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    1. First Lucid Dream In Over A Decade - Supernatural Powers

      by , 10-22-2024 at 01:59 AM
      17/10/2024 @ aprox between 10:30 am - 11:30 am - My first lucid dream in YEARS, possibly over a decade.

      I was running from a special ops unit through a tightly packed, derelict abandoned gated community. It was night though it was well lit from the full moon with a blue-ish white tint. They where looking for me as I had found some highly advanced alien technology which had unlocked dormant supernatural powers within me. (Invulnerability and atom manipulation)

      Because of my new found abilities I was defending myself against these special ops agents with ease, disassembling their atomic structure as they evaporated into shadows of shouldering ash. Their weapons had no effect on me so I was without fear and in no sense of urgency to escape.

      In order to enhance these abilities further I had to find a ring I had misplaced which I was unable to find.


      I discovered I was dreaming because I realized how outlandish the situation was. In that instant I had became lucid and the entire world began to wobble and wriggle about like an impossibly designed, intricate childs drawing and what I can only describe as what I imagine having an acid trip would be like. With this realization the most amazing feeling of power, warmth and joy washed over me.

      Before I had discovered I was dreaming, the dream world was seamless and indistinguishable from the real world. It's almost like as soon as my rational brain had woken up and my rational focus was shone onto the dream world that my fully conscious self was too much for the dream world to sustain believably or I was taking up too much resources so it began to struggle with the weight of my fully conscious being's presence.

      The excitement must have been too much as I was not able to explore far, not so long after I had become lucid the world began to break up around me and I found myself slipping into a closing, narrowing, clear, crisp, mildly pixelated, almost digital thinly and sparsely detailed oval tunnel of white light with a slit of black at the end.

      Before long the tunnel of white light had disappeared and all too soon I was in the dark looking at the back of my eyelids back in bed having left the lucid dream behind. It sounds a lot like was people describe dying as being like! I really felt like I had left my body and had come back from somewhere else outside of my body.

      (Reflection) Maybe dying is waking up from the dream of the real world.

      Ever since I had this lucid dream I am able to remember at least one dream per night in excruciating detail hours after I've woken.
    2. clxxxi. Lizard form and strength, Introspection

      by , 10-17-2020 at 11:13 PM
      17th October 2020


      Remember being my lizard form at some point and also for quite a while. Earlier in the dream I was offered a choice (by whom or what?) to have either nearly unlimited strength or nearly unlimited stamina. I picked strength.

      I remember flying through several somewhat surreal places with hybrid dragon wings that would appear and disappear.

      At one point, I'm in a sandy beach area and there are wasps or bees and I stamp on them, concerned for a second about what I was doing, but then remembering I had nothing to fear. This was pre-lucid, I had some awareness of being dreaming.

      In some other part, I'm destroying the outer structure of a concrete sky scraper and I'm eating or biting on people as they fall from the building. The building itself is falling and we are miles up in the air, impossibly high away from any other buildings. (Reminds me of UT levels)

      Rest of recall is muddled. Was awake for a while and forgot to try and retain recall properly.


      - The part of me that convinced me to fear nothing was the same that has come about unconsciously before. I have started to feel a much more direct connection to these parts of myself over the last months; these are the parts of me that do not actively speak through my mind except seemingly under rare circumstances such as in the visualisations I've done/experienced. These are parts of myself that I've had some sort of tacit awareness of for quite a long time but that previously I wasn't able to consciously "put my finger on". In more physical terms, the less conscious parts feel like something inside at the back of my head, but maybe this is some association I have created by accident.

      - I have absolutely no recall anymore about how the choice of "strength vs stamina" was offered to me, but I feel it was some sort of interface. I do seem to remember that in the dream my reasoning was that if I had unlimited stamina, it wouldn't necessarily allow me to do everything that I wanted to do. I think my experience of being weak when I was younger had some influence on this too. Lately there's been a fair bit of "processing" of some of my childhood, such as those instances recently where I was actually younger in my dreams.

