I woke up from one dream because I was experiencing pure terror. I tried to 'get back' to where I was, but to get there I had to go through a sequence of events (I'd passed through before) that were terrifying. I once again woke up because I couldn't deal with the fear. It literally made me breathe heavily and sweat. Scary stuff. I found myself in either a movie theater or opera hall, seated somewhere in the crowd (section on the left). Then someone stabbed a blonde woman. Possibly the performer? Then a lot of people everywhere (almost everybody) pulled knives and attacked the same victim. I think the victim had done something to them, and they were taking their collective revenge. I was being blocked from escaping by a big dude (also armed with a knife). I was too scared to fight (too many enemies, all armed with knives while I have nothing) but I felt like their problem wasn't with me anyway, so doing nothing was the wisest course of action.
A dream scene ends of me and my father waiting in a room with a group of people. The new scene appears and it is me at a store, appears to be a clothing store. I look through a few in the section I am in. I notice a book that seems to be a part of the bible. I read some of it verse and brought it back to where I had originally pick it up. I then notice I was around a lot of baby clothes for children. I look around the corner where I heard a group of people talking. When I saw them I notice one person that means something to me. It was my cousin. She appeared different, as if she had gain a lot more weight recently. When I observe further as I notice her picking up baby clothes, it became apparent that she is pregnant. I continue browsing in till my path cross with her. I simply smiled and waved while walking away. I then decided to look for clothes that I could wear since I needed some new ones. That is when the dream scene change again in to my room. I had assume I was awake as it identical in every way, it was night with no lights on. But something was feeling off to me, I decided to ignore it. As I sat up from my bed something happened to me that I don't know how to explain. I felt like I lost control of my surroundings. I was standing up at the front door of my room. That's when I heard screams , it felt piercing and loud. It was a girl voice screaming in pain. I started looking around my room asking what's going on. That's when I started pacing my room to see if there was a way I could find her. For some reason information was toss in to my head against my will, that told me this girl I am hearing is my daughter. Even though I do not have children. There was such a desperate urge to help this person, that I started screaming when I kept hearing her. That's when I finally woke up, I was slightly breathing hard and clutch my covers. I was wondering why my dreams were a bit tense lately. Then some DC mentally answered my own question by saying some dreams are bad/ I ask mentally in my head is there a way where I can always have good dreams? He said unfortunately dreams are always good and bad depending on the individual. I was going to ask why in till I became lucid on sensing something was wrong. A voice began mentally speaking to me saying , so you have now seen apart of my inner world. Now you see how scary it can be when you will now have to suffer and I will be coming back. Once I heard this I told her no don't bother me anymore. No do not do this. The dream scene change again to me waking up in my bed. It was another false awakening. I got up out of my bed as I was finish sleeping. As I stood up on the floor that's when the feeling hit me again. I became lucid and was beginning to see another person in 3rd person and yet I could still see through my own self as if I was in 1st person. I notice someone running aimlessly in grey. Then I completely was back in 1st person with this intense fear around me. The shocking screams began again and I couldn't help but panic to try to find this girl that was in so much suffering. I kept looking around in my room and started saying this can't be happening to me. That's when my window turned in to a grey realm. I ran in there as I continue to follow the loud screams. However the grey realm only led me back to my room to where I couldn't see anything. I began to scream as I hear the screams of the girl and my own echoing endlessly. It made my head go numb after hearing that after constantly screaming I open my front door and bang on my father door. His door was lock which is not normal for him as he usually leaves it unlock. I began yelling him to open up the door and that I was being attack by someone. I could hear his television set come on as the door opened. I told him I needed his help and I was beginning to talk to him about what was going on. I wake up. This time I think I am really awake and the first thing I do is open my door to get to my father and to explain to him what is happening. I began knocking on his door again as it opened. His TV once again came on and he was not in a good mood. I told him something is wrong and that I was being attacked by some person. He doesn't care and tells me to leave me alone and ask me do you know how early it is. I look at the time and see that it is 2:02 AM . I told him he still has plenty of time to rest. He gets angry and tells me he is done helping me. That's when I found myself waking in my bed again. No I said, I was already lucid and yelled why are you doing this to me? That's when something on my bed sprang around like a spider. A woman out of no where appeared sitting in front of me on my bed with red hair. A voice told me in unintelligible words that it was angry with me. I knew it was anger because of how intense the sensation was around me. I began saying I am sorry for what I have done. It began showing me images and a vision that I would understand. I knew what the issue was now and said I was sorry. But it didn't matter I could tell nothing I was saying was getting through to her. Whatever this thing was. That's when I woke up again from my bed. I was already lucid and the same terrifying scenario happened again and again. I couldn't stop screaming and I remember falling to the floor which somehow made me continue falling endlessly further down. My head felt so much confusion that I didn't know what to do or think anymore. I didn't know when I had waken up or if I was awake all this time. My eyes were just staring at the ceiling. It was like I had been in a trance. I place my hand on my head, my head felt empty as if nothing was in it. I sat up to check the time and could see it is 2:02 AM. I am sorry.
