non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Marry into a rich family. Their mansion in a beautiful place surrounded by mountains, but my mother in law is insane. She wants everything in the house plus everybody to wear only white knitted clothes. It is kind funny at first, but it gets exhausting after a while. None of the sisters and cousins of my husband ever complain but the hate it to. I get an accomplice to change the decoration in the living room to colorful stuff. Off course she hates it and wants it down. Then I live in an apartment (looks like my mom's, but in a totally different life) and my husband becomes abusive. He keeps me locked up, I can't go anywhere except to some family or work events with him. He's been telling everyone that I'm schizophrenic, so nobody believes when I say what's going on. I always find ways to come to the door when the mailman comes or something, but nobody believes me. He keeps moving me to more and more restrictive places. Then at some party he takes me to, I refuse to go back home, keep insisting publicly that he is abusive and I demand someone to call the police. There is a couple people who give me the benefit of the doubt, I press charges, I don't go back and I stay with this lovely family. Police goes to the home and does find evidences he keeps me locked up and that I am suffering malnutrition. There is no record of me in hospital and psychiatric treatments as he claimed. I get a restraining order from him, get support and go to university to study. But gotta keep looking over my shoulder. I am afraid to pass under a tunnel that is so dark. Some guy passing by seems safe and nice so I ask if he can walk with me and we become friends. He is such a geek and later invites me to watch him participate in a Lego tournament for 2 or 3 days. I go and I am amazed, as he builds an entire Hogwarts castle and train from Harry Potter with regular Lego pieces.
Went to bed around 1:00AM. Pizza Games: I'm in a small, cramped space. It reminds me of Harry Potter's cupboard under the stairs. It's messy with wrappers and junk. Dusty too. I'm playing an online game with my brother on a gaming system plugged into a TV at an edge wall. The outcome of the game will impact whether a pizza box near me will be thrown onto the floor. My brother comes close to succeeding, but the pizza box does not come down. Recorded at ???. 72 words for the night.
Updated 11-10-2023 at 06:06 PM by 99808
Went to bed around 11:30. The Hallway Theater I'm at my highschool between the P building and S building. It's snowing outside. I'm running late to English class. I'm concerned that I will be reprimanded for reading Harry Potter for my assignment because I have already read it. I reason that the choice is valid because my perspective will be different. I've gone through a lot of growth since the last time I've read it, political stance and puberty among those changes. ... I'm in an upstairs hallway that resembles S building, but it is much more narrow. Still running late to class. Hilary Clinton, wearing a blue suit, is power-walking behind me. I slow down and let her pass by, wanting to avoid an interaction. This tactic succeeds and I reach a dark section of the hallway. There are three rows of seats, split into two sections. It's some kind of Hallway Theater. My classmates are there so I sit down at the left section near the back. My friend D and a girl run by and I hear them say something indicating they are running late. "Ya'll need to get it together!" I say as they speed by. I get some laughs from the class for this. "Those are my best friends," I tell them, wanting to show I wasn't bullying random people. A couple people I was friends with in highschool (underclassmen from my senior year combination rackets class) S and possibly J, look back at me. I'm concerned that they are upset because I specified others as my 'best' friends, but they appear content. ... We're still in the Hallway Theater, but now there are VR headsets hanging from the ceiling. Classmates are putting them on so I do the same. There is a floating UI option for lives, and I set it to zero. It applies to the entire class. A pong game begins within a shared AR space, and somebody gets scored on. That person dies. Fear spreads and everyone starts taking the headsets off. Not wanting to allow anyone else to be killed by game, one person is ordered to keep playing so that nobody else gets scored on. ... Kris, Suzie, and Ralsei from Deltarune are in a VR-generated forest environment. The trees are massive and reach to the heavens. I'm playing this game as Kris. I think D and the girl may have been the other two. We are exploring as a team, and trying to eliminate other players. I set up an ambush and direct my team to sneak nearby. I creep my neck past a branch we are standing on and see two tanks. The tanks are the opposing players' avatars. I spring into action, and appropriate battle music plays. I transform into a woman in a military uniform wearing a beret and open fire on the tanks. Recorded around 8:30AM on waking.
