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    1. 4th Lucid Dream (1st Lucid Nightmare)

      by , 12-01-2012 at 02:35 PM (The Redeeming Dreamer)
      Dec. 1, 2012

      I was riding a bike down a city road. Apparently, I was trying to get home. I was going down the streets at a very fast speed. There were some cars on the road.
      As I passed an island in the middle of the road, I ran over some bushes. I then heard the howling of some wolves. I was very frightened. I started pedaling much faster. I saw the wolves chasing me. This was very scary. The closer I got to my house, the more aware I was becoming of the dream. When I got to my house, and as I went up my steps, I became lucid.

      The wolves were still after me. I didn't know what to do, so I jumped through a wall in my house. I started to fall through many different places. I couldn't stop myself. The falling through each "world" was so weird, it was almost as frightening as the wolves. I was also gaining velocity. As I fell, I realized I didn't want to do this, and I just wanted to wake up. I closed my eyes and woke up.

      I woke up scared. I tried to sleep after a while, but I had to go to the bathroom. Even after a bunch of reality checks, I wasn't sure if I was in a false awakening. I was afraid a monster might chase me if I left my room. I then hoped that I was awake and went to the bathroom. I couldn't go back to sleep, so I tried reading for a while. After a few minutes, my mom came to my room and said I looked exhausted, so she made me go back to sleep.

      Updated 12-01-2012 at 03:06 PM by 58207

      lucid , nightmare
    2. Stairway to Hobo

      by , 03-26-2012 at 09:15 AM

      I had left what must have been my dorm and headed down the road toward what I think was the cafeteria when I noticed that it was going to rain. Not wanting to get wet, I quickly ducked into a building on my right. The door was locked, but whoever had locked up the building must have forgotten to shut the door properly, because it had not latched, so I was able to go in.
      Inside, there were two staircases made like fire escapes: corrugated metal patterns that you can see through. I took the one on my right up a floor and found a door in the wall (that would have led outside, I think) and another flight. After going up another floor, I noticed that it was raining heavily outside.
      As I wandered around the building, more and more there were no solid walls, and more and more these metal staircases were the only thing in this 30x100 foot building.
      Then the hobo showed up.
      I call him that because I'm not sure what else to call him. He wore a grimy old torn suit coat over a dirty shirt, pants, and a beat-up top hat; he looked like he must have walked out of the pages of a Mark Twain novel or something.
      Either way, he began mumbling pretty much incoherently and never stopped, even when I ran. (he was really creepy, okay? And it seemed that he was going to get was he wanted out of me however he needed to.)
      In general, I just legged it around, tromping up and down the 4+ floors of these clanky, see-through fire-escape-staircases inside what I had thought was a classroom hall. >_<
      All the while, the hobo trailed after me, mumbling like a mentally retarded 12-year-old. He often referred to someone who he seemed to oppress him by not giving him what he wanted all the time; someone he called "Mr. Slippy".
      At one point, a girl in her later teens showed up through a ground-floor side door, but she didn't seem to mind the hobo, and I didn't stop to talk to her.
      I remember that there was a very shallow flight of stairs that I ran... across, more or less. It had a rise of maybe four feet and a run of thirty or forty. I say across, because it was pivoted in the middle and really just landed me on the floor as before.
      I went up a few more levels and saw ahead of me the girl and the hobo standing there, the one being silent (as usual) and the other mumbling (as usual) and yet again mentioning "Mr. Slippy". I ducked (really hairpin-turned) to my right and saw to playplace-style tube slides, both wet and both going down. Glancing over my shoulder and seeing the hobo shuffling over toward me, I dove into the slide on the right, which returned me to ground level and the door I had first come through.
      Well... I exited the building without any regret (it had even stopped raining) and continued to walk to lunch. Along the way, I joined one guy who seemed nice, and I asked him about the hobo. I don't remember all that he said, bud he seemed to think they guy was pretty harmless, which is believable since the girl earlier didn't seem to think differently.
      We were about to enter the cafeteria when my alarm clock went off

      The thing that scared me about the hobo (as far as I can tell), is that he seemed to be one of those retarded (literally) people that doesn't want to hurt you, but complains about everything and will get insanely upset if you don't agree or if you won't share what he wants with him.
      And somehow I didn't have the guts to just take and give a good beating?
      As soon I turned off my alarm, I noted that I wish I had been lucid so that I could have beaten some contentedness into the hobo. :/ Call me morbid, but I really just wanted the guy to stop complaining.
    3. great grandmother's house

      by , 02-20-2012 at 02:19 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was out in front of my great grandmother's house in the daytime. I stood looking in through her front window, which IWL was too high for me to look right into.

