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    1. Half bald frenzy

      by , 10-11-2024 at 11:31 PM
      My dream began in a house in what seemed to be a classic American suburb. I was getting a haircut by a barber that my brother recommended to me. It was the type of "underground" barber that would cut your hair for cheap and only take cash. I entered the garage and saw a guy with a girl standing next to him; they were both of Korean descent.

      I took my seat and looked at the TV-screen in front of me. The barber was putting up "funny images" on the screen and was just having fun, fucking about (I do not remember what the images were but they were not funny to me).
      After a while, the guy slowly started cutting my hair, and halfway through I realised it looked like shit. I had faith that the barber knew what he was doing so I didn't say or do anything. But when he was done, I was almost completely bald on the backside of my head with uneven lumps of hair sticking out. My hair was a complete mess and I was legitimately considering buying a wig.

      While contemplating what to do, I looked to the left to see my friend James standing under the garage door. When he saw me, he broke out laughing. At this point I was furious and I chased after him because I wanted to beat him up. Although I tried, I could not catch up to James and gave up chasing him fairly quickly.

      I was still fuming with rage to the point where I couldn't contain myself. I felt the primal urge to destroy someone, but no one was around. So in an attempt to attract people to me, I screamed "N*GGER" as loud as I could, in hopes that some angry bystander would approach me. As luck would have it, three guys approached me in anger. Without the slightest hint of hesitation, I immediately attacked the guy standing in the middle. I was simply enraged, beyond rhyme or reason, my main goal was to inflict as much pain as possible. The others attacked me as well as I went back and forth between the three of them, exchanging hits. Even though I took a lot of brutal hits, I was so outraged and doped up on adrenalin that I felt no pain. I just kept on fighting them, not caring for their well being, until I completely lost myself in a moment of euphoria.
      Then I woke up.

      Please comment your thoughts!

      Updated 10-11-2024 at 11:36 PM by 102033

    2. Sunday, July 30

      by , 08-19-2023 at 09:08 PM
      I’m going to get my hair cut. Sitting in the traditional-looking salon, I feel like I don’t really want to be here. I’ve asked to just get a trim when the hairdresser takes a razor with a really close setting to the back of my head. I reiterate, but she says she can’t do just a trim. At this point, I simply get up and leave, though with no apparent hard feelings. Running my hand over the back of my head, just above my neck, there is a slightly shorter patch but then portions to the side that feel long (longer than it really is right now).
      Tags: haircut
    3. Saturday, June 10

      by , 08-19-2023 at 09:02 PM
      I’m with Makayla? and Melissa, going to get a haircut. I think we’re scheduled one after the other. I think Melissa has just gone; I see her sitting in the chair in front of the mirror with shoulder length hair that looks lighter in color and volume. She is smiling a genuine smile. It is my turn now, but I’m not going to. I’m growing my hair out, so I don’t know why I’d erase all the progress I’ve made so far. I think they might trim my beard, but I know I can do that myself. There’s a sense of disappointment, like the haircut was mandatory, but I stick to my guns. I briefly see my hair in a mirror and feel it (it’s about the length it really is now).
      Tags: haircut
    4. Wednesday, September 22

      by , 04-16-2022 at 07:37 PM
      I’m at work when an older white man comes in looking for some books. He is overweight and I’m not sure if he’s in a chair or a walker or just extremely hunched over. The books he’s looking for are obscure and I’m pretty certain we won’t have them. We go to look for them (I think it’s 3-4), and the main room of this building actually looks more like a cave or cavern. Now we’re in what looks mostly like the local section, looking in a bin called ‘various’. This is where I think we’ll most likely find his books. He is looking for a Zola, and we find one. The cover mentions something about Hell, and it seems very mature and somewhat occult, which is not what I thought Zola was. In this bin, there is also what looks like paperwork and/or mail. Looking through all of it, I see something addressed to me. It’s something about a gun permit. I think it’s very old, as in back when I hunted, or a CCW, which I don’t remember ever getting.

