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    1. Night of Monday 3/18/24

      by , 03-19-2024 at 03:33 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm with girlfriend's friend group, with their respective significant others (H&A and G&S).
      It's sort of blue and cloudy outside.
      I'm with the guys by large rocks playing a game.
      Later I'm at an apartment that I know is mine.
      I'm standing in a living room area in a circle with the guys.
      I decide to spit up some water I was drinking, toward G.
      I have the intent to show that something outlandish like that is OK.
      A thinks it is funny, and G returns the favor.
      But G isn't returning the favor. Though the spitup looks like clear water, he is actually puking from disgust.

      Updated 03-20-2024 at 05:30 PM by 99808

    2. Ghosts

      by , 07-10-2013 at 11:04 AM
      My mom had died. I did not initially have an emotional reaction to this (shock?). I didn't like that so I forced myself to cry until I actually felt grief. When I paused for a breath I heard sobbing behind me. I went over to the stairs (house I grew up in) and she is sitting on them - looking like she did when we lived there. Something about the emotions I felt at her passing made her solid to me. I gave her a huge hug. We talked a little and she started to fade but I used some sort of mental trick to stabilize her. I got an email telling me an ex had died. I told my mom to tell him he is a douche when she saw him. There were people over. me adjusting the temperature - was too hot ((likely rl temp registering)). There were a bunch of old ladies in the living room doing some sort of craft. My mom was trying to do whatever craft it was with them. She aged her face at some point - made it super wrinkly - like 80 or so. I was asking a friend(a) (who was now the dead person instead of my mom) if he had seen the way to move on. He told me he had. That it was a doorway in his (my old room) room. It had a red heart or red figure of a woman (can't quite remember) on it. To entice him? I told him all they needed was techno music playing behind it. He laughed.

      ((remembering now something else. A... feeling/sensation - possibly from a different one where I kept dying? a sensation of holding on to my essence, my self as I went through these transformations. I would intentionally kill myself and come through the other side intact. I think the dead people in this dream might have briefly made me remember that sensation while in this dream))
    3. Lucid, jelly-water

      by , 04-25-2012 at 08:35 AM (~Cookieh's Land of Cookies~)
      [COLOR="#2e8b57"]- I was sitting on the water, already kinda knowing that it was a dream. I stood up and still rc'd. It failed, so this is definitely a dream. I tried hard to stand straight (drunkieh xD), the water was wobbling like jelly under my legs. Finally, I got tired of the jelly so I tried to fly. The first attempt failed. The second one was successful.[/COLOR]

      [COLOR="#483d8b"]- I was walking around in my home village, it was dark. I see A in the distance. We meet in front of the big house and we stop a metre away from eachother. There was this kind of mirror between us (which I think was neat, considering that we're pretty alike). It was glass, so we could both still see eachother. For some reason he ragequit and walked away.
      I was like "meh" and suddenly it was daytime. I saw Ma and I asked her to come swimming with me. Apparently it was a warm summerday. She refused, saying she's too lazy. Oh well, I went alone. I was quite far already, when I heard her say in my head "Okay, okay, I'm coming". I don't really remember arriving at the river or even swimming. Or her coming :D[/COLOR]

      So the first one is probably a semi lucid. Or it was a real lucid and my recall is just that bad.
      Both dreams were longer than that, the lucid had a lot more stuff to it but I can't remember anything.

      Ignore the typos. I'm on a mobile device and close to ragequitting as well.

      [COLOR="#2e8b57"]lucids[/COLOR], [COLOR="#483d8b"]non-lucids[/COLOR]

      Updated 06-16-2012 at 03:52 PM by 50369

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment