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    1. September 11, 2024 11:?? am

      by , 09-11-2024 at 10:27 AM
      I dreamed about working at the festival Amsterdam again but with my friend from Belgium. Halfway through the dream I suddenly work at a fancy restaurant in Paris similar to the one from The Bear (idk I haven't seen the show yet) and Rihanna casually visits talking in Dutch about her being allergic to "tonggoed" We hang out with her for a while. I then play Football with the staff's children inside the restaurant after hours and every time I ALMOST hit a valuable statue or lamp with the ball but ultimately miss
    2. Night of Wednesday 3/22/23

      by , 03-23-2023 at 04:14 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm walking through the second floor of production at work with MM. There is a stressful situation and they need my help to solve.

      There is a marching band show happening in a stadium. My view is from above. The formation is a large spiral shape and it takes up most of the football field.

      Updated 03-23-2023 at 11:32 PM by 99808

      dream fragment
    3. 28 Sep: People and demons trying to kill me all night

      by , 09-28-2021 at 11:07 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Someone trying to kill me. Can't recall details.

      At what appears to be some back offices of some warehouse. Some lady and her daughter went in there as customers wanting to complain of something. I am alone in an office with them. They turn into some kind of mutant aligator-mouth canibals and want to eat me and someone else who just came in. The younger lady catches the other guy and kills him and I am trying to escape the older lady, but the exit is blocked by the corpse of the other man being eaten and I am stuck, climbing shelves and throwing things at her. She manages to bite my hand and it is really painful. But I hit her with something and escape. Manage to hold on to some ropes or cables from the ceiling and try to escape through the false ceiling, but get entangled in the cables. she keeps tying to reach me and sometimes manages to take a painful bite in an arm or leg. I hold on for dear life and then 3 unlucky guys from some next door offices come by and they attack them instead, giving me time to escape. I lock the door behind me, but then feel sorry for the poor guys and unlock it again, to offer them a chance to escape, even knowing that also gives the monsters a chance to kill more. As I escape down a hallway that has a wide window view to that room, I see them laying the 3 dead man in line and ripping flesh from their limbs, all happy like kids with new toys.

      I am at my mom's house, at my old bedroom, looking at my closet for some clothes to wear and suddenly I have to run away as some crazy serial killer is in the house and tries to kill me. I take the elevator and decide to hide in the tiny compartment that exists under the stairs at the ground floor. If he doesn't know the building, he won't even look at it. Unfortunately this killer has some kind of sixth sense of super hearing. He comes across someone at the entrance lobby and they say good morning or whatever and in that meantime I breathe a bit deeper and he looks back and sees the door and instinctively knows I am in there. When that other person leaves, he grabs me and then I blank. When I wake up somewhere else, turns out he is the devil, but a sexy devil. And with him are two ladies looking like prostitutes with goat legs and hoofs. He has sex with both of them and somehow I get involved and feel him penetrate me. I confess it was actually hot and pleasurable, but I don't want to turn into one of his whores, so I try to escape again. We are in some kind of house in the middle of nowhere and I can't get out. He then tries to poison me and also the other ladies, because they actually saw me trying to escape and did nothing to stop me. He orders us to drink some pasty thing that tastes like hell. I hope it won't kill me for just putting it in my mouth, so I do but do not swallow. Then spit it out as soon as I can. He takes us to a giant bed but then it is no longer a closed bedroom but in the middle of a very populated place like a stadium and the bed is like a stage and everyone is in some concert/event. I mingle with the people and meet lots of familiar faces from my school years. Then there is a football game for old times sake and as it used to happen, nobody wants me on their team. But this time I kick balls (literally) and right away score a goal and then more. All the guys are kinda upset with me, even those in my own team, because they aren't playing shit and they feel embarassed. So they stop playing and leave. I then realize I was left alone with just some child and some guy and this place is now like a deserted building we are trapped in. Outside is a completely different planet and the atmosphere isn't breathable. Here we will die, so we decide to make a run to a spaceship parked a few dozen meters away from the building. The gravity and air pressure is the same as on Earth and the air isn't toxic but has very little oxygen and so we can only hold our breath or breathe it for a little while before passing out. We hold our breath and run for it but we collapse half way, just in time to see a ship approaching and a bunch of my friends coming out to rescue us
    4. Hiking for a week

      by , 07-05-2021 at 01:21 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      Notes: I’ve been in the Swedish mountains for a week walking with some cousins. Had some pleasant dreams during the time.

      Dream— I’m walking in the woods and become semi-lucid. I start to fly up a hill and try to understand how the dream is able to generate new landscape as I fly over the hill. I focus on how rocks and flowers move past me and feel blessed to be able to feel calm and enjoy nature.

      Dream — I’m walking in the mountains and summon water balls that travel forward without gravity affecting them. As they move forward they increase in size so that they always appear to be the same size for me. When they hit a mountain I realize how big they have become as they splash and create a big water explosion on the mountain. An old man appears and he asks what powers I have. I shoot six water balls against the mountains and wait until they collide. The old man becomes very impressed with the power of the water and asks if I can summon tornadoes. I try to but does not succeed. He shows me a special grip with his hands and creates some kind of circle with his hands. As he blows through the circle white clouds begin to create a mini tornado. I do the same and succeed this time. A big tornado sweeps over the landscape and hits a house but the house is strong enough to withstand the tornado. I’m in the city and see some people in my age that talk about school and I think about how I don’t need to do school because I’m a superhero. Someone needs help and there is a teleporter next to me but I decide to fly instead. I fly over some waters and my flying is really fast but I can’t fully control it. An old man on an island awaits me but he doesn’t need any help. He talks about a rabbit and a carrot. I leave and I’m suddenly in an apartment with two girls. The are about to leave but I ask if they can stay for some more time.

      New dream — I’m by the big road leading in to town and there is a class writing an exam there. I feel happy because I have already completed that exam. I am about to do a side flip because I feel happy but remember that they have an exam and slow down which makes it so that my side flip fails. I am about to fall into the water but I am able to grab the edge and try to go up again. It takes a lot of effort and I can’t do it.

