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    1. LD #111: Lucid Fragment

      by , 09-07-2014 at 02:08 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I hardly recall anything. I was with... er whatever the heck this thing was. I thought it better to draw it rather than try and explain it.
      Semi-Lucid Dream experience-dream-golem.jpg
      It was a strange creature. It's body looked as hard as stone, but it was still able to move and flex in a bubbly, cartoonish way. It was leading me through what felt like a city, though some of the buildings were floating, and the sky was black. The place was very blurry and everything looked to be a bluish-grey color.
      The creature spoke, though it had no mouth. It had a disc where it's head should have been with three 'eyes'. The disc was always rotating slowly clockwise. And the five colored circles going up its body seemed to glow. On a final note, the creature was not very large. Perhaps three or four feet tall.

      I woke up not remembering much. My lucidity was not very clear.

      I was on a date with some girl. She asked me to order her five foot-long hotdogs with mustard from a nearby hotdog stand.
    2. Kung Fu Movie, LD #110: Vveven

      by , 09-05-2014 at 01:15 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I'm putting these dreams in out of order because I like to put lucid dreams last. I actually had the lucid dream at around 1:30 in the morning, and this non-lucid upon awakening.

      So I am in/watching a Kung-Fu movie. The dream is periodically glitching between having the main character be autonomous and it being me. That said the main character looks a little like Bruce Lee crossed with my typical dream self. (Bicolored eyes and goggles).
      Anyways, I remember talking to a sensei (Not the person from DV, just a typical sensei character in a kung fu movie.) He was glitching too. He sometimes looked like the typical sensei character with long white hair and a beard. But at other points he looked like this very fat rat type creature.
      Anyways, apparently my character had disowned many teachers before this one for various reasons and was happy that he had found one that conformed best to his teaching style.
      Back to watching it. We were training together, both of us standing on the rocks in the middle of a huge rushing river, doing synchronized movements. There are huge mountains off in the distance.

      There is a part in the movie where this boy and my WL parents came to visit us. The boy was supposedly six despite being about 5'10" and 200 pounds. He had some kind of growth disorder. Also, at this point we were training on a tropical beach.

      Now the climax of the story. The character that I am supposed to defeat is this demon. It kind of looks like the golem that appeared in that dream a couple nights ago, and has red vines wrapped around its body, and is made of dark stone pieces. But this one is much smaller, like 10-12 feet tall.
      Also we were fighting in a very strange location, some kind of birthday party for one of the secondary characters. Nobody ran away from the party. They all made a big circle around the two of us and started taking pictures/video with their phones.
      I think this was actually my second time fighting him. The first time, my character had lost, horribly. He had bloody bandages all over his body from where the vines had hit him during the first battle, and the atmosphere just felt like that of a rematch.
      I am watching once more. The character then closes his eyes and begins 'feeling' where all the vines are going to come from. He then strikes them and knocks them away. Some of them even rip apart and become unusable. It was a remarkably exciting scene and there was some epic Chinese drum music playing while it was happening. He eventually runs at the golem and begins fighting it directly.

      Very odd way of the dream starting. I start to feel someone rubbing my feet and the dream begins to materialize with that.
      So for some reason the dream has decided to materialize like so: I am in a huge mall or food court where there are a ton of people of all different ages, races, ethnicity, etc. There is no more seating available because of the crowd, so we are now sitting propped against the wall.

      And Manei is there, rubbing my feet. Okay, I officially have the weirdest dream guide possible to think: I want the dream to start with me rubbing his feet in some random public place and then we can start talking.
      So lucidity comes on after like ten whole minutes and some very strange dream glitches occur that I can't recall now.
      I turn to her and ask this, knowing that I will get an interesting response.
      "Your hands are so soft! What do you use?"
      "Tomato Juice!"
      "You took a bath in tomato juice?"
      I pause for a moment.
      "Okay, time to do one of the lucid tasks, if I can remember it..."
      I try to recall a lucid task. I recall what I think was one of the old ones, to ask a dream character to tell you a word in another language and it's meaning.
      "Tell me a word in your language and it's meaning."
      "Okay... Vveven! It means god is above. God is love. I love god."
      "You know I'm atheist... right?"
      "I know. I'm telling you the word. Not what to believe."
      Can I get wings for this?
      I get up and indicate that she could follow if she wants to. I want to leave the crowded area.

