Fragments …/in 3rd person view, for some reason I’m rolling spaghetti from the floor into rolls of hot clothing. The last one I’m holding has a Rosa cream blouse rolled on it. It doesn’t hold good enough and I start having difficulties to put it back into position/… …/I’m walking among tended white clothing in an open space in the woods. It’s Halloween time and I think to myself: Of course! It’s Halloween and now they are preparing the white clothing/…
Updated 09-02-2023 at 09:26 PM by 18736
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At a huge place wth different departments, can't tell exactly what it is, seems like a company. Suddenly all turns into silence and people seem to form groups and start killing each other mindlessly, as in the Purge. I am caught in a large open space office with a group of 4 people with guns but all I have for my defense is office supplies and a bar code scanner, which I aim at the eyes of an attacker to defend myself. I turn a table upside down and from behind it I throw stuff at attackers and then manage to escape. I meet some nordic man who is a researcher or something else with some status in his country for some reason. I get really upset when others try to kill him, so along with a couple other people, we decide to protect him no matter what. One of the killers gets closer and I recognize him as a friend of mine, so I am shocked, but he laughs in my face. Asks me to surrender the guy, we don't. I say he might make me bleed but then I am gonna kill him. We escape this place and enter a moving train, but I am sure some of our attackers have managed to also get into it. I try to find a place where we can be safe. I pass by a wagon where I find Zilla with her partner and her baby. They are entertaining guests as if they were at home. I stop for a while just to kiss and greet. Then quickly move on. I spot our attackers, they are now wearing Halloween costumes and people are amused by it. I jump from the train and hope to make them chase me. I enter some warehouse. They follow me. I spot a small window between some shelves and sneak out through it. Outside I find the back of a museum and there is some construction work going on. I keep running across the place and enter the museum. Inside is happening Comic Con.
I had a dream last night where it was Halloween and I was trick or treating. I was dressed-up as a football player and was wearing a helmet and shoulder pads. I was going to houses with a girl who was probably 11 or 12 years old and was fat with shoulder length brown hair and was dressed as a princess. Her mother was with us as well and was really fat and had long curly brown hair. They were not people I know I my waking life. We were trick or treating in a really big subdivision where there were lots of houses closer together. We kept going door to door and getting lots of candy. The girls mother was definitely in charge and was telling us what to do and also kept telling me to make sure that her daughter was getting candy when we were walking to the door in big crowds. She was really concerned for some reason that people would not see her daughter and give her candy if we were in a crowd. As we were walking around, the mother would grab me by the arm and get in my face if I did something she did not like. She was definitely a redneck and also a chain smoker. She seemed to smoke one cigarette after another as we walked around. As we are walking around, I keep seeing people I went to high school with out trick or treating in their costumes. They all look like I remember them looking when I was in high school in my waking life. When I see them, they know me and I know them. I found this part of the dream really odd since I do not know who the woman and girl I am walking around with are and the neighborhood I am walking around After we had gone up and down all of the streets, the girls mother told us it was time to go. She then led us to a small red 1980’s Toyota pickup truck with a black camper top that was parked on the street. When we got there she fished out her keys and then unlocked and opened the passenger side door and then told me to give her my helmet and bag of candy so she can put them in the back. I stand off to the side so the fat girl could get in the truck since she was shorter than me, but her mom grabbed me by the arm and pulled me toward the truck and told me I was sitting in the middle because it could mess up her daughters princess dress. I get in the truck and scoot across the light brown vinyl bench seat to the middle so the girl can get into the passenger seat. Her mother then reaches in and puts the lap belt around my waist and gripes about having to buckle me in herself while she tightens it. The fat girl then sits down in the passenger seat and her mother carefully buckles her in to make sure the shoulder belt doesn’t mess-up her dress and lets her have a few pieces of candy before taking her candy bag and then slamming the passenger side door shut. The girl and I wait in the truck while she puts my helmet and our candy bags in the back and then stands in front of the truck and smokes a few more cigarettes. I notice something smells horrible in the truck but figure it is either that the truck smells since it is old or that the fat girl has body odor. It is not comfortable in the truck with the girl because I have my legs on a hump straddling the stick shift and the truck cab is small and the girl is fat and her body is pressed against me. Finally the fat woman is opening the driver side door and getting into the driver seat. She is really fat and I have to move my body towards the fat girl to make room for her so she can close her door. I am now squished between the fat woman and the fat girl. Both of their bodies are pressed against mine and it is really uncomfortable. The fat woman also reeks of the all of the cigarettes that she was smoking while we were trick or treating. When she talks to the girl and I, I can smell the cigarettes on her breath and it is disgusting. Eventually, the woman turns the keys to start-up the truck but it is really hard to start and she gets more and more agitated each time she turns the key and it doesn’t start-up. While she is trying to start it, the fat girl leans in towards me to see what is going on and bumps into me which causes my foot to get knocked off the hump and brush against the fat woman’s leg. She looks down and then grabs my arm and gets in my face because I stepped in dog shit and got it over her leg. I woke up from this dream with the fat woman having her face right in front of mine screaming at me and spitting in my face because I stepped in dog shit and got in on her leg and on her truck. I woke-up from this dream while she was still grabbing me and screaming at me and when I woke up was afraid she may have started hitting me if the dream had continued much longer because she was really angry and only getting angrier the longer she screamed at me.