      New dream — I’m the leader of a freak gang. I ask a man with a face like the joker’s why he dresses like that and he intimidates me. I try to stay tough but he scares me. The punk girl and I have some kind of romantic relationship but when I leave the room I see her naked jumping on another man in the room. I leave the room feeling a bit hurt. I enter a new room and a normal boy about 13 years old greet me.

      New dream — A girl with character in my age invites her family over to my house 09.30 the next day. I forget it and go for a walk. The next day the family is angry with me because I forgot to tell my family and didn’t even show up. My parents are there but they don’t have emotions. The mom of the other family takes the responsibility to tell me how I need to take more responsibility and that I need to do better. She has some kind of kindness towards me too. The girl and I have a relationship and I am attracted to her. She invites me to a party and I accept. Some blonde guys in nice suits in my age are riding motorbikes and ask me if I want to ride with them.

      New dream — Eni and I play football on a small grass field and he wins. I feel bad because I’m so bad at football.

      New dream — Mom and I are hiding in a bush and it’s dark outside. Some gangsters walk past us and drop some plastic blue, yellow and red coins. Mom picks them up.

      Notes: We walked a whole day in the forest with lots of mosquitos and put up our camps 01.00 am. Everyone was tired and felt bad. I had a lot of worried dreams which made it hard to sleep. They were about walking tired and a lot of mosquitos.

      Updated 07-07-2021 at 11:19 AM by 97565

    5. Football. Airship mission. Pussle. Flying.

      by , 06-08-2021 at 10:08 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm playing football with Gabriel and Albin and some other people that all are immigrants outside. It reminds me of my old school. Gabriel is on the opposite team and touches the ball with his hand which makes it so that we get a free kick. A person from our team quickly shoots the ball but misses. After some time another person touches the ball with his hand which makes it so that we get another free kick. I am able to kick it but decides to give it away since I feel that it is going to go bad. After some time a person from my team makes an impossible shot. He shoots with the outside of his foot and get a really good spin that makes it so that the ball turns right mid air and goes in the right lower part of the goal. Some kind of magic is present that lets me do something evil against a person but I don't remember what it was.

      Notes: Yesterday I thought about how I wanted to play some sports but that I have to wait until I meet some friends I can play with.

      I'm on an airship around a round table with some other older people. They discuss a plan that I am a part of. I'm outside the airship and looking out.

      I'm riding a cart on a rail in a dark tunnle with some other people in my age. We arrive in a dark old room that is made of old wood. There are now about 4 other people in my age and my chemistry teacher. There are some levers that I test out. When I turn one on a rail system is changed above us. There are several railtracks that we can use but only one is the right path.

      I'm flying with a woman in the sky. The clouds are pink and I try to enjoy but a constant worry is hanging over me.

      Notes: My mood has been fluctuating a lot recently.

      I'm talking with mom in the guest room.

      Updated 06-08-2021 at 10:15 AM by 97565

    6. Jumping on trampoline, poop. Shooting aliens, captured, love.

      by , 10-01-2020 at 03:41 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I drink extra water in order to wake up in the night. I wake up 03:37 and write down this dream.

      I'm bouncing at the Sturkö trampoline with another person. Suddenly all this fertiliser poop is dropped next to me on the trampoline. Me and the other person quickly go out of the trampoline. My sister is there and I ask her if it was her doing. She is serious and says that she needed to do it for something important. I walk in The Green House and see Tobbe M there. He talks about football. Gradually Tobbe transforms into Klaus and he starts to scream loud. He screams about football and how the judges are bribed in a crazy manner.

      Notes: Klaus screamed in a very scary way.

      When I went to bed again and tried to WILD I got some real pain in my left foot. I moved my foot and felt if something hit my foot but nothing had happened.

      I'm by a gas station and there are some aliens shooting at us. I shoot back but get captured. I am being transported to some kind of house that is slimy. I am half lucid because I try to actively wake myself up here. I am being led to a passageway and I meet a dead end. There are some holes in the wall to the right with some kind of thick liquid running through them vertically. An alien in the front that also is a prisoner is crawling into a hole and disappears. I take my hand in to the hole to feel if there is air on the other side of the liquid. I feel a wall and I assume that the alien was able to teleport. I do the same thing with the second hole and find that there is also a wall stopping me from entering there. The third hole doesn't have a wall and I am able to crawl through even tough it is very uncomfortable, especially since it is a very claustrophobic passage. When I am through I find myself in a doom shaped room. There is a bench that I go to and sit. An alien that is humanoid enters, I think that she is about my age and attractive. She comes to me and we start to kiss. She sits on my left leg. I don't know how long time we interact but I am suddenly with other humans that I know. I talk to Diego and he is mad at me because I kissed the girl. He seems to be interested in her by the way that he is talking about her. I tell him that it was only a dream and that it's okey. '

      Notes: I talked about it being a dream in the dream but never got fully lucid and got hold of my IRL memories.

      Always when I have a love interest non lucid dream I wake up with energy and happiness.
    7. Looking for a cake, feeling worthless in football, trying to WILD

      by , 09-28-2020 at 02:18 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      Got hyped to try WILDing again and started to read Sageou's guide again. Drank some extra water before I went to bed so I could try it in the night.

      I'm playing a game with Olle where you get attacked and buy plants in order to defend that I have never seen or played before.

      Notes: I played a game where you place rose bushes in order to hurt enemies some days ago.

      I'm at a big football field. We are playing football but the ball is smaller than usual. I am the goalkeeper and feel out of place. The other team keeps shooting balls at me and I am incapable of grabbing the ball. I try to jump to the left in order to save a ball but my jump is really short so I fail. I feel that my team is starring at me and know that I should have been able to save that shot. There is a free kick and I am to kick. When I look at my feet I notice my shoes. I have my working shoes that are really big and is not fit to make precise shots with. I run and kick the ball. The ball flies to the left but my team manages to take the ball back. I run for the ball but someone from the enemy team grabs my shirt and pulls me back.

      Notes: I heard someone speak about football yesterday. Life is tough now and I have some problems at home. I feel like I am the goalkeeper who can't handle his position.

