I was dreaming that I was at some gathering, and this black fashion dude who vaguely resembles this dancer-model I know got this purple streetwear outfit in the mail which he showed to me, the white and purple patterns suiting him. It might have been a house party or something where we were, but for whatever reason my mom showed up. When I saw her, I randomly pulled out my customer service voice asking her if she needed anything, pretending not to know who she was and we went to a different room where I talked about how embarrassed I was that she was there, bringing up this random memory from when she took me to her friend's daughter's birthday party in 2009 and I just sat there crying because I didn't want to be there. She then left and I sat by myself, contemplating what just happened, and started crying, my mom then appeared again to comfort me. I apologised and told her I feel bad about moving to a different country sometimes because I'm so far away from everyone. Then I woke up. I miss my family and my mom
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP In a post-apocalyptic zombie world. Clearly inspired by some episodes of "the Walking Dead: world beyond". I am traveling in a van with some friends I made along the way. Nobody knows exactly where we are going but we expect to stay together, until one of the girls says she wants to go to some university nearby and that she studied for the admission exams and wants us to take her there. We go. The procedure is a bit strange as each candidate goes to a booth with one person that interviews them and hands them the test and they do it all in front of the family and friends who sit in front at some row of chairs. Looks more like a trial. She is asked questions about her background. She is asked about her parents and she says they died because of the zombies. The examiner replies that's the case for the majority of the applicants, so being orphaned doesn't give her any real advantage. But then she tells about our group experience during our travel, hoping they'll be impressed with the courage she showed and the skills she developed. Instead, the examiner looks at us and makes some not so unveiled comment about us not being appropriate material to even enter the premises of such school and wonders if she is fit for the school. But eventually gives her the chance to take the test and she scores really high, so she is accepted. The whole group is heartbroken because now we need to leave her behind and we don't know if we'll ever see her again. We depart without her. I am in the outskirts of London, waiting for a tube that is never coming. I finally take a bus and I am looking at some notes to figure out where I am and where I am going, but can't really figure out. I check how much money I have and gather it and stuff it in some hidden inner pocket of my bag for safety. I am going through some shitty neighborhoods and people on board of the bus also don't look so friendly. Some weird crazy guy starts harassing people and a kid on his mom's lap his scared and says so to his mom, but his mom says to suck it up, because taxis are awfully expensive. She mentions a £96 cost to get home, which I find absurd, but makes me wonder if I could afford taking a taxi considering those prices. I find my phone on my bag and think I can use the gps and maps to find my way. Then I see an area that looks more touristic and I decide to hop off the bus and just make a plan from there. I go down some narrow street that has gorgeous view over a neighborhood by the Thames bank. Ground level brick houses with lots of flowers on the windows and doors. I want to take pics but I can't. The things I want to photograph keep disappearing from the screen of my phone and the camera always points somewhere else. I break the phone in half and start panicking as pieces start to fall off and the image on the screen fades away. Now I am lost and with no gps any more. I freak out as I see the evening coming to an end and getting dark. But then realize I am just dreaming and I don't have to be afraid. I tell myself to just have fun with it. So I keep walking to a very posh area of the city, with high fashion shops, fancy hotels and I decide to indulge. I go to a very high end mall and start looking for a dress worthy of a princess, but immediately everybody looks at me and says I don't belong there. I am wearing jeans and some shitty sweater. I don't care. I see an event where some lady full of plastic surgeries, is on some type of arena with spotlights and announcing they'll have a fashion show of the most beautiful and elegant ladies and outfits and I barge in and start walking around like a model in that arena. People are shocked and she is furious. She tries to push me away but I push her instead and she falls on the ground. I say I am sorry, that I did not intent to harm her and she insults me in every possible way, so I keep mocking them all by continuing to catwalk in silly ways. Then I decide to keep going. I don't get the dress I was looking for at first, as I am afraid will lose lucidity while distracted dressing and undressing. Also, I can simply summon some outfit. But I am no longer interest in that. Instead I go outside and see some kind of Carnival fair and I want to enjoy that instead. But