark and the plane was very wide. I was surprised because no flight attendant was there to greet us and the curtains were closed. I was wondering what was going on until a flight attendant came out, welcomed us and directed us to our seats. While I was waiting for the plane to take off, I did not see many people and the lights were very dark (Since i was a kid, I traveled by plane hundreds of times) and not the usual stuff that happens in a plane was occurring. I started to think, "What the heck is up with this plane? What is going on?" I realized I was dreaming right away, as the plane was too dark and it was very odd the way things were happening, so I walked away from my sit and exited the plane. I went through the room that connected the plane and I left outside. I was in the middle of nowhere and it was very sunny. There were no buildings around and I told to my self, "When I turn in the next street, I will teleport to the Colosseum to fight a Gladiator for the task of the year. As I turned the corner I was able to hear the screams and excitements of the people, but the dream vanished. I was back at the room with other oneironauts, and I was a bit upset I did not finish the dream, oh well, failed task, I will soon induce another lucid dream. I had various attempts, but as I was falling asleep and felt a dream forming, I would open my eyes and "wake up" from the dream. At some point, I could not sleep so I took a walk around the building. I could see all the people around me sleeping. I was outside like at some sort of shopping mall, but I did not feel like it and went back to the room. It was hard to find the actual room, as there were many more rooms and the aisles were very dark. As I went back to the room when I finally found it, someone else was sleeping in my mattress, so I just sat in another random mattress and then got comfortable to sleep again, but the leader of the meetup group told us it was time to wake up. I realized this meeting group made no sense and that I was dreaming still and I just had a dream within a dream. As I left the room, I was setting the intent to find the Colosseum as I left the shopping mall. My wife (real waking wife) woke me up as it was time to wake up.
Updated 10-07-2013 at 04:39 PM by 31830
I'm in the living room doing nothing, the girl comes up to the window, it frightens me so I run outside and yell at her for some reason things I don't mean. Then I go back into the house, I'm aware that I might've hurt her, and then something starts to happen to me and I'm crying and I look outside and the girl is with her boyfriend and they're preparing to leave. Ignore it with ego, Then a delivery truck comes up the driveway and I look out the window at it and the girl and I make eye contact and it's as though she's asking for something with her eyes, like are you sure this is what your want, then they leave down the entire driveway but through the dirt which would make it take longer, and they wait sitting on a bench down there I assume for a bus. Then seemingly little things keep happening in the house that I freak out about and contemplate running down the driveway to her, but when I finally do they're gone. I go back into the house and fell neglected and, alone.
So I finally had my first lucid dream, but this didn't happen last night. This happened December 29th. As soon as the dream came into view, it automatically came to me; I was in a dream. I looked at my surroundings: I was in a grey building and I had a pistol I was holding, but I viewed everything like a first person shooter. The first thing that came to my mind was that if I'm in a first person shooter, there might be other people in the building that might want to shoot me! So, the first thing I looked for was a doorway that led me out of the building. As I was looking for the way out, I came into a classroom that had a bunch of people from my school, but they all looked like they were mad at me for some reason. I just walked through them, when I saw the exit door. As I go towards it, some girl trips me...so I punched her in the face. Then were boyfriend got up, and I just shoved him. "This is stupid," I said to myself. Before I opened the door, I thought to myself there will be a town behind this door. Sure enough, there was a town that looked like a map out of Modern Warfare 2. First attempt at controlling something: successful. I walk down the sidewalk and I see a few strange things, like a couple sitting at a table with a bunch of baby dragons jumping around them, giant air waver things on the ceilings of buildings (like the ones you see for advertisement), etc. Anyway, as I go down some ally I come to this opening with a fireplace in front of me. I look at the sky and think I wonder if I can make myself fly. I flew off the ground a little bit, about 12 ft, but then I fell back down. Well that won't work. I turn around to go back, but then I see my Uncle Anthony sleeping on the steps of the ally. I ask him why he is sleeping there, and he just told me that he was tired. Well, apparently his head was next to ANOTHER fireplace, and his head caught on fire. I find some oven mitt and try to pat out his head, but it made the oven mitt catch on fire. Then my Uncle Paul comes from the ally and says, "I'll take care of this." I guess the only reason that he was in my dream is because I was working for him that week. I look around and get an awesome idea. "Wait, I got it!" I said to him. I look at all the fire in the ally area, take a deep breath, and then "WARGLFLARBGARL!" I start shooting a bunch of water out of my mouth and extinguish the fire, only it wasn't a steady stream of water, it was more like a wavy stream. Once everything was extinguished, my Uncle Paul looks at me and says,"Now that's a way to put out a fire...in a disgusting way." I kinda laugh to myself, and then I woke up.