      Then there is a strange dream glitch. I become nonlucid and see this game set up to be played in the middle of the public place. The game is called 'F**k off, Rabbit!" and you play it with a pack of colored markers and all of these different coloring pages. I don't know how, but it has something to do with the drawing of a rabbit is hidden in each of the coloring pages, and the game is supposed to be very hard.

      I am lucid one more, and still walking out of the place. I look around to find Manei and see her melting into the crowd. Okay, not following. I get outside where there is a vast, clear twilight sky. The dream slowly shifts from the exterior of the mall to my own neighborhood.
      Although the sun is setting in my neighborhood, it feels more like the wee hours of the morning. The moon is rising where the sun should be. The moon also looks huge.
      It is cold. It must be spring or fall. Not horribly cold, but quite brisk none the less.
      I get about halfway down the street and stop. Someone drives past me in a sliver car and looks at me strange.
      Time to do some flying.
      I put my hands down to my side, and project my energy out, the way I always fly.
      Nothing seems to be happening. I can feel my weight starting to come off of my legs.
      I then tried to Jump to start the flying up. I jumped up and floated in the air for a second. Tried projecting out of my hands and felt the flying 'catch' and I was off. I also remember seeing my shadow on the pavement. I think this is the first time I have ever noticed a shadow during a dream.
      I said something like 'Heck Yeah!' and flew over the tops of some houses. I went above the woods behind my sub and turned to look back at it. I was thinking that I might try to fly into outer space.
      Now, a foot massage: weird. A tomato juice bath: weird. But this takes the cake. I turn around to see it and the dream freezes. I lose a ton of clarity and the the image of my neighborhood from above is frozen in front of me. But the strange thing is, my neighborhood is not there at all. Just a blurry black void surrounded by trees.
      The image of my neighborhood pulls back. It becomes evident that it is like a large photograph printed on a sheet of paper. I am now hovering in an empty black void, because the visual of the world has been compressed into this picture. Then, the photograph folds all origami up into a face. I am not kidding, and becomes a floating head that starts talking to me. The dream was literally talking to me.
      "Hey, Woah!, Sorry! I don't know what your sub looks like from above."
      "Not your fault. I was the one who didn't know what it looked like."

      The dream glitches agian. I am looking at this space station in orbit above earth. Apparently the moon was so huge in that dream because it was falling to earth and about to impact it, and that space station was supposed to monitor the event as it happened.
      I can recall the space station having this strange glass pod one one side that I was very focused on for some reason. It looked like some kind of escape pod.

      It was at this point that I realized that I was still dreaming and woke myself up because I wanted to make sure that I recalled the lucid dream.

      Oh, sure. My subconcious can't show me what my sub looks like when I fly above it, but it sure loves to show me what the moon looks like impacting earth and designing these random space stations.

      Updated 09-05-2014 at 06:36 PM by 53527

      lucid , non-lucid
    3. Golem Orgon

      by , 09-01-2014 at 05:18 PM (Lucid Time!)
      As I adjust to the college schedule, things should start coming in. So here is a very cool NLD, a step up from the frags from yesterday.

