As the title said, this wasn't lucid, but this is what happened. I remember being in my French class, and we had just finished a test. I hadn't finished it, but the teacher was talking and I was hoping that she wouldn't notice me finishing it. She then got angry and said "I know you have finished the test, but you still shouldn't be talking" by then, I had finished the test and I said "Actually, I finished mine minus four minutes before we finished" (as in four minutes late) The class laughed and then I remember walking with my friends and seeing some people from my class and they started laughing, and so did I, and then it just blurred and I woke up. Now, I'm quite frustrated with myself about this, because I missed some obvious dream signs. First of all, my French teacher is a man. This teacher was a woman, and the students spoke to her as if she was a regular teacher, not a substitute. Come to think of it, this teacher may have been an evil teacher from one of my primary schools, which would make sense because she hated me, and so does my French teacher (don't judge me, anyone in my class will agree, and I'm not even a troublemaker) Secondly, and this is the one that annoys me most. All the other events in my dream happened in my secondary school. but I realized that the classroom I was in was one from my more difficult years in my other primary school. Even when I left the classroom, instead of being in the assembly hall of my primary school, I was in the corridor outside my french class, because that is what I expected to happen I guess. Over the two recent dreams that I remember, there were a few similarities, the main one being that France was involved, and one of them happened in a place with negative experiences (this one, difficult areas of my primary school life and in a French test). Also, the other happened in a boat, so although it was a nice experience, I don't like boats in real life, which I guess was a dream sign for my other dream, me enjoying being on a boat. I may have been having dreams involving France (lesson, and Monaco coast-not strictly French but next to it and French is the main language) and that were in negative places because recently I had a French oral exam, which I spent almost my entire Easter holiday practicing, and then my nerves got to me and I screwed up and was devastated. It may be lingering in my mind because I haven't had my results back yet. Hm, that's quite a wall of text I have built up, as I wrote it all down, I noticed new things about the dreams and made the connections.
I can only remember a fragment of the dream I had last night, but it is the first dream I have remembered for a very long time. I was either in school or in a store of some kind and I went up to a man who was sitting behind a table selling things, but he only spoke French and we could not understand each other. I can barely read French and I certainly can not speak it in waking life, but for some reason in the dream I started "faking" what I thought was good French and apparently it was because the man behind the table and I had a long and cheerful conversation with me. I knew by the sound of it that we were speaking French, but I had no idea what either he or myself was actually saying.
Updated 11-11-2011 at 12:56 PM by 6048
I am outside of a building that looks like a college or something. It is winter and there are many young people about with backpacks and books. There is a circular fountain between two buildings that seems to be the center of the campus where many people meet and hang out. I am not there to attend classes and came to see a special store that is in one of the buildings. I can hear many of the people talking around me and they are all speaking french, so I think I am somewhere in Quebec. I talk with some people and find that I am able to speak fluent french, even though I cannot do so in waking life. I go inside the largest building and find a vaulted lobby that leads down the hall to a store selling Montreal Canadiens merchandise. In my dream this store is the only place in Canada to get authetic Habs memorabilia. There is a large glass case displaying rare items and many hockey cards. On either side of the case are two semi-circle staircases which lead up to a sort of indoor amphitheater. There are store entrances on both levels and I go in the one on the ground floor after seeing that the current best selling hockey card is going to be replaced with an newer one. The card has a smiling Brian Gionta (current captain of the Habs) on it, leaning on his hockey stick, but the name on the card says "Caberlay" or "Camerlay" or something like that and the number on the guys shirt is "8." I think this is odd because I am a big Habs fan and there are no players on the current roster wearing the number 8. They are selling old copies of the old card and I buy one. When I take it out of its sheath the vendor notices that it is damaged and offers to allow me to exchange it. I say no because I think it gives the card character. The vendor tells me that if I hang around for a little while, the new card is going to be revealed in the amphitheater in a few hours by the Canadiens team and they will be giving away free ones to anyone who shows up. Later I find my way to the amphitheater and find it crowded with people vying for spots near the front. I find a spot in the back corner of the room and hunker down, just glad that I found a place to sit. There is no one around me and I assume that it is because it is the very back row and no one else wants to sit there. The room is very full by the time the unveiling ceremony starts and many people are still cramming near the front for a good view. When the Montreal Canadiens team comes in the room they have to sit at the back because there are no other spots. Some hockey players from some other teams arrive to watch, and also have to sit or stand on the sidelines because of lack of space. In the end I have Scott Gomez sitting on my right and Jerome Iginla standing to my left. I am really exciting but I try not to show it and keep my facade stoic. The dream ends when Gomez gives me one of the new cards and Iginla gives me an autographed card of his.
Updated 02-09-2011 at 07:43 PM by 6048