      - Flight and flying by own means hasn't really ever been of any special interest to me in dreams but I think the experience with wings was novel enough for me to enjoy it, though I still prefer it when flight in dreams happens by use of a jet or space ship.
    3. The snake

      by , 02-20-2016 at 10:18 PM
      The Snake Dream 🌹🌹🌹

      I am looking The snake straight in the eye- fear engulfs me and in a split second he goes for me fast as anything.I wait for him to bite and be in pain because I know he smelt my extreme fear. But now in the same split second I let my fear go completely and utterly. The snake doesn't bite - I feel him under my clothes moving freely all around my entire body - Confidently under my garments - I stay focused and wonder what he will do. Time goes by and he comes up from under my collar, moving up my neck and towards my head - he then sits on the very top my head in a coil. I realise this is my moment and tip my head forward and he drops to the floor and goes off swishing this way and that like a snake does - wow I am very relieved and simply cannot believe what just happened ( nice moment for a RC ⚡️)

      Updated 02-20-2016 at 10:20 PM by 87274

    4. November Transformation: The Wild Cat Within

      by , 11-23-2010 at 05:54 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      November 8, 2010

      November has been heavy with the theme of transformation, something I look forward to

      Synopsis: A race of cat people hold back their true nature. But a wild and amazing women teaches me how to unleash my inner cat.

      The Wild Cat Within
      I'm with my family (not my real family) in a high raise apartment. They're worried about this Witch that the news has been talking about. She has willfully transformed into her wild cat-self.

      It's against the law for the people to willfully transform into their wild cat-selves. One who has transformed is treated like a werewolf, a monster that needs to be stopped. Though truthfully, every citizen has the potential to transform at any moment.

      One day I was playing around with my natural ability to transform, growing a cat tail. My family scolded me, reminding me that its illegal, and dangerous because I could lose my sanity if I transform.

      A flash outside my window catches my attention. I run to my high raise window, and standing proudly in the full sun is the Witch. She's like a cat-were. Humanoid, with cat ears, fangs, claws, fur and tail. At first I'm scared "It's her! The Witch!". Besides the news warns she's probably insane and will kill you.

      Gracefully she leaps and climbs the building until she reaches my window. I'm surprised to hear her say -


      She can talk! The transformed lose their human mind and language. No wonder they call her Witch!

      "How can you speak while transformed?"

      She grabs my hand and leads me out the window. From then on I was her pupil. Though she didn't say much, her actions were enough to show me that she was completely conscious. More than conscious, she was lucid!

      She taught me that society was wrong for telling me to hide my wild cat side. That this is who we really are. She also explained to me, that when you willfully choose to transform, not only do you retain consciousness, but you become more conscious. More brave. More able. More stable.

      Oh crap, I'm falling! I'm hanging onto the ledge of the window with just my bare hands.

      "Use you're claws to lift yourself up!" She explains

      "That's impossible! I'm just a girl! I don't have that kind of upper body strength!"

      She shows me. She hangs from the window ledge to mimic me falling. Then using all her upper body strength and the traction of her claws, she lifts herself up, leaping into the air, and landing on the roof.

      At first I thought lifting myself out of the falling position was impossible. But after watching her I realized, she's a petite female just like me. If she can do it, why can't I?

      I lift myself up and like magic, I was flying into the air and landing on the roof.

      From then on, I was the Witch - fully transformed- teaching my pupil. Though the dream just becomes a chase-dream. The cops are after us for willfully transforming. Though to be honest, we found the chase amusing. Could they catch us? NEVER!

      They chase us into a tunnel. Where we find an abandoned car, whose keys were conveniently in the ignition for us.

      Once in the car, I switch positions again. I'm the pupil again. My Witch-Master races the car out of the tunnel and down the bridge. The cops are right behind us. My master is racing towards the ledge of the bridge, were gonna fall! But she's not stopping! Instead she floors the gas pedal.

      Some how I know she's teaching me to have no fear, as she was ever fearless.

      The car is flying off the bridge! I keep waiting for us to crash, but instead the velocity gently carries us over the prairie grass. No way the cops were crazy enough to follow us! We land softly. Having lost the cops, we take refuge under the shade of a tree. And I wake up.

      In the next brief dream I was lucid, and drooling over the comic books of the artist Anta M. Alabama. Not sure what that means.

      Updated 12-14-2010 at 06:55 AM by 6004
