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    1. #22: High school / Exam / Late

      by , 10-28-2015 at 09:50 AM

      Dream 1: High school
      I'm sitting in a classroom at my old high school. There are at least 2 rows of 2 tables next to each other I'm seated at a table next to the wall, turned 90° in my chair so that my back is against the wall. The table on my right is unoccupied. Immediately behind me are 2 of my uni classmates, a Dutch guy and girl. Seated in the next row is an Indonesian female classmate. My English teacher from high school is in the class. We have to hand something in/give it back. When the guy does so, he softly says to the teacher that his other girlfriend will also give it back, or something alike (referring to the Dutch and Indonesian girls). When he says it he is suddenly sitting next to me. I make a comment about it and he tells me to speak softly.

      There are different people in the class now, people I don't know. I'm still in the same place, back against the wall. Behind (or I suppose to mu right) me is a girl and either another girl or a guy. They've taken on a challenge and start humping the corners of their tables. They moan. The teacher makes them stop. They sit down. This causes me to be able to see a blond girl with big boobs in the next row, as the other girl was blocking my view. Was that girl just masturbating? At some point the teacher makes a comment about something, to which the girl replies negatively because she is wearing a skirt. The teacher says that's her own fault, cause the girl is a Muslim and her religion forbids her to wear skirts.

      I'm walking along the hallway of my high school. I go down the stairs. Close to the exit I see a teacher from my first elementary school. Her hair has turned mostly grey, but there is some orange left. Her hair looks quite faded. I walk out the exit and think to myself that I'm too old for this. In my 20's, but still in high school. But I only have to do 1 course and then I can go back to my master and I'll have 2 master degrees.

      I don't know why I keep dreaming about this Indonesian classmate. I barely talk to her now that our group assignment is finished.

      Dream 2: Exam
      I'm in the gymnasium of my high school, with a group which includes one of my uni lecturers. I think the gymnasium is now in use as an exam hall. Today is tuesday and yesterday there was a mock exam, but I'm pretty sure I missed it. I ask my teacher if she can put the exam on blackboard. She refuses and explains that she isn't allowed to. It's a long winded explanation. I feel like at the end, as I exit class, it's a regular classroom I'm exiting, instead of the gymnasium.

      I feel like my conversation with my teacher was longer, but I can't really recall more.

      Dream 3: Late
      I'm in the room of one of my best friends. His room looks a lot like my real room looks like. A grey carpet, a lack of furniture. There's a mattress on the ground and there's someone on it. I think the teenage brother of one of our mutual friends. There's some talk about picking something up and I say I'll do it. I look at the time (I think by looking at a watch, which I don't have in reality). It's already 1pm. I won't make it, cause I have an exam at 2pm. Next thing I know my exam will start in about 3 minutes, while it's a 30 minute bicycle ride to the location. I freak out. Stupid alarm on my iPhone didn't go off. I set it to 1 hour before my exam. Fuck fuck fuck. Really time for a new phone. I leave quickly. I consider which route to take. I believe the route outside the city will be quickest. I'm suddenly biking there on my black bike. It's a road that in reality is close to my mom's home. It's a provincial road with bicycle paths on both sides. Mine stops though, turning into mud. I continue on the road and then to the other side to the other bicycle path. I get passed by a police officer on a bike. He's wearing the new uniform, black with yellow-green stripes. I look at my tire and see that it's flat. Fuck. So far to go. Suddenly I'm really close. I don't know the exact way though, as I never use this route. I'm now at the uni of applied sciences. I pass some students. I'm in an open building now? I remember passing a dude in a pink.. hoodie? It was for equality. In my mind I wonder if they will also do something about the disadvantages men face compared to women.

      I really have an exam today and I'm always a bit paranoid about being on time for exams.
    2. Full Bed, Dad's Custom Racer (20.8.14)

      by , 08-30-2014 at 04:42 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I'm in my bedroom with Daryl at my old house. There's two girls laying in my bed. I recognize both. One is the female I hooked up with a CQ Night Club and other is Ash Browns Girlfriend.
      I jump into bed with them and I feel a little unsure if they don't want me in the bed with them.

      A dog begins running around the bedroom and I follow it around the room.

