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    1. Sunday, December 31

      by , 03-09-2024 at 11:25 PM
      I’m in some house with Melissa. The master bedroom is right off of the living room, and there’s a walk-in bathroom with a walk-in shower right off the bedroom. I’m up and getting ready. I think I thought it was late, but now I see that it’s actually much earlier than I’d usually be ready, at 6:45 am. The shower is brown stone with an inlaid ledge or two that we’ve put plants on to a really nice effect. One looks like a pothos; I inspect it and am distressed to find a couple leaves fall off at just my touch. The rest of it still seems healthy though. Another of the plants looks like a succulent, and I wonder how it’s going to do with the humidity. Out in the living room now, Melissa and I both see something move of its own accord? In a window, I see the reflection of a small, gaunt looking girl that’s not really in the room with us. We confirm that we both saw the same thing and I believe that this place is indeed haunted.
      Tags: ghost, house, plant, shower
    2. Back Ghost

      by , 04-28-2023 at 01:49 PM

      Updated 09-07-2024 at 05:57 PM by 99032

      Tags: back, ghost, lucid
      lucid , nightmare
    3. School Ghost

      by , 04-06-2023 at 05:37 PM
      I can recall very little, but:

      I'm a ghost, haunting a school which I've never been to. The school's cafeteria area has the make up of an aquarium. I enjoy messing with people, and as I walk past those who are still living I see them get cold shivers. I do something along the lines of that for a while before I meet a girl who stares straight at me. It scares me, before I realise she can see me.
      All I remember about her is that I was very happy to see her, or for her to see me.
      Tags: ghost, girl, lucid, school
      lucid , dream fragment
    4. 5 Apr: Haunted house and demonic presence in haunted objects

      by , 04-05-2022 at 12:43 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      With a friend or brother and my supposed dad, staying at some old house for a night. I am sleeping in the same bed as my friend/brother and my dad is sleeping in an armchair in the living room. Something falls and wakes me up. Then the door opens up by itself. I wake up my dad and we see a radio turning itself on, then a closet door opening and some bag falling down from it. The house is apparently haunted and I ask dad if he can sleep with us in our room. He agress. I go back to the bed, but everything goes dark and I feel myself falling slowly down a black void. I can feel the bed cover but I can't see or hear anything. I call out for my family, but no sound comes out of my mouth. It's like sleep paralysis inside a dream. It takes me a while to get back to them. I ask if they saw me struggling and they say yes, but could not understand what was happening. There is some kind of plastic ball in the bed touching me and I throw it into the ground and smash it, scared about it. Someone who knows the house comes by and points to some items he says are haunted. We throw them away, but I feel like the haunting is everywhere. Some friend helps us take away some items for the trash, but later I visit her studio with my mom and she still has them there and I have a bad feeling about it. Two heavy wooden shelves fall down on her and other people, but I was keeping an eye on it and manage to hold them for a bit, saving them. Then something flies across the room and the floor is looking weird, like vibrating. I tell them to get out fast. The ground starts shaking, the walls open cracks. We head for the door and outside everything is apparently normal, nothing is shaking. But there is a road going downhill and I notice that some wster that is flowing on it is coming upwards, not going downwards. We all realize something is really really wrong with the objects from that house, like they are possessed by a strong demonic presence.
    5. 3 Apr: Possessed by a guy who's been doing my job for me

      by , 04-03-2022 at 12:44 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am working at a company and I am totally lost about what I do here and what I have been working on. It is morning and I arrived late. I am taking ages to sit at the desk to work, so my boss calls me out and asks me several questions. I don't understand what she says. I never hear the end of her sentences and I ask her to repeat over and over. It seems she is asking about some project I am very late with and she complains it should be over a long time ago. I promise her that I will finish by the end of the day and that I have been having these health issues that have been affecting me. Then she asks if it was I who did some promotional stunt at some event and I don't recall having done it, so I am afraid to say so, but she says it was brilliant and all the clients loved, so I guess I am not going to be fired. Then she asks about some other promotion event involving a film and once again I don't know what she is talking about. Then I am possessed by the spirit of some dead publicist, who knows exactly what she is talking about and shows her the two films and the campaign and explains how that small event will raise 70.000€. She seems glad about it. Sends me back to my desk. I then talk internally with this guy that took over me, to find out his intentions. It is now clear why I had totally forgot all my work and projects, because he is the one actually doing my job and I don't recall anything from when he takes over.
    6. 15 Nov: Newspaper article about me, waking up my teacher, meet an Angel and a woman is possessed

      by , 11-15-2021 at 10:17 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      A friend brings me a newspaper article where my name is mentioned in the title. I try to understand what it is about and who wrote it. Can't recognize the name, but I think it is of a friend of a friend to whom I told a story. I feel pissed that this person used my name and described me without my permission. But the story is good and actually supposed to praise me for my decision about something.