This may be a little fragmented. We were in a space that was close to a convenience store, but it might have been a bar/ fun place to hang out as well. Trev showed up and some activities were going on. We were sort of strung in a purple web talking to each other. We were also in an amusement park and one of the rides was the ride that you pay extra for to be strapped into a hardness and lifted into the sky to be dropped. My view was on that ride and we were swinging except instead of losing momentum we were gaining it with every swing and it seemed like I was narrating or talking to someone as this was happening. As we swung back and forth I could feel the momentum building to the point where it was uncontrollable and the energy was overwhelming. We were seeing the entire landscape and crashed far off from the amusement park in this purple forest near a cave where ambulances were coming to get us. I was coming from an old neighbhood friend's house Ray taking a right onto the street. I could feel Nat behind me and could see Ray's dad in front of me holding a skateboard. I started to call out his nickname knowing Nat was behind me as we were both on skateboards. We caught up for a split second before turning right down their street. We ended up at J's house I remember ollying over patches of grass onto the path of his house and I remember at some point thinking that it's been a while and I didn't know if I was allowed here. We end up down the street looking around the outside of these houses and I've been here in other dreams as well, we had hung out in the middle house at some point in another dream but that area of the street turns to swamp and I wonder if secretly Lizzie lives here, there's a few houses surrounded by green swamp and a tree line to the right, I think maybe their house value has gone down, I see someone in front of Nat's old house and I think he might've moved. I can see the house next to Nat's has a porch and there's a mom who dressed up like Motricia Adams doing a trick or treat thing for kids but it is not Halloween. At some point I'm in that house and Lizzie is too. The transition was a view of a road with painted yellow lines in the middle very hilly going up and down, I was semi- lucid here saying this is a dream and trying to transform it to a lucid but it would not go, it was a very clear road going up and down on a hill. Dawkins was there. Another dream I was in some sort of camp or program but I was with a bunch of guys from my high school and it was morning, we were all waking up and getting ready for our day, C Buy and h Buy were roaming around the room. We eventually get up and our building was next to a lake to the left and we had a massive path. We go outside and up the path, the idea was there were zombies and we were avoiding them. We get to this gathering up ahead that looked like a carnival or something with booths, this sounds really silly but it was filled with a bunch of naked women in the carnival and my view was gliding around with a water gun shooting at other women naked and zombies are still chasing us.
