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    1. ccclxxxvi. Stupid laughter, Out with family, Dark atmosphere and shop with family

      by , 06-24-2022 at 02:26 AM
      2022 May 13th

      Dream (DFLN):

      I'm helping someone with a quest or something. We go into a portal thing which is between some humanoid mobs. It takes us to a reward dimension and there are five mounts, one for each player had we been in a full party. The mounts look like a snow plow/dozer machine. Orange or rusty tones? Once we get out, the other guy has already customised and decorated his "mount" and I think about doing the same when I get a chance.

      (recall gap)

      I'm in a town somewhere, looks a bit like areas around old home. It's night time and there are sodium street lamps, though there is more colour distinction than they would allow for. I'm under a little covered bit, like the entrance to a restaurant or house, but it's unlit I think, taking care of laces on my footwear or something, when I hear the voice of M and that stupid laughter of his.
      (note to self, writing this, my recall of the dream has improved a lot as I remember the following negative moments)

      He's talking to someone and I hear them approaching along the street. I deliberately take my time now and look busy, avoiding looking at all and focusing on the laces. Then, when they pass close enough M sees me and says "hey onion hair" and laughs at me. I turn around toward him now and see he's sort of perching forwards on a dividing section. I feel annoyed, angry and threatened. So I swing a bag full of stuff at him, hitting him on the head. He barely flinches however and makes some sarcastic or mocking remark, I think indirectly, talking to this other guy who's with him.

      I try to compose all my stuff and go, struggling with a version of my tablet which is in A3 in size, trying to flip it closed. (rest of recall was lost)

      Later, I tell H about the encounter and says "I would have hit him" to which I reply "I did hit him", possibly in frustration.

      2022 May 16th


      Something with family. Mom, dad and sibling T. Out somewhere? (recall was not retained because I left it for two days)

      2022 May 17th


      I'm at some shops with siblings T and L and also dad. We're looking for some chocolate cake thing, one of those moist ones with sprinkles on it. Dad moves away in some part of this shop. I can't recall what's on display but me and my siblings are talking about foreskins or something. I picture something about it in my head.

      (recall gap)

      I am outside at some point. There's a very dark, heavy and moody atmosphere, all red and black tones/hues, a sort of mist or fog too. It's a city street of some kind? I remember tall buildings, but with no windows or anything. Just plain facades. (after waking from the dream, this made me think of Trove for some reason)


      - I hadn't had a dream with M (previously referred to as MB sometimes) for a while. I'm not sure anymore what could have prompted his appearance in this dream.
      -- Probably also one of few "bad" dreams I've had in quite a while too.
    2. Metapsychology and a disappointing lucid | [04.07.2021]

      by , 07-05-2021 at 02:43 AM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      I am in some sort of doctor's office. There are multiple patients. Some seem to be suffering from some form of psychosis or schizophrenia, others I am not sure about. There is a doctor there, male and of older age, and he needs my assistance to perform a sort of metapsychological technique to help or cure them of their disease, though he does not explicitly label it as such.

      He puts me and the patients into a sort of dream state. In this state, we sort of float about in the room in a sort of OBE. He communicates with me by just talking into the room. The patients are invisible to me and him, so he just gives them instructions. He systematically cures their fears by putting them in such a fearful situation and then making them simply float out and show them that their fears can't hurt them. At one point, I somehow follow a patient exactly in their movements, and we fall into something like a golden vase. This time, the patient can't really do it, so the doctor panics a little but I somehow grab the patient and we float out, and I tell the doctor, who is relieved. Later it is shown that the doctor used something like game discs to activate the fear scenarios, which are on illuminated pedestals. Next up is a deep ocean scenario, which I try to delay because I have thallassophobia.

      Disappointing lucid
      After shortly waking up, I find myself in a dream. I am at home and wonder what happened in the last few hours. I remember the previous dream and wonder if that could've really happened, so I do a nose plug RC. I was surprised to see that I could breathe through my plugged nose, but, because I forgot to stabilize the dream, as I was thinking of what to do now, the dream collapsed and I woke up.
    3. cclxiv. Da Vinci's x-ray crystal, Helping mom by cleaning some dusty ruins

      by , 05-05-2021 at 09:22 PM
      5th May 2021 ~9:20


      A(D) messages me on Steam. Something about his birthday? Think he feels lonely but he doesn't mention it.


      Some dream where I'm walking with H along a pavement, along a road in a forested area with the occasional field. Reminds me of areas in my native country. It's daytime, afternoon?

      At some point, we are at some escalators in an entrance for a massive building complex, maybe like a mall. H is no longer H. Instead, it's some unknown dream character following me for some reason; he wants to know where Da Vinci's lock box (safety deposit?) is kept, I think. I tell him "It's probably in one of the 800 ones".

      I know where they are and lead him there. We go up a lot of escalators and a few wide stone staircases with shallow steps. Eventually we reach a more open (and outdoor hybrid) area where there are walls with rows and rows of locked panels, the locked boxes we are looking for. There are many people around. Da Vinci's box is one of these just around a corner. Then L arrives, he cautiously walks over to us over a gap or hole in the upper end of the main staircase leading up here.

      In the dream, I know that L happens to be one of Da Vinci's direct descendants. Later in the dream I question myself about this logic, shouldn't I be too, if we are siblings?

      Either way, he has a key for the locked panels and opens one, giving me something from inside. A crystal. It is elongated, about one foot long at a guess, it is a perfect rectangular cuboid with slightly worked edges/corners, it is a translucent purple at the "top" and a pure white translucent quartz at the other end.

      It is a unique object that requires no power and allows one to simply look through it to see others and things through walls with a weak kind of x-ray vision. Later H, mom's sister appears, and she tries to steal the crystal which I had placed in an envelope. I confront her about it and she or both of us get defensive?

      (there was more recall but I was too tired)



      There were many other dream sequences but this dream was about helping mom. She was still a teacher in the dream and she was saying that her area was not doing as well as everywhere else in the country, in terms of grades and so on, and I try to reassure her by saying that "kids are and will be different" in different areas, so of course there would be a gap, I reason.