      Somehow I come to a room where my teacher is laying on a bed unconscious, or maybe asleep. I kneel by his side and put a hand on his chest. He wakes up slowly and sees me by his side. I caress him a bit and he slowly caresses me back. He smiles and he is happy to see me. He gets up really hungry. Some monk and some other girl from the Sangha are also around and they guide him to the kitchen table. As we wait for food, he grabs the newspaper and sees my name in it. He tries to read the article but its in Portuguese. I tell him the story. It's about a lady in the Sangha who is married to a guy she doesn't love and she discovers he has a secret room. One day he is out and she grabs the key and enters the room and then the story goes on but I don't recall.

      Meet Gabriel who is some kind of angel. Something important happened and he appeared. Then some person I am with sees the ghost of some lady on a window who tries to talk to her. Something about Deuteronomy. I tell Gabriel I also saw her and then things get stranger. The lady gets possessed, but only I can see and hear the demonic sounds and horrible faces coming from that person. I show it to my mom who gets terrified, so she can see it to. The I show it to my grandma who holds my hand as asks something banal as if she didn't notice anything.

      Updated 11-25-2021 at 11:56 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. 19 Aug: Surreal backrooms and lucid swimming in the ocean and creating garden of Eden

      by , 08-19-2021 at 08:33 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      The big news is that it was made a first successful human head transplant and it was made by switching the heads of two persons. My mom tells me this could be good for Riverstone because they can just switch him to a new body. I am wonderding if he'd do it and struggle with the idea of having my head severed and plugged with tubes and being attached to a replacement body.

      At home with Riverstone and I am butt naked when I spot my dad through the window, bringing someone else with him. I look around for a robe to wear and find nothing. Riverstone is already at the door to open it, so I can't sneak out to my room, because I'd have to come near the door. I have a very long t-shirt and a cardigan in my office, so I put those on. But I am not entirely comfortable as I am wearing no underwear. My dad comes in and finds something strange in my attitude, then I see my uncle Fernando is the person he brought along and I rejoice seeing him as I never got so say goodye when he died. Then I see Rui and I am over the top thrilled. He looks younger and healthier than when I also last saw him and I hug him tight. I ask him to join me outside while my dad and uncle talk. He holds my hand and I take him through a door which instead of taking us outside, takes us into a sequence of surreal rooms and storages, until we get to a small room with victorian decor and a velvet green sofa. We lock the doors on both ends and we kiss and make out sitting on that sofa. But when I stop kissing him for a while, he turns into some girl with black hair. She is cute and all but not whom I was engaged with, so I let her go and leave to the surreal corridor behind the door. I start being chased by a ghost. I can feel it and sometimes even see it as it creates a distortion in the background. I grab a stiletto shoe I see on a shelf and start hitting it when it comes too close. It is invisible but has mass when I hit it. It gives up hiding and appears in a visible form. It is a very big frog and it was just trying to protect something and not attack me. I look behind it and I see what seems like a shop with everything related to frogs. I find it absurd. Then I look around and see now that I am at some huge mall. There are people entering a big supermarket, there is a floor with just cinemas, there are many shops... I don't know what triggers me, but I feel upset with the mindless consumerism that I see, so I raise my hands in the air to destroy some billboard or screen with telekinesis power and I watch people freaking out and panic
      . I become lucid and know I won't hurt any real people, so I start making everything collapse into dust. Then outside I see other big buildings, cars and machines and I turn them all to dust. I want to experience a world where none of this exists anymore amd soon I am walking around in an idylic paradise. Looks like the garden of Eden, food grows in beautiful gardens full of flowers, lambs lay down in the middle of the flowers, people are sitting everywhere in the grass and around lakes, just enjoying themselves and the sun and beauty of the world. Seems wonderful and after a while also quite boring. Nobody does anything but contemplate. The weather is fantastic, food is provided abundantly, no one has to do anything which is great, but then I think maybe a couple cinemas and other entertainment here and there would not be so bad after all, if people kept a healthy balance.
      Anyway, I decide to jump to some other random place/dream so I use a puddle of water as a portal. I plunge into it and as I do, I remember some friend had asked me if I had ever swimmed under water in dreams and how it felt, and I think I did but here is a good chance to try again. Instead of coming out on some dry place, I just dwell on this water and swim away. It becomes an ocean and I see corals and sea urchins and I concentrate on the sensations I am feeling, like breathing under water and the sensation of water in my hands as I push it. It does not feel exactly like the real thing. It feels much more like I am actually flying over the water and what I feel around my body is thicker air and not really water. But I plunge deeper and manage to get a more realistic sensation. I even hold my breath to better simulate the experience.
    8. Friday, June 4

