A few fragments but I remembered some more detail as I read and rewrote my notes from the morning. Dream: In the old version of the square in my home town. It’s altered compared to my actual memory of it however. It was a bigger area somehow; this may relate to the fact that my memories of this version only exist from my childhood as it changed pretty early on in my life. But the dream takes place in a present time. I have abilities from Diablo 2, more specifically Sorceress and Amazon abilities. I remember an interface overlay like in the game where I could pick the spells from. Noteably I remember the explosive arrow and glacial spike abilities, but on closer inspection the glacial spike was actually called frostga. I was shooting a bow with explosive arrows at these two guys that were just running around a bit aimlessly I think. They just wouldn’t die though and I kept running out of mana, for some reason glacial spike used a lot but explosive arrows didn’t (some uniques in the game granted it as a passive modifier, derived from that?). Dream Fragment: I remember there were transitions but the main place in the dream was this Egypt themed zone like a level from Unreal Tournament. It was night time and the zone in itself was more like a floating platform high up I. The sky. It had the shape of a circle but extended out of itself into “knots” on four corners? Despite being night time it was fairly bright, moonlit mostly. But there were glitches with the lighting, like the level wasn’t finished properly, so some objects and areas were just far too bright like the gamma was wrong just for those bits but I accepted this as something that does happen. Dream: Was with mom and dad in the car, we were downtown but everything looked so different, more like a post modern and brand new style than what I think I would have expected, which would be old buildings. Dad was commenting on how empty the entire area was. I don’t remember commenting myself. Nothing felt surprising or unusual in the dream. We went past some museums, one had written in big block capitals at its entrance: PAPU or something of the sort. As we went past it, I saw an ascending escalator inside the museum through some large and curved glass panes. I had a deja vu in the dream when I saw this. We went a bit further along and I remember having thoughts about how this area was supposed to be for modern cars only or that it had been pedestrianised. We arrived near the square next to the river but it all seemed pedestrianised and like we weren’t supposed to be in the car here but dad didn’t realise. A blonde or fake blonde and sort of nearly pale white lady walked up to us and then we weren’t in the car anymore but I thought nothing of it. She told dad that he couldn’t drive here, only “on the basement level” (to park?). There was a platform with road on it that was a lift that went underground just a bit ahead; I think I saw this before the lady was there, but I remember interacting with some console which had a blue GUI with options displayed. The last and only option I remember said something like “1950s (1980)”.
Non-dream stuff - Woke up at 6:30 with the first dream, then at unknown time had the second dream (fragment) and then woke at 9:20 with third dream. Made note of all on phone initially. Dream 1: Mixed location of my home town with where I live now. Recycling was being collected and it was morning. I remember coming to pick up our bags back but they were only "half-empty", as were everyone else's. Other people were there, also disgruntled for that same reason. I found some vintage gear in the midst of this, but for some reason I felt like it was stuff of ours to begin with, so I wasn't sure how they'd got there. It was morning and cloudy. Some sort of transition, then in the car with my partner driving away from town; I said I didn't like the route we were taking, as it was transitioning from town to massive red canyon-type cliffs and we were going at super high speed on a ring of red rock suspended in the air (like something you'd see in 90s sci-fi racing games). It was a clear and bright day at this point. After the canyon, we were arriving at a megapolis and the sun was setting. We parked up on a hill away from it all and started walking down to a large concrete pillar. It had what looked like cash machines embedded into it, but they weren't cash machines; they were some sort of tourist information points, and the machine would teach us some local lingo. I spent some time on it reading the words and trying to pronounce them correctly. It reminded me of Pidgin and Jamaican. When I was at the machine, I made particular note that the person on the other machine looked like one of my aunts (G) but thought no further about it and assumed it a coincidence. Then there's an implied transition that we went up somehow. We were now in the lobby of a grand place; it was a casino, carpeted, wood paneling, etc. Before I got to the reception I remember this black girl; somehow she looked like a younger and female version of Morpheus from the Matrix, and also without sunglasses. Her mouth was distinctly like his, she could have been his daughter. I don't remember what we talked about, but at one point I started to feel like she was pestering me/following me and I and my partner (H) just moved on to the reception desk. H was talking to the receptionist and there was an implied topic of H's mom having recently passed away. I questioned this a little bit but some sort of dream memory made me assume it was true. Whether it was a memory of the dream or a real memory, I was certain I'd been at this casino before. We were being given far more points than last time, and I could see there was a wooden framed number counter with 6 digits behind the reception desk, on the wall. It was the money I had available? 