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    1. Freaky subway nightmare | [11.05.2021]

      by , 05-12-2021 at 02:58 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Freaky subway nightmare
      I remember that the situation is like playing a video game again, although this time I feel like I am forced to play, despite my fear of seeing some gruesome image within it. Then I am in the game, physically, and it's regarded as real. There's something about being underground. There's something I don't remember, then I am in a sort of train with people, and I sort of have to save us by getting weird rubbery things on circular parts on a metal box that seems to be central to the function of the train. I notice nobody else is doing anything and that if we don't manage to do this, we will crash with full force into a sort of other chambers, which we are sort of falling into from the top, and to brake we have to get the rubber things on there. I also appear to be some female character relevant to the story, and she might have a name starting with A. I see that nobody else is trying to save us, so I animate them to help. But then, I struggle to do it, so we soon crash. But then suddenly, there's like a second try, so this time, the same things happen, except that this time, I manage to get most of the rubber things on. I think we will die again, but this time, the train brakes and stops in the chamber with no one hurt.

      This might not seem freaky, but there's some sort of deep fear associated with this gruesome image. There were some past dreams that were so horrible that I've supressed them, with a much stronger version of this fear associated with it that are still horrible to think about today. Not sure where this fear comes from, but I probably don't want to know, to be honest.
    2. Skull cracker

      by , 02-26-2015 at 08:02 AM
      *warning for those of the weak stomach*

      Weights class, afternoon
      Me and my group of 3 other friends for weights class wait outside in the hall way with the rest of the class, we are all dressed out and waiting for our teacher like we always do. Minding our own business we chat, are attention is then drawn to our right near the exit doors. One of are classmates was fooling around with a small pocket knife which probably couldn't cut hard butter if it tried. This particular kid handling the knife however has a reputation for being a straight up dumbass, he is small, maybe 5"5, with a nasty set of curly hair, slightly dark skin and a small athletic frame, and these scraggly sideburns that make him look like a kid halfway stuck in-between adolescence.

      As me and my friends watch him play with these knife while talking to this girl, he says something along the lines of "how he wants to see his own skull." He then takes the knife and runs it across his forehead, opening it up with surgeon like precision, a straight line of flesh torn open and you can clearly see his skull for his skin somewhat opened up around the wound. He then starts to go into some kind of seizure, his eyes roll up his head and he falls stif on his back seemingly not breathing.

      I looked at him and knew he was still alive, I walked over to him and picked him up and brought him over to the edge of a table that seemed to appear behind me when I turned around, I took his head, held it with my two hands and lined up his cut on his head with the edge of the table and started to bang his skull on the edge of the table forcefully with intent to break open his skull.

      BANG! BANG! BANG! Repeatedly I banged his head on the table, the table shook with metallic ringing, the kids in the hallway didn't seem to notice or care. Then, on the 5th or 6th head slam, POP! His skull cracked open like a perfect egg crack, that skull popping sound is what I remember most about this dream, it felt so strange on my hands, I knew at that moment I had killed him, and I laid him down on the ground. A girl behind me smirked at me and called me stupid, but it was like a kind of smirk you would give someone if they had done a stupid kid like action, like spray painting the wall

      The girl who was talking to him didn't seem to notice what I did to him and thought he did these to himself, despite the fact i was about 5 ft from her. She told him to get up, periodically wiping off blood from his open skull wound with her shoe were blood leaked out in teardrop like drops. Are teacher walks out and I get nervous," what if someone saw me do it?" It think to myself. Are teacher sees the dead boy, time jumps foreword here as I find myself outside with the rest of class talking to my teacher as we wait for an ambulance to come. " what do you think of this?" He says, I tell him it ain't his fault, it was the kids choice, he only replies with, " yeah, but I wasn't outside when I should of been."

      In the last parts of this dream I stand outside next to my teacher and the more I thought about what I did, the more I got scared for getting in trouble. School ends and i search frantically for my Friend to tell him what I did and what i Should do. My memory of the dream goes flat after this.