      I’m getting my hair cut by Tess. I think she’s talking to someone, and she’s doing a very haphazard job. She finishes quickly and then says something about it being good if I’m an entertainer. Running my hands over it, it is textured but extremely smooth.
      Tags: books, haircut, work
    5. Friday, June 12

      by , 06-16-2020 at 11:39 PM
      I’m going with Makayla to get her hair cut. We are at what looks like an apartment complex’s outdoor pool. There may be some others here. Makayla sits in a chair near the water, and it is Tess what shows up to cut her hair. I’m aware that my hair’s getting a little long, and I wonder if she'll trim it really quick. It doesn’t seem like she’s going to. I think my hair is quite longer than I ever keep it, maybe a few inches all around. It feels coarse.
      Tags: hair, haircut, pool, water
    6. Monday, July 22

      by , 07-24-2019 at 07:30 PM
      I think I am outside? when I realize that I had a haircut appointment on the second of July that I completely forgot to go to. I briefly see my calendar (at Dad’s?) and see it written on the second, along with the other stuff I’m doing this month. I think I missed it because that’s when we were in Portland, but it’s still hard for me to believe that I’d just miss an appointment. I realize that it’s been a week or so since the second. I consider texting her but am not sure if she’d even still want my business. Now I am considering growing my hair out. Dad is brushing his fingers through it, telling me that it naturally parts in the middle. I think Mom and Makayla also express that they like it longer, a bit excited at the prospect. I think about what it was like long, weighing the pros and cons. It’s already getting a bit long, so I think I decide I’m going to grow it out.
      Tags: hair, haircut
    7. 25 Feb: Dating Jaime, dangerous catterpillars, hostel stay

      by , 02-25-2019 at 09:11 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      Lunch or dinner with Jaime. He is a rich guy now. I meet him at top of a tower, we're supposed to go out to meet other couples at an Asian restaurant, but he stays behind to watch some fireworks from the tower. I go meet the other couples at the restaurant, because we are the hosts. We all need to choose our menu at the counter and then sit on designated places. Jaime is still not coming.

      Driving down a street with my cousins in the car. I see a line of processionary caterpillars at a garden and a little dog getting too close to them. I stop a bit further ahead and make a u-turn and go look for the dog to rescue him. Then I see a couple with children and that dog, sitting on the grass having a picnic. There is also other people around and the caterpillars are moving on the grass between them and no one is noticing. I ask for their attention. The guy from the couple turns to me in anger and reveals a demonic face. Scares me for a second but them he calms down and listens to me. I ask if they know about this caterpillars and how dangerous they are, they don't, I explain and everyone freaks out. Some boy says they are piling up and he covers them in paper or plastic and sets them on fire. I turn away as the animals shriek in agony, but I tell myself it had to be done.
      Then I leave. I am staying with school colleagues at some type of hostel. First nothing seems to work, the whole place is in the dark, but I find the main board with the switches and turn it on. Don't understand why nobody did it before me, the guys are a bit embarrassed.
      I check where is my bed, we are staying in mixed shared rooms and I find out I will be sharing my bunk with Jaime. I leave a note on his bed just saying hi, because he hasn't arrived yet and then go out. At lunch time I meet with some friends and they ask me what I have done to my hair. I don't know and look in a mirror. I have bangs and short hair and I think I look pretty cute. Later my dad and some others are visiting me and he brings Bernardo. Outside I hear some dogs growling and I go check. I think one of them is Faial who belongs to Jaime. I worry about him coming in with his big dog because of Bernardo, but actually Faial is growling to bring attention to another street dog who seems injured and afraid. Some people step in to help the dog.
    8. Haircut Mysteries

      by , 10-29-2017 at 08:17 AM
      Morning of October 29, 2017. Sunday.

      I am in an unknown room that is about twice the size of our lounge room. It seems to be a public area, but only at certain times, resulting in ambiguity in also being our implied home. As a result, there are no associations with unknown people who are present at times as being intruders as in many other dreams. Also, everyone else in my dream remains cheerful except for the baby in the last scene.

      There is a story in the background, unrelated to the main scenario, that relates to someone traveling by motorcycle. There is a video about it but I do not fully focus on it. There is also a point at which one of my dark-haired female teachers (implied only) from elementary school appears, though this character is actually unknown and unfamiliar.

      I decide to get a haircut because I notice a few strands that are longer than they should be. I had just gotten a haircut in this place, but another one will be given. There is no association with money or paying for the service. I watch, apparently in a mirror, as long clusters from my otherwise short hair are combed out and cut, mostly from the back. The detail is very realistic.

      After this, I look at my hair and hairstyle. I decide to comb my hair to the other side from how it was cut and styled. This makes it look slightly wrong, so I decide to get a third haircut.