This one was incredible It's like I was in a video game. First... I remember being at this house with this one girl and she was telling me something. Like some big plan was about to go underway. The house itself was on a dock, close to water. There were boats outside. She named one of them and told me not to destroy it. The name was... Victory -something. I don't remember it fully. Next, I was outside a tunnel, around the corner of something with other people. I'm guessing they were on my side... Then somebody gave an order, and we all started running to the tunnel. There were enemies in there. I had a gatling gun strapped to my back, but I was able to use it by my side. When it needed to be reloaded, there were some beads and I had to pull them out of the gun, and then some random person walked up and added more to the gun. I could shoot at people So it was pretty fun. Then when we were a bit farther into the tunnel, and things kind of changed. I didn't have bodily limit as to what I could do and how fast I could go. Keep in mind, we're still in the same tunnel. Almost like I turned into a car. But I remember that I was driving because I could hear it. It was a Ferrari... lol There were other cars ahead of me now. I was still able to shoot them with the gatling gun, but I don't know how. I shot and destroyed like 10 cars before I reached a... finish line...? We were launched out of the tunnel and onto a city street. Only my car was flipping a lot, but I didn't die or get hurt. It looks like this whole thing was a race. I finished in 6th place, apparently. So I basically failed the mission... Oops. Then there was a voice over. "Logan, (Not my name lol) next time, finish in the top of the Hentak list." "Then, we'll see about what you have in store." "Just shoot her MOTHER." Looks like I failed the mission pretty badly if I only had to shoot a car that contained someone's mother. LOL This dream had a story and was pretty awesome! I hope there's another episode or something I rate this dream 5/5 awesome dances. Perfect score!
The dream started like an old game like pacman, but my view was from the top, the images was from an old game and the sounds was from an old game. I was a character from this old game, I found it odd that I was in an old game and did I RC (I dont know how because my game character didnt had hands) but it worked and I realized that I was dreaming and became lucid. But then I wanted to go to a other place and I imagined myself in a street and a few seconds after I was in this street (I remember that street from a lot of my childhood dreams) and I started looking at my hand and shouting ''stabilize dream'', after the dream was vivid and apparently stable and I started walking. But a few seconds after I kind of waked up because of noise (I was sleeping in the same bedroom with my brother and he was sneezing) then I tryed to go back to my dream and I did it. The same thing happened like three times until I gave up.
Updated 05-01-2012 at 10:13 PM by 54232
Successfully woke up at 1 A.M. no dream recall at all and ran into some trouble. WILD attempt #4 Awake: My alarm wakes me up at 2 A.M. 2 hours after I fall asleep (had some trouble sleeping). I feel awake, too awake after only 2 hours of sleep. I get up, go to the fridge and pull out some juice and take a swig. I look at the window. Snow, the first of the season. it looks peaceful in our little neighborhood. I go back to bed. It's been four minutes since I've woken up, perfect according to many guides. I put my earphones in and turn on the white noise, lie down... still. I do this for an hour and get absolutely nowhere. Tonight was especially frustrating, I'm hoping for better ones in the future.
