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    1. Ronda Attraction (14.8.15)

      by , 08-14-2015 at 01:50 PM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Ronda Attraction
      I'm at a basketball stadium and I'm sitting on one side of the caught and
      some other girl is on the other side talking to someone. I begin playing basketball with a football. Ronda joins in with a young kid. We're taking it in turns, but I'm getting skipped quite a bit. I throw a bit of banter at Ronda. She's not the best at shooting a football through a hoop. I feel there's attraction and sexual tension between us. I look at the game getting played next to us. They have swags and back packs on their backs as they're playing. I think it's a theme game or something. I tell Ronda that they're swags and she says "as they?"

      I'm at my house I just bought and I show Ronda the swag that they may be using. I get another rush of attraction towards us. I'm a little shy, as i don't like to make the first step. The house is near blacksland. I see a dog that is the same breed as REX. I think to myself maybe REX followed me somehow. I go outside, it's like in in a camping area. The dog comes over to me and I don't think it's REX. It looks too skinny. I think maybe he's just lost at lot of weight trying to find me. I put my arms around it a bit and it starts biting my arm. I think to myself that it's probably a feral dog, and may have rabies or something. The dog bite itself didn't hurt though, even while it was biting me. It was more the shock of it biting me. I think about putting urine on it to heal it.

      I'm near some kind of device that does something amazing. Its got a lot of meaning behind it. I try attaching a light on it, but it won't stick too well.
      Some people come over and rearrange things. I can't seem to il find the device.

      I see Jane eating at a table. I hear her offer a chip. At first I think she's talking to me, but soon realized, it was probably to who she was eating with. I walk inside and see a few chips on the bench. Jane mentions something about maybe having some Distilled water.

      Dream Fragment
      I'm at home and I'm with dad and bro. Dad says something about not watching shit on TV, and only watching cooking and something else.

      I see a scene of a mother cat sitting on a couch, watching their kittens play. One of the mothers is purring. There's a cat freaking out over a lead on the ground.
    2. REX Goes Missing(8.12.15)

      by , 08-12-2015 at 12:21 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      REX Goes Missing
      Im walking my dog REX in my estate. I take my eye off REX for a min and lose him. I start to panic as I know he won't here my calls or whistles due to being def. I think I have a moment where I think I may be dreaming, and decide to wake up to check. I'm laying in bed and realize it's just a dream. I quickly close my eyes and perform a DIELD. I wait for a scene of my room, which comes pretty quickly. I get up and head outside. I feel like going for a drive, so I choose from a few cars. My eye catches the blue viper, which looks pretty tiny. Almost like a kids car. It's parked next to my house steps, which makes it a little hard to get into. I find the door and slide in. I check a few common spots for keys when no luck. The car rolls down the drive way, onto the footpath. I see some teenagers walk passed. I try the ignition, which seems to have something i can turn over to start, but it doesn't work.

      I lose my lucidity as I'm back inside the house. Rob and Bro are in the kitchen. Rob offers me some small candy looking things. He says that they are capsicum candy. I try them and they don't taste like candy.

      I'm sitting in Robs lounge room with Cuzzo. He's just cooked some rissoles and REX goes over to him straight away, hoping to get a feed. I try to pull REX away but I only make a little effort to. Cuzzo pushes REX out of the way instead. I walk into the Kitchen and see that there's rissoles on the bench. I go over and try one, it's bland but I'm easy and enjoy it either way. Bro asks how the rissoles are, and I tell him they're alright. I wasn't sure if I tried his or cuzzo's.

      I wake up again and perform another DEILD which is successful. I'm only in the dream for a few moments before I wake up. I keep chaining the lucids together at this point. At one stage I'm using a phone in my dream bed to check when the picture is clear enough to get out of bed. I see someones eye on the phone camera. It looks like we're both trying the same thing. I get out of bed lucid again. This time I intend to find a women. I expect to see one in the laundry. It's dark and not the best to see. As I walk into laundry, I feel something I brushed passed, which scares me a little, which wakes me up. I try another DIELD which fails.