      A little later, I discover I have a short Mohawk and I have no hair at all on either side of it. I cannot work out what happened. I consider that I must have fallen asleep and that they had probably given me anesthesia without me realizing it (or even giving permission). I have no memory of any hair being cut this short or of a razor shaving my head on each side. (Even though questioning if I had fallen asleep is one of the most obvious dream state indicators possible, I do not question my present status of possibly being asleep and dreaming. As a haircut symbolizes the real-time dynamics of neural energy in REM sleep, having been “asleep” in my dream validates now having only a small amount of hair down the middle of the top of my head.) I am somewhat angry and self-conscious about this haircut but not that outwardly emotional or vocal about it. The unknown male who had apparently done this says it is the best haircut I could have for my face and that I look good. I consider this and decide that it might be okay to go out in public like this, as some men have no hair at all. I note how smooth the hairless areas of my head are, so it was a very good job on their part, as there were no accidental cuts either.

      Only a short time later, I discover that my hair is as it was before I got the first haircut (though it is now longer than it is in real life). I am puzzled, yet I do not realize that this could only happen in a dream (and it symbolizes my emergent consciousness being more viable at this point, though the preconscious is never directly dominant or aggressive in this situation, though this was not my last dream of the day). I am trying to mentally resolve how they could have done this, but it does not seem possible (and I do not converse with them about this). On one level, I am glad my hair is as it was, but the mystery remains.

      Meanwhile, there is an offset scenario where a baby seems to be having difficulty in remaining on stacks of books in a plastic storage box. He drops down into a couple rows of lower stacks on his left a few times (as the older boys place him back on the highest stacks each time) and cries about bumping down onto the books. Our youngest son and a few other boys are looking at the baby who I see in profile with his head oriented to the right of the scene. I make a comment to them about being careful with him, though he does not seem to be hurt.

      Despite this being a perfect opportunity to become lucid, I do not. It almost seems like a subliminal experiment to test myself, as a haircut symbolizes associations with the level of neural energies in the dream state in real time (with no RAS activation, only a slight shift in levels of consciousness). The baby on the books in the storage box is a metaphor for critical thinking skills not being extant in the dream state. In fact, this is direct parallel symbolism analogous to my failure to realize my dream state by way of the impossible hair changes and real time neural energy dynamics and their level and length (length of time for emergent consciousness viability as a play on length of hair). (Dropping down onto a lower stack of books relates to decreasing dynamics of conscious self identity in the dream state despite this being near the end of my dream, though again, not the last dream of the sleeping period or with sustained wakefulness afterwards, which clarifies and validates this dual symbolism.)

    9. June 22nd, 2016

      by , 06-22-2016 at 05:38 PM (Book of Dreams)

      Dream 1 (fragment):
      I was on a rooftop of a high rise building, and the roof was a pool. I was with my sister, and we had this giant floatation device in the shape of an octopus, it was huge and pink, and somehow it fell off the roof into the street and I could hear crashing and horns and screaming. Oops!

      Dream 2:
      I came home but my apartment was way bigger than normal, though I didn't question it in the dream. There were children running around, and I knew my roommate was supposed to be babysitting them, but she was talking to some tall mysterious men on a screened in porch. The kids were crying, and I had to give one of them a haircut, but she kept thrashing and running away, and then she said she hated the haircut cuz her hair looked curly. I tried to get her to sit down to let me finish, and I offered to blow-dry it so that it would be straight but she was just crying and freaking out. Eventually my roommate came out to take care of them and then the parents came and got them.
    10. #228 - Folding boat fight / Ex / Haircut / Beating up Malfoy

      by , 04-12-2016 at 10:07 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream 1 -Folding boat fight
      I vaguely remember this dream.. It was kind of stormy near a dock, the clouds were dark and the wind was blowing hard. There was a sort of fight going on with grenades and weapons between me and other people. I jumped into the water with this thing which somehow unfolds itself and turns into a boat. It's strangely animated and there's water inside the hull so I wonder how it's supposed to fix that. Also the boat is tiny, it barely fits me but expands almost cartoon-like to encompass me.

      Dream 2 - Ex
      A dream about my ex, she's at her house with her family and our kid and apparently there's a family friend of theirs staying over. The man is in his 40s and has ginger hair and a beard, he's a bit chubby too. Apparently they sleep together or something which in the dream annoys me because of how she acted, but I'm more accepting of the fact that she's only human and we have to move on eventually no matter how much it hurts. Tough dream to wake from, but deep.

