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    1. Dreams from christmas.

      by , 12-27-2024 at 02:58 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Merry Chrysler! Aw, shit it's boxing day...

      Scary height?

      Me and Jamie were on a giant tall hill. In the middle of a giant tree... with a wooden base around it built into the tree. We had two other members on the team running around below. We were waiting for something. for some reason I had a pistol on me... Wait are we dreaming about fortnite again? OG map? Jamie said that this was really high up. She seemed scared. I was too. some guy from our team said no one was around so it was safe to go down. We did. I found a bunker full of food. I felt like making bacon.

      Last night:

      Jesus again

      Me and Jamie were in a very large standing area. There was a multitude of couples with us in the standing area. It felt like these couples were like me and Jamie - Hand picked by Jesus for life commitments - but he had to separate them first to work on them. We were all facing the front where there was a throne. Jesus was there on the throne. He said, "My children I'm beginning my work NOW to bring you all together again."

      I woke from this dream. The Jesus voice said (Or Holy Spirit), "Jamie is knocking on the door now.". That's funny, when I first arrived back in Bowden, over a year ago, He said she was at the door.

      Well, my door is open. If she wants to talk, She knows where my house is. I would not turn her away. If she's comfortable with phones first, my business with my personal cell is online, and in the Western.Buy.Sell.Trade paper. Or, if she wants to leave a note on my car. We both seem to be at a stalemate - I've already tried to reach out to her, she doesn't respond, I don't like what her non response does to me, so My hands are tied. I've seen her drive by me many times, but she never stops to talk. Maybe Jesus is hinting that he may do something... wether it's running into eachother more often, or through familiar people, or situations. In any case, it sounds like it's on the horizon.

      Jamie 3

      I'm with Jamie in a house kitchen that seems to be ours. She's carrying a baby. She says, "We're beginning to run out of food."

      Yes, I'm worried about that too. Even if together there might be staying with In-Laws for a while. My business is slowly picking up. I want to get other things going too. Like flipping computers. There's lots of things to gt into for side hustles or careers.
      Tags: fortnite, jamie, jesus
    2. A few dreams

      by , 11-02-2024 at 03:10 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie dreams are kinda back? They are few and far in between but still somehow consistent. She might have done a drive by I was brushing off my car. A grey car turned in the alley by my house behind me. It felt like someone was looking at me. I turned and saw part of a head with brown hair and sunglasses. The voice mentioned it may have been her. If so, this is becoming more often. She's getting braver.

      Jamie 1

      I was in a long non lucid dream that was boring. Me and Jamie met in the middle of the dream. We both briefly talked about the plot of the dream we were in and moved on. Can't remember what was said or the rest.


      I was in... I'm not sure I had an ipad or something. I was selecting music. The band: Helloween, came to mind. Couldn't figure out if I wanted to hear, "Eagle fly free." or, "Dr. Stein." but then the tablet menu went funny and I couldn't find it. The tablet was suddenly hanging by string around a girl's neck. It was now a white board that we could write messages on. Not sure if this was Jamie or not.


      I was with a younger guy also named. "Raven." (Not my other dream friend. who does healing songs and stuff.) He was the native guy I ran into one day in the Wal-Mart parking lot when Jamie was giving me a ride home. In the dream he was getting mouthy. So I pounded his face in for a bit. Then I said something like, "Respect your elders." or something and he backed off.

      More fighting

      I think me and Jamie were in a fortnite game or something. We were walking through a valley and someone shot at us. Jamie got knocked and she was doing the crawl. The shooter grappled over to us with his duo. He told me to Res her so he can kill her again. I said, "If you kill her I will definitely find you and kill you." We went back and forth a few times like that and he backed down.

      New fortnite season tomorrow. I have a love/hate relationship with that game. Mainly hate the cringe and the super toxic community.

      Jamie again

      This morning after our bedtime sweet talk session we often have in our heads. I was in an HH dream she was there. She made lasagna and offered me some.

      I enjoyed that dream.
    3. Better

      by , 06-20-2024 at 04:36 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Can't remember too much non lucid dreams. Jamie is still around.

      Jamie 1

      I'm in something like a video game. A shooting game. Maybe Fortnite. I see someone so I go into a garage to sneak a right hand peak. It's Jamie though and she runs to me. We embrace in a big hug and start making out. In the back of my mind I'm worried about getting banned for teaming.

