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    1. 15 Apr: Mayan / Austrian city and walking on air

      by , 04-15-2024 at 11:52 AM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Taking the bus home (as I did in high school), some people seem to have fallen asleep, this guy Pedro I met a few days ago while camping IRL is also getting out on the same stop as I.
      I offer to walk with him, but he is actually going the opposite direction, towards À-dos-Loucos, so I say bye when he meet his sister or friend and they get in a car. When I start walking back, chaos ensues.
      The road and sidewalks are covered in parked cars, people everywhere like there is some demonstration or street fair. I need to get on top of cars trying to find my way out. End up on some underground path where I come across a Mexican John Wick offing a hunch of dudes and I turn around before he sees me, afraid he might want to eliminate the witness. On another tunnel I see an exit but it is guarded by a kind of Robocop looking android, who starts shooting lasers towards everyone on the tunnel. But I yell "stop, don't shoot" and for some reason he does and lets me pass.
      When exiting the tunnel I realize I am no longer in Alhandra but some other place with Aztec or Mayan construction. The tunnel actually opens up to a cave with amazing carvings and sculptures on the walls.
      I slowly become lucid and start floating around in the air to admire the surroundings, then notice something funny: all human faces carved in this South American style engravings look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. As I walk towards the outside and see more monuments with this face, the more clear it becomes it's him and I laugh at the absurdity. Then as I step on open air, the constructions outside change and look now a mix of Mayan/Austrian, slowly shifting towards only Austrian. I find myself in a city with endless streets that looks like Vienna, with palaces in yellow façades as far as the eye can see. One façade is covered chaotically in black bronze horses sticking and hanging out over the street below, with still some Mayan like sculptures in between.
      I find myself in front of a larger palace with a patio and a huge black limousine in front that starts driving away. I fly to it to try to see who's inside. The limo is followed by a sports car that I also can't see who's driving, but I'm curious. Is it the Schwarzenegger like guy/god that rules this place or my mind will make up something even more silly? But I can't keep up with the cars. I speed up my flying and still they disappear. Then the road ahead transforms into a live version of a video game, becoming covered in grass and flowers, but with canons popping up from the ground and blasting transparent energy balls towards me, water canons shooting at me and creatures that I don't know if they are friendly or not coming towards me. Then objects that I suppose I should pick up but have no clue what they are and what they are used for.
      I get quickly tired of it and get out of the road to the left side towards a cliff. There is some other lady joining me, seemingly curious about what I'll do. I am also not sure what I'll do, but I wanna do something useful with the dream, so I think I'll try to walk on air, to simply put my feet in the void and not fall down. This is something I never did before. The lady tries to discourage me but I ignore her and take a first step. It's so easy, as if there is a glass bridge beneath me. And I keep going. It works perfectly, but at some point the invisible floor starts to feel a bit smooshy, not entirely solid and it isn't easy to walk anymore.
      I then realize I'm back over to "Vienna" and below me I see an hotel. It's named Hotel Regence. I decide to go inside and see who's staying in it, but I wake up.
    2. 24 Feb: Snakes at my gate and trying to meditate lucid