it is so very dark, the sky is covered in black dense clouds that threaten to rain and besides, the darkness is making me lose lucidity. So I decide to make the sky blue and sunny. It doesn't happen right away, so I point my hands to the clouds and start pushing them away. It is getting a little bit clearer but is taking too long. So I project a vortex that sucks it all up and it works so much faster. The sky is clear in seconds and I feel proud of it. But then the vortex shatters like a mirror and all the sharp pieces come tumbling down over the fair. People scream in panic and all I can figure out is getting inside a mini car for 1 person, that I see parked in front of me. I take cover inside and hear the rumble of all the debris hitting the car. Then I get out. A couple of girls is rummaging through the debris and I check out what or whom they are looking for. Even they don't seem to know or don't want to say, but I find a bag with some dolls and clothes and ask if that's what they are looking for. Some clothes are damaged but the dolls look ok, just covered in dust. But their reaction is strange, they no longer want the dolls. I give up. Meanwhile not much to see here anymore, so I keep walking and enter some palace like building and rub my hands to keep lucidity going. It is all decorated like for Xmas and some gentleman gather in a circle chatting, with drinks on their hands. They also look at me like "who's this?" and some butler comes to me, very gently asking me to leave, as this is a private club. I declare I couldn't care less and that I am up to no good. I spot an hallway where they set up a table with all kinds of goodies and I go there. The butler is in panic and calls me "Please, please, you must leave. Don't touch that food." And I stop in front of it, defiantly, and stretch my arm to grab something and just watch his panic growing and also his inability do deal with me. I eat some hors d'oeuvres and I find it repulsive. It's some kind of pickled vegetables, but nasty. I say "How can people like this shit?" And then the butler goes from panicky to insulted. "This is a very expensive selection of fine Japanese pickled daikon and vegetable sushi." Then he tells me the names of each piece and that they must be eaten in a certain way and order. Then he goes on exemplifying. Eats a slice, by first removing a detachable part in the center and then the rest of it. He makes a face of delight and sounds of pleasure, like he is having an orgasm and I laugh. Then he challenges me to try it exactly as he says. But unfortunately I wake up.
Updated 04-13-2021 at 09:07 AM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am a guy who can become invisible. I see some guys bullying some kids and I follow them to see if they get violent. Instead, they take the kids to a house and I worry they are going to abuse them. One of them sits on a bed and calls the kids over. That's when I use my power of invisibility to attack them. They are confused but after a while of taking beatings, they realize it is an invisible being and develop a plan to catch me. I have to climb things and hang from places to escape them. This goes on for some time. Then I learn they have a sister and I fall in love with her at first sight. I become visible to her and she also falls for me. She helps me to get out of there and we talk a bit outside and become friends. We depart and I go to a grocery store. I notice the prices are ridiculously high, supposedly because this is a very chic neighborhood. I can only afford a tiny bag of snacks for 2€. At the counter, the cashier is insisting with two ladies that they have to wear mask, but resist and are rude to the cashier. I remember I am also not wearing one, so before I get closer to the counter, I put mine on. I get pissed at the women's attitude justifying their carelessness with pseudo-scientific arguments, so I scream at them that I am a biologist and all they just said is BS and tell them to wear the damn mask. My mom picks me up by car outside and we pass by some of the fanciest buildings in the area. Namely a big fancy hotel with only expensive cars outside and fashionable people hanging around. There is a couple heading to some sports car who are basically naked, as their designer clothes are just weird avant-garde black underwear. The guy has a thong and his basically butt naked. We make some joke about it and they hear it and they seem offended that we don't appreciate their high end futuristic naked suits. Further ahead I see lots of young aspiring models and just fashionable youngsters aspiring to fame, who hang out in a square waiting to be "discovered". Some are vlogging, others are being filmed for some reality show, but it looks like a freak show. Then my mom says she needs to go to this address of a Japanese man who makes knifes. I am pretty curious. We arrive there already late evening, he lives in a modern Japanese style house. There is one door to his residence and the next door is his shop, which has a window display with his work. The shop is dark and closed, so we ring the bell to his residence. No one comes and then we see some movement on an enclosed balcony on the first floor. We see a man moving and then half a dozen men in suits attacking him and being neutralized. I wonder if