Working the Earth I'm on a grassy hillside area, tilling some dirt. It's a sunny Summer day. The tilling tool is small. Like a kid's sand rake. I am on my knees near the ground. I work at a monastery of some kind. I'm with a girl that I like, but it is a forbidden romance-type situation. Will-they-won't-they scenario. We are working together on the soil. The temple is down the way, to the left of our viewpoint. We're talking about our friend (waking life BP). There is some project involving computers that we are part of with him. DJ is also involved. Fragment I'm up extra early for work today. I reflect how nice it is to experience some cool morning air in the normally oppressively Summer heat.
Updated 06-27-2023 at 02:24 PM by 99808
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With a friend or brother and my supposed dad, staying at some old house for a night. I am sleeping in the same bed as my friend/brother and my dad is sleeping in an armchair in the living room. Something falls and wakes me up. Then the door opens up by itself. I wake up my dad and we see a radio turning itself on, then a closet door opening and some bag falling down from it. The house is apparently haunted and I ask dad if he can sleep with us in our room. He agress. I go back to the bed, but everything goes dark and I feel myself falling slowly down a black void. I can feel the bed cover but I can't see or hear anything. I call out for my family, but no sound comes out of my mouth. It's like sleep paralysis inside a dream. It takes me a while to get back to them. I ask if they saw me struggling and they say yes, but could not understand what was happening. There is some kind of plastic ball in the bed touching me and I throw it into the ground and smash it, scared about it. Someone who knows the house comes by and points to some items he says are haunted. We throw them away, but I feel like the haunting is everywhere. Some friend helps us take away some items for the trash, but later I visit her studio with my mom and she still has them there and I have a bad feeling about it. Two heavy wooden shelves fall down on her and other people, but I was keeping an eye on it and manage to hold them for a bit, saving them. Then something flies across the room and the floor is looking weird, like vibrating. I tell them to get out fast. The ground starts shaking, the walls open cracks. We head for the door and outside everything is apparently normal, nothing is shaking. But there is a road going downhill and I notice that some wster that is flowing on it is coming upwards, not going downwards. We all realize something is really really wrong with the objects from that house, like they are possessed by a strong demonic presence.
28th May 2021 Fragment: Outside, night time. There's someone else with me. We're on top of a short building, flat roof. There's a curving road that comes down on a hillside and then back up a bit further along. Relative to me, this is to a 90 degree quadrant in my front-right. 29th May 2021 Fragment: Long dream, there's a hill and a big manor or castle on top? Some interaction with other dream characters. Something about walking a path, something about nature. Get the feeling of dawn or morning. Notes: - I'm having trouble recalling dreams despite clearly remembering being in them. Dream recall just seems to have completely faded by the time I'm sort of aware of being awake. My first thoughts on waking are fairly random and not seemingly related to my dreams. - I also have little or no recall of my alarms going off earlier in the morning. I wonder if the issue here is the same as what has made me feel unable to see things in/with my imagination of late, a somewhat frustrating problem. - It occurs to me that H's alarm has been different for a while; I used to think it was particularly annoying before, perhaps it was raising my awareness because of being annoying.
The dream was in this warped field, it was a hill in a field with a forest off to the right, I was in a group of people storming up the hill that had floating pieces around it, I was aware I was in a dream, I could jump onto the floating pieces, I thought I was going to fall off the cliff of the hill but realized I could float down or stop right before hitting the ground, it looked a lot steeper than I originally thought. I ended up down the hill and into this market place that had a parking lot. I was aware again that I was dreaming, I was running in the parking lot when it seemed like the dream would crash, I started rubbing my hands together to feel the friction. I decided I wanted to do something cool so I decided I was going to try to shoot fire out of my hands, I held up my right hand and pointed it in the air, nothing was happening, I turned my right hand into finger guns and it looked like sparks of fire started to shoot out. I looked at the ground to see an animal, I think it was a duck or a fox and I was trying to change it into something else but it was shifting into a blob of animal that I did not recognize.
18th October 2020 Dream: In my home town. Remember going up to some hilly areas that don't quite exist. A gravelled area by the main roundabout in town too. Then I'm with H and we go into this little house with a frosted glass door. But it also looks a bit shop-like inside. There's a fridge or something and we just start taking food from several places in here, this fridge included and putting all the food into bags (backpacks? refuse bags? not sure anymore). I think it's day time but in here it's mainly artificial light, daylight is only noticeable on the street outside. As I look to the glass door I see the silhouettes of an adult and a child and the door opens. It's the owner, I immediately realise. He gets upset because we're apparently robbing him. But because this is a shop, I do immediately tell him that we will pay for everything we are taking. But he doesn't care and says he'll call and report us to the police. I make some kind of snide remark (about it being pointless?). But then I end up trying to convince him more gently that we didn't mean to cause trouble or distress. He still doesn't care and refutes every single thing I try to say. Eventually he tells us he's 18. I feel some surprise at this, as I thought he looked much older than that (mid 30s/40s), especially since he had a son with him. But suddenly I understand why he'd been refuting everything; I remember and have a feeling of how I was at that age. Eventually, we leave through the back of the house I think. I've forgotten whatever else had happened in the conversation, unfortunately. Fragment: Not sure where exactly, in a flat area in a town. Surfaced or paved. Meeting up with some kids, they tell me how they defeated a legion of monsters, or orcs? Something about the kids didn't feel human, exactly, but I'm not sure why or how. Notes: - I think H was mostly passive in the first dream.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Semi-lucid jumps through different times and places. E.g. Watching some japanese kids graduation ceremony in a school. Then staying a while at a really nice place where people from my sangha are settling. There are two locations with bungalows in green hills. I am staying in one, but taking a bus to the other, out of curiosity. In there people are gathering in the garden and enjoying a spontaneous party. It gets late for me to go back to my location, so I kinda stay there, but no place to sleep. I reencounter Evangelion, he is married now, but we kiss and without much talking we plan to see each other secretly. To avoid text messages and phone calls, he subscribed to a local paper I just had with me and we post ads with appointments to meet that only we can understand. The location is a kind of a motel in a train station. We meet there. We don't talk much. We start getting comfortable, I prepare to take a shower, but he challenges me to talk for a bit. So we lay down in bed and talk. He asks me if I have any big regret. I think hard and first say no, but then start telling him the story about Wolfboy and how we were in love and he proposed to me. Someone knocks on the door. I go check and see a woman looking angry. It's not his wife, so I open, but in an angle she can't see Evangelion anyway. She asks if I am alone, I say yes, she calls me a liar, says she heard two voices talking and one was a man. I say go away and shut the door to her face. But there is another door on the back and someone knocks there too. I tell Evangelion to hide as I send her away but she just barges in with another woman, they see him crawling away but don't see who he is. Anyway they don't know any of us. They just start preaching that they are some kind of women's league for the protection of marriages and they disrupt lovers meeting.
I am walking on a path that is about to fork and incline up a hillside. I think Mom or someone else is with me. There are also two middle aged or younger women that have been walking fairly close to us. They start talking with us, asking if we think they can manage the uphill. They seem kind of sketchy to me, so I try to get them to take the path in the other direction. They end up choosing to do so, and I think it is so they don’t have to keep walking awkwardly close to us. On the uphill now, the path is narrow and sandy. I see the women walking off in the other direction and one is pulling a cart behind her, so I guess it’s good they didn’t come this way anyway. I am outside somewhere with Melissa, and we’re walking up to some pizza place. The storefront has some windows - I see no door - and a stainless steel counter top. There are a few picnic style tables crowded together in the front, currently all full (I think with only men). The owner? is sitting among everyone, facing us, and I hear him call out for someone’s order. He has an air of being among everything in a perfectly friendly way while also being on top of all the operations. He seems shorter and rotund, shaven and with short but thick brown hair, and genial. He takes a pizza on a white paper plate and tosses it to someone like a frisbee. It nears the ground and then slows impossibly until the guy grabs it. We’re now sitting across from this guy at a high table. He is eating from a plate of something. There are a few, three?, beers brewed/served here, and I contemplate getting one. I think they’re all IPAs, which I’m not too thrilled about. The guy refers to one as ‘thickest/dankest’? and I decide that it does sound good. I offer to get him one, and he says something about not needing another, but says yes anyway. I can tell by his grin and behaviors that he is feeling it.
I am outside, at Frenchman’s. I am on a walk on a small dirt path through a somewhat vegetated hillside (that almost seems familiar from another dream). There is a small creek and a spot where it ponds up around some grey/tan stones and inclined dirt. I stand up on the stones, bracing myself with my hand against a tree. The tree has many branches close together shooting up steeply from the trunk. It’s kind of high and hard to reach and I’m a little unsteady. I am trying to get a good angle for a picture of the view - a peak in the distance surrounded by a hazy sunset of blue and pink. A little bit closer there is an incline with maybe a dozen small waterfalls falling in straight, shimmering veils. I get a picture of just the peak and evening sky and then one including the falls. I now hear some voices nearing. I’m almost self conscious of being in this situation, but then decide to not care. A group of about two passes, and the next two coming up the hill I recognize as Matt and Sara. I’m not really surprised that they are here. We start talking and Matt offers me a beer. I say “if you insist” and am met with a dark 12oz bottle of a German beer. I’m impressed and excited that it’s German. I say “nice”. The bottle has a black label and an off white dragon or other animal. I try it and it is crisp and kind of malty and strong, like an Irish/Scottish style. I think it seems to get stronger with each sip. We continue walking and have now ended up in some larger, multi story house. I think we are the only ones here and that it might be haunted? We explore a little, and it is creepy.
Not been able to keep recall very well or make notes in the morning for the last few days because of pain issues. Dream Fragment: I was at some sort of zen gathering, for a dream-imagined relative. She was going to have this ceremony that was supposed to strengthen the bond between her and this baby brother of hers or something. I remember the area was on a green and grassy rolling hill. It had a fair bit of an angle on it. There were some small trees, not much bigger than a person and there were some sort of carpets or rugs laid out in a few places. It was night time? But it was bright, I think from a full moon. I remember looking at the sky and seeing it in the night and then lower to the right I saw a tower. It looked like a Japanese hill castle tower. There were some people up there on its walls, some kind of avians, like from Starbound. Next thing I remember, I’m up there and planning a sneak attack with some other people against the avians to take some treasure they had up there. Transition? Maybe a different dream but it felt to be in sequence and similar context. I remember L and his childhood friend J. We were walking around a lower area, possibly next to that hill from before. It was night. We came up to some metal grated stone structure. Beyond the metal bars I could see a wooden treasure chest and a tunnel that led into that area. I looked to the left and saw another similar stone structure, also with metal bars but not all along it’s opening. There were two minotaurs in there and I attacked them but I don’t remember how I dealt with them exactly. The rest of the details are missing but I vaguely remember being in a 3 seat van with J and L at some point. Dream Fragment: I was using my tablet. I was painting, trying to replicate an effect I saw in waking life of a painting that was just in the background of a tv show. I was trying to paint waves in the water in the same detailed way as that painting. It wasn’t going very well though and even in the dream I realised I was going about it the wrong way. No notes for now, might edit later.
I am staying with Melissa at her house (though it looks different). I’m going to be sleeping on the floor right next to her bed. I am upstairs, while she is downstairs. Throughout the night, I wake up a few times with a disconcerting feeling. When I wake one of the times, I discover that I’ve broken her glasses. I have no memory of doing so, but I know it must’ve been me. One lens is out of the frame and cracked. I notice that the other lens is also heavily cracked, which I hadn’t noticed before. I wonder if she’s been wearing them like this. It still saddens me to think of accidentally breaking them, and think about buying her a new pair. I also remember her other pair. I look up now and see her in this dim room. Comforted by her presence, I hug her. I relay to her the disconcerting feelings. I’m with Melissa at some food place. We get to the counter and look up at their large menu. It seems to be Mexican food. Melissa orders a few tacos, then I step up to order. I ask the guy for a certain taco, but he says he only has a steak one. I can see the taco I want on the menu, but I don’t care too much, telling him that’s fine. I also add a burrito. He gives me a little container of red hot sauce. He also grabs a bottle of a more orange looking hot sauce. He squirts some towards me, most hitting the counter, but some landing on the floor between my feet and a little bit on my shorts. He seems nonchalant but also like he’s getting a kick out of it. I’m not exactly mad, just a little put off that it got on my shorts. I am in a parking lot, where Mom has gotten into a verbal fight with Ashley (from the preschool, the one Melissa also worked with). They are yelling at each other, over something unknown, as I reach out to hug Mom and then attempt to do the same to Ashley. She doesn’t let me, so I desist. I then contemplate taking Mom’s side and fighting back. I go over to her silver SUV and tap it a few times with my fist. There is an unstated knowing in her hesitation as I walked over to it that I had intent to damage it. I am driving up a narrow and winding road on a hill and through a small neighborhood (pretty much a house on each side of the road, i.e. no more than two deep). I’m calling it Stead, even though it looks nothing like it. I hear Dad on the phone with Matt. Dad is declining going to a party tonight - “we’re party people, but just not tonight, period.”
I am going on a hike in some hills (it seems like the area up above Dad’s house and also familiar from another dream?). I think there’s something about taking Melissa or wanting to take her but not wanting it to be too steep or too long for her. At the top of the hill it levels out and seems to be a large, wide open area up here. To my left, there is an incut with pretty tall rock walls and a waterfall cascading straight down, about 20 feet back. There are a few other people here, walking around and looking. I don’t remember this waterfall being up here. On the horizon, I can see more small and long waterfalls and pools of water. I move my position and they disappear like an illusion.
I watched a very VERY 90s video that came out in 1999. Don’t remember what was in it. Later, I was in a familiar place on a scooter. It was the top of a hill, so I coasted down while applying brakes. At the bottom, I kept my balance and didn’t fall into the water. I still got a little wet, almost damaging my phone. Other than that, it was a fairly forgettable night.
I am running through a forest. People say I will be caught by police but take no heed. I come to a hill. The is not a hill, but a giants head. It starts attacking me. A character helps me to astral project and says "Be careful, the astral plane is very close to the dream plane" I am now in third-person perspective. I am not the dreamer and I am lucid. I have no power though. I try and shift a red button which represents lucidity onto 'me'. It works! My character kills it successfully and lands down. I 'wake' and record it in a DJ. However I look at my watch and it has gone crazy! I am lucid. Thoughts: I think this might be a new to way to become lucid.
Updated 12-14-2020 at 01:46 AM by 91855
First fragment I was in school with some of my classmates. We were taking about something rather important, they were looking at me and I could feel that they were scared. Second fragment I was going out of school, trying to get into the bus stop in time. I walked up an enormous hill and saw that a bus was coming and tried to find a way down. I just jumped down to the road and run after the bus. I joined up with group of people waiting for the same bus, and we wandered streets for a while until we stopped at a bus stop.
I tryed to incubate using a send loving thoughts into my dreams...didn't quite work as expected. D1 - I was in a large room with artificial lighting and lots of mats on the floor. Everyone was wearing white karate like suits and everyone was young. We were practising dance moves that a sensei was teaching us. I was doing fine coping his every move. The song I had been incubating was in my dream to start with then... more and more people started joining in and it was getting to crowded. I couldn't see properly what I was meant to do and I stumbled and knocked into someone. Next it all fell apart my rhythm was gone and I just jerked about out of time :/ I got fed up and left the floor. There were partners waiting watching for all the dancers, except of course me. In fact the people I looked at averted their gazes, although I felt this was because they were sad and disappointed with me. I left the hall and made my way along a hallway that was glass (ds) with white painted frames (old wooden style). Along with others I walked to an end section, which looked like an office or a shop (maybe both). At the end was a counter top with lots of different coloured notes (like bills in a restaurant). I looked at the notes and the squiggly handwriting. Thought about picking up one note then decided not too. I went to leave the shop but saw that along the hallway, to one side some large pigs had been let out of their pens. These were not cute little piggy wiggys but more like large boars that would happily munch on your bones. I shrank back when I saw a large slobbering black ones jaws , hanging open. I made for the back of the shop panicked. There was a door at the back and I escaped out onto a grassy bank (ds), wet with mud, into a Grey gloomy day. Further on was a housing estate. I reached the top of the bank and went to cut back round. Unfortunately several people from the estate came out...they were particularly scary one an old man, with a black suit, and grey hair slicked onto his face from the rain, homed in on me. I couldn't make it I was paralyzed with fear. I woke up, I was determined to WBTB and give the DCs a hug, I tried the song again for thoughts of love... D2 - I again thought I was trying to get back to sleep...but I was in a dream again. I was in a large manor house at night. It soon became early morning and I found myself in a dormitory surrounded by little kids. I needed to go to the toilet but couldn't remember my password. My partner ditto. So we wandered around the house looking for a toilet with a hoard of kids. I was to embarrassed to say I couldn't remember. We ere standing in a large room with ceiling high windows looking out onto lawns and woods beyond. When a parent who had entered the house came in. They asked if they're children could not stay here unsupervised and play while they went off out. Surely they could go out into the grounds and roam, as long as they were told not to go to far. I thought of making a joke about a nuclear reactor being near by but thought better of it. It had started to lash rain and I looked out at the woods as the rain splattered the windows. We left the house only to see the parent kids standing outside completely drenched in the rain. We reached a some shops inside it was packed. We made our way to the end of the building. There was a bar. As I went through a bottle went flying up into the air. The barman gave me daggers, I explained it was just a trick. I said I could make anyone here at the bar their favourite drink. I used telepathy and magic to fill people's glasses with their favourite drinks. I could taste the bitter taste of the alcohol. The barman was still not impressed so I made a drink for him, filling his drink magically up, up and up till full. He downed it in one the frothy brew swilling round his upended glass. Then he spat the last of it at me :/ I had had enough of this sour faced barman, and made for the door. Flinging the door open I flew up into the air and was gone. I could hear familiar music as I ascended into the stormy grey sky.