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    1. Fragments left

      by , 06-11-2017 at 06:46 PM
      A martial arts group was seeking me. They said they would teach me
      parallel bars if I started a martial arts school with them, and that I would feel
      an experience people felt like when/after they die. I wanted to
      learn parallel bars. In the dream it felt like a cult and I was afraid.

      In a different dream I was doing gymnastics and eating dark chocolate.
      I can't remember if I could taste the chocolate but I think I did a little
      bit, not the same as in real life.

      All else slipped away. Hoping to write my dreams down tomorrow morning. want to
      get back into my dream journal and get a lucid dream. Really wish the dream progressed
      to the parallel bars so I could experience them at least in a dream.
    2. gymnastics: dream?

      by , 06-06-2017 at 07:24 PM
      All I remember is doing a back walkover on a wooden beam. It
      just came naturally. I don't remember what else happened in the dream, but
      I am only 50% sure it was just a dream. Maybe God woke me up and
      helped me do a beam back walkover. Not sure.
    3. Gymnastics

      by , 12-30-2015 at 08:44 PM (My Dream Journal)
      Why is it that I keep having dreams about gymnastics? Anyhow, last night I dreamt that I was preparing for a gymnastics meet at my old school. I wasn't ready at all, and didn't know any of the skills or anything. I was wearing a pink sparkly leotard for it, and during the warm up I was asking all of my friends what I was supposed to do, but none of them would tell me anything. There's a lot more to it but I won't bore you with the details.
      During wbtb I was too lazy to actually get up. I dreamed that I was in Kohls in the shoe section dancing with some high schoolers. I woke up pretty quickly, and decided to induce another dream in Kohls. It worked! I'm still not completly sure if this is a real LD, so I'll just tell y'all what happened. I was still in the shoe section, and back near the wall there was a bag of Swedish fish. One of my friends was there and dared me to eat some. I did, thinking, 'well it's only a dream, it can't be that bad.' Then there was a whole crowd of people cheering for me and throwing me in the air. It was weird.
    4. Lucid Dreams 514, 515, 516 (low quality, mini-slump)

      by , 06-05-2013 at 09:28 PM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      Have had a few short lucids the passed few nights. Nothing special with these, so I'll just be brief. Low quality and got woke up in most of them before they really took off. Just a mini-slump.

      Lucid Dream 514 (DILD)

      Don't remember much prior to becoming lucid. Become lucid for no particular reason. Took flight in search of something to do. Flew into some powerlines and started to doing some swinging/gymnastics on them. Was woken up shortly after by my roommates.

      Lucid Dream 515 (DILD)
      Was down at the studio with some friends watching Family Guy. Become lucid and convinced everyone that we were dreaming by telling them all to nose pinch RC. We then exited the studio and started performing some random vandalism. Was about to see how far I could toss a car when I was woken up by my roommates.

      Lucid Dream 516 (DILD)
      Had a pretty long dream where I was driving and listening to the radio most of the time. They kept playing anime OP and EDs and I was excited. They played the Shingeki no Kyojin OP and I remembered, "I gotta have a Shingeki no Kyojin themed lucid dream. BAM! Lucidity. I dove through the driver side window and took flight. I flew and searched for "Wall Maria" (from SnK). I saw it on the horizon. As I flew toward it, I was hit with a false awakening. Frustrated that my recent lucids have been getting interrupted, I didn't even notice it was a false awakening.

      Lucid Fragment
      I remember becoming lucid, but not much else. The dream was really fuzzy and unstable. I managed to stabilize it, but lost lucidity soon after doing this. Pretty sure the low quality of the dream caused my loss of lucidity. I remembered a bit more upon waking, but didn't bother to write anything down on this crappy fragment.