      I am on a beach, and there these are red, rope like vines everywhere. The vines are about the thickness of a grown man's finger and have can vary from a bright red color to almost black. They have yellowish strings fraying off of the main stem that appear to dead. They seem to be actively spreading and sometimes even wrapping around people and but not necessarily injuring them. The vines have small thorns and are slightly painful to the touch, but the thorns won't even break the skin.
      Everyone assumes that the beach is under attack. People begin leaving, but there is no terrible panic as the vines do spread rather slowly. Me and a group of unrecognizable friends meet up by a surf shop on the beach. The only one I could sort of make out was S.
      We talk about strategies we could use to stop the vines. S recommends cutting them with a machete, and that they have a whole bunch of them at the surf shop (because dream logic). I recommenced that we get (some girl) who I 'remembered' has a magical power to stop the vines from spreading.
      Just then she appeared. She was very overweight, but still looked beautiful, she had long black hair and a teal-colored bathing suit. She said she had a theory for how to stop the vines. That there was a central hub that they were all spreading from.
      She led us down onto the beach. My friends cut a few of the vines along the way but for the most part, they would just grow back as soon as we cut them. Eventually we arrived at a big hole in the beach, near the shore. The hole was filled with quicksand. She dove in.
      About ten seconds passed and she resurfaced. She asked for a machete. S gave her his. She dove back under.
      About a minute passed. We began to wonder if she would resurface. Then a massive bundle of red vines shot out of the hole with the girl hanging on. I grabbed on right behind her, despite the fact that they were a bit thorny. I didn't mind.
      All of the vines lifted off of the beach about a hundred feet into the cloudy sky, into a massive network. And, in the shallow waters just offshore a massive black stone golem stood up, emerging from completely underwater. It had glowing orange eyes and a glowing orange mouth in the shape of a smile. It was made out of stone cubes, that were very dark grey, almost black.
      Seven additional identical golem heads appeared around us and then faded in poofs of black smoke.
      So me and the girl were hanging there on the vine bundle.
      "Why you come to Golem Orgon?" the golem spoke in a deep rumbling voice.
      "You need to leave the beach! People are being hurt by your vines." The girl shouted.
      "Ok. Golem Orgon Leave. Golem Orgon sorry he hurt people."
      The massive black golem turned walked back into the sea godzilla-style. The vines slowly dropped me and the other girl onto the beach. The vines then withered away into nothing. As he walked into the sea, I couldn't help but feel sorry for the creature. He was so nice, and certainly didn't mean to hurt people.

      Updated 09-02-2014 at 12:23 AM by 53527

    4. 10th June 2013 Fragments

      by , 06-10-2013 at 08:21 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream 1(fragment):

      I was exploring some city.

      Dream 2(fragment):

      I was in some mansion-like place and was searching for something, some rooms were using pink color excessively.

      Dream 3(fragments):

      I was playing some fighting game, there was rainbow golem character i wanted to get but to get it i needed to activate and protect some color golems. I activated one and it was pretty powerful, dealing with all kinds of enemies easily but one last enemy managed to destroy him right before getting destroyed. I was disappointed and wanted to restart the game but for some reason restart option was missing. Soon i found a way to restart it using some external hardware.

      Dream 4(fragments):

      I was watching MC UHC game. The map was very small and only four people were playing, also it was premade and there were some kind of stone bunkers some players started in.
    5. The Elder Places

      by , 05-21-2012 at 03:43 PM
      I seemed to be in a magical fantasy land, where some of the Dungeons and Dragons type creatures were real. I remember seeing the trees and rocks come alive for sure, and I think there were some other plants too. The trees were treants walking around and talking like normal DCs, as well as the rock creatures. The rock creatures were golems. I interacted with some and talked to them. I should have wrote it down earlier, kinda sketchy now. There was something coming towards the group of them that spooked all the creatures, they ran away from whatever it was and locked themselves behind a steel gate. The gate was set in a high stone wall that circled and enclosed a large area. I never seen what spooked them, but they slowly came out again when it was safe.

      Later on, I was helping these two massive stones set one on another, they were a foundation for a building. They could talk, but didn't move. Actually the lower stone was wobbly, and I was trying to re-secure it in its position so it would be stable again. These stones were huge though, they must have weighed at least 20 tons each. They were taller than me, and bigger than I could reach across. Dispite their immense size and weight I could still move the one I was working on. I was talking to the stones as I worked, but don't remember what was said.
    6. Fighting wooden samurai and a giant stone golem. Someone tries to contact me?