      Dream 2

      I'm at my high school and I walk towards a shed. I enter the shed and I see a bike that I take with me. The bike a custom built racer bike, its a odd design but I like it. I see that it has a Facebook logo on it.
      I take it to where the community center in marinda park is, along the footpath near milk bar. I see my cats and they keep getting in the way of the bike. The cats eventually steal the bike and take it around the corner.
      I walk around the corner but area doesn't look like what it usually looks like IRL. I get the bike back and begin to clear the footpath of things that are in the way. I see a dog bowl on the path.
      I have to squeeze my way passed the cats , due to them being on the path. I begin talking to someone about the bike and telling them that it's vintage and would have cost a lot to do up.
      I talk to my Dad and ask him why he did the bike up. He tells me it's a hobby of his.

      Dream Fragments

      1. Someone is talking about Marc Marquez. They mention that he's American.

      2. Rita & Bruce are over at my house. Daryl is in his bedroom and yells out something to me. I yell back but he doesn't respond. I go to his room and find out what's up. I see that he's on dreamviews and is on my dream journal.
      He mentions that its running slow, so I hop on PC to check and it's running fine.
    3. 18oct13

      by , 10-19-2013 at 09:52 PM
      Dream Frag 1:
      I'm in a city and running from a guy who has a rapid firing laser gun.

      Dream 2:
      In a empty/vacant military outpost in an icy tundra. Some co-workworkers are there and we're talking about where I should transfer to. Then me and a person i know are running outside the building and we start racing across the ice.

      Dream 3:
      I was on leave and at my grandmothers house, I was trying to remember what day my leave ended, and was freaking out because I was going to miss school and fail calculus.
    4. If Our Dreams Are Eternal, Then So Are You and I - Spring 2012

      by , 01-21-2013 at 10:37 PM
      The time is late spring and for some people that means it's time to look for colleges. I'm not one of those people. That doesn't stop me though. Why? To this day I'm still not quite sure. It's one of those days where things just happen - no reason. The sun is shining and the flowers are budding. You're just there.

      The area seems oddly reminiscent of my elementary school. Or was it? The walls of the courtyard are overgrown with vines. The grass hasn't been mowed in a long time. A stillness in the air creeps down my spine.

      Mel, Trav, and I walk. Leaves glide through the air in slow motion. Then we see it.

      A bear, dead ahead. Standing right up on its hind legs, glaring straight at our faces. It doesn't phase us too much, however, and Trav continues to push Mel and I on the tire swing of the largest tree in the courtyard. It's a wonder, extending what appears to be miles up into the air. Then the bear begins its approach.

      I'm standing face to face with it now. It still has yet to make a move so I take the initiative and make it first. I kick the bear right in the face with the force of ten Optimus Primes.

      Shit. Did not know I had that in me. Fuck, that bear is pissed off now.


      That's my illustration of its expression. The sound that came out of its mouth sounded something like my dad sleeping after a night of Taco Bell. Except with artillery involved somewhere in the mix.

      The bear roars right at Mel, sending a stream of bear phlegm all down her face. She doesn't scream. Damn, girl's got balls. But she does run (probably a wise decision). We run like fucking hell. Like the devil is chasing us. Or a fucking bear.

      We arrive at the parking lot of the highschool, the bear tailing not far behind us. Everyone rolling blading in the parking lot notices the bear. Panic ensues. So I get Mel into the lobby.

      The principle walks in and sits down at the table. I look up from my art project and notice how much he looks like the dean from Community.

      "You know you really look a lot like that dean from Community."
      "Is that so?"

      A knock on the door.

      "Matt, your documentation is ready."

      Weird. What the fuck am I doing back at the highschool. Didn't I graduate college? Fuck these documents. I'm in trouble...

      "Matt, it's been a long time! How are you?"

      I look to my left and see Mr. Morgan, my 9th grade art teacher. With him is Mrs. Perry. We make small talk. Turns out Mr. Morgan and Mrs. Perry are married now. Whoop dee doo. I find it weird when teachers marry other teachers. Well not necessarily weird. Apes marry other apes after all. And clown fish marry other clown fish. Tree stars marry other tree stars. Wait, do they?

