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    1. THE CAR STOP MAFIA!! "Motocycle gang"

      by , 08-13-2024 at 02:39 PM

      Woke up to the sun. So bright. (writes dreams) Honestly I should just get up. Or…

      On the side of a road, On top of a hill was a place full of stores and services. Usually I would just stop to get something to eat or for my dad to pick up some gas for the trip. But after coming twice it got apparent that I was a more regular visitor than anyone else. As it happened that my dad would be doing something and I would have to stay and wait for hours. I had some time to kill talking to people my age. As I ganged their trust (GET IT LOL HAHAHAH pls laugh) they told me that they run sort of a “little” gang here and that they run all of the stores. I said that's pretty cool and after a while of wandering around and doing different things. Eventually I joined the “motorcycle gang”. Which was what everyone's little nickname was for it. I surprisingly wasn't expected to stay or to come often but when I do eventually come often I would have access to all the lounges and stuff. I made some friends and they wanted to go get lunch at a supermarket. I came with them. We found a spot with Chinese food and different types of chicken. As I ordered my food I realized it was gone. So I went back to go get something else. At the time the kids were waiting for me. Another line started to grow so in a bit of a panic I got some chicken legs because they happened to be way cheaper. As I continued in the line one of the people behind the counter asked if I joined yet. (Let's call him bill. I was already talking to him before lunch) I said yes so for confirmation he went to one of the people I was with and they said yea. As I continued up I realized that they never gave me an ID card to order. Bill started to speak to the guy running the supermarket. (Lets name him Joey) “Yo Joey wanna watch what happens if you don't have your ID card?” Joey, already knowing what was about to happen declined, lacking interest. Bill pulled out a knife from his side pocket and went to attack him. I grabbed his arms and tackled him. Throwing the knife out of the way. A narrator said that in his mind he thought I would’ve been a good leader. I ran through the store, chicken legs in hand looking for more food I could grab. After about to grab a pastry I saw Joey running closer to me so I ran out the door. I looked for a car I could drive and after I saw a lady getting out of the car to set it up for a refuel I sprinted in the car and got it out of park. I drove right to the entrance of the plaza and luckily there were no cars. As I drove on the highway and onto an exit. The road started to be filled with houses. It was a mixture of country, suburban and ghetto. Gained lucidity, As I got to a part where the road was grass I slowed down and I saw that the side of the road was covered with extended houses. As I drifted past many I messed up and hit the structure of the house. Luckily it was still connected to the ground so it didn't collapse. Shortly after I ran into a tree. Realizing that this was a good time to let him pass by, I waited for a second but realized he was far behind. (car skills are way too good honestly) I continued on the road and reached a neighborhood. In the middle of the road was a group of three cars and two police officers on each side. Moving them. I went to the side and drove right past them. After some more insane moves I got to an intersection where there were hundreds of police cars. I immediately got out of the car. I randomly jumped (scooby dooby doo style) and then raised my hands up. I got arrested and a cutscene began of me getting free and getting 280 thousand dollars. Then I woke up.
    2. 7 Jul: People dangling in ropes and weird bank business

      by , 07-07-2022 at 11:51 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Three or four friends are at the top of a building. One is going down a rope stair hanging on the side of the building to do some stunt. The rope stair partially breaks and he is left hanging perilously. Another friend goes down to try to rescue him, but that is a bad idea because he just adds more weight. Some other friend then throws a rope so they hang on to it, but when the stair collapses completely, they dangle from the rope unable to climb up to safety. Then they spot another guy hanging upside down from another rope. Supposedly a banker who tried to hang himself and regretted it. They decide to join forces and swing to get closer to each other. But they still can't climb the ropes and decide to jump to a pool underneath.
      Meanwhile, inside this building there is a bank, where the rope guy works. A mysterious man comes in and writes down a number with many zeros on a paper and shows it to the manager, who then gives him an audience. The stranger says he wants to buy the bank. He wants the bank to make one specific loan to a specific person and he and his associates first tried it through blackmailing an employee (the guy on the rope), but because he did not do it and was about to commit suicide, they just decided to buy the bank and make it happen.
    3. 24 Nov: Frisky with Jon Stewart and with a school colleague in a past existence, favela gang