      I don't know why I killed the kid, I don't know. When I killed him, I felt no remorse, or really no feelings at all for him, like I had just done another deed that needed to be done. The only thing That was on my mind was what if I get caught? I just didn't even care I just killed him, only what might happened if someone rats me outs, good thing it's just a dream.
      Tags: gruesome, murder
    3. 8/9 & 8/10/14 WILD Ride & Flight From School - Sensei's Competition Nights 13 &14

      by , 08-10-2014 at 11:54 PM
      Upside: LD 2 nights in a row for final two nights and a memorable WILD, though somewhat short. Downside: not a whole lot of points and the one the next night even shorter.

      8/9/14* something sexual in party setting? / parameters of video recording / rental house white paint maybe painted in here looks nice in day..not bright at night. / guy being dragged behind boat as punishment. Acquaintance calls out for him to be freed. / While experimenting with visualizing and taking control of HH's, I fall into a wild. What I at first only saw as an advanced dreamlet that would likely dematerialize, became more as I interacted with it or already was more. I was apparently standing outside perhaps in front of a restaurant or similar area where people would gather in front of and there's this group of people including this sexy woman in a gorgeous dress. It was skin tight with white and earth tones in it with the different colors in blocks on a solid white base. Most of the earth tone colors were horizonal blocks around the midsection and bottom of the dress and there were two vertical blocks over the thighs that were see through revealing her beautiful thighs. Idecide to take action in what I think is a still a dreamlet. I say something complimentary about her and her dress.<<DC interact>> She takes my hand and urges me towards the town car that she apparently came in. As we both climb in the visuals become more ethereal with only flashes of light here and there as we have sex it feels like we are both in space floating weightless and moving together as one in a wonderful moment of ecstasy! This continues for a while until I wake up. Maybe 3-4 minutes total. Wow!!! 188

      8/10/14* narrator: gruesome scene but also surreal scene. He used a hammer. / keep paperwork? From time we went to hospital to show hardship. False memory. / thank you bro-law E..for picking me up? Giving me a ride? / normal sport not in normal position, not tired at all. Losing my normal position? At half-time go into school see sexy woman and think if dream I would take action (like I was thinking during wbtb visualization), wake / penises on TV, all different, wife sees and giggles, for some reason I worry during dream that wife may be imagining another man during sex. / on phone with MB, us as witness for lawyer for her divorce case / at school for event, auditorium doors open part way by themselves. I peek in and it is dark and ominous. I take off down hall...Should I Fly?!!! this is a dream! Go for Step3 to the TOTY (sleeping beauty who was also was going to be transformed to Scarlett for my personal goal but I didn't get far at all)...Look for exit...doors locked...I bust through like Superman. I fly super fast up toward "fantasyland" as imagined...maybe 25 seconds and I stop, thinking this is far enough. While deciding whether to step out or fall back,to get into fantasyland, I wake. 189 / JD from 90 minutes North of here brings a baby & small girl...just dropping them off can't stay (ex coming?) I carry baby...big! Pantsless so I go to bathroom find swim trunks. More people coming for a party...swim trunks are embarrassing. Day residue or like baby the other night, also big. Use baby for baby new year in parade. Baby teetering...falls but falls well so he's unhurt. I try to break his fall and miss - too late, and pick him up. Cute woman washing dishes and moving butt sexily (visualization residue for girl friday) I say don't do that...implying provocative. Camera. / I slept too long and still try an afternoon nap before end of competition to try to get more points knowing that the last two nights will not add up to a whole lot of points. Was able to get HH's and interact some but eventually just knock out for the nap.
    4. Nightmare #2

      by , 02-25-2013 at 08:50 PM (Strange dreams and experiences)
      Torture... person strapping people to tables... cutting them up and playing with insides... he thought he was just having fun with people... I was one of the victims.
    5. The Important Seeming One...

      by , 06-14-2012 at 03:22 AM (My brain and I)
      dream : comments : lucid
      I don't really remember anything from last night, so let's go back through the archives and post one of the most standout dreams I've ever had which was lost when that hacking incident occurred. This is a slightly smaller version of the original post due to me forgetting a lot of it during the interim.

      It has a really vivid series of characters, most of whom I know from real life but only in vague sort of ways.

      Shit gets a bit full-on at the end and I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts on it:

      10th of February, 2012

      It was mine and Nooks' wedding day but I'd forgotten to organise a suit or even groomsmen.

