Another wild dream Me and my dad were in some suburbs trying to escape, it was some kind of survival world, overcast weather. But the danger were animals, like they got wilder and changed even, they were a lot more aggressive, I've seen whole lot of breeds of dogs that would tear apart anyone on sight. Somehow we could outrun them, or just go past them by pretending to be relaxed, then once I saw a pack of dogs tearing away one dog behind fences. It was night, and we got followed by a pack too and we pretended to be relaxed so they followed us but didn't attack. Then I saw a small way between two fences to an open field and I started to walk there but dad wandered off, idk why... Anyways I started to pick up the pace when I saw wild squirrels but now they were darker, and has messier fur and were more aggressive and could jump up like 2 meters or so. And those started to get on me too but then I started to levitate and evade those things. Then once I got to the open field I started to fly and I was really good at it, and now it was daytime. Sunny weather. I flew to the other side of the open field where a safe camp was in a forest, then flew back to dad somehow I knew his location. He just made out to the open field but was being followed , I speed at him and take him up a high hill and drop there I almost fell off . We were in front of a hospital, I saw parents carrying their kids here and there...
I'm in a junkyard, it's small and has a few shipping containers, some junk around. The ground is moist and muddy. I walk through it and see the edge of the small woods to the end of it, sun trickles through the branches and I see a new round being built. A teacher of mine comes around, says hi and wonders what I'm doing here. (Was I looking for him, hoping to bump into him?) I lie and say I was just passing through, as not to creep him out. I see in the junk to my right a bunch of old X-Files DVD boxes and other merchandise, at least seasons 3 and 4, the best ones. I collect them up, what a find! I see clips of the upcoming season in my mind, I see agent Reyes. it's as if watching these is preparation for the new season. I see what look like promo clips. I try to find a website or a place to see the whole plot of the X-files game as well, haven't played the one for PS2. Grandparent's old house, I look into the cupboard by the door, see the X-files things there with the Christmas decorations, there is a finality to it, as if seeing it for the last time. I'm in the parking lot of my grandparent's old house, there is some kind of event, lots of people there and a stage. On stage there is a family, a husband and wife with two children performing. The husband is hitting his leg with a small drum stick with a fluffy head to make a beat, I follow suit. I look at the lawn, it's a summer day, and I see beyond the trees a giant woman, young, in her mid twenties in a red sweater. Her movements are like those of a hot air balloon, kind of has that appearance, otherworldy. Her giant boyfriend comes and hugs her and they lumber off walking over me as I look up. I pass some playing kids and begin to run into the dark forest on all fours, at first I think it's weird but it works really well, feels natural. I go amazingly fast. In a room, the light overhead is orangey and overbearing. It's like a children's room. I'm trapped in it with a man and a woman who are also prisoner. I wait for our captor to return. I lose all hope and somehow it gives me strength. Resolving that I will risk dying to escape, I prepare to rush my captor, in my mind I whisper "I am now free".