      Dream 3 - Haircut
      This is more of a dream fragment, I just remember showing off how my hair got screwed up by me shaving my beard and accidentally over shaving the right side. This happened in real life... Though it's not that noticeable thankfully

      Dream 4 - Beating up Malfoy
      This dream was.. interesting. The dream itself was longer than what I can remember, but the point where I remember from is where I've walked into this house on top of a grass hill. In this house is my neighbour Harrison in the form of Draco Malfoy (he's wearing glasses too, kind of looks like Harry Potter in a way). We have a wizard duel where we cast spells, I remember spellslinging 'Wingardium Leviosa' and 'Expelliarmus' (didn't look up the spelling so I hope that's right). I realized that there was no reason for me to just cast spells, so I walked up to him and slugged him in the face. Multiple times. He was on the floor and I kept punching him . His face isn't getting bloodied up or anything but it was pretty intense and brutal. I stop, and have a moment where I just realize that there's no point because this is a dream. I don't get lucid however, I just kind of know that it's a dream and I should be nicer. I stand up and leave, I see an old friend called Tom and walk up to him and hug him. It's an extremely comforting hug, abnormally so. It's like hugging a marshmallow with a smile while also letting you know all your sins in life have been forgiven. I walk off now, and then wake up.

      Some pretty deep dreams going on last night.
    11. Three fragments (NLDs)

      by , 03-15-2015 at 06:50 AM
      Afraid to Call
      SB is standing up from the table and pulling out her cellphone when a cop drives by outside. She puts the phone away hurriedly, expressing the fear that she might be arrested. We argue with her, "How could you be arrested for making a cellphone call in your own house? Come on, what would the charges be?" But we can't talk her out of it and she, still anxious, goes to bed. After she has left the room, I ask the others, "Is this normal?" meaning, does she act like this all the time? They indicate to me with their eyes and subtle nods that it is.

      Note: It's odd, this is a friend I haven't talked to in a couple years, and after I dreamed this last night, today I got an email from her...

      Turquoise Bob
      Look in the mirror, see that my hair is cut in a turquoise bob. It looks surprisingly good; I think I might keep it this way. It will be annoying to have to get it trimmed all the time, but I should make an effort. Should I get the color done professionally or do it myself? Decide on the latter, that's how I've always done it. Look online to find the color. How to get the hued variegated like this? Figure I need to bleach it white first, then can selectively coat parts of it with vaseline.

      Bus to Sabaville
      In some vast interior space, need to get back home. Find a shuttle that I think will take me toward where I saw the bus stop, but then it goes too far and in the wrong direction. I discover it is heading to a stoner convention. As everyone stands up to disembark, young man in seat in front of me (hefty, dark hair, pale skin) stares at me and asks out of nowhere: "Who are you?"

      I stare back, perplexed. "Why would you ask me that? We've never met before. How could it matter who I am? I'm a stranger, on a bus."

      My answer seems to have disoriented him. "Am I dead?"

      Sarcastically, I respond, "Could be. It happens sometimes." I leave, going in a different direction from the others disembarking the bus.

      Awed by the sheer size of this place. Don't see any internal columns or supports... what is keeping the roof up? Must be miles across. Find the stop to take the shuttle back in the other direction. Young woman there, think I've seen her before.

      "Can you tell me if this place has a bus that can take me back to Sabaville?" I inquire.

      "That's not where you should be spending your time." I assume she means that it's not a very cool place to live.

      "Well, it's where I need to get back to."
    12. DVD Player, Dream Fragments (2.8.14)

      by , 08-02-2014 at 12:32 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)

      I give an old lady a DVD player to keep. She sets it up herself and must of had a few problems with it. I try it out and notice that everything is working fine for a moment until it starts playing up. I check behind the DVD player to see if she has connected it up properly. I notice that she has only connected one cable up. I grab the box that all the cords are in and tell her she forgot to connected the rest of them. I see a cord which is only used for a car, I tell her about that cord and what it's use is for. I remember that I needed a HDMI cable which wasn't in the box, I must have left it at home. Instead I use the other cables instead.

      Dream Fragments:

      1. Im waiting to get a haircut. There's people waiting also, about 3-4. The barbers call out names when they're ready for a haircut.

