Last night I had a dream about lucid dreaming, which is what I call a "fake lucid", then later in the dream I wake up from this lucid (my dream self acted like it was a real lucid) then logged it here in my dream journal on DV.
Side note: I was really sick when dreaming these and the dreams I get when I'm sick are often very vivid so I usually recall them easier than my other dreams. I seem to have forgotten a lot about these dreams, though. Slenderman survival w/ a friend I'm outside along with a friend. We own a mansion for shelter which is in the middle of the forest with paths leading around from the mansion through the forest. The next thing I remember is that we see static and start sprinting into any direction in the forest. As the static grows more intense, I remark that I don't want to play this 'game' anymore and that I don't like horror like this, before the slenderman popped out in front of me. I ran back towards the mansion, going in before my friend closes both doors, then swearing and quickly turning on the lights in the entrance hall. It's night now. We wait and I am scared of the fact that the slenderman can come out of the darkness and that the mansion is mostly dark. Next day, I go out wandering for some reason, before later on my way back hearing strong breathing coming closer. I don't know what it is, but luckily it's staying in the bushes for now. Shortly before the entrance to the mansion, my friend tells me that what I heard is something which has a generic male name which I don't remember. Skip to the monster running towards the house now. I run to the front door and quickly close it in third person view, using a cursor to close the doors. It's lagging so it's hard for me to hit the door, but I manage to do it, relieved as the breathing is right in front of the door but nothing came through. Though then I remember the side door left of me and also try to close that, but this time, it's lagging too much so I back away to a small table with a light on it. I think about going upstairs to hide, but it was too late. The breathing reveals itself to be a creepy dog-like creature which suddenly storms towards me, then I wake up. Soon after this, though, I fall asleep again. I don't remember the dream I got then, but when I woke up from that, I fell asleep once again and I remember that dream in many fragments. Fake lucidity, false awakening The next thing I remember is that I am in a strange place, a tiny bit of water seemingly flowing between two sidewalks, surrounded by brick walls running along very far. I do a reality check with my hand which doesn't work, so I try a nose reality check and I breathe through my pinched nose. Though, for some reason, I don't get lucid, I just dream about being lucid. I try controlling the dream, but nothing happened. Then I get a false awakening, before reentering the previous dream scene. I see another person who tells me something, while I try to control the dream again. I then end up in a sort of Subnautica scene, and then I don't remember anything else.
1: "Lucid" (non-lucid) dream, trapped in a dream X The Hunger Games influenced set up First, I'm having a "lucid" dream, where I am not lucid at all, it is just my subconscious mind tricking me into believing. I do what it is most likely I would have done during a lucid. I am standing in front of a double window, I smash it with my hand and leap out of there. In the dream, I am thinking of unfurling my wings, and call for Warren from X-MEN to learn me how to fly. But, then of course, I fall down, thinking this won't work. And then I start strolling down the street, towards a nice red-brown cafe at the corner of the street. It has wooden panels and glass plate-windows. I "wake" up. I am in my bed, laying up at night, hoping for a lucid dream again. My room is almost pitch black, but I can still see. The contrasts are unusually bright, all I can see is bright white light crashing with black shadows. I am afraid, curled up on my bed, waiting to fall asleep into the lucid-world. There is a storm, and it is raging inside my room. Things are flying uncontrollably around, the computer screen on a desk in the middle of my room blows open, showing bright lights off into the darkness and the curtains on the left side of my second window is pushed aside, reveling a bright white glow from outside my window. It is like a nightmare. I can't fall asleep. I am afraid someone scary and nightmare-ish will enter the stage. After a while, a woman enters the room, after a while. The storm quiets, and she has a flock of other teens following her. I think she represents Anne, from Maximum Ride: School's out forever. (currently reading) She takes the computer away and we leave the room. Then we walk down a hall and she has a safe atmosphere surrounding her. Next, I am in a lucid dream again. I count my fingers and all, and have an unusual amount of them (ten once! New record) but I don't become lucid as it is part of the dream that I will become "lucid" and take "lucid" choices. And now I am in the cafe. There are mainly girls there, laughing and everything. There is one waiter and he is