      I help somehow, by cleaning up some dusty old church entrance arch area? It has faded greens and reds that brighten up a little once I clean the dust with a microfibre cloth I'm using. I believe the arch is all made of wood, which is painted these colours. I don't see a door to speak of, but the structure is ruined. Its pieces seem to have never been disturbed since it became ruined.

      I ask mom about the church, she tells me that it's been this way since the last great earthquake. I think that it would have been undisturbed for a very long time, in that case? It's generally sunny in this area, some kind of square at high point of this old style settlement but I am under the shade of the ruins being under the arch.

      Later, I'm not at that place anymore and am discussing something else on the phone with mom, but I cannot recall what anymore.


      - I'm quite tired today but still want to try making some observations for these dreams.

      - Red and green are colours both with personal and non-personal meanings to me. On the personal side, they show the exclusion of blue, a colour that oddly enough has featured on its own in other dreams recently. But neither green nor blue are favourite colours of mine, although it depends on the specific tone too.
      -- On the non-personal side, the colours tie in with the locality and ruins in terms of identity, especially because of the mention of the earthquake. Though perhaps an irrational fear, I have all my life been concerned that another event of that scale may occur some day during my lifetime, which would likely affect mom and dad.

      - The thoughts that L would be Da Vinci's descendant really made no sense and the moment of questioning all of that was a kind of pre-lucid moment.

      - The crystal was not supposed to be magical, but technological in nature. It was a very interesting thing to use although I think some part of me had unvoiced radiation concerns in the dream.

      - On falling asleep again after the first set of dreams, I hoped I would return to something and tried setting an intention but I fell asleep faster than I could have realised and realised later I hadn't finished setting my intents and so on.

      - Both of these dreams and other recent dreams have been especially reminiscent of my native country in their stylistic/aesthetic essence. I should try to make time to explore meanings in regards to this a bit, as I feel it could be helpful with how I've been feeling recently; I have felt particularly nostalgic lately but not of life there specifically, just in general of childhood and some other times.

      - The fragment probably relates to the fact that a few people I know are having birthdays around this time of the year, but more specifically I used to know A's birthday date but it seems I don't anymore.
    4. Apologizing for criminal company.

      by , 04-30-2021 at 07:32 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm walking into a big store of some kind. The boss is in the front and one of his workers is holding in a pillow. He hits someone we walk by with the pillow and the person faints. We walk to the cashier, an old man with white hair, and the worker hits him with the pillow too. The cashier falls to the floor and his wife (?), an elderly woman with gray hair, comes running and takes care of him. The two evil persons leave and I'm left with the woman and unconscious man. I ask the woman if there is anything I can do in order to repay for what my boss did. At first it seems as she doesn't have any work to give me and I am relieved but she finds something I can do after a while. She gives me a scraping tool and show me the walls. They look pretty old and have a lot of dry white paint shattered over them. I take the scrape and try to remove the paint but it is stuck. I inspect the wall and notice that it is made out of 8 cm wide wood planks. The woman is inspecting me and gives me some piece of advide. Suddenly it goes a lot better and I'm able to remove a lot of paint fast. She is grateful.

      Notes: This was the same work I did on our other house the summer last year.

      Updated 05-01-2021 at 10:37 AM by 97565

    5. ccxli. Giving a boy a ride, Tank-driving and deity avatar fighting

      by , 03-23-2021 at 03:00 AM
      21st March 2021


      At a dining table? Not sure if it's even in a room exactly, but there's a feel of the dining room at my old home. Mom and T are playing some strange eastern game or something involving objects they throw over to each other. The table is long like a festive dining table? Something about decorating it.

      The trim of the table has been painstakingly put together from dozens or hundreds of strips of decorative paper or something. Another bit uses some kind of holographic projection. I wonder or ask why it simply wasn't all done with the projection method.

      (recall gap)

      Some bit in a town. Looks like my native country, streets very similar to that of towns near where I used to live. I'm coming up a hilly bit on foot. There's someone I'm supposed to meet and pick up but I have to tell him I won't be able to. I see him by some kind of public transport stop.

      He's a black teen, with short hair. I ask him if he's waiting for one of us, from my family. He confirms that he is. I then explain that I won't be able to take him because I don't have a car right now. Dad or L is using it?

      He doesn't seem to be disappointed and explains that he got a vehicle of his own and will be able to use that; it's some kind of trike?

      I ask him to be careful, I think I'll feel responsible if he has an accident.

      22nd March 2021


      I'm in a tank, at first in some kind of RTS-like view mode, but soon after moving around this scenario for a bit it changes to a regular (closer) third-person view.

      I find some targets along the way and destroy them, as I'm headed somewhere. An enemy base of some kind? The enemy units seem frightened and try to keep as much distance as possible and avoid me. I fire the main cannon but also use the secondary gun to destroy enemy targets.

      I remember feeling myself use a keyboard and maybe seeing it too (old yellowed keyboard?) to control cannon pitch and yaw. I also have a secondary type of ammo for the cannon, some miniature warheads, which I use a few times?

      Eventually, after all the ground targets are down, I head towards a square-ish hole in the ground. I switch to a first person view now, in which I can see the cannon sticking out. I "crawl" down into the hole slowly, not wanting to fall down as there is a drop and a boss down below. Some kind of giant, an avatar of some deity I think.

      I try firing one of the warheads into the room below since I don't actually have direct line of sight to the boss but it doesn't seem to affect it, as a health bar for the boss an a UI remains unchanged.

      Hesitant, I eventually go down. I engage this avatar in combat using my main cannon and trying to keep my distance from its swiping. The avatar has a muscled and male form, it's colouration is dark, maybe a black tone like basalt.

      He talks to me as he fights, but I cannot recall what about. I don't do much damage and the boss kills me eventually. I respawn in a chamber adjacent to the boss room. The whole place has an ancient classical look to it. Although this passes me by in the dream, it actually reminds me of Act2 levels from Daikatana.

      The boss room itself had a very similar look. It is octagonal and with a few (sort of) central pillars. There's a shallow level of water and it looks clear. This water is also present in the other large room I was respawned in.

      After a tiny bit of exploring? I try to get the boss to come out of his room since there's actually more room to fight him in this one. It doesn't work though, he's apparently "leashed" and eventually I just go back in the main boss room again.

      I can't recall the rest but the dream went on for quite a while.