      by , 11-24-2021 at 10:26 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      On the backstage of - I think - Jimmy Kimmel's show. There is a giant water tank on stage for some reason and Jimmy is inside fully dressed doing some stunt. At some point I feel like he is in distress, so I knock on the glass just to check. All is fine and when it is over, I see the staff putting away all the wet accessories and then I meet Jon Stewart, who is also around for some reason. He joins me and comes to my mom's house to stay for a day, sort of a prize I got at the show, not sure. Strangely, he straight away sits topless on the sofa. I always found him hot, despite just being an ordinary looking dude, so I find myself massaging and caressing him. At first, I feel like it is consensual - after all, he got naked - but then he looks awkward and tells me not to touch his nipples or hair and just keep it professional. I am confused but I say ok and offer him just a shoulder massage. Then I stop, because I still feel him uncomfortable and I also feel uncomfortable and I say we can just talk. I start asking if he ever visited Portugal before. He says no and asks if there are beaches nearby. I say not really, but for some reason I can see Setúbal from my mom's window and tell him actually on that town, there is a really nice beach and we can go there if he wants. He likes the idea and we hop on a train to get there. My mom and some other girl also join. During the travel, Jon disappears and now I am only with the two ladies. The ticket controller comes by and the girl has no ticket and I realize none of us do. She makes up some bad excuse that will make us look even worse. The controller says immediately he will have to fine her. I think we need to get out right now discreetly and we need a distraction maneuver. So I spot this cranky old lady wailing insults at a poor black woman sitting nearby. I get up and spread some jam (that I just happen to have) all over her face, telling her she is a racist pig and to shut up. She is in shock and intensifies her slurs. She says blacks are all criminals and disgusting and she is not sorry. I slap her around, I am really pissed off and try to reason with her, but she shows no desire to be reasonable and just intensifies the hate. Meanwhile I think the controller disappeared but probably because he went to call the police or security, se we need to leave asap.

      Back at my mom's house, in my old bedroom. I find some ugly scary bug inside my wardrobe. Then I spot a few centipedes on the bottom of it, then lots of ants and finally notice that all hanged clothes are covered in flying ants. I go open the window, to try to release all the flying bugs, but first I check for any cats laying around and take them outside the bedroom for safety reasons. But then outside, I notice there is some construction work in my mom's bathroom and the workers also keep the window open. I freak out (it's a 4th floor), so I come up with some kind of barrier that allows air circulation but stops cats from going there and falling. Then the house is now like and old gigantic palace with abandoned furniture. Some dude from the workers finds a dog nursing puppies under a dresser and believes one of the puppies is dead. So he picks him up and throws him away to a pile of trash. But the puppy is alive and hurt. I take him to vet. The vet also throws him against the floor a bunch of times. I am horrified and I yell at him, but each time the puppy gets thrown, he actually seems to become better, more awake and transforming into something else. The last time the man does it, he turns into a kookaburra.

      Again at the old palace, back when it was alive. I am a servant and I live in the servant's area. Everyone else is away, masters and servants alike and I am the only one around. I am at the kitchen doing some chores when two guys break in. One of them is my old colleague from school in RL, Zé Francisco, accompanied by a shorter chunkier guy who looks like his own servant, but he is no lord or gentleman, they are bandits looking for an opportunity to rob some stuff. When Zé sees me, he recognizes me and I see in his eyes that he wants me and he will rape me. At first I panic, but then I think I was always strangely attracted to him, so it becomes a consensual thing. I lead him to a room and we are getting on, but it takes ages to undress. The skirt and petticoat and corset, so many things to remove. Meanwhile he transforms into someone else and he complains that I am fat and I smell, so the mood is ruined.

      Now I am a single mother living in a favela. Some gang members are looking for me, so I hide at some friend's place with my kid. They find me, but fortunately when they arrive, I am in a back room and hide before they see me. My kid is with me and I tell him we are playing a very serious game in which he can't talk no matter what. He is a toddler and doesn't really understand there is danger, so at some point he escapes from me and dwells into the front room where the bad guys are, but they don't know whose child he is and my friends make up some excuse. The kid keeps going to whatever destination he has in mind and never ever says a word, even when they ask him something, so they assume he is mute and let him go.

