I was walking down a path with pretty plants on either side. I look to my right and see a dinosaur of some kind giving birth. Someone next to me starts a short small talk "Isn't it beautiful?" I respond with something like yeah something like that. I then continue down the path and I'm holding 2 frames with squares cut in them. There's a slug on the bottom frame and I try my best to not squish it. I manage not to, and I'm about to deposit it on one one of the potted plants on a shelf I'm approaching. I'm in my cousins house. My favorite cousin asks my aunt where the margarita thing is. "It's in the cupboard with the candy. But you better not be using it for what I think your using it for." I'm in a house, I look to my left and there's a shelf full of guitars. I see a beautiful brown bass with 5 strings, so I grab it and try to play it. The body is like a foot thick so I have a very hard time playing it normally. I set it down on the table, and pluck all 6 of the strings. They're all out of tune, so I decide to tune the first 4 EADG and leave the rest how they are. I turn the tuning key while plucking the first string and I realize i don't know what it's supposed to sound like. I find an amp like device in front of me so I plug it in, and try t tune the string again. I failed, and now I feel like I'm trespassing, so I go to the fridge and grab a coconut water, and walk to the door. [COLOR="#EE82EE"]2 nlds 1 fragment- 2.5 rc's-2 total-4.5 comp total-17[/COLOR]
Touched by a Yeti I have traveled somewhere with a large group of people, possibly by ship. I’m a different person (male, early 20s, with a Spanish-sounding name). We’ve just arrived here. It’s unclear exactly what kind of setting this is, but it’s clearly not contemporary, and maybe entirely fantastical. Everything is currently covered in snow. I am happy because I have a new sword, and it is awesome. It’s a long, slightly curved blade, and there are etchings of animals on it – wild boars, maybe others. I have it out, showing people, when a strange creature appears – I know it to be a yeti. It’s white and shaggy, but actually a little smaller than an average human – overall, a very vague visual impression. (Although maybe not vaguer than my visual impressions of dream characters in general. Or, really, people in general, as I am pretty much face-blind and have had to work out other ways of recognizing people.) Anyway. The creature is lightning-fast and moves in unpredictable ways, including short jumps between locations. In the brief time they have to react, people are trying to get away from it, but it just moves straight past them and appears right next to me. It touches my arm, which it does something to me that makes me lose consciousness. I’m woken up by someone what seems like only a short time later – same setting, only more people are around now, and the yeti is clearly not. I go with some people to have a conversation with someone who can explain what’s going on. The person (who seems a lot like NR) explains that the creature is the guardian of this place, and it didn’t like the sword – or, rather, its symbolic charge, so to speak – what it represented, which was being an outsider here and coming in intending to fix problems as an outsider, without being a part of it, which is arrogance. This makes sense to me. I now feel as if I understand the creature – not just from the explanation of its behavior but because I can tell that I now have some kind of connection with it. I know that it’s here all the time, even when it’s not manifesting physically. At some point later, as I’m talking with some other people who haven’t yet heard about the incident, I mention the yeti to them, and I turn around, expecting to see it there behind me, and it is – and from their reaction, I can tell that they can see it there too. I also know that eventually, when the time is right, I’ll take the sword out again, and use it this time, but in cooperation with it. 28.5.23 Cycles I’m in a room in a house at night, sitting at a keyboard. (It does seem to be me this time. Probably.) I’m playing with settings, designing sounds that I’ll be able to use for projects later on. While I’m doing this, I have a strong sense of my aunt’s presence, which seems connected with the keyboard in some way even though she isn’t there in the dream. Later, I’m somewhere like the dining room table of my current house, also at night. My parents are there, and I’m showing them something on a laptop: a vst instrument that I’m thinking about getting. It is called The Curse. The sound has an evolving quality to it, and it is accompanied by simple images that change alongside it as it cycles through its various stages. It had six different settings, all represented by images of people shown in bright neon outline against a black background going through different transformations. The first was fairy tale-like – that’s all I can remember about it. Another image was of a woman holding a baby: it showed the woman growing old rapidly and then becoming young again as the baby continued to look the same. Some of the images I didn’t see the cycles for were of a young man and woman holding wineglasses in a celebratory pose, and of a woman in a short dress wearing a helmet like the one Athena is portrayed in – one of the only lone figures – and a man and woman I surmised were in some sort of muse/artist relationship, since the woman was holding a quill pen. 1.6.23 Smell Epiphany I am a different person (female, Asian, maybe around eight years old) living in a house with my family. The house is somewhat similar to childhood home #5, at least in the size/location of the kitchen area. Something is bothering me – I’ve forgotten some of the points related to this – so I go outside to sit by the garden. There’s a steep, rocky slope lined with trees that leads down to a small garden where vegetables are growing. I sit on the slope, shaded by trees, and stay there for a while. Later, I’m in a building with my father and older brother, walking down a hallway. It’s a busy area, and many of the walls are lined with shelves full of bottles and boxes. He seems to be some kind of medical professional, and he is giving us a lesson, something both my brother and I find boring. He tells us to take a certain amount of a certain kind of powder on a shelf, so we do, putting it containers we have with us. He asks us how we can tell whether it’s good quality or not. I know the right answer, and so I give it: by its smell. He tells us to go back to where we got the powder and smell it. We do. My brother goes first, and when he’s done, I lean down to smell it. The stuff looks, and also kind of smells, like curry powder. As I smell it, I realize for the first time just how many dimensions a smell can have. It’s like a whole world. The idea that people can extract meaningful information doing this was just abstract to me before, but now it’s real. 5.6.23 Also a Couple Lucid Dreams I won’t describe them in detail, though, since I don’t think walking/flying around and looking at things would make for very interesting reading. The first (10.6.23) had an interesting setting – I get lucid after the dream’s ‘plot’ seems to come to an end, fly through a wall, and start exploring. I gain height and fly around an industrial park at night – brightly lit in different colors, with the reflected light from the overcast sky giving it a vivid atmosphere, while lightning flashes in the distance. I go in and out a number of times and make my wings appear at least twice – notably, just based on my shadow, they seem to be smaller than normal, which maybe makes sense as I can fly perfectly well without them, and so there’s no real need to make them look like they’re actually serving some purpose. In the second lucid dream (13.6.23), after some dream events I can’t recall very clearly, I’m leaving a school and happen to see by NR looking at children’s artwork hanging in the hallway. He’s wearing a wide-brimmed hat, and so I can’t see his face. I walk past, but then it occurs to me that I should really take the opportunity to talk with him. I turn around and see that he’s begun to vanish, and I realize that I’m dreaming. I decide that I’ll go somewhere else, just leaving the location up to the dream. I keep walking towards the entrance, close my eyes, and let the dream fade around me. My sense of having a body, and therefore of having my eyes closed, vanishes completely, and once it’s gone, imagery begins to arise again. In a flash, I see bare tree branches in a thick, white mist. Accompanying the visuals is a strong impression of early spring. Then everything comes into full focus again, and I’m standing in a bare garden underneath a bare-branched tree by a pond. I (wrongly) identify this as the backyard of childhood home #5 and am a little disappointed – just think of all the more interesting places I could have ended up. But maybe there will be some value in revisiting the place here in a dream – it’s not exactly one I have good memories of. And so I walk up to the house, jumping through the garage doors but then opening the one to the inside normally for some reason – maybe I just expected it to be unlocked. The layout of the house does not resemble the one I’ve mistaken it for in any meaningful way other than having hardwood floors. I walk through the various rooms, ground floor first, then upper floor. Nobody is around – I only see a couple cats in one of the rooms. My alarm awakens me before I can explore the whole house.