      - I don't know why but I feel compelled to register a sudden observation. Lately in dreams I feel there has been some absence of emotion.

      - The deity's avatar was probably based off some recent boss fights in some games.

      - Although it's unusual that I had some awareness of the keyboard in a way that made me step out of "tunnel vision", for the most part in that dream I was just immersed into its reality in the same way that I am when playing a game in waking reality.
    6. Helping my neighbor move

      by , 11-25-2020 at 07:10 PM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)
      I'm with Gabriel from my old school and walking home to me from Hemmakväll. I see Peter, the pingis teacher, and he is packing his car with a lot of different things. I notice that he is preparing to move and ask if I can help him. New fragment. I'm by our outer door and see their car. His whole family is also there and they are about to drive away.

      Notes: When I woke up I remembered many dreams and I was happy because the night's dreams were so full with strong feelings. Gabriel and I played pingis with him and that is why they were all with me.
    7. 02-12 to 02-13-2018

      by , 02-13-2018 at 10:49 PM
      I know it is a lot of writing, just not sure how to write any less, as it is all the dream details I can remember with really minimal explanation or analysis. If you want to skip to the lucid parts just Ctrl+F Lucid. Also there was a cool Pokemon part if you want to skip ahead to that.

      Here are my dreams from the night of February 12 to the thirteemph. I had a nap on my back around 2 and then fell asleep pretty easily around 7 P M after doing my waking life recall stuff. Also I have been doing some other memory exercises when I "meditate" to help my dream recall go further too.

      First round of dreams.
      "Space ship battle / Fear of night / Helping clean up from party. "

      There may have been some earlier parts with eating at a table with some people I knew, including G. and perhaps my mom and sister.

      I forgot some of this round of dreams, but I will start with the space ship battle. I remember flying in some kind of space ship or boat thing above a big body of water, in some kind of battle with other such space ships or boats. It was day time in the dream. Some how I felt that the space ship I was using was not mine. I don't remember anything else of this except kind of feeling some fear that I would be defeated and crash into the water or get hurt. Maybe I was blasting at someone else or they were blasting at me. There was an island somewhere in the part of the body of water we were flying over. I was seeing the space ships more from the outside than from a pilot position in the ship but I identified personally with one of the ships.

      In the next scene I remember, I was in this room with some kind of checkout or deli counter. I had this big bag of cheese puffs that someone had given me as a gift, but I didn't really want, because they aren't healthy in waking life. There were two heavy set African American guys, one of whom had this kind of black scarf on around his face. They were apparently police officers or some kind of good samaritans. I made a joke saying to the one guy that he was such a bad person, the humor of which coming from being based on the fact that he is actually a very good person and never gets in trouble. His face kind of lit up in a laugh. I felt bad about that joke upon awakening since it was kind of a put down in some ways, which I try not to do. Then towards a corner of some counter tops, I was giving the bag of cheesey puffs away to my friend Patrick. I was afraid for anyone to see me giving them away because I felt like whoever gave them to me was right nearby and would be offended. The bag of cheese puffs seemed to shrink in size as I gave it to Patrick.

      Then, we were looking at those brown coffee stirrers or thin straws, and then a thicker black straw. There was something about combining them by sliding the brown little straw through the big black straw, but the big black straw had an extra tube in the middle just wide enough to slide the brown straw through? It caused a knot to form toward the end of the straw and it wouldn't work. I remember thinking of that straw as I walked down the road to the Arboretum where I live, in the day time, seeing a metal chain link fence. Maybe that was a kind of transition but is more a vague memory.

      There may have been something with a lawn mower in the way beginning of the dream so I wrote "lawn mower" just to be thorough.

      In another part, I was in a house kind of like the one I live in now. By the back sliding door, there was a glow coming through, but it was night time. I had to slide the door shut an extra time because I was afraid of things of the night. My other family members were sleeping safe upstairs but I had to sleep down near the door for some reason.

      Within that scene there was also a part where I was seeing someone on their computer late at night. The dream told me to have compassion for someone who stays up late on the computer or T V because they do it out of fear of the night. It was my friend Tucker who the dream was showing me.

      In the next scene, a guy was making a microwave full of chicken or soup or something like that. It was kind of like Speed Cooking where he had actually filled the whole microwave with stuff and cooked directly in the microwave, instead of using a dish. I forgot some parts of this but it was kind of a late night party and the guy was very hungry. He said he would clean the microwave after he ate. I felt helpful so I decided to clean it myself. We were worried it was broken because a white circular part from along one of the sides had come off.

      In another part, my friend Lauren was there, and she was showing me this video thing of two numbers in rectangles, 3 and 5. One was in a red rectangle, the other another color. They kept bumping into each other like Venn Diagrams. Lauren was very upset because the number 3 kept oscillating between being a 3 or being an 8. As I watched, I could feel how upset she was, and I was thinking of responses in my head such as advice or reassurance. Then, I remembered all this stuff I learned about listening to others but not trying to rescue or "fix" them or change how they feel, which is supposed to be healthier. So I just said, "Thanks for sharing that with me," in a compassionate way, but felt it wasn't quite enough of a reply for how upset she was, as if it seemed cold.

      In another part, a woman was outside the back slider door. I heard her calling me and went out to meet her. She was probably 4 to 5 feet tall. She jumped up and gave me a big hug. I responded by holding her in the air with a big bear hug for a while. It was a very positive and nurturing feeling. I remember the woman had dark hair and may have been wearing a hoodie but not much else.

      Then in another part, people were throwing fruit at these plain muffin things to make the fruit stick to the top. They were trying with various fruit, strawberries, cherries, raspberries, stuff like that. A woman I know had a big red berry which was understood as a raspberry, and she tossed it at the muffin thing on the little living room table. It missed and bounced off. My Aunt was in this part and maybe a woman who used to live near me.

      Apparently this whole scene was a late night party I was at. My friend's Mom was needing help with all the mess, and instead of just going home after the party like everyone else, I wanted to go "above and beyond" and help clean everything up. I could also tell my friend's mom was a little overwhelmed so i wanted to sort of support her emotionally. I was walking home along that road to the Arboretum again (in the day time again?) wondering if I had helped enough.

      Then there was a part where I was in a bath tub putting soap on my legs and arms. I was reflecting on how helpful of a person I was. Kind of proud of myself or pleased with myself.