we should insist on talking to the guy. He clearly is more than a knife maker. But then his wife shows up at the door and welcomes us warmly. We say what we want and she takes us to the shop. There are lots of kitchen knifes and traditional Japanese crafts. Even some katanas, but all decorative. I ask her if her husband also forges swords and she seems upset with my questions. Claims he does not and never did. I sense that she is lying so I insist. Then realize either he no longer wants to or he just doesn't sell it to anyone asking. I want to know more so I try to show her I am not just someone. I ask from where in Japan they are, tell her I have been there some time myself. Unfortunately I don't know their village or town so I can't break the ice with that. But I start telling about the places I've been. She doesn't seem impressed. But she likes my mom and offers her some cakes. They sit at a table that has no place for me. I feel awkward but my mom, she tells me to sit down on the floor next to her and hands me over bits of the cakes.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Taking care of a palazzo in some italian town. I have to close the windows at night. Quite a few of them. But I won't sleep there this night, only next one. On leaving I meet Riverstone and as we walk I see a white dog looking sad. He has collar and other accessories but maybe he is lost. I want to feed him something, but I only have fruit and he doesn't want. Then I find a chewing bone in my bag and he goes away all happy with it. At some shopping mall, food section, I meet the girlfriend of my ex-boss and an ex-coworker. They pretend not seeing me, but I say hi and they walk to me, although thy and the boss's ex says she is still upset with me. I say I already apologized to her boyfriend. She asks if I come over often. Fridays we could meet. They are on the line to eat at some fast-food shack and I leave them. I prefer to go eat at some other place. I go to the end of their line, bump twice with a tiny lady and she is upset. I say sorry, because I was careless. Visiting Axman. He is really, really busy with his businesses, so we hardly talk, he just instructs me to follow him as he talks on the phone. I find out he hired some professional match makings services for busy professionals. He is pissed of because he was matched with a cleaning lady. He didn't even met her, but he says unless she is a secret genius, no way he would ever like her. I think about his idiosyncrasies and how much I detest his superiority attitudes, but despite that I can feel that I am a bit upset that he looking for another woman to love. I don't want to lose my status. I think about how selfish I am being, but still I do something stupid. I think that a sure way for him to never love another is that I kiss him. So when he finally puts down the phone I grab him with my two hands and kiss him. It's a compassionate kiss, because I know how badly he wants it, but it's also for me, cause my ego wants to imprison him forever. And he surely is hungry for me, he accepts the kiss and grabs me and takes me to a nearby couch where we fall over and we make out. I have mixed feelings. First I like, then it starts feeling weird, I feel like I am kissing an octopus with bad breath. He realizes I am not enjoying and lets go of me. Didn't go so well... He goes check his breath. Meanwhile I encounter Clara who takes me for a walk outside, where there is a tunnel through some rock and a beautiful forested hill on the other side. She talks about some earthquake that displaced rocks and killed people. Then I recognize this is the place I saw on the news and tell her we should go, this isn't safe. Then notice some fallen rocks and others that could fall at any moment. I go inside a building nearby where some VIP event is taking place. A fashion show is happening and I watch it from a balcony on the first floor. Elaine from Seinfeld and a couple other chic ladies are sitting on a couch talking about vanities. I sit with them just to see if they accept me and if I am able to join the conversation. But it is just so empty. Then Licas comes and brings one piece of clothing, a tunic or poncho made of transparent fabric with embroideries and I say she looks like me in my "curtain phase" when I wore curtain like clothes only. We laugh.
I was watching a commercial on wedding dresses. They were showcasing headgear for female dresses. There was a black one with white stripes. The clothing covered the eyes but you could still see the person... like a fishnet stocking style thing. I didn't like it but ten the commercial said "It can also be made into bow ties" and the face cover was off and the headgear had bow ties on both sides of the woman. I loved it and threw my hands up, yelling "BOW TIE!" I was sitting in a salon and Megan and Desirae were there. i knew I was dating Megan and not Desirae. Megan and I were set to go to a party or some sort of gathering. I got up and went to the rat cage. Meek and Juanita were there and there were tiny mice also. Shaniqua was out and on the floor. Desirae was walking and I kept looking at her. I felt like calling it off with Megan because I liked Desirae more. Finally, it was time to leave. I remember handling an old TV on the counter before I woke up.