Went to bed at ??? Purgatory Island I'm on an island in a Harry Potter game. Lots of grey colors. Feels isolated and alone. 3rd person view. Playing as a man in a bowler hat. Like Wayne from Mistborn. There is a water-logged cave up ahead. Recalled from early morning.
Pre-WBTB (Targeting End of Sleep Cycle 4) Hermione's Date Hermione Granger has a date with an ugly guy. She has her Yule Ball dress on, the scene matches from the movie. I'm familiar with the ugly guy since I had heard about him online. They are having a light argument about something, but I can't hear them. Later I'm in a Taco Ball parking lot near my regular gym. I'm checking "Hermione at Yule Ball" off of a checklist app on my phone. The End of the World I'm in my gym's parking lot standing near a desk setup outside. I'm working on some type of model generation software. I can roughly draw with my hands in mid-air, and a smoothed-out shape snaps into view in 3D in front of me. I'm working on a dress for a female model. The female model is off-kilter with a projected x-y-z coordinate axis. I'm trying to move the dress on the model so it snaps into place, but the image is translated off some value. There is somebody else next to me. Might have been a coworker from WL. A female AI-person approaches me. She's visibly spooked, and needs to tell me something. She doesn't trust the other person, so she goes to write it down. Her handwriting is bad but I can read it. She's telling me about the end of the world. About how the world starts and ends in cycles with a calamity. And it is about to happen again. Hand-Eye Coordination B from work is telling me a story about how he entered the military at a young age. He says he ended up here in engineering because he had bad hand-eye coordination. He gestures to a ledge high above that isn't normally there and tells me that he once accidently hit it with a machine gun. He's talking to a group of older cohorts who remember those older days. B makes a joke to a 3D animation modeling person that the ledge should probably have been addressed by this many years. I tell B that my hand-eye coordination is very good, but I am still here anyway. Post-WBTB (Targeting End of Sleep Cycle 5) High School Well-Being I'm back in highschool, but I'm with Max from Stranger Things and H from a band-group I formed a few years back. I brush by Max with my backpack and accidently hurt her nose. I apologize profusely for hurting her. She reacts by giving us a lecture about how H and I are too concerned for her well-being and she can handle herself. I see some other people that look like jocks. I think about how they will probably go into marketing or sales someday.
Updated 06-07-2023 at 07:35 PM by 99808
Pre-WBTB Dream Fragment I'm back at J's playing board games. We're playing a tabletop RPG and my character's background is similar to Harry Potter's. Car Coyotes I'm driving down Joy road back at my hometown. There is a huge traffic jam, cars lined up, with police lights blaring in the distance. Not sure why. Maybe a crash? There's a barricade up further and, through the way the lines of cars have aligned, I can't help but driving directly to the barricade. I'm wondering what this is about when two coyotes start jumping and snarling up toward my window. I have my windows down about halfway because of my A/C problems, so the coyotes are just barely out of biting range. The police up ahead pay me no attention. I notice I have passengers. One small coyote manages to squeeze through the window crack and enter the car. My body has frozen up, so I can't react to the coyote or try to close the window so more don't get in. More get in. I start to worry about rabies. The other passengers are trying to get the coyotes out, but they are small and hard to track. Post-WBTB Dogfight in the City I'm in a space dogfight in the city. My brother and I are on the same team. We are flying Arwings from the Starfox series. Sky is purple and dark. Might have been some green lightning. Epic type of scene. I need to fly into the repair bay to get fixed up after finishing the battle. Maybe it was the Great Fox. When I get in, I get radioed that the enemy has another sneak attack and they need me. They tell me I need to get into a different Arwing. I find one and start to takeoff. My view changes to 3rd person and now I'm flying the Millennium Falcon. Next thing I know the combat is completed and I'm chilling with my team in the foyer area of the main ship. I'm searching the fridge for some food. There is a couch opposite the fridge, and some friends are noting that they may have messed up where things are in there. While scrolling through the futuristic interface to get food, I see some raunchy art photos. I don't say anything and just scroll past them. I eventually move some shelves around and find some cheese stick and pretzel snacks. Image generated with Nightcafe AI.