6.9.2023 Bedtime 1:00am. Woke up around 3:40am and took notes on the following dreams: Fragments: (1) I’m upstairs in a house. It is windy outside. I’m rummaging around, looking for a particular stuffed animal I think. I’m talking to the other stuffed animals as I do so... (2) Walking along the sidewalk in an old town. It’s dark, and the town is mostly empty and run-down. There is a noise like gunshots, and I go running around a corner to hide. Not because I actually think anyone is shooting at me, but because “it’s boring in this town and I might as well pretend that something is going on”. I then walk back the way I came and look for an open business that I can go into... (3) My Mom and I are sitting at a table (?) next to a wall. Someone drops a candy stick over the wall. I catch it, although I feel like my Mom needed it for something. We’re using the candy sticks for something, and she needed a specific one. I sample it, and think it might be grape, which my mother didn’t really want/need anyway... (4) Something about a palm tree up on a sort of ledge... Back to sleep. Woke up again and looked at the clock at 7:39am. Remembered the following dreams: Christmas It is Christmas, or Christmas Eve. My Dad is coming out, and I’m a bit worried that I didn’t buy enough presents for everyone (especially my Dad – I feel like I’m one short). But surely I did buy enough, I just don’t remember them all at the moment...right? I’m a bit nervous. I think my Dad arrives, and I go upstairs to wrap presents. I see that I have a couple things for him – a shirt that I just picked up being one of them. The presents are kind of boring, but at least I have three of them. When I wrap them, I notice that the wrapping paper is kind of transparent, which is disappointing. Then I realize that my mother has joined me in my room. I think she is gift wrapping also. I quickly try to hide the presents that I bought for her, but am worried that she saw them already. Then she leaves and I go back to wrapping, wondering if I should try to buy something else last-minute for her. Also, it turns out that R, a girl I know from the University, is coming. She and I had apparently gone out together a while back, and there is some ambiguity as to whether or not we are dating now. I don’t really want to date her, I don’t think. I think about buying something else for her last minute as well. These fragments might be part of the same dream: ...Outside, we have a garden. It is kind of weedy though. My parents are talking about something, maybe about the garden. Also, we have some chickens that are supposed to be laying eggs soon. My mother has been looking for eggs, but hasn’t found any yet. I see a couple eggs next to the house. They are huge and long, and look more like squash than eggs. We take them inside... ...Doing something in the kitchen sink. Someone says something about having to have the stinky mugs there while cooking, or something. (There was a scene with tea or something, that might have happened around here). There is also something about the sink leaking (?), and my Mom finding out that that could do damage to the foundation of the house (?)... The Cowboy and the Inventor Petting a dog. It might be one of the dogs we had when I was younger. I tell her she’s a good dog. Then I’m reading a book. In this book, a man is walking back from somewhere at night. It is supposed to become a little scary, with him meeting a ghost. But as the story progresses it turns out a little differently than expected. There is a stage coach. What looks like a person made of energy floats out of the stage coach (mostly invisible to people, I think). It messes with people. In one scene, it opens a shed door, which almost falls on someone. A guy standing there points it out just in time for the person to either dodge it or to catch the door before it falls on him. It turns out that this is some scientific advancement, and the inventor is trying to show it off to people. There is a conversation in which some cowboy-type and the inventor (who is wearing a black outfit and a priest’s collar) are discussing what might be going on. The inventor suggests that perhaps this whole thing is just someone trying to educate people. The cowboy disagrees – saying that whoever would do this kind of thing would be untrustworthy. Meanwhile, there is some gooey stuff in a creek below. The inventor decides it would be a good idea just to leave without revealing his invention. He gathers up the gooey stuff I think, and climbs back into the stagecoach with a woman. The cowboy then introduces himself as “Pee Pee Pee Pee Ho Ho”. The inventor and the woman drive away, singing a song to a tune closely matching the Funky Chicken. The words are as follows: Pee Pee Pee Pee Ho Ho Pee Pee Pee Pee Ho Ho Pee Pee Pee Pee Ho Ho Pee Pee Pee Pee Ho Ho Fragment: (5) Looking at houses, thinking to myself that some of them were built more recently than others. Something about the power lines...
dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP[/B] Some place with a large table in the middle of a garden. It has pots and plants and all sorts of clutter and then I spot a large tortoise almost looking like clay, in the middle of it. I realize it is a real tortoise, but she is so dehydrated, she is turning brown. I open up a path through the stuff on the table to access the critter and immediately it moves toward the edge of the table and plunges her head in a tall vase with wated that is below the table. The tortoise drinks tons of water, seems to regain some vitality. I wonder who trapped the poor bugger in there. On a bus returning from a day on the beach or something. Seems one of my childhood memories when I used to go with other kids on a kind of open summer camp, in which we returned home at the end of the day. I am accompanied by my school friend Mara and her nasty brother. I am taking a ride home with their mother who is picking us up on her van. While we wait, I find a box with some used sneakers by the side of the dumpster. Ricardo mocks me for picking it up but I tell him I sell hundreds of items like these every month and make a buck from it. He doesn't seem to believe, but he shuts up and goes away. Then I notice that there are a couple dumpsters full to the brim with pairs of shoes, used and new. I wish I could pick them all. Then their mother arrives and I ask if she has bags on her van. She has a blue plastic trash bag and a blue IKEA shopping bag. I ask her to wait for me while I fill them up. Then someone points out that there is a street market just behind the dumpsters and someone just abandoned an entire workbench with new and unused baby clothes for anyone to take home. I go grab them first and stuff the two bags with it. Then my mother appears out of nowhere and tells me my friends had to go to the toilet at a café, so we can spend a bit more time here. She also finds another abandoned workbench full of handmade bijouterie and artwork inspired by cottagecore and elves, fairies, etc. The bijouterie is all in large boxes and she stacks them in order to carry it all to the van without bags.
2022 June 2nd Dream: I'm at some kind of garden/arena place. A quite big round building, at any rate. There's a feel of old home to it. Some walls are white?, with I think a blue trim running along some of the edges. The exterior perimeter is decorated with aquatic and palm motifs in small tile mosaics. Vivid colours. It's sunny. I walk around until I get to an entrance to the central area that goes up and in. As I walk around, there are grape-like husks that I'm stepping on, they're a dead blue, but nice somehow. It took me a while to realise they're the fruits of some of these plants. Some kind of leafy canes, which arc with the weight of their fruits. The other side has small banana things instead, but both plants are the same with different fruits. On the upper area inside, I remark to H who's nearby, that it looks like one half of the garden is one fruit and the other half is the other fruit, and there seems to be a clear divide. I feel that this could be related to sunlight and shade. The grapes on the plant are actually white grapes (green), unlike the blue-ish husks on the floor. I remember picking and holding one. I think I ask H if he's tried one of the banana fruits. I'm not sure if he should eat it. 2022 June 6th Fragment: (Last bit at the end of a longer dream. Didn't write recall early enough.) I'm with H and he's kind of doing his own thing, and I'm descending a vertical mineshaft he's made, digging my way downward through its sides. It's a mix of Minecraft and BL. At the bottom I find myself in a dark but vast cavern. I can still see fine. I see sapphires close to me and I tell H to look at how many there are, an almost 5x5 area on a wall. Then, I find a waypoint like those from Diablo II. I think to myself about how rare this area is to find naturally generated. The cavern has a mostly flat ceiling and I can't quite see the bottom, but pillars at irregular intervals make a kind of vaulted cavern ceiling. (Similar to some BL cave generation) In the distance, I see more sapphires around and eventually after walking along a sort of suspended highway, avoiding some annoying mobs along the way, I find an underground stone fortress which is mstly made of stone brick and which has patterned features with encrusted sapphire ores. 2022 June 8th Scraps: I'm in a village or town. Like rural areas around old home. I'm passing in front of a building where lots of people gathered. They're all queueing or waiting. Some other bit, with mom and H. Something about driving. A crossing? A woman in a dress? Notes: - There was something yin/yang about the first dream's location but it also reminds me of places and experiences from my childhood. - At the time of the second dream, me and H had been playing Minecraft again a fair bit. I'm not entirely sure why there was a D2 waypoint in there but it may have been because of the dream that Hilary shared on DFLN just a week earlier or so, as Diablo hadn't really been much on my mind otherwise. - Inside the cavern areas, there were openings above that let some natural light in. There were interesting light effects, though even so I couldn't really see a bottom to the pillared cave areas at any point.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At home with Riverstone, someone else and my dog Hachi. Strangely there is a balcony or deck over a cliff and we are chilling on lounge chairs. It reminds me of when I lounged in my parents balcony before they closed it. But this one is dangerous as there are no guard railings. I don't feel afraid, I am actually feeling totally happy as I never felt. I am even doing nudism and feeling comfortable in my naked body in the wind like I never felt before. I am walking down a corridor and it gets very dark, I feel like I am dropping out of the dream and I become lucid. I don't try to fight it, so I just free fall in the dark void with no expectation of what comes next. I just try to see the void as the nature of my mind and not be afraid of the referencelessness. I stop falling for some seconds and then I fall again, but I never try to control the outcome. Then finally it stops and I am in some dark room. At some party in a garden with a view over a city. I spot some bush with berries and I grab some to eat, but then find huge catterpillars in a gelatinous cocoon on the plant and it looks both awesome and disgusting. I show it to my mom. Then feel an itch in my hand and notice a big alergic reaction for having touched the berries and the slime of the cayterpillars. I rush to wash my hands. My mom is running a bakery but when I visit it, she is not there and I find strange that she left everything unfinished or out of place, like a cake half eaten on a table. I eat it, But she comes back soon and says one of her friends needs a ride somewhere and asks me if I can do it. It is inconvenient, but I offer to do it. He is going to a funeral. My dad offers to comes with me. Turns out that side by side with this funeral is also going on a funeral for my friend Nelson and I am shocked to find out this way that he died. For saving costs and the environment, the bodies are rapidly decomposed via a chemical process and in the end all that is left is a little biodegradable container with some liquid. Because both deceased expressed not wanting it to go anywhere, they just dispose of them both into some trash container and I am a bit upset. I wanted to pay homage to my friend some other way.