Was my birthday yesterday, fell asleep in a good mood I dreamed that I was at my workplace, but it was a different workplace and this old man accused me of filling the printer with goo or something despite the fact that I hadn't been to the office in a while. I then sit in an express bus driven by no one other than Tyler The Creator, who gets into a fist fight with an old man, different one from before, before telling the man to return to his place as we've almost reached our destination. Tyler then proudly shows us a pet bird he just adopted. We get dropped off in South East Amsterdam where everyone leaves into an apartment while an angry looking cat walks into my direction. I get into the apartment quick wondering how I'm getting to work tomorrow. I then woke up. Dream was in English, Tyler's part at least, and also in Dutch I think. The express bus was probably influenced by the fact I travelled to the Netherlands this weekend and on my way back someone got stabbed in the train and all other trains were cancelled because of it, after being stranded for three hours, an express bus picked us up snd brought us to a connecting station.
Vague recollection of beating someone up. He was taller than me and I thought to myself that it was weird I was defeating him so easily. He barely seemed to put up a fight.
Updated 08-08-2016 at 03:00 AM by 17412
16.11.2014Signing up for Passionate Mode Fight (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID There was some sort of fight, like a challenge in a colosseum and you could get massive glory if you won the fights. These were I believe, fist fights, with no weapons. For some reason, I wanted to compete (I am very gentle in waking life) but I was told not to. I left the building and saw two doors, one said, "Passion" and the other one "Warrior" I figure these would be different fight modes. I looked back a few times and sneaked into the "Passion" mode as I am passionate. I was unnoticed and I signed up for a tournament. The place in the inside had like graves and some areas were you would pile up bones. I was talking with my mom and told her about the tournament. I told her that if I got killed she could pick up my bones in some hole. My mom appeared peaceful about that. I also wanted to find my wife, but could not see her. I saw a fight, there was a young Asian male against some an African american male who appeared much older. The Asian guy kicked the other's guy butt big time and I realized I was going to get hurt big time in there as I could not fight, so I left. I walked by a restaurant that apparently I worked at. It was 6:22 and my shift was supposed to be from 5:30pm to 6:30pm (some shift that is haha) and there was a co-worker asking me to give him a hand, which I did. As I got into the restaurant, I saw a female who was the manager. She said we all would eat together and they had some nice food. She wanted to see my punch card to make it an upgrade. My punch card was a pin with the shape of a wolf (A pin I own in waking life) As we were about to eat, the phone rang and I pick i up. This was from the tournament reminding me of my fight. They asked me if I wanted to concede or if I was going to fight as it would start in 10 minutes and I was not there. I said I was going to be there (even though I planned not to) and I was glad I gave a fake name.
My dreams are mostly jumbled and nonsensical. I dreamed that I found a DVD case. It was for a Disney movie. I was worried I was ruining a collector's item, but unwrapped it anyway. There was a children's book inside, sort of a young adult's book, that was missing the first three chapters. It looked like they'd been ripped out. The subject matter of the book was Arthurian legends. I opened another DVD case, and Minnie Mouse hopped out. She got into a fistfight with a Disney Princess (Tiana) over who was the best. Tiana won. Minnie was still pissed off over getting her ass kicked, so she challenged me to a duel to the death. I refused to fight a cartoon mouse, though. I picked the book back up and now the chapters were back. I woke up, scratched my head over the dream, and lay back again. I woke up and dozed a few times while trying to visualize. I try the cottage from last night - no luck. While I am doing the visualization, I actually lose awareness as I fall asleep, but I must still be thinking about it, because as soon as a dream starts it's me sitting down in front of my laptop. I manage to link this to my prior visualization and realize that I am not actually awake, because the last thing I was doing was exploring an imaginary cottage, and I never got out of bed, but I am not in the cottage either, so I realize I am dreaming. I forget to stabilize. Instead, I dive into the laptop screen, trying to use it as a portal, but everything goes gray. Not black... gray. I wander around in the grayness. I can see vague forms, and I can feel my feet shuffling along the ground while I try to conjure up a dreamscape... I'm afraid to open my dream-eyes because I'm worried I'll wake up. I open them, and I do. Still... it wasn't pitch blackness, so I guess I'll call that progress.
D, and J are with me. We were scoping out this crowed building full of mobsters. I think they called a meeting together, and we were sitting near the entrance. J started randomly hitting his panic button on his car. Over and over. One guy was getting pissed. I had something...like a mirror. I used it and flashed it in his eyes. He kept talking trash, and we all gave each other that look, and started rushing all of them at the same time. I went for the trash talker...he had to be about 6 foot six. I was hitting him with straights and elbows. Then the guy pulls out a 22. I backed off ducked around the corner, saw D disarm a guy with a .45 and point it at the other dude. We continued to wreck shop on these guys while backup came to handle the situation. I came in another room where a kid was at, and I swear she had drugs on her. I frisked her, and she was clean. Someone else was watching me, and I told them "damnit I quit". I wasn't going to write up this long drawn out report about how we ended up in a gun fight without finding any drugs. My plans were to move to California and handle the rest of the case my own way, since I remember they said that was their main base of operation. I met up with the guy who was the girls father, and he was offering me these 12 packs of stimulants for the drive over there. I'm wondering where he came up with all of that crap, and I've never even seen most of the stuff there. Either they're banned, or just don't exist. Maybe this is our guy.....
Scattered dream...maybe I was waking up and that's why I can't piece everything together....anyways. Come at me BRO I'm watching someone fight, some random cat...and I don't jump in because I don't know who the heck they are. One guy wins, and he's mad at me...apparently he's J's brother. J magically shows up, and starts punching me. He yell's something about not helping out. I told him what the deal is...and it's me vs. them two for a while. Fight of my life type shit...since he's waaaaaay stronger than me IRL. I was just trying to defend myself for the most part. D shows up...and we square off. D talks them out of it for a second. Then asks me to drop his kids off....then I'm like...hold up, isn't that just running? I might as well finish taking this ass whooping now than leave. Can I stop dreaming about this? There's this guy preaching about something at my house....he walks inside. My pops arrives and tells him to get out...I was really surprised because he was mad. The guy leaves...and then J's kids come over to eat. I think I serve them hotdogs, and one of them just pours a pile of salt over the hotdog and doesn't eat it. I obviously got mad and yelled at her...telling her that she needs to eat her food, or not ask for so much. I felt bad after words and told her I loved her. Something else about walking through a field....but I turned around because I had a feeling I was going to see snakes everywhere. I'm in a crowded room, and we're watching these highlights of the NBA Playoffs. Specifically when Jordan was playing against Alonzo Mourning's and Charles Barkley's (my two favorite players) teams that they were on. Something else came up about genealogy...and I had to remind two people they were related. We kept watching it and sat down, and there was cheerleader sitting in my lap. I had one hand on her thigh, and on on her back. I could tell she was cold and what not, but I tried to pay attention to the game. I moved my arm around her, my hand off of her thigh because I noticed my hand was pretty high up there. She leaned forward so my arm wouldn't be touching her at all. Then she said something like don't try anymore of that stuff. Which was kinda weird...cause I thought I was the one moving away....hell whatever. There's a guy sitting in front of us with a clean cut afro who she's practically sitting next to now because of the leanage. He asks her "so who you wit". Or something cheesy like that...she says no one. And I told the guy "I'm still Mr. Solo...she's just a friend or whatever". I was a little upset at how sneaky the guy tried to be...but at the same time I was just like "fuck it".