      Updated 11-25-2021 at 11:35 PM by 34880

    4. 2 Apr: Selling something to gangsters, safe house, chased by a dinosaur

      by , 04-02-2021 at 11:30 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am with Gerard Butler and a team, reminds me the movie Rocknrolla, but also some hints of Ocean's 11. I am carrying something valuable we have to try to sell or deliver safely to some bad dudes. We arrive at some posh restaurant/bar and meet some gangsters. The deal is off and we decide to leave, but we are aware that they'll chase us and try to steal it. So we separate in smaller groups and pass the bags back and forth between us, to confuse them if they are watching, so they don't know who's got the thing now. I am the one still carrying it though. I go through a train station and Gerard is staying close behind. At some point we bump into each other and he takes it over.
      We then have to meet at a safe house and it is a really cozy wood chalet of some nice Swiss lady. My friend Tânia is there, sitting in the living room reading a book or magazine. The house is very nice, very luminous, except when we go up some stairs that lead to the attic, which are a bit darker. I go up just out of curiosity and I trip in some gadget the owner has put on the stairs, supposedly to help people hold on and not fall down the stairs, but for me it has the opposite effect. She says she will consider removing it.
      I go back down to the living room and accept Tânia's suggestion to read, so I grab a couple outdated magazines from a rack on the wall. Tânia says "don't read that, it is so old" but I don't understand her point. The mags are from 2009 but seem interesting nonetheless. One has some article about the communist party and she says about that "you should read this book instead" and hands me some philosophy book in french.
      The others arrive and there is like a discussion about sleeping arrangements. Some complain about not having a bathroom near their bedroom and I go check and they actually have a toilet in the bathroom, but behind some curtains and they just covered it up with a wood board and are using it as a table to put their bags on. They say they are aware of it, but they don't feel there is enough privacy to use it. I get it, I try to use it and I don't feel so comfortable with just the curtains, but there will only be guys in this room, why are they being such pussies about it?
      Anyway, later I am watching a documentary about a baby lion mauled by a big lion and the lioness trying to revive the baby. It is heartbreaking, but the worst is that the baby is still alive just severely injured and then the lioness gets hurt defending him and we have to watch them both slowly dying. I just can't take it. I switch to a documentary about dinosaurs but it happens the exactly same thing. A baby T-rex is mauled by a bigger dinosaur and then his bigger brother comes to the rescue and also gets hurt and they almost die but find the strength to drag themselves away, looking for safety, and it is just painful to watch.
      I then meet my mom and walk her home and while we are at the bottom of the ramp that goes to her building, the two hurt dinosaurs appear at the end of the street walking slowly and I tell her the story to explain where they come from. I don't find weird that they just materialized from a tv show. What I say to mom is that they will attract bigger predators and we should get away from them for safety reasons. Right away, some other carnivore comes out from the corner neighbors' yard and tries to hunt those dinos. But then he sees us instead and finds us a more attractive prey. I tell mom to run up the ramp. We pull each other and we manage to escape. Fortunately, someone had left the door open and we just go right in and close it. The dinosaur sees us behind the glass door and leaves frustrated. Then I notice two travel bags outside on the street, unattended and I tell mom we should bring it inside because certainly someone forgot it there and might be stolen or destroyed by the dinosaurs. We quickly open the door and bring them inside. One is empty and the other has some papers and a few objects. A neighbor comes by and asks if we are traveling. We explain these were outside and we brought them inside to protect them until the owner shows up. Then a second neighbor arrives and claims its theirs and that he was preparing to take it to his car and thanks us for our concern, but I feel he is slightly upset that we picked it up and looked inside, like not sure of what our intentions were.
    5. clxxviii. Eggs in the fridge, Family gathering at a mall, Casino, Bone dragon hunt and twin sister

      by , 10-10-2020 at 01:04 PM
      9th October 2020


      Something about eggs and cooking or baking with them. Remember looking in the fridge and either taking or leaving four eggs. (this felt quite accurate to how the kitchen area actually looks and feels in waking life)

      There was a long dream but I left it too long and the recall faded.

      10th October 2020



      Was in some mountains. That place I had built on creative had appeared, the mountain area. I remember being of unproportional scale and trying to cover it to prevent someone else from seeing it? Something about lewd stuff being in there?

      L and S and talking. Then in a mall, aunt I was also there. Something about a mini sand castle building kit? This is back in my old home area. Vague discussion with the three of them about people and how people had lost their jobs with the pandemic. I remark on how society has set itself up for failure. My point seems understood, but not accepted, by the others.