Level of Lucidity: 7 Level of Clarity: 9 Level of Realism: 7 (levels based 0-10, 0-5 being low - good 5-10 being great - extreme) I am laying down taking a nap because I am a bit tired. I can't really call this a full on lucid dream, because I never FULLY hit the dream state, I am in the void. I am having powerful visualizations of standing in a boxing ring. I keep using the MILD technique to remind myself that I am now in a dream and becoming lucid. I look to my left and notice that there's a black guy with a small afro and beard. He looks like the kind of guy you'd expect to find at the gym back in the 80's. He looked similar to Michael Dokes, but with slightly shorter, curlier hair, and an 80's style mustache. He's standing in place, and punching the air, alternating between fists that move forward. I continue with my mnemonics, saying "I am now lucid in my dream". I find that by looking to my left, the dream state becomes more stable. I begin to alternate looking left and right. I look left just as the boxer punches with his left fist, I look right just as he punches with his right fist. We are in sync. I turn slightly to my right, and the boxer walks up behind me, and begins to do his punching exercise with my head in between his arms. His fists pump one after another past my face, and I remember my All Day Awareness mental training. I begin to notice the small breeze of wind that hits my face as his fist flies past. I begin to look left when his left fist moves forward, then right with his right fist. We get in sync again. This lasts for about 3 minutes, as I continue my mnemonics, slowly forgetting to continue them here and there. I was unconscious to the world around me in the waking state, but my grandfather walked into the room and said something, which woke me. I awoke feeling extremely refreshed, but at the same time wanting to go back to sleep. I stayed up because I had things to do.
- I was in a classroom with a small class, and a bearded guy in his 20s had come in with a small shelf on wheels to try to sell us craft supplies. It was very quiet and awkward in the class, because there was only one girl interested in any of it, plus a couple other people attempting to look politely interested in a couple bags of beads, and no one was speaking. I suddenly realized he was selling a lot of bright plastic beads and cute charms, so I got up to go take a look. The first thing I picked up from a tray of charms was a little Pinkie Pie figure, maybe an inch tall. I showed it to someone else there who I thought would like it. The next one, though, was some sort of weird bootleg figure mashup of Pinkie Pie and Rarity, which I found funny and also showed to the person. Meanwhile, the interested girl had found a big box of varied supplies that came in a nice case with a handle. It looked like one of those kids' bracelet making kits you can buy at Walmart. It was just called "Crafts" and cost $66. She decided she was going to buy it, and the seller announced to all of us that "she's buying Crafts!" There was another awkward silence, and I found myself slightly jealous of all the supplies she was getting, but realized I wouldn't pay that much for it anyway. - I was playing around with cat paws, like these: except the one on my left hand was white and the one on my right hand was black. I was talking to someone else about it afterwards, possibly N, saying I had no idea where the white one had come from. I don't have black ones either, though. (I was contemplating some pink ones on ebay last night...) - I saw my friend A for the first time in quite a while, except..he had become Pewdiepie. From youtube. At least, he looked just like him and spoke in a similar way, but didn't have an accent. We were talking about games, and he said almost all he ever plays anymore is StepMania. I said, "me too! well, that and MK7.." and he asked if I wanted to play both with him sometime. I said I would. I was noticing very slowly that he was different, and eventually said so. He laughed and made some kind of joke about it. (I watched a few of his videos right before I went to bed last night.)
Okay well, I didn't exactly realise i was in a dream but i really wanted something, and imagined it to be there, then i looked and it was there. I went into a small shop with my mum and i saw this really nice top i liked, so i got it out but it was too small for me but it was the icon of fashion so I reached over in the clothes rail and got out another top.. I looked at the size and made it a medium instead of a small and it fit.. I was so chuffed i fount my top! But waking up was a minor dissapointment seeing as I don't actually have the pretty top in real life!
