Party Memories: I'm at a wedding party, but I don't know whose it is. The party is being held at an outdoor venue, and it looks like a mixture of IM's (from the Tots) and MM's (from highschool) backyards. It's night-time, and there is a hot tub on my right. I see BY from highschool in a full suit, and wonder if he got the memo that this was supposed to be casual. There is a sliding door on the left, and it goes into the sitting room from my previous home. I set up an area there, sort of "my spot" where I can feel less socially awkward, and gather up the people I know at the party. ... I'm in a local bar called Cornish Pasty. I'm sitting at the bar with MW from highschool. We're sitting where I sat a few months back with JV in waking life. He's there because I am getting married soon. MW tells me that there might be something in the mail for me, implying he's bought one of the wedding registry items. I'm feeling awkward, looking for a conversation topic, when I remember that I was at his wedding party recently. I bring it up, and he remarks how drunk everybody was, and how we are all singing. I tell him I remember that, but I don't. Stuck: I'm waking up in my bed, and I remember that I had just returned to sleep from my 6hr/20m WBTB. I do a nose reality check and I can breathe. I'm dreaming. I'm in bed, but I can't move. I try to blink-teleport, imagining that if I can just change the dream scene I'll regain my movement naturally. So, I close my eyes and imagine a vast blue ocean. I open my eyes. Nothing changes, still stuck. The dream fades and I wake briefly. Loki and Oreo: I false awake into my bed again, knowing to reality check. I'm lucid again, but still can't move. This time I try something else. I imagine my old Doberman Loki (rest is peace, he was the best boy). The idea is that he will jostle the bed enough to kick my body into gear. I call for him "Loki! Are you here?" and he comes bounding into the bedroom and jumps into the bed. He, of course, lays down next to me because he always was a big lazy boy. He looks up at me, inquisitive as ever with his dopey eyes and large snoot. He looks so real. I laugh, and wonder if my girlfriend can hear me laughing in waking life (I asked later, she could not). My plan worked, when Loki jumped on me, that was enough to give me my movement back. I looked back down, and now Loki had changed into a different childhood pet. My longhair black and white cat, Oreo (also rest in peace, she was top-gangsta thug). I get out of bed and say "C'mon! Let's go!" and Oreo gracefully leaps off the bed to follow me. I see her characteristic "gangsta-prowl" as she moves and marvel at how well my brain is recreating my old pets. Finally I leave the bedroom and realize that I should stabilize the dream soon, worried that it might fade. The dream is a near-perfect recreation of my house, but it has blue hue to it. Otherwise, the best way I can describe it is "thin". I think to myself, maybe I am low on REM sleep. I start to narrate what I am doing as I do it "I'm walking in my hallway, I'm stabilizing the dream, I'm touching the walls..." It occurs to me that I need to spend less time in my own head, or the dream is going to fade. I make a concerted effort to engage with the environment, and not internalize too much. As is tradition at this point, I lick the wall to help stabilize. It tastes like wall. All this seems to help a bit, but I believe that I was simply low on REM, so the dream was going to be unstable no matter what. Then I remember that it was the last night of competition, and I had defined some goals. I recall my first goal of the three-step is to "summon" and then "ask for advice" so I go to summon Jordan Peterson. But wait, I changed my mind earlier on the plan. I struggle to remember, but then I do. During my WBTB 20 minutes, I decided instead that I would summon Daniel Love, because he would be able to assist me with a teleport. I start to imagine Daniel Love in my house. I call out to him "Daniel! Are you here? Daniel?" For a moment, no response. But then a head pops out from behind a door down the hallway on the right, where the bathroom is. "Yeah yeah I'm here!" he says, a bit flustered. But, before I can ask him for advice on teleporting, the dream fades out.