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am sitting near the back of a bus. Keanu Reeves comes in and goes sit in the last row. I play cool and just make sure he sees me and notices me, so I try to engage later. I don't wanna annoy him for no with a rushed approach. Then he drops something and doesn't notice, so that's my cue. I pick it up and give it to him. Apparently it is something important, because he thanks me a lot and says he wants to reward me somewhow. As he looks through his bag looking for something, I say "You know, we have a common acquaintance." "Oh really, who?" And I say "DJ K. You worked together at a film." And he is like "Whom?" I didn't expect him not to remember, so I insist and say maybe he forgot because it was a long time ago, but they were pretty close and I even have pics of them together. He is curious and wants to see the pics but I don't have them with me on my phone. I tell him I can send it later. He asks for my number and I feel like my mission is accomplished. I visit a botanical garden and check a little corner that I loved very much. There are two guys there making some sort of inspection. One asks for my opinion about the flowerbed arrangements. It looks gorgeous, very colorful and diverse. I say I have never seen it so gorgeous. We talk about the evolution of the garden. Then some rich guy, a movie star, arrives in a big SUV, stops in front of us and very theatrically, comes out with an entourage. One of his bodyguards puts some sort of key inside a stone carving in some stone steps on the opposite side of the path in front of us. The stone stairs pull in magically and reveal another set of stairs going underground. Then everyone around goes in and since I am curious I go after them. Someone questions if I am supposed to be allowed in, but no one seems to care. A the end of the stairs we walk down a corridor that looks like service tunnels, with art pieces stored in storage rooms or hanging on the walls. It is an access to some house of an artist. The house itself has a really exotic decoration. Finally we arrive at the main area and I learn it is actually Audrey Hepburn's house. It is huge. Although we entered via an udnerground tunnel, the house actually spreads up through an entire building several storeys high. We head for the top terrace, where there are two indidivual houses on top of it and get to see we are in the middle of other city buildings. The terrace has different levels, one looks like a normal rooftop with a pool and direct access to the house we just came from. But then we go down a few stairs and there is another level that looks like a restaurant, with rowns of tables outside in front of another building which is a kitchen and another level with a private cinema. I meet Audrey, she is so nice, but I tell her I am not so sure about her house. Seems cozy but also just too much and so kitsch with weird art everywhere, which makes it overwhelming to the senses. I even find a pot in the middle of the way with some Buddha ststues and jewels inside, just abandoned there and I take them out and put the budddhas on top of a boulder that is on the side of some stone stairs. Then try to untangle a necklace to also hang it there but I fall in love with it and I put it on me. It is made of a dark metal, deep blue stones and peacock feathers. Some security guard looks at me sideways and I say "Don't worry, I wont leave with it on, I'll just wear it while I am here." Then everyone starts heading to the cinema because there will be some movie preview. There is a lobby where guests have to leave bags and coats and check-in and I get in the line. In front of me is a girl with a baby in her arms, and she seems a bit stressed, because the computers crashed and they can't log us in. I get her a chair and offer to hold the baby for a while, which she accepts after a while. The movie started and we are stuck outside but the baby is adorable and I am ok, don't even know if I want to watch the movie.
I had this dream about a month ago, but never wrote it down. I just remembered it today. It's 90% genuine, but some parts I had to fill in. WARNING : IT IS VERY DISGUSTING. I appear on a large boat (ship). I am a new worker on this boat. We are in a different time period. It seems a decade or two in the future. Society has collapsed and people are trying to survive. There is a lack of food in the world. The boat I'm on is going on a long journey. We are likely traveling across the ocean. It will be several months before we make contact with any land. The ship is industrial. This is far from some luxury cruise; it's a working ship. One of the managers leads me down to the barracks underneath the deck. Upon walking down there, I notice a profound smell of sewage. It's not a normal sewage smell, it's more of a sweet swampy sewage smell. There's also a chemical smell on top of it that somewhat covers it up and makes it smell plasticy. To be more blunt, it's a really rotten smell. As I continue down the stairs, this wafting humidity keeps blasting me in the face. It's more humid than a sauna down there. I get to the bottom of the stairs and enter the room. The room has bunk beds in one section (but a few additional beds added as an afterthought). In between some of the bunk beds are these large vent tubes. You know the kind of industrial PVC tube that comes out of the ground in industrial areas. The tubes are about 1 foot in diameter and bend down at the top to form a partial U shape. Jetting out of these tubes is fog that smells like I described - bad. The crazy thing is that these other workers have to sleep down there, right next to the sewage vents. I meet some of the other workers. They are shirtless and dirty. They don't bother wearing any shirts because they get wet and dirty immediately. When I talk to them, they seem friendly and somewhat accustomed to the environment (although not completely). The metal floor is slimy and slippery. In some places there is sludge and sewage on the floor. They tell me to take off my shoes cause I won't be needing those. We all glide across the floor as we walk. They've gotten used to sliding to move apparently. I think to myself how much of a health hazard this place is, but it seems like we were all desperate and just had to make do with the situation. The men teach me the purpose of this place and what my job was. This boat is a fully sustainable boat. Our waste goes into the container below this floor and it gets processed chemically. The sludge is then atomized and sprayed out the tubes. Underneath some of the tubes, you can see some small gardens growing out of the sludge. There is no sunlight or windows down there, but it just grows on it's own. It's mostly mushrooms and root vegetables that are growing, but there's also eggs growing on the ground. They told me to go fetch a basket from the rack. There is a rack of baskets hanging that look like metal kitchen colanders. I was meant to go hunting for eggs and mushrooms in the sludge. I was then meant to clean them off and put them in the colander. I began doing my duties. Whenever I got close to the vent, I had to hold my breath and then run away to catch a breath. Nobody really wanted to be there, but this is how we survived. We grew stuff, pooped and grew again. We could survive forever this way. I sensed we were going to be out at sea for a very long time.