      by , 08-12-2021 at 05:26 AM
      I am somewhere, by a park maybe, with my parked car. I step outside the driver's side to drink some water. In either a mirror or my peripherals I notice that the back door is open, so I shut it. Now, when I step out again? I see that it is open again. Finding this kind of weird, I close it again. This happens one more time and at this point it is pretty disturbing as there is nobody around and no way it could have happened by itself. I think I assume it must be a ghost.

      I am in an unfamiliar house. It seems dim and sparse in here. I notice a small family approaching and get weird vibes. What looks like a teenage girl starts trying to open the door. I’ve locked the door knob and the deadbolt but she is somehow able to open them, so I have to keep pressing the door closed and relooking these. It is somewhat a struggle to keep the two balanced. At times she makes startling progress, but I think I manage to keep her out.

      I am in what I think of as a Vans store but what looks like a grocery store. I’m probably thinking this due to all of the Vans merchandise on display. Specifically I notice some high up (like above the meats or dairy section of a store’s display). I notice some teenage? boys that seem to be wearing Vans head to toe. I think about what it would be like to completely wear only one brand. At some point I am in an aisle with Mom and some others. I think there is largely an absence of masks, and it doesn’t feel like a bad thing.

      I’m with Makayla and we are parking at the front of some store. It is average to large for a retail building, with a curved exterior. The area seems rather desolate. As we get out of the car a happy looking black man approaches and compliments us for getting out of a semi truck’s way/letting it do something. He just seems very content and sincere. I envision this semi truck in the center ‘lane’ of what looks like pyramid highway, and I’m assuming this happened earlier in the dream.

      I am following, through a forested area, a river that is not too wide yet gives the impression of depth. It appears fairly peaceful but has a very strong current. The water seems so clear and pure.
    9. 9 Jul: Lots of nonsense and prisoner in a house with an astronaut for whom I fall in love

