I had this dream this morning before getting up. The first part of the dream was two girls of the same age I'm not sure wether they're siblings (twins) or cousins were in a bedroom, which had a layout of what a bedroom that my Materneal grandparents' house had. The room was known as "the stovepipe roomn" because the pipe from a stove on first floor went through the room. Well any the relatives were sleeping-one of the girls wakes up, and she wakes the other one up and they somehow started talking about wanting sugary cereal but someone wouldn't let them have it. I'm can't remember if they're talking about Nesqik, or Timbits cereal. I don't remember the rest of the dream but what I do remember is the ending-that the dream changes over to an adult who is writing at a desk and they get some kind of feeling and looks down there's an ant on their leg and they look even farther down and they see a parade of ants carrying some cheerio cereal and the last item to be parade by was I think a Jelly-bacon donut that some ants got trapped in so that the adult reached down and grabbed that donut and then went to the sink to wash the ants off to eat some of that donut.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am in a small dark room, white walls, old furniture. There is a table and two chairs and Riverstone is sitting behind the table, against the wall, with his head pending down and acting bizarre. I am lucid and try to figure if he is real or a shady DC. I say something but he is unresponsive. I tell him I know he is not real, so I am going to play with him a little bit. He then reacts, but I still can tell he is not really Riverstone and I actually feel he is becoming threatening to me. So I shrink him to the size of a bug and pick him from the floor. Now he is putting on a fight. I put him on the table and tell him it will be fine, I'll bring him back to normal size, but as I do it, he turns into a black snake and I stop resizing him, because I don't wanna face a giant black snake. I turn away to the door and just leave. At the next room I see my dog Hachi, but also Bernardo and some other stranger dog. Hachi is happy to see me, but then the other two start fighting in the background and instead of him defending Bernardo, he joins in attacking him. I scream in horror, but then tell myself it is just a nightmare and turn away. I plunge into the wall, I wander through darkness for a while and then come out at another dark room, very much the style of the previous two. I hear noise outside the door and open it. Looks like a cprridor of some vintage looking hostel. Some kid from another room to my left is also peaking out, sleepy. Tells me something as if I am supposed to know what he is talking about. I go to the lobby and from there goes a stairway to a living room in the basement, which is full of youngsters having fun, just like som hostel I stayed in Japan once. I am not interested, so I choose to go out to the street. There is a street market, which reminds me somewhere I have been in Germany. I recognize the memory, love reliving the details. Then hear some guys talking about getting laid and whose lady from the hostel tourists they are going to bang. They spot me and start acting menacing, like they are considering to rape me, so I try to get away from them by climbing a rope that is hanging with clothes from the top of a passageway over the street, and I run up a hill. End up in another strange house, that looks abandoned, almost like a windmill, but it is inhabited by 3 girls. One looks like Natalie Portman. They are nice and invite me in. They are having like a slumber party, all lounging over a bed and sharing chocolates while talking about this and that. They offer me chocolate, I say no and they find strange. So then I go on and on explaining my aversion to choclate since I was little.
Jamie Intimate dream with her. It was wild... Jamie 2 I'm with Jamie and Asuka. Asuka seems to be somehow merged with Jamie. We are walking in some building with some blond girl. We enter a room. There's a metal device that gives off a huge sexualised vibe... since the blond girl is nearby I ask if I can eat her out. Asuka says, "Robert Don't do it!!" Because she's merged with Jamie. The girl says okay. and it's like I can't stop. The rest is pretty sexual. oops Brown haired girl I was witha brown haired girl that looked sort of like jamie. But this girl was taller and had more defined features. The eyes were like jamies but the rest of the face. Almost as if Jamie had a slightly hotter older sister it would be this girl??? not sure. Sex dream With some East asian girl. We are trying to have sex. she's super dry and it's like trying to tap a wooden stump. She gets frustrated and I try to tell her it's not a good idea to just jump on... you gotta have proper foreplay first so she's properly ready for it. but before i can tell her that she just runs off in frustration.