      Dream Fragment
      I'm playing COC and I notice that a pine tree has been placed almost in the same place as Christmas tree. I almost removed Christmas tree without knowing. This happened with 2 Christmas trees.
    3. Josh May Have Fallen To His Death, Arcade Zone (8.11.15)

      by , 08-10-2015 at 11:58 PM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Josh May Have Fallen To His Death
      I'm with Josh and Dave at a house. People start rocking up, including my cousin Jon, Ben, Tommo. They have all bought Find Surfboards. I go check out Tommo's first, it's huge. It's a different sign to mine, from whah I can see on the packaging. The tail looks different and the logo itself. Once we take it out of box, I realize how big it is. It's absolutely massive, at least 12+ foot. I guess it makes sense as Tommo is a tall dude. The design kinda sucks, due to having his discount printed on the board. I rub my hand over it to see if the discount print is a sticker, but it's not. It's in yellow writing and it's up the middle of the board.
      I go into the other room and see that Ben has a box. I figure it's his surfboard ad help him unpack. I soon realize it's a side table for your bed. I didn't realize that Find did these.

      Im outside and I can see some surf. It's in a weird location. The waves are breaking cleanly and are a decent size. I imagine myself getting a few of the waves. I see a snowboarder in the distance, drop from the top of the wave, which is up on a mountain. The wave is elevated off the ground. The snowboarder hits the ground nicely.
      I'm walk towards Josh's car and he seems to be on a phone call with Rach. They must be fighting, because I hear the door lock. I'm sitting in another car, next to Josh's. I can hear his convocation, and it's about Centrelink payments. I wind down the window and Josh gives me the phone to explain. I can't figure out the paperwork u need to send it to get paid, but it comes to mind sooner or later. I send Rach a picture of what it's called. I can now hear Dad coughing in another car. It sounds pretty bad. Rach seems to have hung up. I think maybe because I was texting her while, instead of talking. A solid Arab guy comes up to the car and says goodbye. I get really good vibes from this dude. I shake his hand. A few people I know come up to him and give him a hug. I get out of car and think about doing the same thing. We begin to move on and I'm walking with the solid guy, I put my arm on his neck and massage if a bit. I ask if he gets massages much, due to him being such a giving guy. We are walking into a work sight. It's a bit dusty and can see machinery and steel structure. Im with Josh and both are looking for Ben, he's working here. I'm following Josh and he jumps straight off a vertical drop. I watch him fall at last 50 ft. I'm helpless and feeling terrified. I expect the worse. I try and get down somehow, but can't find a way. I begin feeling calm and carefree almost, which is odd considering my friends either dead or in terrible shape. I look closely around every corner, incase it has a drop like the other. Some do.

      Arcade Zone
      I'm tying to get home and am feeling a little lost. I look around and it feels familiar, I think I'm at down Germain's Court. Things look different
      I do a RC and it semi passes (nose plug), they Seem quite enhanced. I walk passed Shonnie's and he's on the steps with a women, which is probably Claudia. I hear him say that might be David, but I ignore and keep walking. I see cars at the end the court with people around. It's night time so, it's hard to see who's who . I reach a undercover area and see that my brother is talking to some girl that looks familiar to me. Looks like the girl that I went to school with. I tap my brother on the shoulder and he looks surprised to see me, as if he has been sprung cheating. I look closer at my brother and it's not him. I tell him I've got the wrong bloke. He's all cool with it, and she's I look like someone he knows too. As I am walking away, I see my brother and that girl, near the mistaken identity. Brother walks off shortly after. I get really excited and have a burst of energy. I run down which looks like a shopping centre. I begin yelling out.

      I'm at a house now, and I see Dennis.
      We're talking about something. He seems very relaxed. I'm sitting down next to Eddy, watching Bro on a car simulator. He's waiting for his Shot, as there's an elderly couple playing. Eventually bro gets a chance.
      He takes his time setting things up.

      Bro and I are in an arcade centre. There's machines everywhere. I do a RC again by trying to put thumb through hand, which passed again. I stop at an arcade game and try to see if it works without credits. It works. The game has a ski handle that u hold onto and u shoot water at the screen, it's a strange combo. Devin walks behind me and starts encouraging me. I show off and shoot the screen that's not meant to be sprayed. There's people rock climbing close by, and someone looks to be in trouble. They're trying to rescue them. There talking about noises of hitting the ground or bouncing against the wall when falling. The guy doesn't like the sounds if they were to happen. I look up and can't find the guy in trouble, but can see others.