      by , 02-24-2023 at 09:18 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At my gate. I see a goat running on the hill in front and then a horse behind my parking lot. I also notice the gate is not well closed, so I close it tight. My dogs are jumping around me excited. Then I check the fence and find a couple spots where the fence is lose as if someone damaged it on purpose. I scramble to fix it before my dogs see it, but they go through a hole they find. First Soraia, but I yell at her and she promptly comes back. Then Maya and Tara also escape. I manage to call back Maya, but Tara encounters a black dog about her size, they become friends and she ignores me. They roll on their backs on the ground, clearly getting along. I then notice the road ahead is loaded with huge snakes coming their way. I call Riverstone for help and he goes outside the gates to get the dog but I warn him about the snakes.
      Then the dream fades and I almost wake up but hold on to it and then I am at some kind of small room, laying on a bed, belly down.
      I know I am dreaming so I plunge my hand into the foam mattress as a reality check and grab some foam as if is it cotton candy and eat it. I expected some crazy flavor, but it actually tastes just like foam. I then get up and go through the wall. End up in someone elses apartment and then go from room to room not knowing what to do. I briefly panic when I realize I don't know the way back to my room. Then I recall again that it's just a dream and there is no point in going back to "my" room. I go out to a balcony. Below the balcony on the street I see many kids and adults looking festive. I plan to jump through the pavement below and see where it takes me. I jump flat on my belly but as I approach the ground I see it is covered in animal poop, so I stop an inch from it and just levitate there for a second. Everyone looks at me. I lay my feet on the ground and stand. Immediately see a group of people on horse back coming towards me in two lines side by side. They don't stop for me, so I quickly lift off again not to be trampled upon. As I watch from above I think it may be some parade, but then notice the outfits and lots of famous Hollywood actors walking around and conclude that it must be a movie set.
      I want to focus on something productive and stop just moving around, so I sit cross legged on top of a wall to try to meditate. I invoke my guru and ask for his guidance and teachings. Immediately I get attacked by some guy out of nowhere, jumping and trying to reach me to harm me, his face full of anger, as if he is possessed. I kinda expected that, but still it is annoying every time it happens. I transport myself to a room full of plushies, hoping it will be peaceful to meditate in there. I try again and invoke my guru, but the plushies start flying and hiting me. I deflect them with energy from my hands, but att some point they come alive and gain shark teeth and bite me. I try to ignore the pain and carry on, aware that it is still all just a dream, but I almost wake up.

      I then find myself in what appears to be an island and in front of me there is a strange asian looking tower. I get this feeling that I will find my guru there, but when I reach the front door, it is controlled by thugs and they won't let anyone in that is not vetted by them. I plan on just flying up but then I notice there is some sort of elevator on the side, the kind of those for window cleaners and is starting to go up so I hold on to a side and just go up hanging from it. It takes me all the way to the top but then I see no way to access the interior of the building and there is no way to get down from the roof either. It is also inclined and slippery and I almost fall. Again, I wonder what to do next but a sudden water rise out of nowhere covers everything below and it keeps rising until it reaches the roof and leaves me isolated on my own little island. I go around the roof and find a stone path that magically appeared over the water, so I walk it through. It leads me to dry land. I find myself in what looks like some city in Latin America. It's night now, but the streets are flooded with people panicking and running in all directions. On the tv of some eatery, I see a broadcast about some impending catastrophe. I think I also see something big in the night sky but can't tell what it is. I wake up.

      Updated 02-24-2023 at 09:26 PM by 34880

    3. 19 Aug: Strange delivery at home, colony on extreme weather planet

      by , 08-19-2022 at 07:20 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At my home, but it functions as an extra-curricular activities centre. Kids are being looked after by a couple adults. Outside, my dogs are getting in trouble at the gate. I go check it out and find Soraia escaped the fence and is somehow outside with two horses. Three people come by for a supposed delivery and I find it strange as I am not expecting anything. I don't let them come in. They say the delivery is for a Joana and insist on getting inside to hand it to her. I say she is my coworker and I'll get her and they are rude to me, saying they can't wait.

      On some kind of colony in a harsh planet. It has beautiful beaches, but we only go outside in certain times and weather conditions. There are really sudden high tides among other extreme events and the sun is really deadly. One day I fail to get home on time and get caught in a rising tide and upcoming high sun radiation. I see another person at risk, with a small kid, and I try to help them out. I dont succeed, but they are lucky and they escape. I, on the other hand, end up near a cave where I seek shelter. I find inscriptions on the cave and a bunch of leafs from a tree floating on a little puddle of water. The inscriptions talk about an ointment from those leaves, which make for an amazing skin protector and I decide to try it. It is truly miraculous and from then on it allows anyone to freely move outside during the day and even go to the "red" side of the planet, which is scorching hot and unhinabitable.
    4. 17 Dec: Penniless in Brussels, looking for work at a univeristy

