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    1. September 14, 2024 9:15 am

      by , 09-14-2024 at 08:55 AM
      I returned to high school for some reason to get my HAVO (Dutch high school VET level) diploma. At the school in question my colleagues from work are students and they just came up with a new snack where they put chewing gum into square cake forms with sprinkles, making sweet gum cubes. My friend and I were auditioning a girl for a performance video. One was well prepared whereas the other wasn't, but neither was I as I told her we'd have an extra audition round if necessary to calm her nerves before turning to my friend who told me we didn't, I accidentally cast the unprepared girl from earlier as they were both blonde Dutch girls with blue eyes and I couldn't tell them apart oops! I was living with a high school friend from Syria in a house by the canal in a Dutch city, although it might've been Giethoorn with city architecture too, we were extras in some finale episode of a sitcom, something adjacent to The Big Bang Theory or something as it was Chuck Lorre esque. My friend talks about being interested in studying architecture after we get our HAVO diploma and he mentioned the school he wanted to go to no longer being in French as he wanted to go to an international architecture school. We leave our house which for some reason was built right against the canal meaning you had to jump over the water to get to the other side. I instead run towards the left via the grass and crossed the water at a better place. My friend finds it amusing and we notice our upstairs neighbors, who are Nigerians from London, giggling, getting outside to replace the digital camera on a tripod that was at the front door, possibly filming us. It was one of the last days of my friends and I living together. I explain to my mom how the smart TV works, showing the search function. As I return to the previous menu so she can try herself, we notice this abstract interactive wallpaper of a camera scrolling past a river with a painted background, moving to the left. I then try to go to the search menu from earlier, but it just moves to the right instead. As we follow the river, we notice the background paintings changing, with the seems being noticeable as they cover a window, preventing it from opening. As we continue moving through a poolrooms esque hall of water in an indoor pool, we notice a character waving at us to throw merch shirts at us while questioning why she does this job before realising her monologue is distracting, a Josh Radnor looking character then interrupts her because of this as she throws a shirt at us as we just realised were walking through the water in our regular clothes. We finally reach the end and return to our home with a dead goldfish. We are taking about how that segment felt more like a finale than whatever scene we hadn't filmed yet. We go into the water segment one more time as I hear knocking on the pool windows, I wake up because of it.
    2. March 27, 2023 8:12 pm

      by , 03-27-2023 at 07:33 PM
      Another nap dream which was longer than needed because I had two hours of sleep today and set an alarm for the nap, but fell back asleep. Glad I got my eight hours sleep anyways

      In my dream I spontaneously traveled to the Netherlands to go to the cinema with my best friends from high school (coincidentally asked me to go to the film today) we get to the cinema and joke around, there's this goth-alt looking woman who looks like a woman I worked with before at a tech festival as well as the woman who works at a bar in Berlin who's slightly disturbed and annoyed by our behaviour and takes me out of the group because she trusts me the most. We go to a private room and she tells me she's giving me access to the projectors in the building which are big television screens with her face on it, I get to access them when her eyes on the photo are at a certain position. I get on my phone and edit the settings of the projection, having access to a bunch of trip-hop music videos she's made.

      I walk back to my friends with a smug look on my face as if the woman took me to a room alone with her to make love to her, my friends all walk up to me like "What did you do???" before my friends are being brought home by a parent, around this time I got a bit aware that things weren't adding up as 1) my friends can drive and 2) it suddenly hit me that I traveled to the Netherlands from Berlin with lord knows what money and had no idea how to travel back. I go to my family home in the Netherlands where my mom meets me normally as if I still lived there saying "Where did you go??"

      Then moments before I woke up a "scene selection" screen appeared before my eyes that looked like like this:

      • -----
      • -----
      • cinema kino
      • family home zuhause
      • -----
      • -----

      As if I hadn't "unlocked" the other locations
      I then suddenly woke up and wrote all of this down here, that scene selection screen unironically is making me wonder if maybe we really are living in a simulation or matrix as it seemed like I was placed in a scenario, which I technically was lol

      Dream was in Dutch.

      Edit: this is what the "scene selection" screen looked like:
    3. New Christmas Show and Acid in the Face

      by , 06-11-2014 at 09:04 PM
      01-03-2014 -- I find myself in a nice mall somewhere, wandering around, looking at shops. Everything is still done up for the Christmas holidays, even though it is now a week-and-a-half after Christmas, and I soon find myself approaching an ice skating rink that has been created in the middle of the mall, inspired by something I recently saw on TV or in a movie probably (almost certainly something taking place in New York at Rockefeller Center.)

