A bit better dreams. Piano went well at the Didsbury hospital. Coffee news back charged me for cancelling the ad. Agreed to pay 50 a month. Got setup for an ad in the Western buy.sell.trade. , which covers all the small towns from Calgary to red deer . For half the price. Better deal in my opinion. Had some minor issues with the Jamie voice. We both seemed to be entertaining certain temptations, causing all sorts of issues . But this morning, we had a really good time being nice and affectionate. Maybe drive by again. Unconfirmed since I didn't see anything. A dodge neon SRT (mine is an automatic, not SRT crappy version)in blue slowly drove by my house, but I was vaguely not paying attention . Voice claims she may have been in the passenger seat. I heard the car lingering on the corner but out of site. Maybe someone waiting for people to cross the streets. But this car lingered for 3 minutes at least. Didn't see anyone so can't confirm. I just report what my head says unbiased. Jamie 1 Me and Jamie were in a plaza at night time. We both were walking up to some woman who was backing up from us. We seemed to be threatening... Fending off another one of her lesbian suitors? Wrong girlfriend I was in a bedroom talking to someone. The bedroom had a doorframe made of mattresses. In this dream my girlfriend was the slightly chubby girl in the highschool dream from months ago. In that dream Jamie tried to get me another girlfriend but it was a chubby girl. Same one. In the current dream I was complaining that my girlfriend wasn't very affectionate to me. Never wanted to hold hands or hug, or talk sweetly. I declared I was done with her. Just then the chubby girl walked in and looked pissed at me because she had overheard. I just reaffirmed to her my statement. Yep, one thing I like about the voice, is we both never hesitate to give affection, and reassure one another. I remember a real instance when I hung out with Jamie - I was complaining that she didn't seem to be listening to me. She didn't hesitate to re assure me in that moment. So it lends credibility to the personality of her voice. Jamie 2 Me and Jamie were in the backseat of a car and we were holding hands and looking at one another lovingly. Jamie 3 I was in a house that was very familiar. (When I was growing up in Chilliwack, I lived in a house that had the almost exact layout as our friend Gary. Except our garage was where his brothers bedroom was. And his garage was on the other side, with a 2 bedroom addition above it.) Anyway I think my dream inner world house is like that. I was inspecting the rooms and was somehow opening the ceiling. There was a blank space with no insulation. I was wondering how we are going to survive winter. I went to the upstairs living room and Jamie was on a couch and surrounded by people. She didn't seem to look at me. ( In some dreams, one of us or both of us thinks we are actually think we are around one another in waking life. We think it's been years since we actually talked, so it's painfully awkward.) I go past the living room and past the dining table to where the back porch is. I open the screen door and my brother is cheerfully talking with Gary. I say Hi to him. His face goes neutral and then he looks pissed at me. I am wondering what his problem with me is when I wake up. Jamie 4 Just a flash of looking at my phone. A messenger notification pops up and it's from Jamie. I get triggered because it's the one with the purple lighting where she looks... Hard to describe, blank, but also in despair, and maybe angry. I don't even read the message because maybe I feel her face in the photo is anger, and hatred towards me. As if to say, " Look at what you did to me ." I also IRL avoid scrolling through messenger all the way down because of that picture. It's also kind of how she looked in the store when she pretended I wasn't there. But I still have to remind myself, that since then. I have seen her on the street and she has smiled at me in passing. Trying to end on a positive note here.
