I'm in Bali, participating in a Hash run. I'm the hare, meaning that I'm setting the run. I don't remember much from this part of the dream. After that, I'm together with a group of people. We're just chilling and talking. Then it's time for the hash to start. At first I join the hounds in running the track. I stay in 2nd or 3rd position, as I have set the track and don't want to give away the directions. After running for just a little bit, I realise that I'm not supposed to run at all. A bit further down the dream, I realise that the run I set was incomplete. There was a great start with beautiful scenery, but that was it. I go down there to explain to the hounds that I got distracted by chilling with them. We decide to turn it into a live hash. I grab a bottle of water and a white bag with papers to set the trail. At first a 30 minute head start sounds good, but that's not how much I'm getting. We're in some kind of gym. I'm going to be the hare along with a girl, who is later (Super) Mario. We first have to score a goal in a football match that's going on, before we can continue down to the door opening in the back, which is completely dark. The hashers first have to swim a section, then jump over some obstacle and eventually they will catch up to us. I instruct them to only start once we've scored the goal, but they start too early a couple of times. I warn them that if another person starts too early, they all do an extra lap of swimming. They all start too early again. They do their lap. Meanwhile my partner scores the goal, shooting the ball softly (kinda lame) at the goal. It inches by the keeper, who doesn't move. We run for the dark door opening and enter another room. I want to take a door to the right, but my partner wants to go straight to the emergency exit. I had already dropped some paper, so I have to kinda reshuffle that. We exit and turn right. There are vertical steel handle bars on the walls, allowing one to climb onto the roof. At least that's what Mario is trying to do, but he can't get up. I jump over him and make it up there, no problem, in the mean time dropping some paper. There's a male police officer on the roof, who is not too happy with my presence. I panic a bit and go up another level. I think at this point I get caught, or the excitement of it all wakes me up.
I’m with my friends Sil and San. We’re going through an area that is either flooded or that is supposed to be a river. I look at a map on my phone (Google Maps?). We’ve still got quite a distance to cover. It doesn’t fully register with me in my dream, but we have several countries to cover. The map is nowhere near reality. I think we're near Italy and we're trying to get to the Netherlands, which is to the south-east on the map. There are two small islands in front of the coastline, near Haarlem. Wauw. Very accurate map. Sil and I are sharing an inflatable boat, which doesn't seem that suited to hold 2 persons. I'm not sure anymore what San was doing. Swimming? I've got my backpack with me, with my phone in it. I'm quite afraid that the phone is gonna get drowned, cause this boat really is not dependable. We try to work something out with what little plastic bags we have. Again: not very dependable. At one point my phone does get soaked, but it is still functioning. Some time later on, we're running. It seems to be the hash. Sil is ahead of me. We end up inside a house, with my family. Someone tells me that Sil is attempting to fix the phone through applying heat to it. Shit, no, she's gonna fry the inside! I run over before she destroys my phone. I realise then that I still have my phone, so which phone is she fixing? I take a look. I don't know which phone it is, but it seems both ruined and ok at the same time. There's melted plastic stuck to the outside. At this point my family starts speaking in Dutch about Sil, which she doesn't understand. They're tired of her stupidity. It's my mom, aunt, uncle and I think my little brother. I listen for a moment and then my uncle points out that I have an annoyed look on my face, probably cause I'm into her. I tell them that she's a friend and very kind, she's just clumsy. So I don't like that they are talking negatively about her. They agree to stop their conversation.
I'm in the middle of joining a hash event. I think we're outside and it's definitely already dark. There's quite a number of people. At some point someone starts leading the event and becomes the centre of attention. He decides that tonight (or just for now), we're gonna figuratively piss on one of the guys. I don't remember his exact phrasing, but he did mention that the guy was gay. This makes me uncomfortable. We always make fun of each other, but to really put attention on this guy's sexual orientation makes it feel to me as if we're picking on him cause of that. Not sure anymore what happened in the mean time, but the gay guy isn't wearing a shirt anymore. He either asked me where I'm from, or he already could tell I was Dutch. We continue talking in Dutch. He's got a blue marker and he's asked me to draw something on his back. Are you kidding me? Why don't I have anything to draw right now?! And why don't I have any drawing skills?! Another guy takes over and on pretty much the entire left part of his back, he draws a massive dick. He puts attention to getting some details in, veins and what not.
The details of these dreams are quite vague. Pokemon There's a garbage truck. I may be part of the crew. It's driving around inside a very big building. A school? The scenario stays the same, but the plot changes to me and some others hunting Pokemon. I think I'm wearing a Ghostbusters shirt. I feel quite stupid, going around with my phone like this held out in front of me. There are a lot of people doing the same. At some point I pass a few people who look like a team, all wearing the same orange shirt. Live hash I'm participating in an event. It's mostly inside a big parking structure. There's two people, a girl and a guy I haven't seen or talked to in many years, whom we need to catch. They are ahead of us and we're following the trail laid out by them. The movements it requires to catches up to them are predominantly parkour based. There was some other stuff. Me talking to various people and having to do some stuff. I woke up feeling like I really needed to contact a few people, but I couldn't remember who or why.
