Dream 1(fragments): I was going on streets and then through some other place. Dream 2: I was playing some game that was somehow a hybrid of video game and forum game where at times i controlled character and at other times posting actions in some thread. I was going through some places and then there was a eastern style temple where i talked to a few characters and then enemies appeared and we had to fight them. Later after going through a few rooms i had to go through a few corridors, which looked frozen. Game turned into an fps and lots of enemies started spawning, including some frozen skeletons. Then after corridors there was circular frozen arena place, it had two floors and kamikazi bug kind of enemies started spawning all over the upper floor and jumping down. I got up and managed to hold the wave off and defeat it. Then level continued into dark storage place, which also looked frozen. There was alot of boxes and view switched top-down. After a while of going around an ambush got triggered and enemies started appearing everywhere, including gnaars from serious sam series and kamikazi bugs with which i dealt earlier. The place took a few attempts and i've had to reload save game. Next up, i reached place that looked like frozen junkyard of some kind where i had to fight more enemies, then i noticed that my max hp glitched out and i had only 2 segments max, and boss fight was coming up as well. The boss fight was apparently fight against Dante, just like in DMC4, even the place was same. Except my max hp was crippled by a glitch and fight went on slightly differently at first. Attacks were somewhat passive and easy, managed to empty half of boss hp without getting hit. Then fight become more difficult, he started using alot of aerial attacks and also started summoning cannon balls from serious sam series, which were rolling around. Soon i failed. I returned to previous save before fight and started exploring area more. I've found a house at the edge of frozen junkyard. In house there was some dude who had aura of darkness and i've talked to him. He summoned kinda bear like creature that was apparently a healer of some kind and i had to escort him, also there was a dark princess who joined as well. We were going through frozen junkyard and new kind of enemies appeared, wolves made of ice. I easily was able to deal with them by just smashing them apart with pure strength, then more appeared and started focusing on bear creature and ignoring me. I get annoyed and grab like 8 of them at once and smash them into ground, which causes some kind of magical symbols surrounded by red glow to rise from ground and create some kind of barrier. The dark princess said that it's very rare for that to happen and that i must be really strong if it happened. Then random cutscene started showing that back at temple area white and red mage conflicted. One was on balcony, another on the ground and they started a fight.
Dream recall from today's WBTB/nap. Dream 1(fragment): There was something about decisions and clans. Dream 2(fragments): I was updating dreaming competition and seen that somebody posted a dream about akashicverse. Dream 3(fragment): An illustrated game on one of forums got updated and i was reading it. Dream 4(fragments): I was chatting with dragons on skype and then followed some link where i started watching somebody drawing. He was drawing some weird house and i didn't noticed as i somehow was together with artist now. I continue watching and i feel that i am dreaming, artist suddenly reacts to that and asks what i would suggest that should be added to that picture, which now looked like some sort of abandoned house. For some reason i think graffiti would be fitting for abandoned place like that so i tell him and he agrees that it would be perfect and starts adding, i then realize that i need to go for goals and stuff, but dream starts destabilizing and artists tries to help me stay in dream telling that i should not move but i wake up shortly and go through some HH.
Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps Dream 1(fragments): There was something about minimalistic forum games illustrated by lazily photoshopped pics, one of which was about some midget and another one was called "ROLL TO BE TRIDE" or something like that with pics of some one eyed thing. Dream 2(fragments): I was playing some 3rd person shooter style game and it was happening in some sandstone maze, i've had to escort some npc which could open up passages that were blocked by wooden boards using crowbar and there were some stairs. Then after i've also had brief false awakening.
Recalled one more dream from normal sleep Brief false awakening in the bed and getting distracted. Dream recall from today's naps, i need to fix my schedule again. Dream 1(fragments): I was in some place with a river, and (from what i feel) i was in dragon form and there was also another dragon. Dream 2(fragment): I was playing some forum game.
Dream 1(fragments): Every player have finally updated in certain forum game i am GMing so i had to start updating it. Dream 2(fragments): I was playing some video game, fighting through some place. Dream 3(fragments): Was playing another video game, possibly something Spiral Knights-like, and was talking to MC(again... i wonder why he keeps appearing in my dreams). Then later there was talk with someone else about that we needed to switch to dragon form to be able to progress further on this level or something.