12/18/20 I am with an old friend J. He wants to turn his indian dad's electronic store into a hangout spot after it closes for the day to smoke and chill in(he's white IWL). I am sitting in his car in front of the store waiting for it to close when I notice a short dark haired pixie looking indian girl in a car looking at me interestingly from the end of the lot. An older indian man walks out to it and I ask J if that is his Dad. He says no. They drive away together. After the store closes and the gathering begins. It is super small-time at first, just a few friends and some chill smoke time with low lights. There may be a blacklight or two, the walls are white and there's not a lot of furniture. At a certain point we are outside in his car again and he gifts me a whole art set with coloured pencils and brushes. I am grateful and mention how I value different mediums of expression. He also offers me a lit cig but I am grossed out by it and throw it away. Over time the party becomes big like a jam fest. Tons of people have shown up, the big crowds dancing in masses and spraying water on each other like a summer party at night. I realize this was his plan all along to host a giant party, I remember telling people he's had this vision for years. He is obviously super wasted and I can hear him goofing off on the DJs microphone looking for someone out of sight saying 'Where is he!? Where is he!?' At first I am apprehensive because this kind of thing usually isn't really my scene, I go along with it finally and embrace the party in full affect. I walk inside with no shirt on, baggy grey sweatpants, long straight hair, one of those dumbass flatbill hats and a black backpack. I gather the ladies find me quite attractive. There are tons of girls all laying around on mattresses pushed together on the floor all naked talking about being on molly. One of them mentions outdoing the guys by 3/4ths. There are not enough guys present so they are all hooking up with each other in various positions and super thirsty at that. They all look up lustily at me. One of them while on her knees with her legs spread points down at herself and commands, 'You eat this' then points at me continuing 'And I'll eat that'. I happily oblige and lay down proceeding to take turns enjoying multiple women in a row, it is a jam fest after all. 'Days go by' by Dirty Vegas plays loudly in the background. The next morning I come back in after chilling outside some with J. There are more guys there in the morning and a couple of the girls who knew me from the night before are lounging around on a couch in the corner of the room. They see me and grin knowingly. I partially acknowledge them with a nod before plopping down on the couch and dropping my backpack on the floor. I notice there is some smoking paraphernalia laying around on the tables but no one is smoking, it's a typical burnt out morning after. The guy next to me is pissed that 'someone brought the bear around last night'. I gather he is talking about the cops showing up, I don't recall it.
I am walking with some books, a few girls all in black are passing by, I feel out of place, accidentally I press a button on my keys and the car truck opens just when they are passing my car. I feel embarrassed to make it look intentional I go there and put the books into it... I am driving the car through bazaar through narrow passages asking them to make way.
Updated 10-19-2018 at 05:30 AM by 95667
Date of Dream: SAT 21 OCT - 2017 Dream No. 216 - Separated Sections Dream 216 A - No Lunch For The Wicked I can't remember the entirety of this dream. From where I can remember, I was back in year 12 2016. I was somewhere on a camp with the year level group, although it looked like no ideal school camp destination. I was off somewhere doing something and when I came back, I found out that lunch was finished being served. There was one plate still on the serving bench and as I was about to take it, three girls claimed it as their own. Apparently it was a second serving for ES, DK and CV. I claimed that I didn't have any lunch but the guy denies and says this food is for the girls. I go off in disappointment to an undercover parking lot. I can't remember the rest of the dream. Dream 216 B - The Burning House Throughout the entirety of the dream, it was night time. First, I was on a flat rooftop of some house when I felt this