Updated 03-15-2023 at 04:10 AM by 99808
A vortex howls in the gray sky above. I'm standing on the ruins of a neighborhood. Behind the vortex is a dragon the size of a mountain. He is the time dragon. I'm running to a house nearby where I need to find a gold-plated book called the Domini. The dragon claims that change isn't real, and that all will return to the way it was. He is loud and commanding, like a god. I think about how a Pizza Hut building on my street had changed. The dragon doesn't like that, and comes closer to me. I'm transformed into a tiny dragon, and I'm now in a side-scroller type game. I had an abilities menu on the left side of the screen. I had a dash move. The vortex from before was on the right side of the screen, pulling me to it. I resisted. I used the charge ability to push back to the left but it isn't enough. I'm consumed by the vortex. I'm searching around a house that has two floors, vaguely resembling The Burrow from Harry Potter. The dragon tells me to find the Domini book. While searching I find a work-from-home math booklet. I have been dreading working on. It has thin-paper, and sub-booklets for at-home exams. I also notice a letter from my GF about bills.
Updated 03-08-2023 at 06:09 PM by 99808
Bad spells I was on this giant hill. with Harry and Hermione from the HP series. The hills had giant magic slides or something we were supposed to go down. I was sliding down one and everything was moving super fast. This made me lucid randomly. I was too caught up in the dream to do anything else. Some guy was at the bottom of the slide and we were also near a town. The guy was bad or something so i pulled out my wand and said, "Avada Kedavra!". Hermione Gasped at that. Nothing came out of the wand. I tried, "cruccio." and saw the guy writhing in pain. I did some other spell so he wouldn't follow me. Next I was in some tavern and some other guy was trying to fight me. So i did Cruccio on him as well. Then i remembered doing Obliviate to keep the person from attacking me. Torture I was trapped in some house with 2 other people. Some old granny lady had us all tied up and drugged. She kept indicating she was going to kill us. i looked to my right and there were dead bodies on the ground. Don't remember much after.
All the dreams this week weren't good. Jamie 1 Jamie seemed mad at me. Telling me she's never going to talk to me again... I think I always knew that deep down. But one can hope. Jamie 2 Some nights later Dreamed I saw her at a bar but she was avoiding me. Map I'm looking at map of where I live. There's a road east and west. South is Lethbridge. Under my town is shaded dark red. above the down is a lighter red. There are words describing each shaded region but I forget what. There is an icon on the east end of town it is a face of a native american with a red bandana. He looks sinister and the dream implies he's cursed this region. (IWL, It has been snowy and icy and I have called in at work too much not wanting to drive these roads. This dream was a day before the snowfall, Felt that the drean predicted this???) Don't drive One one of the days I was going to go to work (but called in anyway) I had a series of dreams of dogs biting me and people fighting me. Dream 1 I was in my house and a bunch of dogs that looked like my dog were trying to bite me. I had a razor and cut on of the dogs legs. It yelped and started bleeding everywhere on it's hind leg. Asuka and maybe data were there I asked them for a rage and something to tie it with to stop the bleeding. Dream 2 Someone was on the front end of my house with a gun. I was in a garage behind a white van. I got a peek at the intruder and aimed my pistol or something at him. I shot him and it hit. Dream 3 I was fighting someone on stairs. It was Gary, a friend from childhood who ignores me now. I Was hitting him with some pole and he stopped trying to fight me after he fell down the stairs. I asked, "Are you done?" He said, "Yes." I asked him "Why don't you talk to us anymore?" He looked shocked. I said, "I don't even do drugs or drink hardly at all." And he still looked shocked and seemed to be considering what I was saying. Then I woke up. After I woke up I found that the rods that were clear before were snowy and icy again... Dark Hogwarts I was getting off the Hogwarts express with a bunch of children in cloaks. I was young like them. Everything was so dark even with the lights, it was nightime nd I couldn't see much. I saw the Cone shapes of the tops of the Hogwarts towers as I was walking along but coult still barely see them.