22000 it said; so I went down to 20000, and got in exchange some 50000 points or something, including to spend on some sort of "casino skills" like it was a game. Then all of a sudden we were teleported into another part of the casino. I could see myself in third person and I was some character wearing a light blue outfit. H wasn't with me anymore, I was confused and the dream ended; I woke up just as confused, sweating profusely, feeling like H was missing, when H was actually just next to me in bed. Dream Fragment 2: I was in some sort of large mansion or house. I don't remember much about it apart from zombie-like people, except they weren't rotten/rotting. They were alive and well, apart from being mostly mindless. I had some sort of special powers that I could use with my hands. I vaguely remember a selection interface. I tried the powers on the zombies, and they would mostly have the effect of making them behave differently or responding to commands from me and the like. The last ones I tried were on a woman, none of the powers worked on her. She had a white cardigan top and had short brunette hair and brown eyes. She became aggressive when the powers didn't work and started trying to gouge my eyes out with her thumbs; my eyes were closed and I could feel the pressure but I grabbed her arms with my hands but somehow she gained an extra arm; at this point I started to question what was happening, but the dream ended soon after. I don't recall when in the night this dream occurred. Dream 3: Me and H were in our kitchen. It was night but instead of the kitchen having a rolling blind at the window, it had 2 curtains. Couldn't see very well outside at first. I was naked and started to become concerned about people looking in and seeing me naked, as the kitchen light was on. When I looked outside again, the outside looked bigger and smaller in some aspects vs waking life. It was bright now too, I could see lots of traffic on the climb behind our house, which was odd for this time of night. But there was a full moon with a violet glow; the glow reflected on clouds too and it was quite beautiful and interesting. I could see the top of a street lamp post and I looked away at something and back at it and it started to fall, albeit slowly. H became very concerned it would hit the work shed, but I could see clearly that it wouldn't and would land on an upper tier instead. The traffic was still heavy and I found it odd that nobody had stopped, even lorries just going through the road. Did they phase through or just smash the pole into bits? There was no noise of vehicles hitting it. It felt like a "physics bug". The dream ended soon after. Will edit in some notes later. Feeling a bit too tired. Scoring thus far: + Previous score: 12.5 + This DJ entry score (breakdown below): 19.5 ++ Recall a non-lucid fragment: 0.5 ++ Recall a non-lucid dream *2: 2.0 ++ Buy/Purchase something: 1.0 (at the casino, buying points) ++ Control another object or DC: 1.0 (in the dream fragment, controlling the "zombies") ++ How fast can you drive a car: 10.0 (in the first dream, when we went over the canyon, my partner's car simply shouldn't be able to go that fast and the suspended bit was curved, so if we weren't going that fast we would have fallen/steered off) ++ Recall any non-lucid dream over 5 consecutive nights: 5.0 = Total score thus far: 32
24/3/16 In this dream I was with an ex-friend from High School. We were on a bus, traveling around a town that resembled my home town. I had a little clear cased camera hung from my neck and I was using it to document our journey. The bus came to a stop suddenly, and I got off with my broken guitar. Apparently there was a place nearby that had a nice restaurant and a place to get my guitar repaired. For some reason everyone on the bus tried to stop me from leaving, almost begging me to stay on the bus. They tried this with my former friend too but I finally managed to convince him to come with, while recording what was taking place on my camera that was somehow now strapped to my bag and recording hands-free. He eventually did and got a terrible looking beat up guitar from someone on the bus as he got off. We walked through a courtyard and into a fancy restaurant with tables and chairs set up in rows, and took a seat. An Asian woman came up to us and asked if we were in a band, but then decided we were just reporters and left us alone. I think someone took our names and used a fake one for some reason, then someone came over to take a group photo. The lady returned and placed a snapping turtle at my feet, which bit both my big toes. I screamed and then began laughing, convinced making a scene about the turtle would get us kicked out and it was worth enduring. Haha. Fragment: I was with the two guys I used to hang out with in the mountains west of my city, smoking weed. It was night for the majority of the dream.
Updated 04-06-2016 at 06:04 AM by 36360
I am at a Rolling Stones concert!Only it's at a pub and they're not really the Rolling Stones, but a bunch of kids i've never even seen before.There are like 10 of them 6 boys and 4 girls. And for some odd reason i really believe that they are the real thing. They are playing on the second floor, and there is like a big square hole in the middle of it and through it you can see the first floor which is also full of fans. But anyways i'm standing behind this hot chick and having the time of my life, at one point they played a song twice and actually started explaining why they did, but i didn't care, because while this was happening i was hugging with that cute girl, nothing else, just hugging, but it felt so damn good.It's amazing how nobody managed to fall through the hole, given the fact they were all drunk... Now I'm at my friend Maxi's house and we are looking at the top of his garage. It's very different though it's in the middle of the forrest and looks nothing like his house, not to mention that there is a basement that's not even in the house but rather to the right of the house. He tells me that we should put a kicker up there and try to skate it. Without any hesitation i agree and we then head down the basement, which looks exactly like every basement you see in those movies about the american suburbs. Next thing I'm in my home town... well not really it's a completely different place, but i just have the feeling i'm in my town. It's divided in sectors, much like the hunger games, between each one there is a deep forest with no path through it. I'm in the western sector and i'm looking for my neighbours' house, the western sector is much higher than the rest and that provided a spectacular view. Anyways after walking through the small and narrow streets for a while i encountered two football(soccer) hooligans, and they started asking me questions about my neighbours' house in a really unfriendly tone. At this point i remember i had a memory about their house being in the eastern sector, but i still didn't know how to get there. The mean guys asked me for a cigar and then left. I'm back at Maxi's house again, only this time there is a kicker on the roof of his garage, but... it's put on the wrong side.. which makes it pretty much useless... then his mom came out of the house and started explaining to me why the kicker was put up like that, i didn't really care so i didn't listen, after she finished the long and boring explanation, she said "Follow me" So i did and we ended up in that basement again... Then i woke up.
