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    1. DC Affection

      by , 11-14-2013 at 01:24 PM (iBranko's Dream Journey)

      Fui dormir as 00:30 repetindo o mantra "Eu sempre tenho sonhos lúcidos" até não conseguir mais me concentrar na frase e peguei no sono. Acordei as 4:00 ou 4:30 com o meu despertador para tentar executar a técnica FILD, mas não consegui fazer pois peguei no sono. Despertei as 4:50 com o despertador e o coloquei pra despertar as 5:50. Voltei a dormir e sonhei:

      Eu estava em um elevador, retangular, largo porém estreito, sem portas na frente. Parecia um elevador de serviço com apenas uma "barreira" que se fechava por baixo até a altura da canela. Quando o elevador estava subindo, uma mulher acompanhada de uma garota dizia que a garota precisava subir e a colocava no elevador em movimento. A garota parecia ter algum tipo de dificuldade de locomoção. A garota tropeçou e se apoiou no meu ombro direito, me pedindo desculpas. Eu reparava que era uma garota muito bonita, magra, pequena, de cabelos ruivos e pele branca. Ela me agradecia por eu tê-la "apoiado" e dizia que se casaria comigo. Eu brincava: "Conversa com a minha esposa sobre isso", mas eu realmente me sentia atraído por essa garota e triste por não poder me relacionar com ela. Sentia uma afeição por ela. No momento parece que a Juliana estava do meu lado esquerdo, mas não a vi.
      Daqui eu me via num tipo de parque, me via de frente, mas não era realmente eu. Era alguém mais encorpado, e o rosto não parecia o meu, nem o cabelo. Não lembro o que houve aqui, mas em seguida eu via um prédio, parecia estar de noite, e eu tentava ajudar essa garota, subindo o carro dela pelo lado de fora do prédio(?). Não me lembro como fazia isso, mas era algo como levitar o carro por cima com um raio de tração. Algo aconteceu e o carro desabou sobre o prédio, destruindo completamente ambos. Eu me propunha a reconstruir o prédio, e me via em 3ª pessoa juntando vigas e reerguendo o prédio.
      Depois disso eu via um rapaz gordo, alto, sardento e com cara de chato/folgado (o perfeito esteriótipo do garoto grande da escola que faz bullying). O garoto assistia uma gravação de uma festa onde via um garoto sentado com um capacete em formato de tigela, com alguns detalhes que não consigo lembrar. O garoto sentado parecia familiar, algo parecido com o Tom Hiddleston. O garoto gordo via algo que ligava o garoto sentado a mim. Ao que parece, o gordo estava tentando me encontrar. Nessa hora eu me lembrava dessa festa como se eu realmente estivesse estado lá em sonho antes mesmo da cena do elevador, mas não sei de onde veio essa lembrança. O gordo pegava o garoto de capacete e o levava a algum lugar, como quem fosse prestar um depoimento e entregar o ligamento do garoto comigo, como se mais alguém estivesse atrás de mim. Nessa hora o garoto de capacete não era mais um garoto, mas sim um garota. Ela sentava e o gordo dizia algo como "Ela ainda me ama". Alguém perguntava algo a ela mas a garota não respondia ou não conseguia responder. O gordo dizia "Ela é lésbica...".

      Acordei com o despertador.
      [Ontem a Juliana me contou de um ex amigo que tentava ficar com ela. Disse que o cara era imaturo e dizia pras ex dele "Ela ainda me ama". Recentemente houve uma festa de aniversário de uma amiga dela, Mayara, para a qual fomos convidados. Ela sentiu que não deveria ir. Ontem ela descobriu que esse cara foi, mas como ele já não mora mais perto e nem mantém contato, ela acredita que o motivo foi para encontrá-la e nos irritar. Isso talvez explique o garoto chato procurando alguém na festa e, depois de encontrar dizer para alguém que essa pessoa ainda o ama].
    2. 11 Sep: Attempts to reach Chichen Itza

      by , 09-12-2011 at 12:41 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream lucid false awakening


      In a gang
      I'm part of a girl's gang. We're supposed to be bad-asses but as we trash a shop, I pick up things from the floor and fix the broken stuff trail left by my colleagues. I secretly go say sorry to the employees. I'm just that nice.
      Later on we join a group of boys and we all just chill out under some tent outside. Everybody is bragging about its own feats and soon they start talking about sexual feats. OK, until some fat boy on the group starts bragging about how he had sex with me the other day. I say "what?" There's no way I would have had sex with him. But he starts describing the scene and it's actually sounding familiar. We were drunk on that day, so maybe it really happened. I feel so embarrassed.
      But some girlfriend of mine comes in my defense and testifies that nothing really happened. With her help I recall that indeed I was so drunk I had agreed to have sex with him, but once I was ready for it, we heard an ice-cream cart out in the street and he couldn't resist and just discarded the offer of sex in exchange for an ice-cream.


      Chichen Itza I
      At my mother's home. All is so dark and I'm alone with one of the cats. He is scared about some shadows moving on the bedroom.I say to him there's nothing to be afraid of. I was half-lucid and sure that there was no danger in the dream. But the kitty insisted there was something in there and I started seeing it too. Like a white specter, no bigger than a mouse, near the floor. It was moving around and then it passed between us as a cloud of white smoke and it disappeared through the wall. Whatever it was, it didn't worry me much.
      I went to the bathroom and as I saw my reflection in the mirror,
      I became fully lucid. I noticed the details of my face and as it stabilized and becomed more clear, the LD anchored and I managed to recall my plan to go to Chichen Itza.
      I imagine passing through the door and coming out on the other side at Chichen Itza, but it fails and I just end up in another room of the house. I try crossing portals another 2 or 3 times without success. I feel frustrated.
      I choose to fly so high in the sky that I can see the entire Earth below me. My intention is to plunge in Mexico on my descent, going straight to Chichen Itza. But all the continents seem to be scrambled! I cannot find America. I search and search and there seem to be no American continent on the planet. Frustrated I loose lucidity.