      Then somehow it is the first day of a new Christmas stage show being put on at Videopolis, which Disney seems to have rebuilt. Though I am not sure how, I am here, and it is early in the morning. I can see a sort of dress rehearsal going on, and I have no idea why I am here, since it is something like 5:30 in the morning, and the park doesn't even open until seven, with the first performance being at 7:30. I find myself standing around and thinking about it for a while, and am just staring to wonder if I should go home and try to see the show later or something, when I find there are people wandering around me.

      Seems it is now after seven, and they are almost ready for the show. Security drops the chains so we can go down to get seats, but somehow I am not right there, and as I make my way down to the seats all the front row seats are taken up. I am running back and forth in the first and second rows trying to find a seat, and finally one seems to open up in the second row, but right after I sit down, some woman comes up yelling for me to get out of her seat. It turns out her father, sitting in the seat next to me was supposed to be saving the seat, but he fell asleep.

      I start scrambling for a seat, but the place is filling up so fast that every section I get to has just been seated, and I soon find myself standing in the very back, right by the Yumz snack bar, trying to find a place I can stand and see the show, but I am standing behind a big support pillar, so even now I can't see very much. The show starts, and it is being performed mostly by the people from the Adventurers Club or people related to it. I see Karl, Philip, Anne, Greg Triggs (Comedy Warehouse) and (oddly out of place) the Brigadier's daughter from the seventh season of the new Doctor Who series acting as the stage manager. For some reason, though I was on good terms with almost all of them except Anne in the past, now they all seem to be mad at me.

      Greg has slid across on a rope (as part of the show) to the area I am standing in, and then proceeds to make me a part of the show, but in the most offensive, obnoxious, and hateful way he can, and I know Disney would not allow them to do this with the average guest, and I can't get why he thinks he can get away with this with me, or where all this hate has come from. He is constantly insulting me, and also sprays acid on my face, so I am rolling around on the ground as my eyes burn, and he is even making fun of the way I roll around.

      For some reason, though this is a Christmas show, it is only opening today, January 3rd, on the last day of the Christmas holiday. It is also the last day that my annual pass is good for, so this is the only time I can see the show, but I am so mad at the way I have been treated by Greg, I start to just stomp out of the area and decide to go home and forget the damn show! But as I start to walk out of the show, it has just ended, and everybody else is walking out, as well.

      I hear a voice calling my name, and find myself facing Amy F (a friend I knew in high school) and her new husband. They ask why I seem so upset, and I explain as we walk the parade route from Small World toward the Matterhorn, and they are also horrified about how I have been treated. Amy feels she needs to use the restroom, but can only seem to find the men's room. I point out how the door to the women's room is just a little further along, probably because it is located right behind the men's room with doors to either side of the men's room doors, making it a longer restroom since they have to have all stalls, rather than some stalls and some urinals. There was also a moment where we found ourselves back near the stage, and a large black woman on a strange cross between a wheelchair and a gurney ends up rolling down a flight of steps until we manage to stop her. Odd stuff.

      Somehow it is suddenly the next day. Amy and her husband are gone, and I am back at Videopolis, though I don't know how. The performers are getting ready to do the show again, even though the Christmas season ended yesterday, and somehow I am backstage, half-invisible, hanging on some sort of a long silk pennant (like the ones they spun and climbed in Circus Fantasy), where nobody can see me, just kind of watching what was going on.

      Somebody spots me, I think it is Greg, and they all start to chase me around backstage, until I warn them that I will get legal representation, and sue them for the acid in the face, and Greg is trying to act like it is no big deal, until my lawyer (who I have never actually contacted) materializes a letter right in the hands of the Brig's daughter, who explains the Greg is in big trouble, and largely gives me the run of the place. Soon I am being given copies of pictures that others have taken of the show (kind of reversing past situations where I made pictures for the performers of shots I'd taken of them) and being given ever-larger rubies that somehow seem to be being grown during the show. Meanwhile, my lawyers letters about how much trouble Disney is going to be in are oddly warping into letters explaining how some accounting firm would be very wise to hire me to work for them, which makes no sense in any way.