I love messed up dreams like this. I remember seeing a scene where there was people doing psychedelics in a rest room. All they had to do was stand in a puddle outside of a cubical and that would give them the tripping sensation. I was trying to smuggle drugs into a school for a group of people. I made my way through my home town, remembering walking up to at least the paint shop. I reached the school and made my way to the toilets. I went inside the cubical and a guy was in there with me. He was explaining to me what was going to happen when it came to the drugs. He explained that we needed to have certain coloured poo in the toilet bowl, all from light to dark poo. I think I had already had a poo in the toilet earlier. I don't remember seeing other people have a poo in the toilet, but there was now 5 poo's. The guy was explaining to me about how we got the different coloured poo. He said something about being active in sports? I looked into the bowl and noticed that the 5 poo's mostly looked different, some not so different. I think the door was open the whole time, and I bought out the drugs that were in my pocket, and placed it on top of the toilet, near the flush buttons. A guy that was involved with us, was standing outside the cubical, gave me a look of disbelief. He couldn't believe I would pull drugs out, so anyone who walked passed could see what we were doing (I think I recognised him, Ash R's mate?). Someone must have alerted authorities about the drug use, and we were tipped off. I was told that we were probably going to be patted down as we left the building, so I put the drugs down near my ass. I could feel it there, and thought it may have been sticking out a bit. As I was leaving with someone, we were confronted with doors. As I went through the door, it was a similar area to where I had just come from. It was as if we were in a maze and had to choose correctly to leave the area. I remember a Chinese guy, he was quite tall and had the look of a mob boss. I think he may have been after the drugs? I reached stairs, that were very steep. As I worked my way down them, I noticed police man on both sides. There was 3 police man on my side and I had a problem passing them. I think they were willing to let me passed. Dream fragment: I saw an Echidna laying on it's back. I could see it's stomach, as it was trying to get upright. Echidna - I don't think I ever remember seeing an Echidna on it's back, but it was very similar to the second picture.
Time Lucid - 15 seconds Non lucid - grey text Semi Lucid - red text Lucid - blue text I was walking in the car park of Kelly's Hotel, and I did a nose plug randomly, which worked. I was now Lucid and remember about what Billy Bob mentioned in one of his tutorials (Go with the flow of the dream, continue what you were previously doing). I continued to walk down the street, but I was thinking about too much maybe? I felt myself waking up and tried to DEILD. Side note: As I attempted the DEILD, I made my breathing heavy, way to heavy for my liking. It was doing it on auto-pilot, and figured there's no way I will enter a dream breathing like I was, and woke myself up.
9/5/2013, 10:00-6:00 Drank water before and after waking up. Didn't wake up at all in the night, except at 5:18, and stayed up till 5:21. Didn't go to sleep after that, though. I had a few dreams, and a few dream fragments: Dream 1: I remember being with a girl from school. T was her name. We were talking and hanging out at school. She had to go, and she kissed me on the cheek. She then kissed me on the lips. It felt amazing; I felt her lips on mine, and "sparks" almost flew! I then either walked or teleported home. I then started picturing having sex with her (lulz). I then thought about her fat, and that I didn't really like fat girls. In real life, she's not even really chubby. Anyway that's the dream. Dream 2: I was running around my town. I kept thinking in my mind that I had to find a nuke somewhere, and that if I didn't find it in time, the world would blow up. I think there was a countdown, too. I don't remember anything about the countdown, but I kept having this "countdown" feeling. Dream 3: There was a villain in a place. I felt like this dream had to do with Star Wars, in the time of the Old Republic. The guy was part of the Sith, and wore a strange costume, kind of like a Mandalorian outfit, or Boba Fett's armor. Anyway, he was sitting in a throne, listening to one of his commanders. The commander was telling him about something. The Sith guy kept saying no about it. The commander then told the villain he should be more open-minded. The Sith guy said, "maybe I should." That's all I remember. Dream 4: Something about a boardwalk next to an ocean. Not even sure if this was a dream. I "remembered" it after I got up. I also remember the songs "Holiday" by Green Day and "Bang a Gong" by T.Rex.