      Round 2 of Dreams.
      "Magnemite Squid / Scrub Mummy / Toilets should be Yellow"

      I woke up from one set of dreams and thought through the dreams, but felt a bit tingly and sleep must have come again before I knew it. I still remembered some of the first cycle of dreams, and I remembered the dreams in the second cycle of sleep very well.

      One of the earliest things I remember was looking at the breeze way doors of my old house and thinking they were very "solid" for it being a dream. What I meant by this was that I felt I had been to this location in the dream a few times already and every time, the doors were in the same place, open if I had left them open, closed if I had left them closed. The doors were bent though like a triangle. I remember playing with the door handle. The thing about this is, I don't have a sense that I was actually lucid in the dreams. When I was initially recalling this dream, I remember wondering if there were lucid parts, but I couldn't think of any lucid parts. So it could have been a lucid thought but I was having a non lucid dream of having a lucid thought?

      towards the end of this dream I was walking my sister somewhere for the second time at night. She came to my room to get me so i could walk her there. i kind of wanted to sleep but she needed me to walk or drive her there.

      I was going to change into blue jeans, of which I had a pair in a cabinet or shelf. I was taking a moment to use the rest room for a number two, and squatting down. We were at my previous house, but the bathroom was where the teal room used to be. I was thinking that toilets should not be white because that accentuates any yellow or brown stuff that gets on them. Toilets should be yellow or brown because then they won't look dirty with number 1 or number 2 in them. Those were my thoughts within the dream.

      At the end of the dream, I was laying down, and saw someone I knew. (Note to self #1*. ) Then, I woke up in my physical bed.

      Like I said, I laid there thinking about the dreams, but felt sleep paralysis come back to my limbs and was asleep before I knew it. I remember remembering parts during that period of time between dreaming, but I don't remember what it was I remembered! .

      In the next dream or series of dreams, I was reading from a text book. On the upper right hand corner, there was some wording that seemed un needed, so I was editing the text right there in the text book somehow. It was something like the word "Guard" but I don't remember exactly. I do remember the text seemed pretty solid, not to keep morphing on me. There was some fan running really loud, or other back ground noise, and I sang a line from a rock song in a high pitched rock star voice. A guy was like, wow, that was cool, and the noise went off, and he wanted me to do it again. But I didn't want anyone to hear me with the back ground noise off. I think I sung it again any way but felt silly.

      Then a woman was reading from another copy of the text, maybe my sister, and there was another buzzing or beeping noise in the back ground. The guy said to shut up and I was like, how dare he tell my sister to shut up! But then I realized he was saying shut up to the back ground noise, not to my sister, and I felt better. I tried to make sure my sister knew he was not telling her to shut up, but instead he was telling the noise to shut up.

      Then, it was my turn to read the text book, as if we were going around in a circle, taking turns reading. I wanted to hide the fact that I had modified the text book, but I had no copy of the original text by now, so I was faced with a conundrum of what to do. My section to read turned out to be the one I had just been editing.

      I don't remember what happened next in that part or how it got from there to here.

      I was in a room with people my age playing guitar. It was some people from my high school. Some music kind of like Andy McKee came on, and my friend was sitting in a wooden booth table, playing along with it. He was saying how he was going to be away for one year, and he was going into a room in the corner to talk with someone about it. I felt left out. Then he told me I could come along and listen, too, but then I felt bad that my friend Richie hadn't been invited. I kind of looked at my friend Richie who may or may not have realized he was left out. I had two tupperware cups with red lids and some kind of black cola type of soda in them, and my usual water bottle. I was going to carry them all to that room but it seemed like a lot.

      The next parts of the dream were a little more surreal.

      I was playing a Pokemon game, which was probably from listening to Pokemon Route music before going to bed. I had some generation one starters who I was going to "level grind". I saw some interesting pictures of the starters from red, blue and green, and I think that was how they got into my dream. I had a grass type, maybe venusaur, i was about to give two hold items to. Then i was like, wait, two hold items? I didn't give the Pokemon the items because I didn't want to lose them if the Pokemon fainted. (Different game mechanics. ) I walked from this one part off to the right side of the map where there was tall grass. I walked into the tall grass, seeing myself from above, like in the game, but then decided to press start and open the start menu. I took a few steps as the start menu was opening and a battle began. I tried to open the start menu as the battle was beginning but it wouldn't work. The game was telling me that a wild Jolteon and Magnemite had appeared, and I was prompted to choose which ability my Charmander would use. I forgot who my other Pokemon was, but Charmander was on the left, accross from magnemite, and my other Pokemon was accross from Jolteon. One of Charmanders abilities was called Magnetism, which meant that if a steel or electric Pokemon attacked him, he could attack again right after, even in the same turn. There were rectangular menus like in the game boy games. What the game called "Magnemite" turned out to be a squid type of thing, and this made me kind of do a double take. I could also see another Pokemon way off to the right of the map, as if it were in the battle too, but just from afar. So my Charmander attacked the "Magnemite Squid" and then the Magnemite Squid attacked my Charmander. I felt scared that my Charmander would lose the battle. Actually since the beginning of the battle I was afraid I would lose because I only had one leveled up Pokemon and the rest were there for E X P Share, so I was not prepared for a double battle. But, Charmander was able to attack Magnemite for a second time with its ability, and Magnemite was knocked out. I forgot the rest of that part.

      From the same map, it kind of transitioned more to the right and I was in some kind of Spongebob town. This part seemed like a very sort of blurry or foggy dream, not so solid like the others, but still vivid in a way. There was this guy we were calling a scrub which was actually more like one of the towns people of Bikini Bottom in Sponge Bob, the fish people with the big lips. We had done something like blown its face off and killed it because it was this scary monster called a Scrub. This was from its front door while it was in its house? Then we turned around and behind us was this mummy thing. I think it happened twice. We were telling the mummy thing that we killed the "Scrub" but it was saying that "Scrub" is me! So it went inside its house and we were talking to it some more or something. It was at a sink to the right and its bed had pink blankets, right in front of the front door.