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At my grandma's house in Moita, with my parents and aunt/uncle. I am reminiscing about the time my cousin said he had a cancer and did not show any worry, but I felt it was a big deal (and it was). Dad is closing the windows of the house, saying it is time to sleep and I ask if he locked the front door. He says no, so I grab the keys and he asks if I know which one to use. I say I'll find out. Turns out there is not even a door in place to close. My aunt joins me and I show her there is no door and she thinks it's no big deal. Then my mom also joins and while they figure out what happened to the door, I step out in the garden and admire how lush and chaotic it is. It grew into a full forest, but with edible plants all around too. I tell mom I'd like to move in here and she looks worried and tries to change my mind. I realize there is a small road passing through the garden that is being used by other people. There are rickshaws taking people through our garden. I watch as one departs empty and the conductor falls down a bridge over a stream at the end of the garden, that cracks under his feet. Other people come to his rescue. As I approach, I am no longer at my grandma's garden, this is in clearly an Asian garden in some Asian country. I'd say Chinese by the style. I then see a temple and go inside. Like in some comedy movie that I am watching, there is a funny scene where some village idiot gets into an absurd situation and somehow is face is reflected on Guru's Rinpoche statue and people think it is a miracle and pray to him. While this happens, my mom comes in looking for me and asks me to leave with her. But I am actually interested in staying and joining a prayer session starting. She complains she does not understand a word it is being said and I point out there are subtitles in the air if she pays attention, but she can't seem to catch them and is upset. I walk her to the door but say I will stay. Then I am surprised by D. Rinpoche who comes from a back room to me at the door and asks me why haven't had a child. And I am like "I don't want to". He insists "why not?". And I wonder why is it so important for him that I have a kid. I explain it is a complex mix of reasons and he asks for the main one. I reply I think Riverstone would be a bad father to my kid. He looks a bit shocked but wants to know more. Then Riverstone is at the door and we have to stop talking, so I bow down to D. Rinpoche and say farewell. I am rich, just inherited some hypermarket stores chain and a mansion. I am exploring my new house and it is ridiculous. I have a walk in closet the size of my actual living room and two-storey high, filled with outfits. There is also a room with a full library of comic books and rare graphic novels, and several copies of each volume. I am already thinking of selling some. All is fantastic, I am planning on having a quiet weekend enjoying my new mansion, when instead of all the people who were present, going away, more and more people are coming. Turns out one of the chain stores is right below my house and actually partially going into my house, like that library is actually part of the shop and not just for my pleasure and the walking closet is actually the clothes section, so turns out I don't have any privacy or the things to myself. I feel upset and go through some back door to what looks like a storage area. I am attacked by a really fat crocodile that comes out of nowhere. I climb something and try to stay out of his way but he keeps chasing me. I am saved by a giant toad that attacks the crocodile. Accidentally I turn up at some ceremony that will be lead by Rinpoche. He is coming soon and people are looking for a place to sit. The place is a narrow rectangular room, people sit on the floor with their backs against the walls and Rinpoche will sit at the end on the narrower side, on a slightly elevated stage. I get a very good place right by the side of the stage on the floor, but then realize I don't have any of the texts I will need to join in prayer, so I put down a jacket or something to mark my place and get up to go get some texts somewhere. I jump over a wall to get outside more quickly and come across Rinpoche who is just passing behind that wall. He asks me where I am going. I explain I am going to get texts and he says not to bother, and just ask the boy sitting next to him. So we go inside and the boy is sitting on the elevated stage prepared for Rinpoche. He is a very young boy, I believe a tulku, and he is sitting on the stage on a pillow and has another ready by his side. I ask him about the texts and he says he does not have extra but will share his with me and offers the pillow by his side. I am so embarrassed and I say "no, I can't sit there", but he insists, so I ask if we can at least push the pillows near the end of the stage and not be so close to Rinpoche. He indulges by moving like 20 cms to the side. I give up and sit by his side, so very self-conscious of what everybody will think. Then notice I am dressing an exquisite outfit and wearing adornments in my head I didn't had previously. Still nobody in the audience flinches and I wonder "what do they know that I don't?" Then Rinpoche arrives and sits on his place but before anything else, he says he has something to share. He says his cancer is back and he just found out this morning. I see people in shock but nobody moves from their places, so as I am so close I reach out to hold his hand, knowing once again this might shock people, but they don't care. Then Rinpoche comes closer and leans to me, crying a bit. I hold him in my arms and comfort him. Tell him I don't think I'll live long either, so let's live one day at a time. Then I start feeling again self-conscious and whisper to him if we can meet later alone. He says yes and nothing else. It is only when the ceremony ends that some Asian girl approaches me to say "when Rinpoche leaves, please follow me".
Improbable lucid fragment I don't remember the dream itself, but that I thought that it probably wasn't lucid. In the end I remember that some insane guy dragged me into a room and chopped my head in half with a chainsaw. I seemed to already be dead, so I only felt a tickling on my head as I watched in third person. He seemed to also have done it with another person and we were paralyzed to death or something. Lego lucid I don't remember how I got lucid, but I had an idea and I wanted to have some space. So I wanted to go outside, to the garden. Thus, I went to the door of my home and opened it, hoping for the garden to be right there. It took a few attempts, but then I was in the garden and I wanted to do something but then, suddenly there were some strange people that wanted to punch me or something so I decided to try and go to a large plains, apparently one from lord of the rings. I then wanted to do something, and suddenly everything was like in lego videogame, sort of. I had like a hotbar and was in some funny colored land, like purple shades and blue. I then tried doing what I wanted to do, but I lost lucidity. I also remember at some points stabilizing, focusing on every sense while stimulating them. In the end I dreamt that vinny from vinesauce was streaming the lucid dream I had, and I was apparently giving him tips since I was apparently his friend. In the end I was waking up and had a moment of lucidity. I was in the void, and tried opening my dream eyes, but it opened my real eyes and I was awake. That was cool. Finally some lucids. Now I just gotta keep it up and I'll have consistent lucids. I'll say the first one was a lucid since I was at least close. Also, I have no idea how to train myself to keep my eyes closed when I wake up. My mantra is already pretty complex "When I see my hands I will remember I am dreaming and I will remember that my body is in bed." so I don't think I can attach even more onto that sentence without forgetting it mid-sentence.
