In light of recently reconnecting with an old school chum in waking life, I found myself in his presence within my dream. He was sort of guiding me along a path on some island where he lived. We came across a ferry that took us a short way across a very narrow river. On the other side, we met up with a few of his friends, some of whom I seemed to know, others I did not. I remember having packed an excessive amount of clothing, and fussing over what I would change into. I think my little sister showed up at one point as well. There was some important crux to this dream I am forgetting, but I really hope to start journaling regularly again. I need a greater sense of spiritualism and synchronicity in my waking life, and I used to obtain often those from my dream life. Here's to hopeful, consistent Dream Journaling once again.
I've been contemplating on sharing this but screw it lol I had a dream that I was at the third Island destination of Pokémon Ruby where the guy and his Pelipper Peeko bring you to with his boat. We then ship back to Dewford Town where a group of men came together at the cavern entrance to cause all sorts of trouble. As I walk towards the men I suddenly come to the realisation that I'm entirely naked, I hide in the local city theatre and put on a dress for the time being as I lock the glass door. A bunch of old girls I went to school with at some point in my life are all knocking on the door wanting to see me naked. A short girl whom I was classmates with in 5th grade enters to tell me about her birthday party where they're also getting naked. I go to the backstage area of the theatre and grab some shirt and pants to put on as I walk to my room (which is in the theatre for some reason) as I walk towards my room (which is my bedroom on my family home) I notice a girl on my computer writing down a questionnaire, she tries to run away but I angrily grab her and hold her as I ask her what's going on. She tells me about her bad experiences with her boyfriend and that she was writing a list with questions for me. I slowly let go of her and let her tell her story. We then chill as she's leaning her head on my shoulder, I them hear a voice telling us we should kiss so we do. I then ask if she wants to go further to which she consents, I lift her up and walk towards my door to lock it as I suck on her breasts and lay her on my bad, I'm about to go down on her when I hear the jingle of a gameshow with an announcer saying "And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a wet dream!" as the girl slowly disappeared into my bedsheets. I stare at my empty bed before waking up for real, minutes before work starts. Wet dream within a dream, how meta. Dream was in Dutch and English.
Updated 07-21-2023 at 12:07 PM by 81762
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening I am at home and I see people outside. I take a peek and see a group with backpacks sitting outside. I talk to them through the window, they are Brazilian and are a bit lost. They want to stay the night at my house, don't mind sleeping on the floor. But I say absolutely no, they insist, don't understand my attitude. I am freaking out and tell them to please get out of my land and I close the gate. There is one among them who is quite a hunk and I feel kind of sorry to let him go, but I think of my safety and the safety of my furry babies and I insist they can't stay, because I really don't know their intentions. In London, close to my old friend Stephen. I decide to pass by his door, and it is open. I go upsairs and I hear lots of voices. I turn around, changing my mind, but he appears on top of the stairs and recognizes me. Actually now he is not Stephen anymore but my old friend Joan from Catalunia. I go inside and they are having a slumber party, and my friend Tania is there! When we are ready to sleep, I ask to stay because I don't want to go take a bus, but there is no room and also all my stuff is at the hotel I am staying. Arriving to NY by boat, with Riverstone and Nighthwak. I don't know where Riverstone is, he is going around meeting other people. I took a shower and I am on the sofa wrapped in a towel watching some romantic live action Disney fairytale. Nighthawk turns it off at the very end when the plot unravels and the prince declares his love to the princess. Or at least I expected so. I complain he turned it off, ahead of the ending. He replies that he thought the movie was over already. I say no, it is obvious that they are in love with each other and he was going to say something. Then I feel like maybe he knew it and that was why he turned it off. There is an awkward silence between us and I realize the hidden meaning of what happened. Then he says ok, but doesn't mean they should be together, she should be with the other guy who says things down to earth, not the enchanted prince because he says poetic stuff or whatever. I disagree. We then sit for lunch at the cafeteria. Love is in the air, despite the BS he just said. The boat reaches the shore and my mom, who was there waiting for us, comes rushing that she has bought tickets for a ferry around Manhattan, but it leaves in a few minutes. She grabs my purse and I run after her, forgetting all my luggage behind. At the dock I tell her I need to get my luggage first, she is upset that the other boat is in 5 mins or so, bit I also get angry that she took my purse with my documents and cell phone and I had to follow her but and leave everything behind. Then she denies having done it and says she doesn't have my purse. I cant believe it. I am going back to the boat to get my luggage and I say we can take some other ferry later and she needs to look for my purse meanwhile. But the boat is gone and I run around looking for it or someone from it. I do meet a girl who was also a passenger and she has the key to a van where all the bags left behind are stored to be taken elsewhere. She allows me to look for mine and there it is. But now I must find my mom again or I am alone, stuck with no documents.