      Dream Fragment
      I remember betting on Dad's horse he thought would win the Melbourne Cup. Josh asks me to put some money on for him, I'm unsure if I placed the bet or not. I use the money that's in my online account. I don't think I place a bet for myself, as I only have bros money in my account. The horse wins the Melbourne Cup at odds of around 13/1. The return of my bet would be around $1000+. I think to myself that I should ask Josh if he did in fact wanted me to put the $50 bet. I was eager to let bro know that he won.

      Side Notes
      Almost become lucid but failed both RC. Need to be more thorough with my RC.
    4. There My Thongs Ya Wanker, Huntsman, Holiday Surf (14.7.15)

      by , 07-14-2015 at 12:41 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      There My Thongs Ya Wanker
      I'm at the shops and I'm coming down some stairs to leave. I see some Asian looking guy slip my thongs on. I ask him what the hell is he doing and have a go at him. He walks off in shame. I call him a wanker as he leaves. I see that he wasn't too happy with the comment and doesn't want to leave the situation. As I get down the stairs I'm confronted by his brothers. They're all similar looking, maybe even twins. I'm standing my ground but starting to feel a bit intimidated. I tell them I was angry which made me abuse him. Everything eventually gets sort out. I walk passed them moments later and it feels we have all moved on with what happened.

      I'm in another area of the shopping centre. I see my brother, he's hiding from a friend of his. I walk close to where his hiding. I hear a song, maybe a mjay song. I begin bobbing around having a bit of fun. Some guy in the distance is having a bit of a laugh. While still dancing, I try and limbo a sign but can't do it. A lady in her shop sees me and comes over and tries to sell me stuff. There's a game in there that has limbo in it. Brooke Alford comes over and I tell her about the lady coming over when I started doing limbo. I try the limbo again and succeed this time.

      The Huntsman
      I'm in a room with some people and someone lets a huntsman spider out into the room. I watch the spider paralyze a more deadlier spider. It walks over towards
      It and towers over it. The other spider must go into intense fear and paralyzed it. The other people shrivels up as it's taken by the huntsman.
      There's a bed in the middle of the room and it's been put on the extra folded up blanket that's laying on the bed. I'm feeling a little uneasy with knowing a spider is roaming around the room. Someone is moving something towards the spider to try and get a reaction from it. The spider pounces to give out a warning. I can now see the spider close up. It's fangs are lighting up with an orange/red glow. At one point it seemed to be shooting light out of it.

      I'm near the wall doing something.

      Holiday Park Surf
      With Josh at a holiday park. I see some surf in the distance. It looks pretty choppy as if it's in the middle of the ocean. Drew decides to go out into the water with a few others. I think about going out but feel it's too cold.

      I'm in a room with Josh and There's some girls there also. We're talking to them about something. Inspiring them some how.

      Dream Fragments
      1. A guy tells me about his acting gig he got in the states. I see a scene of him acting. He's talking with an accent in the scene. I don't rate his acting ability too good.

      2. I got some fresh dates out of the fridge.

      3. Having a play around wrestling match on the street. There's a few teams doing it.
    5. The Slaughtering Factory, Dance Like No Ones Watching (5.7.15)

      by , 07-05-2015 at 12:42 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      The Slaughtering Factory
      I'm at a slaughtering factory and I'm watching the process of how it works. They're using chickens and cats, it's fucken sickening. I love animals so much, I can't understand how someone could do this job for a living. There's 2 guys on a production line, where the Animals come from. There's holes where they throw the Animals down to there death I'm guessing.

      There's a live cat and they pore petrol over it and then let it roam. This starts to effects the cat and makes it weak and looking as if it's eventually going to die. Someone tells me that it's had a tablet and it'll die.

      Dance Like No Ones Watching
      I'm outside a house and I'm with 2 others. I see some of my close family on other side of road. I stand with a lite kid about 30 meters away from my family, and we communicate that way. The kid talks for a while and I compliment him saying that he speaks better then I do. I remember seeing the ground look like burned rubber. I'm inside the house now and someone said they laughed at what we said around the side of house.