Before WBTB Decay: I'm at my childhood home with Robert F. Kennedy on the phone. I'm supposed to pick him up at the airport. I'm telling him about several other stressors that are happening at the moment, getting to why I will be delayed. I'm also supposed to pick up my friend D from somewhere. On the kitchen table, there is a game of Monopoly left out. I arrange the pieces in a funny way anticipating the payoff later when everyone arrives. Looking around the home - it is in disrepair. Dusty and broken. But Oreo, my childhood cat is there. I marvel that she is still alive somehow. She looks like she hasn't eaten in a long time, with her fur all patchy. My Grandma and some others in the group tell me I can't help her and I have to leave. I don't want to leave her alone so I pick her up and bring her home with us. ... Later we are in the driveway, and there are 3 or 4 cars all in it. This makes it difficult to leave. How could I say no to this? After WBTB Mannikin: I'm at my Grandma's current condo. It is late at night and I'm on a couch that is further down the den than it should be. There is a clothing mannikin out near the hallway. It is slowly swaying. I notice that it has a wig similar to my Grandma's on. I worry about the mannikin turning to face me, and then it does. It has two black voids for eye holes, and I understand immediately that my Grandma's soul is trapped in this mannikin. The mannikin falls down and breaks into pieces. I scream, and my girlfriend wakes me up. I hear myself making a weird scream-moan sound. Well, this image exists now. Fragment: I'm with my Grandma and Uncle at a hotel. They are on one bed together and I am on the other. I'm talking about how my girlfriend's family stresses her out all the time.
Updated 07-14-2024 at 07:59 PM by 99808
Stripping Process: I'm walking in my waking life local downtown area towards Oregano's pizzeria. I'm with my girlfriend's family. We've just picked her up. She's back from travel. We go into the pizzeria building on the corner, but when we get inside it is my childhood home. I decide I need to take a shower, so I head downstairs towards the laundry room. As I'm stripping down, the names of process specifications from work are going through my head. I'm reviewing them, and looking for one in particular. The United States of Not In This Room: Now I'm watching Markiplier play some Five Nights At Freddy's-like game. There is an inventory at the top of the screen, with two cupcake icons taking up two out of five slots. The cupcakes can be used to determine if one of the monsters is currently hiding the room. I think about the strategy of that, about whether it makes sense to cover up two slots in exchange for that ability. Mark decides to use one, and it indicates that the room is safe. "Welcome to the United States of NOT IN THIS ROOOOOOOOOOM!" says Mark with his typical lively delivery. Hello my name is Markiplier and I'm in your dream now. Fragment: I'm with J from work. He's excitedly showing me some drilled holes in an assembly. He's excited because they are super smooth.
Updated 07-12-2024 at 04:14 PM by 99808
Getting back into the swing of things with a potentially politically inflammatory dream, HUAK TUH! QuestionMark: I'm in a veterinarians' office with a pug-like dog. It has the "blue" fur color. The fur is very soft. The vet tells me that the dog's name is Question Mark. "But don't say it slow, like that. Say it fast like QuestionMark." "Is this puppy a boy or a girl?" "We don't know what they want to be yet." "What do you mean you don't know? Is the dog transgender?" The vet holds up the dog and I see a dick. "That's a boy dog." I say. "THESHIRECAT!" my girlfriend says in outburst. I'm near a hole in the wall, and I see some hands come out to pet QuestionMark. Initially I'm a little freaked out, but I realize they are kids so the creepy behavior is recontextualized into silly kid behavior. Being Around You: I'm at a large grocery store, maybe a cross between a Costco, Home Depot, and my middle school from back home. I'm walking down the hall and I see a small man who seems to have a deformity with his legs. I respectfully give him the space he needs to pass by. Next I come across a happy looking couple. The woman says to the man "I'm happy when I'm with you" as if in response to a question he had asked. I take a moment and think about my girlfriend, and I get a warm and fuzzy feeling. I decide I want to find her and express the same sentiment. I find her checking out the groceries at the register and give her a big hug from behind. I worry for a second she might be uncomfortable with that in public, but she doesn't mind.