Updated 10-16-2013 at 07:47 AM by 58207
09/02/2011 8:30am 2 guys and I were on the run and needed back packs. I had a rifle and one guy had a hand gun. Together we went into a small store next to the apartments I grew up in. Instead of robbing the place outright we peruse the shelves and hide our guns. While looking I hide the rifle by leaning it up against one of the racks that had glass sides and held folded T-shirts. The hand gun was slid under another rack. I continued to look but couldn't choose a back pack. We where running out of time. The store owner walked over to the door and locked it because he thought something was wrong. I instinctively made a run for it and found that the door was indeed not locked. As I leave I signal the other guys to hurry up and yell "Lets Fn' go already!!!" Outside in the parking lot I realize that we failed to get a backpack. We ran off through the field and it became night as I remember stomping through the grass and around a mud puddle.
19.05.2011The island of earthquakes (Non-lucid) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I was in a vacation island. This dream occurred during day, and the sun was very bright.I was going to the beach when suddenly I felt a few series of small earthquakes. I was worried they meant the big one was coming. I though it was a good idea to evacuate the island. Some people was running up and down very confused. I could see also how new small earthquakes were happening as well as small tsunamis. My wife was also there, freaking out as well. I decided to find a chopper or something to get out of the island. I got to a beach where no one was but a few sand fishes that were extremely poisonous. I watched to not step on one. I was able to find an exit that lead me to a roman town. I could find people from my home town who new me. There was some sort of line to go inside a tour cave. We entered. The tour happened on a small boat. The cave was completely dark. I could hear the water drops and the quietness of the cave. Suddenly, I heard the sound of shamans playing different wooded instruments, but I could not see them. I felt it could assist me on inducing trance.
NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID FALSE AWAKENING PRECOG So I have decided to just post the more intesresting nights. I just have so many notes on my paper DJ and have no time to type them all to post on DV. It's a pity, because many potential shared dreams are left out, but it's just impossible for me to keep up... 23:30 GMT Fighting a sinister character The feeling I have is that I’m aware I’m dreaming and I’m experimenting something with the dream and with the DCs, but I don’t remember being lucid. I remember from the point in which I’m in a very dark room with a very gloomy DC. I’m not afraid, because I have this underlying feeling it is a dream and because it has something to do with freeing other from the illusion that he can hurt them. We’re maybe measuring forces, but he wins, because all of a sudden he manages to kidnap all other DCs (I think they were dreamers) and lock them inside some sort of pitch dark dungeon. I’m left outside on some dark corridors and I can feel their presence behind a thick and humid stone wall. I can’t cross this wall, but I find a spot where I can send a rope through it in the hope people will grab it and use it to escape out. But it doesn’t work and at some point even that week spot (kind of portal) closes in and they are totally isolated. But I don’t give up. I climb the wall and near the ceiling I find it is a kind of false ceiling and I can enter it and crawl over this room where they are imprisoned. For a moment everything shakes violently but the place holds on. I find some entrance point, just by some big lamp hanging from the ceiling. Using again the rope, I go down and I find in there my parents, grandparents and some kids with their own families. My grandpa is proud of me, but when I say up is the only exit, he gets disappointed. Then the bad guy comes in and we fight and there’s some nonsensical scene with toy choppers and dinosaurs. I think he wins, because then he controls where we go next and he takes us all by car to my home village. There’s some sort of happening there, very public and he intends to humiliate me. There’s a group of kids dressed in a funny way singing some strange song about fruits –their group name is something like applepearnutsandgingerbread – and the guy tells me my job is to go join them and sing along. I say no way, but I’m not really feeling mortally embarrassed, I just find it stupid. But I go and I kind of sabotage the whole thing for not being so upset – it was meant to crush me, but I actually find it embarrassing-funny. And all of a sudden thousands of people appear out of nowhere and invade the village with banners and posters and they disrupt the whole thing. The bad guy disappears and me and my family take refuge in a building just on top of a staircase in front of us – like the town hall or something. 2:00 GMT Gibberish, gibberish and Buddha’s blessings I’m in Australia or New Zealand or even the Cayman Islands... I don't know, but people speak English. And I find my ex-friend Vera. We talk briefly about what we’ve doing with our lives and then we take a bus to go home together. Our home town is suddenly just a bus ride away from this remote place we were visiting. When we arrive there, there’s a tornado ripping it a part, which hits the bus very briefly. People are in panic and I open the bus door and tell everybody to get out. I run to the door of my mom’s building. When I get there I look back to see if anybody else is coming so I can hold the door for them, but nobody’s coming. Then a friend comes but to say “Hey, you left the bus without paying for your ticket”. “Are you kidding? We’ve been hit by a tornado and you’re worried about that?” He says everybody else paid for their tickets, that’s why they are taking so long to arrive. I think that’s totally absurd and I think I’m about to become lucid, when I see my