      Last night

      Jamie 2

      Jamie is dropping me off at my house in a fancy car. I get out and say before I close the door, "please come back sometime." She smiles and drives off. The look in her eyes, however, seem a bit grandiose. Like she's not smiling because she wants to see me. But because of my statement she feels a little full of herself. I've been praying on the spirit of pride within her lately .

      Jamie 3

      In a white space. Jamie does something kind of gross at me. Not sure if she's trying to make me laugh or trying to offend. Maybe the dream energies in her are wrong again.
      Tags: fortnite, jamie
    4. Better

      by , 06-20-2024 at 04:36 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Can't remember too much non lucid dreams. Jamie is still around.

      Jamie 1

      I'm in something like a video game. A shooting game. Maybe Fortnite. I see someone so I go into a garage to sneak a right hand peak. It's Jamie though and she runs to me. We embrace in a big hug and start making out. In the back of my mind I'm worried about getting banned for teaming.

      Last night

      Jamie 2

      Jamie is dropping me off at my house in a fancy car. I get out and say before I close the door, "please come back sometime." She smiles and drives off. The look in her eyes, however, seem a bit grandiose. Like she's not smiling because she wants to see me. But because of my statement she feels a little full of herself. I've been praying on the spirit of pride within her lately .

      Jamie 3

      In a white space. Jamie does something kind of gross at me. Not sure if she's trying to make me laugh or trying to offend. Maybe the dream energies in her are wrong again.
      Tags: fortnite, jamie
    5. Not better

      by , 06-14-2024 at 05:35 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Still bad recall.


      Just a brief flash of dreaming from Jamie's perspective. Just of looking out a window down a dirt road .

      Jamie 2

      I'm in a house on a farm. I seem to be living there. My brother is there. Jamie is there playing a video game or something. She has red hair dyed. Reminds me of this girl on Tiktok who used to be an O/F star but she got saved by Jesus and gave it all up. I ask Jamie if she's playing fortnite. On the screen all I see is a millennium falcon flying over the map. She just nods.

      Jamie 3

      Long dream but can't remember. I'm supposed to go on a bus trip or something. I'm assigned to sit next to her. But we haven't talked yet, so I'm really uncomfortable and nervous.

      Kind of miss the more affectionate dreams. And what happened to the black space dreams? They were so vivid.
      Tags: bus, fortnite, jamie
    6. Voices

      by , 04-09-2024 at 04:22 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      I had a strange coincidence I forgot to add concerning the Jamie voice. Well I Don't know if Jamie has come to know Jesus as saviour yet, or if she understands the gospel. (I have a strong suspicion she does read my DJ on here since I stopped seeing her drive by me after I called her out on it on this Dj) So... I was out having a smoke late one night and her voice popped in my head, " We're born again Christians!" Her voice said boastfully Right after I heard that I looked into the sky and saw a shooting star. Always nice to get a wink from the old man upstairs!

      No title

      I was in a large parking lot during the day and sitting on a large bench or divider with Jamie. She had red hair like a ginger. I must have looked different as well because she didn't recognize me. I also didn't know who she was. But she seemed familiar. She was telling me about a guy she knows, hasn't talked to him for years, but she keeps hearing his voice in her head, and also other strange things happen concerning him. I mentioned to Jamie that it sounds like a soul tie. Jamie seemed mad at that statement and stormed off.

      I got up and went my way Some guy went past me on a hover board and was also drinking a blue juice. I realized I was in a Fortnite dream. Well that explains us not looking like ourselves... I was gonna shoot at him but he didn't notice me. I decided to just go on my way.

      Regarding soul ties. Popular Christian theories state soul ties are created from sex, . The Bible says sex creates a bond. Everyone you sleep with you give them a piece of your soul and you get a piece of theirs, including generational curses and demon possession. Well... Me and Jamie never did the deed. However I believe us having a strong emotional bond created it. Or possibly a sex dream, which I do remember one from that era. One giveaway that it could have been shared was how she went silent on me for an entire week. I noticed after we would hang out she would freeze me out for days as if in reaction to the emotional intensity of spending time with me. After that dream ( wether she dreamed it as well or somehow read it on my dj) and the way she went quiet for so long, I'm positive she was aware of that dream.

