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    1. Lunar's Recall Guide

      by , 06-14-2022 at 10:58 PM

      Updated 09-01-2024 at 10:21 PM by 99032

      side notes
    2. Murky Lucid

      by , 11-04-2018 at 06:49 AM
      Last night I got lucid and made the standard, frantic effort to harness the moment to some purpose. Upon waking I neglected to journal and subsequently forgot the dream's content.
      lucid , dream fragment
    3. Cuddling in an outdoor bed

      by , 08-03-2013 at 09:23 PM
      I dreamed that I was part of some kind of event that took place in a house, a house that during some dream scenes looked just like my family home! Me and the others who were part of the event were staying at that house for a few days and doing all kinds of activities.

      I remember going outside and a friend of a friend were there and had just built a outdoor bed, it was like a combination between a bed and a shelter. She asked if I wanted to try it out with her and said sure. We lay there, there was only one blanket so we had to sleep very close to each other, and eventually we started cuddling.

      We started cuddling more and more until I finally I put my arm around her. When I did that she moved away a bit and took of her t-shirt. "You don't mind me being topless do you?" she asked me and I said "no, definitely not" with a smile on my lips.

      I remember everyone was eating a breakfast together in a huge tent outdoors and I was eating together with that girl. We were having porridge with raisins, something I ate almost everyday morning during a period of my waking life. Maybe my subconcious want me to start eating it again.

      Anyway, we got into trouble since we took our food right away, when there actually was a list saying who should take food first depending on how much of a hurry they were in. A leader had been shouting "Ok, we are out of food here, who took their food to early!?", and I immediately admitted it, saying that I had totally forgotten about it. After that I wen and bought my own food, just so I wouldn't do the same mistake again.
    4. Forgotten Bread

      by , 05-09-2012 at 05:01 PM
      I'm toasting bread and notice that notice that we have almost ran out. I decide to bake tomorrow and open the freezer to get the root for the bread. There is another bag of bread that I had forgotten, so I take it out instead and don't need to bake tomorrow.
      Tags: baking, bread, forget
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. concrete shopping centre....

      by , 01-09-2012 at 06:57 AM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      This dream is returning to a big shopping centre.... which I don't know.

      Fist I remember going there... through big entrance... Its a randomly shaped concrete building. I walk through to a upper floor and there are little stools where some indian and pakistani dudes sell various random stuff. I go to the first stool and recognise the guy (though I don't know him from the real life). He recognises me too and tells me that I bought my mattress from him some years ago. I am surprised that he remembers me. Suddenly I hold the mattress, telling him that its a good one, but that I have had it for long. I joke that I will leave it there.. as there is no space already. Then we leave the shop and start talking about programming websites. Suddenly Lukas V is there. He describes that when you buy some program for building websites, you can call them up to 500 times a month and they will help you with it.... I think about it and say that 500 times is a lot, but he disagrees. I say, that its a great job as you can do it wherever you want.. .in a coffee shop and so on.... he doesn't understand what I mean....

      Then I am approaching the shopping centre again.... with some couple and a kid. As we are driving... I can see something like real size advertising of what london busses will look like in several years. The busses were tall and look fully electronic. THey had colours like student oyster card. I was quite amazed by that. We walk in and I talk to the woman and joke with the kid. I say that I like to shop in groceries department and stationary. We go to boots, but the woman is not too excited about it. we continue walking trying to entertain the child.

      Then Peter O is there. I have some egyptian states that were broken and I had to glue them together. Peter is up to something and puts the statues to certain place in a little room. Everything starts shaking and the floor opens. The starts start cracking. I have a feeling that he messed up by this. It feels that he was doing some black magic trick to sort out his financial situation.... as if it was supposed to open some treasure... but it is not happening... I feel like he fucked up even more.

      Then I am leaving my house to go to work. I go to a bus stop, that is near the round bound near the telco. I am saying bye to some people in the house... I think that they were the people from my previous dreams.... and I walk to the bus stop... When I am almost there I just check my pockets if I have everything and realise that I don't have my valet... so I run back ... thinking shit.. good that I realised now and not at the bus stop.....