      2. I'm looking into the mirror and see that I have an eyebrow ring. I start to clean it and I see layers of scabs come off of it.
    13. The dungeon barber

      by , 05-12-2014 at 10:55 AM
      So last night was yet another unsuccessful lucid dream. I can't really recall much of it but what I can remember is worth the write. So I was in this castle. And there was dungeons all over the place and people that I knew.. (not in real life). Anyways I was taken to a dungeon and once the door flung open I saw a barber standing next to a chair, that had been fashioned pike a torture device. Gasping, I tried to escape but my attempts were pitiful as I was unable to run, as if my legs were buried in quick sand. They strapped me in the chair, and before I knew it I was getting my hair cut. That's all it was. Not some scheme to get me to talk or to torture me in some way. It was just a regular barber with scissors and a shaving machine. The doors bolted closed, and I recall hearing a voice saying, "Untill that hair is cut, he can not leave.". Exiting right.... No..
    14. Getting a Haircut & Turned into Spongebob, I Challenge You to a Game of Ping-Pong!

      by , 04-27-2014 at 12:52 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Getting a Haircut & Turned into Spongebob When I Did (DILD)


      >Went for a Haircut
      >Waited by sitting on a small black sofa
      >When my turn comes, someone motions their finger to me, I somehow turn into Spongebob.
      >I get a kind of haircut that seems like they’re trying to split my spongy body
      >Spongebob form still looks the same


      I Challenge You to a Game of Ping-Pong!....After We Clean This Table (DILD)


      I love how I wanted to play ping-pong instead of trying to extract some information from my mind for something to apply to waking life. But nope, spent the whole dream trying to clean a table to play ping-pong, only for someone to intervene and stop the whole endeavor.

      I believe I’m wearing a yellow sweater with black horizontal stripes that were probably 2-3 inches tall, and probably had a white dress shirt underneath the sweater since there was a white collar popping out and folded around my neck. I’m also wearing basic blue jeans, and probably brown lace-less shoes as well.

      I’m inside a classroom, and it seems there’s going to be quite some time before class starts, and I’m sitting down by a large rectangular desk that seems to be formatted like a mini Ping-Pong table, but there was a few items that cluttered the area. I challenged someone to play Ping-Pong, and I believe he looked like a classmate I had for Geography Pre-AP/K-level in High School; let’s nickname him “S.”
      “S” accepts the challenge, but we have to clean the table first. I’m frantically trying to remove anything on the table, even if it’s just thrown to the floor. From black backpacks to binders and other small items, we managed to clear the table. Then the next thing was to find some paddles and a few Ping-Pong balls, and as I’m turning to the right side of what’s behind me, I find some paddles and a few Ping-Pong balls near me. I think the balls were levitating, conveniently within my reach, and the same probably goes for the paddles as well.

      I never bothered to question the logic of how they just somehow magically appeared, I just had an insane urge to play Ping-Pong. Unfortunately, just as I was about to initiate a game, it seems an individual that looks like a teacher for the class intervenes, and we immediately stopped what we were doing.

    15. Contagious Heart Attack

      by , 06-25-2012 at 05:39 AM
      Non-dream Dream

      I was able to recall two fairly vivid dreams today.

      Dream 1:

      I see my boss and he looks horrible. He describes how his son kicked him in the chest and somehow I know he will die soon. He dies soon after. I catch the heart attack (or whatever illness he had) from him and head to the hospital. The nurses are not taking me seriously even when I begin coughing up blood. I keep yelling "help me" but they do nothing. The doctor finally comes in and gives me antibiotics. I start feeling better and a little groggy. I ask him if I am dying or if the medication is putting me to sleep. I think I died. My hospital bed is suddenly transported to my backyard where my mom is by my bedside. I look over under our oak tree to find my cat Vito has killed a giant rabbit.

      Note - The following day I had to go to urgent care due to terrible stomach / chest pains.

      Dream 2:

      I am at a barber in Westwood, CA getting a crappy haircut. The only reason I am there (or so I think) is to kill some time (not sure what I had planned later). My dad happens to be there and he said we were supposed to meet at the barber. After my haircut I go visit my fiance's parents and this is where the devil comes in.

      The devil appears to me as a cat who is possessed and can see dead people (only briefly, then the devil appears human). I meet with the devil in a really nice hotel or club in a room behind a very skinny door. There are tons of hot chicks and someone needs to bang them in order for the devil to be released. Giant bubbles containing the chicks fall to the ocean and how they fall / pop determine life or death (?!?). i am able to turn something into a gold cup. Somehow this action makes me realize that I am dead and it is my entry to see the devil (I think).

      Next I am in the kitchen of my childhood home (Pam Ln). The room turns dark red (extremely scary) when the cat is threatened (the devil is now a cat again and I'm not sure what was threatening it).

      Other dream snippet:

      -I am in a place with a huge chain linked fence (maybe a parking lot?)
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