      by , 07-09-2021 at 05:00 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At my home, my dad is staying at the house too. I want to dress or undress, so I go to the 2nd floor/attic looking for privacy. But then I feel a presence in the darkness and go to the end of the floor to find that my dad is actually sleeping in the bedroom at the end and just woke up. He is surprised to see me, I say I didn't know he was there. Then things turn to a deeply uncomfortable vibe as he gets too close to me and I can feel his boner. I get down the stairs fast but he also comes down. He turns the tv on and there's Ronaldo and other football players gossiping about something, and Ronaldo takes a stand on some issue that no one else seems to care, showing character and. I then turn around and my father is gone and instead there is Riverstone. He is also watching tv on the couch and switches to some remake of an old 60s series. I find it really stupid. It is some kind of super heroes show, but one of them is a clown that comes from the sea and meets the others on the beach bringing an ominous message. Then they embark on a boat, but I think some fall overboard. I think I hear something behind the curtain on the window behind the tv, so I move the curtain and see the window covered in all sorts of insects, large and small. We are grossed out, we get up and shake insects that started crawling over us. There is even a snake on the floor and we run in horror and wonder how these insects entered the house.
      Then I go meet my mom by the riverside and I see a dog supposedly fighting a racoon or something at a pier, but soon realize it is a staged fight and the animals are rather playing with each other and someone's editing the sound to make it look like a fight. When mom arrives, she is driving an SUV or jeep and she asks me to get in quick. In the hurry I bump with the door on a car next to this and then our door breaks and falls on the ground. She says "never mind, just take it inside the car and we leave". So we leave, but soon after I shout to her that we need to stop as stuff from the back sit are rolling through under my seat and falling to the outside, like her purse and other items. She halts and helps me pick them up and some dude looking like a drug addict takes the chance to approach the car and sneak inside to steal something. But I block him and force him to put it back. He kinda resists but not an actual fight, so he caves in and puts things back. Then he asks for some money and agree to give him some change. But then all my coins and mom's are either silver and gold or special edition collectible coins and I don't want to give him those. He looks increasingly interested in the coins and makes some snarky comment that we are rich and can give him one of those, but I tell him we are also poor despite what it looks like and we can't afford to give him any of those coins but will keep looking for usable money in our purses. Then Alicja comes by and starts conversation with us. She's heading to a seamstress workshop and I go along. Bring a bunch of my unfinished projects for her to finish I guess. Then walks in some famous dude, kinda reminds me of Tony Stark but a bigger playboy. He brings along his girl to have a dress made for her, but she comes in half naked, with the fabric for the dress just covering her front, her butt exposed. She seats quickly on a chair to my side, to hide her back and gets some sympathy from some other lady also seated. Then what seems like a perfect copy of her comes in, fully dressed and also sits by her side. They take some time to realize, but when they do they are shocked to realize they are versions of the same person. And the first one seems to have no clue of what's happening, but the second one goes straight to the guy, and yells at him for allowing a time paradox to happen with his crazy experiments.

      Inspired by a movie I watched during the day, I dream I am sharing a surveilled house in Russia with this gorgeous dude who is an astronaut, his supposed lover which is a bitch and some other dude. Me and the astronaut have been talking a lot and we are clearly in love and going crazy with desire. I am willing to risk everything for a frugal moment of passion with him, but it is close to impossible. There is a meeting in the house, a round table with them 3 and a bunch of other people from outside and I am just standing in the back listening. At some break he comes to me with a book on space stuff, and we get really close and flirt a little bit discreetly. Feels so nice. But his woman sees and attacks me for being so interested in the damn book. Then some genius autistic fat kid joins the meeting and someone pranks him by pulling a chair when he is about to sit. I try to warn him and hold him, but he falls. He still thanks me for being kind. After they are all gone, someone brings us some food for the fridge, the astronaut's woman is gone for a while and I signal him to meet me at the most back room of the house. I get there and it is a dark dirty unwelcoming room. I see images of when the family living there raised a pig on this room. I feel for the pig and see him being taken to die in my mind's eye. There is a stiff bed and I lay there while waiting. I fall asleep and I am out of body watching myself as vampire bats come from god knows where and feast on blood from my leg. I lose hope that he will come, but he does. Unfortunately so do other people and ruin our chance together. Some dude comes talk to him saying he has news about the UFO report. That the government reduced all the supposed unsolved cases to just ten and most were scooters(?) and drones. We realize it is a complete sham to cover up the story and reduce its significance. Anyway, they then announce he his going to get reinstated and receive all the honors and we'll all be free. We get separated and I don't know anything about him for some time. Then it is announced a big event that I watch, maybe on tv, where they all come riding on horses, with strange theatrical fantasy costumes. I see his woman in a sort of wedding dress, so I presume they are also getting married, but then she marries some much older dude and only after much effort I see my astronaut in the back. He is all groomed and fabulously gorgeous. I also see some figure dressed almost like death, all black, very gothic, whispering something to his ear and he abruptly leaves the event. I know he is coming for me so I rush outside to a park. I see in my mind's eye he is also running up a hill to a park, can't tell if it's the same. But I wait and look around. Instead I am approached by a big black dog sniffing me, I pet him, then his owner comes by in a bike and calls him. He runs towards him and knocks down a man in another kind of 3 wheeled bike. I offer help but he manages to get up alone, then looks concerned with 3 guys approaching. They look unfriendly and the others go away, leaving me alone with them. They surround me but do no harm, just laugh and tease me a bit and disappear. Then 3 spectral black ghosts also pass by, turn around and go back. I am getting a bit scared, not knowing what all these mean but have the feeling I am not going to meet my love. Then lots of people come to the park to run, walk their dog or play with their kids and they don't seem disturbed by the ghosts at all.