      I wake up and have to go to the bathroom 06.05. I stay awake for five minutes, write in my tag book, and then go to bed. I think about how I want to eat a cake in my dream. I lay still and feel my body disappear. I fall asleep.

      Mom walks in my room with a half onion while I lie in my bed. She is trying to charge the onion with a phone charger. I realize it's a dream but it fades as I do so. I wake up in my bed and do my RC and realize it's a dream. I walk up to the door and my eyes are clogged and it's hard to open them up. I walk outside and feel my face with my hands. I don't have much sensations and it's mostly dull. I undress in order to become more lucid and walk naked in town. I try to remember what I wanted to do and it's really hard and frustrating in the beginning. I remember that I wanted to eat a cake and walk past my school in order to find a cake. The dream fades.
      Tags: football, games
      non-lucid , lucid
    8. 25 Sep: Hurricane, transgenders and orgy with a priest

      by , 09-25-2020 at 07:50 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      A hurricane hits my hometown. I am sure it won't affect my mom's but I come to see how the town is doing. There is water everywhere, some neighbors adjacent to her are struggling to leave. My mom is ok but she is now isolated. My house is even more inaccessible but I am also not very concerned about it and I think it is far enough to be out of danger. In any case, I have some sort of another life underground and I am not deeply worried with what happens on my house at the surface.

      I am with a couple of girlfriends in a car. One of them has a new boyfriend who is african and very short, almost like a pigmee. We know it's not ok to make jokes about him so we crack jokes about each other instead and he has a blast. They make a really cute couple.

      I am a football genius like Ronaldo and I want to help a small team of transgenders in Brazil so I pretend to be a transwoman (while being a man) to be able to play for them. They are not good and they are about to play with an all male team. Everybody expects them to suck, so people can make fun of them. But with me as a captain they play quite well and everybody is blown away.

      I watch as a gay priest, who looks like Ten Danson, gets a deacon who is also gay and feelings between the two start to emerge. One day they are coming from some mission together and there is a lot of complicity going, some touches, happy smiles. The deacon is from a very rich and noble family and the priest walks him to his family mansion. He wants to go in but resist at first. Then he comes back with something to say or do as an excuse. He is invited in and they go the the large living room and get cozy in a couch talking. They drink a little bit and start making out. The sister of the deacon, who is a bit insane and looks like a young Michele Pfeiffer, comes down from the upper floor, all naked. to go open the door to someone. They don't even notice her, but she did see them and couldn't care less. She opens the door and it is a lady she knows, who by the way is secretly a lesbian and lives as a respectable prude housewife. She is shocked to see the young girl like that. But as they walk further inside the house she also can't help herself and grabs the younger lady and licks her breasts. Apparently she intended to provoke that. That's when the other gay couple notices them. Embarrassment at first, but they end up making out in the same room together. Then a neighbor girl, friends with the naked lady, sneaks in to meet her and finds that scenario at the same time as the daughter of the butler. They aren't gay but the daughter of the butler is a nymphomaniac and seeing that scene, she immediately joins in and starts masturbating. The other girl has some serious nervous disorder that makes her horny when in stress. After a while trying to figure out what to do, she screams that they are making her horny as hell and also starts masturbating. Then someone else from this family who is not fond of the priest, comes in and sees this orgy going on. He films it secretly to later use it against him.

      In an unrelated dream later on, a lady trying to make it as a filmmaker, shows her film to a guy she is in love with, but he gives the tape back to her and says he hated it and doesn't understand what she was trying to accomplish. She is puzzled. She then goes project it for a room full of people in the movie industry, to get their opinions. The film starts normally with a woman parking her car in a basement and going to some house but then the movie cuts to the film of the real orgy of the priest that somehow the other guy edited into her film.
    9. Mission Impossible Football

      by , 07-20-2020 at 11:54 PM
      People are playing a game of football, but it isn’t a real game of football. This is some kind of a trick, and there are explosives and gas bombs and such hidden in the equipment. In the end, the real football game starts up, and I wonder about the believability of people wanting to play another game after having just played a game. There is also something about somebody singing (the National Anthem?) The fake guy sounded OK, but the real guy who was supposed to sing is supposed to sound better. This takes place, I think, on the UA campus…
    10. January 20th, 2020 Frags

      by , 01-21-2020 at 03:18 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      The idea that it was the last day of school, maybe college. I was w/ Kol in the mountains, the scene was very steep. Kendrick Lamar is there and I try to take a picture of him w/ Kol but we're on this very steep cliff and I'm afraid of falling down, I think end up falling off the cliff.

      I'm in my father's old house in my sister's room laying in bed, there's someone in bed with me but it turns into Pennywise or the idea of him. He busts through the door, I close my eyes in fear. I can feel the vibrations and weight of him stomping slowly towards the bed.

      The dream scene is at a summer camp. It feels like we've been there a while. Peck is there, we're in some sort of lodge. It's daytime but people are trying to sleep. I'm moving on a path throughout the camp that's surrounded by woods and a river. I keep thinking that I'm trying to leave the camp but it's not time yet.

      Another dream where it's the last day of high school. There's also a football game going on.
    11. A Cryptic Newspaper Headline

      by , 12-17-2018 at 09:24 AM
      Morning of December 17, 2018. Monday.

      Dream #: 18,991-04. Reading time: 1 min 22 sec. Readability score: 72.

      I am at a distorted variation of the Loomis Street house in late morning, in the living room. There is an unknown dark-haired female present of whom is likely meant to represent Zsuzsanna, as my conscious self identity is not extant. Mostly, I look at a newspaper. There are details about the Green Bay Packers, including random letters that supposedly relate to the status of their wins and losses. (I do not follow sports in real life.)

      I get into a conversation about the Green Bay Packers regarding their status. I inform the unknown girl when she asks about the football team that they are presently an “A.” After a short time, I am uncertain of this even though I had read about it. I look again at the newspaper. The headlines display “M, O, N, U.” I then tell the girl that they are a “U.”

