Odd Jobs: I'm approved on a trial-basis to work for one of my coworkers, N. The gig is 'odd jobs' such as carrying furniture for people, or giving rides home to drunk people from bars. I'm in a camp-like area with a central mess hall for group eating. It reminds me of band camp a little. White glove-like symbols are marked over doors, indicating potential jobs. There is a sense of secrecy to it. The other people in the work-group are mechanic-types and long-established in the work. I'm a new-comer and feel isolated, especially since I'm the only non-blue collar person involved. Standing in a parking lot area behind the mess hall, I get a text from N "you in? send a profile pic!" ... Later I'm in a park-like area. Mostly open grass, but a concrete structure within it. I'm inside the concrete, resting. It's a cylindrical shape so I can lie down. My hands are cold against it. My sister comes and finds me, now asleep. My perspective has shifted. I see myself sleeping with a smile on my face. ... Then I'm in a car, still with the perspective shift. My sister is taking me somewhere. ... I'm at my Great-Grandma's/Grandma M's condo. My brother and my sister are running a sort of party. My brother has set up some computer monitors, with one mirroring the other successfully. I'm somewhat impressed by this. Sleeping in the park.
Updated 02-13-2024 at 09:11 PM by 99808
Nostalgia Band: I'm in a highschool gym at indoor band practice. I'm a senior who will be graduating soon, so feeling nostalgic. I walk over to our saxophone cases and join the group. I feel the familiar rush of uncertainty. Where are we going? What are we doing? Gotta do it fast! ... I'm with the same group, this time outside. We have our instruments and backpacks. It's a grassy mountain hike, spiraly. I see PK, a senior from my 2nd year. He is talking about burying time-capsules for future years. There are already a lot of time capsules buried in the ground waiting to be opened. ... We're in a large, cylindrical, dimly lit room now. There are pictures of previous band members along the wall. My brother's picture gets pointed out. It is his picture from 1st or 2nd grade. Sunny Day Lucid: I'm in my childhood neighborhood on a sunny day. I'm running through the backyards, with the grass being typical vivid dream green. I have a sense of urgency to get somewhere soon. There are some horses up ahead, stabled at somebody's house. I'm on a garden path moving toward them. I try to leave the path to avoid alerting the horses, but I can't. I eventually pass by them without a problem. I stop and stand still, realizing that my childhood neighborhood and sunny days are some of my top dreamsigns. I perform a nose reality check and I can breathe. I check my hands and I have 4 fingers and a thumb. That's strange, shouldn't they be off in a dream? I keep checking my finger and nose, and eventually conclude that I must be dreaming. I try to summon somebody, but it doesn't work. I feel the dream start to fade.
Updated 02-12-2024 at 08:15 PM by 99808
Alternate Ride: My brother has been paralyzed or couch ridden for many years. I'm in a living room that reminds me of the Dursely's one from Harry Potter. But reversed. It's similar to how I pictured it during Dumbledore's visit from (I believe) the Half-Blood Prince. Book only scene. My brother is married, and his wife is on the couch next to him. But it isn't his waking life wife. My brother starts telling the story of why he isn't with K anymore. ... We're on a bus now, similar to the travel buses we would ride between competitions in high-school marching band. K is sitting behind my brother, holding a stuffed animal that he had given here. The dream indicates that they have already broken up at this point. K is trying to give the stuffed animal to my brother, but he is so frustrated with her that he won't accept it.
Updated 01-10-2024 at 03:40 PM by 99808
Went to bed around 11:30. The Hallway Theater I'm at my highschool between the P building and S building. It's snowing outside. I'm running late to English class. I'm concerned that I will be reprimanded for reading Harry Potter for my assignment because I have already read it. I reason that the choice is valid because my perspective will be different. I've gone through a lot of growth since the last time I've read it, political stance and puberty among those changes. ... I'm in an upstairs hallway that resembles S building, but it is much more narrow. Still running late to class. Hilary Clinton, wearing a blue suit, is power-walking behind me. I slow down and let her pass by, wanting to avoid an interaction. This tactic succeeds and I reach a dark section of the hallway. There are three rows of seats, split into two sections. It's some kind of Hallway Theater. My classmates are there so I sit down at the left section near the back. My friend D and a girl run by and I hear them say something indicating they are running late. "Ya'll need to get it together!" I say as they speed by. I get some laughs from the class for this. "Those are my best friends," I tell them, wanting to show I wasn't bullying random people. A couple people I was friends with in highschool (underclassmen from my senior year combination rackets class) S and possibly J, look back at me. I'm concerned that they are upset because I specified others as my 'best' friends, but they appear content. ... We're still in the Hallway Theater, but now there are VR headsets hanging from the ceiling. Classmates are putting them on so I do the same. There is a floating UI option for lives, and I set it to zero. It applies to the entire class. A pong game begins within a shared AR space, and somebody gets scored on. That person dies. Fear spreads and everyone starts taking the headsets off. Not wanting to allow anyone else to be killed by game, one person is ordered to keep playing so that nobody else gets scored on. ... Kris, Suzie, and Ralsei from Deltarune are in a VR-generated forest environment. The trees are massive and reach to the heavens. I'm playing this game as Kris. I think D and the girl may have been the other two. We are exploring as a team, and trying to eliminate other players. I set up an ambush and direct my team to sneak nearby. I creep my neck past a branch we are standing on and see two tanks. The tanks are the opposing players' avatars. I spring into action, and appropriate battle music plays. I transform into a woman in a military uniform wearing a beret and open fire on the tanks. Recorded around 8:30AM on waking.
The Transforming Mech-Wheelchair Man My brother is staying with me. He was sleeping in a guest room the night before and has cleaned it up respectfully. Then I'm in the same house, but working retail at a nerdy shop. Possibly downstairs or just a different room. A customer comes in and asks about seeing physical toys. He is a hobbyist. I show him some Star Wars helmets but that isn't what he is looking for. I take him somewhere else behind the front desk and there is a build-your-own robot setup. There is a tiny black mech-like robot that I am controlling with a remote. The mech changes into a small man in a small wheelchair but I don't notice the change. I'm still controlling it. The hobbyist is impressed. Fragment I'm in a high-school environment, in a classroom with about 20-30 desks facing a chalkboard. I'm taking part in a competition soon.
Updated 03-29-2023 at 05:39 PM by 99808