Sleeping schedule, where are you. First dream was fairly long. Dream 1(fragments): I was apparently at school and there was some kind of test going on about which i didn't cared. Then there was something about languages and the fact that i have used english everywhere, then i was talking to some people and there was something about some small red mech things. After that i was wandering around through some other rooms. Dream 2(fragments): I was playing some multiplayer platformer with some people and we were going through some metallic place full of traps and fighting some robot things. We had jetpacks and at some point there was something about falling down invisible stairs. Dream 3(fragments): I was browsing some illustrated forum game and then joining it, there were three other players and we were entering some building owned by some organization and then our team had to split up a few times and three of us had to fight some humanoid robots and one of them was one of organization's leaders. The fights were done like in RtD and we had lots of potions. Dream 4: I was playing some game that was made around shmup creation and it was multiplayer. At first i was trying to figure out how to make stuff and there was some coding involved and i have created some simple boss fight. I've been looking through some other creations and fought some grey spaceship-style boss, and then later i joined someone and she decided to show me some other creation which apparently was 3D boss fight. It was kinda chase, spaceship-like playership vs tank-like boss, on the road. At first tank spammed waves of weak enemies in lines while i had to get close enough to be able to attack him, they died in one hid but there were hordes of them and they all flied parallel. Soon second phase started where tank attacked with aimed shots from his cannon and was speeding around trying to ram my ship, at which he almost succeeded at one point, but as i was shooting him the phase went down quickly. Third phase he fired his main cannon which was some kind of huge homing laser, but i point-blank'ed it after it fired and destroyed the phase in seconds.
Dream recall from today's naps. Dream 1(fragments): I was updating GW forum game on different forum. Dream 2(fragments): I was on PC and there was something wrong with internet connection, then there was a weird beeping sound. Dream 3(fragments): I was playing warcraft 3 and interface was weird and looked like some kind of MMO, i was reading something about how to get additional units then went to some quest. I woke up and was talking to someone about some numbers. Then i wake up again and this time i realize that i am dreaming, i go for balcony, but each time i go through balcony door there's another one behind it. Eventually dream fades out. I wake up again and somebody throws a pillow at me. Then i wake up again, this time properly.
Recall is getting better, i suppose, still need to stabilize schedule though. Dream 1(fragments): I was on some forums and there was some forum game related discussion. Then everyone had to make some choices in that forum game and then it turned more into some kind of video game. Dream 2(fragments): I was playing some platformer with abstract levels about a group of some lizards with spit attacks. Dream 3: I was playing some FPS game and there was something about islands, i was in some complex with some team and we had to find the way out and then find way to leave islands. I took control of some helicopter and had to do a few missions where i had to destroy various objects on islands. Last mission i started about some huge complex of various buildings and i had tons of missiles to bombard them with, there were weird mechanisms that revealed themselves after buildings were hit, including some kind of magnetic field generators and some anti air energy cannons. Then i switched over to some modern air plane and had to attack airfield base, i've only had limited number of missiles and after using them i've turned it into some kind of hovertank vehicle and continued attacking base with it's cannon, there were various enemy vehicles protecting the base, mostly using red color scheme and mostly various kinds of tanks and hovertanks. There was also really big 4-legged mecha and two turrets, which i had to take out quickly. After being done with that i started using air plane again and flied to different island, where i switched over to another one, which was similar, except it had nuclear bomb. The island the got invaded by exoskeleton creatures that looked like ones from Crysis but some of them were grey colored and they were apparently fighting each other as well.
Dream 1(fragments): I was playing some video games. Dream 2(fragments): I was creating dragon character for some forum game and then was updating some of my RtD forum games, while discussing something with someone on some forums and playing some minecraft custom level.
Dream 1(fragments): There was some hybrid of forum game and video game, at least at first, i and some other dragons were protecting some city from massive amount of enemies. Then later, it fully went story mode and i was in game itself, we were infiltrating in some techno base together with some female hacker, who was helping us dealing with security systems. Then after that back at town i was talking to some soldiers and enemies returned and i had to protect some little girl. Dream 2(fragment): I was on some kind of space ship/station. Dream 3(fragments): I was playing some AoE/AoM based RTS, except with different units that looked like some kind of aliens. I was playing 1v1 vs AI on very small non-symmetrical map, and while playing i was also chatting with SilentEternity. He was talking about that this game has some really overpowered worker units and messed up trading system. The map had mostly mountains and related resources on south-east, along with my base and forests on north-west along with enemy base. On trading system, it was giving bonuses when two town centers were linked, but there was no limit, nor difference on distance other than they had to be near different resources. And the bonus trading gave was rather huge. As for workers, small squad of them could deal with armies of normal units apparently... Dream 4(fragments): Snowy city at night, searching something, some rather interesting story(which i sadly can't recall).
Dream recall from today's naps. There was some forum game/video game(It kept switching at places), where player character had to search through very abstract-style factory place, there were two brown puppet things in one of the rooms and some kind of huge engine/mechanism. Then there was different forum/video game that was happening in same place but in different time, one of players was using some 'meta' actions to summon various things, at one point he summoned spherical metallic drone with a laser. He also suggested to open the portal into the other forum game. Then later another player joined the party, he was a dragon. And after some talk everyone exited the factory outside and major enemy appeared, triggering the boss fight.