Updated 04-18-2018 at 08:58 AM by 67903
This dream was set in a universe where everything is like it is now (and so we have all the advanced technology that we have right now), except that the USSR and all the other communist states still exist. I was almost done with college (computer science), and I had to go do an internship. As I looked through all the available internship positions on the internet, I saw one that was quite interesting, to say the least. It was an internship as system administrator in communist Romania, for leader Nicolae Ceausescu. It sounded quite crazy and adventurous, and I got to work together with a supreme leader of a country, imagine that! So I was totally into it and I took the internship. I don't think I saw much of Bucharest or of Romania in general. The dream skipped straight to the offices of Ceausescu. He was giving me a tour around the building, telling me where everything is, telling me what my job is, etc. He told me that I would be paid in a cryptocurrency called DigitalSilver (doesn't exist in real life, by the way). I ended up sitting in an office that looked a lot like my grandma's (dad's mom) kitchen. I was there together with 2 others, a male cook and a female secretary. We were all doing our thing: I was doing some indistinct tasks on a terminal, the cook was cooking food, and the secretary was filling in some documents. Ceausescu was roaming around the building the whole time, occasionally coming in to check on us. At some point my mom calls me to ask how everything's going. I said everything is fine. Spoiler for *** WARNING: GRAPHIC PART ***: All seemed pretty chill, until at some point, Ceausescu notices an error in what the secretary was doing. He gets angry, grabs a large knife, and stabs it right into her face. It was pretty gory. He cut a whole part out of her face, like the entire middle part cut out like an apple, so that there was only a huge pyramid-shaped wound left. Her eye was hanging out of the socket. As he got the knife out and let go of her shoulder, her corpse fell down on the desk and blood was gushing out of her face. The whole scene was very upsetting. My heart was beating very rapidly and I looked at the cook. He pretended as though he didn't see it, so I did the same. At this point I was very scared, but I tried to stay calm. I should just continue working, and avoid making any errors, and by the end of the week I can go home. Then it's just a matter of simply no longer coming back (to hell with that school degree). I continued working as best as I could, double checking every command I entered into the terminal. But I felt very very scared, and the thought of possibly getting a knife to the face like what I just saw scared me shitless and I could no longer concentrate. The more I thought of it, the faster my heart was beating, and my hands started shaking. I wanted to call up my mom with my android phone. I waited until Ceausescu exited the room, and then I ran upstairs. This place looked a lot like my other grandma's (mom's mom) upstairs hall, together with all the bedrooms. I went behind a bed and took my cellphone. However, I had this eerie feeling that Ceausescu might've followed me, so I didn't call yet. Rather I waited for a while to hear if there wasn't any noise coming from another room. And there was no noise, but I was still very paranoid, so I slowly crawled around to check on the other bedroom. As I peeked into the bedroom, to my surprise, I saw my SNES on a nightstand. That was very suspicious, it might be a trap. So I peeked a little further, sticking my head into the room a little. And, just as I feared, I saw Ceausescu's shadow on the floor, he was waiting for me behind the corner! I was incredibly scared and I froze. Then I made a snap decision to just flee from the place and go back downstairs to the office. I asked the cook how I could claim the DigitalSilver tokens for the work I had done so far. Somehow, I had the time (and bad priorities) to first claim my DigitalSilver, trade them for litecoins, and sending them over to my wallet. Then I darted for the exit and the dream was over.