      My great grandma appeared in the window. I probably knew that she was dead. I think I had the feeling that this was either a dream or some kind of paranormal experience allowing me to see my grandma. So I just told myself to keep calm and let things happen.

      My grandma slid up the window, as if this were a double-paned window, which it was not IWL. I believe I asked my grandma how she was doing. I didn't believe she would give me an answer, as my "imagination" wouldn't be good enough to "create" a spontaneous answer from her.

      But my grandma did answer. She very gently said she was doing fine, but that she was here more to get an idea of how I personally was doing. She told me I should be more concerned about that as well.

      My grandma said she had to go take care of something in the house. She may have directed me to come into the house.

      I was now in the house, alone my grandma's "guest room," which I spent a lot of time in as a kid. The lights may have been off, but there was natural light coming into the room.

      Suddenly I was aware that my mom and my oldest nephew were under the bed. I could hear them talking. I must have felt that they weren't actually quite my mom and my oldest nephew. I felt like they were supposed to scare me somehow.

      The lights now went out in the room. I could hear a switch click -- like the daylight coming in through the windows was controlled by a light switch. The room was now dark as night, with just a bit of light coming from the hallway.

      My nephew's voice began laughing insidiously, like he was really trying to scare me. I got the feeling that he wasn't really my nephew, but a demon.

      I yelled at the voice, "I'm not afraid of you! You can't scare me!"

      I got the feeling that the body for the voice had actually transformed into a monster like a Chinese dragon, with something of a human body, and that the monster would soon jump out from under the bed to attack me.
    4. bald michael jackson; my nephew's teacher

      by , 02-12-2012 at 03:49 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was watching TV. The Jacksons had all gotten together for a concert. Michael Jackson was being driven across the stage with one of his brothers, I think, in something like a parade float that had the shape of a high-heel shoe. The stage was empty otherwise. The shoe and the background of the stage were empty.

      It took me a moment to realize that Michael actually looked a little strange. He was wearing a suit, like in Moonwalker, except that he wasn't wearing a jacket or hat. The slacks were khaki, and the shirt was white with red pinstripes. Michael also looked like an old man -- with kind of sunken, worn-out flesh.

      Then I finally noticed that Michael was bald, except for on the sides and the back of his head. But the hair he had was dyed blonde and done in a ragged, almost standing-up kind of style.

      I knew that rumors had been going around about Michael Jackson being bald. But he'd always denied the rumors. Now in this show he was coming out as being bald.

      I was apparently in some basement watching the TV. I ran up the stairs. My friend H was upstairs, possibly watching TV in the ground-floor living room. I told H that Michael Jackson had finally come out as being bald. But H wasn't surprised at all. I went back downstairs, somewhat disappointed. I thought I was going to give H some new information. But I didn't.

      I may have been watching the TV again. I could see old pictures of Michael with long hair. The top views of his head showed obviously thinning hair. Eventually, I knew, these images had become too obvious, and Michael just had to admit he was going bald.

      But, I thought, this whole thing could be just another one of Michael's characteristic, weird disguises. He could just have done himself up as an aging, balding man for this show. I knew that Michael had disguised himself in weirder ways in the past. So I wouldn't put it past him to disguise himself in this way.

      I now got the feeling that I'd actually met Michael Jackson. I thought that this was possible. When he was disguised, Michael Jackson could walk around anywhere and introduce himself to anyone without them knowing who he was.

      I got the feeling that when I'd met him, he'd been disguise as a really old person or a person in really bad shape. He'd looked frightening and gross. But you could see that his eyes were really his eyes, and something about that had made things even worse.

      But I may then have thought that I actually hadn't ever met him. I thought that if had really met someone like that I would have been so frightened that I wouldn't even have been able to control myself. I even hoped that I would never have to meet someone like that in my life.

      Dream #2

      I was in a bedroom with my second oldest nephew. There were two women in the room with us. Both women were really attractive brunettes.

      The room was dim, with walls, or at least the edges of the walls, in heavy, dark wood. The walls themselves may actually have been Asian-style, paper-thin. I could feel a narrow, dim hallway outside.

      The two women were apparently our teachers. One teacher was going to take me to do some task. The other was going to take my nephew.

      But for some reason, when my teacher walked out of the room, I didn't follow her. My nephew's teacher was talking to my nephew. She may then have said something to me, like she was here to teach my nephew, not me.

      I may have said something like, "Oh, yeah, I see." I may then have decided I needed to find my own teacher.

      I think my nephew's teacher then walked out of the room. My nephew and I were standing in the room, talking with each other for a bit. My nephew must have been telling me a joke. I remember him laughing as he spoke.
    5. I am Not Helpful, Spider Scares Me

      by , 01-13-2011 at 03:35 PM (From the Drowsy Mind of a Mouse)
      "Each time we face our fear, we gain strength, courage, and confidence in the doing."