      , 02-01-2011 at 12:14 AM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      Went to bed early because I was tired as hell, I didn't get enough sleep the past few days.

      I'm in the classroom I'm taking most of my current exams in.
      An exam is currently in progress, my Game Design teacher is there and I have a paper with exam questions in front of me.
      I study the questions, I have to write 3 concept papers given a few basic ideas within 3 hours.
      That's cutting it very short, I'm a bit scared I may not be able to finish this in time.
      I let my mind wander, trying to find some inspiration about a massive multiplayer game, where the players take the role of fruits.
      Making such an idea work really requires a lot of creativity.

      I have trouble coming up with any ideas which is unusual, I decide to take a one minute mental break.
      I play with my pen saying with my inner voice: "This is a dream"
      This gets me thinking, which set of rules currently applies, which world am I in?
      The answer I come up with surprises me a bit. I'm in the dream world.

      I'm surprised how easy it was to come to this conclusion.
      I stand up. My teacher looks at me surprised.
      "What's up?"
      I grow my wings out of my left arm. I have a specific goal: visit Yuya.
      I'm happy that I quickly remembered this goal.

      "Sorry, I'm afraid I may have to bugger off"
      "Excuse me?"

      I lock on to Yuya's aura and prepare to teleport.
      The wings start glowing in rainbow colors.

      "I've taken this exam a few days ago!"
      "Oh.... right..."

      I teleport.
      This is the first time I don't black out during a teleport or by traveling through a portal.
      Even though the teleport lasts only a split second, I can feel how I travel through the fabric of space.
      It feels like there is a near infinite amount of entities all over the universe, I can feel so many aura's!
      It's a very good feeling.

      I'm on Teraluna, hovering a few centimeters over the ground.
      Yuya is standing right in front of me, waiting.
      I stop hovering and drop onto my feet, the wings disappear.
      Yuya is wearing a different outfit than usual. She's wearing something much more comfortable, something you have an easy time fighting in.
      She immediately jumps me, giving me a big hug.

      "Hey, I missed you!"

      As we hug I remember how I got into a deeper dreaming state last time.
      I already closed my eyes for the hug, so I try to concentrate on my other senses.
      They become clearer, but I don't have anything to eat.
      I let go of Yuya and open my eyes. I don't think I'll ever get used to it, it's as overwhelming as it was the first time.
      I'm confident I managed to anchor myself in the dream world.

      "Let's go!"
      "Where to?"
      "I promised you an adventure, didn't I?"

      She forms a portal behind her, without making any gestures. She takes me by my hand and drags me in.
      I form a protective layer over my skin because the tunnel we're traveling through causes a lot of vibrations.
      No wonder I blacked out the last time, this is not a very comfortable way to travel.
      We get ejected from the other end of the portal, into a different world.
      I barely manage not to fall onto my ass yet again, I don't like portals.

      What a crazy world! It is made mostly out of sand and stone, but everything looks very clean.
      As my vision becomes sharper I notice the beautiful sky.
      There are many close moons and even a planet visible in the sky.

      "You better prepare yourself, we're not welcome here."

      I change my energy into my dragon form and power up. I feel ridiculously powerful, with a slight urge to set stuff on fire.

      "That's better!"
      "Why are we not welcome here?"
      "Can't you feel the dark energy surrounding this place? It's everywhere. This world is full of demons
      I'm curious as to why that is."

      She's right, as I widen my sense of presence I can feel many dark aura's. I'll try to remember that they are easy to distinguish from other entities.
      I'm excited.

      "Let's head to where the energy is strongest then?"

      I suddenly notice it's snowing. I'm not wearing a shirt or shoes, yet I'm not cold at all.
      My own energy is keeping me hot. Yuya doesn't seem to feel the cold either.
      I feel a dark presence approaching over a close by bridge, I look at it.
      It seems to be a big samurai, wearing many layers of worn down and broken cloth and a typical samurai hat covering his face.
      He's drawing his katana and approaches me carefully.
      Yuya takes a step back.