Updated 01-25-2024 at 03:55 PM by 99808
Learning to Drive: It's night and I'm leaving a game night at JM's (Tots) house. I'm with EP from highschool combination rackets. Her dad is coming to pick us up. The car is a beat up old Expedition. We sit in the back. ... We get to EP's home and it is a small condo/apartment. It's dirty as well. I see a large smartwatch adhered to the wall, meant to act as a regular wall-clock. There is a bag of fast food on the ground. It might have been Firehouse Subs. ... Later I'm downtown somewhere that reminds me of Las Vegas. I'm near a parking structure stairwell. My girlfriend's Dad is supposed to meet us at a restaurant soon. There is some sort of event related to car sustainability going on. ... I'm at my high-school parking lot. I've just bought a brand new car, but my Dad is in the driver's seat. I'm very annoyed that he is trying to drive it before I do, so I ask him to give up the spot to me. He does, but when I get in, I notice that he has only partially moved out of it. He is sitting in the passenger seat, but his left leg is still under the wheel. I'm struggling to fit in the driver's seat, and my Dad is struggling to fit in the passenger seat.
Went to bed at 11:00PM. Losing Again I'm in a large hall with tables. Similar to a banquet. It reminds me of the cafeteria where we got told we didn't make finals in highschool marching band nationals. Don't know what the competition in this dream is, though. I'm with my team. There is a girl I don't recognize. We are younger than the other team. We are watching the announcement on a TV. My team is represented on the left and the other on the right. It gets announced that we have lost the competition. Woke up at 6:45AM, feeling groggy.
Updated 10-25-2023 at 07:08 PM by 99808
Went to bed around 12:00AM. Another Reunion I'm with my friend R from highschool marching band. We are in an big gym, reminiscent of the one we used to sleep in during travel for competitions. I recall looking around and thinking about how real everything looks. R's jeans and the glossy wood floor are high in detail. But I don't reality check, despite being somewhat aware that this is an illusion. I ask R is he is going to the reunion. He says yes. We make our way down a hall, and end up in the S building auditorium. There is a screen on the stage, showing us going onto the stage as Freshmen. When I go to sit down there is a handicap section. I think about how as of recently I don't need that anymore (not exactly true, still in recovery). Obstacles I'm with my brother running away from something. It's night-time and we are on the sidewalk behind our childhood home. I'm ahead and I reach the entrance first. There is a brick section over the window where we need to get to. I start to pull at the bricks and I'm making an opening. I try to make it through but I can't fit. I get back at it and try to open it more. But not fast enough. My brother catches up and starts berating me for not getting the path open. I'm getting upset and scared. More bricks reappear. Woke up around 9:30AM.
Updated 10-10-2023 at 11:08 PM by 99808
Went to bed around 1AM. Fragment I'm at the airport. My Grandma P, Uncle J, and brother are there to pick me up. I'm angry with them about something and I storm away with my bag, outside, and across the street. Zones I'm at a football game at my highschool field. It's nighttime, under the lights. A cheerleader girl bumps a microphone boom on the sideline and apologizes. Initially I'm on some bleachers on the endzone side of the field. DTP. There's a football game on a screen, and I see the cheerleader bump the boom and apologize exactly the same way. I'm in a bar that looks like a Pizza Hut with my girlfriend and my friend J. J is having a rough time from too much weed. The bartender looks like Ryan Reynolds and he is making us a series of strong looking drinks. The bartender also lays out some joints and calls them 'enchiladas'. I realize that I need to be able to drive home so I take it easy. There's another guy here (seems to know the bartender), and I'm concerned that if I get sick, he will try to get with my girlfriend. All recorded on waking around 8:30AM.
Updated 10-09-2023 at 05:22 PM by 99808
Went to bed around 11:30PM. New Life I'm with my family at a hospital. I recall Grandma P and sister-in-law K in particular. There is a glass viewing case that has the newborn baby girl in it. The baby is "K Junior". I bring my Grandma P over to make sure she gets to see the baby, and she tells me she already has. We are rushing down a hall, and at the end of the hall there is a room similar to the small band room from high school. There is a group assembled here. My friend H is part of it. I think the subject of the dream has changed at this point. H has a new girlfriend and it is an exciting mystery about who it is. There are other members of our friend group there too. ... Later I'm rushing outside to a car. It's a downpour of rain. I'm carrying my saxophone case. My Dad is driving the car. He won't pop the trunk so I can't put it away. I'm frustrated because he won't help me. It seems he wants me to bring the saxophone case in the car with me. Recalled from earlier in the night. Random Dancing I'm at a dance studio. It resembles the one my girlfriend and I went to a few year back. I'm with my friend H again and we are in a line leading to the front desk. I'm nervous because I'm bad at dancing. There is a screen behind the desk and it has a randomized list revealing who will be dancing with who. H is paired with someone else, and I don't recall who my partner is. Recorded around 7AM. Axe-Steal I'm playing a Zelda game. It resembles Tears of the Kingdom. My girlfriend S is watching me play. We are in a lava-themed area. I'm currently fighting a tall monster. There is a new partner (similar to Navi, Tatl, KoRL, Midna, Fi etc) that has the ability to steal enemy weapons mid-strike. In a dramatic and exciting moment, I execute this ability just as the monster is thundering down a massive axe toward me. The axe gets a green glow (similar to how the ultra-hand works) and teleports to Link's hands. S thinks it is awesome. We're both excited about it. At that moment, the game slows down, and the background is red. The silhouette of Link holding the axe and the action lighting makes the moment all the more epic. I strike, the monster falls, I win. Recorded around 7AM.