strange energy about. Believe it or not... God was speaking to me. The youthful sounding voice is telling me that he is putting the world to end soon. He told me how he was going to do it. First of all, he would give me three red beacons. Then I see a holographic hand come out from the wall of the night sky and indeed it gives me three red brooch-like beacons. He then told me to pin them up on the giant cloth which was hanging on the washing line. Once I pinned the beacons, he then told me that he would set all the buildings in the area on fire. He then said that the third stage would be where all these white lights appear and then his work would be done. Then he goes to me, “and by the way... What happened in 2012? How did all the people think the world was ending then?”. I told him all the scientists thought that the planets were going to collide into each other. There was now no presence anymore and so I got off the rooftop and onto the ground. I look up at the roof and there are two chimneys that have appeared and they start spitting massive flames out of them. In a crystal clear voice, I shout, “Dreamy WB help!” and then after a slight pause, “Stop the house from burning down, quickly!”. She came immediately. I saw her, approaching the left chimney and when she touched it, the flames stopped shooting. She then walked over to the second chimney and did the same thing. She then hopped off the roof and joined me on the ground with now nothing but the crickets going off in the background. I examined her and I was shocked to see her with white skin, having a Caucasian resemblance. I thought there was nothing else to do but then she told me to follow her inside the house. When we got in the house, her skin was a tad less white. We were now standing around the kitchen with other members of my family as well. As everyone was getting ready for bed, I look at my watch and I say to Dreamy WB, “It's 11:30, I bought cheesecake for our breakfast”. Everyone elses' body-clock was set to 11:30 PM but ours were at 11:30 AM. I quickly examined Dreamy WB and her skin became a tone darker again. She then said something to me but I forgot what it was. I realised our body-clocks were wrong and I told her. I said I was going to adjust them but she said that we could stay awake while everyone else went to sleep. Still, I insisted on fixing our body-clocks and I made it clear to her. I turned around to look towards the kitchen bench and closed my eyes. I spread my arms out and tried to “feel” for an 11:30 position. Then I started swinging my arms backward like a clock until I felt it hit 11:30 again. I realised I only fixed my body-clock and so now it was time to go back and do Dreamy WB's. In exactly the same way, I felt for the 11:30 position and wound back 12 hours. I had opened my eyes and now Dreamy WB looked tired. Her skin was also now fully brown and so was back to her full African identity. She came up to me and started stroking me while also keeping me locked in a hug. She said she and I would go to sleep soon. The dream then ended. Dream 216 C - Beach Terror I don't remember all of this dream. I was going with my mum and brother to Geelong for something and we decided to stop at this inner beach area. When we got there, the style of the dream had changed quite a bit. It was now like this animated map on an RTS game and it had shown animations of Mario characters on it. I don't know what they were doing but the Mario characters were becoming very violent. I do clearly remember Luigi and Wario facing off against each other. For the next part of the dream, I was at this unknown place. I wanted to see what my brother and his friend RK were doing but NB had told me to get out of the place. I looked from a distance and noticed that they were doing something with balloons, silly string, foil and other party supplies. Apparently all the equipment had harmful chemicals in it. That's all I can remember for this dream. Dream Trophies Achieved: - None
Updated 12-01-2017 at 08:08 AM by 93119 ("216" should be "216 B")