Updated 12-24-2017 at 05:43 PM by 57251
Writing in sand, which obviously does not work that well. Seemed to be writing in blood or something. Freaked out by the dark of my parents attic at night in the dark
I was walking around a house I used to live in during my senior year of high school. My parents were moving out (as they had done in real life a year ago) and I was to help them finish cleaning before they fully departed. After what seemed to be a full day's worth of work in just mere moments (kinda like a montage) we had finished. I drove back to my house, but on the way stopped by a Dairy Queen and got nothing. Just kinda sat in my car. (Which was the other way, in the town I lived in. But the weirdest part was the fact that it was another town's DQ) I returned to the place I was living at the time of my parent's move and found everything was destroyed within the home. Trash had piled up and even the floor tiles were cracked. I entered and went towards where my old room was located and was in another location. I was staying at my older brother's house (Although I've never been there myself) and was playing a very fast pace game when suddenly I paused and rushed to the restroom. (Sudden enough to drop and break his wireless mouse) After I reached the sink, I started feeling ill. I coughed and to my surprise, blood had slipped through between my hands and stained the white sink. I kept coughing up more and more until it was steadily just oozing from my mouth. My brother knocked on the door and asked if I were okay. I spat what I could out in order to tell him I'm fine and that he shouldn't worry about me. Not even a second after, I began drooling more blood from a seemingly never-ending supply. I forced myself to close my mouth and abruptly awoke to a mouthful of spit with no drool/slobber around.
Beating a ghost I was in my backyard, it was a cold evening. There was a ghost in one of buildings. I gathered group of friends and siblings and we charged inside, I was holding a cudgel. We all hit wildly, trying to harm the ghost. Only I sensed it good enough to hit it, and despite it being just a presence, it was scary. I hit harder and harder, everything went black as I became more scared. But finally I managed to beat both my fear and the ghost, then I emitted a shockwave that cleansed the building after the ghost disappeared. The fox I was in my backyard, another cold evening. Going to the back exit of my possession that goes to fields I saw something sitting behind some planks. It was a fox, sitting on the ground and staring at me. I called my brother's wife and she quickly ran closer to see it. I thought that it would scare the fox away, but instead it ran closer to me. I was a little afraid as the fox had weirdly darker fur, but in the end I pet him.
Nightmare - I am only a small boy in my dream. At a garden fete, i'm making serious choices about cake. Then I wandered off up a path it reminded me of Japanese town scape. I went up some stairs then through shrubbery. I suddenly feel a presence, I feel pressure from all around. I look up to see people closing in. They are wearing old style tank top think jumpers and have lank long hair but no face. I feel immediately that they are not happy bunnies I feel a cold chill from them. I try to escape but they are much bigger than me, in their late teens and tower over me. They are pressing closer and closer silently. I feel they are smiling maliciously. I make a break for a house (again Japanese, multilevel house) . I am swallowed up with hopelessness. Again I break away and get out the back door and then scramble up onto the roof and again higher. I wake myself up. I feel I should go back into the dream and face them but can't get back to sleep. I ponder a lot on significance of dream.
I was in the backseat of an SUV with my stepfather driving and my mother in the passenger seat and maybe my little brother next to me. We were on a sandy and rocky beach, the ocean immediately to our right. I told my stepdad that I felt afraid we were too close to the ocean and that I have dreams about him driving like this. Later: I had a gun. I was not me. I was going to go next door to a house and [kill???!! idk] 2 young girls. I felt hesitant and afraid and I didn't do it. But I kept thinking I had to go over there. Then I was on a train, maybe the same person, not me. I needed to go several cars ahead of me, but the train was moving and the sideboards that you were supposed to use were outside of the car, and I was afraid I would fall so I didn't go. Later: I was with an old friend whom Ive recently been wondering about in waking life. Some other people were there too. We might have been in a foreign country. We sat at a table at a convenience store/cafe. A man asked us if we wanted anything. At first we all declined, but I saw that I had a box with 3 donuts in it and I decided to order some coffee to go with them. My friend also ordered coffee. Soon after I saw my coffee on the counter near the register with a receipt under it and I walked over and picked it up.