      Regarding voices again. Her voice seemed to reflect her feelings from the dream. In my head she said it seemed like I'm too good to be true. To that I say the only way to know for sure is to talk with me in person, or messenger ( god forbid), or through DV, and we can compare notes on all this crazy stuff. The worst that could happen is I might give her a big hug if she asks me.
    7. cool dreams.

      by , 12-24-2019 at 03:43 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Well not really cool dreams just needed a title. LOL

      Jamie dreams

      Note: After posting last week, I felt really off and hurt, as if I could sense Jamie's hurt from (as if) reading my dreams. Oops, I'm cutting down on the things that seemed to make her upset in the dreams.

      Dream 1: We are in fortnite (really these again). We are building all over the place, she stays some layers above me and is looking down on me like she is mad.

      Dream 2: Fortnite again a few days later, Only now she is somehow editing my structures and making me fall.

      Dream 3: fornite again Just remember catching up to her as she is phasing through a ramp, but this time she seems okay.

      Dream 4: We are having another highschool dream. Jamie places herself in front of me nervously as if to get my attention. I try to interact with her but she's a little shaky.

      Dream 4: Just remember we start to hug. good I hope things will get back to normal now. That is if you call this normal.


      I'm at some youtuber's house, a streamer I watch Byarteer, I watch him because he is the least cringy I guess. Anyway, Just remember me and a few other players at his house... No first me and my brother were flying to the UK to visit him. Anyway he kept sleeping randomly throughout the house. I wanted to leave and at every exit to the house i accidentally woke the guy up and he started yelling at me. Went back to a room and watched other people play squads, I was pretty bored.

      Also had a second dream with this guy in it.

      Sex Dream

      But with a really old ex from like 2006.

      thjere were other really vivid dreams i somehow forgot.
    8. more dreams.

      by , 11-26-2019 at 01:21 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Jamie dreams.

      Kept having a handful of dreams with Jamie in it. In them she kept meeting me at a motel or something. She had a very serious tone with me. Not sure what about wether it was something she was mad about me doing or she wanted to get serious? Not sure. In one of the dreams I saw a flash of words, "Message me,". Hmm, Let's see I was really stressed out messaging her in the first place and then the long weeks of waiting and not hearing from her were kind of rough... So that kind of kills the motivation for me. Is She does really read these I would like to hear from her. 100% chance I would respond back.


      another dream about V from work. don't remember much just she was hanging around and smiling a lot.

      Video games.

      Was playing fortnite with a controller that was big and clunky. I opened some mail with a new controller but it was the wrong kind. Fast forward to playing the game. A girl was playing with me. It either was Asuka or Jamie. Anyway she handed me her controller and it went very smoothly. The games BTW. The TV screen would project out at you in 3D, like VR, and I would transition from holding the controller to actually being a character in the game.


      I was hanging with some girl I seemed to know but have never seen her IRL. We were planning a trip to Texas or something. And I was saying how the air pressure in the plane was going to wreck our ears.
    9. Wow!!!

      by , 09-24-2019 at 02:07 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Recall is still shit this week!

      Jamie 1

      Short snippet of a dream just a few seconds of making out with her.

      Jamie 2

      Another short dream. I'm dreaming from Jamie's perspective. I'm trapped in a house out towards the three hills area (I think). the entire house is a giant room of rotting corpses - mostly skeleons) I'm being crushed by something pushing me down inside the pile. Feels like I'm Literally drowning in them.)


      I go see Walms/hukif, because of my nightmare. He's in a field with lots of dragon flies or something. He's creating fighting techniques with their hairs or something. He seems really friendly.

      dog walking

      I'm in a wierd dream where I'm walking my dog but I'm hired to mow a lawn or something. I use my dog somehow to push the lawnmower (Or whatever device I'm using). My dog doesn't like it and keeps ducking out of his collar and leash. I try three times to make him do the job.

      Jamie 3

      A dream memory that is just black, but Jamie is there.


      A dream memory of ramp rushing for some reason.

      fortnite again

      A dream where I'm on a really oldschool part of the map with a big mountain or something. I'm tracking someone down and get lost in his house or something.