NOTE: This was my first successful DEILD! After having a MILD, I awoke and didn't move or open my eyes. At that point, I soon reentered my dream lucid again! I return to the peaceful suburb again. Luckily, there are no monsters this time. Thank God. I already had to leave Enough people to their deaths. Well, I didn't know what should do. I have done 5 of 12 TOTY and didn't know which one to do now. I figure I'll just keep enjoying my walk. Soon, I run into a shadowy man. He offers to sell me a certain object at a reasonable price. Why not? I buy it straight away. The man leaves in peace. I cannot recall what I bought however. So, I continue my walk. I soon confront the man again. He offers another object to sell(cannot recall this one either). So, I figure, why not? So, I buy it. So, I now see two people on the parallel sidewalk. I go over and offer them the two objects for a reasonable price. They buy straight away. Awesome. I continue walking again. And, I confront the man again! He offers to sell me a watch. And...holy shit that's a fancy watch. It was like a digital Rollex watch. I buy it straight away. Then, I put it on. I'm a good spender. Especially with random strangers on side roads. The man now gets on a motorcycle and drives away. Cooleo. I keep continuing my walk so I can find something to do. Soon, I see the motorcycle speed away unusually fast. As if...it's being chased. Then, a police motorcycle and police car speed by as well. Oh shit!!!!! Then, another cop car parks by me. The cop gets out and cones over to me. He asks if I know that guy. He also tells me he's been illegally selling stolen items. O_O Oh fuck...that's not good. Well, lucidity wa on my side, so all odds aren't against me. I now explain to the cop I bought three I tens and resold two. I mention I had no clue they were stolen items. The cop seems convinced. But, he asks me to help him find the two people I sold to. I can't think of anything better to do, so I agree, and tag along. I get in his car, and we drive away. We end up at a white beat up building. Now, it's somehow magically daytime. So, we get out and enter the building. Inside, there's water damage everywhere. Lovely. The cop tells me to go search somewhere else now. Yea, in bored, so I'll ditch him while I'm "searching." I go outside to the building's side. There, I see a middle-aged woman, two girls in under armor sorting clothes, and Jackie Chan. Hm...that's very interesting. Jackie appears to be training the two girls, and the woman is observing with a creepy smile. Awkward. I look over to a cliffside. A bunch of martial artists boys are sitting around doing nothing but watching. I go over to see what's up. Over the cliff, I see a football stadium in between this cliff and another one. Interesting. I also see little grips going down the cliffside. The boys are climbing down about five at a time. I bend over for a closer look. Then, I fall off. Oh fuck! Dur-da-dur! The grips! I grab one about five feet down, and am safe. Phew, that was a close call. I quickly climb back up. The boys seem to be impressed by my fuckin' awesomeness. I gots skittles man! I go back to Chan and his trainees and odd observer. Right now, the girls are doing pole gymnastics. Chan explains to me that they're gonna do a modeling run before the big football game tonight. Pfft, these girls aren't all that hot to be models. I can make a better model. I go inside the building. I'm now in a dim room. I decide to design a very hot DC girl. I tell myself a hot girl. Then, a girl in white furs with curly Ginger hair appears. No, too much 80's stlye. I need a 2011 slutty styled girl. I form a basic body outline. I make her a red bikini. Then, I give her brunette hair in a sexy ponytail style. I make her breasts a nice C-Cup size. Excellent. The bikini is now on. Now I make her ass a lovely size as well. Excellent. Hm...the bikini isn't working any magic on her body. I make it a tight bikini. Now her breasts and butt are expressed much more. I now give her life. She goes outside. The woman seems to like the stlye my girl has. She's now a part of the modeling show. So, the game is about to start. The two girls come out with some gayass Chinese shit playing. The crowd lightly claps. Pathetic. Now, MY girl comes out. The crowd is now cheering insanely. Nice and epic. Now for some music. Out of nowhere, "Know Your Enemy" by Green Day starts to play. This is as Awesome As Fuck. But, the fun soon ends, and I wake up.
Good morning, everybody. Dream #1 There was a fashion show. The announcer spoke about the new fashion line, the name of which I can't remember. The name was kind of long, like a phrase or a whole sentence. But when the view (my view? a camera's view?) panned across the stage, all I could see was a field of waist high, orange and green grass sectioned in a few places by concrete paths. Possibly the outfits were just invisible, or possibly the fashion was supposed to be the field itself, some kind of statement as opposed to actual clothing.
