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    1. ccclxxxiii. Mid-level questing and guild participation

      by , 05-09-2022 at 11:38 AM
      2022 May 7th


      I'm on WoW, I'm playing as a human paladin, by the gear probably level 30ish. Model is vanilla style. I'm with a female caster, a night elf or a human, I think it changes. We're part of the same guild, one which I just joined very recently and we're doing a quest together. This is an alt for her, but this is a main for me. She has a mechanical squirrel mount. She's the same level or a bit higher and her character seems more life-like and "flowing" in terms of animations.

      There's another player nearby from the guild who is at max level. The quest me and the caster are doing requires killing an NPC that is scripted to put a certain buff on us, but I kill the NPC too fast at first. I think I apologise and get the feeling she may be annoyed by the fact I killed it too fast. A random player of a similar level appears and joins us for the quest. We do the thing properly this time and then this player leaves us again. Neither of us lost much health and I sufficiently use a holy light rank one to heal her. I think about how I wish I had flash of light.

      She quickly goes to duel the max level guildie nearby and gets very low HP, so I use some current-rank holy light casts on her. I think she's amused by all of this. She says she's spoken to management and I've been cleared (DRG intrusion) for "dungeon proc ID". I'm not sure what this means but can guess, I tell her. She tells me that she can see the raw data and where ores/herbs spawn and such like.

      Earlier. I'm with other guild members in a large communal bed thing, about seven of us I think? We're all supposedly trying to sleep. And at the foot-end of the bed there's player information, like there would be in the guild roster, but physical. I'm next to all the other paladins, I see, and many of whom are level 70, max level I think. I'm a noob in the guild. The guild has been around for seven years, I think to myself, and then I spot this paladin who's been here for five years and several months, being one of the oldest members who's still around.

      Even earlier. Something about an adventure and a town on water and natives or something. (Was not interested enough to write down recall and too tired.)


      Another WoW dream. Something about being a rogue. I'm in a forest not unlike Feralas and there are tall mountain sides near where I am. Again, something to do with a guild and a quest. I remember looking through or into a tree trunk of a large tree?


      - These dreams have two primary meanings that I'm seeing currently; one part is a sense of nostalgia for what playing the game was like, while the other part is the currently recurring collective aspect to my dreams lately.

      (Need to make further notes on this but am unable to concentrate enough at present)

      Updated 05-09-2022 at 06:56 PM by 95293

      side notes , non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Thieves Guild

      by , 06-25-2014 at 10:44 AM
      Thieves Guild


      I join a thieves guild with two of my friends. As we´re walking through the city we see a nice spot and decide to take a quick break. We sit down and start a bbq. I leave the place to get a clear head, when one of my "brothers" comes and asks me if i want a piece of the grilled duck. I refuse and go back to the guys. Now the setting is venice and i look over to a nice bridge. I see my dad and my grandpa who both wave at me. I try to make them stop by putting my finger on my lips, so they don´t accidentally reveal our position to the guards. For some reason i believe being a full member of the thieves guild is gonna turn me into a shape shifter and i will be able to turn myself into a duck. (I might be playing to much Skyrim lately ).
      Suddenly we´re being chased. I run really fast and have instances were i have to swim the sewers. I take a turn right into a dark alley and stand infront of a lot of old oil barrels. I start a David Belle like Parkour escape. I get to a biig storage building. In fear i decide to climb the highest rack. When i reach the top there are a couple friends of mine waiting and chatting. They´re listening to music so i tell them to be quiet but hey don´t listen. As I´m trying to make them be quiet it occurs to me that we all might be dead. When i present my idea to the others they all agree like it´s no bigi deal. I get kinda stressed... and wake up.

      Updated 06-25-2014 at 11:14 AM by 69017

    3. Nov 12 Dream Journal: Drunken sailors ear-ly in the mornin'

      by , 11-13-2013 at 05:52 AM
      I knew I had a couple, but I can only remember one dream. I'm surprised I could recall a dream based on how little sleep I got, much less one as vivid, though. Anyways...

      I dream that I'm on a wooden ship, and I'm part of a guild or kung-fu school. I'm the senior-most student/member of our guild on the ship, and we are all dressed in light blue robes and white pants.