      (still the previous fragment's dream) Roaming the town, looked like the capital. Some guy from a group or gang? In a jeep or SUV with them and my old friend JC from school. I go somewhere with them. I'm riding with them in the back but my position seems elevated. A casino. Discussing the level of peoples' intelligence. A powerful and rich woman owns this casino. I remember she wore a pearl coloured dress. She makes offerings out of kindness; food or currency? Not sure.



      Some fantasy realm. I am a female character near the end of the dream and fight a bone dragon. I trick it with a fake hostage and it hesitates, I think it was a child cooperating with me. Then I trap the dragon with a vine plant of some kind (the word heron came to mind as I wrote the notes) and I start cutting the dragon's sinew and bone methodically, using a long slicing sword.

      Before I am done, it starts to glitch or something and disappears. Then I climb up or use a platform elevator of some kind and there's another female character. She's my twin sister. She has a vivid red silk dress with gold trim, and I have a silk vivid green dress with a similar gold trim. The coloured areas have a subtle patterning but in the dream the dresses appear more western than I expect for their style.

      She had been the dragon all along and thanks me for releasing her. She tells me about how I'd set up traps in advance and other things and comments on these things. But I don't remember any of it and start to come to the conclusion I'd made myself forget for some reason. Before I could dwell on it, we jump down to the stone courtyard where the fight had occurred, and we're about to go somewhere together, but the dream ends soon after. This area had a tinting like a bathing of sunset and I remember godrays and distant castles and such-like fantasy style structures.

      - The castle areas in the last fragment remind me of Lothric from Dark Souls III, but with a more cheery look.
      - It's been a very long time since I thought about bone dragons, and it's probably the first time one has appeared in a dream.
      - The woman at the casino seemed to look like a pin-up model or just had a general style of 50s/60s to her. I think she was blonde, which matched her pearl dress.
      - There were a lot of dresses featured in these dreams, compared to normal (which tends to be 0).
      - It's not the first time I was a female character, but it's not too common either. It felt as though the character was just me though, and not that I was in a role of some kind.

      Updated 10-10-2020 at 03:31 PM by 95293

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    6. clxxii. Visit to museum with family, Motorcycle gang, Old mansion/hall

      by , 10-01-2020 at 09:44 PM
      30th September 2020


      With my family, visiting some fancy historical complex in America. It's on an overlook type area, atop a generally hilly area. Don't remember the surroundings much.

      Mom, dad and T are the family I'm with. I remember we walked into a room with a long curved glass separating the room from a display area. There are highlights from the top and behind the glass is a natural-looking and rocky display, but the main feature is a plaque attached to a rock? We sit down on some of those museum-type sofas and there's a female voice talking about this plaque and/or the display.

      Outside, going away from the compound area.

      (recall gap)

      Then something about a motorcycle gang? And two of its members are causing havoc along a road, in some way that I don't recall. I'm a policeman and have a motorcycle of some kind myself, chasing them through roads and rice fields, where people are working.

      (recall gap)

      Then in a shower. It's in some old place's bathroom. The shower is a walk-in type, with no frame at all, being only a white plinth. It's centred against a wall of this bathroom, which is quite large. I remember old and darkly stained wood, either in the bathroom or outside of it. Cerulean-blue tiles?

      While I'm in this shower, bits of crap start coming off the back of where a silicon seal should be. Some bugs and a small horned beetle crawl out. (The word kabuto comes into mind as I write this out)

      Then I get out and someone else is around. Not sure who, but they find a small clam shell of sorts and put it in front of this beetle. It gets in the shell and wears it like armour or something, the other person remarking on this fact. Then nearby is a crab and this other person disturbs it and it crawls away? But the crab is also in a strange sea shell of some kind.

      (recall gap)

      Vague recall of roaming some mezzanine area and old halls of the place with the bathroom. A bedroom too?


      - Shortly after writing out this dream and getting some things ready for the day, I found a beetle on the hoodie that I was going to wear.
      - The whole dream was continuous but the threshold/transition moments seem to have mostly been lost on waking.
    7. cxxxviii.

      by , 08-13-2020 at 01:01 AM
      27th June 2020


      Long dream but details faded. Remember being in the mountains, by myself. It was a sort of twilight hour. I remember looking under what was a false boulder and there was money under there, a few thousand euros and pounds. There was a message saying I was to take as much as I wanted.