      Who the fuck is Mrs. Perry?

      The teachers and Mr. ...? Whoever he is, he's the guy who tried to get me to read a book on ethnic diversity senior year for making jewish jokes during class. But then he decided that was a fucking retarded idea and committed himself to a mental institution highschool

      Anyway, that guy is trying to keep everyone in the lobby calm and the guards aren't letting anyone outside. Too dark to tell what's out there. Gotta wait I guess. Oh well, rules are rules.


      The FUCK? Great. Some weird fucking creatures are outside now. I hate it when this happens. Now I'm gonna have to wait the amount of time it takes Oprah Winfrey to lose fifty pounds until I can get home.

      Fuck this. I'm not waiting. You know what? I never pulled the fire alarm during highschool. This seems like as good a time as any.


      Huh. I guess weird slithering creatures with that look like they have leprosy hate the sound of fire alarms. Awesome.

      So Mel and I leave. I'm walking her home through the neighborhood now when I notice she's not by my side anymore.


      Now that I think of it, there aren't ANY people around. Is this one of those Twilight Zone episodes where I've been transported to another planet by aliens or something? Because that would be cool, but the problem with that is they never seem to give you any music either. It's always so goddam quiet in those episodes. Wtf is with aliens and their opposition to music?

      I look back and notice the road is gone. 100% total dead end. Well that's confusing.


      I turn back around and a hagrid old lady in black robes and large pointy hat stands in front of me. Great, wicked witch of the west imitators. Of all places why did the aliens have to drop me on Hollywood blvd? Then she rambles on about some shit how if I ever want everything back to normal I have to do some weird shit for her. I don't know what it was. I tend not to listen to people dressed as witches in the middle of a suburban New Jersey neighborhood. Especially when they're holding a broom that looks like a vacuum cleaner.

      Oh and she says something about people's lives being at stake.

      I'm not the biggest fan of people messing with me every since the new england clam chowder prank in elementary school so this kind of pisses me off. I tell her I'll do her thing though. Whatever that is. Hmm, maybe I should have listened to her. I hope pleasuring her isn't involved or something like that..

      Regardless, Mel is gone and I have to help her.

      Either way, I'm not sure what I really did, but everyone reappears and the road is back to normal. Now this lady witch person is ANGRY. I mean like Stewie-being-put-in-a-high-chair-and-having-his-bazooka-taken-away - angry.

      Shut the fuck up.

      I punch her in the face. Damn, there's that Optimus Prime force again. I gotta figure out how I'm doing that. Punching witches is strangely satisfying.

      Mel and I continue our walk home and she doesn't seem to remember a thing that happened.

      Funny how the people close to you never realize how much you do actually care and how much you go through to keep them safe.

      Even if it all was just a dream.
    5. Old Pictures of Friends

      by , 01-21-2013 at 04:36 AM
      short lucid bit

      Sitting at the bottom of my old high school's bleachers. There were people from my old church and close family friends the Bs. I was sitting in an office chair flipping through old 3x5 photos when I came across one of Seth and Amber. In the dream they had once dated. In the photo they were sitting on pool rafts, being playful and slightly sinking. There was some others barely in the pic. I noticed that Amber looked really good in her bikini. She doesn't look bad now but she has aged a little. Then I noticed Seths hair which was almost shoulder length, wavy and had a big bald spot(He has never balded).

      I was sitting next to Amber and so I held out the picture and said "Hey look at this".. She made some comment about how Seth was always so proud of his hair.. to which I replied "Don't worry I remind him that he looks like a doosh." She laughed and said "Yah that's what my mom does." For some reason my brain was mixing everything up in this dream and Seth's mom was Amber's mom instead.

      I laugh too and my chair scoots back about twenty feet or so and quickly whirls back to where I started. I was half pushing half floating. I thought this was a very strange thing for a chair to be able to do through sand. I asked with my brain if anyone had seen that and people in the crowd(which was different now) started to raise their hands. I looked at my hand and quickly counted five fingers. I knew I must be wrong and when I took a better look there were three small extra fingers coming out of the right side of my palm. I wasn't lucid very long before the dream faded.
    6. My disturbed government official friend.

      by , 09-14-2012 at 06:08 PM (Zechariah's Dream Journal)
      So last night I had some incredible lucid dreams, but I already wrote them down in my phone. I wanted to write down my dreams that I had after WBTB now before I forget, they were so story oriented it was great.