      Soon we are all walking out of the place, backstage, heading for the exit, and Greg still seems to be very mad that he wasn't able to get away with what he did to me, and as we are walking along a hillside he knocks my rubies out of my hands, and one of them falls down the hillside and into a sort of an electrical substation, except instead of being for electricity, it has a bunch of pipes with a trickle of green stuff leaking out of them. It seems to instead be a sort of acid substation. I am climbing down, weaving my way through pipes when I accidentally pull one loose, and small amounts of acid start spewing everywhere. Oddly, this is not actually too horrible, and just a minor inconvenience. But Greg does something which is going to cause the whole place to blow up (killing him and all his fellow performers as well as me) in his anger at me, except that me and a mechanic working in the area manage to avert catastrophe in part using the pipe that I broke.

      [Oddly enough, I barely know or recognize Greg, since he worked almost entirely in the Comedy Warehouse and I spent almost all my time at the Adventurers Club. He probably wouldn't know me at all. So why my dream made him the worst villain in this piece, I have no idea.]
    4. 5/9/14 - wanted to revisit a place from a past dream

      by , 05-09-2014 at 05:25 PM (Leaving the matrix)
      Dream Fragment: I'm at this school like info show with booths everywhere giving out pamphlets. Me and my friend from high school walk off away from other people we were hanging out with on the edge of the auditorium stage and walk to this building next door. I suddenly remember this place we went to from another dream and I remember how much I like that place and ask her if we could walk down the street to that building again, and she says naw. (It actually was a place from a past dream that I remembered in this dream, that happens a lot to me for some reason) I beg with her that we won't get caught leaving and how the escalators at that place was fun but she just stands and stairs with a disinterested look on her face.
    5. So close to WILD

      by , 12-19-2013 at 04:45 PM
      I woke up after about 3 hours of sleep, got up for 10 minutes. I focused on giving strong intent to WILD into the town of Denn for the duration. When I got back in bed, it only took me about 20 seconds from the time my head hit the pillow to a successful WILD. I first heard the vivid sound of a bubbling brook, I paired it with the image of an enormous door that looked kind of like this https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3622/...907fa617_z.jpg but it was closed and surrounded by mossy cobblestone. I was there, like I said, quite quickly. I got into the dream, I could touch the stone and the door, and then I had a split second of doubt where I thought to myself, "wow, could it really be that easy?" Then I woke up. Quite frustrating.

      This was a very long dream, and not that exciting, so I'll just give a quick summary. I was hanging out with old friends from high school, in their neighborhood. I wasn't welcome there because I lived somewhere else. I left, met Emma Roberts, she helped me get out of a locked stairway that was part of the neighborhood. I ended up hanging out with her and a few of her friends where they taught me the secrets of being a 'good boyfriend'. They called it the rites of initiation. We all went and had a discussion about the nature of music, harmony, order, sound, and emotion with Adam Levine.

      I also had a LD, but I can't remember it at all, except for the key words "police" and "exceeding limitations".
    6. bad dream recall

      by , 02-12-2013 at 09:21 PM
      had one dream but completely forgot it cause I was too lazy to write down in dream journal

      Second dream had just a few notes, something about being in a mall and I met up with some people that were on my high school cross country team, something about an elevator.

    7. The Quest to get back from Russia

      by , 08-01-2011 at 11:47 AM
      01-08-11 I am in Russia or an eastern European country. I have been forgotten and have to find my way back home. It is cold and we are going to have to find some sort of cover if we are to get back.

      A rubber ring appears with quite the amount of plastic coverings over it. We remove them and find a child or some sort of sentient animal we know under it. It is barely conscious, but alive. It would seem the plastic coverings has been enough to insulate it.

      We start discussing how to best get back home. Aidin wants to go North and take the Bering straight, though I point out that the last time we got stuck in Russia we had the same discussion and decided to get back home via the rivers.

      We settle for that solution and take out on the rubber ring under the plastic coverings. There is a lot of ice flakes on the sides of the rivers we travel, which would indicate spring time.

      The travelling is a minor part, reduced to something like a montage.

      Back home I speak to Aidin and try and establish if it really was him I got stuck in Russia with back in the days. I am not entirely sure myself if it actually happened or was just something I dreamt.

      He says that he remembers an experience like that and that it could have been me he shared it with.

      I later speak with AD and she confirms that I indeed did get lost when I was younger, in fact that experience and the quest to get back happened when I was 6 years old. This doesn't make sense to me. I am pleased to get a clear confirmation that it took place, but when I was 6 years old Aidin wasn't even in Denmark and I certainly didn't know him at this time.
    8. Deleted

      by , 02-28-2011 at 09:10 PM (Torra)

      Updated 11-06-2011 at 02:31 AM by 39215