      by , 12-17-2021 at 07:51 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      In Brussels, penniless and in pijamas on the street for some reason. I take the subway without a ticket. I just need to travel a couple stations to one where there is a public restroom I can use, but I come across a ticket fiscal and I exit abruptly in the wrong station. I don't risk going back, so I decide to walk.
      Meet some folks at a park, one is my old school colleague Ana S. and she invites me to join them. Some guy is trying hypnosis on her, but she is not cooperating. Another person tells me she is highly anxious and this way she can't be healed. Apparently she has a problem with a horse that doesn't allow her to ride it and it is something with her that needs to be balanced so the horse will accept her. They offer me to come along with them on a boat ride down a river. They drop some dude at a university and I feel interested in joining him. I wonder if I can just drop by and look for work opportunities there. My friends provided me with some stuff and now I am carrying a trolley with a few items inside.
      At the university, walking down a hall, I spot a small department library which must be related to men's reproductive health, because the sides of the shelves are all shaped like penises and it is hilarious. I take a couple photos with a phone I now have and some idiots come by complaining that I am not respecting the privacy and right to image protection of the people inside the library. I explain that I am only photographing the dicks, yet they still bother me. I go away and pass by the cafeteria. I am so hungry and I need a coffee and I am glad they have very cheap prices, like coffee for 35 cts and nice cakes and a variety of weird sandwiches. They also sell something weird like a hot dog but the sausages are not served whole, they are cut in slices, dipped in different sauces and then spread on a weird bread. The sauce's flavors are awful, like mint, cranberries, strawberry and I just can't find one I would consider edible.
    5. Pony Ride

      by , 01-19-2021 at 02:27 AM (Night Vision)
      I’m in a green hilly area dotted with groves of trees, alongside a group of people. It seems like we’re all traveling somewhere together and have been in this general area for several days.

      Nearby is an enormous skeleton horse with leathery wings. I think it’s cute and have been making friends with it. (My waking-life sense of what is cute is pretty broad by most people’s standards, and it seems to be even broader in dreams.) The horse is really enormous: it has its head down at my level, and it would probably be big enough to inhale me if it breathed (which seems unlikely to happen).

      Now it wants to give me a ride: it lies down, leaning to one side so I can get on. I seat myself in the ridge between two of its vertebrae. This part of it, like the wings but unlike the head and neck, is still covered in skin, which is dry and stiff, rather like a drum skin in feel and color. It takes off, and we fly around the area for a little while.

      When it lands again and lets me down, I rejoin the group, which has been occupied with something else up until now. Before long, though, as we leave the area on the next phase of the journey, I take to the air again, on my own this time. I have one eye on the rest of the group and the other on the road ahead as they walk towards a pass through taller hills.

      28.12.20 [I’ve been meaning to post this for a while….]
    6. clxxxix. Farm/ranch, Mystical boy

      by , 11-14-2020 at 07:01 PM
      12th November 2020


      Out with H somewhere. It's day time and we're approaching a wooden or metal gate of a farm or ranch of some sort. There is a building on the left of the gate, in the distance there are hills or low mountains and more immediately to our right is a small mounding area. There are some darkly coloured horses here and they eventually get up close to some trees on the mound area and stand up on their hind legs and basically start trying to copulate with the trees, which have some holes at just about the right height.

      I don't recall what happened next exactly but I remember noticing the trees had no leaves left at all anymore, but the grass was green-ish and not covered in leaves. The horses later stopped what they were doing I think and turned into dogs instead.

      13th November 2020


      The dream was focused around a black boy I was trying to help. He must have been no older than eight years of age.

      He had no parents? I think he was wanting to get some information about some random guy and the info he wanted was in a hard drive. I suggested we could plug it in at my computer and it would be quicker this way.

      But for whatever reason, the drive needed a scart connector. I remember we looked for about three hours (it felt long, but not actually three-hour long) and I couldn't find one of these connectors, only some other old connectors.

      I remember starting to feel frustrated after finding a component lead or something. I can't remember what we chose to do at this point but I do recall a computer, with a CRT. In retrospect now, it felt like something like what we had back at home when I was younger.

      There's a large gap in my recall here.

      At some point it becomes evident or is revealed that there's something mystical about the boy. He was unliving or something. There were dark forces trying to reclaim him, back to their domains. Another recall gap.