      Eventually that fact changed and the wedding was to be tomorrow instead, so it all worked out. To celebrate this new fact, I went to a casino-type place and ate oysters covered in absinthe and vodka (*shudders*)
      After a fair bit of rowdiness and haziness, I awoke in bed with Danni (a random girl who sold Nooks her car) but it was a purely platonic thing; I was just sleepin'.

      Danni told me that her wedding to Arin (her boyfriend at the time) had been particularly average at best, and that he'd most recently just gotten her porn for her birthday. She was pretty upset and we talked for a while with her warning me to do my best or some such thing.

      At one point I must've left because I next found myself coming home, where I discovered a bunch of people (Danni included) moving our bins out onto the kerb for collection. They were bringing them out of a strange little indoor glasshouse/bike shed so I went to help them and casually mentioned that today was my wedding day.
      To clear my head I went for a stroll/ride down the street where I bumped into Seon's dad, who was apparently a doctor. He looked at me then ran into the street and began yelling out this amazingly lovely speech about me- things like "His eyes are truly open!" and semi-profound dream statements like that.

      During his little moment, Arin came up and was talking to him and crying. We asked him what was up and he said that he and Danni had broken up but that it was okay because she was beautiful and wonderful, but not the girl he really loved.

      After that he went off and began working at a corner-store which I followed him to and ordered a spring roll. He got one from a bookshelf and gave it to me and I thought it was only half cooked coz it was all soggy on one side. Turns out it was actually half cheese, half spring roll. D'uh.

      I realised I'd left my phone and wallet on a table outside at that moment, so I went out to collect it and eat my gross lunch. From the doorway, I noticed Tabitha taking my money and gleefully counting it. I accused her of stealing but she refused to give it back so I started getting physically violent with her. I decided that the best course of action was to have a People's Court and asked those around what they'd seen. Somehow they sided with her so I grabbed her by the throat and threw her inside the store, warning her that "I reckon at least one prostitute is killed by a man every day... It's a bad day to be a prostitute." Then I laughed coz it was a bit of a stupid insult.

      Somehow she became a deputy of some kind that I reported to a Sheriff who was having a cup of coffee nearby. As I was doing that, I noticed a TV playing in the background which I entered the vision of:

      It was a woman sitting on a deck in a rocking chair, slowly cutting up a baby in this profoundly, excruciatingly, extremely graphic nature; just sort of peeling it and getting covered in blood. The baby was just sitting there staring straight at me and blinking every now and then. Not making a sound as she slowly cut off it's arms and feet. It was mortifying but I couldn't look away.
      After a while of watching this I began to vomit grey goo over the railing and then I woke up, disturbed yet intrigued by the contents of such a dream.
    6. Go to the most recent entry-This DJ is "Closed"

      by , 04-10-2011 at 11:38 PM (Typho's DJ)
      You may have noticed that this entire DJ has titles, but all of the entries are replaced with the word deleted. I cleaned out this DJ because I'm moving to a new account for a fresh start. For more information, go to the most recent entry...

      Updated 03-19-2012 at 05:15 AM by 44350

    7. My Eye

      by , 11-11-2010 at 12:45 PM (My poisoned mind O_o)
      After spending much time away from the internet I finally return
      This is a creepy dream, and naturally at the time I didn't really have anything wrong with it, I thought it was kinda cool.

      My right eye is in my mouth, I look for some water to put it in cause I don't want it to dry out. I'll get some help about what to do afterward but first that water.
      I find what I'm looking for fill it at the tap and spit the eye into it. I notice the eyeball has 2 pupils/iris, curious. And some other bits but I don't really notice them. No idea what they were.
      I'm talking to someone. I say "Hey" and I get the reply "なくなちゃった!" This means approximately "you lost it!" in this circumstance. It's Japanese making this the first time I can remember that I've dreamed anything in Japanese. I open that eyelid a bit in front of them and they complain, but I notice I can still see a bit with it, so I assume part of the retina is still present, which doesn't seem to fit what I saw when I spat it out. But I don't know enough about this kind of thing. I'm a bit upset that it's gone yet I don't really care.

      Upon waking I was a tad disappointed in discovering the continued presence of my right eye, then decided it's probably for the best as I regained sense.
      In retrospect if I had payed more attention to the oddity of the retina still being there then I ma have been able to go lucid, but otherwise very un-lucid.

      Updated 11-11-2010 at 12:50 PM by 33144