black cat escaping through the door I left open. I run after him and catch it. I head to the elevator and intend to go to the 9th floor (although in reality, my mom’s only 4 floors). Anyway, I open the elevator door and it’s a fridge with shelves. I take away the shelves so we can enter it but then I have to put the cat on the floor and that’s when I notice this cat is totally white and with blue eyes – not my cat at all, I could I have made such a mistake? I let the poor kitten go his way and he jumps right out of a window that is on my side. Then there’s some guy packing the elevator with books. He says he is moving and I say I need to go to 9th floor and ask for priority – he can ship his books later. He disagrees and says I can go with the books. “How do you do that? No space!” He insists and pushes me in, trying to fit me with the books and hurting me in the process. I say I give up. I look through the window again and I see a park outside, green grass. I think I float outside the window and as I walk this park, this book guy ends up joining me and we’re having a very melancholic kind of walk – I’m still mad at him but at the same time I like him a lot, and we walk in silence. Then two ladies I know touch me in the shoulder and tell me there is some Buddhist event taking place just nearby and I decide to follow them. I turn back and see a bridge on my left and a building on my right. In front of this building and facing the bridge, there’s a kind of alter with something being shown – among other things, there’s a special box which I’m told contains the cornea of a Buddha. It does looks like a dried cornea and I think “If it is genuinely the relic of a Buddha, then may the blessings from seeing it shower down on all sentient beings.” I had no time to get lucid, but I was then fully conscious when I made that wish and I felt those blessings flowing to me like an electrical current, when I woke up. 6:00 GMT Jumping mirror portals Doing tourism in what seems to be France. I’m loosely following a group, but I get stranded and just roam alone for a few streets. Then I encounter a second group and because they seem to know where they’re going, I follow them. They are being guided by a French girl who leads them into an old church. We pass a front door and an entrance lobby and there’s a group of steps to go down to a desk to buy ticket. I start floating and I look to my right and I recognize one of the guys on the tour. He looks at me like he also recognizes me and I get lucid. I decide I will not simply sit down and instead I want to go to the moon, because I haven’t been there. I can then meditate in the biodome, by the koi pond. Why not? I turn back and on my way out I see a mirror on the wall and use it to jump. First I try to summon my warrior me, but the way I look doesn’t change and I don’t care, as long as I arrive there. I jump and all goes black. I have this freefall sensation for a little longer than usual and I start feeling SP effects. Strangely, instead of loud horrible noises, I start to hear amazing celestial music, like I never heard before. I am totally high with this music, when I feel like I landed somewhere. I feel I am there on the moon, but all is still dark and when I try to open my eyes I feel my “real” eyes opening, so I stop and just wait. Then a place forms in front of my eyes but it is not the moon, but some room and there’s a couple there. The guy is lying down on the bed and she is tending over him. They are surprised to see me and are about to address me, but I’m like “No, this is not it! I have to go!”. So I get out of the room and on the hallway I see another mirror and jump again, thinking once more about the moon. Same SP effects and I feel my awaken body on the bed. Once again I wait for the image to form and I find myself again in the same room with the same couple! Bullocks! I decide to see what they’re doing anyway. The girl is cleaning up his wounds he has all over his body and when she is about to pull his pants down to reach his leg wounds, he grabs it, in a mixed feeling of shyness and arousal because I’m there. I also feel a bit uncomfortable and aroused and for a moment a threesome crosses my mind, but I decide to turn my back on them and focus on something else, like trying to aim to the biodome or meditate somewhere else. There’s a mirror on the room and I jump a third time. This time I wake up. 8:00 GMT
NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID FALSE AWAKENING PRECOG 0:55 GMT – Sleep “Gay” friends I’m with mom, coming out from her home, down the ramp to the main road. Once again I hope not to cross with this neighbour I had a crush for many years ago. Me and mom then drive to some city that looks like Brussels but a lot more colourful. We are looking for a place to eat but we have difficulty passing with the car to the area we want to go (because of traffic limitations) and then we spend a lot of time looking for parking. We just decide to go back home and cook something, because we’re already running out of time to go somewhere. Later on I’m visiting this 2 friends. They are metrosexual guys in their 30’s who live together and everybody thinks are gay. I know they aren’t but they don’t seem to convince anyone else. One of them is on the phone with an old aunt and she is asking him if he still lives with his friend – hopeful that he might be finally living a straight life with a girl friend. He gets the innuendo in her voice and he replies a bit abruptly that yes he is living with his friend but they are not “living” together. He says he is tired of trying to explain but he no longer cares what they think but I don’t believe him. I sense he is still upset. Friend from Iceland With a group of friends in some kind of waiting room. One girl in the group who has family in Iceland was supposed to be going there but I hear on the news that there was another volcanic eruption and her village is in flames and many people are dead. She actually laughs at me when I go back to the room and tell her, but