      Near the end of the dream, a human-like demon is pouring (out of his mouth?) tea bags in front of the boy's feet. Something about these being a representation of the number of times the boy had avoided or cheated death or capture.

      The dream was particularly long most of the recall was lost because of having to get ready in the morning and the recall I managed to keep for the initial notes was about an hour old at that point. Would like to edit in some notes at some later point.
    7. School trip to a distant, abandoned mansion fragment and creepypasta image | [28.08.2020]

      by , 08-28-2020 at 06:19 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      School trip to a distant, abandoned mansion
      I am on what is seemingly a school trip to a mansion. I don't remember much, except that I wasn't quite interested in anything. I went to some friends, but I just watched them do things. We also went to an attic. For some reason I needed an asthma inhaler and something else I don't remember. I think some person, maybe a teacher or maybe some owner of this house came up and sent us out because some things are private, but I forgot my stuff there, including the inhaler, but for some reason I hesitated telling a teacher. At some point apparently I was unconscious or dead, and I was watching some insane doctor do something with my body. Apparently he needed to cut my clothes into shape, but for some reason he cut it to girl clothes.

      Creepypasta image
      I was searching for something on Google images, but then I remembered that this could be the name of creepypasta things, and I was right. I saw some very disfigured thing that was horse-like, but very big and stretched and entirely pale, and it's face was just an evenly oval-shaped hole, as if it was cut away. It was in a tunnel, that looked like some tunnel from Need for Speed: Carbon on one of the canyon levels, probably the first level when you start out the career.

      Second day where I remembered my mantra. I guess school being cancelled for now is relieving some of my stress.
    8. New ride at the amusement park.

      by , 04-19-2020 at 11:04 PM (Awake to take in the view...)
      Last night I had a dream that my family came to visit me, and we went to the local amusement park. There was a new ride. It was a horse you could ride on that pivoted on a central axis (I think that's the right term). It was not a real horse, I don't think, but rather a lifelike mechanical one. It was curious and friendly, and reminded me of a Pokémon somewhat. There were glowing leaves scattering everywhere, despite it being daytime, and the horse bent down to smell and investigate the leaves while kids rode it. As I recall, we were in line for the duration of the dream, but I got woken up before we got on the ride.

      I'm interested in theme park design and have been since I was small and now I want to use this somehow, somewhere. It's one of many dreams about rides that I've had throughout the years, even when I'm not actively thinking about them.
    9. Horses and Cars

      by , 03-08-2020 at 10:02 AM
      Morning of March 8, 2020. Sunday.

      Dream #: 19,438-01. Reading time: 54 sec.

      In my transition from complete lucidity to liminality near the beginning of my dreaming experience, I think about the nature of imaginary physicality, though it does not correlate with the usual falling sensation anticipation.

      As the rapid morphing of various random settings slows and stabilizes, I see a variation of the “Gunsmoke” Dodge City set, though its implication is ambiguous, as both people on horses and modern cars are present and in motion. I know that horses are more of an instinctual rendering when imaginary proprioception is an anticipated factor, whereas cars, although still signifying the physical body as sublimated while dreaming, indicate a partial level of cognizance. As a result, my liminal state integrates the ambiguity of both in an atypical form of sleep-wake mediation.

      What results, as I am moving into my sleep cycle instead of out of it, is that all the cars unrealistically rotate, reminiscent of a tornado, ballerina’s pirouette, or helicopter rotor system (all of which are variations of mediating this process) as I allow my lucidity to lessen. There is no emotion as only one horse bucks at the impossible scene (only because I briefly anticipate it). The cars do not lift off the ground but rapidly rotate in place until their spinning makes them a seemingly transparent circular anomaly. After a few minutes, I allow the scene to fade.