      We are in the middle of being boarded by a rival guild/bandit ninjas, who is dressed similarly to us, save for more black in their motif. They are after something on our ship, and Dream Knowledge says whether or not they find it, they are leaving no witnesses. Shit just gots real!

      At this point, they have breached the lower deck, and are surging up a flight of stairs, where two of my guild mates and I are defending the top. Everyone is fighting with oars (hence my theory we are on a ship), and using them like spears. It also happens we are all expert oar-fighters, which, I guess is a thing.

      My guild mates are fighting their boarding leader, who is also their senior-most student/member. He's a smug bastard. Despite the numbers and higher ground, it's clear my guild mates are just being toyed with by that guy, who is fighting with one-hand behind his back.

      I help where I could, but I'm also pre-occupied with their number two guy, who is a fat, grinning idiot who somehow made it past the stairs. He reminds me of the fat bad guy from Full Metal Alchemist. He somehow knows my every move, and all I can do is keep him at bay. Dream Knowledge tells me they have more guys near their level, and I'm the only guy on our side who can fight any of them one-on-one; therefore, it's imperative we hold them here. I feel crummy now, since my guild mates really wanted to help, but I dreamed them to be such pushovers.

      I also fight their leader, who backhand-compliments me about being good for something something. What a dick.

      My alarm proceeds to wake me at 5:30 to work for the next 15 hours. Death at the hands of smug dicks would've been more preferable.

      Updated 11-13-2013 at 05:59 AM by 66359

    4. 7-29-2013 Winter Guild Runaway

      by , 07-30-2013 at 04:51 AM (Subjects' Dream Journal)
      Legend: Dream , Semi-Lucid , Lucid

      Uphill driving:
      In this dream, it was night and i was either on a motorcycle or in a car. I was traveling up a hill, no one else seemed to be on the road. I was driving really badly and at one point, almost wrecked probably. Aside from that, i can't really remember much else about the dream, i know it had some more to it.

      Robot attack:
      I started off in a small room. The room looked like something you would see inside the deathstar from starwars. The room had that silver metal look. Either way, i think i may have been inside some video game in this dream. The room had many different areas that i could travel to and i had to pick one. I had a feeling that no matter which one i picked, i would be faced with a boss enemy when i enter the next area. I think i remember going down some stairs and taking a sewer area or something and then encountering robots which attacked me.

      Winter Guild Runaway:

      I'm inside my house. It's currently night time, and snowing. The inside of my house has turned into a massive night club. I play the role of a security guard watching from some walkways attached to the ceiling of the big central room. I had just arrived. In our security unit, we had a leader and then all the other security guards. As we arrive, the leader guard looks down at the people and then signals for the other guards to meet up with him near the club entrance. The four of us who were there walked over to him. He then started rambling about some crazy plan he has and how he's going to kill us and take over the club. Well, he tells us to get out and i start running. I hear gunshots behind me so i suspect he has killed one of the other guards.

      I continue running, as a result of the weather, the ground is covered in snow. I run pretty far and make it to a house, which i break into. Once there, an old man catches me and yells at me. As he does, two other guards come running. At first, i was surprised they were still alive. Then i quickly realized that if they were alive and they came this way. Then the leader will soon come this way too and if i don't catch up, i will be caught and killed by him. But before i can leave the house, the old man tells me to take off all my clothes. So i do and he lets me leave.

      So now i'm running around in the snow with no clothes on. I'm freezing and i can feel it. Strangely though, not having clothes on doesn't bother me much, except for the cold factor of course. I soon decide i need clothes for warmth so i run into a house which is my guild home. Now here is where the dream changes in concept a little. At my guild home, i start talking to other guild members as i go through drawers looking for clothes. The drawers regenerate items every so often, this is what caught my interest in the first place. So i ask my guild mate about it.