      So my wife and I were riding bikes through the park. It was a normal sunny day, there were lots of people all around. My wife rode past this bench with four thug-ish looking guys before I did and when I approached heard all of this whistling and "Damn!". At first I was prepared to be offended, but one of the guys through up a high five for me to tap on my way by and said "Nice pickens." So I took it as a complement.

      We got further into the park and put our bikes down. We began to blend in and talk with a group of people. One man in particular caught my attention. He was about my highth, a bit overweight- but had a sweet face. He had long grey hair except for a balding spot in the middle. He asked me if I had an extra smoke and we got to talking while having a cigerette. I was suprised to find out he was a very, very high up in the government.

      Later on, I was at a highschool. I was there with my mother, my brother Jeremy, my sister and Jeremy's uncle. I hadn't seen all of them yet, I was kind of wandering by myself. We were mingling among the crowds when I noticed my friend I met at the park. I walked over to talk to him, he seemed very upset about something. There were a lot of events going on at this school, for some reason I was aware of a lot of them. My friend had a wife and two sons that were part of the dream, and the oldest son had a girlfriend that was also part of the dream.
      So the staged presentations took breaks every now and then, and Jeremy and I both hit the exit first before everyone else. Even though we weren't even in the same place in the crowd. We'd go outside and talk for a bit. I remember there was a stairway outside that curved down three times. For some reason it was so easy to slide down the railing. First I'd slide down sitting, then I'd jump up and slide down the next on my feet. It was really fun. Anyways, we went back inside.

      I walked over to my government friend and there seemed to be some distress going on. There were two government goons hovering over him. He looked a bit drunk or something, maybe just emotionally compromized. This whole school event included a recognition of people running for school body president. His younger son was the most popular candidate. I pulled out a cigerette, but his wife told me we couldn't smoke in here. I held it in my hand... sighing. I overheard my friend getting a little worked up. Apparently he started talking about some things he wasn't supposed to be talking about, and he knew it. But he was so upset. He turned to me and said can I have one of those, again? Pointing to my cigerettes. I said "I don't know dude. I think you're in a little bit of trouble already- don't push it."
      He said "But you're smoking in here." with a pout face, but I told him they just told me not to, I just had one in my hand. The government goons were trying to talk to him, telling him he crossed a line so he walked out. My attention shifted to his oldest son and the son's girlfriend. I didn't like the oldest one, he was a bitch. I don't remember why I made that conclusion, there might have been some scenes before with him that I forgot. The girlfriend was saying "Please go talk to him, he's your father and he listens to you."
      He blatently refused. This angered me so much that I walked over and smacked him in the back of the head, yelling "Go fucking talk to him, idiot." He still refused. His mother came up to me and started ranting at me with a plethora of "What the heck is your problem?" statements, I pointed to her son and said, that one's my problem. She continued yelling "You are definitly not invited to-" this and that, that and this. I said Good! And gave her the two funny fingers.
      I walked out of the statium with my mom, she went to the car. My dad, Jeremy and Jeremy's uncle were hanging out with me on the stairs. We were talking about Jeremy's mom's house or something. I remember while we talked some of the wooden floor of the stairs on the other side of the stairs I already meantion, started to crumble. We then started talking about bad construction.

      Later my mother was walking with me to the car. We're going to go to their has and apologize to Wesley. I said, who's Wesley? "The younger son who's running for school presedent. That scene back there probably effected his chances for president."
      "Uhm... no, I'm not going over there. End of story." I said, I was still pissed off. We debated over wether or not we should, and I held my ground. I didn't go with them. But the next day, I went to the highschool and supported Wesley. I realized that there was absolutely no need to apologize. Everyone in the school was in love with him already.