I finally had a lucid dream in which I didn't wake up almost immediately upon lucidity. Yay for me! : It's pretty long even though I feel like I only remember about 60% of it Anyway here it is, and sorry it's just a wall of text maybe I'll get around to making it look pretty one day (probably not): The earliest thing I remember was that I was having freaking Jack White in my house! (wasn't really my house, but it was in the dream). I was still non lucid at this point. He was in the middle of recording a song, but he was blocking my way so I put my hand on his shoulder to communicate that I wanted to pass. There wasn't a lot of room and he tried to keep playing while making room for me to pass. We got all tangled up and he had to stop playing. But it was no problem he just thought it was kinda fun and so did I. One of his crew members however whispered something disrespectful about me to himself though. So I told him "You're in my house so behave nicely". At first he apologized but then the other guy kept the discussion going and I ended up throwing them out. But at this point they had nothing to do with Jack White, Jack White wasn't even there. Instead they where guys from the other end of the country who played handball. Anyway, I told them to get out and they did, I followed them out of the room and we walked into a huge industrial kitchen (was still in my house, guess I must have been rich or something). The area was filled with handball players that had come from all over the country walking around everywhere. Complete chaos. Suddenly something happened that I had to move away from quickly. I'm not quite sure what it was but I think maybe something spilled out from a cooking pot or something. Anyway I quickly threw myself backwards and slided along the floor away from whatever it was. For some reason I just kept sliding, must have been some real slippery floor. While sliding I saw a pack of cigarettes on the floor. I picked it up and while I was still sliding I took a cigarette out and lit it. I finally stopped gliding and I was sitting next to a girl that used to be in my class like 4-5 years ago. (I never really talked to her or thought anything of her, so I don't really understand what she was doing there). Anyway I notice that my cigarette is roasted (which sucks unless you are about to roll a joint). No problem, I just gave it to the girl and lit a new one (I'm such a gentleman). Damn this was roasted too.... I give the other useless cigarette to another girl who just appeared and as I do, I remember how my cigarettes are often roasted in dreams and I become lucid. Awesome! First thing I think about is that I have to tell my best friend when I meet her in school. And as we all know, in dreams what you think about happens so now I'm together with her and it gets a little blurry here. But the next thing I remember is that we walked into a room filled with instruments and a guy from my class was sitting and playing guitar with some girl I didn't know. We where supposed to have a 2v2 guitar battle against them so I go to pick up a guitar. I find a really cool hollow body electric guitar that looks a little the guitar Jack White uses with a slide. But as I pick up the guitar it turns into a contra bass and the others look at me like I don't know what a guitar is. Embarrassing since I'm supposed to be the best guitarist in the room... Anyway my friend offers me her guitar and says she'll just play on her toy guitar about the size of a pencil case. I take the guitar and sit down. Now the guitar I'm playing is my own guitar from the real world and it's missing a string. But I'm happy cause it's only missing one string (Right now my real guitar has only 3 strings because I'm in a bit of an economical crisis). So 5 strings is pretty good I think and I sit and warm up for the battle by playing inside my head. I play some pretty cool Jack White inspired blues improv, where I play both the rhythm and the lead part at the same time (I actually still remember what I played and if I had more strings on my guitar I could play it right now). It was kinda cool cause I got a lot quicker into my creative state than I usually do. Anyway I'm not sure if my dream just skipped here or if I just don't remember. But the next thing I remember is that my friend and I are sitting in a window. And I tell her that I'm having a lucid dream right now and we talk about how awesome it would be if it was a shared dream (she was totally cool with it, unlike most of the stories I've read in here, probably because she is like that irl as well). I know she has never experienced flying in a dream before so I ask her if she wanna try. I actually don't remember what she said but I pick her up anyway under my right arm and I fly out the window with her. We see the town from Weeds and we fly over it. I can't really seem to get my flying up to speed but then suddenly I manage to accelerate really fast and it felt like an awesome rollercoaster ride except even cooler cause we where flying. Now we're back in the building which is now our school (It wasn't anything like my school from irl but it was our school in the dream). From here on I don't remember as much detail and there's a lot of missing parts. There was some guy, I think he was a cook and that he had made a big cake. We accidentally sit down on his cake and ruin it. He gets really upset but I'm like "it's my dream fuck off, you can't be mad at me". But I eventually feel pity for him and I decide to fix it. I turn towards the cake to restore it with magic. I do motions with my hands kinda like the guys from Star Wars when they try to lift stuff with the power of the force. The cake starts fixing it self slowly from the bottom up as I guide it with my hands but it turns into something else, a statue of Leonardo DiCaprio i think. For some reason the walls are suddenly old and dirty and I go on to clean them up with my magic. I end up inside a class room. I remember a dream I had not long ago where I was Spider-Man and the Villains where people I knew it was pretty cool. So I thought that my dream could use a villain as well and I come up with using my most hated teacher from school. And she actually appears. She comes walking through the door and she looks even more evil than usual. Her veins are all dark and very visible. Turns out I didn't enjoy having her in my dream one bit so I left the room. I'm now outside some kind of factory and there's a sleazy business man or politician or something like that. I'm sure I knew him from somewhere either from real life or from a movie or something. He has dropped his hash pipe. It was filled with some kind of gross foam but in the dream I thought that's just how hash for pipes look (obviously I know that's not true). For some reason I want to throw it away. I don't know why but I think it's linked to something earlier in the dream I don't quite remember but including a hash pipe being thrown away as well. As I throw it, he sees me and yells so I fly up in the air. Now I'm just floating in the air thinking about what to do next. I decide to make an attempt at flying to space. So I start flying upwards but I can't seem to gain enough momentum just like earlier. I close my eyes and really focus on speeding up. It works, I can feel that I'm accelerating really fast (felt really cool). Suddenly I stop flying and I open my eyes. It's all dark and I wonder where the stars are. This is when I realize I'm staring into my bedroom wall, unfortunately it had awakened me and I never saw space --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Went to bed at 04:30 and woke up at 06:30 It was one of those nights where you're up all night on your computer and at some point you get so tired that you just shut down the computer, roll over and instantly fall asleep with your clothes still on. Which is exactly the conditions I had my few (3) previous lucid dreams under.