Updated 09-23-2023 at 04:34 PM by 99808
Based on this and the last WBTB attempt, it seems like 6hr/10m might not be the optimal WBTB configuration for me. I think I'll stick to it for experiment #4 to finish out the original plan though. Went to bed at 11:30PM. Pre-WBTB Fragment I'm at the Darkmoon Faire from World of Warcraft. I'm playing as a Night Elf. I'm bragging to the other players around me about something. Recorded at 5:30AM. Near the end of sleep cycle 3. Scorpion Trap I'm at some sort of manor, and I'm together with my ex-girlfriend H. I find it strange that we are together again, but not enough to make me question it further. We are standing in the front yard and it resembles the side-entrance from highschool (P) but with concrete steps going up. There is a man up a story telling us about a device. The device is a way to capture or deal with scorpions. I remember looking back at H and thinking she looked kinda hot with her short blue dress on. Recorded at 5:30AM. Near the end of sleep cycle 3. WBTB Woke up 6 hours after going to bed as planned. Felt very well rested. Almost decided to just stay awake. But I want those points. So I took the Galantamine 8mg to stay consistent with my experiment parameters and reviewed my go-forward for the lucid. After 10 minutes I went back to bed. Post-WBTB False Awakening I wake up in my bed and do a nose-plug RC out of habit. I'm lucid now. I try to move my hands forward to do a hands RC, but they feel very heavy. I struggle against this weight, but I can't overcome it. Recorded at 7AM. Early in sleep cycle 5.
Updated 09-14-2023 at 09:32 PM by 99808
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some team building event. I am with Zilla and I also see other familiar faces from high school, like Filipa, who tells us that Claudia died some time ago. There is also by Bad Wolf, my pre-teen sweetheart, who ended up hating me. But he seems cool about me now. We do our team building exercises and the ice breaks between us. I actually think he is into me and I wonder if maybe the universe is offering us a chance to have the relationship we never had in the past. He looks youthful, keeping is highscool looks and he is now divorced or something. And apparently I am free too. So we become good friends and plan to go on a date. Now I realize we are all on a ship, looks like he a fisher boat. One night I get up amidst a chaos, the boat is in a storm, there is water and debris everywhere and Bad Wolf is looking for me, concerned. He meets me on the deck and says it's not safe, a giant whale is attacking us. Then I see a giant flipper hiting us and I fall into the water, losing consciousness. I am in and out of my senses as I sink into the water and at some point I notice someone swimming nearby and pulling me into some other ship wreck below us. We can't go up, as the whale is still hiting and now some orcas have joined in attacking survirvors. Luckily, the sunken ship is almost intact and is turned upside down which created a giant air pocket inside it, so we can actually breathe and walk through a big part of the ship. Zilla managed to join us and we discover a pantry and it's packed with food. I know the air won't last long and we will eventually have to go to the surface again.