      He tells me that we're in a video game world, and that in real life, we have things on our heads which put us in this virtual world. I then do some other stuff around the guild house, and as i'm about to leave, i find out the guild is having some sort of chess competition soon and it also will soon have a question and answer session. The Q and A session was taking questions from a notebook on which people wrote their questions. I thought about writing a question because i didn't understand some things but decided to just travel on.
    5. [The Underground Club (A Subtle Death)]

      by , 09-02-2012 at 02:11 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Friday, August 31st, 2012]
      I'm now a member of an underground club (that I can't help but relate to WoW guilds) that meets online sometimes... but this is just a ruse/disguise. The real club is located just outside of town, off the out-of-town highway. I go in the first time and I'm pretty awkward. I ask for a cigarette and someone gives me a halfie. I have trouble lighting it but do it a strange way... it impresses someone. (By the way, we are inside a strange warehouse-hideout with ramps and rails like an indoor skatepark. There is a control room elevated on a platform in the center of the warehouse.) Suddenly it's time to go, so we all slowly make for the exit. I notice a blonde hair girl walking way ahead of me and say something to one of the members beside me. The dream fades.


      Now I'm at school. I'm broke and lost, and I'm trying to find my way through a hallway filled with countless kids I know. I come to a fork and follow Jessie Brumley to the right. It leads outside with a sign that has 4 numbers, some of them double digit. These must be room/class numbers. I realize this is the wrong way because of how few classes are that way. I return to the left to find Malakie, she's standing by a set-up table and making sure that kids get food tickets for lunch. Apparently, it is lunch time right now. I approach and am next, but 3-4 girls cut me off by making a line and take my place. I make it obvious I'm annoyed but get back in line. This time when I get to Malakie, she hands me a $5 bill and then a $20 bill. I'm surprised, but thrilled. She notices my confused face, "You have no money! Take it." she insists. I'm grateful, "Thank you." I say politely. I walk out the door behind her.


      [Dream memory first starts to become clear here]
      I'm with my Dad, and he's unhappy about something. We make our way through the same dirt road from the same out-of-town highway. We walk in silence and he slowly morphs into the leader of the Underground Club. We reach our hideout and he takes me to the center room and (memory is kind of foggy here again) he talks to me for awhile. Very slowly and calmly, he turns into a ghost. He's dying right in front of me. When he's dead, he makes me leader for some reason. I only understand that he's dead and he gives no apparent sign of being dead, other than now being very quiet. He doesn't vanish or fall over... I ask him, "Can you at least walk with me?" I'm referring to outside. He stares at me and nods...

      Once we're outside, we meet an RM member outside who is unaware of the ex-leader's condition. He must be early to a meeting. I take a closer look at him and he has a Renji/Excelzior feel to him, as if he's important and experienced within the Club. The ex-leader speaks to him, "I'm done and gone. I'm out of here." Renji casually nods, "Okay." and waves us off. I start to walk a little prouder. I am the new leader after all.

      My memory skips a bit. We're still just outside, but now I'm in front of a fenced off area. To the left beyond the fence is a hole in the earth. It's enourmous. There's one on the right too. Suddenly, I'm with the club, or at least with some of them. I'm extremely different, I have my personality back: I'm Moki, and I talk cute, but with an aire of confidence and knowledge, and a hint of mischief. (Like the Cheshire Cat, or ___ from Tiger/Dragon) In front of eveeryone, I'm so happy I could fly. So I do. I flap my arms and hover face-foward to the ground for a moment before slowly/surely lifting up higher. Except for one Galkan-looking man, the rest of the club is sitting on a platform next to the fence. I try to fly up but the big Galka man snatches me out of the air and sets me up on the platform with the rest of the members before I can make it myself. I wake up.

      + [I record the first half of this on paper, then fall asleep again after failing to WILD.]

      Now I'm back on the dirt road, but this time with Alex, Nathan, Casey, and two other RM's, and it's dusk. I'm going to show them the hideout and the holes. We make our way down the road which seems to take longer than usual. It's different. We finally make it to where the club house is and there's only a... shack. It's not here now. I turn to the holes behind the fences, and instead of finding what I remember, I see a cemetary. We approach the cemetary anyways; I'm not giving up yet. The others stoop down to read the stones while I enter and walk through the gate. Once inside, we don't find what we were looking for... but a normal looking man walks in front of me and says something ironic. (I wish I could remember.)

      (I can't believe I didn't become lucid in the last dream. I had JUST recorded this dream in my journal... )