Morning of March 17, 2020. Tuesday. Dream #: 19,447-02. Reading time (optimized): 3 min. Dream sequence 1 is predictable sleep-wake mediation of emerging liminality stemming from my instinctual recognition that dream state physicality is not real. An imaginary fence defines my skewed perception of potential liminality as a virtual barrier between sleep and consciousness. In this instance of the usual process, my dream incorrectly establishes that it is Halloween (an incidental association with the false identity of the dream state). Another error (to stop waking-life agreement) is that the fence on the west side of our house is not a solid wall. The events occur late at night. At this point, precursory liminality allows for my recall of Zsuzsanna (though the recall we have children initiates later in my dream). Additionally, as a result of the dynamics of this process, I have a viable recall of where I live in waking life (rather than the usual false setting). I am setting up a scarecrow, using some of my clothes, as a Halloween decoration. It is on the inside of our fence near the northwest corner. It is my instinctual analogy of validating my dream state physicality as false but still as a precursor to potential physical discernment. (A scarecrow has occurred as this signification in previous dreams, though statues and dolls are more common.) Dream sequence 2 is further activation of the foundational process as previously described and explained. It stems from physicality becoming a more emergent factor but also inclusive of disguised recall that I have a young daughter. As a result, an unfamiliar black girl (of about seven years of age) stands to the left of the outside of our front gate (from our porch’s viewpoint) where the mailbox is in reality (though it is not present in my dream). (Being near the mailbox location, despite its erroneous absence, is a factor of sleep-wake communication or, assuming enigmatic space is overlapping into my dream space, transpersonal communication, probably from our daughter.) She aggressively shakes the vertical bars of the fence, making an incredible racket. I tell her to stop, but she continues. “I’m going to get my gun,” I say through our open front door, though I am not serious. I want the unknown child to go away even though her presence is the result of deliberate summoning to vivify my dream, which it does, exponentially. (A gun is typically the result of the fictitious dream self attempting to maintain an illusion in contrast to the reticular activating system initiating, which is otherwise the natural progression of sleep-wake transitioning.) The child does not leave. I turn left to ask Zsuzsanna where the gun is. (Zsuzsanna sleeps on my left.) I have the false recall that I own a gun and that it might be on the DVD player (association with imagination, correlating with watching movies). The girl eventually leaves but comes back with her father. Dream sequence 3 establishes that emerging liminality changes the direction of my dream. The girl and her father are in our lounge room. At first, I see it as an intrusion. My dreaming status resets and loops with different events five times. In the third loop, there are about five members of the girl’s family entering our home, including her mother and an older sister. I am puzzled and ask them how they are doing this. One of them points at the outside of our front door, and I see that there is a silver key in the door’s barrel lock. Still, at this point, my dream has reset again, and the family is only now arriving on our porch. Suddenly, I recall that I have a young daughter (which eventually unlocks recall I have additional children). I think she might like to meet the unknown girl. I no longer see the people as intruders even though I did not ask them in. I look around, but I cannot find her. I ask family members where she is. Dream sequence 4 is the fourth form of liminality mediation when the unnamed man sits down on our couch to watch television. I notice that, as he is sitting down, a much older man than him on the television screen is sitting down, mirroring his actions, though he has a white beard while the man in our lounge room has no beard. I find this amusing, but I do not comment on it. The man on television, with his short white beard, correlates with my waking-life identity, triggering my waking. Overall, this is the same preconscious template as in thousands of previous dreams.
Sep 18 2018 (from phone, apologize for quality) Color coded red, but lost. Annoying bc I really knew it. Need a better way, because I reinforced throughout the night and had it memorized, then lost 100% on waking Dim room daylight square, person on bed - needs needle in foot, diff sizes available, I argue for smaller F says just use the big one! But point is flat, not sharp! Ask pt and they say bigger one! Have to swap/refill the compartments which have screw caps like soap sponge, the smaller needs a push piece, like in a click pen, I go off to find cups to do the swap cleanly Clone troopers n beheading (starts as pixelated wii homebrew, then realistic) real uggos (SoMordor orcs) but good swordfights, blocks sort of cancelled out each other, I wasn't lucid, but was using will/intent/control to survive, some real big ones activated before end School, road, early mornish, parking lot (important, not sure why, maybe had to do w foot) Long dark hallway, I took drugs (ingested something, no smoking), halloween party, I'm gonna kill, dad, using umbrella to hide, in dark bedroom I'm forced by invisible forces, not in control of movements, (incubated? was thinking about doing drugs inside a dream last night) College, blind guy, dad, looking for printer or scanner, lights are off but BG memorized rooms and lights come on, he directs us BG inside lab w others, needs poster - long group discussion abt. honors program, girls knew L from HS who said it was serious but I told them it was nonsense King of the hill carnival, guys in corner trying me (bobby) and sister, saying we met before long ago, etc. weird simultaneous nighttime and daytime lighting, there were no clear external lights, sun or artificial
Wow, it's been quite some time since I wrote things in here! I've gained a renewed interest in journaling my dreams lately. My mind got a bit rusty on recalling at this point, so I can't recall as many details for certain as I used to. So let's see how that evolves. I had a dream last night that seemed to be all about halloween and horror. The color scheme was very dull and bordered on black-and-white. It featured me, my sister and my friend from Hungary. We were dressing up, but I only clearly remember that the friend was dressed up as Dracula. (I watched the Dracula movie from the '30s a couple weeks ago, perhaps there's a relation to that) There was also a rather disturbing scene where we were driving in a dark forest in a car, and the car had a towing crane. In front of the car was my sister dangling on the hook of crane, wrapped in bandages and writhing in pain. We didn't seem to be particularly bothered by it. Well, that's all for now!
