non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am with my parents and maybe some more family members. Some woman comes by and says she has info about my paternal grandma. Says she was actually from Canada and came to Portugal and got citizenship and got married and nobody ever knew about it. I am baffled, but also don't see how that changes anything about my identity. My dad explains he hired this lady to investigate this. My mom steps in and starts rambling about meaningless stuff, making my dad yell at her. He tells her this is important business and she is talking about totally unrelated stuff. The lady leaves but there is a promise she will come back to share more info. We gather around a table to feast. it is some family reunion and there are lot of yummy things on the table. For some reason I get horny looking at some carrots. So I pick up a carrot and go alone to another room. I sit on a couch and play with the carrot ( you know what I am talking about). Then some bunch of guys enters the room and face me in an awkward position with a carrot. They don't say a word and their faces are in shock. At first I feel I wanna disappear, but then on the back of my head there is this slight trust that none of this is real so I decide to go for it and propose them to fuck. After the initial shock, they actually go for it, so they line up and one at a time, they drop their pants and bang me. I had several orgasms for real without waking up. On maybe the third I do wake up, but hang in there between dream and wakefulness and the orgasm lingers in a limbo, without really ending for quite some time. When I fully wake up, I am still feeling the rush for some time after.
Non-Lucid Lucid Lately it has been my personal task of the month to partake in a huge medieval feast. Inspired by a combination of Game of Thrones and my first amazing lucid eating experience, I am determined to make it work! My family and I are eating at a restaurant together. After leaving, we realized that we had forgotten to tip our curly haired waiter, and we all felt terrible. While debating what to do, I step outside to my lawn to play with my dog. As I toss the ball for him, a Ferrari comes screaming on to my lawn, narrowly missing me, and driving straight into the side of my house; destroying the wall. In a panic we all rush about and try to see who the driver is, and out steps the curly haired waiter, who did this to get revenge for us stiffing him. Something causes me to look at the clouds, and they look beautiful and painted. I turn back to the kid who is trying to scream at me but I interrupt him and say "what if this were a dream?" As I say it, I become lucid! The clarity is amazing, and I grab his face in both of my hands and laugh out loud, feeling nothing but love for the kid. He smiles back and laughs with glee too, and tells me to "Go!" I remember my goal to eat at a medieval feast, but I want a partner. My good friend from college appears, and her and I grab hands. I begin to sprint with her, faster and faster, until we break the sound barrier and the world around us turns in to a blur. We run so fast that day becomes night, and then day again, and finally we arrive. There is a yard sale set up, and a small white building to our left. I know that through the door will be a medieval time waiting for me, but I don't want to go in without proper clothing. The yard sale is all medieval clothing, so we look around for some clothes. As I examine them, I unknowingly lose lucidity and slide back into my dream, forgetting about the door entirely. So close, yet so far!