Fell asleep at: 12:00 AM Woke up at: 5:00 AM DREAMTIME: 20 minutes of perceived dream time. Pre-Dream State: Yup, this is a WILD. Okay, so I went to bed at 12:00 AM, but I had also fallen asleep for 4-5 hours beforehand, so I think I was in a state where I could easily initiate REM even if I didn't want to, and I did. Out of nowhere, my body began to shift into REM Atonia (Or as I and many others like to call it, Sleep Paralysis) and I began to hear slight snippets of audio as I'm making the transition. I also began to see small flashes of light, and my body also felt like it was convulsing WILDly. I was almost scared shitless, the only saving grace being I knew I was going to transition into a dream at the end of it. I was scared that hallucinations of demons would pop up out of nowhere, but I had to keep my eyes shut and suppress those thoughts as hard as I could. For what seemed like an eternity of blaring lights, body shifting, and small noises, I had finally, finally transitioned into an LD. I think it only lasted for 30 seconds, but shit like that makes you REMEMBER stuff goddammit. Dream: Anyway, I transition into a sort of dungeon lit by torchlights. For some reason there are girls in front of me that are inside giant Tabasco sauce bottles (Don't ask). I walk up to one of the girls (I think she was brunette, about my age) and tilt the bottle forward, and somehow end up covering her with chili powder. I don't know if my subconscious was being clever or not but here you go. The other girls next to her laughed and proceed to egg her on about the whole thing, but my eyes were fixated on another row of girls to the right, this time not inside of oversized spice bottles. I think of striking up a conversation with them, but I dismiss the thought entirely, and end up walking up to some kind of large metal door with orange trim. I walk through the door to find myself in a wide open tundra. It is the most beautiful, yet the most frightening thing I have yet encountered. My mind begins to race with thoughts of freezing up and dying in my own dream, but I suddenly begin to realize how null my body is to the cold, and my worries melt away. I keep traversing this surreal white acropolis (Thumbs up if you get the reference) when I come across a nice, temperate looking area with orange grass and where you can see the sunset. It is almost alien in appearance. The saturated orange color of the grass itself accompanied by the fact it was right next to a frozen landscape. It was also a mountain high up in the sky, to add to the craziness. I wind up finding a couple of my real life friends (Though I can only remember one clearly(Let's call him E)). I talk to 'E' for a bit, Lord knows what the hell I was talking about, but the tone of the conversation seemed to be pretty lax all in all. And no, I didn't try to convince him it was a dream. I try to fly in this dream, but end up stumbling in the air (If you can picture that) and falling right back down. I go back to the frozen landscape I was in, and get lost in thought as I lose lucidity and thus lose the dream. NOTES 1. My memory of the LD seems to be highly muddled by my other dream that I had right after this one, so details are a bit sparse. 2. This was most definitely a WILD. 3. The LD seemed pretty long (About 20 minutes or so). I didn't need to do any reality checks along the way either as I seemed to have a consistent level of lucidity throughout.
Updated 09-15-2017 at 03:35 AM by 93490
Date of Dream: FRI 28 JUL - 2017 Dream No. 162 - Stir Fry Fruit Salad I don't remember everything that happened in this dream. What I do remember is that I was at some formal event with the class of 2017 Killester girls, happening at some unknown place. Girls that had a particular colour schemed dress were supposed to go together for a photo shoot. I was in this group that were wearing dark blue dresses. The photographer wanted me to stand next to WB but she was complaining and making a fuss. She did eventually stop complaining though and things went on as originally planned. After the photo shoot, the dream turned me into the only one wearing a hot pink dress. I was doing some weird and crazy dance routine and everyone in the blue dresses were looking at me. I then found myself in this random grocery store where I was finding fruit to make a fruit salad. I remember finding a lot of different fruits, even ones that don't exist in real life but I forgot what they looked like or what they were called. At the end of the dream, there was all this shredded cabbage in a small plate along with diced carrots and sour cream. It turns out that it was vegetable salad mixture. I can't seem to remember anything else about this dream. Dream Trophies Achieved: - None