      I'm at a petrol station with Marleigh and a few others that I recognize. We all start dancing and looking like idiots, but we continue dancing. I begin thinking about how we look silly but don't want that to stop me, and that I shouldn't feel silly, I'm joking around having fun. I begin pretending to rap silently but move my mouth and hands as if I was really doing so.
    6. Full Bed, Dad's Custom Racer (20.8.14)

      by , 08-30-2014 at 04:42 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I'm in my bedroom with Daryl at my old house. There's two girls laying in my bed. I recognize both. One is the female I hooked up with a CQ Night Club and other is Ash Browns Girlfriend.
      I jump into bed with them and I feel a little unsure if they don't want me in the bed with them.

      A dog begins running around the bedroom and I follow it around the room.

      Dream 2

      I'm at my high school and I walk towards a shed. I enter the shed and I see a bike that I take with me. The bike a custom built racer bike, its a odd design but I like it. I see that it has a Facebook logo on it.
      I take it to where the community center in marinda park is, along the footpath near milk bar. I see my cats and they keep getting in the way of the bike. The cats eventually steal the bike and take it around the corner.
      I walk around the corner but area doesn't look like what it usually looks like IRL. I get the bike back and begin to clear the footpath of things that are in the way. I see a dog bowl on the path.
      I have to squeeze my way passed the cats , due to them being on the path. I begin talking to someone about the bike and telling them that it's vintage and would have cost a lot to do up.
      I talk to my Dad and ask him why he did the bike up. He tells me it's a hobby of his.

      Dream Fragments

      1. Someone is talking about Marc Marquez. They mention that he's American.

      2. Rita & Bruce are over at my house. Daryl is in his bedroom and yells out something to me. I yell back but he doesn't respond. I go to his room and find out what's up. I see that he's on dreamviews and is on my dream journal.
      He mentions that its running slow, so I hop on PC to check and it's running fine.
    7. Short DILD Into False Awakening (6.8.14)

      by , 08-06-2014 at 01:14 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      I'm in a game and I see the enemies shooting their shock rifles towards me. I fire back and try to combo their energy balls before they reach me. Im up higher now in a building and still fighting. I think I become lucid or semi lucid around this point and must wake up shortly after.

      I catch the False Awakening. I'm in a house and decide not to do anything fancy but just stay aware of my surroundings and check stuff out. I see a fridge with writing on it and have a look at what it says. It looked like if made sense from a far but as i get closer, I don't think it makes sense. I hear someone in the kitchen and go and check who it is. As I'm about to walking towards the kitchen I think about eating some chocolate. There's shopping bags all over the floor in the entrance and decide to step around them. I see my brother in the kitchen and don't bother worrying about him too much. I look in the fridge and see a cake. I try to get it out but I almost drop it. My brother comes up to help. I forget about the cake and think about something I wanted to do in a lucid dream. I'll try and convince my brother his dreaming. My speaking in lucid dreams as been slurred since starting again and I try to talk. It works no problems this time. I sound pretty clear. I begin to try and work on my brother. I grab him and tell him his dreaming but he tries to walk away and doesn't want to hear it. I tell him to watch what I'm about to do, which was going to be levitating/flying but I never got the chance to do it. [i felt the dream fading multiple times. I didn't stress too much about it and just focus on what I was doing and it bought back the dream clarity]

      Dream Fragment:
      1. Im with Kayley and. Marleigh. I need to buy a letterbox. I check a few out as there's all diff sizes. It's a factory.

      2. Dad must win some money on the horse racers and I ask him about the other week if he had won. He didn't win.

      3. Dad fills the dog bowl with tap water.

      Side Notes:
      Struggling to remember dreams. Woke up at 5:30am and couldn't sleep for an hour+ which probably worked as a WBTB. Took sleeping mask off as I struggled to get back to sleep and it seemed to do the job and woke up with eyes closed without the assistance of the sleeping mask. Pretty happy with the small progress in lucid dream length as they usually last under min. This one felt as if it lasted 3 mins. Mantras for RC upon awakening is paying off.
    8. Dream Fragments (5.8.14)

      by , 08-05-2014 at 12:13 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream fragment:
      1. Holly's bf pushing her daughter on billy cart.