      Then, a wall of white text on a black back ground appeared. I was reading it and it seemed to contain all of my dreams, fully written already. I was amazed because it seemed to contain some dreams I forgot, so I was thinking this "script" of my dreams already existed somewhere, and I could do as much dream recall as I wanted on my own, but I would always have the "full script" of my dreams to compare it to. There was some mention of Mario which I did not dream about. I thought I was already awake.

      Then i woke up physically and realized I had just had more dreams. They came to my mind without much difficulty, and then I thought through the previous dreams I had fallen back asleep before writing, recovering some of those memories, too.

      I think I forgot a part before the Pokemon scene but not sure.

      Round 3 of dreams.
      "Indoor Baseball" / "Lucid without control. "

      The first thing I remember is driving in a car with Will Ferrell and some other guy. They were doing some Lonely Island kind of rap, like one of those gangster raps but with the silly lyrics. I remember a part where I was driving a car, and it was hot outside. I put the air conditioner on, but had the windows wide open, and it still cooled down the car a lot. I was kind of worried that this was wasting energy. Will Ferrell was wearing a blue suit and he was to my left. It had blue and light blue on the suit.

      Then my Dad and my two Uncles who live nearby were all at my house and so was my sister. Everyone was drinking alcohol. We were then standing or sitting all facing the corner of this room which was ten square feet of space at the most. But we were going to play baseball. The bases were maybe each 5 to 8 feet apart. My Uncle was up to bat and I was wondering where he was going to hit the ball to. One door was open to his left, but I doubted he could aim the ball to get out through that door. So I was imagining that the ball was going to smash a window or make a huge dent in the wall. My Dad seemed to be okay with it though, like he would patch up the hole before our lease was up. I don't remember if anyone actually pitched or hit the ball, but I just remember feeling nervous. I was next up to bat. It might have been a competition between me and my uncle. Actually I wrote that I missed the baseball so maybe I was up to bat and missed the ball. I was thinking that if I did hit the ball, I would just do a "bunt" and then walk the bases, so I didn't damage anything.

      I walked around the side of the stairs and saw a silver and light brown spider walking accross the floor. It had a gigantic abdomen. It reminded me of this hair ball that's been on our stair case for a while now that every time I see it, I think it is a spider. So in the dream, I looked, did a double take, saw if it was a hair ball, but then, it turned out it was a spider! I just let it carry on with its walk, but I kind of wondered if it would creep up and crawl on me one day.

      So then I was at the counter drinking from a glass of yellowy beer. I drank like the first three quarters of it, and then I noticed I was thinking I felt like a different person. Then I noticed on a deeper level that it was more psychological. Really, I was always this person, but it was just that I trained myself to only let it out when I drank? So then I stopped drinking because I realized I don't need alcohol for me to be who I want to be. (I haven't had a drink since 2/1/2014. ) My sister was in that scene and also drinking alcohol.

      I don't know if anything else happened, but I woke up from all those, and thought through it. Then I fell back asleep.

      In the next dream I was sharing a room with my friend Ryan. I only remember it vaguely, but he was saying that I stay in too much. There was a big rectangular hamper and I was pouring urine on top of my clothes thinking I would be washing them soon anyway. I had some misgivings about pouring the urine on there but decided to go ahead and pour it in. I was working on some writing, maybe a dream journal entry, but I don't remember that.

      There was also something about something at a beach. maybe with kites or walking along the shore, but I don't remember anything else about it clearly.

      Okay so then there was something on the rooftop of a brick building. And it was like one of those dreams where I am seeing it from the outside, like watching a T V show sort of. Somehow I noticed that this was a dream. Spongebob was on the show and there were some other graphics that were kind of exciting. While watching this, I realized I was lucidly aware, but had no sense of being able to control anything within the "dream screen". But I felt very happy because the "dream show" was giving me good vibes. So I thought of those cat videos I saw where the cat is sort of twitching in its sleep, as if it is dreaming. From within the dream, I imagined twitching my physical body this way and having a big bright smile on my physical face as it slept. I felt my body do this but it may have been a non physical body rather than a physical body. Something scary might have happened at some point like a dragon came on the screen. I couldn't remember a lot of the images from that part but I just remembered brick building roof top, sponge bob and maybe patrick star.

      I woke up from that and thought through all those dreams some more, first the most recent, then going back over the previous round to be sure I hadn't lost them.

      As I did that, I fell back to sleep and dreamed more about the Lonely island rap I had already dreamed about. Sometimes that happens to me because I am thinking about a dream memory with so much concentration and focus, in order to remember it, that if I fall back to sleep, I dream about that same thing. It was like the same guys in a pick up truck but I don't remember it very clearly.

      Round 4 of Dreams.
      "Surfing and Flying LD" / "Pickpocketing Leprechaun" / "Late for family meal. "

      It seemed that in this round of dreams there were some continuations of previous dreams.

      I have a vague memory of being with my Dad in my Nana's room. he was standing where she keeps the T V in waking life and I was by the marble table. My Dad was saying something and I was trying to tell him the main problem was workaholism, but I accidentally slipped and said something like circaholism or circumcision is the main problem. When I thought about it, I realized that verbal slip actually reveals more of the truth, since when so many males are traumatized with the horror of circumcision at birth, they will develop workaholism among many other problems. But I think I tried to correct myself within the dream, and accidentally said circumcision trauma that time, too. I don't remember anything else from that part.

      The next part I remember is my sister was setting up for something inside. Maybe another baseball game? There was more scenes with Dad and my Uncles from the previous dream. This time, there was food being prepared. My sister and aunt and other relatives were looking for me, I think calling my name, but I was stuck in the basement. I could hear them calling for me, but I could not reply. My voice wouldn't travel up the stairs. Rivers of water kept being poured down over the stairs past me to the floor of the basement. It didn't really feel like a drowning dream or anything, it was just more of a mild thing with water. But I did feel it was perhaps tragic that I was right there in the basement, trying to get up, but they must have felt like I abandoned them.

      I don't remember what happened but next thing I remember I was up the stairs. My relatives were all serving food at some kind of banquet. I think I ate some and it tasted good. Maybe some pasta and cheese thing or ice cream was the closest I could remember to what food it was. It was day time outside and we were all eating out there.