Talking about my health It's night, and I'm laying in bed. Someone whom I don't remember is laying in a bed somewhere in the room. We're sending each other messages in the form of newspapers we write with magic, possibly with a wand. We tell each other about our health, apparently. Towards the end he says something along the lines of "You shouldn't complain so much" and that makes me mad, so I just go to sleep, possibly after a remark from my side. - I transiently wake up, and, after a minute, I go back to sleep. - Harry Potter-ish lucid I am around the street where I live. I see teenagers, behaving somewhat like Ron and Hermione, and I go to them. Suddenly we're in a sort of organization, and we walk behind a house, where we're hidden, and we practice magical spells. I say that I'd especially like to practice forbidden spells (I seem to refer to forbidden in Hogwarts), which the characters behaving like Ron and Hermione seem to like. Small scene change, I'm now walking away from that practice area with the characters I'll just call Ron and Hermione now, for convenience. I spontaneously become lucid. I think for a moment of what to do, and I decide to grow dragon wings since I've always wanted to experience flight. I tell them to watch what I can do, and I try to grow the wings, focusing. But it doesn't work, so I just remark: "Hm, doesn't work..." Scene change. Semi-lucid now. We're in a classroom, apparently in Hogwarts. There's an old, grumpy-looking woman who's the teacher. I'm sitting next to Ron. He says we're getting tests now, and as he says that, the teacher puts a piece of paper on each of our sides of the desk. Still semi-lucid, I decide to do the test. When she gave everyone a test, she says we should start, and I take out a pen. Now lucidity is gone. I talk for a while with Ron, not noticing I should work on the test. As the teacher walks by, I quickly take my test and try to look as if I'm working, and the teacher seems to simply ignore the fact that my test is empty, despite having had 5 minutes of time to work on it. I try to work on the first task, which is to rearrange a given set of letters magically into a specified sentence. I try to think really hard and see if I can remember the spell, but I don't, so I reluctantly put my hand up to ask the teacher. She comes over to me, and I tell her I don't remember the spell. She simply says that one surely wouldn't need more than a pen to finish this test, in a sort of humiliating way. I don't really care that she tried to humiliate me, but more about the fact that it seems pretty incompetent that she doesn't even know her own test. So, I just look around the class, and I spot a boy constantly farting, and the boy behind him clearly not enjoying that, putting his head down on his desk in anguish. That second dream was nice, just a spontaneous DILD. Just annoying my dream control didn't work, and that I forgot about stabilization and increasing lucidity. The farting boy clearly represented my totally mature classmates in real life, although the boy was a bit closer to the age where one would usually be expected to do something as immature as that.
Harry Potter once again I am on a broom with someone. We're flying around this rural and foggy area, and it appears lord Voldemort is chasing us. I act as a guide, and it appears this is a video-game-but-not again, and I tell the other guy on the broom that he should use the neon rocket ability thing from inFamous: Second Son (the R1 button thing for neon) and aim at Voldemort's head. He seems to be pretty bad at aiming and I get annoyed by him not just firing at certain points at which he could've hit. The environment seems to be like the area where a tunnel in Just Cause 3 is, where you fly your first wingsuit course, but, instead of the tunnel, it's just a road on a cliffside, on which there is nothing to tunnel through. There's also a bridge above some sort of foggy mudflat, being devoured by the tide. It looks like the golden gate bridge, just way smaller and the colors quite desaturated. Around the bridge, I told the guy with me to fire the rockets. I also had the Second Son UI pop up as he tried to do that. This game includes so many different things from media that I probably have to hope it doesn't get copyrighted. And why Harry Potter again? This is also a rare occurrence of dream characters actually existing, and even behaving like they're human. But good that I've managed to recall this that much.