I was standing outside on a sidewalk in a small unfamiliar town. I saw a guy on a roof above me. He had a crow sitting on his arm, one he was rehabbing. Although he crow wasn’t doing tricks or talking, it seemed significant. There was a crowd of people around him on the roof. Later, I was in a campus atmosphere. I felt awkward, was by myself. A kid I went to school with [F] walked over to me and sat close to me. He put his arm around me in an indirectly threatening way. I was afraid of him, but also was happy to get attention. He commented on my cool red combat boots. Strangely I wasn’t wearing them, they were sitting on the ground next to me. F then moved to smell my hair and started to kiss the back of my neck. I was paralyzed with fear even though we were out in the open. He had a power over me that I can’t explain. In the same campus atmosphere I went to steps nearby and sat there and then pulled my panties down and peed in what I thought was a discreet manner. People saw me I thought, including my professor. I suddenly realized that I should stop doing this, I’m not being as discreet as I thought.
An environmental catastrophe was about to happen to the Earth. Humans were aware of this, and there was a system installed in which we all had to wait for our name to be called (sometimes in groups, sometimes alone) and step aboard a small asteroid-like rock that floated nearby a cliff. The asteroid was like a disposable mini-rocket, and as it launched off with each group, it begin slowly disintegrating until the people aboard would fall to the ground and die, or be injured and die later. It was terrible, but not very real-feeling. I watched a friend die, then came my turn, and I woke up before I died. I fell back asleep and entered a similar scenario, only this time it felt more real. I was living in a 'Fall-Out' type village, with very few amenities and maybe 50 people at most. We were under the control of another group of humans, like a military or militia. We had a local stand where a guy sold things like cigarettes, food, drink, drugs, etc. There was a man who delivered small amounts of rations regularly. I saw some soldiers going into some of the other homes on the compound and I knew the end was coming soon, they were going to take us away, and some [vague] bad thing was going to happen. During one moment I seemed to be playing the role of a child, although I also had my current dog, Cayna. I heard that the soldiers weren't allowing animals to come along and I began to panic. I knew I couldn't leave Cayna behind. She would starve. I knew she had been abandoned before and I dreaded the idea of putting her through that again, at my hands. I was leaving the home I shared with other people and I think I told a woman and her 2 kids that I had a dog and I was so sad to be made to leave it. I asked her if she was ready to leave too, and she said they were staying, because they have a cat, and if you sleep outside with your pet you can stay. I was thrilled and went to get my mother [random woman in dream, not real mom]. I saw her in the back of a car being driven away. I cried for her and she looked back and seemed to be crying out in pain of leaving me behind. I had Cayna though, and now I seemed to be back to my regular age because my husband was with me. I knew sooner or later we would be forced to commit mass suicide. I felt an enormous amount of dread. I thought, 'This is the worst possible ways things could end.' I wondered about Cayna again, and how she would survive without us. I thought she would have plenty to eat for a while—the left behind food and corpses...but then something convinced me that her death would be horrible if I let her live and I began to wonder if the safest thing to do for her was also poison her when we had to poison ourselves. My heart hurt; how could this be happening? I thought wouldn't it be wonderful if somehow, right before the and that someone said we didn't have to die after all? We could go on living! I felt a sting of hope rise and die quickly. I looked at my husband who was teary-eyed as well and told him that maybe the best thing for Cayna in the end would be to take her with us. He cringed and seemed to emote that he didn't want to talk about it. I said, 'I understand but I just wanted to say it now so when the time comes we had talked about it.' Some time went by. We were outside this entire conversation, my husband and I. He suddenly told me to hold still and he began plucking at something on top of my head. He plucked off a ladybug -still attached to some of my hair- that he said had burrowed itself into my head/hair. Thoughts: I had some allergy issues right before bed, and my throat felt tight, felt itchy, and it felt a little hard to breathe. I've had allergy induced asthma before and it wasn't that bad, but I decided to take a Benedryl to relieve my symptoms. My husband spends lots of time playing Fall Out 4 lately, and I think the post-apocalyptic town was designed with that in mind. I have been a little worried about my dog. She is aging, and I wonder if I am giving her the absolute best care that I could be. Do I exercise her too hardly when we run? Do I feed her too much? etc. I found it interesting as I typed it out that my worries about abandoning my dog turned into me playing a child being 'abandoned' by my [dream]mother. I'm not sure what that means though.