Updated 07-06-2024 at 08:59 PM by 99808
Fragment: I’m staying somewhere in a swamp-like area. Like a hotel. There is a patio type spot with a bed so low to the ground that it is nearly level to the water. I tell my girlfriend that we should have stayed in this room, but I know she wouldn't have wanted to deal with the water. Swampland Hotel. Firelord Putin: Two Fire Nation brothers are coming towards me, leaping over tall buildings to get to me. They want me to come see something. They've invented something to find the Avatar. It’s a big ATM-like machine. It beeps and boops and makes a confirmation sound, printing out a receipt. Then another group of guys appears and questions what we are doing. We try to keep the info secret, but they know. … The Fire Lord and Zuko are giving a speech to the Fire Nation on a stage in front of a large crowd. I’m in a large group including people from every nation. Tenzin from Legend of Korra is part of it. The Fire Lord is talking about loyalty and exceptional individuals. My group slowly sidles onto the stage and fills in behind the Fire Lord, catching him off guard. I notice the Avatar is with us too. When we come into the crowd’s view, the speech stops abruptly. The adults are sent off to a room with the Fire Lord to discuss a treaty. … I’m now back in a regular hotel room, with J from high-school. I notice she has a small mustache. We are sharing a bed, but more like a field trip way than a romantic one. I start to unpack and setup the bed. There are about six people in the room. … Some of the group returns from the war room, and the situation has instead changed into us being the United Nations, and the Fire Lord being Vladimir Putin. Somebody is telling us how the UN was grilling him about things like Area 51 and similar, and how he danced around the questions.
Updated 04-01-2024 at 01:40 AM by 99808
Spit: I'm with girlfriend's friend group, with their respective significant others (H&A and G&S). It's sort of blue and cloudy outside. I'm with the guys by large rocks playing a game. ... Later I'm at an apartment that I know is mine. I'm standing in a living room area in a circle with the guys. I decide to spit up some water I was drinking, toward G. I have the intent to show that something outlandish like that is OK. A thinks it is funny, and G returns the favor. But G isn't returning the favor. Though the spitup looks like clear water, he is actually puking from disgust. Oops.
Updated 03-20-2024 at 05:30 PM by 99808
Rollercoaster: I'm in my local downtown area, inside a restaurant. It looks like an Oregano's Pizza. I'm looking out the front door. I see my girlfriend with another guy. His hair looks big. I remember (within the story of the dream) that me and girlfriend had recently agreed to "take a break." The pain of seeing her with somebody else is immense. It feels like the real thing. ... I'm in a hallway that looks like one from my highschool. My girlfriend is there. I tell her I want to get back together, and she agrees. Happy embrace. ... I'm with her at a hotel pool. We are doing naughty things.
Updated 03-04-2024 at 02:53 AM by 99808
Splinter: I'm walking a puppy with my girlfriend down a neighborhood sidewalk. There is more grass than there is in waking life. More like the neighborhood I grew up in. The puppy looks like a german shepherd. I reflect that we didn't end up getting an aussie. I notice that the puppy is wandering around on the grass nearby. Maybe he has to poop, I think to myself. On closer inspection, my girlfriend finds a splinter in his paw and then removes it. The puppy has since changed into a pug, but it doesn't raise any sort of alarm in us.
Rings: I'm in a grassy area, and I may have just emerged from a cave. There are tall rock walls all around. The area feels serene. I become aware that this is a video game. My girlfriend is here. She gestures to an item in front of me I can pickup. The item is in a green glowing circle: an object I can obviously interact with. It's a wedding ring. She is proposing. The ring is a tiny thing. Thin and wooden, like a splinter. I obviously accept it and move to put it on. I'm not concerned about how much she spent on the ring. But, I am focused on making sure she knows that I don't mind. I'm embarrassed because I have to ask her which is the ring finger. I vaguely think about how this is gender role-reversal. It doesn't bother me much.
Vows: I'm getting married to my girlfriend. We're in a small-ish hall with chairs setup to face the altar. Standard setup. But I've just realized that I never wrote my vows. Panic. How did I forget? Isn't that something the wedding planner would remind me of?