Reality/Non-Lucid/Semi-Lucid/Lucid Hrs slept: 5, then 2 more I have been recently trying to incorporate WBTB with my MILD, but last night I was lax - didn't do any mantras. However I was woken up by the cat at the right time, so I stayed up a little and did a visualization. No lucids but the dreams I had were pretty vivid. Went to NYC with Becca for Jessica’s 21st birthday. We were in her house with her 3 roommates, one of them was Carrissa. Becca and I seemed to be as excited as Jessica, and no one else was. So we started getting ready. I was hanging at a small square table near a kitchen area with her roomies and Bec had gone into Jessica’s bedroom with her. The kitchen I was sitting in was yellow, and it was by a railing that seperated it from the living room/entry to the house. Beyond the kitchen through one door was Jess's room. This seemed to be the entire house. So we start talking about nails and are comparing nail beds. Then I go into Jessica's room and see she has music videos playing on a big screen tv on the wall and the a smaller tv on the opposite wall playing the same thing. Confustion>>> Next Becca and I are trying to leave the city? And our moms are around somewhere, I think. So we run and catch this tiny ferry, thinking it’s going somewhere and it happens to be full of these younger guys all in uniforms, like they were boy scouts or navy or something. It’s nighttime at this point. More confusion>>> I’m still trying to get home but I have Smokey (my real life cat) with me!! Still night. I’m walking and clutching her for dear life and she wants to get down. We pass numerous dogs and she’s shaking in my arms. Then I get to a subway station and am pretty positive I can’t take pets on board. I look and see a “No Pets” sign, it was blue with white letters. So I’m thinking wow, I should have NEVER taken a cat into the city, and thought of Mindy who knew I did it (even though I took her without asking) and she was probably thinking I made a mistake. So this subway is somehow in Queens, and at that point I realize I can’t board a plane with her, and can’t really take a taxi anywhere. What I needed was someone to drive me home! (I think I may have been semi-lucid for this dream, cause once I realized there was no way to get home, I woke up). Fragment- Somewhere in those dreams I was at home hanging out with L and we got a feeling a ghost was near. It was dark in my room, and I was looking down at the stairs and we saw a shadow figure, to me it was some old lady, creepishly crawling up to us! I distinctly saw a hand figure and her move up the stairs. Then she was upstairs, we could sense it, and so I said kind of aggressively (only cause I was freaked out ) “Leave! You can get out!” and I don’t think she did because then the attic door kept opening by itself.
My dreams starts out with me standing on a rocky cliff overlooking the ocean. It's nighttime and the moon is out, reflecting it's light on the water. My dog Milo is with me. As I look out over the water, I see the bright lights of what looks like a large ferry approaching in the distance. It's moving fast and heading right for us. Seeing that there are no docks or peirs nearby for it to pull up to, I realize that it's going to crash. I turn and start running, yelling at other people around me, "Run! It's going to crash. Run as fast as you can and don't look back!" I keep running, wanting to look back but I don't because I want to get as far away as I can. The ferry was close, so as I'm running, I'm expecting any second for it to come crashing up on shore behind me. I finally reach a house and run inside and start running up the stairs, trying to get as high as I can. But at the top of the stairs is a grate. I climb up through it and find myself in a town square of sorts. It's still nighttime and there is some kind of parade or procession going on. It looks like some kind of royalty riding by in horse drawn carriages and waving to the crowds of people standing around. At this point I woke up.
I am on an ornate cruise ship that is designed for common people to meet with royalty. I am with a friend of mine that looks like a girl I used to know in highschool. We are all stood around in lines in our finest gowns, waiting for one of the royals to walk by and pick from us whomever they are interested to meet. Some sort of prince goes by me and I am not picked. I am not really surprised at this as I feel rather old compared to most of the others. As this round is over we are told to move up to the next level, which is actually up a few floors. Here we are sat down in what looks like theatre seats. Again, a royal starts working his way down the line. For some reason I decide this is a good time to put cream on my legs as they are feeling dry. The cream has a look and texture similar to chocolate pudding. I get it done just in time. I think I must have been picked because now only a few of us are leaving the group to go up a few more floors. Here, in a line again, we are faced with a young girl. She goes through each of us, first tapping us on the shoulder then pulling us forward, mocking us and laughing. She thinks we're pathetic. When she does it to me, I laugh too. She picks me. I'm pulled forward into a space in front of the crowd and I see the royals. It's more like one prince and his friend/servant/advisor. He's sat beside the prince and he looks very bored. He frustratedly tells us that we should "dance or something", so we do, and he likes how the girls dance sexy. Suddenly it's over and the royals are whisked away. It's time to get off the cruise ship, to find our train, but I don't know where my son or friend is. I start going down levels, searching. I am questioning whether it was level 9 or 7 that I was originally on. Some random guy is trying to help me but it's slow going. He's asking people if they have seen my friend. We come across this crowd and someone tells me to watch out, there is a massive spider on the wall nearby and they know how I am terrified of spiders. I see what they are pointing at, it's a bubble of fabric on the wall that is moving in an irregular way. It frees itself from the wall and I see it's really just a leather jacket. I tell them their mistake. A massive gorgeous moth lands on the floor suddenly and someone grabs it. S/he starts breaking pieces off of it like it's made of some sort of brittle taffy and handing the pieces out. I freak out at the cruelty of this, but there is no reaction so I move on. I go into a lift and down another floor. There is a frustrated couple in there with me, trying to get to their floor. I finally find my son and ask him where his Papa is. He says Papa is by the car, and I ask him where the car is. He just says "down", so down we go in search of him. The car is parked in some of the many decks below, rather like a ferry. I am overwhelmed with the idea of searching blindly for it.
I see a friend of mine, she's on some sort of ferry/cruise ship kind of thing. It's just been very painstakingly cleaned for her, I get the impression my friend is famous or important some how. She has an entourage with her, including her Mom and Grandmother. I am not sure where the ship is going or why it's going anywhere. She's in her gorgeous room, it's very beautifully decorated in the style of what I remember of Versailles. She is trying to speak German, but it's not working. She has a doctor's appointment, so the doctor enters the room. She begins talking about the pill she is on and how it's made her gain weight. She refers to her Grandmother a few times, but her Grandmother keeps saying "Not this time, dear" and waving the questions away. I become aware that her Grandmother won't talk about the issue of birth control because she's too embarrassed.