      Reading is one of my most common activities in dreams, though sometimes unstable, such as letters or words changing, though this dream was stable. Since childhood, I have used it as a way to hone thinking skills and awareness while dreaming. However, the results have been surprising. Reading and discerning, as in this dream, seems to take priority over conscious self recall. That is, I can see the writing and read it, though I have no waking life memory of my current conscious self. I know of the Green Bay Packers, but do not recall I live in Australia or that I had not been to the Loomis Street house in over 20 years. That is how incredibly skewed and faulty dreams are.

      Still, there is something to learn here. The avatar seems to be the interconsciousness rather than the preconscious (as the simulacrum was not domineering as the preconscious typically is). I say that the team is “U.” So, I may be calling the transpersonal avatar “you.” The form would exist between man and mind. M, O, N, (mon or man), U, and the missing part is “mental,” as dreaming is within the mind. Monumental.

    12. Dream Journal Entry #4: A Teaching Moment, From Hockey to Football, and a Decaying World! +Fragments

      by , 06-04-2018 at 07:09 PM
      Dream: I was watching kids play ball hockey in what seemed to be my grades book gym. I must have been the coach because one of my kids scored to win the game so I ran into the court, picked up him up side ways and pretended to ram him through the rest of the players like an battering ram. All the kids were laughing. Our team was gathered together celebrating the win when I noticed a kid weeping. The rest of the team noticed as well and the mood changed from happy to sad. I asked him why he was upset and he said something like he didn’t feel included. I took him outside the gym to talk so he wouldn’t be embarrassed. I gave him some words of comfort and said something along the 'swearing is fun' to cheer him up. He laughed so I picked him up but he was heavy which I told him and threw him in the snow. Now that he was all cheered up we walked back to the gym.

      As I enter the gym I notice it is an ice hockey arena with grown men playing hockey. I can see their faces clearly when suddenly everything transforms into a football game. The players play as though it’s rugby rules with constant lateral passes.

      The surrounding area now turns into a tropical beach with the outskirts of a big city and an ocean a few yards after a small cliff and a rock plateau. I noticed my friends were gone. I also noticed at least somethings moving along the plateau a large (they turned out to be crabs) rabid man ran to the front of the pack and snatched one to eat. I turn back and realise I don’t know anybody. There’s a man sharpening a knife under a long tarp near the street. I can tell he’s bad. I offer him something to look through like a telescope or binoculars but when he opens the casing to look through his face his shot with this thick beige mold like really thick oatmeal which I hope kills him. He starts laughing maniacally. I realize I had gotten that strange material from my friends who were trapped under the surface of the ground but had turn to zombies with purple and blue shiny eyes. My attention returns to the man sharpening his knife, but now he’s crawling on his stomach as if he has lost the use of his lower body. He’s purple, silver, and shining. I’m trying to walk away but it feels hard to do so. I run into the city which is decaying except a place possibly called “Waysayckers”. I ask the guy if I could train martial arts there 24/7 but he tells me there’s no way he’d let that happen. I see a kid with small stickers or patches polka dotting across his go doing front kicks.

      Fragment: Moving into a house with roommates from my 3rd year of university and partying, smoking weed, drinking.

      Fragment: Sleeping in the same bed as Steve, looking at photos of me cut-out and dressed in real cloth.

      Fragment: Preparing soup lunches on the floor for my family

      Dream Sign Count
      Inner Awareness = 1
      Action = 0
      Form = 3
      Context = 1

      Total LD's/Dream = 0/4 = 0%

      Please comment and let me know if you think I missed some dream sign classifications in the journal entry!
    13. April 10, 2018 Non-Lucid

      by , 04-11-2018 at 08:16 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      The dream started at KC lakeview pool where I was lifeguarding. We were switching off stands. Kids were breaking a bunch of rules and not paying attention. I was blowing my whistle constantly and yelling at kids who were jumping in backwards and diving in.

      The dream goes to JMU football stadium where I'm in the front row on the small left side. There's a girl I'm talking to and we are shown on the jumbo screen. I think she's a cheerleader but we laugh and I notice she has blue eyes. I know that people saw me with this girl. The game ends and we leave. I see her right eye and realize it's fake, very obviously fake. We leave the game in a massive crowd but I walk away from her.

      I ride on the top of a skateboard or car that I think is an uber. As I'm pulling up a coworker sarcastically tells me thats a good way to get around. I'm inside the pool area where mason is trying to give me a fruit roll up. I go over to the alcove and apparently I'm in trouble for leaving. Austin is mad at me. I doubt him but tell him he could possibly be right.
    14. Night of 2/6/18 to 2/7/18 - 5 rounds of dreams

      by , 02-07-2018 at 02:37 PM
      Here are my dreams from last night. I had a long nap that afternoon so I think I went right to REM sleep or something because I had more dreams than usual.

      Dreams 2/6-2/7/18

      If you want to skip to the lucid parts, just CTRL + F "Reflection in the dark" and "Jimmy B" and those parts are high lit in green.

      Round 1 of Dreams

      There was a lot to these dreams but I feel I forgot some. This might be 50% of it.

      First thing I remember was going into this computer lab and seeing Josh P from school sitting with someone else. His face was really pimply and I said something like, so, have you been here a few days straight? The idea was that he hadn't showered in a few days straight and had just been staying in that computer lab. There was stuff before this. I was with some people before getting to that computer lab. but I fell back asleep before I could think of it.

      I think there was something with dogs. Like a dog going accross the road for a snack. Or digging something up or burying something.

      There may also have been something with bees. Like a bee landing on me but not stinging me. But I was scared it would sting me.

      After that, I had these plastic tubes of some kind of nuts. There was something with Animals, maybe horses. The nuts cost about a dollar 38 each. We were in a bigger field type of place. It was day time. There was this guy saying how the nuts cost money. I had a few packs, and figured 5 dollars wasn't much to share a few packs, so I was going to pass them around for people to sample, instead of having to buy their own. The guy then took handfuls of un shelled nuts, kind of like wal nuts, and started to throw them into the air. Once he threw them, he would shoot them with a shot gun and the nuts would be shelled in mid air. Then people would catch the shelled nuts in their mouths. There was a bit more to this but he basically one upped me. I woke up from this dream around here, I think, and thought about it some. I must have fallen back to sleep before I could fully remember it all.