Date of Dream: THU 20 JUL - 2017 Dream No. 157 - Separated Sections Dream 157 A - No Show Girl At the start of the dream, I was in this this random place when I bumped into IH and as we were talking, I mentioned something about WB. IH told me that WB was planning to drop psychology in year 12 so she would have one less subject to do. IH then said that she was meeting up with WB at Waverley Gardens and that I should come along too... I got really excited that I could finally get to see her. When I got to Waverley Gardens in the dream, it looked completely different than it does in real life. At one point, I did see NK coming out of a store but I didn't say anything to her. I eventually came across the central area of the shopping centre where I saw IH. SW came there but WB never showed up and that made me really disappointed as I suddenly realised she was never going to come. That's all in regards to this dream. Dream 157 B - The Dirty Dog Man The dream took place in this random school where an announcement of this random guy on the premises was made. He came as he wanted details for some dirty deed. We had to pretend like we didn't know what he wanted or we'd become his new target. I was eventually in this room and saw the guy face to face. I then wrote down my name and phone number on a piece of paper and gave it to him. In then later saw the guy in the yard but didn't pay attention to him as per the requirements but when his shadow was close enough to me, I had no other choice but to acknowledge his existence. I then handed him the slip of paper and he said, “Good. Now, just bring your dog in next week and we'll keep him locked up on the property”. I started crying because I just came to the realisation that he wanted to steal all these dogs. I then woke up. Dream Trophies Achieved: - None
Updated 07-27-2017 at 12:33 PM by 93119
Date of Dream: SUN 18 JUN - 2017 Dream No. 136 - Separated Sections Dream 136 A - Revisiting The Swimming Carnival My mum was driving me to Killester's swimming carnival which was taking place at the swimming pool in Monash University. So I went in there by myself and saw everyone gathered around the pool, just like at the carnival in real life. Only difference in real life it that it was at an outdoor pool in Noble Park. So I saw some teachers talking. Apparently Mrs M was asking for someone to help her. The teachers then looked towards my direction and said “Karla's here. Get her to help you”. I then started walking around to say hello to the students. As soon as I saw WB, I got really excited, ran up to her and gave her a massive hug. I can't seem to remember anything else about this dream. Dream 136 B - The Homeopath Relocates I had found that the homeopath my mum and I usually see had relocated his practice just to be right around the corner from our house. My mum was really excited about this and so demanded that we go over there at once to help celebrate the “grand opening”. We got there and it was this house with a really fancy interior, all laid out with marble and the cornices of the wall were painted in this beautiful metallic gold colour. Soon, the homeopath asked for the attention of everyone in the room. He said he had Dr. Michael Carr Greg with him to help him with the ribbon cutting ceremony. After that, I ended up going by myself and walking along a main road of a busy suburban area. I got to this place that looked like the inside of some cathedral or palace. I look around in amazement and I think this is the only building that's in operation. I then say to myself, “The castle... This is the only building that doesn't need to be powered by WB”. I don't remember anything else about this dream. Dream 136 C - I Can Do This Myself For the entirety of this dream, my dad was being forceful and insistent about helping me with my accounting work. No matter how many times I said no, my dad kept insisting. Later on, my mum was making pizza in the kitchen. She said I could customise two pieces to make them how I would want. I remember making it a meat lovers pizza with some strangle purple gel painted on near the crust as well as a small drizzle of honey. That's all I can remember for this dream. Dream Trophies Achieved: - Taking It Slow (Receive 1 hug from Dreamy WB) Note: Although it was the real WB, the hug was pretty tight and so reaches a standard matching Dreamy WB.