      I stuffed it all in my shorts pockets.

      Then I remember thinking about going back home or something, I felt like I was lost in an unknown country. I arrived at a hotel place of some sorts and H was there in the role of a generic servant or something.

      (Transition/recall gap.)

      In some kind of big store. There's only a few people around, it's day time and not much artificial lighting is needed in here as it seems to be adequately lit naturally. Then this group of guys comes in and they are a bit stocky, not fat though. They are going to rob a vault at the store. They do so and there isn't much fuss about it, apart from the odd scream from a woman. I hear them talking or something and they managed to steal 6.2 billion.

      I think about how much money that is, and how it looks so small physically, as they only carried a few sacks of notes between them. I remember maybe being in the car with them and talking about their robbed loot.


      - Although I remember having this dream since it wasn't that long ago, none of the visual recall seems to be coming back really, so in that sense I can't consider it very memorable at this time.
      - I remember there was a fair bit of dialogue in this dream, but this is typically amongst my most easily lost details.
    8. cxvi.

      by , 07-19-2020 at 11:17 AM
      4th May


      A few dreams, the last one was in some kind of hotel room with two of my cousins, from dad's side. I don't remember much furniture at all We had some backpacks, mine was nothing like I've ever owned however. It was blue, bulky and square-ish; I have seen these in the past and have wondered what it would be like to have one, often thinking they are "cool".

      But for some reason, we all got naked; there was some kind of pretext about us being smelly at the end of the day or something; then the two of them went to shower. I remember peeking through the somewhat open bathroom door and seeing two walk-in shower/wetroom areas, but only one shower head/hose. C was washing herself, and then her sister in turns. I think they were giggling for some reason.


      Not sure where or how this one started but I was in a city; sunny and stray white clouds. I remember lots of cut limestone blocks in the buildingwork, so it was like areas from my old home. This place was very busy, it was like one of the town/city areas with lots of public space. R from university was there. At first I walked right past him, it took me a while to recognise him.

      His hair was slightly curled rather than flat. He was sitting or leaning against a wide limestone edge and was sweet talking with his girlfriend who was practically in his face and vice versa. I retraced some steps back as I realised it was him and tapped him on the shoulder. He turned and greeted me, apparently happy to see him. I remember conversation, but not its content.

      A transition? I'm somewhere entirely different, I can't recall the environment very well but I can only describe it as dirty and gritty. Dominant hues in red, orange and moss green.

      There was a small apartment building here, not far from a road, fourty to sixty yards. The building had a kind of trough dug around it, but not very deep, no more than a foot deep. More like a small dip really, and outside the trough circling the building, was a effectively a circular pile of guns. There were so many piled up I can't even guess at the number. Some had bright colours. Reminds me of Borderlands somehow. I remember going inside and walking through some poorly lit halls until I came to a flat that was quite small, the door was wide open. It looked a mess. There were some closed curtains and the room was poorly lit too. Outside still seemed dark-ish.

      I think I was here with someone, maybe H? But I don't remember what else happened in the room. I think there was a third person, a woman possibly. Then I remember being outside the building, I'm walking over the pile of guns carefully as I assume them all to be loaded. I look to my right and there's this shack made of corrugated panels or the like and there's a gang hanging out there.

      Some woman, possibly the one from before, stands next to me and tells me I should go talk to them. They've been causing havoc for some time in the region/area. I agree at first but then I look down and see some blue and red grenade launchers. I pick them up, not as heavy as I might expect. I turn to the left and aim at a tree or something which is at a similar distance to me as the gang was. I fire a few practice shots. I then quickly turn back towards the gang and start firing a hail of grenades over their shack. They grab some guns and start running towards me shouting and shooting with poor aim. I remember noticing a health display of sorts over some of them that were injured. They got quite close, but I still kept using the grenades to fight them.

      Recall fades a bit but then there was a transition and I remember being in some hallways, dark and moonlit. My recall stops about here.
    9. 28 Jun; Fighting and subduing a gang of fake monks

      by , 06-28-2020 at 09:59 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening[/B]

      Carla, her mom and another neighbor are at my mom's hallway discussing something. My mom's front door is not well closed and is banging whenever they lean against it. I go shut the door better and they hear me and call for me.
      They say they tried to catch Magano on the street because they want to adopt the cat. They hope we can help.