      So I went to work, and I noticed someone was following me. It was those government guys that was after my friend the day before. My co-workers Hernando and Luz were in. The guys came to the door and said they needed to take me for questioning. I knew it was because I heard what my friend had said when he was ranting in the highschool. He said something of high secrecy. My co-workers wouldn't let them in. They continued saying, "Uhm, no sir. Employees only, you can't come in."
      I thought that was incredibly nice. The two ment finally got a foot hold in the door way and walked a step forward. They began saying all of these things about me that weren't true. I laughed at them. So did my co-workers. It was obviously false. They got the door shut and locked in their faces again, then my alarm went off.

      Again, I had some fucking incredible lucids before this but I have to go to work soon so I'll write them down when I can.
    7. 6/14/12

      by , 06-14-2012 at 06:17 PM
      I had a dream about being in High School, sitting to the side of the hall, and there were desks just set outside one of the teacher's rooms. I walk over, set my backpack down, and listen to a lecture. I remember cracking jokes with someone at some point. Didn't recognize any faces.
    8. Time Warp

      by , 05-01-2012 at 11:09 PM
      My family and I are in transition, we are moving into a new house.

      (IRL: We all live separately, until recently, my sister moved in with my mom to save money and find a job closer to mom)

      My mom is showing me around, we enter what she intends to be my room.. It’s small and resembles the room I once had as a child. The walls are primarily blue in color and painted with an intricate zig zag design. I express resistance (without words) because I associate it with a room I had when I was a kid.. I feel like I should be moving forward in life rather than moving back. Mom left the room, a little deflated as if to say “I give up”. I walk up to the wall and see up close just how much effort had gone into the elaborate paint job. Suddenly, I understand that it was my mom who painted it for me. I feel bad for hurting her feelings. The colours up close are light blue, and silver, and yellow, and dark blue. Within the lines are intricate patterns and textures and I feel appreciation for my mom. I see there is a nicely made bed in the room and a dresser. On the outside wall there is a mid sized window, which looked out onto the back yard. The backyard is small but has a beautiful tree and a little garden with a red wheel barrow next to it. This room is actually quite lovely.

      I leave and go to see what is meant to be my parents’ room across the hall. It is huge, and has wooden beams on the ceiling. It’s empty and extremely dirty. The floors are wooden and unfinished. There are dry leaves in the corners of the room. I look to the windows which are at the top of the wall touching the ceiling, and realized that this part of the house was under ground. I imagine the house is built into a hill. The windows look into wells, which are dirty metal, and full of leaves. As I walk further into the room I see the glass is no longer there, and so this explains where all the leaves came from. The closet doors are missing, and inside they are empty. I feel like there is door to an attic in there but never actually see it myself. This room has a lot of potential to be really beautiful but it has not been cared for in a long time. I wonder where my sister’s room is so I leave to go find it.

      I see that there are only 2 bedrooms and my sisters bed is made up in the middle of the living room (not touching any walls, literally in the middle) It is a double sized mattress on top of planks of wood. On top lays fresh bed linens with yellow and orange blankets. And a fluffy pillow.

      Mom really loves us. She gives us so much more than we realize. Even now she still puts us before herself.

      Suddenly I become really tired. I want to go to sleep now but I can’t, I have to go to school. Wait a second? What school? Highschool? Ahhhg I have to go back to high school?! FUCK! I thought I was finished with that? I can’t believe this, I’m 27 years old, living with my parents and I haven’t even finished highschool. Negative self talk commences and I start asking myself stuff like "when did I become such a loser. Why have I let so much time pass?! It’s my fault that my life sucks. It’s my own carelessness that has gotten me into this mess. What am I going to do now?"

      I decide not to go to class that day. I know I cant afford to lose any more time, but I don’t care. I've decided I’m going to spend the day sleeping.

      Ok so this “forgetting to finish highschool” has become a repeating theme in my dreams. As soon as my dream takes this sort of turn I become overwhelmed with feelings of panic, worry, fear…Like I’m in a nightmare. I assume it has a lot to do with my birthday coming up. I tend to get life path related anxiety when my birthday grows near. “What am I doing with my life, why am I so far behind, why didn’t my past self give a crap about where I’d be in the future?” can very much be applied to me in my waking life. (Although I did graduate highschool and completed some college)

