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    1. Weirdest day ever.

      by , 06-03-2011 at 08:54 PM
      I had hung out at my friend's house all day, hanging out with a group of my friends from high school. Two of my former friends from high school asked if they could borrow my hookah and for some reason I said yes, so they took it on a camping trip for the weekend. After they had left, everybody had gotten dressed up in fancy clothes and we were talking about who wanted to go out to dinner with their family and who wanted to stay behind. On of my friends asked another friend who lived at their place if he wanted to go. I then noticed my straight edge friends bringing over beers, saying we were going to get drunk while they were out. I then woke up.
      Tags: formal, hookah
    2. Transforming Beetles, The Hookah Bar, and More (Lucid and Non-Lucid)

      by , 04-08-2011 at 04:33 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid - AP

      I was at home. I remember my brother being there. The movie Leprachaun was on TV, though I doubt it was the actual movie (I've never seen it in waking life). It was in black and white, and started with some dude wanting his girlfriend to go down on him. I stopped watching it, because I knew it was a bloody movie, and I can't stand bloody horror movies.

      Then, I got on my laptop, and the movie popped up. I couldn't close out of it, no matter what I did. In fact, the movie was on every TV and computer in the nation, and everyone had to watch it. I tried and tried, but I couldn't close out of the movie. I said something about not wanting to see it.


      I was laying in bed, looking at my ceiling. I looked at my air vent, which was right above my bed (it's not above my bed in waking life), and there were two ladybug-looking beetles on it, each sitting on opposite sides of the vent. They were red with black spots. I noticed that the one on the left was male, and the one on the right was female. I kept going to sleep and waking up with them still being there. I was confused, I didn't think my air vent was right above my bed. I, however, accepted that it was.

      I noticed the male going over to the female. He mated with her.
      "Great," I thought, "that thing is going to lay eggs in my room."
      I wondered how long it would take for that to happen. I remember calling my brother in at some point to show him the beetles.

      Then, there were more beetles, some big, some tiny. They all looked different too; they were differend colors and such. I remember one being huge with a flat, white body with some light blue markings on it. All of the beetles were trying to mate with one another. A tiny one crawled into the back end of the big flat one. I then saw inside of the flat one; it was all mechanical. The tiny one was trying to implant something inside of it. I noticed that the tiny one had a human, female head.

      Then, they all fell from the vent and turned into my friends. I remember one being Rachel. There was a reason for this, but I can't remember it. I knew they would eventually turn back, though. They all seemed dazed, but happy. They almost had a blissful, naive look. I then remember them being in the kitchen. Something about having to feed them.

      Then, I remember being in my car, driving. It was pre-dawn, and I had left the house to drive around for some reason. I thought about me turning off the house's security system so I wouldn't set it off while leaving. I was in a really bad part of town. I saw a couple drunkenly fighting ouside a trailer. There was trash scattered all over the yards and the roads. I remember, at some point, being out of my car, but I knew I was in a horrible part of town, and was suddenly back in the car. I knew I needed to turn around.


      I was at a hookah bar with some of my friends. We were in a foreign country. The sky looked like it might storm. I looked up, and saw a huge flock(?) of flying starfish. They were flying with their arms. They had their formation set up so the middle formed a big, empty star. They were keeping the star intact as they flew. I pointed them out to the friend that was with me. I knew that these creatures were native to where I was.

      Then, we were inside with our waitress, who was seating us at the hookah bar. There were a few people there, but I noticed a little later that they had all left. We were then outside, getting seated. I remember my friends Kayla and Caitlin being there. They wanted to sit out there, but it was very windy, and the clouds looked ominous. We were moving tables around so we could fit everyone in. I remember Caitlin wanting to split a hookah with me, while the other people had their own hookah. I opted that we sit inside, because it looked stormy.

      We went inside, but then I noticed we were still outside. There were many more of us now, I remember Brittany being there too. We moved again, and were finally inside. We were all sitting at our tables, which were pushed together to accomodate us. While we had only started out with 4 or 5 people, there were now 8 or 9. We got our hookah, which looked odd; it had two seperate parts sitting seperate of each other; the hose was attached to one part, and the water vase was completely seperate. Oh well, I thought, I guess that's how they do it here.