      Jamie 4

      Another dream, this time this morning, of making out with Jamie, There is music in the background. It sounds like me playing vivaldi on guitar or something. but the allegro is slowed down and I hear more harmonies, seems more romantic or something. Why not "Careless whisper," Or something? Wait... That's a break up song. Nevermind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLM7Vl4YL6s

      Lots of jamie dreams this week, I'm impressed.
    10. Meh.

      by , 08-20-2019 at 03:55 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Dream 1

      A dream I was with Jamie in fortnite. We are in Salty Springs on the house with the hidden basement shooting at people. Jamie suddenly realizes where she is and what is happening and she seems pissed off that she's there.

      Dream 2

      A dream Jamie and me are working at mcdonald's in the kitchen. She also looks pissed off to be there.

      Dream 3

      My dad was driving me around to different stores. I'm looking to buy a Ps4 or something. I'm going the cheaper route and looking at discount stores and pawn shops. I go into one store but also a bunch of people from work are there. I think I'm supposed to be working but ignore that. I go to the shop owner and ask if he has a ps4. He pulls one out from a shelf behind the desk but it's 375 or something. I think it's too expensive for a used one at a pawn shop so i leave in frustration. I go to the parking lot looking for my dad. I don't see his truck at first and then find it. I go in and tell him to drive to the other store I was looking at.

      I had other brief dreams of making out with someone but I don't know who...
    11. Crazy dreams

      by , 07-23-2019 at 04:02 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      A dream with Jamie in it. We are in a video game or something. Can't remember much just that the vibe is good. I like how she is being really consistent lately.

      Some HH while waking up.

      I was thinking about C and got a flash of a pink heart shaped box of chocolates... Um. No. Spirits do not start this shit again in someone else...

      Some more HH

      Was thinking about C again. Suddenly saw Jesus looking to the side as if he didn't approve. Ah I was wondering what he had to say about that.

      Grossest dream ever

      I'm working at McDonald's when a strange order comes up. On the screen it says some sandwich like a "Dirty Harry.". I am freaking out because I have never in my life heard of this. I ask the till person just what in the hell is going on? She replies that a special employee must make it something to do with someone's maiden name's something something. I am still confused AF. James the manager runs out and says he has to do it. He then performs making the sandwich by toasting the bun. Then he literally starts kissing the wall and slobbering all over it and he's making these loud rubbery kersplunk sounds. He then wipes the open part of the bun on the part of the wall with his slobber all over it and then finishes making the sandwich normally. I am so grossed out that I wake up right away. This is not the first time I have seen James in a dream where he does something absolutely disgusting and I never want him in my dreams AGAIN.

      Boring dream

      I was with all these people I seemed to know in a huge house that was also a mini apartment complex... Hard to explain but I kept wanting to leave and explore the underground tunnels.


      I am with Jamie in What is supposed to be the great pyramid of Egypt. Our roles are kind of strange in this dream - We are both asian, we are also both children, and she's also my older sister. I am trying to get into a room in the top of the pyramid but it's way too small to fit in. Jamie is inside mocking me like a big sister would. I give up and go down a long passage in the dark. I find a lightswitch and turn it on. A second later Jamie turns herself into a ghost and shuts the light switch off, laughs and then speeds off. I can't get the light switch working again so I continue my way down.


      I am in a strange basement with super long hallways with a young couple. I turn a corner and a 6 or 7 year old girl comes out of nowhere and hugs my waist, she looks up ans smiles at me. I say, "Thank you." and push her off after a few seconds. I am paranoid her parents will think I'm a creep or something. I have an impression that it may have been Jamie, but can't be sure.

      No more fortnite please

      I am with Jamie in fortnite again. We are by ourselves on the snowy side of the map. We are just building long tunnels and stuff, meanwhile we are having this massive conversation, some of it relevant to the dream and some of it just regular stuff. We are really getting along in this dream.
    12. Not much recall lately.

      by , 06-22-2019 at 02:48 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Trouble sleeping. Mind going haywire again


      I go to look for Jamie but she's in a different town. I go there and she's in this dream where she's living a different life as some skater teen or something. She's too cool to even acknowledge I'm there. she takes off somewhere and I was going to look for her But I get caught up in other dream characters and their story line.


      I keep dreaming of fortnite a lot where I keep getting wins. IRL I really suck at the game.