      So then I was sitting with my Nana or another older relative. But then I was seeing a view point from behind this relative where this little leprechaun or Mario like character was pick pocketing my relative and then plucking various pieces of gold and jewelry off their clothes and hair without them noticing. Then, the dream kind of showed this little gnome type of character running around the house, stealing different valuable things. Then, everyone was chasing after him, angry at him, and searching all over the house to find him. The dream showed the little guy finding a hiding place while some men passed by looking for him, then he moved to hide in some storage bin while they passed by another way. Then, I came back into having a "dream body" in the same room as him. I knew he was in this blue storage bin with some wooden rods in it, but I had compassion for him. I didn't want him to be hurt and punished. So my intent was to move the box he was in into the closet so he could hide in the closet instead of being crammed into one tiny box. I was trying to protect him. As I was moving the blue bin, my friends Carlos and Omar came into the room, looking for the guy who was hiding there. He was staying perfectly still in this plastic bag within the bin. Then, the bin morphed into my black airport luggage with no one noticing. They asked what was in there, or did I find the guy in there, and I said, no, it is just all my own stuff. In it was my fraternity paddle, a funny samurai knife and sword thing and some other wooden objects. (Funny because I just unearthed those objects the other day while looking through the basement. ) I pulled out a wooden brush and felt like, oh, no that belongs to Carlos. Sure enough, Carlos said that it was his brush, so I was kind of like, oops, sorry, you can have it. There was also some kind of wooden music player that was cylindrical. Carlos was going to pay me four dollars for me to return his brush to him, but I was like, it is your brush, I should be paying you for it. The wood had red lettering on it like in waking life. The bristles were pointy and black.

      Then, I woke up and laid there, thinking through the dream. Just when I had formed some solid memories of them, I felt the tingles return and my limbs get heavy, so sleep paralysis was setting in again. Sleep paralysis was really cooperating very well with me on this night. It was like within 10 minutes of laying down and not moving, I would feel everything get heavy, and I would know sleep was right around the corner. It was nice to have that happen instead of all the fidgeting I sometimes have gotten.

      I don't think it was a true WILD but I regained consciousness within this next dream fairly early on. It began with a music video of some guys flying around at a beach, rapping or singing lyrics to a song. The words appeared as captions on the bottom of the screen and I followed along with the captions, hoping to remember them when I woke up. The captions had different colors like blue or gold or tan around them. It reminded me of the captions on a recent Stephen LaBerge lecture I watched and maybe that's why it appeared in my dream that way. As I followed along with the words, which by the way I remembered none of upon awakening, I realized this was a dream. The idea of people rapping had continued throughout the night so that might have been partly why. Then, I noticed I was watching this on a phone, laying on my side, the same side I was sleeping on in physical world, and I could see light on in my room behind the phone screen. I started to think I would be able to put down the phone and go do something, but I was afraid to move and wake myself up physically, so i just kept watching. Then, I was actually at the beach floating there with them, still seeing the same music video. After a few moments of this I felt ready to start moving my dream body, and I flew towards these sand dunes which were shaped like a skate boarding half pipe. I sort of surfed along the curves of the half pipe thing and got stuck mid way because it was just sand. But that started my sensation of surfing or "boarding" around.

      I almost just kept watching the music video, but I realized that I could passively watch music videos all day. But that might not be as cool as going out and engaging "life" or in this case the dream. So it was kind of empowering to be able to be active instead of passive.

      I continued "surf boarding" to the edge of the sand and then over this ice which had frozen over the dark water. Once I got to the edge of the ice, i was flying through the air. The sky was dark but things were dimly illuminated. I saw a guy in midair and flew straight into him, kind of on purpose, not sure why though. We bounced off each other harmlessly and talked about how cool it was to be flying here. He was a somewhat heavy African American guy, maybe my age. I thought it might be social to ask him his name, and he said Adrian. Then I saw my friend Tom from college down by the water's surface, and I shouted down, "Tom, is the water dangerous?" He said, "No, the water is totally safe!" I was totally reassured and completely trusted him. Then he looked more like my friend Amelio, and then he turned into a navy blue silhouette with white glowing rings all over it, within the silhouette, not around it. I wanted to go in the water but didn't end up doing that. Then I was flying near the top of a tall book shelf with Adrian and one of the book covers said, "How certain kinds of media make us not like our noses," Which I thought was interesting. the book cover had red on it and a cartoon of a guy in black ink drawing. I understood the intent of the book to be to communicate how when people watch too much T V or celebrity stuff, they feel inferior, such as not liking their own nose any more. I thought that was some good dream wisdom. Not to compare myself to others and not to consume a lot of mass media or look at celebrities or photos of people a lot because that is where the comparing can start.

      I thought to see if I could play a Dream Theater song within the dream, but sort of shot down my own idea. in hindsight, that would have been really cool, to try to hear a song I like in waking life, within my lucid, dream.
      (Note to self #2*. )

      I guess I flew around a little more or observed some more stuff and then woke up. I forgot the exact moment I woke up. I was able to think it through very clearly though.

      Round of 5 sleep.
      I went back to bed, hoping for one last round of dreams. Maybe even some lucidly aware dreams after my last little taste of lucidity in round 4. But, when I awoke, I had no memory of any dreams. I tried to sleep again after that, but could not get back to sleep. It was 7 A M and sunny already so usually I can't sleep much past sun up. It was a good night of dreams though and glad to be done typing it up in full.

      I know my D J entries are pretty long so I might try to come up with some way to highlight what I would want people to read if they only wanted to read 25%.
    8. March 26th 2015 LD#300 is a WILD! I am so happy!

      by , 03-26-2015 at 08:15 PM
      Thu, 26 Mar 2015:
      *** short LD x2 + WILD=No.300!!!! 1030pm quick bts@1240am wbtb recording dream only but took at while @420am (5h50) first awakening @1240 had some vague recall of ideas. Decided not enough to use for bts visualizing and didn't record.

      420am wake from an "I was just there" dream. Facility similar to SD in C(25 minutes W NW) or one of my past workplaces. End with helping special needs adult who was with C from work section near mailroom and a little girl. Actually before the facility we are in a store like Target or Kmart and I'm there with I think my #Dad and #Brother. My brother is pushing a shopping cart also and a little fast and draws the attention of a manager that is up on a platform about 1 story higher. I notice this and motion like I am telling my brother to act right and get the manager to back off.