Another Harry Potter-related dream There's something related to dumbledore. He might have warned me of something. The dream is set in a sort of town-ish location. It's rather rural, with only a few small densely populated areas and lots of hills so big that they're borderline mountains. I recall this having been the location from another dream from a long time ago. I seem to go from hill to hill for no particular reason. There is something rather concerning and sinister going on in the background, and it invokes a feeling of dread within me. Somebody else warns me again, and I think it has to do with the fact that I am quite visible on top of those hills. At some point, there might be something that really does suggest I should have heeded that warning, but I don't remember. Sometimes the dream also seemed to be a video game, but that wasn't consistent. I guess constantly watching Harry Potter nearly every day has infested my dreams. But I guess I should try to use that as a dream sign, since it's been in nearly every dream for the whole week now.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Staying with some friends and other people at some place like a camp. We sleep in bunk beds in what seems like a barn. Apparently I am the owner and everyone else is my guest. I call out a girl who supposedly is my friend, but has been hanging out with some other lady and treating me badly, abusing my friendship. She has been behaving like everything is hers and even sleeping on my bunk bed, from which I kick her out. She makes a scene, but I humiliate her in front of everyone, not feeling intimidated to expose all her abuses and she then calms down. I still offer her my friendship but say we gotta stay some time apart. I leave to go to town and on my way a storm comes, all lights shut down and even a bus coming my way is totally without lights. I flash my cell phone flashlight to the bus but the driver ignores. The sea level is rising, the beaches are gone and it is raining a lot. I arrive downtown but it is so dark that people are walking blindly and touching the surroundings with their hands. I feel someone trying to pickpocket me. We eventually are gathered into a shelter with bunk beds again. I spot some familiar faces like John Blacksmith and some other friends. They save a bunk bed for me. I am so thankful because I feel exhausted. Later on we check the window and the city is flooded. There are vegetables floating on the waters and some of us collect a few to eat. Next day the waters recede and we go around seeing the damage. I find a cute dog family scavenging the vegetables scattered around. It's two golden retrievers with puppies. I want to pet one of the puppies, but one of the adult dogs looks very protective. Then I notice the other one is choking on some raw cauliflower. But now he no longer is a dog but an alien creature slightly resembling a lemur, with a very slender body with long arms and legs and a tail and light brown fur. He looks a bit hideous, but I feel sorry and help the little fellow. I turn him on his belly, grab him and pat strongly on his back. He spits the food and starts breathing. Then he talks and says he is very thankful for my action. Then he wants a hug. He is very emotional and I feel bad not to respond, so I accept his affection and cuddles although it creeps me out a bit. Then he doesn't stop holding on to me and actually I end up on the ground with him on top of me and he says he has something good to give me and I feel like something probing between my legs, like a very strong penis trying to penetrate me even through my clothes. I yell I don't want it and try to get away but he is oddly strong for his fragile body and I can't. He explains he will get inside me one way or another because it is the way of the (whatever the name of his species?) and when they can't go physically they go in spirit. Then a kind of cloud starts coming out of his mouth towards mine and also from his penis and entering me from below. I freak out and pass out. When I wake up I am Hermione and I am surrounded by Harry, Ron and some other person. They look worried but I feel ok and just want to hide away in shame. I feel weird down there and walk funny and they start making jokes about the situation and how I lost my virginity to some magical lemur being. Then I feel a bit dizzy and my face turns a glowy green and some kind of energy jumps from me to some other kid passing by. I feel relieved. Seems like the spirit got bored of being in me and left to bother someone else.
Harry Potter fragment I just cast some sort of spell. At some point I also saved somebody, it appears. At some point, I violently crush some enemy of mine with powers, although this seems more related to some sort of random video game mechanic instead of magic.
Harry Potter fragment The dream started out in my flat. I'm not sure what happened there, but eventually, the whole scene and story of the dream changed. I was apparently at Hogwarts, and a death eater applied the cruciatus curse on me, which, as expected, caused a lot of pain. I don't remember much else.