I tell her I’m not joking. She then gets upset and the others are comforting her.. Later I go down the corridor of this place (looks like an airport waiting room) and I enter a staff only area. I pass by some offices and I am aware I’ll be asked what I am doing there if someone sees me. So, logically I decide to sit on a sofa at the entrance of one of the far end offices, just on top of some stairs going down. There’s someone inside the office and I am nervous but decide to stay there. I see a table with magazines and maps and pick up something. Then some lady comes up the stairs and asks me if I such and such person who has an appointment now. She is psychologist. Apparently I wanted to pretend I was such person but I fail to keep the lie and she starts suspecting. I just look at what I have in my hand and it is a map of Ghent (in Belgium). I recognize the streets and the main area around the bigger canal and I decide to jump off this dream and land there. British royalty I enter the map and land in front of the canal. I feel amused, I’m slightly aware that I am dreaming and decide to jump on the water with a huge splash. I have some fun and then realise there’s some sort of gathering or parade on the city. The British royalty is present and I see Prince Charles on a carriage parading in front of people. But the most interesting is that I spot the Queen and the Queen-mother under disguise following him on foot through the middle of the public. I wonder why nobody else noticed that already and I also wonder what they are up to. Then the Queen-mother feels sick. In the middle of the crowd no one seems to notice, but Prince Charles knows and jumps off the carriage and goes pick her up. The public is still not aware of what’s going on but a bunch of body-guards come from all over the place to surround them. The prince takes his granny up on his arms to a van nearby and they run fast to avoid people starting grabbing and pushing when they realise who is walking among them. 5:30 GMT Sleeping over and sharing room I’m sleeping over at some guy’s house with a 2nd guy. The house owner is an older guy, foreign, tall with grey hair and the second guy is Manuel, shorter, with glasses and round face, whom I know – he is a politician. For some reason I don’t grasp we’re sharing the same room and the 2 guys are on the same bed and left space for me to join them – nothing sexual intended, just sleeping. But still I feel extremely uncomfortable and just sit on the floor writing on my paper DJ. I turn my face to sneeze and I expel really disgusting green and brown goo that dirties the wall. Manuel woke up and sees it and feels disgusted, but his reaction is to pretend he is still sleeping and didn’t see anything. I try to clean it up with Kleenexes but it’s not working. Then the older guy wakes up and helps me out. He goes get a wet tissue and I am able to clean the mess. But either he is upset that I woke him up or also feeling disgusted, he goes to the living room and watches TV. It’s around 5 am and I tell him he should go back asleep but he doesn’t even reply. I realise we are talking in English but the guy speaks Portuguese and the other is also Portuguese, so I say “sorry for speaking in English but it just comes natural for me and the guy smiles and says it’s the same for him.” 7:00 GMT Hot air balloon With a group of youngsters, I look at the sky and see some strange clouds, in the shape of medusas. We think it’s a UFO and then one lands on the ground nearby and from inside it comes a second bunch of youngsters. They are totally excited, they come to us and say they’ve just had a ride on an hot air balloon and that we must go to. The group I’m with gets totally convinced and decides to go. A tram arrives to take them to the balloon. They ask me if I wanna join. I first say no, that the experience of being up on the air is not new to me and I don’t see much the point. But they insist and I finally agree. I also enter the tram. As I enter the tram, the driver, an old gentleman with white moustache smiles at me and tells me the ticket costs 6 EUR. I sit by the side of a little girl who is more scared than excited and I tell her it will be ok. We arrive at the top of a hill but the balloon is on the ground, not yet filled with hot air and we feel disappointed. Medical centre in home town I’m inside a village medical centre. I’m near the desk, I think waiting for my turn. My mom is also there and we make shifts on the queue. She is telling everybody I have an appointment with Dr. Fernando Nobre – he is a doctor but I don’t think he practices anymore, he is the director of an international NGO and is currently running for the presidency, so I don’t really understand why I supposedly have an appointment with him. My attention is attracted to this lady on the desk, she is in her 60’s and she is speaking Russian and German to the patients who come talk to her. I feel impressed, because from my experience these ladies on the medical centre’s desk are usually quite ignorant and impolite. I see on the desk a basket of apples for people to take. I take one and I am surprised to find it is organic. I also see these posters on the wall announcing some organic fair or convention. Are they finally teaching people about real healthy options in life? I feel so surprised. As I wonder about these things I turn to my left and meet this hippie-ish couple. I think she is pregnant and we start talking about these “organic developments”. I then go outside to get some fresh air and I pass by all these people from my home town – girls from my school now with kids, fat and totally dull. I don’t want to judge people but they are totally judging me. They look at me from head to toes, with disapproving yet jealous looks. I then see my reflection on the glass wall – I am almost in my warrior me: short dark hair, dressed in black and red, so totally different from them, like worlds apart. I think how I cherish my adventurous life and couldn’t settle with a desk job 9 to 5 and marrying and having kids and living back in home town. I feel grateful but I am also aware this is ego cherishing and I should not feed it. 8:20 GMT – Wake up
NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID FALSE AWAKENING PRECOG 0:00 GMT – Sleep Fragment: - Something about people getting a tour around the European Parliament 3:50 GMT Mother unlove I am at the square just by the end of the ramp that goes to my mom’s house. [My mom had told me that police goes often around this area and she even heard shots one day.] On the dream I look at all houses, and feel that this specific one in the middle is where the troubles are coming from. Then I see this Saudi Arabian (sorry to the Saudi Arabians, don’t mean to insult, this is clearly prejudice) peeking through a semi-open door. He sees me and looks at me in a way I can’t distinguish if he’s threatening me or flirting with me. But anyway I decide not to stay around to figure out. I go up the ramp and realise I’m wearing my ugliest pijama [which I don’t even have anymore] and floating in a really strange way – if anybody sees me, will think I’m such a freak, but if in the past I would feel totally embarrassed, now I just try not to care. Instead I think how awesome is the contortionism I am doing. I look like some alien animal. I arrive at my mom’s building and check the mail box, trying to hurry before someone else comes [a recurrent dream for years]. Then outside I see this weird baby crawling on the pavement. It has the body of a baby, but the head of an older little girl who already talks. I pick her up and ask her what’s she doing here alone. She then tells me her mother totally ignores her. She loves her but has made vows to just cuddle her and give her care after she is baptised, so this baby girl never received mother love. I find that really stupid. I take care of her until parents arrive [also a recurrent dream] and think her mother will be upset that I’m being loving towards her baby. But she is cool about it. She doesn’t mind others do it, she just doesn’t. I then see it from the mother’s perspective and realise what a great detachment practice she is doing and I even admire her for her strength, but still I don’t think it’s fair for the baby. Sex everyday My boyfriend then appears and I talk to him about this previous dream baby-mother story. Then he informs me about some letter he received (from some girl, I presume) and he asks me if I feel jealous. I say I am ok, I trust him. Then he says he was with this guy from work who cannot be one day without sex and was freaking out because he skipped one day. He told me he had told him he had to be joking. He explained how for example he doesn’t see me for prolonged periods of time and he doesn’t freak out about it. And the other guy told him it wasn’t healthy not to have sex everyday and that he should have a backup for when I’m not around. Then I started looking at him a bit annoyed, not knowing why he was bringing this conversation up. Did he intend to tell me something? 4:30 GMT Epic flood I am part of a research team that is predicting extreme weather events. At the moment there’s a catastrophic drought where we are but we predict that a huge flood, of biblical proportions. Then the head scientist goes nuts and decides to leave the team to build an ark. But not like the naïve Noah’s ark, it’s a fully equipped, ultra-modern submarine. At some point we all get involved in helping. He is building it on top of this canyon, which used to be a riverbed and is now a completely dry valley. People have settled houses on its bottom and we predict that it will be flooded and all the people will die if they don’t get out of there. Then one day, when the sub is ready, just needing minor adjustments, I see this gigantic wall of water wiping through the valley and people running and screaming, but they stand no chance. Only a few who were around the sub - many curious people have come to see it regularly and kids play inside it – they have a chance to escape but we have to close the doors, because we cannot get them all inside and also there’s no time. Three kids who were playing inside get separated from their parents who got stuck outside. The parents are knocking on the door and looking through a window, desperately trying to get in. But I can’t open or we all die. At least the kids are inside. Then I worry, when the water hits us, that some door I was working on, still needed a few adjustments and might not cope with the pressure, but so far is holding. Then starts a social experiment inside the sub. After some time locked inside it, people start to reveal what’s really inside them. For example, there’s this black guy who has been harassed by two different girls who feel attracted to him. But he is not interested at all. They keep pushing, they even seduce him together, but he really doesn’t care about them. Then another black guy, shorter and much more extroverted, thinks he has the solution to his problem. He goes to his room when he is resting on the bed, pulls of his pants – the other guy offers resistance, but not very convincing – and then performs fellatio on him who is fully erect and clearly enjoying. Still, he feels so embarrassed that he kicks the shorter guy out of the room. Then he becomes very quiet and unsocial, not accepting what has become clear to him. There’s also this guy who is in love with these two girls who tried seducing the black guy. He is talking about this with some friends on the common room – the black guy is sitting on the back, looking to the floor – and he asks his friends what they think about that. Then one replies amused that as long as all the people involved agree on that, there’s absolutely no problem. The social constraints went down the drain with the flood, inside the sub all that matters is that everybody is happy and lives love freely. Then he raises his voice a bit so the black guy can also hear, that everybody is cool about everybody else’s choices, no matter whether is to love 2 persons or someone of the same sex. 8:30 GMT – Wake up
NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID FALSE AWAKENING 0:15 GMT – sleep Nothing... 4:45 GMT Tango and vampire attack I’m on a dance classroom. People are learning tango. Teacher evaluates us and I suck. I leave the floor and decide to go to a window check the outside. I am wearing a black cape and then I see a bunch of vampires about to enter and attack everybody. I remember clearly one vampire sucking the blood from one girl who is actually delighted. The vampire sensed her joy and stops to ask her why is she happy. She doesn’t say but I guess she is happy with the prospective of also becoming a vampire. They take her away, don’t know if to make her wish come true, but all the others are killed. I realise then I’m one of them, because they don’t do me nothing. Still, I don’t kill, I’m a benign vampire and in fact feel bad about this killing. 5:40 GMT Ego burst and reconciliation I’m walking with mom and my friend Christof by my side. We cross a train station platform and I see this bunch of card boxes full of stuff someone abandoned there. I guess for others to take whatever they wish. I start taking a look at it but mom discourages me, thinks it’s not suitable for me to do it, that’s for poor people. How stupid, I love getting used stuff from others. I find a nice vase and a minipimer. She is now really pulling me away from it but I insist in seeing the rest. Then I find boxes full of my childhood stuff. I feel totally upset – these are things that only my mother could have taken here. But when I want to confront her, she is gone somewhere and my friend says we should go meet her now. But I feel totally angry and can’t really face her right now, so I just leave to the opposite direction. But first pick up some of my stuff, put it on a bag and hand it over to my friend. I then pass by this people from my village (that’s when I realise all this is taking place there) and they are talking about me on my back. I hear them commenting how I work abroad and so on, like if it’s a big deal for small town folks. But then I hear a sarcastic comment saying “Yeah, but I heard she doesn’t make much money.” What??? I’m totally pissed – what do these people have to do with my life anyway? I scream to them that I make loads of money, travel a lot for free around the world and have an amazing life. Then (WTF) I scream that I am also planning to join the army or the navy (whatever). I keep walking way but this anger and hurt ego do not last for long and soon I worry that my mother will freak out not knowing where I went and my foreign friend also. Can’t make them feel sick of worries, so I just go back. I find my friend on the door of this shop where my mom was, trying to get me on the phone, totally despaired that his cell phone is almost battery dead and that my mom doesn’t speak english. He hugs me, relieved. My mom is inside. We don’t talk, as she is still mumbling about all that stuff being just garbage that I’m attached to, but I’m already totally cool about it. Already let go of the possessions she gave away. People matter more than objects. Then Christof tells me the shop keeper (a cute lady) has been totally nice to him, asking his name, where he comes from and so on. But I tell him that’s not the normal way they deal with costumers and that she was totally flirting with him. 6:55 GMT – wake up
Location: My home town/a supermarket The dream started off in a supermarket in my home town. I could see the frozen food section with several meats, as well as the checkout counter which I was currently standing next to. The counter happened to be in the produce seciton where my sister was buying fruits (Later that day, my sister and I bought strawberries and blueberries for my grandmother. I love precognitive dreams)and was looking at some sort of berries. I couldn't tell what they were but they were something like purple. (I'm colorblind )I got bored to I walked outside. I was instantly walking with some of my classmates and randomly looked at my hands. My right hand was normal but my left hand had six fingers, and the thumb was on the wrong side. I became lucid. I walked over to my friend Zach who was just walking slowly around looking at the ground. "Hey Zach," I said to him. "'Sup?" "Not much. Hey, you know this is a dream right? It's not real so you can do whatever you want." "Really? It looks just like real life. I thought it would be more... dreamy, I guess." At this point, I was wondering if this was a shared dream and I was talking to the real Zach, or if he was just a rather intelligent DC. "Make sure you remember this when you wake up. I'll ask you about it to see if it's what's considered a shared dream. So... what do you want to do? As long as you believe that it'll happen, you can do anything!" "I don't know." "C'mon Zach. You have to do something. Maybe you want..." I reach into my back pocket "a million bucks?" I said as I pulled out a stack of money. There were 3 stacks of thousand dollar bills. My mind has good taste! "No," he replies calmly. "I'm starting to wonder if your just a DC." "A what?" "A DC, or dream character, just a figment of my imagination." "No, I'm the real Zach." Okay, now I'm confused. We continue to talk about lucid dreaming as I try to convince him to try it when he wakes up, but I don't think I got the message through. We came to a bakery and as we walked through the doors, I noticed another one of my friends sitting in line with a loaf of bread. "Hey, do you consider yourself as an aware person?" Completely forgetting it was a dream and hinking it was real life for a secon, I thought he was a real person but I doubt I would have a three-way shared dream. "No," he replies "Then you'll have a hard time doing this." Which was when I woke up. I talked to my friend today and he said that he does remember me giving him a million dollars and then walking to a bakery together as we were talking about something. I think this constitutes as a shared dream but I'm not sure.
Updated 06-21-2010 at 06:23 PM by 31951