      "Don't be afraid... you have all the weapons you need." (I don't even notice the Sucker Punch reference)

      I focus on the inevitable combat, I'm ready.
      He charges, but I am so focused on him I have an easy time slowly dodging his attack.
      It doesn't feel like time slowed down, more like my brain is working much faster.
      As he cuts past me I punch him in his side, and release some energy whilst doing so.
      He shatters into a thousand pieces, it seems he was made out of wood.

      "A wooden samurai?"
      "Someone must have summoned them, they don't have a free will. Let's head for the tower"

      I see the tower on the other side of the bridge, the dark energy is strong there.
      As we run over the bridge I take on a few more wooden samurai. Yuya doesn't intervene.
      Even though they don't pose a challenge, I start getting a better feel of my energy, how much I need to release in order to do a certain amount of damage.

      We stand in front of the tower and a huuuuge stone golem is summoned right in front of us.
      It's at least 100 meters tall, full of dark energy.

      "Errrr.... Yuya?"
      "What yes? giant golem???"

      He starts approaching us, every step he takes causes massive vibrations in the ground.

      "What do I do?"
      "Kill it?"
      "Like what, punch it? are you kidding me?"

      She positions herself between the golem and myself, facing me and thus turning her back towards the golem.

      "A punch didn't kill the samurai."
      "No... my energy did, but this thing is huge... how do I?...."

      The golem is now very close.
      Yuya creates a bubble of water in one of her hands still looking at me, she really doesn't seem to care about the golem.
      She compresses the water into a very tiny bubble and holds her hand towards the golem.
      She shoots a high pressure water beam out of her hand, cleanly cutting the golem in two.
      Both pieces fall to the ground. This is absolutely ridiculous.
      "Are you kidding me?"
      She chuckles. Exactly how strong is she?
      "Yeah, I may have overdone that one a bit"
      But she thought I could take on the golem? How strong am I?

      I feel a dark presence behind me and turn around.
      The bridge is filled with at least 100 samurai.
      They simultaneously draw their katanas.
      I want to take them on, but it's too many to kill them one by one.

      A punch didn't kill the samurai...
      I point my right hand towards the samurai. I can't do a water beam, but I must know some way to project my energy.
      I power up, the dragon tattoo becomes hot. The samurai charge.
      But it's alright, I remember now, one of the dragon techniques.
      I release my energy as two tunnels towards the enemies, a big one and a small one inside.
      I turn the inside one clockwise and the outer one counter-clockwise, grabbing onto space as they turn.
      The release of energy vibrates strongly through my body, I feel the fire wings on my back and the tattoo very clearly now.
      All the samurai are crushed into pieces instantly and their remains whirl around until I stop my spell.

      I turn towards Yuya, extremely proud of what I just did.
      "Did you see that???"
      She starts laughing highly amused.
      "Seen you do bigger ones than that."

      I finally begin to understand how things work, how to release energy, what amount of energy to release.
      I'm very excited.

      "Do you hear that?"
      "Hear what?"
      "I think someone is trying to contact you?"

      I try to listen, but there is nothing.
      Then I notice that she didn't mean a typical voice, rather a telepathic one.
      Yes, I can feel it, but I can't understand what he or she says.

      "I can't understand it."
      "It's weak, seems to be from another plane."
      "Plane? like, dream plane?"
      "Yes. There are many different planes. It's hard to communicate across planes if they are far away from each other"

      I try to communicate back.

      "I can't hear you properly. I'm Hyu, who are you?"

      After a small pause I can hear what I think is a name, but it is too unclear to understand.
      I think it is a female voice, I think she's a dreamer.

      (I can recall the rest of the dream only vaguely)
      After the failed communication attempt we enter the tower.
      There is some more fighting and we find some sort of dark energy crystal inside the tower responsible for summoning the monsters.
      Yuya destroys it.