      Not again

      A dream audio only. A woman is saying like a newscaster that Jamie took her own life... Please no more dreams like this.
      Tags: fortnite, jamie
      non-lucid , nightmare , side notes
    13. Happy birthday Jamie.

      by , 06-12-2019 at 04:01 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Unfortunately. No Jamie dreams.

      I had some HH imagery of Bjork smiling at me. Haven't dreamed of her in a while.


      Me and some woman. (might have been jamie but not sure) Are up against some fortnite player in a game. We are in a giant building. We just go really love in the building where there are hundreds of rooms. We realize he's gone after a while.
      Tags: björk, fortnite
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Please send help.

      by , 05-28-2019 at 03:25 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Well this week or months. have been bad for recall. Can't recall many of my longer non lucids because they weren't interesting enough to hold in my memory. Should I start taking notes again?

      Jamie dreams

      First one is: I dream Jamie started her own psychic webpage as a call psychic. While I am a christian and I don't agree with this. Since I probably gave her the ideas please send me royalties!!!

      Most of these dreams were like hypnagogic imagery while falling asleep.

      second one is she is holding my chin and kisses me.

      In one dream I am on the fortnite map and hanging with some blond girl. Her energy completely blocks out Jamie's and overtakes it completely. I am dumbstruck since no one can steal Jamie's thunder.

      Then I have one where I am reading the message I sent her... I find I can't send anymore messages. she has me on block or something. But her profile picture changes.. twice. I feel intensely rejected in this dream.

      Another where I am trying to find her but she avoids me at every turn.

      In the last one she seems to have gotten over her mood or whatever it was. We are in a fortnite game on opposing teams. but we decide to team up anyway. just me and Her. Our energy seems drawn to one another no matter what. We just walk alone on a hill somewhere quietly.

      Jesus has been strangely quiet in these past few weeks.
      non-lucid , side notes
    15. aftermath?!?!?!?

      by , 05-10-2019 at 04:09 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Mainly short dreams.


      I'm on my bed and some girl is on it. She's all ready for... um, yeah.


      I'm at some mall with my brother and I decide to go to the food court and order sushi. that's it.

      Jamie 1

      This was a quick one I had one the bus. It was a birds eye view of Jamie, but I was also Jamie in this dream. She feels kind of burdened also somber. She is filled with blue energy. Now in the Jesus dream where me and her are on the hill. where Jesus' arm goes through our backs, Blue energy comes from me, and Red energy comes from Jamie. Now she has blue energy. Not sure what this means.


      Okay really. I haven't even played this game much lately. But anyway, Me and my brother are in the backyard of my inner world house. We are by a pond or pool in a back porch area. there's TVs set up with video games. My brother wants to play fortnite for some reason. I try to play with him. I find an old controller but it has mad stick drift, it makes the game unplayable.

      Had another fortnite dream. In it I am one of the creators and we are testing out something. In this dream there are things floating in the sky like on Apex. We are all talking about technical shit I don't understand. IRL season 9 drops... and guess what. Now there are floating things in fortnite in the sky. Precog dream? What a useless gift to have. I want precog dreams that predict lottery numbers and cards to play for poker. what the hell is this?

      A few months ago I had a dream that Pewdiepie, decided to play fortnite. A week or so later, IRL he plays fortnite once on a livestream to fight T-Series.

      Jesus again

      Just a dream of Jesus showing me the door out of his office. I guess he's tired of me bugging him about the same thing...

      Jamie again.

      In this dream Jamie comes to live with me. I get home from work, or we both do. I lay down a bit and can't sleep. I get up and decide to have a quick smoke. I open the sliding closet in my room and get my jacket. Jamie is behind me and she grabs hers as well. I say to her that she doesn't have to go for a smoke everytime I do. I keep saying things like, Honey, and Sweetie, I wonder if this talk annoys her. She says she wants to. I realize I should just let her. suddenly she is replaced by my brother, and it's like it's been him all along. The house is different now. I wonder when he is going to leave since he doesn't have a job.

      I have other dreams where my brother is everywhere. He follows me around everywhere. It's like I can't do anything without him. It's so annoying. I wake up and wonder if some strange force is now making me perceive Jamie in dreams as my brother. Like family. Wouldn't be as annoying if it was Jamie.
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