      When I woke up I looked at the clock and it had only been 3 minutes since my alarm went off. Confirming my suspicion that my inner clock moves WAAAAAAAAY faster when I sleep.
    9. This was kinda weird

      by , 01-24-2012 at 07:01 PM
      So this dream takes place near my last place of residence. I remember fragments of it but what i do remember the most was that there were alot of people setting outside on the side of the streets watching a parade go by including me. but i was with a group of people that i used to go to high school with. now the weird thing is that my ex girlfriend Mandie (Daughters Mother) was hanging out in the group and we were all sitting in a circle. i was playing around on my cell phone and then one of my friends from school snatched it out of my hands. everyone started to pass it around and i was like "give me back my phone" like i didnt wants them to see what was on it. Then, my Ex got it last and (weird part) she started playing with the phone and started dialing a number and she said "Im going to call you" she said this in a snickering voice. and thats when i woke up and my phone was ringing and i picked it up and it said Mandie's Cell which is my ex girlfriend! Now i can understand the phone concept of it ringing and incorperating itself in my dream but for her to be the one to call me and actually tell me in my dream that shes gonna call an actually call as im waking from that dreeam. that blew my mind a bit! it was cool.
    10. school assignment

      by , 08-16-2011 at 05:11 AM
      I was walking through a highschool i had never seen before. there was much to the dream and i was fairly aware without being lucid. I can remember walking down the halls with a really baggy sweater on. next to me was someone i had not spoken to much for around a year. in the pocket of the hoodie i pulled out a weird looking limited edition copy of GTA 4. I told my friend that the game was a classic and that it was always a good idea to keep on copy on yourslef. I then shoved it awkwardly back into the pocket although it came out quite easily. THen i went up a flight of stairs and started looking for the class i was supposed to be in. I was wondering around the second story hall when a teacher popped out of the door and called for me to get to class. i went inside and learned we had a large homework assignment due. i checked my papers and I had about one sheet of work done. My other friend who i have been in school with since middle school showed me his paper and it was about 5 double sided pages of line after line writing. I asked him if it took long and he said yes about 5 and a half hours. My teacher than came up too me and looked at my work. she told me it was ok since i missed a day ( I have type 1 diabetes and tend to miss quite a bit of school) and that i could hand it in tomorrow. I started to become worried that I would have to spend all those hours on something i didnt even know about really. I was freaking out for qutie awhile. I then woke up and was still concerned about that homework. I had to realize and convince myself briefly that i had jsut dreamt it all and that it was hte middle of the summer so no sweat.

      It was a weird experience when I woke up, but I had forgotten to take my night time shot of insulin and my blood sugar levels where about 5x too high, this makes me feel sick to my sthomach and have very short periods of sleep. Tonight my blood s ugars are back in control and i will attain lucidity!!!!! =D
    11. Eye of Power

      by , 06-05-2011 at 07:38 PM

      I woke up at a nondescript high school setting like you'd see in your sterotypical coming of age movie. My best friends and I, two people I'd never actually met, were talking abut this one girl. My friend who was a girl, her name was Tobias or something similar, wanted to go out with this girl. Mind you, this was the most popular girl in my school, and she was also the prettiest, ect ect. So we made up an ingenious plan to get them together. But sadly it backfired, and the girl never noticed my friend. Then some evil guy in a white suit showed up and took my female friend away, making her hate me for a while. During this time, my other friend and I, who looked like Jonah hill, and I started to go after two women. Then, after some time dilation, we were all back together as friends and were going to Tobias' house to meet her parents or something, and we were dancing out side of her house to the song Dreamweaver. But apparently, I couldn't dance and kept falling all over myself. We then realized we were falling in love. But sadly, we we're allowed to pursue this plot line, as the evil guy came back, telling us he had stolen the eye of power, and it was stuck in the bell tower of the old town clock. So we all got into Jonah's van Scooby Doo style to retrieve the eye. Shortly after this, the evil guy in the white suit was hit by a car. When we got to the bell tower, my friend asked the girl he was pursuing, to bring a step ladder and a bird that knew how to kiss. I then woke up.
    12. May 19, 2011

      by , 05-20-2011 at 11:28 AM
      This dream has three "segments." The first part is very fragmented, and I don't recall very much of it. The middle and end are the most detailed. I suppose that's not surprising, considering the nature of dream recall. Last night's dream also had a strong impression of the colour "dark chestnut," so I will underline it here and keep track of it. Oh, I won't include pictures every time. Just enough for flavour.