Night of December 6, 2017. Wednesday. Fading into semi-lucidity after typical hypnagogic lucidity, I go beyond a stream surrounded by rock faces into an open area. This shifts into an idea to manifest a perfect combination of sensuality and eeriness. I decide to integrate Zsuzsanna into the role of Mary Medina as in the Grimm Fairy Tales 2017 Halloween Special, but I mostly let it flow on its own without in-dream control (by way of spoken affirmations by my dream self as in some apex lucidity states). There is a sustained event with an incompetent makeup artist. Zsuzsanna ends up with only white face paint on her forehead. This scene seems to repeat after a reset. Although some of the setting looks somewhat like a sketchy version of New Orleans, some of the buildings appear as if they are cardboard facades about a block or two away. I ignore this feature and focus on intensifying the nature of my dream. Ghosts wander about, but there is not much eeriness or plot. The outcome is in a large dining room. About seven ghosts (in Victorian clothes) play Musical Chairs with six gold chairs with red velvet seats and backs. As they are ghosts, there can be no winners or losers as they just phase into and out of each other when trying to sit and stay on the chairs (and for example, two taking up the same space on the same chair). This scenario is so amusing, it pulls me out of the dream state with an almost audible laugh.
I woke myself up in the middle of the night to do WBTB, but I have trouble recalling my previous dream. It had something to do with slicing a pumpkin, I think?
Morning of January 31, 2016. Sunday. Dream #: 17,940-03. Reading time: 1 min 10 sec. Readability score: 70. This dream branched off into today’s volcano and “circling the globe” dream (without any apparent waking transition or consciousness shift other than the second dream situation becoming more vivid over time). My wife Zsuzsanna, our children, and I are going to a public Halloween celebration. My dream self does not perceive the presumed October date as incorrect. I will be wearing a hooded cloak, though I perceive it as light-colored at one point rather than black (of which seems more suitable to my implied character as the Grim Reaper). There is minor difficulty getting it to fit. My only other costume feature is a silver skull ring which goes on the middle finger of my left hand. The skull is upright when viewed by others when my arm is naturally at my side. There is a slide switch in the back of it that makes its eye sockets shine with brilliant light, so bright that it would light up the street. I see the two beams, but they are not overwhelmingly bright. As with many of my dreams, I take to the air in flight without thinking much about it. I notice an unknown young girl also flying to the party, ahead of me by about half a block. In these types of dreams, I decide to fly while considering it a completely natural event. My dream changes into the type where I need to push through barriers at times due to the unusual maze-like layout of various unfamiliar buildings. At one point, there is a very thick window on a high floor of a commercial building. I attempt to push through it and eventually succeed. I walk or fly through walls, with slight difficulty at times. Mostly, I fly around enjoying the view.
I'm re-enacting the movie Soldier, where a ragtag bunch of crash survivors need to defend themselves from genetically engineered soldiers who've been ordered to eliminate them... with the help of a discarded genetically engineered soldier. A friend (who was in the military at one point) wanders in and asks why we're watching this movie, when it's a stupid movie. --- Last year for Halloween, I had black-painted branches decorating my walls. I had to throw them out when I moved, and I was kind of sad about that. In the dream, I find these discarded decorations in a pile when I'm out doing errands, but I know that they'll be a little bit unwieldy to carry on public transit. I pick them up, but they've turned into a combination of a floor joist and some kind of beam at least ten feet long. I'm in an alley, and I'm going through my wallet looking for my bus pass. A young man makes a quick grab for the wallet—and I stare him and his shifty-looking friend down. He hesitates for a moment, and says "I was going to ask if you needed help with that." I smile brightly and say, "Absolutely. You can pick up this beam and help me get it on the bus!"