      This transitions shortly after to me driving outside the aforementioned facility and was going to park in front of the main entrance and use my badge to get something I forgot inside. I don't want that manager guy (mixing the work facility with the store) to come though so I look for another place to park more out sight and get further from entrance trying to find an actual parking spot almost parking in an area that was painted off with gray border that I decided meant "no parking."

      Eventually park to the left of there and I think I hear employees coming out at the end of their shift. I think about heading to my car but they will wonder why i am out here. Now I need to hide behind a crop of shrubs and small trees on a small hill above the parking area and there is a trail off to my left that I later realize has a fork that runs right behind me as well. At first it looks like some will walk towards the couple of cars in the lot below and others off to my left walking towards perhaps the train station but cut over to the fork towards me and see my feet sticking out from my hiding spot as I lay belly down on the ground looking around at where everyone is heading. When they find me it seems both groups have converged on me and I'm discovered and get up. My story is that I was going to surprise someone. "Who?" They ask like they are interested in who has a secret admirer or something. "It depends on who came by" being vague or secretive they might figure.

      Talking with the ladies, I see an ID picture of C (mentioned at beginning) and this transitions to me indoors with her a little older and a little girl maybe 5 and a special needs adult. C asks the little girl to come with her while she goes to the bathroom outside(?) in case she needs to call for help and I tell the little girl who looks maybe half Black and Hispanic "yes just come back here and knock on the door like so and I can help." During this I am having a bit of a challenge keeping the special needs person from falling over holding onto him(?) as he leans various ways but mostly backwards while he is putting on his shoes or something. 5am finish typing on my phone (quieter). time flew by though.

      ***League game, Mom, DEILD

      I'm getting ready for a game and the game before us that seems to have implications on who we might play in the playoffs. it seems the underdog won tonight...could affect our playoffs. Oh no I think I'm not fully suited up yet and I look up and some guys are playing Basketball and my teammates are all gone and I realize that I'm dreaming. I float up a little bit in the gymnasium before waking up. On waking this reminds me to check status of playoffs and related email when i get up later. 298

      I'm in the car with my mom who's driving and the road looks a little strange as I look closer it looks like the road has been taken out by some disaster but there's still a strip of it left and I ask my mom if we are sleeping and then I realize yes this is just a dream. I float up out of the car a bit before waking. 299

      Yesterday I was thinking how I have shortchanged my LD count in the past whenever I had a really short LD often not counting them but I decided that was not right…so I counted those last two but will not make any adjustments to past counting…too much trouble and probably not very significant.

      Trying to get in a super comfortable position after my wife leaves and has set the alarm I am determined to get back to lucid dreaming and hold on to it for number three hundred! Not a super impressive lucid dream but it was much longer than those last two and I achieved my first WILD in a little while! (FM and CL if reading: still no G yet, only apple juice but may try soon). I am very happy with how my overall wild transition went seemingly never losing consciousness as well. I was getting significant HI's (just imagery). Even reposition myself somewhat slightly and get back to the HI's. In the sequence that led to the dream entry it started with a white shape, somewhat complex, on a black background. It was like a morphing white circle with some gashes cut into it mostly along the right and bottom making the white parts in that section look like curved knives. Mentally reminded myself to only observe it passively but in retrospect I think I was already fully in a dream based on the next sequence and the stability of the white on black HI.

      In the next sequence I am looking at a movie screen size and shaped image forming in front of me taking up most of my field of view with just blackness on the edges, formed from the previous white circle on black, and I start to get imagery that I thought was coming from my waking life eyes of the wall that I'm facing towards, from my position in bed...but I see that if I keep my eyes just a sliver open that I can continue to see the imagery and block out the view from my room. this was all part of the dream however because I realized that I'm still wearing my sleep mask and I would not be able to see the wall in my room at all.

      I come more and more into the image and eventually I'm fully in the scene but it is not clear yet. I stay patient and before long I am in a beautiful sunny daytime scene with green grass and houses and a wall nearby that I go for, to rub on the cement wall to stabilize the visuals. It works. I float up a little bit but then I decide to land.

      There are a lot of people around now and I'm checking out the DC's. I walk up to one group and at first they look at me curiously but then look absolutely terrified and run off! This is not something I've seen since purposely trying to scare DC's. Interesting. I see more people whose path I'm going to cross and as we approach each other the same thing happens, they look terrified!

      I see a restaurant whose whole front wall is all big glass windows, so you can see inside and it looks like it is full, hosting a busy party with DJ lights despite being daytime outside it looks a little darker in there. It has an interesting symbol on the outside that gives me the impression that it is Asian Restaurant of some kind. I make my way towards the restaurant passing a few other terrified groups of DC's and I stand outside the door thinking about what I want to do next and I decide to go in, it could be interesting. As I go in the visuals start to fade but I remain calm and I can still make out shapes of people moving around and eventually decide to walk back outside the restaurant and observe from the outside where had no issues.

      Eventually I got down on the ground laying on my stomach with my head propped up on both my hands, my elbows on the ground and just watched what was going on around me in wonder. After a while I could feel a little pressure on my left shoulder and was feeling like it was my waking life shoulder tired from laying on my side but I was able to shift back to my dream body and feel myself completely off of that sore shoulder and back on my stomach with my head propped up by my two hands, elbows on the ground which was a weird shift in orientation from side laying to a more upright straight on forward position.
      Eventually focus shifted back to my sleeping body and my shoulder who wanted me to turn over into a more comfortable position and I transition completely to my waking body and woke up smiling big and turned over to my other side! No.300

      Side notes: RC's had more impact yesterday after the LD where I almost couldn't believe I was dreaming and felt totally awake. I did drink 6oz of apple juice this night a little after 9pm, after one night off from apple juice and 10 days or more off before the two nights before that. AJ always seems to help with vividness and putting me "there." This is also the 3rd night in a row with LD's and 3rd night in a row where my only focus during wbtb was on recall. Upon btb I am only visualizing becoming lucid in the previous dreams. No mantras or SSILD. I have also been better about checking off any daytime worries or thoughts quickly and getting back to dreamy thoughts.
    9. Singing Girl

      by , 04-11-2011 at 07:08 AM
      This was a really long dream but I will shorten it by glossing over the chaotic parts in the beginning.