      I sort of feel powerful and I walk around with total confidence in my awareness, then I float and also feel like changing my clothes to a long medieval dress. Then I spot some buddhist monks leading people to a venue and I follow them with curiosity. Find out they are a bunch of con artists pickpocketing people while entertaining people with tricks. I try to disrupt their act with my magic but it doesn't work out, I try to warn some girl but she gets mad for bothering her. I get out but later find these artists at an hotel lobby with their bags packed. I confront them and some of them get away with the bags through service stairs while others try to intimidate me to leave them alone. But I follow them, one attacks me and fails. End up in a underground garage or warehouse where dozens of bandits are waiting for me to kill me. I fight and escape them all, but there is one I find really cute and as we fight we also flirt each other. Instead of hurting him, I steal a kiss from him. In the end, my magic finally kicks in and they surrender to me and become my devotees.
    10. 17 Jan: Love story movie, life in the hood and monster caretaker

      by , 01-17-2019 at 09:27 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      A scene like Charlie's Angels, with mom or friends. We are leaving some restaurant or BnB and some bad dudes are coming in and we notice them. We pretend to leave but we just park our cars strategically out of sight and stay behind to watch them and then do something to interfere with their plans.

      Some love story between some young lady and a young guy. They lie naked in bed, there is so much love. Some day he becomes paralyzed, no reaction, lifeless. Everybody comes to pay respects thinking he is dead, but she refuses to bury him. She sings for him, talks to him, everyone thinks she's gone nuts, but he is not decomposing. Then one day he slowly starts regaining movement and tries to communicate, but there's lots of people in the house. There is one guy who has always hoped to conquer the love of the lady and she is considering maybe allow him in her life. Meanwhile the guy in the bed has gained awareness and his moving his hands, trying to make some noise to get her attention. He is not having much success so he uses telekinesis and starts throwing things around and making a mess. Then I see this story is a movie I am watching and it goes to commercials. My mom sends me a message, needs me to pick her up and take her somewhere, so I stop watching the movie and go get her in a tiny bike.

      I am attending my guru's teachings, it's the last day and everybody is dressed up and I am not. But I am in my hotel room and start trying amazing dresses. I take so long to choose one, that meanwhile everybody's gone. Then the yellow dress that I chose becomes a kind of evil suit that grows green tissue over my skin, including a hoodie over my head. I look in the mirror and I look like a scary elf. I rip it off, but it grows back again and again. I am freaking out.

      Then it gets dark and I am on the streets, sitting on a bench. Two cars from some gang pass by slowly. I avoid eye contact but one guy comes out and looks interested in me. I get up and start walking away. I look back and a guy starts throwing knives at me. I dodge all the knives, then escape to some alley but he keeps coming. He comes closer, but then sits down and hints that he won't hurt me. I hide behind some wall but peak to see what he is all about. He takes out some candy, like waffle with chocolate and ice cream. I dislike but accept and eat along with him. He asks questions, we talk nonsense. Then some girl joins, talks about hard life in the hood, we agree it will get much worse in the near future. Then everybody is running on the street and saying "You don't know? It's Patricia." And we go to the end of the street and see a projection in the sky honoring the fallen from the Hunger Games. Then this girl takes me in. She rescues and nurses mutant and monstrous animals, but they are actually adorable creatures. She puts to bed a kind of centipede with many heads that looks like a plush toy. I cuddle the centipede and all its heads jump on me and lick me like puppies and dozens of other creatures appear jumping and get all over me. So cute.
    11. 4 Jan; A gang, Daniel Craig, porn and a sheep

      by , 01-04-2019 at 10:45 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I am at some event or meeting, people are sitting in an amphitheater, some audience being presented. My friend Evangenlion is said to have been promoted to some political role and some people are debating whether or not he has acquired more power. I make a small intervention, where I use augmented reality to present a message. Older people can't understand it, how it works and they miss the point. Anyway, it was a warning of a "storm coming", not necessarily literal.