Updated 06-22-2017 at 07:41 AM by 93119
Date of Dream: SAT 17 JUN - 2017 Dream No. 135 - Separated Sections Dream 135 A - The Piano Teacher Teaches Singing It was in some random place. I was supposed to be having piano lessons with this piano teacher I had about a decade ago in real life. The only strange thing is that she was focusing more on my singing rather than my piano playing. By the end of this dream segment, my singing was superb but my piano playing was still crap. Dream 135 B - Another Go At Retreat I forgot what happened at the start of this dream... Only that I was at the sight of the year 12 retreat again but this time, it looked nothing at all like the place in real life. This place was very crowded and its cabins were bunched up very closed together, sitting on these huge wooden decks above water. My aim was to find WB, first entering into cabin 113. The girls in that cabin then said that WB was in cabin 115. “Where is cabin 115?”, I asked and the girls said I had to go around the corner. It felt like ages although 115 was close by. When I looked through the window, I didn't see anyone at first but then I finally caught sight of some ladies in blue uniform, it was the cleaning staff. I then wondered where the girls were and I apparently I found out that they were out doing activities. So I walked off and continued my quest to find WB. At one point, I heard Ms L and Ms K talking in a cabin and that's when I thought to myself, I'd better make a run for it. As the dream progressed, the deck became laid out more like a platforming game, so I found myself increasingly leap frogging everywhere. I don't remember anything else that happened but I never found WB. Dream 135 C - Convention In A Car Park It was an undercover carpark, but more like a park shelter made of stone if you ask me. At first, there was all these tables in there with food on them, called the community centre. Soon, Logan came in and was clearing the tables as apparently he was going to have a family meeting in there, which he called a convention. The first to appear beside him was Chilly, and then came the other random family members that I do not know. The dream did say and show that one of them was his dad. After a short while, the family members all disappeared and Logan was left on his own. He put back the small tables like they would be in some examination room and he put small plates of fresh food on each desk. That's all I can remember about this dream... I wasn't in this dream. Dream Trophies Achieved: - None
Date of Dream: THU 15 JUN - 2017 Dream No. 133 - Separated Sections Dream 133 A - The Dreadful Diploma The dream was anticipating the Diploma of Accounting at Chisholm. Apparently it had tobe done at a different campus than where Certificate IV was done and this campus was no familiar location in real life, it also looked more like a high school than a tertiary institution. So me and a whole group of students were upstairs in this random building at the diploma enrolment. The teacher also looked unfamiliar too. They said that every single one of them in this room was going to be teaching us diploma. We were split up into small groups of about 3 or 4 students and teacher. I had this wacky looking man that dressed like someone from the 20th century... Hard to explain. The dream then skipped to the leading teacher, a lady, violently chasing me all around the campus. I don't remember what she was saying or doing exactly. That's all I can remember about this dream. Dream 133 B - A Horrible Welcome I remember I was paying a visit to Killester again. The dream made it look more like a primary school than high school. In the undercover area, I saw JL sitting on a bench, eating her lunch, and I decided to sit on the other side of the bench and talk to her for a bit. Ms L then walked by and she didn't look happy. She was asking me why I was here. I said I just wanted to say hello. Then she said that all I want to do is see WB again. I didn't know what to say to her but she said that she would be back. I then walked off and found myself in this open space area. There I saw WB and think her friend RL was with her, I forgot who else she was with. I thought WB wouldn't be happy to see me but she was the complete opposite. RL was also happy to see me too. WB and I spoke for quite a while. During that time, I thought Ms L would come back as mad as can be but that never happened. I then consciously thought that in between the time I had left the bench and I had found WB, she told Ms L not to do anything. That's all I can remember about this dream. Dream Trophies Achieved: - None
Date of Dream: THU 13 JUN - 2017 Dream No. 132 - Separated Sections Dream 132 A - Choir Drop-outs From what I can remember, choir was taking place in the Kennedy Hall with Mr H. Now there were only a very few girls there, I can vividly remember AL and RA being there. Mr H was quite peeved off at the fact that many girls didn't turn up to the rehearsal and I think he asked me I could go outside and find more girls. I eventually made my way to the oval and saw WB, BT and EL there. At first, they were just sitting and chatting with each other but then they decided to play a game with me. We spread ourselves out and were hand-balling a white and blue football to each other. Then after that, the girls were sitting back down again. I approached WB and was going to really tell her off for being lazy and not coming to choir but then I did have a change of heart. I caught myself and