      Sleep. Many of my dreams take place in places I know, like school or my "old" house. This particular dream has both. All I can remember from the beginning is that I was sitting at my desk in my English or Sociology class, I'm not sure which (it is even more difficult to tell because they happen to take place in the same classroom right after one another, and I sit in the same desk for each one).

      Then I'm... somewhere. A field or park, maybe? The colouring is bright and very strange. I know that I am either in or watching a Yu-gi-oh tournament with the animated characters. Sometime during this section, I reflect on how the television show was repetitive and how the same people always made it to the final rounds of the tournament, particularly Yugi and/or his friends. Some other things happen to me, but I cannot explain them in words because they are mere flashes. I have an impression of a war or conflict.

      Flash. I am in the room of my early childhood (birth-grade five), at my old desk. The desk is metal with a dark chestnut wood top, and I run my hand over its smooth surface. For some reason, I am clutching a blanket in my hand and am shaking Yu-gi-oh cards out from it.

      Without any reason, I am at the bus stop I get off at after school, which is a few houses away from my "old" house. There is a pokemon battle after school, and I am the trainer controlling the Kangaskhan, which is standing in the middle of the intersection. Opposite me, on the sidewalk, is a Sandshrew, although there is no trainer in sight. I have Kangaskhan use a move, but it isn't very effective. Then, Sandshrew uses double kick, sending Kangaskhan reeling - the fighting-type move is super effective against my normal-type pokemon. In retaliation, Kangaskhan uses dig (which I don't think it can actually learn) and becomes Monty Mole from Mario Strikers: Charged. However, Sandshrew has become either a Spheal or a Jigglypuff and tries to puff away. I get in a few hits before it's gone over a fence and into someone's backyard by the park. Wake.

      Updated 05-26-2011 at 11:22 AM by 3798

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Gym class and Fashion boas....

      by , 03-07-2011 at 04:41 PM
      I am in the locker room at some high school with an old friend, We need to get changed for class but, I can't find anything that is right, I pull out my blue fuzzy fashion boa out of what I suppose is my locker, and I put it on over my head, There is no sleeves and i look like I am going to a 1930's party decked out in fur, I am supposing that I participated in the gym class with this attire since next thing I remember is walking down the field back toward the school, She tells me that the fashion boa was good for gym class, But not for school, At this point, I realize I am dreaming and find it funny that it actually would be far less appropriate for gym as it could expose me naked anytime, I try to continue on with the dream but, I struggle and everything goes black until the morning.
    14. High School Dream, Again and Again!

      by , 11-19-2010 at 03:52 PM (Morbid's Abode)
      High School Dream, Again and Again! (Non-lucid)


      - Saint Louis School of Mandaue
      - I slept around 1:00pm - 4:00pm, I guess it's the only dream I rememebered during the whole sleep.

      Dream Characters:
      - KC
      - Fred
      - Davi
      - Nikki
      - Ivan
      - Joshua
      - Charity Worker

      I slept at around five in the morning after finally reading a series of manga. I woke up around twelve noon, still sleepy, to have brunch. I slept again around one in the afternoon, making it the longest sleep I ever had.

      I was walking on the school grounds of my high school, along with some of my friends at my hometown (none of them ever laid a foot at that school in reality), towards the cafeteria. Suddenly, I realized I was topless, except for my khaki pants and black leather shoes. Feeling confident that no one is laughing, I continued walking. Along the way, I saw a very familiar girl. She's pretty, has long, shiny black hair, and round eyes. I fought the urge to go near her, and instead, I made the "F" hand sign to her. To my surprise, she replied the same. "I'll deal with you later.", I said to myself.

      Instead of heading to the cafeteria, we we're now walking towards one of the school buildings. One by one, my friends left until it was only me, and Fred. Then there's this another girl, this time a younger one (just the way Fred likes a girl). Fred approached her, and I stationed myself a little farther away from them. I was like watching out for bypassers, so I can warn them if ever somebody might see them. Few minutes past, and I grew tired of standing and complained, "Are you guys not done yet?" Fred just told me to relax, and wait a little more. Instead of waiting, I told them I'll just leave them alone and find something else to do.