      Later, people on the road are leaving their cars and running in panic. Some gangs now fight over controlling people and certain areas and apparently some gang is now raiding through this area. I could also run, but I need to get something vital from somewhere back. I leave my mom and her friend Analia in the car, that we hide under a crossover bridge. I tell them to run if I don't return at a certain time. I try to be on time but I get late. It's already dark and I get lost and confused. When finally I think I found the place, the area has already been taken over by this gang and they even set up tents to spend the night, They have torches to light up the area and somehow I need to go across. They actually catch me and question me and my motives to be walking around alone over there. But they let me go. I take a piss behind some bushes and they catch me again and feel grossed out. Don't ask any more questions, just ask me to leave. When finally reach the point where I left my mother, the car isn't there. But I find a police car with the door open and keys in it. I decide to take it and go find them, when my mom waves from behind a small car and we reunite in tears. Then we depart on the small car instead.

      They are taking people away. Some Ukrainians were took and people say it is my fault or that I could have prevented because I work as an interpreter and they were taken because of something I said or didn't say when translating to the captors. Out of guilt I take a chance and I go around the trains at the station looking for them. I am told I won't find them because they were already taken to somewhere in the mountains, but I am not certain and keep looking for them.

      Going to my childhood friend Carla's attic. I don't have the keys, so I have to wait for her. Riverstone also joins us. She flirts with him shamelessly. She goes answer some phone call. Daniel Craig appears and opens the door. He is trying to lose someone who is chasing him. The attic is a labyrinth of door and cubicles, I follow him around. We end up crossing a door and being in some middle eastern country. He disguises himself and then goes look for some guy he wants to surveil, but I don't disguise and I am spotted following him and almost endanger his mission. But to minimize damages, I leave Craig and join a group of women, pretending to be with them. Strangely, they are street hookers. Now I can't expose my cover, so I pretend to be one to. Some old fat guy comes to hire me and I can't say no, as I am still on that street where Craig surveils the other guy. I follow him and end up in a hotel where some actors I know from a comedy show are filming what appear as a porn. They tell me it is not porn, that it is meant to be just some raunchy comedy sketch for a late night comedy show. But it is pretty much porn. They don't shoot the sexual act, but all their dicks are out and erected and one other woman is naked too and a guy puts his finger inside her and tastes it. They hired me to join the film. I'm somewhat shocked and aroused at the same time.

      I go to some gift shop where everything is super expensive but I only want to take a look. The girl on the register is foreign, she hardly understands me, but she realizes I don't need help and she disappears. Then some guy comes in, he also looks around, but after a quick look he finds a cage with three animals all tied up and unable to move: a sheep with two babies. I am shocked. Like, why would they have sheep in a cage? He wants to make a complaint but the girl is not back yet, so he unties the animals and provides them food and water. Then takes one of the babies on his lap and brings in a bucket with water to wash the animal. He intends to do the same to the other, but as he gives back the first ship to the cage with his mother, the mom rejects the baby, no longer recognizing its smell. I pick up the poor thing, and hold it in my arms. I confirm it is a girl sheep and cuddle her. She looks so very happy. I tell the guy she can't go back to her mom unless we find a way to make her smell again like before. The guy says forget about it, he will adopt her, he says he was planning to adopt a dog anyway.

      Updated 03-18-2019 at 09:29 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Running from home, and captured by men..!

      by , 04-02-2018 at 09:30 AM
      I had a dream last night..!
      The first that I've remembered in a while..!

      It was more in bits though. I was myself, at home for a time, but then ran outside. I think I was running away from home, I remember hearing my parents call after me. But I continued to run away from my home.
      In the street, I was surrounded by a few young men (In their early 20's maybe?), and they grabbed me and started to pull me away from my home. They grabbed me by the arms, pulling me backwards along the street. I remember the police arrived on the scene, but the men were too fast and seemed to know exactly how to sneak away from the scene. I was locked up in a caravan, with a man.

      Then I woke up..!
    13. Drugs and fighting

      by , 11-19-2017 at 05:22 PM
      Hi everyone!

      I had a dream last night..!

      I had moved into a new area, it was on the wrong side of the city. I was a new member of a group, learning the ropes, and I had always be on guard. It was because people kept slapping drug patches on people's necks. You had less than a minute to remove them, or the drugs would kill you..!