      Updated 07-09-2021 at 05:06 PM by 34880

    10. Ghost dream and sinister and totally unnatural recurring dream location | [20.05.2021]

      by , 05-21-2021 at 12:21 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Ghost dream
      There is something involving ghosts happening. I feel an intense fear at some point. Towards the end of the dream one of my cats, Dori, apparently tells me about how she just thought ghosts approached her and it seems she is traumatized.

      - There is also a memory associated that is likely to be related to another dream. There is a bunch of dreams that I keep remembering from months to many years ago, usually with recurring places. Maybe I should just document those as well under unknown date?
      Well, the memory is that of a dark corridor. I might have been exploring some sort of cellar of a school or something, and there is an intense and totally unnaturally sinister feeling associated with it. I've explored this across many dreams multiple times, and it's always been associated with a strong curiosity but a deep sinister feeling breaking my courage and me stopping my attempt and getting out of the strange, windy, and tight cellar at the last moment before something would've caught me, and always shutting an extremely thick, heavy steel door with a sort of airtight turning mechanism. But honestly, I can't say I don't like these dreams. Nightmares are more interesting than anything for me, there's always something interesting going on, and it's rare something actually scares me in any way I wouldn't want.

      Updated 05-21-2021 at 12:32 AM by 96397 (Added memory)

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    11. 12 May: City blackout, investigating a missing case and adopting a ghost dog

      by , 05-12-2021 at 10:51 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Walking down Campo Grande in Lisbon, on the way to my university. It's evening or night and there is a blackout, the whole city goes pitch black. I walk around a little in the dark, trying to adjust my vision and then see a lady going to the nearby subway station and because I feel afraid being alone in such darkness, I follow her. Once we get deep inside the station, there are emergency lights on, but the subway is not working. The trains are stopped and jam packed with people who keep entering them, waiting for it to start moving.
      I wait for the chaos to subside and use the time to study the map of the subway network. Notice that it is more complex since last time I rode it and I notice a new line connecting other two, with a hub in Arroios station.
      The subway restarts circulating and I hop on a car, but make a mistake and end up going in the wrong direction. I discuss it with some people and some tourists handle me a map to help me out finding my way. I decide to get out on Arroios station and get back to my point of departure and find the right line. But when I take some escalators, I spot Jacqui and shout at her. She is happy to see me and I am totally surprised that she is here. She says she'll go back to the US really really soon and enjoyed some days in Portugal, but then I feel a bit offended that she didn't tell me or tried to reach me. Then we bump into Tânia, so the conversation shifts and we celebrate the coincidence of us three meeting there by accident.

      I am a woman with a kid, driving in a countryside road, when my car breaks down. Can't fix it, can't reach anybody on my cell phone and it is getting cold. I spot an abandoned car in the ditch by the side of the road, some dozens of meters ahead. It is very old and rusty, but I am interested in some sheets I see inside, looking strangely clean. I plan to get them so I can wrap myself and my kid around it and stay warm. I then change to an observer point of view and see the lady trying to get the sheets and being pulled by some ghostly force to the ground and then feet first being dragged into a swamp. She seems to lose consciousness and then be possessed by a spirit. A few small horns grow on her skull, including one on the back of the head under the hair. Also, there is a ghost dog.
      I then am again embodied in a person, I feel like my real self now, and I am visiting and institution, near where this lady disappeared, I think I am investigating her disappearance. This place seems like an hospice but it is most likely a boarding school or something similar for kids. I notice a huge black and white photo on the wall of the main hall. I ask who the person's are and they tell me to look closely to the right side, where there is an image of a lady. They claim she is now a ghost haunting the swamp nearby and there is a sort of ghostly dog figure with her that also appears on the picture to some people. I do see it and he is not still, he moves on the picture.
      I watch the picture more closely and the ghostly dog figure reacts to me. I talk to him and he jumps out of the picture and becomes real. He doesn't look scary, he looks like Bo. People in the institution are stunned when they see the dog. He is a sweet dog and just wants me to pet him. I don't know what to do, but I call my dad and he says he is willing to take him in. On the way there I clean him of some parasites, like some eggs of some wasps he has on his ears.
    12. Red Red Wine

      by , 05-02-2021 at 08:38 AM
      Morning of May 2, 2021. Sunday.