      I was driving in a car with some people I thought I knew. The car goes onto a ferry boat which disembarks. I run around ship but there is nothing interesting to see. Then a guy jumps overboard to swim but the currents are too strong and he is thrown a strange life preserver, it is like a eyeglass case about 10 feet long. He opens it and there is a bed in it that he gets into but this bed is actually a control for the life raft which has a motor and he steers it back to the boat!
      I go down to the water to see him then I see that the ship is way up in the air and they are lowering it down into the water, which will be on top of me. I grab a rope and keep pulling it down to me as the boat comes down so, since the rope connects to the side of the ship, it pulls me to the side as well. The ferry still pushes me under water but I don’t panic and swim the small distance under water to the surface. [I remember having this dream before but I panicked and felt like I was drowning and woke up]

      Then I was in a museum like place and there was a woman museum guide who was getting everyone’s attention as she explained the globe she was holding. There were maybe 300 people all milling around this second story balcony, all very busy. I felt partially lucid, I knew it was a dream but was still mentally captured by the dream. I looked at everything taking it all in and thought it should be interesting to hear what the museum guide was going to say. Then a woman burst out of the crowd and ran up to the guide “then what’s this ball, what’s this???” I thought she was talking about the globe the guide was holding but then the mad woman held up a hand sized ball with a little blue cube in it. The guide was flabbergasted and confused at this woman’s nuttiness, “Well,… what’s this?!” I ran up to her and took her ball and ran over to this balcony’s banister and jump up on it and jumped out in to air! I slowly flew in the air and said back to the crazy woman “maybe it’s so you can fly!” insinuating that it gave me superpowers. I looked back to see the crazy woman running after me but since she couldn’t fly so she had to run around through the areas that she could and then down a long staircase to the ground floor which is where I landed. I held it out to her and she snatched it away but then couldn’t fly and felt sad with a big sad face. I felt bad that I had caused her to feel heartbroken even though I had hoped to help.

      I went up the stairs and walked in a door and inside it seemed like a hotel hallway, so being omnipotent I whatever I wanted walk in a random door. I feel the presence of the last person in here and even got a flash of her appearance but she is not in here and this confuses me. Then I realized I was just getting her essence not her. I saw her luggage and even her purse. A thought popped up ‘PURSE, MONEY’, “you silly thought this is a nonphysical place and even if it wasn’t I wouldn’t steal her money!”

      I go back out into the hallway only to get somewhat bored, ‘they’re all rooms so who cares?’ I go into an elevator shaft cuz I can after I make the doors open and fly down to the next floor. Arriving on the bottom floor the doors open and people are shocked as I walk out with no elevator to support me. I pay them no mind. I go to an area with lines waiting for stuff and see a guy, in his 50’s white with gray hair, who looked like he knew what he was doing and thought that has to be how I I should be. So I decide I will help people. I walk into a door and it opens up to the outdoors onto a disaster area motel where the motel is covered in mud and debris of houses and trees. “How can I help here?” :: I am in a room broken open to the outdoors but across the way to my left I see a room with people moving in it and fly over to it and go in through the sliding glass doors. The people don’t even seem to notice me. There is a boy playing a video game on the TV and guy hurriedly packing rushing back and forth but not noticing me at all. I walk out to the balcony on the other side of the room.

      Once outside I see a girl on a rooftop of a pagoda. She is not scared so I think maybe she is like me so I fly over to her and gently land on the old wooden shingled roof, amazed at the detail of it. I see she is a light skinned Afro-American girl with a an 80’s hairstyle and clothes, at about 17 to 19 years old. We exchange pleasantries and she starts to tell me about something having to do with being disappointed by a father figure in her life. I get flashes of pictures of the guy she is talking about as she talks and they are coupled with good feelings so I have to stop thinking he mistreated her somehow. I am feeling her radiation and how friendly and open she is and am amazed at how good this feels, most dreamers are so closed. I try to say “yes” and “um hum” at just the right moments while still enjoying this exchange. She feels better for telling me her story and realizes also that I am not paying attention too much to her story. There is an awkward silence “Hum” she says then starts singing! She sings something from the radio, I think it may have been “In Your Eyes.” I thought she was singing about me but there was no love out of her radiation but instead I could feel she meant it to mean that she is trying to live up standards in her life but not really sure she what he, the male father figure, sees in his eyes. I never had a person in a dream sing to me before and liked it a lot. She stopped abruptly and said, “I have to catch Andy!” and flew off the rooftop! I guessed she thought she needed to catch the Andy Griffith Show.

      Updated 04-15-2011 at 04:19 AM by 36469

    10. July 9, 2010

      by , 07-10-2010 at 06:43 PM (Whirlwind of Dreams)
      Starcraft 2 + SupCom Mix:
      I was playing what I thought was Starcraft 2, although, nothing was pointing to that. It seemed a lot like SupCom. I was able to zoom in and out and the terrain in the game was a red color similar to the starting maps in SupCom. I was taking control of two races, zerg and protoss. I am not sure what race the computer was. I had two lines of defense, first was the zerg line and almost behind it was the protoss one. I was thinking along the lines of "they won't be able to break through easily". Due to my dismay, they did. As they attacked, they were overpowering my defenses and breaking through easily using their numbers. I noticed this and decided to send what appeared to be a tank. I was planning to use its special abilites which would be some lighting attack or possibly fire and would do splash damage which would work wonders in destroying some of their units. I got close and activated it but forgot, if you want to call it that, that I have to wait a certain amount of time so that it can be used. As the time neared halfway, it was within the enemy's range and was getting bombarded pretty badly. It's health bar quickly dropped from green to yellow halfway through to red before it possibly exploded. I had more of this unit, so, it wasn't a special one but I didn't use them for some reason. I was almost completely wiped me out. The only remnants left was a couple of zerlings near one of their structures and likely some more units a couple of places over the map. How they managed to miss them, I have no clue.

      Helping out:
      All I can recall is asking my mom if she needed any help in the kitchen.

      Thoughts: That game dream was pretty nice. It would have been nicer if I was in control of it though. Imagine directing 100s or 1000s of units to attack a specific location. That would be something that can't be done in any of those games due to a control limit that is put in place. Would be nice to have more of these dreams with some control of course