I downloaded an app on my phone that was supposed to help with meditation. Well it did clear my mind and all that good stuff. But I still haven't gotten any success. WILD attempt #3 Awake: I lie down in bed, shades drawn. It's dark, quite, comfortably warm, ideal conditions. I turn on the app, it's playing ocean sounds. I lie still, within minutes my legs are numb (This so far is always the first thing to happen). This is followed by my right arm, and I never remember when my left arm goes numb. I start seeing the green lights again, they move like a wax in a lava lamp. They go away quickly. I lie still for awhile and eventually feel a sensation at my feet. It feels like a mix of heat, water, and my feet dissolving. It doesn't spread any further. I try to envision myself sinking into my bed. No dice. I keep myself semi-focused on the ocean sounds throughout it all, not a thought at all except for a song I like playing itself in the back of my head. The green lights come back again, it makes only one round this time and fades away. I'm back to numb feet and only a semi-numb right hand. At thirty minutes in, I give up. I do a reality check. Alas, still awake.
Updated 01-17-2012 at 12:33 PM by 52385
I dream I'm living back on my old street. However, I'm living in a different house on that street. I go outside. It is a bright sunny day. Not a cloud is in the sky right now. I go to the edge of the driveway to get the mail. When I pull out the mail, this kid Logan's book bag is in the mailbox. That's weird. I decide to return it to him now. He actually lives on the same street(in real too as a matter of fact). I run up to his house with the book bag. I go inside, and there is a party currently going on. I see many fellow classmates, friends, and just other random people I know. I walk around with the book bag, probably making people think I'm a total idiot. I can't seem to find Logan, so I place the book bag in a closet by the door. I now leave and begin to walk back to my house. I jump for some reason, and I go a good twenty feet. I land thinking, what the fuck? I do it again, and now I'm flying! Holy shit! So now, I land, and I realize that I'm dreaming! Alright, time to do the Indiana Jones TOTY! I now get ready to fly off, when I awake. MOTHERFUCKER!
I am at school. I'm with this one girl that I know. I'm also with a few other friends who I can't recall who they were. We're talking about these two really hot girls at the school(real girls actually, but the conversation here is false). "She has sex with her boyfriend, then masturbates, then has sex with the other girl." The girl I know said(Weird dream). Soon, our conversation dies and we all go. It is time to go home. So, I begin to walk out, and a group of kids are following closely behind me. I can hear them saying things about me, but I'm not sure what. I soon get outside, the group of kids surround me. Oh shit. This will not end well. Now they get closer and closer to me. Man I'm fucked now. But suddenly, some big person scares them off. they back away a little, with looks of hate on their faces. I now become lucid! Awesome! Time to go do the Indiana Jones TOTY. So, I now go into the school parking lot, and I stop. I use the turn-around method to summon a classic white Ford Mustang. For some reason I can't fathom, there's two TVs on top of the car. Weird. So, I now get in, and I begin to drive. I'll arrive real soon. Then, after a few minutes of driving, something hits me: How the hell do you open the Ark of the Covenant?! I stop and get out, pissed that I don't know how. I could pry it open, but I'm not sure if ninja will except that or not(I know how to now though, I looked it up). So, I go into a house, where my friend Zaine is at. I hopelessly ask him if he knows how to open the Ark. He gives me a pointless and clueless explanation. I leave frustrated. Soon, I see Grunts from Halo running around the place shooting. So, I summon a pistol and I kill them all. Then, those weird flying bug things from Halo are flying towards me. I dash to the Mustang, and I grab one of TVs to use as a shield. Oddly enough, the TV sucks all of the creatures into it. That's fucking awesome. I go back and tell Zaine, who seems amused, and then I soon awake.