      I was at my school, and I was carrying my baby cousin. She was having a fit and completely freaking out, so I put her in her stroller.
      Time skip.
      I was in a hallway at the school, and my mother was there. She told me to go outside to the car to assist my father with carrying some things. I had my sweater on, so I knew I'd be warm enough. I walked over to the doors and was about to go outside to the parking lot, when I realized that I didn't have my shoes. I went back to where my mother was to get them, but she began to scold me for not helping, claiming that everything had been brought inside already. I angrily put on my shoes and went outside. I jumped on the ground and slid on the ice on my belly. It was jolly good fun, but I stopped because I didn't want to dirty my sweater.
      I walked over to the car where my father was working on his computer. I began talking to him though the window.
      "Can I help carry anything?" I asked. I noticed some gross-looking bugs on the outside of the car.
      "Everything has been brought in except a couple things that Ill get."
      "I'll carry them."
      "Well, because I didn't help out earlier and I desired to make reparations for my lack of assistance, and THAT BUG IS CREEPING ME OUT!"
      On the car was an ant and a "tomato spider," as I called it (see image below). They both had a bunch of little white grub-like things attached to them, parasites I expected. The ant was big, but worse was the tomato spider. It had a gross red body and long legs, and a fuzzy tail. It fell off the car and I jumped back. I began to stomp on it, but every time I tried to kill it, it didn't die. I stomped again and again, but it still lived.
      I went into panic mode. I was freaking out. I hate bugs, and they are one of my biggest fears. I began to flail, and I almost hit a nice young lady in my panic. My father kept telling me to calm down, but I just couldn't. Now while that damn spider still lived. I stomped again, and again, and again. Finally, I threw a napkin on it and stomped again
      . Finally, I woke up.
      This one scared the feces out of me. I am so afraid of bugs, for no reason. I think this one counted as more of a nightmare than the last one, because while roaches are just gross, big red spiders are frightening.

      This thing is awful. Actual size.

      Updated 01-13-2011 at 03:47 PM by 33120

      nightmare , memorable , non-lucid
    6. O Snap! That Demon is Back Again!

      by , 06-23-2010 at 04:09 PM (From the Drowsy Mind of a Mouse)
      "Most glorious Prince of the Heavenly Armies,
      Saint Michael the Archangel,
      defend us in 'our battle against principalities and powers,
      against the rulers of this world of darkness,
      against the spirits of wickedness in the high places' [Ephesians 6:12]"
      ~ Catholic exorcism

      I was in a dark, Hogwarts-like place. The surroundings were old and wooden, but sturdy-looking. There was a giant crowd of people around. I was on a second-floor platform, but you could look over the railing to see the first floor if you wanted. I looking for my friends, Caitlin (my pseudo-sister IRL) and Ken (a somewhat large lesbian, and one of my best friends IRL). I saw Caitlin and Ken run by me up the stairs, so I immediately turned around. I caught up to Ken, but Caitlin had gotten away. Ken informed me that Cait was possessed by The Demon.
      In its natural form, The Demon looked like a small black cloud, but it could possess people and have them do its bidding. Ken and I had to get it out of Caitlin, so we were going to have to perform an exorcism.
      I got Ken and we went to the dorm area of the hall. Some girl, with slight reluctance, let us set up a base in her room. It was a small, but cozy room with pale yellow walls. Once inside, we shut the door, lit a candle near the door and one near the bed, and I sprinkled a circle of Holy Water from the container that I had with me.

      Layout of the room:
      The []'s make up a bed.
      The ~ represent a circle of Holy Water.
      The [.]'s are a desk with a TV on it and some papers that were on the ground.

      There, we waited. I got prepared to say some exorcism. Suddenly, we heard a knock on the door. Ken went over to open it, but I stopped her.
      "Who is it?" I asked.
      No answer.
      "Who are you?"
      No answer.
      "Should I turn out the lights?" Ken asked, about to suffocate the candles with her fingers. I nodded. The room got dark, and I kept the door locked. The Demon wouldn't be getting into this room.

      I woke up.

      This dream was quite frightening, but I don't know if it really was a nightmare. It had many nightmare qualities, like an unseen enemy, my friends are victims, and I'm not completely sure what to do, but during the dream, I was acting very calm, cool, and collected, although I really was quite nervous. I knew the precautions I had to take to stay safe. I'll just put it as a nightmare.
      I should have noticed it was a dream because I don't believe in demons. I think crowds may be a growing dreamsign for me.

      Updated 07-01-2010 at 07:35 PM by 33120

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable