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    1. Night of Wednesday 6/26/24

      by , 06-27-2024 at 04:14 PM (Dreamlog)
      Getting back into the swing of things with a potentially politically inflammatory dream, HUAK TUH!

      I'm in a veterinarians' office with a pug-like dog. It has the "blue" fur color. The fur is very soft.
      The vet tells me that the dog's name is Question Mark.
      "But don't say it slow, like that. Say it fast like QuestionMark."
      "Is this puppy a boy or a girl?"
      "We don't know what they want to be yet."
      "What do you mean you don't know? Is the dog transgender?"
      The vet holds up the dog and I see a dick.
      "That's a boy dog." I say.
      "THESHIRECAT!" my girlfriend says in outburst.
      I'm near a hole in the wall, and I see some hands come out to pet QuestionMark.
      Initially I'm a little freaked out, but I realize they are kids so the creepy behavior is recontextualized into silly kid behavior.

      Being Around You:
      I'm at a large grocery store, maybe a cross between a Costco, Home Depot, and my middle school from back home.
      I'm walking down the hall and I see a small man who seems to have a deformity with his legs.
      I respectfully give him the space he needs to pass by.
      Next I come across a happy looking couple.
      The woman says to the man "I'm happy when I'm with you" as if in response to a question he had asked.
      I take a moment and think about my girlfriend, and I get a warm and fuzzy feeling.
      I decide I want to find her and express the same sentiment.
      I find her checking out the groceries at the register and give her a big hug from behind.
      I worry for a second she might be uncomfortable with that in public, but she doesn't mind.

      Updated 07-06-2024 at 08:59 PM by 99808

    2. Another dream where me and my sister are stuck in granddads car during a rain storm

      by , 07-27-2022 at 03:26 AM
      I had another dream last night where me and my younger sister were trapped in granddads old car during a thunderstorm.

      When this dream started, I was standing in front of my high school waiting for mom to pick me up. It was a really hot and humid day and I was burning up waiting for mom to get there.

      Eventually, I saw my granddads old tan reliant pull up with mom driving it and my younger sister in the front passenger seat. My sister reached behind her to open the back passenger side door and I got in the back passenger seat and closed the door and then buckled up and them mom pulled out of the parking lot.

      We were heading towards our house when mom made a turn and then soon we were in the parking lot of our Home Depot store. Mom told us we needed to stop and get grass seed and fertilizer for our yard and plants and soil for our garden. We then all got out of the relaint and followed her into the store where she got a flat cart and then followed her to the garden area.

      Once she had the cart full of everything she wanted, we all waited in line for her to pay and then I pushed the cart and followed she and my sister to the reliant in the parking lot.

      When we got to the relaint, mom filled-up the trunk will all of the plants she had bought and then filled up the back seat and floorboard with the bags of grass seed; fertilizer; and potting soil.

      Once everything was loaded in the car, mom opened the front passenger side door for us to get in and my sister told me to scoot over to the middle since it was her day to choose where to sit. Once I had sat down and moved over to the middle and buckled up, my sister sat down in the passenger seat and fastened her seatbelt. Mom then closed us into the car and took the cart back into the store.

      While me and my sister were waiting in the car for mom, it started to pour down rain all of a sudden and me and my sister had to roll up the windows so we wouldn't get wet. As we sat and waited for the rain to stop and mom to get in the car, we both noticed something really stunk and my sister started accusing me of tooting in the car. We could do nothing but sit and wait in the car as it was raining so hard we couldn't see the Home Depot store where mom was trapped waiting for the rain to stop.

      After we had been waiting for what seemed like forever, then rain finally started to let up. and I saw mom running from the store towards the reliant where we were waiting. She quickly opened the driver side door and then sat down in the driver seat beside me and quickly shut her door. As she was putting the key in the ignition, she asked me and my sister if one of us may have stepped in poo because something really stunk. We both denied it and my sister told mom I was tooting.

      Mom then turned the key to start the car, but couldn't get it to start because the battery was dead. As she was taking the key out of the ignition, she looked down and noticed that I had stepped in dog poop. I woke up form this dream as mom was telling me there was poo on my shoe.
    3. Hitler gets blown up!

      by , 09-17-2013 at 07:20 PM (The Redeeming Dreamer)
      9/17/2013, 10:05-5:55

      Meditated last night. Same mantra as last time.

      Dream 1:

      I was on a battlefield as a soldier. I looked to the right and saw a destroyed building. There was the body of Hitler next to it, a piece of the building, and a crushed military tank. I also saw a fence in front of me with a trench. In the trench was a bipod-ed sniper rifle aimed at the building. Also, everything was on top of a sheet of ice.

      I then recall being in a war room. Someone was pointing to a map of the world toward where Australia should be. There was ice on the map in place of the over-sized island. There was some everywhere on the map, actually. I guess it represented the world in an Ice Age. The guy pointing then pointed to Africa and said something about "them" being in Africa, but also in the "Home Depot" of the world, as he pointed to Asia. (WTH Asia is Home Depot?) The dream then ended.

      Updated 09-18-2013 at 07:56 PM by 58207