      Dream #: 19,858-02. 3 min 40 sec read.

      This dream begins with the same premise as a March 4, 2021 dream, though with different details and an unrelated outcome. In the previous dreaming experience, my mother gave me two American fifty-dollar bills and her bankbook. In this dream, she gives me one fifty-dollar note. I consider asking her for an additional ten dollars (imagining it as an American ten-dollar bill), but I do not. In both instances, I want the cash to pay some of what I owe my landlady. I had considered getting the additional ten dollars in this dream for food.

      Neither dream self version has any level of waking-life identity or recall, including any memory that my mother and landlady had died or that I have lived in Australia since 1994. Because I am sixty years old in real life, the supraliminal association with wanting sixty dollars may be the correlation in this case even though my dream self is only about twenty-five years old here. (I had established that because paper money is associated with being carried in a wallet that contains an identification card, it is a potential indicator of my imaginary dream self seeking my real-life identity to resolve the duality of the dream state. It is different with coins that I mainly summon to increase somatosensory awareness.)

      I teleport to the King Street mansion (boarding house) to give my landlady the fifty-dollar note. My metacognitive vestibular phasing response predictably corresponds with my dream's ongoing narrative. The staircase does not reach the second floor. Even so, I can maneuver to the door of my apartment that in this dream is the northeast corner room. An unknown male is living in the adjacent room.

      My dream, for a short time, becomes a typical haunting scenario. I summon an unseen ghost to move objects around for amusement. There are three responses with furniture moving on its own as my landlady watches. (Ghosts most often represent my metacognitive state, where my conscious self is incomplete and "haunts" the dream state, the fundamental reason why I summon hauntings other than for entertainment.)

      Eventually, I realize I need to get to my technical institute class. However, I do not have a good pair of pants. The blue jeans I am wearing now have large mustard stains on each leg. I try to come up with a way to wear my pants without the legs being visible, warping my physicality as a result. I float around above the missing part of the staircase, using my belt in different ways, and having my pants only come up to my knees. I then recall I may have clothes at my brother's house.

      I teleport to where Dennis (half-brother on my mother's side) lives. (The bedroom does not resemble anywhere either he or I ever lived in real life.) Another male, unknown, is present (though he vaguely reminds me of a man who lived in the King Street house for a time). I see about four pairs of my blue jeans, one on the bed and the others on the floor. I wonder if Dennis minds if I had left them here. He seems cheerful.

      As I try to put my pants on, I repeatedly cheerfully sing, "Red red wine goes to my head, red red wine goes to my head." I sway about in amusement. The other male, sitting on the left side of the bed, starts to sing a different line, but Dennis puts his finger to his lips to shush him. I soon wake.

      At least one dream from each sleep cycle for over 50 years has included my metacognitive concurrence with being asleep in a literal response (though my dreams are not symbolic in a conventional sense anyway). In this instance, it also has the anticipation of waking and putting on my blue jeans. The difference is that, in real life, my jeans were near the foot of our bed on the floor. In my dream, there were some on the right side of the bed on the floor. (As I have pointed out in thousands of previous entries, dreaming features are like this to avoid associations with waking life, the opposite of the majority of people, including "dream eperts," who are not metacognitive dreamers and consequently cannot ever understand why dreaming narratives are as they are.)

      The wakefulness simulacrum is sitting on the left side of the bed, and in reality, I sleep on the left side (though this is more about the metacognitive catalyst of the dream state above typical errors). Even so, Dennis shushes him as one does when someone is sleeping in the same room. This event has occurred in many past dreams since childhood with different narratives.

      So why "Red Red Wine?" There are several reasons, the first being the association with how dreams lack cognizance (and absence of intellect) and mind-body connectivity (REM atonia) as when drunk. The line "goes to my head" is a reference to dreaming. There is also a subliminal reference to the unsung line "Makes me forget that I still need her so" (the virtual amnesia of dreaming and how my waking-life identity is otherwise absent in this dream). Red is also a reference to the predominant waking-alert factor as well as blood. Additionally, Zsuzsanna had been focusing on a post on Facebook without me knowing. It was about wine (in a thread of enigmatic space that most people deny, yet is how I dreamt of Zsuzsanna long before we met in the first place).