Two nights ago I had a semi-lucid, I was in my mom's old house, my view traveled from her room down the hallway to my room. The room was a slightly dark and blurry so I brought my right hand in front of me and said "Clarity Now" while snapping my fingers, bringing the room into clarity and making it bright. I was seated on the floor and started to become aware that I was dreaming. I took my right hand and slowly pushed it through my left hand and it went straight through, unfortunately this did not send me into a full lucid dream. Last night I dreamt I was in a location that was located in Richmond but it was also shifting to different layouts too, it was closer to my apartment building. I was walking down the street which looked like the aisle of a Target or Walmart but the roof was open and the lighting was similar to being on the street at night. There were different sections where people were stopping off at, I stop at this sort of run down shop that in my mind is a bar. There are tables with people sitting at them, I see one guy with glasses and a plaid blue shirt on and I'm thinking this is someone from my work but he didn't see me so we didn't acknowledge each other, he's there with what I think is a tinder date. I'm sitting on a couch and I remember playing some sort of racing game on a TV, there was a bar to my left and a pool table in front of me. At the pool table is a group of girls, it was strange because they pulled their pants/underwear down to their ankles and were dancing to music playing, they had sort of teleported to the couch I was on and then were back at the pool table. I left the bar and wandered down a dark street, to the left of me was the Hof which is a rooftop bar, there was a crowd below and I heard PUP playing, to me it was around 1:45AM in the morning and they had just ended their set which was disappointing but I thought I had caught one of their songs. Eventually I'm with Liz and Aly and a few other people in the group, I tell them about the bar I was at and bring them to it. We were there for a little bit but that eventually ended. Next I was outside of Target near my hometown, a lot of people from my high school were in there. I was running into some of them in the parking lot including a friend Grace and when I called out to the person next to her it was not the person I thought, another person was in the car. I greeted other people I knew inside the Target, in my mind I had been looking for Liz but couldn't find her. I was eventually back on the sidewalk and it was people from my highschool walking past me going to their respective classes. I had long hair and I could see out of the right corner of my eye a family friend with a long hair too, I made a comment about how "the flow was back in style" or something, another older family friend walked by but he seemed indifferent when I said that to him too, I muttered something like "well that was a stupid comment" and walked back towards the Target. Inside was a class going on and I was sitting on the outside because there wasn't enough room inside, at some point the teachers comes out to me and asks me a question. I'm inside the Target which looks like an open lab, at some point I'm on the ground in a SP situation where I can't move a muscle but I can hear this electronic song in my head and thought Grant had made it. The dream is now outside at this town on the beach, I'm thinking something about family guy and being with those characters in rivers/sewers going through the town.
The idea that it was the last day of school, maybe college. I was w/ Kol in the mountains, the scene was very steep. Kendrick Lamar is there and I try to take a picture of him w/ Kol but we're on this very steep cliff and I'm afraid of falling down, I think end up falling off the cliff. I'm in my father's old house in my sister's room laying in bed, there's someone in bed with me but it turns into Pennywise or the idea of him. He busts through the door, I close my eyes in fear. I can feel the vibrations and weight of him stomping slowly towards the bed. The dream scene is at a summer camp. It feels like we've been there a while. Peck is there, we're in some sort of lodge. It's daytime but people are trying to sleep. I'm moving on a path throughout the camp that's surrounded by woods and a river. I keep thinking that I'm trying to leave the camp but it's not time yet. Another dream where it's the last day of high school. There's also a football game going on.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening In the future, in an apartheid society where everybody is chip'd and identified wherever it goes. There is a way to clone someone's ID, but to get into some place truly undetected, one has to be really close to the person who has the original ID, so that there aren't records of the same ID in different places. I am trying to get in or out the city (I think out), which I don't have permission to, so I am wearing a clone ID and I don't want to be detected by the system, so I have to tail this person. To get out of the city, we have to go through the tube of high speed shuttles and I am tailing in a smaller shuttle that also goes undetected, but I have to navigate dangerously close at vertiginous high speed. It's awesome. And the tube is light up with all kinds of neon lights. I get semi-lucid and the tunnel becomes like a well in which I sink and go through different eras, taking different roles, from princess, to a japanese ghost (like the one from The Ring), but always dancing and just appreciating the details and their beauty. Nela is staying with us at my mom's. We have to share the bed and I complain to my mom. Then at my mom's doorstep, lots of neighbors gathering. My aunt and cousins are there to. Then I meet some guy from high school and he invites me to join him to some reunion with our school friends. They all look good except Mara who is bald from cancer treatments and is envying my braids.