      So then I laid there and thought of those dreams as much as I could, before these next ones began.

      For what I remember of these, they started in my old neighborhood. Someone was mowing their lawn really late, and I was going to go ask them to stop. I got this thought that the law said that they could mow their lawn until 10 or 11 P M. I was mad about that, but it was what it was. I turned around and needed to pee. I think that some guy picked me up in his car or something who lived on first avenue. I had just moved from 16th street to 14th, in the context of this dream. There was some talk about keeping his property safe or something. I think I went pee somewhere.

      I was in a bathroom and it was showing how there was a xylophone thing with keys with colors in this order. Blue, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Aqua Green. Something like that. It had to do with archery. There was a view of a muscular guy shooting a bow and arrow and aiming for a target. And the colored xylophone thing had to do with some scale of something. I remember thinking to myself that the blue should be after or around aqua green, not after the color red.

      Then there was something about going to this concert. There was some music I liked. Maybe music guys lined up to play music. Afterwards, I was on my phone, in the music store. It was not like the regular music store, just one my dream had designed. I was sampling songs in the music store and found I could listen to the song without paying but I had to keep the app open. So I did that.

      Then I was walking backwards down some stairs. The set of stairs had some steps that fit my foot and some that didn't. I was getting internet from the stores I was passing by to keep listening to my songs.

      I passed by this diner, and this african american fellow comes out and says, can you please help us? We need to sell this car. So I went up some black plastic kind of steps which were a bit longer than my foot each. And when I got inside, the car was like this small moving truck type of thing with a big logo of a candy bar on it. Apparently it was a vintage delivery car for that candy bar and it was selling for 800 to 1000 dollars. I thought to myself, I can't afford that. But they were putting it out front.

      There was some piece of plastic covering a piece of paper that I put in my mouth for some reason. Then there were 3 girls who were like, did you wash that before you put it in your mouth? I was like, actually, no, I should go wash it, and spit out all of my spit before I swallow my spit again, since it is dirty. So I went in to the next room to do that. Around then, my friend Mike was around and talking about how he was worried about his mother who he had to take care of. I was trying to reassure him. I felt kind of embarassed when really I wanted to impress them.

      Then, there was something about my friend Carl, who was very into a religious text. So, there was something where we were all lined up and waiting for this show. Then, from the room behind us, I could hear Carl reading from this religious text, and it said, "The people who are the characters in this world will be shown in that world" or something like that. The 3 girls turned to me and said, are you all friends or something like that? And I told them I wasn't really involved with their group. But if they wanted to meet Carl, they could just go introduce themselves. They really thought Carls religious text was cool.

      I was using my phone and Phi Write app. But Phi Write had 3 columns. I had to kind of right click and look for something that said wide view. Then I rotated the phone to land scape and it was a full screen one column view, but the back ground was pink. It had little guiding lines to write on that were like kid paper. So part of that was from waking up, thinking through the previous dreams, and then intending to dream journal. but I fell back asleep so i was trying to dream journal in the dream. That happens often.

      Then, a guy to their right said something like, will Mike go to school? There was this guy Mike who I knew who was having a hard time with life in some ways. The kid was saying how Mike was talking to him one day and really bringing him down with all the talk about how he is down. When I looked closer, the kid was wearing a big fake nose and funny glasses. He had a funny black wig thing on and a white shirt. He looked like a funny cartoon character. I was thinking of how the kids these days are so hard on each other and they should really be more supportive. The guy went on to say that Mike was telling him how he was with a girl but had a cold penis in the flacid position. And the guy was saying how he was with a girl with puffy nipples and could get an erection. So Mike should just go to the gym.

      That was the part I woke up from, and thought through the dreams. Luckily, I needed to use the bathroom too much to fall back asleep. I felt mentally kind of groggy thinking through these, and some of the ways I wrote things don't feel as clear. But I thought the dreams were very cool.

      Round 2 of Dreams

      I fell asleep for this round of dreams in some time but somewhat mindfully.

      I had some dream fragments before the main round of dreams began. They were just little moments when I was suddenly in a dream for like a split second, and then I was in my bed again.

      I had a few different dreams that seemed vague. One was of being in some kind of flight. Something to do with flying. I wish I could remember more about this. It seems like it was an interesting part but I just can't remember anything more about it.

      Another was that I was preparing my food, and saying that my sister could watch me prepare my food. I was preparing it in a small circular dish.

      The last thing I remember is being in some wrestling room. I was fighting in the wrestling room. There was an idea that I could wrestle someone and then one of us would slam the other into the padded walls and no one would get hurt. There was some intensity heating up in the dream and although I wasn't lucid, I remembered to relax. This helped and the whole conflict sort of ended, which felt healthy.

      Now that I write about it, I feel there was more to this dream, but I can't remember. Hopefully I will get better dream recall next round.

      Round 3 of Dreams

      This was an interesting dream with a lot of layers.

      First thing I remember is that I was on a football team. I think it was a college football team. And we were supposed to play at 10 A M, but it snowed. So the game got delayed.

      I think a bunch of stuff happened that day, which I don't remember much of.

      Then, I think we were on a bus to play the game at night. But it was around 7 P M and I was getting tired.

      So I think it was dark when we got to the game and I just went to sleep on an air mattress. Even in my dreams, I would rather go to sleep and have my night of dreams than to pull an all nighter!

      I remember when we got there there was something about closing up the gates. It seemed like some sort of religious thing almost. Or we were at a religious location.

      Now the memories get a little clearer. Within that dream, I was sleeping on this air mattress on the side of the game. So I woke up from sleeping on that air mattress within the dream, actually remembering some dreams from within the dream, that I don't remember now. I asked someone what time it was, and they said it was 3 to 4 A M. I was thinking to myself, no way am I playing football at 3 to 4 A M. I guess that could cause cycle readjustment induced Lucid Dreams, but I would rather just dream and sleep now. No one really bothered me, and I think I fell back to sleep a little.

      I think one of my dreams from this time around involved floating up around one of the walls at that place. It was kind of vivid at the time, but I felt I was watching a TV, not in a dream. Kind of weird to explain.