      Tags: car, horse, spinning
    10. Monday, January 7

      by , 01-29-2019 at 08:17 AM
      I am outside somewhere. It seems dim or dark. It’s almost like I am watching this scene, as opposed to in it. There is a horse, and the horse is pulling a cart or something. There’s someone on the cart, directly behind the horse. I now watch as the horse begins to give birth. Once the foal is birthed, the scene (and me too?) rises into the night sky. Something slowly changes into an image of a rabbit/rabbits. (*this scene is oddly psychedelic and definitely inspired by the little bit of Watership I watched last night). Now I am laying in bed or asleep. There are OBE sensations for a while, until I open my eyes. There is something slightly different, either the scene or my perception. I know that this is an OBE or a dream state. I walk out of the room and into the dark kitchen, where I see on the oven that it is 1am. I then make my way to the front door and open it. It is night, but with the illumination that comes with heavy snowfall. There are a few inches on the ground (*just like in real life) and it is still coming down. I walk out on the dry strip under the roof’s protrusion. I have the notion to rise up into the air, but when I try I cannot. Now, I think I wake up in bed.
    11. 9 Jan: Magical island with spirit animals

      by , 01-09-2019 at 09:31 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      With a friend, we are going to denounce some corruption in the police. There is a conspiracy and they do what they can to stop us. A traffic policewoman doesn't want to let us drive away in our car, we understand she is looking for reasons to detain us, so we run away. We are followed, we split. I enter the internal affairs or something like it and I meet the detective that already is expecting us. I sign a letter with my testimony. Even in there he has to do some tricks to protect the statement and the evidences from corrupt colleagues.

      With some boys, having some classes on metallurgy, learning to make some instruments and later applying to some competition.

      With mom, arriving to a house at the very edge of the woods. We spot 5 kids coming out of the house, all fired up over something. They get on a boat at a nearby peer and we keep watching their journey as if watching a movie. They sail the sea and face sea monsters and are almost swallowed by a whale. They end up on the shore of some dream island and welcomed by some Greek goddess. People live there in peace, away from the human world, protected by this magical monsters that live around and in the island.

      I go down to the beach and meet these amazing black shiny horses that jump on the ocean and they swim to the shores of the idyllic island. I follow them there. Nothing happens on the way. Once on land, I learn the island is full of wild animal spirits. The population here stays indoors after sunset and keeps the fire burning for protection, because the evil spirits attack at night. But the fire extinguishes and we are attacked by a spirit in the form of a black puma. When he is about to attack me, he stops but still hurts me with its claws. Wants me to follow him to his cave. Zilla is there to and tries to hit him with something, so I can run. I don't want to hurt the puma, so I use the chance to escape and he gives up and goes away. Later, a demonic boar is attacking a lady and I also have to beat it until the spirit leaves.

      Updated 01-19-2019 at 09:52 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Beatles in the Barn with Tiger

      by , 10-25-2018 at 08:16 AM
      Morning of October 25, 2018. Thursday.

      Dream #: 18,938-02. Reading time (optimized): 2 min. Readability score: 83.

      In late morning, I find myself in a big barn (in an unknown location) that serves as a recording studio for the Beatles. There is much sound equipment on hay bales and the barn floor, such as big amplifiers and mixing consoles, but I do not see any musical instruments. There are a few unfamiliar men present, one being a producer, another, a sound engineer.

      While a man is checking a track, there is an unusual drum fill where the snare audio reverses at least twice. The man is puzzled and asks Paul McCartney what that was, but he does not reply. A different “drum fill” is heard, but it turns out to be someone knocking on the barn door. (This scene is ambiguous for two reasons, one, a door knock would not have reverse audio and two, the sound came from the equipment.)

      A man comes in with a tiger that belongs to John Lennon’s wife (Cynthia Powell). He pets it for a short time. There is no sense of danger.

      Later, there is an unknown man with a Bainbridge livestock prod. He taps the tiger with it on the rump, and John and the man with the tiger slowly leave the barn. They seem cheerful. Next, the man uses the prod on some farm animals. He touches the rump of a horse with it to get it to move to the corner of the barn. The horse seems annoyed but goes where the man wants him to go.

      I do not see any of the Beatles at this point and decide to leave the barn. I go around to the back and see a young version of Zsuzsanna, who is about eight years old. However, my real-life identity is not extant in this dream, and so my dream self does not recall who she is. There is a cage adjacent to the back of the barn. There are at least three brown-mantled tamarins in the cage, a mother and two babies. Zsuzsanna is sitting on the ground watching them. She does not speak. I hold the paw of the mother tamarin, stroking the fur on the back of its “hand.” It seems tame.