said something to her like “Hey WB, you don't have to come to choir. I'll just tell Mr H that you have something on at the moment. That's all I can remember about this dream. Dream 132 B - The Case Study Marks Are Here Although the dream was on Monday night, it was actually Tuesday in the dream. This meant that our TAFE teacher KHa was giving us our financial reports case study back. Everyone else got a mark out of 120 but I got a mark out of 140. Apparently it's because she thought I asked for an extension and so she was penalising me, my mark was 97.5 out of 140. I then asked why she marked it like that. I explained that I always had the intention of handing it in when everyone else did. My mark was then 102.5 out of 120. I don't remember what else happened. Dream Trophies Achieved: - Cert IV Reunion (Have every Cert IV Accounting classmate in your dream)
Date of Dream: THU 8 JUN - 2017 Dream No. 128 - Separated Sections Dream 128 A - The Retreat Throwback In this dream, I actually had a full licence and was driving my own car. I was on my way to Cranbourne to go and visit WB but as I had just gotten out of Dandenong, I subconsciously realised that she was not home. So, when I was on the freeway, I went past the Cranbourne exit and proceeded for Daylesford. When I got to Daylesford, I went to the dormitory and saw the class of 2017 girls in their cabins. I entered a few cabins and had short conversations with some of the girls. I then eventually found WB's cabin and spoke to her. I don't remember what we specifially said but I do remember her pleasantly smiling at some points. The conversation was interrupted by Ms L who was roaming the corridors, telling everyone to pack up quickly as they were leaving. So without much notice to WB, I headed outside and waited for the girls there. Soon, the girls poured out of the dormitory and towards the buses. As the girls headed towards the buses, I asked some of them if they wanted me to take their luggage back in my “compactor” (car boot). Three girls took the offer and so I asked them where they lived but then I decided I was just take all the luggage back to the school as I couldn't remember all their addresses. I was waiting for WB and she was one of the last girls to exit the dormitory. I asked her if she wanted me to take back her luggage but she politely declined. I don't remember anything else that happened in this dream. Dream 128 B - Messy Matters I was in the toilet of the old house and it was all dark in there. I was going to attempt to turn the light on but first I wanted Dreamy WB to be present. So I whipped my phone out and accessed the camera to get to her. She was there but her appearance was slightly distorted which at first freaked me out but I got used to it soon after. I then flicked the switch but nothing happened. Then after that, I found out that the toilet was at a weird angle and Dreamy WB's energy was diminishing, she was disappearing. Then when I was fully alone, I started to urinate but it wasn't going into the toilet, rather, it was spraying everywhere. I then woke up after that event. Special Note: All throughout the dreams I had, every single dream, it would always skip to a scene in my dining room sometimes, where I would be writing down the events in the dream I just had! EG. The Daylesford dream: After I left the dormitory, it went to the dining room scene and I wrote that I spoke to the girls. And then the dream would shift back to Daylesford and keep playing. Amazing!!
Updated 06-08-2017 at 11:36 AM by 93119
Date of Dream: MON 29 MAY - 2017 Dream No. 122 - The Girls Are Missing I was telling my mum that there was some sort of meet and greet event with the Killester girls. I told her I wanted to be there at 12:15 PM. I don't remember how I got there but I did successfully reach the school and I was searching for AD. I couldn't find her anywhere, nor could I find any other girls I knew really well. At one point, AL started following me around everywhere I went. I soon came to KD02 to see Ms L teaching an English class. She said something but I forgot what exactly. I then said to, “You never said that to me in English!”. She replied that she meant to say her sentence to CR. As the dream progressed, the school was deserted and the sky was grey. I think everyone was now back in classes, except AL who was still following me around. I went over to the music rooms and I see Mr H with a group of students who are complete strangers. They were wearing the Killester winter uniform but then they didn't look like anyone I knew that had enrolled in the school in waking life. I asked Mr H where the year 12s were and he said that they were rehearsing with the year 11s in room 7. I entered the music corridor and noticed AL still following me. I said to her, “Don't you have classes?” and she stated that she did have classes in the food rooms, which were right next to the music rooms, so I told her to go into class. I then saw all the girls, some year 11s and some year 12s lined up next to each other, but not singing anything. They were hard to get to as all across the floor, there were heaps of tipped over music stands, making the path across like some tangled vines. I went through these stands like someone going through swamp sludge. Along the way, I made some facial reactions to try and make people laugh. I remember LD went along with it really well and had a laugh but on the contrary, WB did not look impressed one bit. That's all I can remember about this dream.