      The hookah went around a couple of times (we were smoking tobacco, by the way). I was sitting by Brittany. She took a hit, and had the hose positioned weirdly, so the mouthpiece outlined part of her face. She passed it to me, and I took a hit. It was very hard for me to breathe in for some reason. I took another hit, and passed it. It went around again, and got to Brittany, and she laughed and said
      "It's out! Hahaha...I knew that would happen. It's out!" I knew we should have gotten two hookahs.

      Then, the clouds came down on us. The ceiling wasn't covered all the way, and some cloud leaked in. I took a huge chunk of it. It was like sunset clouds, colored orange and pink, and felt like cotton candy.

      I must be dreaming! I got up and walked off, going outside. I saw a house that I wanted to enter. I walked in, and I knew the family inside only spoke Spanish. I told them they had a beautiful house. They seemed ok with me walking in. In fact, in their culture, they didn't care who walked in, the door was open to anyone. I walked around, admiring the royal blue tiled countertops and the rest of the house.

      Then, I woke up. I didn't move, and went back to sleep.

      I was lucid in the house again. I was scolded by one of the male family members for something, though I don't remember what. I think it had something to do with me coming into the house. I started to feel everything around me, feeling for the vividness. The refrigerator felt so real. So did the beautiful countertops. I touched everything around me.

      Then, I woke up again.


      I was on the computer, and Austin wanted to come pick me up for lunch. He said he was on his way. I told him to give me an hour, because I had to get ready or something.
    3. Lucid #3 Battlefield

      by , 01-21-2011 at 05:02 PM
      Lucid #3 Battlefield (DILD)


      - I am in a battlefield. I see some scenes with awful creatures coming out of a awful lake and soldiers stabbing them in the face. I start thinking that this place is dangerous and i wouldn't want to feel the pain of a knife or an arrow. There are lots of arrows coming from the enemy side. As i reach a stone building i start thinking that if all this was a dream i wouldn't worry that much if an arrow hit me, cause i'd know it's a dream. As i walk up the hill, arrows fall around me like rain. They are so many that when they fall on the ground they hit on other arrows (the floor was filled with them!) and make a pretty intense jingling sound, like when there are a lot of coins hiting the ground or sth. And then suddenly i become lucid. Everything is really clear around me. Very realistic. I turn around and see many arrows coming towards me. I almost got hit by one. I think that if an arrow hits me i ll wake up from pain, or unstable dream. I run towards the building, constantly thinking "focus! focus!". At first i was running pretty good. Then i fell my head disappearing (like fading away). I closed my eyes and started spinning but it was too late.

      Other Dreams:
      - There are gambling machines. I see an old woman winning. The machine shoots out TOO many 5cent coins kai too few 2euro coins. I Reach the machine to try for myself. I insert a 2euro coin, cause that's what was only accepted by the machine and i thought "how can it be that the machine gave that woman 5cent coins if everyone inserts 2euro coins?". However i didn't do any RC. The machines shows a row of three cheries. After a second one cherrie falls. I hit the machine many times. I look at the screen again and now there are many cherries in random order and they blink... In the end it gives me two bus tickets. They didn't look like any transport ticket i know. They had different shapes and they cost 4 euros...

      - I am with my mother in a store of some sort. Behind me there is a man who smokes the hookah. He pokes me and says to me while laughing: "Check this out! It smokes by itself!". He takes the plug he held and puts it in a hole of another metallic thing that looked like a hookah. That thing had a big hole in its center. So when the plug touched the upper hole, there was a lot of dense yellow smoke coming out of the big one... The guy just can't stop laughing. We leave.

      - I have the feeling i am outside the previous store, in my car and my mother sits next to me. I sit in the driver's seat and show to someone how many different settings there are to adjust the seat.

      Updated 01-21-2011 at 05:05 PM by 35809