      I woke up again, thinking it must be about 5 A M. All the guys from both teams were wearing pink shirts and black shorts. They had some water bottle things. They were all in line to use the shower, which was just the coach squirting soap on them (with clothes on) and then them standing in a beach shower type thing (with clothes on). I got up and I wanted to know what time it was. I also remember trying to journal my dreams in a sequential fashion, but thinking that i should really just let it all flow like I used to, without worrying about what order it all goes in. So I think I was seeing words on my phone screen appear that related to previous parts of this dream, maybe even parts I forgot upon physically awakening.

      There were a lot of old school clocks around that said it was a little past seven A M, but I figured they must be an hour fast, or set wrong. I went to find my cell phone, which was a few feet from my air mattress. i realized how easy it would be for someone to have stepped on that. my phone said it was seven O seven A M, so, I figured somehow that was what time it was, and morning had come.

      I thought of playing in the end of the game. I expected if I slept again, the coach would come and shake me, wake me up, and make me forget my dream anyway. So I felt angry about that if it were to happen.

      This was when I collected that I must have somehow made the college football team. I also realized that I didn't have any pads to wear, or I couldn't remember where my pads were.

      it was still kind of dark at this point, but getting light. I laid back down. I was thinking of hiding my mattress under the bleachers so the coach wouldn't see me sleeping. Then, since everyone had left the field to go to the showers, I was afraid that some hungry person would come along and mug me in my sleep, but i tried to relax anyway. Then, i felt hands on me, but it was my friend, Jeff T, although I am not sure why he touched me. He said he was looking for his friend and I rubbed his back before he moved on. No hard feelings. I rubbed the very middle of his back.

      then, I got up and saw that the gates around the place were only made of bars, and someone could easily reach through and mug me through those gates. There were different kinds of gates and some that people could easily climb over, too. I hoped that there were more gates further out that were more secure.

      I got up and in the middle of this one field kind of place, saw the janitor from my high school. He was very involved with the high school football team. He looked like him from a distance, but when he got closer, he looked like someone else. He had two dogs, a white one and a grey one, that came towards me. Their leashes kept extending and didn't stop them. They were nice dogs. The guy said something like, oh, and the name of a religion I grew up with. Like, oh, those people, kind of whimsically.

      Next, I was walking to get some water or maybe brush my teeth. I had a cup of water that I was pouring into my mouth so as not to back wash. I heard some guys from the foot ball team getting pumped up by doing a rap. The guy said his position was called the height. I thought me meant guard or tackle, probably tackle. Then, he said a line about you better make good decisions, hedge 'em. I thought he was making a word play on hedge fund people, which seemed clever in some ways. There was a rap instrumental playing while he rapped.

      Then, I was drinking my water, pouring it into my wide open mouth. A girl walked by and said something like, that was so not what I needed to see. I got angry because I felt insulted or embarrassed.

      I walked out of the corridor I had been in and saw her walking by, so i went up to her. I had a change of heart and said, I am sorry if it bothered you to see my drink my water. And tried to make amends.

      She said that if I had family troubles, I need to roast a lot of garlic. Suddenly, I had a big plate of garlic in front of me. It was all chopped and looked roasted, but I usually steam my garlic, so it was steamed. It varied between yellow and light golden brown in color. I said, yeah, I usually steam mine, but roasted is great, too. It was on a white cutting board. I offered her some. She kind of looked weirded out and walked further on.

      Now it was indoors and it was a class room setting. That girl was sitting further up in the class and I was sitting around some other people. I remember there was some cool design to some of the buildings in this dream, but I forgot exactly what it was. But in this part, there was one red curtain, one green curtain, and in between them, a curtain that transitioned from green to red. I thought it looked really cool and was impressed by the color choices.

      I think that was when I physically woke up for a moment, and thought I had woken up in the football field again. It took me a moment to realize I was in my physical bed, and piece it all together, but once I did, it made alot of sense. I am lucky I didn't move right away, thinking I hadn't dreamed. Within the dream, I remember waking up from one sleep feeling like I didn't dream. But this time, I definitely woke up with a big load of dreams.

      I drifted back to sleep a little and saw a dream where I was laying inside this square thing. And there were kids looking in from above it. And then one of them kind of floated up into the sky.

      I woke up and laid there, remembering as much as I could of it all. I stayed still a long time, thinking back through them, but I wondered if I stayed still even longer, if I would have remembered more. because I continued to remember even after I adjusted a little. And there was definitely plenty more to remember.

      Just a note, from dream 1, there was a scene in which my town wanted to make it so that there was a fair or holiday in town on a Sunday. I didn't want this because it would make noise.

      From this dream, I remember thinking that if the coach called on me to play football, I might be able to do well. Then, I realized I was scared to play because I was never good at hitting in high school. I was thinking of myself as more of a mascot on the side of the team, just sleeping. But if I slept through this game, the coach definitely wouldn't ask me to play in future games. So I was weighing it all in my head.

      Round 4 of dreams.

      Before I write these dreams, I also want to write that in my last round of dreams, there was this moment where I was walking around. And I saw the sky. And there was a huge light orange moon in the light bluish grey sky. And I thought to myslelf, oh, it is a full moon. No wonder my dreams have been so vivid. That image came to mind after a while of laying back down. I tried to visualize the bright moon to see if any other memories came up, but nothing did.

      For this next round of dreams, I tried to do S S I L D. Basically I tried to focus on sense perceptions as I was falling asleep, sort of like a body scan. It helped me stay calm too I think.

      I will try to get the dreams in the right order, even though I think I forgot a lot. I had all these packs of Pokemon cards. Actually, they were more like starter decks. Some of them said left and some said right. I took this to mean that some cards were left oriented and some were right oriented. I was looking for the ones that said left. One deck, a very cool Hydreigon and Water deck, had no such distinction. I went to open it, even though I hadn't bought it. I hoped the plastic would go back together like new, but it didn't. As I looked through the cards, I saw these different proxy card print outs that were two sided. And then the main cards. So there were two sided cards now. There were lots of other decks, too. I think I had stolen the box or was thinking of stealing it.