    13. Knife hunt

      by , 04-24-2021 at 09:52 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm in some room with a bunk bed. My dad sits in the lower one and talks about money problem and some kind of new job (New fragment). I'm holding in a knife and fighting with Gabriel in my class. He is striking me all the time and I just block. I run away and see my surroundings, I'm in a big house with roof at least 8 meters up. I run for the exit but a girl is there with a knife. I run back and notice that she is going to throw the knife at me. I laugh at her because I know it will be easy to dodge the throw from this distance. She throws the knife and it is easy to dodge it. (new fragment). There is a ghost by the shore and we walk to it. It has armor and a bone shield on its back. I try to hit it but it has no effect. Dad comes and cracks his shoulder pad open. The armor falls off and Peter comes out from it. He is friendly and we walk away (new fragment). We come to a campfire and there is a good looking girl there which triggers lucidity. I tell all the people by the campfire that this is a dream and they nod. Details are disappearing and my vision goes dark.

      Notes: My cousins played a game where they pretend to have knives and hit each other.
    14. 17 Feb: Turning away from a dark cave I remember from other dreams

      by , 02-17-2021 at 09:57 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am walking down a dirt road in a sunny and dry place, accompanied by other people. There is a rocky wall to our left and I spot a hole in it. I go check it out and find it is an entrance to a large cave. It feels very familiar and I recall I have been there before in other dreams, very dark dreams. I remember that as I progressed through chambers and underground levels, I encountered a really dark realm, horrible ghosts and monsters and a sense of despair pervading it all. Yet, I am pondering going in again. I feel an attraction to the idea of reliving those things. Then I wonder why I would want to go through that darkness, is it just for the thrill? I ultimately decide not to even step inside, because I know the power of that dark place is like a drug to me. I stay outside in the sun and breath calmly. The others ask me what it is about and I lead them away from it. I spot something else to which I bring their attention to. I see a funny sculpture installation, completely out of the blue, composed by a table, a chair, a lamp, a mic and smaller items with a very vintage look, all carved in rock. I sit there and pretend to be some character from the past making a radio broadcast or something. They are surprised and amused and wondering whom could have made it. Then we find a wallet with documents inside and apparently bank notes, except the notes are fake.
    15. ccxxvi. Around town, cabinet climbing, crystal complex, basement meeting place

      by , 02-14-2021 at 03:40 PM
      14th February 2021


      (Long-ish. Recall broken up a bit.)

      Some bit in my home town. It seems dark but it's kind of day time, it's not just cloudy, because there's still colour saturation even in the dark. I walk around a corner of a modified version of where the primary school I went to is. There's something about this dream segment that has some consistency with previous dreams around this area. The buildings' height seems slightly exaggerated. The school itself has the main building in a different place, it's where the gate should be.

      There are some people I sort of bump into and talk with, I forget who. We are on the pavement by the main road that passes here, in front of the police station and where my cousin used to live.

      (Another bit, don't recall surroundings)

      There's some kind of wooden cabinet, not unlike the one we have here at home but smaller? Lighter wood stain. I'm trying to climb it. It has a hole of some sort on an inner side panel up top in the middle. Somehow, this is the entrance into a building. I've been there previously in the dream but recall is lost. The centres of mass in play mean that I can't balance myself properly to climb up.

      I remember I ask someone for help, someone I knew from school comes by, C?


      There's something about a vacuum and my eldest sibling. A car parking lot? Sort of hilly.

      Then, I'm in some kind of complex. It's got a high tech but magical feel. Purple and deep blue hues, with light blue highlights. Light seems neutral otherwise. Crystal walls or something. I am with other people, forget who, but one I think is a dream character and is guiding the way.

      Then a room with a crystal bridge or something. I think I cross it. Then I'm in a more normal looking basement. There are more people here, some possibly from my family. Some are just pure dream characters.


      I'm at a table in this basement with some other people, or perhaps I'm just a presence. A guy is having a happy conversation, with the air. And someone at the table starts to think this is odd. Then I see through his eyes and see he's talking to a ghostly woman.

      (rest of recall too vague to put into words)


      - Lately I've been playing a game where a character keeps seeing his dead girl-friend. That last bit from the dream seemed to be a related intrusion from that context.
      - The crystal place had a certain familiar feel, but I can't quite place it. On introspection, it only seems to be related to a general feeling of certain archetypical locations from several media (primarily animated films, games).
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