      2. I'm with Dad at the parkway shops and we are loading stuff into the back of our car. I see Dean's ute park near by. Dean and GGrant walk over and GG says something to me.

      3. I can hear eminems music. Myself and brother are In a room.
    9. Dangerouse Ocean and other Lousy Swimming Spots

      by , 11-17-2012 at 08:08 AM
      3 or 4 years ago
      note: I am not a strong swimmer so I don't swim in the ocean in real life.

      On my way to where my friends and family would be swimming, I was walking through a mountain meadow and became a little disoriented. As I stood in front of a group of large rock formations, I contemplated on which way to go.

      I climbed up one boulder and up between two small cliffs and onto a trail that led down to the ocean. I think my uncle may have told me how to get hear in the dream but I'm not sure. The fishing was supposed to be great and the water clean.

      Finally I made it down to the ocean which was at least thirty feet below the cliff where I stood. There wasn't any beach but I made my way down a narrow eroded path to the water any way. Off to my right was a larger cliff and a tiny bit of a cove. I jumped into the water and swam over to the larger cliffs.

      Once below the cliffs, waves started to build up. They never crested but were often as tall as the cliffs themselves. The deep water, big waves and towering cliffs felt treacherous but I swam for a bit any way. I rode up and down on the giant waves until I decided that It was irresponsible for me to be swimming alone in these conditions. I got out and went back the way I came.

      Back across the meadow I came to a dirt road that I decided to follow. The pines were dense here and I could barely see the ocean. I soon came around a corner and could see an area where bulldozers had dug into the mountain side parallel to the road ahead of me. The bulldozers had graded an area about sixty feet across that slopped down to some ocean water that came from around the bend of a hill towards the direction I had come from. The sides of the dig were fresh and muddy but everyone was swimming down at the shore.

      There was an old wooden building with ramps and gray paint that was cracked and peeling. Some sort of chase went on here in my dream but I can't remember exactly what happened.

      I didn't like this spot and I convinced everyone to follow me back through the meadow. They came with me but when we got to the meadow they stopped. Now in the meadow there were cold springs that filled up several jacuzzi sized holes in the ground. The holes weren't all that bad but I thought they looked a little dirty and that possibly cows might come through here and take a dip from time to time. However, despite my best efforts I couldn't get them to continue on to the awesomeness of the big waves of the ocean.

      I settled in and everyone set up picnics. Soon people were soaking, eating, chatting each other up, and children were playing. Then I heard someone scream for me. I looked over and saw a large black panther stalking one of the children. I ran as fast as I could and only barely intercepted the large hungry cat. Somehow, probably with pointy stick, I managed to stab it through the chest as it leapt through the air.

      I can't remember if everyone was happy that I saved the child or angry that I killed the poor animal. Maybe a bit of both. END
    10. A Life lesson in the form of dreams

      by , 09-09-2012 at 02:35 PM
      (this was actually supposed to be my first entry but I accidentally made it a draft!!)

      Ok so recently my friends and I have been talking a lot about going away on a lads holiday next year and also local club nights that are U18, so all this will have probably created this epic dream that happened to be semi lucid too. Then I went through two other dreams or sections that were completely unrelated to this but still had some relevance to my real life.