Burke's Dream (Didn't get lucid last night but i did have an interesting dream, though i was on vacation and forgot to bring a DJ so i forgot like the first hald ) I was driving in a valley surrounded by two mountains but the grass was cut short and clean all the way to the bottom of the hills. I noticed the town i was driving through seemed deserted, no people, no animals, nothing. I pulled into a moderate sized house and looked inside. There was nobody there, and on the door was a note saying something about snakes. I noticed that there were signs about snakes everywhere. Apparently most, if not, all, of the town has been wiped out by these venemous snakes. I continued down the road and pulled into yet another house. I walked around the back and entered through the back door. I saw a man and what looked like his daughter sitting at the table. I walked up to him and asked him to tach me about forensics (lol?). He said yes, but only if i killed the snakes. So i agreed. I walked out and drove down to another neighborhood, but this one was extremely nice. I stopped on a slight hill and pulled up on the side of the road and noticed two skinny little things crawling on the ground which i figured were the snakes. I got out and grabbed a stick to try and catch the snake with. When i got close to them they seemed more like worms than snakes. They were very skinny (no more than a quarter of an inch thick) and only like a foot long. I walked up behind on and attempted to push it down with the stick, but i missed it by like 5 feet . Then the snakes turned at me and started chasing me! I back up as quick as i could toward the road but it seemed to always catch up to me. It was only like 1 foot long but i seemed to think it could reach like 5 feet. Once the snake was like 2 feet away from me it launched itself at me and I woke up .
Updated 08-08-2011 at 12:13 AM by 26034
Shit! Don't move, don't open your eyes! Stay...stay... Back to sleep. Alright! I'm back in my old house, and fully lucid! Time to go! I think about Spartans and head down the hallway. I go into the bathroom. But, there's no bathroom. I'm in Sparta. Shit! I need to think more specifically when I use the door method! I now head out, and see an absurd door. I go in, and there's a dark, dark room. I go in further. Then, I hear giant footsteps. I then, awake! SHIT! I hear real footsteps now. Dammit! It's my damn brother. His obnoxious footsteps woke me up. I try to DEILD again, but it's no use. I don't feel the leat bit tired. Damn!
Tonight I dreamt about hockey. It all started off on the hockey field, mostly on our part of the field. So my team was defending. I was the only one there, the other members in the team weren't close enough to help me defend. So, I was defending by myself, and I was already in a crappy situation, but when I looked down to my hands, I was holding a pencil! And I actually managed to defend with the pencil! So I took over the ball, and went to offence solo style. Still using the pencil, I was running, but running was incredibly hard, I felt sort of disabled. Yet eventually I convinced my mind to make me run, I ran faster and faster, flying past everyone (Even members of my team, I didn't pass the ball at all, and I scored! Then I was tired and I just walked off the field, and strangely enough I noticed half of my team followed me... It was kinda cool, they saw me as a leader After like 10 minutes of relaxing, I felt like it was time to get back into the game and score again. I ran onto the field (Struggling to run yet again) but I took control over the ball again, running was a lot easier this time! I noticed I didn't have a pencil anymore, but a playing card! I kinda bent it, shoved it half under the ball, and sort of shot it, but like in a curving motion, going up and falling down again. And it was a horrible shot, but I scored yet again! I felt awesome, and from there I don't remember anything from the hockey part. The next thing I remember is me being in my backyard, at the pond. I remember thinking about the hockey match, and being like, how could that have possibly been real? Am I dreaming? I was really hoping I was, because I have been trying to lucid dream for a while. And it's not been working out so far. I did a reality check, but it failed. I pressed the fingers of my right hand into the palm of my left hand, not really expecting it to work I guess. And it failed. So I was very disapointed. From there my dream also ends.