The Zoomies: I'm at my friend D's apartment. He is holding a large chonker of a cat, and is about to weigh it on a scale. He has a boyfriend that walks out of their bedroom. I don't recognize him, but I'm happy for D. I smell something like a fish smell. ... I'm at a Coney Island diner with some people. We're talking about how times have changed, how the last generation "had it simpler." There is some discussion about time-travel. I ask my brother nearby if he can smell fish on my breath. He says that it smells fine. ... I'm at my current home with my girlfriend. We're cleaning up the house. Parts of the house are torn apart, with walls revealed that generally are covered up by furniture. There is some discussion about a concert with my friend M. ... I'm in the front driveway area, but there is an overhang with a carport. I'm surprised to see that my Grandma P is coming to visit. She's parked in a large SUV and waiting for me to come say hi. But when I approach, her and the car are gone. Her voice is now coming out of a PA system connected to the carport. She directs me to pickup a nearby hose, and try to control the jet setting on it with my mind. I successfully do this, controlling the water flow. ... I'm at a park on a sunny day. There is a field of grass and several small ponds up ahead. We have a golden retriever/australian shepherd that looks about a year old. It is running around so fast that it makes airplane-like noises as it passes us. The grass deforms strangely as the dog moves over it. For some reason, I make the estimate that it is running around 30MPH. I worry that the dog will go into one of the ponds and get dirty. So naturally, it does. The dog is now covered in mud and looks excited about it. Big Fast! Much Zoom!
Updated 02-07-2024 at 11:11 PM by 99808
Doubt: I'm in a bar that reminds me of a nightclub back in California. I'm with my girlfriend and some coworkers of hers. I'm feeling jealous and concerned that her younger male coworkers are interested in her. I remember my mental training and reason that she hasn't hurt me, and I should trust her unless/until she does. One of the men approaches me and suggests that my trust is misplaced. ... I've left the bar and I see the same group of guys walking up ahead with her. I talk to one of the guys and he seems OK, a friend in an emotional storm. I decide to continue trusting her, ignoring my discomfort.
Updated 01-31-2024 at 09:33 PM by 99808
Observation: I get the sense that there are aliens who have the ability to shape perception such that they do not alert humankind. I false-awaken on the couch and my girlfriend is observing me strangely, and I suspect that she is actually one of these aliens. This scares me greatly. I wake up for real (still on the couch) and she is looking at me the same way.
User Error: I'm getting ready for work and my smartphone's alarm is going off. I turn it off, but it doesn't stop making sound. I get very frustrated. My girlfriend tells me it must be user error. The phone is a Samsung Galaxy, which isn't the one I have in waking life. Fragment: Something about Spongebob Squarepants.
Desert Cave Adventure: I'm driving with my girlfriend on an expressway at night in the desert and we are being chased by a gunman. My coworker, A, shoots the man in the head. The Desert Gunman. We're parked now, and looking at the body. There isn't blood or gore, rather, just a hole where the bullet went in. I'm driving a smaller quad-wheeler now and I offer my coworker a place to stay. He agrees and gets onto the quad-wheeler. We discuss the logistics of how long he will stay with us. ... It's daytime now and we are still driving. Ahead of us is a twisty turny mountain, closer to a course from Mario Kart than to reality. Desert Road Spirals. I miss a turn, and now I'm carefully maneuvering around a spiral road rising around a small pillar-like structure. We eventually reach a sandy cave entrance where the road ends. Desert Cave Entrance. There are two arrow shaped signs ahead. The one pointing left says "Mafia" and the one pointing right says "Goomba". We choose Goomba and proceed. As we go deeper into the cave, there is a glass display case on our left. It appears to contain Game of Thrones paraphernalia. I notice one of the Night's Watch coats in particular, alongside some swords and other weapons. They may have been numbered. At this point in the hide, we are expecting an award. The cave opens up into a larger chamber, almost like a grand palace or tomb.
Updated 01-17-2024 at 08:39 PM by 99808