      Then I was in this city place that transitioned from the Pokemon part. I was in some type of building and there was a stray cat running around. It ran all around and meowed a lot. I wanted to put out some milk for it. I was wearing my grey Pokemon shirt my sister got me in the dream. The cat came near me, so I wanted to play with him, or her. So I held out a part of my shirt, or a shoe or a hat or something, and the cat bit it ferociously. I got kind of scared, but then took my shirt off, to hold it out to the cat. I think it liked the attention. I think there was someone else who didn't want me entertaining the cat. This reminds me of waking life because we have stray cats around here. I always wan to help the stray cats and be nice to them but my Dad wants to keep them from feeling at home on our property. There might have been something to do with a janitor guy at this point. The stray cat was grey and white, like the stray cat I mainly see in the yard. It might be a house cat that just roams.

      This next part was cool. I was checking out at the local convinience store and complaining about smoke. Then, the next time I was there, I was at the check out, buying some things. I gave the guy money because the register said 30 to 40 dollars. He said, sorry it is taking so long for you to get here, but a bunch of people just won the lottery. I was like, oh, great, good for them, I am not in a big rush. I usually try to take the pressure off people rushing because everyone always seems to be rushing. So then, he was saying I had won 80 dollars. And then I looked and saw that he had given me two 100 dollars bills and a 20. So I had gotten 220 dollars and I was afraid he over paid me. He said he was glad I won the lottery because I was complaining about the smoke and now that will give me something to be happy about. There were a lot of people on line behind me. They were asking me what lottery tickets I had bought, but I had no clue. I realized that I had no memory of buying any lottery. There was a long line of people behind me and I wanted to tell them all not to smoke.

      The guy at the convinience store referred to me having been there earlier. Maybe that was where the Pokemon cards came from, or maybe it was just implanted context.

      I am glad to remember what I remembered from these dreams. They were pretty cool. I like the S S I L D attempt because even if it doesn't work, it helps me relax until I actually fall asleep. I might go on to have a fifth dream tonight. I need to set the intention not to move after I physically awaken, because staying perfectly still gives me the best chance to think back through the dreams. But sometimes I have an urge to stretch immediately and I worry that it made me forget some dreams. This time I had to move my arm for some reason and I wonder if it affected anything.

      Round 5 of Dreams. .

      Before I write dream 5 I want to mention that I had a dream flash last time which was of seeing my reflection in the dark. I saw my reflection in the dark and then realized it was a dream flash. My face kind of changed. It was my face with normal lighting only a black back ground. So there was my first moment of lucidity on this night.

      Also, in the last round of dreams, there was something with my Mom and my Sister living with me.

      This next round of dreams was interesting. I just kept laying in bed and having another dream. As I fell asleep, I tried to focus on body sensations like the feeling of my shoulder on the bed or the pillow on my head. I also had to try not to fidget so that I would fall asleep and not just keep fidgeting, which keeps me awake. I am surprised I slept so much since I had a 3 hour nap the day before, and I slept from like 8 P M to 6 A M except for being up to write dreams. But I am definitely awake a lot between laying there upon awakening to think through the dreams, writing them out, and then falling back a sleep.

      I will try to put them in order as best I can.

      First may have been there was an image of a continent of America. there was the little part where florida sticks off the bottom right, only it had to be rotated to be on the bottom left, or vice versa. As I did this, my blue tupperware lid had to be rotated.

      There was another part where I was on the beach near my house cleaning some litter. This is something I have done in the past. This time there were a lot of workers from the town helping. There is this tall grey cement wall at the end of the beach that is where some houses are. A big truck from the town came to help pick up the garbage and I was looking at a big pile of plastic lids in the branches of the bushes, but didn't think i needed to clean them now that the truck was here. My Dads friend Jimmy B turned out to be there. It was kind of a big dumpster truck. Jimmy shook my hand, but i felt a pin prick in my hand when he did. I looked, and he had put some sort of vial in my hand with a little poker thing at the top. I thought he had injected me with drugs and I was going to be hooked now. I started to panic and wonder why he had done it. But then, I realized it was a dream. I don't think I really got to do much within the dream, but I did get a moment of realizing it was a dream, which is always good. I think I woke up shortly after for whatever reason.

      There was an interesting part where I was with my Dad, but he was a funny cartoon villian like the Grinch or Plankton. The idea was that we were going to put a sign on someone's door that said, back in 15 minutes. This was going to trick them into thinking that it wasn't their house, or that they had to leave for 15 minutes. And then we could go in their house or something and eat cookies. So we teleported in and out of some houses doing this.

      Then, we were in our old house on the numbered streets, and the front door was open. There were people coming to the door for something, and then going. We were having milk and cookies. I looked down the steps and saw a rabbit and a squirrel, one directly behind the other. It seemed a bit unusual to me, but I did not become lucid. There was some warning about the squirrel. I didn't heed it, and indeed, it bit me in the lower leg. I think my left leg. It bit me and then ran. I felt scared, like I would get infected, and need to go to the hospital. But I thought of how I didn' trust doctors, and so I would just keep quiet about it, and try to heal it with metaphysics. I thought of putting some milk out for the squirrel. I started to worry that the people who were visiting would be bit by the squirrel, and sue us. So then a court case kind of played out in my mind and I didn't want to go to court. I didn't know what to do. I was pacing around the kitchen with my feet in the tiles, which I sometimes do when I am nervous.

      I woke up between each of these, so maybe they are separate dreams. But I just stored them in my mind and let myself drift to sleep again. I was surprised I built up so many dreams doing this.

      There was another part of the dreams in which two kids were getting power ranger outfits. One kid had pink panks with a stripe down the side with white, black and gold. The other kid, I forgot what color pants he got, maybe black. They were both sweat pants. Then, they bought this shirt thing that connected their upper bodies side to side, so that they had four legs, two arms and two heads. And they were pretending to be a two headed power ranger and going around the parking lot. This took place near the Rite Aid parking lot off of Forest Avenue. They didn't attack anyone, but just walked around the parking lot playing like a two headed power ranger. I think they also had masks. This part may have been connected to the part with the continent I mentioned earlier.