Kind of a single long dream, but some bits are missing. Dream: The first part of the dream I can remember was at a somewhat accurate layout of the cul-de-sac in front of my old home. I was sitting in the driver seat of a car, which I think was my dad's car, as some of the interior felt familiar. But I had the window fully down and was sort of resting my arms against it and looking out. It was a sunny day, probably past 3PM but not sure what season. First half of the year, I think. Where my building door was supposed to be was actually this entrance into some sort of church, but not a church, as there was a machine there like a manually operated computer, and there was a group of people running it. I think I had been in there previously in the dream, or I just "saw" this somehow. But then there was an oddity about this machine, it could be switched off by literally anyone who walked past it, as there was a button labelled "STOP" and another "EMERGENCY STOP". They both did the exact same thing. I think I remember I had asked someone why, and they couldn't explain it to me. Then, while I'm in the car, some black guys show up. I realise better what position the car was in, sort of blocking in the entrance of the cul-de-sac a bit. These guys smile at me, I smile back, but I immediately know that they are there for something. They sort of huddle up around one side of the car, sort of hiding from view from where the machine place was. They look at me worried and I say nothing, quietly watching with some amusement, I'm curious what they have planned. This one guy stops trying to hide and just walks straight up to the place. I can see that he hits that stop button out of amusement for himself and the people running the machine get annoyed and make audible grunts, but seemingly don't even pay attention to the guy. I don't remember what else he did in there, but he comes back near the car and he has this piece of jewellery, I can't remember exactly what, but somehow I immediately know it's sort of stolen or something. Then a different guy gets up and goes in and a bit later comes out with something similar. I think this happens a couple more times and I remember the last piece of jewellery, a silver necklace. It reminds me of a necklace H has, but only the chain was similar. I remember getting into some small talk with the guys and then saying I had to go. I think I drive away and they disband, but I don't remember how it transitions into the next part exactly. But I remember my thoughts stayed on the "stolen items" for a bit. Then I'm walking down an unknown dream park with two people. One of them is H's sister (A), but I'm not sure who the other person is, some guy, around my age, but a friend of mine, not A's friend. It's night time and there is plenty of green vegetation and everything's slightly wet. Sprinklers had been on, as it isn't raining and I don't get the impression it had been. There are paths through this hilly park and the path we're on takes sort of long curves around some well mowed lawn-like fields, well lit by strong cool lights. As we're walking this path on the left-hand side there's a hedge going all the way along the curve and on the right-hand side there's this man on a short two-sided ladder. I don't look up to see what he's doing, but all of a sudden sparks and arcs of electricity go everywhere. Somehow I'm not surprised or worried, and neither is anyone else. Moments after I'd walked past, I pause, looking back. A is sort of looking closely at the ladder and some cables, which I somehow think of as being a bit foolish considering the electricity, so I think I motion for her to carry on. We arrive somewhere and there's some kind of transition. I lose any awareness of A and the mystery friend. I'm now at a place that closely resembles my high school, or college. But the lights are sort of dim and moody. It was still night outside. All of a sudden I find myself in the middle of a group of random people, of all ages really. And then I'm lying down, between this girl my age on the left and this old woman on the right. They're both lying down too but sort of sitting. There's a cover over my legs and this girl on the left. People are mostly just idling around and there are some paintings on the walls. I look closely at some, finding myself annoyed that I know some of them and that they've been there for an eternity, half thinking to myself "why can't one of mine be there?". The thought passes quickly and I look at another painting that catches my attention and I quite like. Somehow this makes many other people look at it too and start discussing it. My attention fades away from it and this girl on my left starts touching my private areas; I don't realise it's her doing it at first. I realise that both me and her didn't have pants or underwear on. For a moment I wonder if H was touching me in waking reality but the thought doesn't go past being somewhat automatic. I enjoy her touch but start to wonder why she's touching me like this. I assume that she wants the same so I move one of my hands to touch her in the same areas and this seems to completely surprise her, despite whatever pleasure she felt. I get the impression she is embarrassed now and she sort of gets up and dresses herself and leaves. The old woman on the right makes some comments, the last bit of which I vaguely remember. "It's not easy making money that way, you know." the old woman says. I reply: "No, I didn't think so either." Then I am left with some lingering thoughts of why she would try to make money in such a way, and why she left, but the rest of my dream recall sort of ends here. Notes: In the third and final part of the dream, there was a fair bit of conversation between everyone and myself and other dream characters, but as I try to recall the dream I can only mostly remember silence.The group of black guys in the first part of the dream were nobody I recognised, though they reminded me of friends I used to have when I was younger. I have had a few recurring appearances of those groups of friends and I felt it was somewhat familiar, especially because of the dream's location, which is where they typically appear in my dreams.I think the jewellery was actually coming from some sort of replicating machine in the same place as the manually-run computer thing, but my memory of it is extremely vague.The stone hall where that computer thing was, really wasn't very different from the actual entrance hall of my old building. It was sort of just super elongated and wider.I have no idea now who the friend was with me and A. I don't recognise the face and seems to just be a generic construct of "male friend".The girl touching me in the final part of the dream didn't tell me her name and somehow in the dream I felt the expectation that she would have done, especially before leaving. Although I remember her hair as being somewhat long and curly and dark, I got the impression there was something about her that was "redhead" or that the word "red" was somehow associated with her as a character.The old woman in the same part had some sort of old-style blue dress, and reminded me a bit of a cartoon character in some way. Her hair was a perfect white and tied up in a sort of bun. What little I can remember of her face is that she looked youthful for how old it sounded like she was.The appearance of both these sort of contrasting female figures is not without some personal meaning to me; it's the sort of thing I sometimes wonder about, especially if I'm working on some art piece involving nude human figure- the old woman was young like us at some point and so wasn't at all phased by what was happening. I often wonder how I will see this type of situation when I'm much older myself, or how I'll feel about it.Nearly forgot to add this note: The odd mood lighting (sort of an orange-y red/purple) in the last part of the dream was incredibly similar to that of another strange dream I had some time back. I can't remember if I did have any thoughts about it during the dream.