Dream Graduation It’s the first day of my senior year. Most of the student body is sitting on a giant multi-tier bench system that isn’t quite bleachers. It’s in the middle of a giant intersection downtown. All of us are seated by popularity, with the most popular at the bottom with no one in front of us so we can see the “show” that’s going to happen. I happen to be in the very front row (though I was never that popular). From where the benches are, we can see upper main street which trails off and turns a corner. It’s sloped quite a bit more than usual. The “show” starts. All of the “really really cool” fashionably dressed kids come out and use main street like a runway. The first is this big black guy who was never dressed nicely at all, but he was wearing some classy clothes (classy in dream terms: truthfully it was quite wacky). A few more people trickle out of some building passed the curve of the street. None are girls! As the fashion students strut around downtown, the whole world turns, or at least the benches we are on. If one starts walking down the street instead of up, all of us lean toward that end of the street. I am so scared that I’m going to fall off the bench which would be really embarrassing. Whenever the benches turn, I grab onto the girl next to me: a girl I know in waking life, Hilary. Behind me, my ex-boyfriend Dylan is sitting. In my dream, they are dating, so it’s awkward that I’m holding onto his new girlfriend pretty tightly. Once the show is over, all the fashionably dressed popular students are allowed to look around main street alone; we are all here to visit the new shops on the first day of school. I realize that we will be able to join them row by row and I’m in the first row. I panic because that means all the still-sitting students will watch what I look at. My row is dismissed. I walk around kind of hazily and embarrassed for a few minutes, waiting to see someone I know on the street and for the rest of the rows to come join us. Eventually they do but I can’t find anyone I know. I decide to spend my time as I should: looking at the new places. The first place I see is a new tattoo shop right next to our older one. It’s called Astral Tattoos and it isn’t an actual store, it’s a pink and green painted wooden booth. They’re selling body modification, tattoos and henna tattoos. I don’t pay attention to what else or what specifically the tattoos are, but I imagine they’d be interesting. I find my brother Holden (who doesn’t go to my school) and follow him around until we are all brought into the big building at the end of the street. It’s the high school (not where it usually is, it also looks very different). Inside, we are all wearing our caps and gowns now. Everyone’s color is maroon; it’s our school colors (not in waking life). I follow a few students who are in front of me, because we are arranged alphabetically. Steven and Jamal are before me and Adam is in back of me, although all of them have last names that are in back of where I would have been. I’m really nervous and walk into the bathroom for a moment, look at myself and walk back out. We are led into the auditorium of the school which is absolutely huge and decorated with maroon everything. I sit down in my row with Steven next to me. Jamal isn’t here so there’s an empty seat. As the students are being shuffled in, I question where I am. “Is this a dream?” I look around but make up a history to make sense of where I am: yes, the graduation memory that comes to mind is actually when I graduated junior year. Now it’s senior year, so this is real life. Wasted dream check. Behind me, Martin who is a junior but is sitting with the seniors is handing out camera kits for us to use. I go to grab one but realize that I don’t talk to him a lot and that would be weird and he’d want someone he knows to have them. While I sit and wait for the ceremony to start, I look at a pamphlet that I have in my hands. It has a bunch of activities we were supposed to do while downtown. They include things like woodworking, pottery, volleyball, etc. I didn’t sign up for anything. I wake up. Fragment Heather invites me to her house. It’s a huge place and her room is the size of a usual upstairs area in a normal sized house. We go passed her room which is quite barren. We seem to be in the attic. In back of her room she has a big stage that’s halfway on the house, halfway on the roof with wide glass windows containing a backstage area. She begins to dance with life-sized puppets as her back up dancers. The music plays and she steps into the darkness about half-way on the stage, the dancers follow, and everyone glows in the dark. Fragment 2 I remember eating a lot of maple sugar through a straw out of this tiny dollhouse. I drained it of maple sugar and felt sick. I could see all the sugar particles in my thigh which was where I would gain the weight if I didn't start running. The radio started to play and a commercial was discussing weight gain. "Usually when people eat fatty foods, they will gain weight. However, some people have a large amount of bridges in their body which distributes the fat evenly, so they don't gain any weight." I knew I had a lot of "bridges" in my body and didn't worry.
Updated 02-26-2011 at 02:39 PM by 42137