Updated 06-05-2011 at 09:55 AM by 47622
NOTE: Yesterday was my last day of school! I'm finally out! This means my LD rate will probably double like it did last year! This means I'll be at about 12-14 a month! Also, this dream features me doing three new skills! The Final Flash and the Angry Kamehameha from Dragon Ball Z, and making portals! Enjoy! Goals: 300 TOTY Here I am. The loneliness of a modern day prison. It's no ordinary prison though. It's run by someone evil. An evil organization. People are captured and taken here by force. We work day in and day out. People are brain washed. It's fucking insanity. No way to escape. No way. It'd be a mere mistake to even think of it. I wouldn't be surprised if they could read our thoughts. So here I am, working in the outdoor smog and gloom with a few fellow classmates. We're sweating like pigs, some crying. I see Snow nearby. I go over to work by him. As we work, we talk about lucid dreaming. I tell him I had one a couple days ago(true fact). He's interested to hear so. After we are done discussing, I go back towards my original workspace. I don't wanna piss off the guards. That won't end well. I'm still thinking about what Snow and I talked about. I pass by a female classmate. Then, I pop. How the hell and when the hell did I get here?! I now become lucid without my dream signs(but now school is a DS cause it's summer)! Sweet! Time to get out of this hellhole! Ah, I now remember I have to do the 300 TOTY. Now, I see it's time to go in for lunch. Well, I rather not be interfered, so I go in. Inside, I go into a closet. I decide to turn-around into Thermopylae. It doesn't work. Shit! Come on!!! Intent! Intent! I fail again! Damn! Well, I need no interference. The guards are gonna be pissed if I'm missing. So, I go and sit down with some friends. I sit for a few minutes. Then, I finally loose it. REBELLION BITCHES!!!!! I get up. This room is half guards, half us. I run over to the guard side. I start punching down guards one by one. Good thing I'm training my self to do Martial Arts. I block some punch backs, then continue the beatings. Damn! Too many! I now start to fly. The guards don't seem the slightest bit amazed. Hm...here's some amazement. Hehehe...I get in my sideways Horse Stance. Let's see them take on the Kamehameha...hehehehehehe... "KA...ME..." Now, some guards try to perform the Kamehameha! They all epically fail. "HA...ME..." The guards begin to flee. Only to realize the door is locked. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!" Now, the giant blue blast comes out and blows up a shitload of guards. Impressive, a lot of them are still alive. Let's change that. I now put my arms out straight to my sides and my legs are in a V. I power up, and a yellow ki ball appears in both hands. Now I connect my arms and cup my hands to combine the two ki balls into one giant yellow ki ball. The guards look as if they're about to shit themselves. "FINAAAAAAAL!!!!!!!! FLLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" And now a fucking huge golden-yellow blast fires from my hands and vaporizes almost all the guards. Holy shit! The Final Flash really worked its wonders! Time to finish off these bastards. I get back in the sideways Horse Stance. I take my right arm to my side. I then cup my hand. The remaining guards have probably soiled themselves by now. They all have no choice but to sit back and it let hit them. "ANGRY KAMEHAMEHA!!!!!" I put my hand out and a yellow-golden blast fires out. It then kills the the remaining guards. Phew! That was intense. I now realize I have little time left. Shit! Well, no interefernces now! JAILBREAK! We are all freed now! We run out the door, which I blew up with the Final Flash. We're outside now. Okay, time to go to the Battle of Thermopylae! I hold my arm out and form my hand as if I'm going to do a shitty Karate Chop. I slowly move my arm down. I hope this will work! Now, I see a purplish line follow my hand. Yes! I made my first portal! I take my hands and open it. I loom in, to see no battle. Shit! Intent! Gotta think of the battle! I perform another portal opening. I see a battle going on! I walk in and the portal closes behind me. Well, time to kick ass and take...well...shit. I'm at the right place, but what the fuck?! These aren't the Spartans and the Persians!!!!! Shit!!!!! Then, one team readies its archers. Oh fuck!!!!! The archers open fire and the other team readies its shields. Luckily, the arrows all fly right over me. The other team lies down, shields over them. Damn, pretty big shields. The arrows hit the shields and all bounce off. Okay, I gotta go make another portal. Let's do this the right way this time. So, I start to step on the shielded people. I don't need anymore interference. As I walk on the shields, I awake. NO!!!!! SON OF A BITCH!!!!!
Wow I woke up this morning and first thing i thought of was not to wake my boyfriend and wham, my latest dream exited my head. I will try again tmrw morning, I hope with more enthusiasm.