Updated 02-02-2020 at 03:11 PM by 95293
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Lunch or dinner with Jaime. He is a rich guy now. I meet him at top of a tower, we're supposed to go out to meet other couples at an Asian restaurant, but he stays behind to watch some fireworks from the tower. I go meet the other couples at the restaurant, because we are the hosts. We all need to choose our menu at the counter and then sit on designated places. Jaime is still not coming. Driving down a street with my cousins in the car. I see a line of processionary caterpillars at a garden and a little dog getting too close to them. I stop a bit further ahead and make a u-turn and go look for the dog to rescue him. Then I see a couple with children and that dog, sitting on the grass having a picnic. There is also other people around and the caterpillars are moving on the grass between them and no one is noticing. I ask for their attention. The guy from the couple turns to me in anger and reveals a demonic face. Scares me for a second but them he calms down and listens to me. I ask if they know about this caterpillars and how dangerous they are, they don't, I explain and everyone freaks out. Some boy says they are piling up and he covers them in paper or plastic and sets them on fire. I turn away as the animals shriek in agony, but I tell myself it had to be done. Then I leave. I am staying with school colleagues at some type of hostel. First nothing seems to work, the whole place is in the dark, but I find the main board with the switches and turn it on. Don't understand why nobody did it before me, the guys are a bit embarrassed. I check where is my bed, we are staying in mixed shared rooms and I find out I will be sharing my bunk with Jaime. I leave a note on his bed just saying hi, because he hasn't arrived yet and then go out. At lunch time I meet with some friends and they ask me what I have done to my hair. I don't know and look in a mirror. I have bangs and short hair and I think I look pretty cute. Later my dad and some others are visiting me and he brings Bernardo. Outside I hear some dogs growling and I go check. I think one of them is Faial who belongs to Jaime. I worry about him coming in with his big dog because of Bernardo, but actually Faial is growling to bring attention to another street dog who seems injured and afraid. Some people step in to help the dog.
Non-dream stuff - Woke up at around 9:20 recalling one or two non-lucid dreams, sat up to make note of one of them and forgot the other. Dream: I was in a town I don't recognise and it was night time. I was head to some place and then I ran into a stray dog, which looked like a mix between a dalmatian and a husky or something. But it was very scruffy and some fur was missing. Though I felt sorry for the dog I was initially wary that it may be aggressive or carrying fleas. It got very close to me, rubbing against my legs but I kept moving on and it kept following me. I was going into some sort of garden/park and there were small trees but they made enough shade even at night that it felt considerably darker now. There were pairs of wild cats or something and they did look aggressive. I was avoiding getting too close but the dog following me started growling and barking at them, I said "shh silly dog, stop that!" The cats didn't react very much, but I was afraid they would but the dog stopped provoking them and continued following me. Eventually at the other end of the park there was a brick wall, part of a building. In the wall there was a square doorway, literally a hole in the wall. Inside was a small dark room and there was a mini shower for the dog and some dog shampoos and things. I turned on the shower or it came on by itself and the dog became a person. At that point I thought the dog shampoo might not be such a good idea anymore since it wasn't meant to be used on people. Then there was some transition and it was implied I was on the other side of the building; it wasn't as dark now, it was starting to become day. There was a dirt path and a barn or something and a boy with a backpack. I was here like the boy to do some sort of exam, but I remember I had some pills, 4 or 5 of them and oddly enough I put all of them in my mouth at the same time, and struggled a bit but managed to swallow them. They were all different colours, as I remember holding them and looking; white, light blue, magenta and something else. Then I walked towards the barn and I remember walking up a couple of steps and entering. I think someone was there but my memory of the dream kind of ends here. Some notes: The dog was smaller than I would expect for either of the two breeds it seemed to be.The cats looked a bit like lynxes or bobcats or something, they were fairly big but not much bigger than the dog.The bit with the pills was particularly odd; I never carry pills around, but of course there's some contextual residue that I take supplements before bed sometimes. The fact that I took so many at the same time was odd too because it can be difficult to swallow just one large pill without a drink, let alone a few more at the same time.I remember the dog shampoo bottle looked a bit like a plant feed bottle; it was plastic, red body, green cap. Scoring thus far: + Previous score: 32.0 + This DJ entry score (breakdown below): 2.0 ++ Recall a non-lucid dream: 1.0 ++ Help someone in need: 1.0 (the dog, I felt like I was helping my letting it follow me, as I didn't know what would happen otherwise and would feel guilty otherwise) = Total score thus far: 34.0
Just got up, went into our computer room, kept the curtains closed and started my computer and wrote this. Two non-lucid dream sequences, mostly fragmented: First sequence: In the first dream I was in a "room" that was like a garden, it was a room in the sense that it was some sort of partition; I remember something like greek pillars covered in vines and grassy ground. In this room, there was "me", my partner from waking life, a friend of ours and a slim man in a suit; the three of us approached the man, as he was here to show us something and as we did or perhaps he was already doing it, he was levitating this large latticed purple orb, made of stone or gemstone, between his two hands, one hand above, one hand below; the orb floated up and down gently. I can't tell if it was day or night but everything looked somewhat "dark". At first my partner (who isn't really into any stuff like this) put his hand out toward the orb and closed his eyes and was silent; then our friend did and then I did. I could sense no special energy from the orb or the man: the orb was ordinary, regardless of any surreal properties. I stopped and walked away toward a door under a lowered roof, then I think our friend did too and I opened the door and there were two more doors to either side of a tiny partition and I opened another and went into a large room, like a conference room; there were a dozen men and women at the conference table, and they were waiting for us. I remember one of them asking what were we waiting for, why hadn't we all come in? Or something to this effect. I explained we wouldn't be a minute and I peeked out to see my partner still holding his hand at the orb and called him and he opened his eyes and walked away from the mysterious man, and the conference members were not keen on letting this man in. I remember my partner said that the orb