a blonde man. I went over to talk to him, as all the others in the cafe was busily talking to each other. Just as we enter a conversation, I don't remember much what we said, he crumples into this; , and turns black-white. A teacher from my school (IRL he is a copy of the headhunter-principal from School (the normal kind) in Maximum Ride: School's out forever.) He tells me he that he have had enough of this nonsense, switching in and out of dreams and reality, and falling asleep all the time. And I understood that he was in control of the dream from now on. And he's trapping us (me and some other children that goes to my school, on my age) in a dream. The next thing I remember is being inside a P.E. -ish hall, in half the size. At the left side, there is benches and carpets spread along the floor. And on the right side, kinda backstage-ish there is hung an green overhang and behind there is spread different weapons and sticks - knifes, bows and arrows, maybe ropes, sharp metal. Me and E. trots over to the weapons, along with some other kids. The rest hurries to the benches. I realize that I might need something to defend myself with, and perhaps my territory. I tell E. he might need a bow. I already have one, from before (somehow). When the place is cleared for weapons, I have taken a knife and some arrows, I do an overlook and find an extra set of arrows for my bow. When I round the overhang, I see that people have already gathered in groups, survival-team-ish, behind gathered benches. Making their own territories and improvised fortresses. I join a group that welcomed me warmly, as I had belonged with them from the start. That is my only way of saying it. Kim is there. I think. And E. And some more, I didn't really notice. In the dream, it was people I trusted and that would manage. People had gathered carpets to cover up their flipped over benches. I helped my team set up what they had, and copied a team on the opposite corner of ours. The mad (mad. As in ko-ko) teacher was watching us. I don't know if I was getting ready to aim my bow at somebody. The End.
Updated 03-18-2012 at 05:24 PM by 53379
My Notes Non-lucid Lucid Awake I remember dreaming I was having a lucid dream. I was having fun driving around in circles in a car. I kept fiddling with the gear lever, which only went up and down, wondering why it didn't work. Oh. and I'm also going to be trying out the "Instant-WILD technique by Michael Raduga. Check out this thread.
Non-Lucid Lucid Nightmare Hello, everyone! This one is a little different from my other Dream of a Lucid Dream. Because of Dreaming of Shared Lucid Dreaming! : Me, Michele, and a girl named Shelby where having a slumber party. There where 3 beds and we all went to sleep. We were in this Patrick Level from "Spongebob Squarepants: Creature from the Krusty Krab" when the Dream started. We all became Lucid at the same time. Michele was the first to say something. He said,"Dudes, where in a Lucid Dream!" for some reason, Shelby didn't say anything the entire Dream. I stated flying and said,"This... IS... AWESOME! Kinda like Leonidas. Michele started hovering from the air and said he needed help flying. I told him to hover a little bit and everytime he did that he would get better at flying. I said," I shall run at the speed of light!" I started running at the speed of light and it created some Time-slip structure and sent us one-million years in the future. I said,"This place is the place I keep thinking of in my head... It turns out the place we where in was the place I keep thinking of in my head when I'm awake. I started hovering around and said,"This is exactly that place!" and Michele said,"Cool." and started hovering around also. Shelby on the other hand just kept walking by us the entire dream. perhaps she wasn't even Lucid. I said," Lets go back to the past." Then I ran the speed of light again but woke up in the process. What a shame, I could of Actually became Lucid The End
1st dream In my dream, I was teaching my brother and sister how to lucid dream. We all sat on recliner chairs and I told them something about watching the hypnagogic images. Then a few seconds later we were all in a dream together. We were in a black room with separate tv screens on one wall. They showed birds-eye-views of beautiful places. Then I told my siblings that they could pick a place and go to it and then just look at the place. They asked "Is that all we can do in a lucid dream?" I answered that it was. Then we woke up and tried to explain to my dad about lucid dreams. He didn't believe they were real, and the more we talked about it the more mad he got. When I really woke up, I was mad at myself for not realizing I was dreaming the whole thing and becoming lucid. 2nd dream In this dream I was in a department store. I had blond hair. I didn't know how much money I had but I kept putting clothes in my cart that I liked. Then I tried to check out, but I didn't have enough money. I went to put things back, and my dad came over and asked why I had gotten certain things. I felt self-concious and defensive. Also stressed when I found out I couldn't afford everything.