      There was another part at my house where I live now. Something in the hallway or the bathroom. Maybe someone in the bathroom behind a closed door. I think there was something with voices coming from the bathrooms, like there was someone in all of them. There was an interesting part with my Sister that I wonder if I will remember. But in this one part, I had to keep doing a lot of laundry. I think I had a girlfriend in the dream who was visiting, and we both needed clothes cleaned constantly. I didn't like doing so much laundry due to the water bill, but i had to gather the clothes and go do it. For some reason I was washing my gym shorts for the both of us that we had just worn, then washing gym shorts for us to have for when those got dirty.

      This part with my sister was cool. She was drawing something on some paper. It was like a person or something, I forget exactly what. Actually, now that I think about it, there was a lot more to this scene, but it seems vague. I drew some additional stuff on her picture, or made my own. It was something about her drawing a girl, because she liked to draw girls, and then me adding a huge monstrous bicep, which we joked about. I would always say, you know what she needs? A giant bicep. But there was a lot more to this scene that I just can't put my finger on. There was something about the paper folded into quadrants. Something tells me I got lucid in this dream, but tried to act like I didn't know it was a dream, but it is all vague. This was one that didn't even come to mind as I laid down. Maybe when I lay back down, more will be revealed.

      The last dream I had in this series involved going into the same Rite Aid from before and looking for some kind of soap. I discovered that I had a mouse pointer that super imposed on the physical world and I could click objects and copy paste them. I was not aware I was dreaming, but I was able to do this. So what I did was I went up to some of the soap I needed and tried to copy paste it. At first, it didn't work. We had gone back from the register to the store once I found out about this ability because I thought it would be easier to multiply the physical items than to buy new ones. I had some trouble copy pasting my bottle of soap I wanted at first, and thought I had lost the ability. But then, I was suddenly able to do it again. I had to right click and then scroll on the menu to copy, then paste. It can't be this easy, I thought to myself. I pasted it twice, and two new ones appeared, but each had a ripped message paper on it saying that it didn't have a bar code in the store. I figured this meant I either had to walk out with it concealed or tell them it didn't correspond to any bar code in the store so they could put it in the system and charge me. But now, there was another affect of using this ability. Effect. Affect. Offect. Uffect. Whichever one. When i used my copy paste ability, a guy would come in on the other side of the shelf. He showed me a pad full of really cool graphic letter designs. They were on a little 3 by 5 memo pad. he had outlined some in black and colored them with some sparkly red and blue colored pencils. I remember the last one he showed my sister and I said THERE D going down the page. I turned the page and expected it to say THERE DEAD but instead the next page said the word unemployed. Those were more just drawn in pencil. I saw on the next page there was a 20 dollar bill stuck to the page as if it had been used for a collage. I think the guy was there to monitor my use of the ability. I was complimenting him on his art. The dream ended around there. He had darker skin than me.

      I am also getting this idea that I had a dream about some caves, similar to the goonies. But i can't remember much about if specifically. That's okay, I got a lot more than I expected. I did my best to stay perfectly still, and my mind was not that groggy any more since it was around sun rise that I was doing these chain of dreams. So I could think about them pretty clearly once I woke up from them. But I didn't get a lot of lucidity.

      The sun is pretty much up now. I doubt I would fall back asleep if I tried, but I always hope I would sleep again, and have more dreams.
    15. October 23, 2017 Non-Lucid Nightmare and Semi-Lucid

      by , 10-23-2017 at 05:59 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      I come to remember the dream as being near the coast at this house. Bam Margera and his crew are there doing stupid things, driving cars out of control, doing drugs, etc. I'm looking at my phone trying to get an uber. My father says that he will pick me up, but then leaves as I'm looking confused at my uber app. The car was there, and now it's gone. Another one might come for me, but it never does.

      At some point I'm shifting locations on a geographical level, heading over to a city. There, I come into a building that has two guys in an office on the first level looking at a computer. I go up the stairs to see there are a lot of desks with interns at them. I am an intern at this large accounting firm and it's my first day. Everyone is very nervous. There are two separate managers who come up to our level and yell at us to get to work. This was a nightmare for me. It was very scary because I remember thinking that if I fucked up, they'd fire me on the spot. Our task is to look at a list of foods and then determine how much of whatever is in each food. We're frantically scribbling things on the page like we're taking a test of some sort. I remember writing things like "1x eggs, 2x milk." I didn't know the exact answer but I would write things down anyways. One of the interns starts to pack up her things. She gets to leave at 3pm because she says she is done. She is wearing a prom dress and saying that she's going to a dance. I start to work on my test again when a huge commotion happens outside. I go outside to see the girl in the dress getting aggressively shoved into a cop car by a cop. The two managers are outside looking mean. We're all forced back inside as they yell at us.

      I remember thinking that I would take a vacation at this point. My view is shifted high to a geographical level as I'm trying to decide which place to vacation at. There's a water park in the south and a water park in the north. The southern water park has a bigger outside area and the northern water park has some water areas that aren't for leisure and then some crazy water slides next to each other. I can't decide which one I want to go to because I remember I'm not from the area. I ask one of my fellow interns who's my friend IRL named Irene where she wants to go. I told her that it would be more fun if we went together so that we'd know someone there.

      I'm at my friend Mason's house. He has a very open yard with some huge trees dangling down branches. I want to fly. At first, I cannot get off the ground. I start to spring up, thinking that I will do a double jump like Mario and the third jump will get me off the ground. It works. I'm levitating about 20 yards in the air, and then I'm flying very high into the sky. It's day time and the sky is a dreamy blue. I remember there were more trees than IRL with branches getting in my way. I'm very high up into the sky now, looking down and thinking that I might fall to the ground, but I don't. I'm simply up there, levitating maybe 100 yards from the ground now. I get caught up in the dream and forget that I'm the dreamer. The branches start to entangle me as I return back to the dream, coaching myself to remember that this is a dream. But it fades.

      I'm at a football/baseball game at a new college that I do not recognize. There are 50,000+ in the stands cheering for this game. I remember I'm in the lower section of the stands taking a video on my phone of the game and the crowd chanting.
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