felt like it had the energy of the universe or some such; which I interpreted as: it feels the exact same as any ordinary object, because it did to me. As we were all in now, apart from the orb man, one of the older men said "close the doors, lift the barriers" and some fake wall barriers emerged from some slots on the floor next to the doors, sealing the room. I remember this conference room had some windows, and had too much room even for just this single conference table. This all had a very Illuminati type feeling to me, even in the dream. Second sequence: I'm not sure where this sequence starts or if it carried over from the last one, but this one is temporally fragmented. I remember the last part first: I was at a waterpark with my partner and I remember thinking when I was talking to someone, I think a woman, that I always wanted to go to one. We were sort of leaning back against a wall of this single-story building, a large square-ish building as far as my dream self knew, we were waiting for something, I think more members of our group, which I think included my family. I remember as I waited, I was messing around, like lifting myself up by putting my hands against two lower walls and pushing myself up and I was also looking around the waterpark and outside of it. I saw some skyscrapers in the city. One was probably 30 stories, and then another, fancier, office building behind it was something between 60 or 70, I guessed. I pondered as I thought it was so strange that such a small difference in stories could make up for so much more height. The sky was blue and clear and it was certainly daytime. I think our group arrived and we walked around the square building and we were looking for a restaurant or something. We all went into this small one and as everyone was going in I could see on a digital interface (inside my head) that another nearby restaurant that was related to this one was much busier at the moment, and I walked up to one of the staff members that was headed for the loo and said to him like "want me to get some more people over from [indecipherable] restaurant?"; he looked at me approvingly but didn't answer and went in the bathroom; I turned away and walked out and headed for the other restaurant. This fragment ends here. Another fragment, before this last one, in dream time: I was standing with my partner in a garden at this waterpark; there were white painted wooden fences and it was a clear blue sky day, as it would still be later. My dream self knew this garden was part of an accommodation we were staying in, part of the park's premises. I remember hearing a woman's voice, she was praying, loudly, and I commented to my partner "surely she can keep her voice down a little?"; he shrugged and looked in the distance, resting his arms on this wooden fence. Her praying went on for some time, and I thought about how I had never prayed loudly in my life except when asked to, and even then, barely so. And yet this woman was praying to be heard by all, without concern of being judged or criticised for doing so. I remember my dream self knew there sprinklers in the gardens but they had not yet been on, though the grass looked perfectly lush and perfectly trimmed. Can't recall more fragments. Notes: I have had curiosity about going to waterparks, but I have certainly never had the open desire of "always wanting to go to one", so this could have been a thought I could have realised was odd. Both dreams, the whole places were dream-generated, in their entirety. The only "exception" being that the accommodation and its garden in the last fragment very closely resembled the type of thing my family used to go to holiday for, when I was a kid. In the dream I could clearly hear the woman's prayers but I had forgotten all of it by the time I woke up. It felt important to my dream self to remember what she was praying. In the first dream, the "Illuminati" conference was probably partly based off the imagined world from the first Deus Ex Machina games, as that is one of the most prominent visual culture references I have for the subject. I do not know why my dream self, which was like "me", was part of it. And if there were a dozen people in the room, with the 3 of us walking into the room, that would make 15 - in the game's world it is implied there are 12 members only. The floating purple orb really had no special feel to it; it felt more mechanical and part of nature than anything else, as I truly did not feel any special energy from it. The man was peculiar for mostly just standing there, firmly, in what looked like a tophat and an old style suit, simply "presenting" the orb. Perhaps he and the orb were merely part of the garden, in the same way as the grass and vines. Tip/Memory Note: I remember much less on getting up than what I wrote now, but because of the way memory works it's easier to remember things like a dream in sequence, so as you start from the beginning or end it becomes easier to recall more of the memorable parts if you think it out and through. This is also true for your waking life memories: if you are in a room and don't remember the recent past, you go backwards in your memory of living the last moments. If you pay enough attention through most of the day, you can recall an entire day this way, sometimes more.
Morning of February 14, 2018. Wednesday. Dream #: 18,685-02. Reading time (optimized): 1 min 30 sec. My dream’s irrelevant setting is the dining room of the Loomis Street house. Zsuzsanna is with me (mostly remaining on my left as in our sleeping orientation). I am digging up roots from parts of sections of grass for a new garden within the “ground” (floor), so only dirt remains. After spending several minutes pulling roots from the dirt of the dining room “floor,” I notice the end of a section of a little culvert within a hole in the ground of about four inches deep. When I focus on the little culvert, I think an animal may live in it or that it leads to the animal’s home underground. (I do not consider how ridiculous the idea is for an animal to build a tiny culvert as if by human design). There is a familiar anticipatory feeling caused by the subliminal expectation of waking process dynamics. I briefly mention it to Zsuzsanna. My older sister Marilyn makes a brief appearance (mostly as she was in the 1960s) and I have illogical thoughts about whether she had died. Because of her death, Bob is moving her belongings even though she had been in the house minutes before. An answer to my expectation begins. A tiny grayish snake (though of various shades, including a brown tone) crawls from the little culvert. It is only about the size of an earthworm. It eventually crawls to the kitchen. My dreaming mind is expecting this, but it is so vague, the snake stops moving. I consider I may have killed it with my thoughts. Looking into the living room from the dining room, I see about a dozen long blades of grass on the floor. There seems to be an unrealistically large table taking up much of the living room as I am looking under it from the opposite end of the dining room. I wonder if one of these grass pieces is the snake (which makes no sense as it had just been in the kitchen). There is never a perceived threat. It is as if my dream self is trying to activate RAS again by anticipating a small snake manifesting from a grass blade. No snake appears, and I awake, too warm (even with our fan on).