      As per normal I'm relatively unfamiliar how exactly the dream starts but I know it is somewhere along the lines of my best mate Harry (not Harri) being at my house and talking about going to this epic club night that happened to be nearby. He said it was one that was an overnight stay (almost like a teen slumber party mixed in with a full blown club night) and that he was all packed and ready to go so he would meet me there. As he left unfortunately (as I find common in my dreams when I'm trying to pack for something) I couldn't find any of the items I wanted to take and actually woke up briefly in frustration. Fortunately enough I was tired enough to drift off back into the same dream (as it was probably about 3AM at this point so dead silent). I re-entered the dream at the reception of this so called club. My mate Harry jokingly asked what had taken me so long, and the receptionist ticked off my name on a clearly visible sheet as my mate must have told him. I asked Harry what the club was like and he signalled with a waggling thumb held sideways that it was so so, in conjunction with the receptionist opening the door behind him to see a visibly small waiting area with sofas, much like the waiting area to a doctors or dentist. I think the disappointment at this point had caused me once again to physically wake up from my dream, but again fortunately I was able to drift back into the same dream with no difficulty. Now in the small waiting room, the receptionist opened up the door which led into a large shop like area, with all the walls filled with every alcoholic drink that I know of, including a few that I don't recognise. Just when I thought it couldn't get any more crazy, as we were led into a second identical shop-like room (this time filled with a few typical party spirits like vodka and rum), the receptionist said that we were allowed whatever we wanted for free within reason. The room was also filled with male and female grooming products such as hairspray and hair gel for guys, and make-up and fake tan and stuff for girls. In mirrors that were about this room sure enough there were boys and girls grooming themselves before the entered the actual party room. I recognised a few of my friends from school in this room and was pleasantly surprised to see more of them arriving. As the receptionist led us into the third and final room, everything went dark (obviously because it was the actual club room) and a pleasant cosiness about the place overcame me. I said to my friend Harry "What were you on about mate? This place is ridiculous, free drinks, free grooming and a sweet club room" to which he just laughed. I decided I wanted to grab a Becks (my favourite kind of beer in real life) and started scouring the first shop like room for it. I also grabbed a bottle of smirnoff for Harry as he doesn't drink beer. At this point I become semi lucid as I realise that my dream is fading and I am slowly waking up. Luckily I started blinking less, and the dream became clearer again. So I venture back into the dark club room which surprisingly changed into a much larger concert hall and there were people everywhere my age (at least 1000) all conversing, although there didn't appear to be any music at this point and no one was particularly loud. I noticed more people from my school coming in through the club room entrance (from the second shop room). At this point I was slightly alarmed when a fairly attractive girl wondered past and said to me "I may as well be your girlfriend" to which I exclaimed in a jokey way "did you actually just say that?" as I found the fact I didn't know this girl and that she was asking me to be her boyfriend funny. I wanted to grab some more becks so I wondered back into the shop rooms and grabbed a multi-pack this time. From here onwards the only extra things I noticed is that I was wearing a lifeguard T-Shirt and shorts. Then the dream faded and I woke up.

      The second part was completely different. I was hiking with my school year in my group (similar to what I actually did a few months ago). The teachers told us that there we had to complete certain tasks. All of a sudden we had all leapt onto what looked like a rubber brick (something to do with swimming and videos I had been watching the day before). After a few in dream hours (which went by really quick) i realised I had been crushing this guy. As I got of him I apologised frantically and said something about my muscles being locked up so I couldn't get off him, and checked his heart rate to make sure he was still alive and well. He regained conciousness shortly afterwards. All of a sudden I realised that I had lost my group and was now walking with a different group instead. We came across two circular patches of mus that were a lighter brown than the surrounding mud. Unfortunately this turned out to be very deep mud, and one of my friends Nick fell in a patch and started trying to push up off the walls of this mud hole to keep himself from being swallowed. We had almost got him out but unfortunately one of my other friends James had fallen into the hole next to him. As we finally pulled Nick out, we became extremely concerned that my friend James was not trying to scramble out like Nick was, but had been completely swallowed under the surface. Frantically I told everyone to try and find a large stick to stick in the mud for him to grab hold of but it was no use. I myself fell in when trying to put a third stick in to see how deep it was, but fortunately Nick (from earlier) and his mate Jamie pulled me to safety. We realised that it was a lost cause and that James must have suffocated to death under there, to which I became a little emotional.

      I'm not sure If I woke up at this point but I all of a sudden found myself walking round a very very upper class looking university, with the events of James's death still in my mind. It made me realise that I should never take life or anyone in my life for granted, as a more realistic freak accident could happen to myself or any of my friends in real life. I went round the rest of the university part of the dream admiring the unrealistically beautiful and large architecture of the place, smiling at the various students that passed before slowly waking up.

      Quite a journey for one night. The feelings I felt from these dreams are indescribable, and I probably haven't done the first dream justice, but Dance music has been my life ever since I was a little boy so this was particularly special to me, along with the fact that I shared it with my best friend Harry. The second part really hit home to me. I procrastinate horribly, don't put in enough effort into anything I do and spend a rediculous amount of my life behind a computer screen wasting my time away on facebook. This dream told me to stop being stupid and actually start living life, as it could be over in a few years, months or even days, and to start appreciating my friends and family.