Night of June 8th, 2016: Missing Shoes / Fishboy So, in this dream I ended up on my school bus without any shoes on (I had black socks). As I arrived at school I decided I would go to the gym and take my tennis shoes out of my gym locker. On the way there, I ran into a police officer who offered to open the locker and retrieve my shoes for me. Here, the dream cuts away from me and instead goes to a 3rd person view of the officer, with me nowhere to be seen. He is seen walking into some sort of mall/store/restaurant thing and getting sidetracked, but I heard him say something along the lines of "It's too much trouble to open the locker; it'll be more cost effective to just buy her new shoes." Not sure what happened after this but I switched into a completely different dream. I was being chased (in my front yard near the tip of our pond) by 4-5 teenage guys with unknown/fuzzily remembered intentions. Possibly to hurt me? Either way, one was British and seemed to take a liking to me. He, jumping into the water, turned into a strange black fish resembling a catfish without the whiskers, but more blob-like, and started singing. I remember saying, "Don't you dare turn this into a musical," despite my fear of the whole turn of events. My whole yard flooded, and he was following me through the water. The water was murky and dark, and he went under. I, of course, was very freaked out and hopped onto the back of my friend Mallory (no idea where she came into the dream, but who cares) and tried to hold my feet out of the water. I desperately pleaded her to help me take my feet out of the water so the fishboy couldn't get me, and she suggested I just take my feet out of the water. Oddly, my feet were stuck and my vision suddenly impaired. I then woke up.
Me and someone else sneak out of a bad situation through the woods. We lie about where we were going and we zig-zag through the forest. There is a thin layer of old snow on the ground and everyone is barefoot. I wonder if it is cold but figure the sun is shining warm enough. We went through someone’s yard that was full of cacti and flowers. We ended up squatting in Donald Trump’s house. Me and my girlfriend lived there a few days. Then I started getting increasingly uneasy. We could hear Trump’s voice from a few floors down and I kept urging my friend to keep quiet, which upset her. She thought I was denying her friendship, I just wanted both of us to stay alive. That night she was telling me her life story and I was falling asleep when someone came and checked on the room. We hid between the bed and the wall. As I lay there I started falling asleep uncontrollably. After they left we heard housekeepers vacuuming and I knew it was only a matter of time before we got caught. I was terrified of getting caught. I understood in a way that this is a dream and if we get caught it will become a nightmare. What if I never wake up from it? I make the decision that we have to leave. I grabbed my stuff (some clothes, my phone, and laptop) and propelled out the window and down the building. The housekeeper yelled something sarcastic out at us as we left like “goodbye visitors”. We went to a little shack building right next door. I had to go back to the room for something and when I came back down an elk met me and spoke with me telepathically. He was basically like Oberon. We washed his slobber off of our hands in the snow then He guided me to cave where there were a couple more animals I could talk to and some kind of magic man. He kept changing to look like Jon Snow and he was scaring my friend. In the night I fled and was followed by two men who obviously knew how to fight. One of them was B. I went under a building and we were basically sparring on monkey bars. I told B, "I’m sorry but I’m going to have to kill you to protect myself." He laughed and then turned on the lights to show me that it was a training session and they had built this jungle gym in my favor. Eventually I drove back to see my friend. I asked A.W if she knew where the shack was moved to and she said it was the street after hers. I went and there were lots of similar looking shacks but the one I was looking for was first in line. It’s address had the number 30 or 03 in it. I went in and my friend was living with a man and working for Trump. I was disappointed.
Went hiking with D and a few other people. It’s a hike I recognized, wooden trail spiraling up to a platform. The wood is new. There are black labs who are scared to walk on the planks. Work keeps calling D, telling him there’s an emergency he needs to deal with but there’s nothing he can do since he's so far away. We head back down and the guy we’re with says we have to rope swing across the lake. He says it’s crucial we don’t touch the water more than necessary because ‘we would not believe what was growing in there’. I was completely confused, I don’t remember having to do this on the way up. Plus, I’m not wet and I would be if we had done this. I also am carrying a pillow that’s completely dry. I ask someone, “What did I do with this pillow last time to keep it dry?” They told me to fold it up and put it in my shirt, so I did. The guy went first and didn’t make it far before he went head first into the water. We scoffed, “so much for not touching the water.” D went second and swung out to hip height and waded to the other side. I decided to angle my swing to the left toward the land, so I got minimally wet. When I got to the other side, everyone started getting concerned because the first guy had not come up yet. D was annoyed that he was going to have to dive in and search for him, but then the other lady managed to pull him out. I was in a room and couldn’t see what was happening but D started gagging, telling me that the guy was covered in unsightly mud and disgusting debris. He was unconscious so D delegated to me to get the first aid kit. There wasn’t much in there besides IV equipment so I grabbed what I could. D wanted a 1” IV tape but I explained to him that the only reason I was able to take the 1/2” tape from the hospital is because nobody likes to use it, so that’s all we had. People start performing CPR and I leave the room to help. It’s a very disturbing sight, indeed. He looks deformed. He’s blue, has a swollen and bulging neck, and they had to cut off his fingers and toes - leaving strings of rotting flesh in place of his fingers. Someone holds him while people perform CPR. I take my turn at compressions and then he starts talking. D explains to him that he probably broke his neck. I asses his body and it’s full of gnarly wounds. They had all been exposed to bacteria. D is now at risk for catching the life threatening bacteria since he handled this guy’s blood. He’s irritated about it. I go home and have to retell the story to Mike and sob while I do. Mom says she thinks it’s her karma from frequently passing out in front of people. The girl we were with, Sarah, posts about it on DV and I comment about how painful and traumatizing it is to read and remember.
Driving down a winding road in a truck with some packages. Coming at me is a very large, brown, prehistoric looking spider. It’s in an 8 shape and the legs are on the front and back of its body, not the sides. It freaks me out so I swat at it but it won’t die. I learn that it’s called the Amazon spider (as in amazon.com) and hangs out in their warehouse. I get home (more like my mom’s house) and there’s a party. Donald Trump is there. I put on my shoes because I’m bored and decide to go outside to take a selfie with a giant crashed government airplane before they move it. Donald Trump bends down and starts tying my shoes for me. “Oh thank you. Could I get a picture with you?” He agrees and then hesitates. “Why do you want a picture with me? You’re only here to make fun of me.” “That’s not true! I live here. My room is right there!” I point. Really, I just wanted to share with friends and family that Donald Trump tied my shoes, because nobody would believe me otherwise. D comes just as things start falling apart. We hear that there is any army invading the other part of town and civilization starts to collapse. D has things to take care of in the house and someone asks me if I could help find certain seeds and I agree. I go to the other side of town and basically just follow this scientist around, holding items that they need to salvage before all hell breaks loose. We go into the back room of some industrial building and grab a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a toothbrush. I have to connect something to the tip of the toothbrush but I can’t because I’m shaking so bad. The political situation is worsening very quickly and I start becoming extremely upset that D and I separated. If he died while I’m gone I will never forgive myself. I would rather die with him than live without him. When we leave the room we find the building is on lockdown. All the offices are empty with the lights turned off but we hear men shouting orders in the other rooms. We quietly move through one room and hide behind a desk, looking through the glass of the door. I didn’t feel safe there and wished we were a few desks or even another room back, but we needed to see what was happening. One of the girls in the room ahead of us dropped a blue pencil and I knew that meant it was the daughter of my scientist friend. She was upset and went to save her daughter. By doing that, we learned that the invading army was a benevolent force and all of our families were safe. I was so relieved to see my husband’s face (but it wasn’t really his face). Everybody started cleaning up after all the chaos but D and I went to the gym and went swimming. I was practicing my dive, which required me to fatigue my deltoids by hanging on to the pool ladder before diving. I dove in, hit the bottom, and sprung back up in only a matter of seconds. A man said, “That was a great dive, sweetie!” D and I left to look for food. We wanted Mexican food but the best place in town was closed, so we looked around. We went to a hotel and someone we knew handed us some of our items (like area rugs) from the “drill” earlier but we just left them there.