I had been in my mom's kitchen with my mom. We had talked about doing mushrooms. She had a snake on her head, that or her head had turned into a snake's head. I thought she might've been mother ayahuasca. The dream also went to my high school for show choir. I had another dream where I was in high school in my cafeteria line picking out food but I was vegetarian having a hard time finding food I could eat.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening In India, among orphans adopted by some guy that provided them food and shelter at some ruins. There are some western kids among them, I am one of them. We are treated differently, like we eat the cheapest food, no meat when there is some, like we belong to a lower caste. But things are changing, some day someone decides to share a can of tuna with us and some kids are angry about it. Learning about satellites and going through an interactive apprenticeship on how to pair them in orbit so they send signals to each other around the globe. We're at some kind of lighthouse by the sea. We come outside to look at the stars and we see satellites lasers aligning - I think it's augmented reality through a glass screen placed in front of us. Almost looks like we're watching an aurora. Then there is some talk about how the earth reacts to our invasion and something falls out of the sky into the ocean. It's dark, but I think I spot a wave and I scream "tsunami alert" and indeed a tsunami approaches. Me and a guy and his dog are the closest to the ocean and have no time to run away so we go inside hoping to get upstairs, but it is too late, we are swiped by the incoming water and projected through the back window against some roofs on a lower building behind this one. We hang on that rooftop until the water subsides. In the morning some military guy comes by and asks if we're ok and then treats me with familiarity. I take time some time to recognize him, it's Fermi. I am covered in some gook and he jokes about it, while also making some sexy stares at me. He helps me get down, I slide to his arms and I also feel some chemistry there. At a version of my high school with Zilla and others unknown. Kind of a reunion. We talk at times with different people, pose challenges, discuss topics. One girl who is now a famous actress sings something in a context and she sings beautifully. A person by her side makes comments, asks if any of us can sing too. I say not so well but I do. Someone suggests we make a song to perform later. Something experimental. I suggest something I was once suggested to explore, what would sound like the sound of silence. I make some suggestions, but people get lost. The singing girl goes compose something alone, had some inspiration, but comes back with a punk rock song completely nothing to do with the challenge. But she is very proud of her fist written song. Then I am going through my purse and cleaning it because it got dirty with something and I find a bunch of notes at the bottom, a few hundreds euros I had put aside and forgot I had. That cheers me up. Then I meet Vera and she bullies me a little as if we were still kids, drags me down to the common room where kids play snooker and such. I try to get rid of her. I see a baby girl walking apparently alone and she is after a ball rolling but also has a big apple on her hands and is crying cause she cant reach the ball. I pick it up and put it in her hands and get the apple and see if she's happier. She is but mostly suspicious of me and doesn't want to play with me. Meanwhile her mom comes by and I explain the situation and give her the apple. Then realize I am hungry, some of us go to lunch at the canteen. I sit in front of some guy. Only food is meat with fried egg and spinach and mashed potato. I don't know what to do but I end up eating. The guy starts criticizing the food as if we are at some restaurant and I just cant stand but stay quiet. Then he complains the meat whatever and I tell him "you know, I am actually a vegetarian, mostly vegan, but I am eating this because I was taught to respect whatever food is offered to you without judging. When I have the choice I don't eat this, but I am a guest. Also, there is nothing wrong with the food, it is tasty and billions of people would love to have such meal." The guy is embarrassed and eventually leaves after eating it all. Then some girls to my side who heard the conversation want to know why I am vegan. One asks something about health and I say its not for health. Another one asks how this damaged my social relations and family and I tell her not at all and others have changed too through my example. Someone says vegans are pushy, I say I am not. Then one has a theory about how my decision is actually misplaced, that something wrong in my life and romantic life was missing something, that I do this to fight some angst against patriarchy or some shit like that and I am about to explode like "WTF are u talking about? I did it out of awareness of the animal suffering, what does that have to do with that shit???" And she starts talking lots of BS and I lose her and I wake up.