      People were constantly trying to beat the other, so it was a case of trying to stay one step ahead of the others.
    14. Last Night (February 1st, 2016) THE HOUSE

      by , 02-05-2016 at 07:07 AM
      i have been tryen to lucid dream for foreverrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!-oldhome.jpg

      I found myself in a Fallout 4 style landscape. I, like everyone else around me found ourselves in a state of panic and determination to get somewhere safe. Every turn there were gangs standing on the streets waiting to rob civilians. I can into a group of 4 or 5 african american men wearing worn jeans and sports shirts. Some had red bandanas. I jumped over a cliff side after being persues by their shouts and agressive taunts. Luckly the hill was not to steap and I was able to run down it without tripping. It felt like a video game with the lack of realistic off balance one would have when going up down and side to side on a hill. I was a curvy street stretching down the side of the rocks ground with the dried out grass. The road I was starting to follow had first a gang of 5 men standing and sitting on a car and second a large home. This house was something you would see out of a Series of Unfortionate Events Movie or a home owned by an old woman living in Georgia post 1800's.

      I snuck around the men and entered the home from the back right side. You know that feeling when you go to a college party for the first time freshman year with friends you have only recently met? The smell of cigarettes and un mopped food and tile floors. This was that. I saw farmiliar faces but none could I put a name on. I simply passed through the house like a ghost. No one really noticed me or saw me. Finally, I got to the back left of the house where all of the attractive girls, wearing black, hair straightened, and wearing their kardashian lipstick. They huddled together in small groups. 1, which I will never forget was three girls against the window and the side wall. 2 were sitting down embracing eachother infront of a giant red pillowed heart on the wall. They faced a girl taking their picture on her phone. The second group was four girls, not friendly at all, sitting with eachother talking but never allowing themselves to be face to face. They talked and looked out into the large room. smalled groups were off to the sides and middle of the floor but were of no interest to me.
      I finally ran into a friend(who? I dont know) but she and I knew eachother as friends. She was with another guy and they were rubbaging through the kitchen trying to find supplies. They would never tell me what they were looking for and only assumed I knew why they were looking. I did.

      It was the end of days and the beginning of something terrible. 5% of the people I saw were trying to prepare, 60% were getting ready to kill and take everything from everyone, and 35% were living their lives like nothing was going to happen.

      I only remember leaving the house shortly after my friends preceaded up stairs while the gangsters from our side came into the building. They did not know weather to kill and take everything from everyone or join the party. Aimlessly looking around I snuck past them and back into the barren wasteland. Waiting for what was to come.
    15. #222. The Warden

      by , 09-19-2015 at 06:41 PM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      I remember that a previous LD involved me having to report in to a jail (um, juvenile detention facility) for a day, and I decide that sounds like an interesting dream plot. I warp the road that I'm driving down until it leads to a fictional location.

      This is a bad part of town, so I'm trying to chain down the bike that I'm now riding so that both the wheels are locked and it's attached to a concrete structure. I head inside and explain some of my health issues to the receptionist, and then I'm stuck in the waiting area with a book (a new fantasy series by J. K. Rowling!)

      I have to go back outside, though, because I'm not sure that I actually finished bolting my bike down. Sure enough, when I go outside, it's gone. Now there's a gang of some kind attacking... not the facility itself, but the people around it. I think it's a raid to steal all the bicycles.

      One of the gang members comes after me, and I pounce on him. "And what are you after, huh?" I ask, looking deep into his eyes. I take him down.

      The other gang members back down after I defeat their leader. I let them limp away, and go back into the building.

      I chat with Sadie, a friend from real life, and then I'm called into an office that belongs to the head of the facility. The warden walks into the room, and she throws down a series of print-outs that explain why the conversation that I was having with Sadie indicates that I'm a spy.

      (I'm secretly a SHIELD agent. I wonder if Sadie forgot to add up her character stats correctly again... that would explain the flubbed deception check.)

      I play innocent. And then I realize that somehow, I'm going to become the warden.

      So now I'm the warden, destroying my own facility because it reeks of pure evil. It's an easy job once the building is evacuated: the warden actually murdered the people who built the facility, so their spirits are perfectly willing to unmake the place during their escape. I destroy the stained glass wards leading to the outside world, and some spirits are quick to flee.

      Others will want their vengeance. I sit down, cross-legged, and calmly wait for them to find me.

      Updated 09-19-2015 at 07:00 PM by 31096

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