      Some dream, in which Stephen Colbert appears talking to me on a coffee shop where I'm having a drink.
      Some other dream in which I catch a train and see Blacksmith coming out of the train a few carriages ahead of mine. He doesn't see me and I don't have time to go say hello. I just go inside the train and feel so sad that we keep crossing paths with each other every couple of years, but never really have opportunity to be together.


      Chichen Itza II
      Again I am a military and I'm on some precinct with other military. This precinct is close to a city, with a nearby body of water (lake or river) and with forested mountains in the horizon.
      The military are bored to death and they decide to organize one-o-one combats to pass time. The winner of each combat may ask the looser for whatever prize he wishes. Because there's not much they have to offer anyway and possibly because of other reasons related to their boredom, some guys say they want a blowjob from the looser. As a woman - apparently the only woman of the group - I'm being specially targeted by the guys.
      One of them is actually pretty hot and I wouldn't mind so much loosing with him, but I feel I must really make a point here or they'll start loosing respect for me, so I reject that idea and fight as hard as I can, each and every one of them. In one of the combats I decide to use all my heavy artillery. I summon a ball of fire on my hands and I blast the guy with it. Well, sorry, I know it's not fair, but hey...
      I had two more to fight after that one and each one became harder than the previous one, because they also started to learn how to make fireballs and although not as strong as mine, they were causing me troubles. Still, I won all the combats.

      I become fully lucid and I remember Chichen Itza. I feel that I am close to it now. I fly up in the air just to see the surroundings. The sun is setting and I see strange lights shining through the treetops of a mountain at distance. I decide I must go check it out. maybe it's Chichen Itza's beacon of light, set by another dreamer to guide us.
      i try to teleport there, but today it is definitely not working for me. So I decide to fly all the way. But as I come closer to the mountain, it gets harder and harder to fly, as if there is some sort of energy shield around it. I end up on the ground at the base of the mountain. I keep seeing the lights shining ghostly through the forest and I start climbing the mountain. I use all four members to speed up my climb. I look like some wild animal.
      After a while, I find a clearing on the forest, with rows of Mayan carved columns or statues. I feel happy. They look phenomenal!
      Morning is coming and soon the place is full of tourists and people assembling stands, selling Mayan inspired jewelry and world music. That kinda blew the magical aura of the place.
      I then spotted Chichen Itza, lurking from behind some trees on top of the hill. Finally!
      But as I come closer to it, it becomes harder and harder to proceed. The terrain is ever more inclined and the ground is loose. There's a landslide that drags me hundreds of meters down and I feel disappointed.
      Dream fades before I reach the place.


      Updated 09-24-2011 at 09:50 AM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid
    3. 9 Sep: Marathon and a camp

      by , 09-09-2011 at 08:16 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream lucid false awakening


      Bank sale
      With my mom on an auction of a bank. I buy a share, because it is so cheap. I'm imagining becoming rich with it, but someone tells me it is more likely to devalue than otherwise, shattering my optimistic feeling.


      On a room full of people. I become lucid but I struggle very hard to remember tasks to complete. Every time I focus on what I had planned, I feel lucidity fading. I move on to another dream in which I'm on a really dark bedroom, making out with some guy, but the dream is a bit unpleasant. It becomes early morning and I go to the window and see people running a marathon on the street. It is sponsored by a known bottled water company. My cell phone rings on the background and I get lucid as I recall the instructions I had received from a guy in RL to notice colors, textures, sounds, smells, etc, on dreams and since sound is one thing I rarely notice, I decided to play with it. I answered the phone, curious to see if I could really hear someone talking on the other side and I could. It was a lady asking to speak with some boy I don't know. But I turn around and he is there. He is fat. I hand him the phone. I think about doing something more with the LD. I try to teleport to Denn, but it fails and I almost wake up. My lucidity fades a bit and I just stay around this dream. I go outside to see the marathon. No longer lucid, I follow the people who walk at the end of the race after the athletes and I talk to some of them. Then I see a horrible scene with two stray dogs, who look more like a bag of bones and open flesh. I want to take them to the vet. People on the street tell me they are very sick for many years and no cure is possible, but people feed them and they are happy together, supporting each other. I want to give them something to eat, but I have nothing. So I regurgitate a placenta-like discussing stuff and at least one of the dogs comes to sniff it. But he doesn't seem very interested.


      On a sort of holiday camp with children and adults. it's a celebration day and everyone is very busy and excited. I'm just trying to figure out my role in it. I see some cute kittens hidden under a table, I try to play with them, but they run away. I then see some friends who are all fascinated by a tiny little camel that appeared on the site. It is hardly taller than 20 cms. I say something like "I've seen really tiny ponies before, but this camel is just ridiculously small."
      I notice a kid who's taking pictures of me obsessively and I ask him to stop. I ask for his camera to delete the pictures he took without my permission, but I realize he has a crush on me, which I find sweet, so I decide to leave at least a couple of pics on the memory card. His mom appears out of nowhere and doesn't know why I'm holding the camera, so she is very obnoxious, accusing me with her eyes of trying to steal it from the kid. Nasty broad.
      Then some native americans appear on a stage, performing songs and dances. They invite people from the audience to join and before they drag me along, I move on to a nearby swimming pool with water slides. I decide to have a bit of fun on the slides.


      Updated 09-24-2011 at 09:51 AM by 34880

      lucid , non-lucid