      I was now walking towards a large staircase, followed by some of my classmates (later only I knew that they were, indeed my classmates, in high school). A girl passed, I noticed a greenish, waxy subtance, in a form of an upside-down triangle in her hair. I turned to asked one of my classmates. Looking at my puzzled face, he instantly replied, "That's common this days, some kind of fashion." Then I noticed, that most student who passed me by, had the same weird substance on their hairs, may it be a girl or a boy. I found it really weird, and thought of something else.

      As I reached the first landing, I saw David, hand in hand with his girlfriend (who I never knew who she was). I called him and walked alongside him. Just then, I realized and identified the people walking alongside me.

      "Nikki! Ivan!", I yelled.
      "Stop shouting dude, you irritate me.", Nikki said, smirking.

      We were on the second floor already and continued walking. As few minutes past, the corridor became narrower until we were in one line, me in the lead. We were approaching near the faculty room, when my surrounding was like I was in a castle. We past by the room, and I looked out through the windows. I couldn't describe what I saw in that room, but it surely made it look creepy.

      "Just yesterday, Jeffrey was scolded for shouting near that room", I told Nikki and Ivan.

      We were now in a corridor just outside a room, which I realized was our classroom during our fourth year. I sat on the floor beside Joshua, and Nikki and Ivan were opposite us, and listening to someone in white long-sleeves, black pants and shoes. He was telling us something, like he was doing a charity, and was asking us for some donations. He was talking animatedly, doing some hand signs to let us understand more. As his speech continued, he was getting creepier, and everything he said was becoming senseless. He did a rude movement and stared at me, and instantly, I woke up.
    15. High School, job and babysitting a dog.

      by , 10-20-2010 at 02:34 AM (Visions of the night)

      I had a dream that I was back in my old high school.. I was getting lunch and it was odd how I was standing there looking at the food being served and my surroundings. I guess I had lots of odd experiences in that particular high school and I haven't had any high school dreams in a long long time ( from what I can recall..)..
      There was this old woman behind the food bar and she was pointing otu the different foods and I was so determined to just grab a salad but couldn't find any.
      I walk out of the school and see all the students lined up outside I figured they too were either trying to get back in or were waiting for lunch.
      I look across the street and see where I use to live as a child and this strange feeling overwhelms me.. I felt so vulnerable and just didn't want to be there.
      Instead of me walking home I walk to the corner of the block and head up to see if I would see the store I use to go to called the "milky way" ..all of a sudden it starts to get dark and next to the store was an Italian restaurant.. what is odd is from my real memories there never was an Italian restaurant by the store " milky way"..
      So I walk in and there is this tall Italian man smiling holding the door open for me and I look down and see this dog at the end of the leash.. small white dog and he tells me " Here you go bring her back tomorrow.." I replied "okay I will".. I feel good walking with this dog and it is night out..
      I start walking to the direction of home where I use to live as a child.. but this dog makes me feel relaxed and so much better.. weird but I didn't feel alone.
      I get home and the dog is stays with me.. my dad and mom are there I still feel weird because my parents are currently divorced and have been for a long time.. there is much bad blood between them in real life.. so in my dream seeing them two together was weird.. but than again it was a dream lol.
      Suddenly my dream switches and I am back at the restaurant to get the dog again to go home.. this time the Italian man had a different dog.. looked like a small lassie type dog and it's tail was between it's legs. The guy told me the other dog ( that I had took home ) was in his house and he had that one and wondered if I could take him.. I feel this lump in my throat.. feels like I am going to cry. I told him I would love to but the dog is too small and younger dogs tend to be more active and my neighbors would not be happy about it.. There is another woman standing holding a pile of folders in her arms and she is smiling down at this little dog.
      I am standing there with a book bag and the Italian man starts checking the dog's lower body.. he says " He doesn't seem good at all something is wrong.. " I told him " looks like he ate something he shouldn't have.. young dogs tend to eat whatever is in their path.." The man nodded and told me he will take him back home.. I apologized greatly and start to head up the block back home.. feeling sad wishing the other dog was there with me..

      Weird dream
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