      I feel like I'm getting better at remembering details and conversations which is awesome.
      I woke up at the end of this dream, at about 6am (went to bed at 2am).
      I immediately transcribed the dream after waking up because I was afraid I'd forget if I went back to sleep.
    7. Flooding and my Telekinesis (lucid)

      by , 11-07-2006 at 06:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      There was some sort of gathering at a local school, which sits half way up a steep hill. Thousands of students were packed into the school with sleeping bags and other camping supplies. Apparently we were going to be staying there for some time, though there were no actual classes being held. I was there with a boy and a girl that I do not recognize and we pick a spot to camp out that is in one corner of a large room. I am not sure if the room was the gymnasium.

      At one point I was walking through the halls and I see some former friends of mine in the corner of my eye. Because we do not get alone anymore in waking life, I ignored them in the dream and kept walking. There is food venders down the hall, but the two people who run it cannot even bag a salad without arguing. I become upset because I am hungry and I want some food, but the arguing vendors will not even look at me.

      A bit later in the dream there is something to do with some nuns appearing at the school. Apparently they are have to supervise someone, or something. I cannot remember much of this part of the dream because it is very fuzzy.

      There is a sudden influx of people (both children and adults) from outside. The town at the bottom of the hill suddenly floods. There is water up the the roof tops the the houses and the water continues to rise. As more and more people try to get into the school, it becomes very cramped and chaotic. The little boy who I am with tries to climb a rope up to the balcony seats, to get away from the throng of people, but I unconsciously reach out my hand from across the room and the boy is pulled off the rope by an invisible force and is brought over to where I am sitting.

      It only takes a few hours for the water to recede, but because people's homes are completely destroyed, most end up staying inside the cramped school. The next day everyone wakes up and finds that all of the doors that lead outside have been locked. Panic ensues, as everyone starts to believe that they are going to die. I feel something in my pocket, and when I pull it out, it turns out to be a large silver key. As I gaze upon it, the boy and girl I am with say goodbye and vanish into thin air.

      I use the key to open the gymnasium door, but find that not only has the river flooded again, but the waters are much higher than before and has literally washed the town at the bottom of the hill completely away. I step out of the door and am up to my ankles in water. I have to dodge to the side to avoid being crushed by the hundreds of people rushing out of the school.

      I follow the waters edge for a while and find a large stone golem saving people from being washed away, but only if money if thrown into his mouth. I toss a toonie, but miss. Since I am not drowning or in danger, the golem and I just shrug at each other. I can see some office building further up the hill and I start to walk towards them.

      I walk through I parking lot and suddenly stop. Though everthing feels real, I sense something is amiss and try an RC. I plug my nose and cover my mouth and discover that I am still able to breathe. I attempt th same RC several times before I accept that, yes, I am dreaming.

      Immediately upon attaining lucidity, I see my mom walking towards me. She does not appear as she looks now, rather as she appeared in her hippy 20s (which I have only seen in photographs). She is trying to show me an orange and white shirt she bought for me, but I ignore her and continue on up the hill. I look back and see that my mom's face is sad and I feel bad for hurting her feelings, even if it is only a dream.

      I enter an office building and go up to the roof. From there I use telekinetic powers to lift the entire building off the ground and make it hover above the city, like a giant spacecraft. Some people come rushing to see the spectacle that I am creating and some of them claim that I am the alchemist they are looking for. I ask them what that means, but they will not answer and run away instead.

      A bunch of "bad guys" appear. They want me to join them so they can use my powers, but I telekinetically kick their butts and bend them to to my will. They promise to be my loyal lackeys if I spare them from harm, but I am bored of them and kill them with my powers anyway. I fly my building/spacecraft over to the top of a neighbouring building, where I can see some sort of party going on. I invite anyone who is interested to join me on my flying building, but no one seems interested.

      Updated 06-24-2010 at 07:48 AM by 6048