It's Halloween, and I want to check out a house that I haven't been to—a local social media personality is having a party there. The dream turns into an Alex Veras-style adventure, except that I'm an exorcist, so maybe more Felix Castor. I'm casting an exorcism. I try a traditional Christian exorcism but almost break down laughing, and switch to one using "spirit" as the anchor. Now we're on a road trip. --- I'm at W Park (the one with the swans) with my family. Someone asks to have the water gun pointed at them while they're on the diving board because they forgot to shower before going in the pool. The pool and diving boards are within the park instead of across the way. --- Fragment: phone call
Decorating the ceiling for Halloween, because the floor-to-ceiling decorations at the entrance aren't festive enough for this important holiday. Characters from the Addams Family. I'm a man who has apparently gotten engaged/married to Morticia, and my character's mother comes over to harass me occasionally over what a bad idea this is. (She bears no resemblance to my real mother and is more like Moira Queen in Arrow.) My character also has an (adult?) son, who resembles Pugsley. Wednesday is still Morticia's daughter. Grandmama likes me, though. I threaten to cut Pugsley and my mother out of the will if they don't leave me alone over this whole thing. My black cat is being bad in the dream (and was also being loud in real life) so in the dream, I temporarily put him in the entrance hall of the farmhouse we're now in and close the door with him in there. The other cat is not happy with this arrangement, as she's also in the entranceway, and she crawls into a passageway under the house so that I can't reach her. Adventure: 2/10 Control: 2/10 Fear: 1/10
I was driving down this street where most of the houses were decorated up for Halloween, even though it wasn't the time for Halloween. It seemed like the house owners were in competition with one another trying to make the best looking haunted house. The decorations were really good, and some houses had facelifts even, where the wall itself was re-crafted into scary looking designs. You could tell a lot of work was put into getting these houses looking this way.
Black: Non-dream Blue: Non-lucid Red: Lucid I decided the night before to relax and give lucid dreaming a break while I sorted out some stuff on my plate, I didn't want to overwhelm myself and kill my interest in lucid dreaming. Coincidentally I had my fourth lucid dream. I went to bed at about 2am, and I woke up 3ish hours later. I went toilet and had a drink of water from the tap, then went back to bed. As I was going back to sleep I decided I'd do some very short SSILD cycles, I did one cycle and then proceeded back to my usual day dreaming. Then 5 minutes later I did it again. I did this again another 5 minutes later, each time bringing myself back to an aware state of mind and not really with the intention of getting lucid. This probably is the reason why I got lucid. Dream 1 - Halloween I vaguely remember this dream, something about walking down the street, me and my friends go into a house and I decide I'd better go get some candy from the supermarket to give to kids that come for Halloween. I go outside and my friends are gone or something. Dream 2 - Graveyard Lucid Dream I was running around at night in a cemetery, being a rebel or something... The night passed by and I came back the following day, it's a nice and bright beautiful sunny day. I start free-running around the tombstones like Altair or something, jumping and climbing some huge grave pillars and stuff. I see a grave embedded in a wall of dirt about 2-3 metres tall, I run towards it planning on running up it and jumping on top of the ledge. I fail, and hang from the ledge lazily with one arm a few feet above the ground. I look at the tombstone in front of me now, it reads "102-312AD". This strikes as pretty weird. I let go of the ledge and land on the ground, I think to myself "Hmmm, is this a dream? Pffft.. It MUST be a dream, I'm in a friggin graveyard. But... is it?". I challenge myself to fly in order to test if it is a dream, and BOOM, I soar through the air like a pro, once again flying at the start of my lucid dream, like I've done in every single one I've ever had . I land on the ledge of a large 50m tall tomb. I had felt some strong tingling sensations from the wind as I was flying, I decide that it'd be a good idea to connect to the dream and stabilize as much as I can now that I'm lucid. I touch the wall of the tombstone, it's made from conglomerate rock. I notice the dream starts fading regardless of my attempts to stabilize, I start rubbing my hands together to stabilize, but the sensation is a bit dulled now. The dream fades away, but I can still feel the sensation of rubbing my hands together. I think to myself "I just need to open my eyes and see the dream world" but nope, I needed to lie still and do a DEILD if I wanted to regain the dream. Goofed. I screwed it up and lost the dream completely. I'm starting to understand how I should approach these situations a lot better now, after all it's only my 4th lucid, I'm not expecting myself to be an expert .