11-14 Dream: In courtyard in front of apartment. Out there with F. We have clothes, our keys, etc. all laid out over trees and tree branches. We just came back from somewhere/are going somehwere? ... I'm in the same place but farther back towards the parking lot (the dimensions have changed, there is a stone cove with a fire pit to the right of us, and we're facing a grassy field and our row of apartments ahead). F now looks like someone else, and a character representing her friend J is also present. We are folding up some (pool?) umbrellas, and as J folds the last umbrellas we can see through the mesh a family of bears right in front of us! Their ears are very strange, sort of like a cocker spaniel's ears but straight up and down. They look angry but we try to maneuver very slowly so that they don't attack -- very intense fear in the moment. They start to come forward then retreat back towards the apartment in the grass. I think at this point my character was dissolved and I was relegated to observer to the F and J avatars. I watched as they made a run for it, J started kicking one of them, who all of the sudden had those kickboxing targets strapped to his hands to catch her kicks? And then ran away leaving F standing there. In the dream, I was really anry at J for leaving F there with the bears. I think this expectation/intense emothion ocmbo made one of the bears strike out at F, and she dramatically fell down, which increased emotion. ... I'm on the sidewalk, my character has returned, I'm fighting with F (maybe J?) and she walks inside a sliding glass door (not ours) and I spit on a postcard (???) Dream: High school band/in theatre/band parents watching as band, kids, dance team perform a really bad routine to a song -- what song?/we raise our hands in a temple shape on cue in waves/everyone does it very poorly, Mr. D walks out/outside in hall/stairs talk to L Dream: White marble stairs/Din. Moby Dick and church discussion/T from loose drawing to rl/dom Dream: Blue juice/dad presents/appliance(?)/leftovers(indian or bbq ramen rice)/dogs and stitch bunny w/ nose fur Frag: Tubes challenge/tents?/fluid/miniature woman -- linked to above? Dream: Had an FA, then woke for real. Almost DEILD'd but really wanted to remember the previous dreams. Dream: (Conan) I'm in a squareish room with dim blue light. I'm naked and just received a large orange banner with some tribal-looking decorations and a bird design throughout. Had a conversation with myself about birds in designs (it's cheating?). The fabric is warm as I unfold it and inspect the design. I drape it around myself and feel it being very warm on my dream body (temperature in dreams - good development). There's a mirror across the way, so I drape the banner around me like a cape and start miming sword fighting like Conan the barbarian as depicted by Frank Frazetta. As I strike my arms out each time, I hit the fabric hard, because it's moving/flowing at a slower timescale than me. My stomach looked far too concave in the mirror, almost hollow, like a bad sculpture. Notes: I'm putting ... just to indicate that there was either a scene transition, or something did happen here and I just forgot it.
The dream scene is behind my elementary school. I'm trying to get back to my high school. The back part of the elementary school does not look how it does in real life. It's made of gravel rocks and is very steep. Someone walks by me as I try to climb up this steep rock hill. I'm wearing a very heavy backpack and am struggling to get up there. The scene goes to in front of my elementary school in the field. I'm trying to find the best way through the trees so I walk closer to the school but then decide to take a route around the trees closer to the road. My idea is that school is in session and I'm 22. I get into the high school finally and am in this small hallway that was orange lit and looked very old. I go into a room that looks like a bathroom and decide I'm going to take a shower. The floor is very dirty and has bugs crawling around. I put my stuff down and contemplate if I can sleep here over night. The room changes and now there's 5 people there with me and a small table. We were playing a game where we were ships with 2 shots each shooting at each other, one side was the rick and morty team and the other were the aliens. Someone killed the Rick ship so that team was weakened. I look out of a classroom and realize I'm now in the 500s section of the high school. The current guys from the show choir are walking by and looking at me excitedly like they know and recognize me. I walk out and start noticing kids who were in the show choir a few years after I had graduated. I was wondering how the other kids knew me and thought maybe they knew me because I was the leader my senior year. We walk outside in a group and I pass my old choir teacher Mr. B. I stop and greet him but he doesn't really seem to happy to see me because he's busy trying to get the kids on the bus. There are 5 or 6 buses lined up waiting to depart. I turn and ask a kid where they are going and he says that they're going to a school I don't know. I couldn't quite make out the name he was telling me. I see austin p's parents so I say a quick hello to them and then look around the group. I notice a lot of these people were in my grade but not show choir. I see mac and we say hello.