Dream 1(fragments): I was in some dark place, talking with somebody then later i started playing some video game, an RTS of some kind. Dream 2(fragments): I was in some metallic corridor and then i entered some big room. Then i used one of monitors in room to control some base in space, that looked like AI War. SilentEternity contacted me and said that it was updated and that AI fleet behavior changed greatly. And indeed, AI ships were more precisely controlled on one by one basis very accurately. i barely managed to stop the attack with turrets. Then after stopping the attack i continued talking with SilentEternity about something, then we with some group entered some kind of 3D game. I was escorting some NPCs through corridors of some spaceship or space station and protecting them from enemies, then we activated some switches that started the travel through space. We had to choose the path and we started to discuss something about dragons and whether to go through dragon land or not. Dream 3(fragment): I was playing some hybrid of AI War and some other RTS. Dream 4(fragments): I was on certain forum and there was some suggestion forum game about a dragon and i was discussing types of dragons with GWG.
Updated 07-15-2013 at 10:26 AM by 59854
Dream recall from today's nap. Dream 1: I was playing warcraft 2 with K and SilentEternity, we ahd bases grouped together on the southern part of the map, enemies had few bases on the southern part as well, and more bases on northern part, separated from us by the lake. Our main buildings apparently could produce any air units right from the start, i started making basic buildings and a dragon, K was making helicopters for scouting but they were taking way too long for some reason, so i said to not worry about scouting, i then build two zeppelins really quick as well as two mini-flying soldiers apparently, then another dragon. My zeppelins and flying soldiers scout the map and since fog of war was turned off soon the whole map got revealed, zeppelins had weird teleporting ability. I send dragons at nearest enemy. Dream 2: There was an AI War update(in dream) apparently that added some weird map types and a bunch of new stuff as well as changing some bits of interface and fixing some things. I started the game and the galaxy map... looked like it was ground map of some city. There were 'buildings' controlled by AI that could be accessed from certain wormholes, also they had effects when captured as well as when under AI control, some building was adding AIP of all things. Next change i noticed was that all scouts had same max cap of 24, and also building interface was different, the mk1 units were on the top and mk3 on the bottom. I started scouting planets and remembered about another part of an update, AI owned planets right next to starting homeworld started 'disabled', meaning not having guard posts and even AI fleet, until station on any of them would be destroyed, then they would start building guard posts and getting reinforcements. I was trying to scout through but i remembered the part of update that added mini-exo waves that were spawned if any unit goes through further than 'disabled' planets without capturing at least one. I send my fleet to capture it then made more scouts and sent them to scout more planets, but their pathfinding failed and i had to retarget them a few times. Dream 3: I was reading some forum game with images, which was about some man who got lost in city, when then everyone disappeared and it got dark. He was trying to search for everyone but then some woman appears and tries to kill him with hammer. That's as far as forum game updates went, then i got distracted for a bit with some other page, but as i returned there were more posts, man managed to get out of situation and was exploring some basement, two other players were allowed to join as some kind of ghosts to help him< sending actions through PM, one of users was named 'moomoo' or something like that. Finishing reading, i look around and notice lots various chocolate foods on the bed in bags. I realize that i must be dreaming and decide to try one of foods because why not, i try to get one from bag but bag gets empty and foods teleport into another one. Then some voice distracts me and i lose lucidity, but i still have strange feeling. I go to the door and open it. Some person walks straight out of the door itself after i open it, making me go 'Huh' and reminding me that i am dreaming. He goes away, i say 'Wait' and then dream fades out and i wake up.
Dream recall from today's nap. Dream 1(fragments): There was something about one forum game on some forum. Dream 2(fragments): I was reading update of certain forum game W, and was discussing it with someone, questioning that update was going different ways, not that way. Then i wake up, and realize that i am dreaming due to feeling, i try summoning something, shortly chandelier appears and turns into a person, then i... Wake up again, then talk with dad, but for some reason try to summon that dream feeling, but before i get too successful... I wake up again, in bizarre position in bed, reversed. Somebody's talking about going somewhere and i pretend to be asleep but have a bit of problem closing eyes. Then i wake up properly.
Dream 1(fragment): I was in some place that was built of simple colored geometrical shapes. Dream 2: I was browsing forum games on another forum and decided to join one, there was some discussion about starting conditions and soon i was actually in it and it was like video game/another dimension. I was on some kind of paradise island, talking to some people about this dimension. Soon the ocean got filled with countless amount of people swimming and jumping out of the water dolphin-style, i commented on that and then i grouped with an squad and we teleported somewhere else. I had some abilities(which i can't recall much) and we were going through a few places, some of them were steampunk style corridors, and we were fighting enemies. Then we finally reached huge outdoor area, sun was setting and there were two sides fighting each other in huge battle near the temple ruins. At first we were helping in the battle but then we got to the temple. We were discussing something while going through ruins and soon we have found some kind of chamber, we did the ritual and summoned some kind of god-like entities, then after talk with them we went outside, there was an enormous dragon in the sky. View switched to more cinematic cutscene camera and the enemy forces were wiped out by the dragon.