      Later, I get up and go back into the barn, which is now empty and full of hundreds of flies that start buzzing in my face. The air is thick with them, and they are loud. I soon decide to leave the barn and slowly wake after I walk back out. As I wake, I realize that the illusion of the flies was a distortion of the sound of the fan and its air on my face (from the foot of the bed).

      Two other dreams came before this, one of sending many DVDs over time to a member of the dream journal website (a long-term male poster). The other related to capturing each instrument from the Beatles’ “Being for the Benefit of Mr. Kite!” to use virtual versions (mostly on keyboards) for a live cover.

    13. Dangerous animals and boys scouts

      by , 09-15-2018 at 10:25 PM
      Dangerous animals and boys scouts

      I remember passing by my grandparents house, over the yard right to the horse paddock. The house was full of grown up-boy scouts and I was… naked, for some reason. Since the guys were such a bullies I couldn’t go inside the house. What was very unusual for being their house was that it got large windows and looked way to modern actually. But anyway, these boy scouts had been torturing me all day and they had probably been stealing my clothes somehow. I was not worried about being seen by other people since the house lies in a forest on the country side so no one is ever around. It was getting dark and I was… still naked. I really wanted to go inside but needed to find something to cover up myself with first. So I was watching out for not touching the electricity wire that was surrounding the horse paddock when I stepped in. I had seen a polo shirt laying around in one of the horse paddocks and didn’t care how I got it as longs I would just have something to cover my body with. Suddenly an ostrich appeared on the other side of the wire which scared me a bit. Then I heard someone behind me saying: “Wait!”

      I looked over the shoulder and saw one of the boy scouts walking towards me, trying to look cool meanwhile doing so. He looked at me briefly before the polo shirt really caught his attention. He told me that ostriches are dangerous and that I shouldn’t even try to go in there. I was just nodding very slowly and sighed. I KNOW. He looked at my face and then his eyes were walking down towards my body before turning away to face the ostrich again. This motion was repeated every time he talked or just wanted to know what I had to say. I just told him to go on if he really wanted to help me get that polo shirt. He entered the corral and got instantly chased be the ostrich. The guy kept running around screaming like a crazy idiot while I was kind of hoping the ostrich wouldn’t kill him before I got the polo shirt. During the chase I noticed that I suddenly started to feel cold and looked down. I was wearing clothes!
      But now the guy was running around with a thick and warm vest. He came out from the corral with the vest in his hands. As he entered the horse paddock where I was waiting, an enormous horse appeared out of nowhere which scared the shit out of me. It was rearing and almost hit both of us with the hooves.
      I screamed: “RUN!” and we both ran for our lives to the other side of the horse paddock and under the electrical wires. We kept running towards the house and didn’t dare to stop. As I was going to thank the guy for the help…

      I woke up.

      Note: My grandparents had ostriches when I was a kid, they even had emus! But I was never allowed to go in there to them since they can actually kill you. They also had plenty of horses but now as my grandparents are starting to get real old, they simply just don't have to energy to take care of all their animals. So they have been sold off and some have even died of age.

      Updated 09-15-2018 at 10:36 PM by 95361

      non-lucid , nightmare
    14. A Doomed Encounter; Your Turn

      by , 02-12-2018 at 10:48 PM (Night Vision)
      A meeting is taking place beside a river between a knight and a woman. His name is Gawain. Her name is Lotus. It seems like the beginning of a relationship between them. But she can see into the future, and she knows that one day, he will kill her. And yet, she doesn't attempt to break things off.

      I am seeing things from his perspective and from hers, and also from somewhere outside of it, where I don’t like the way things are going. And so I pull the scene apart, untangling all the little mental streams that are contributing to it and recombining them into three separate bundles. It will be easier to work with this way, I figure. Now I am in the kitchen of my old house in M--- with my mother, preparing a meal. I’m making the salads. But as I tear the lettuce into smaller pieces, I can still see the river there, and a little point of red light shining in the grass beside it. It’s easy to see and easy to avoid, but it still makes me uneasy.

      In a different dream, I’m in a grocery store, although the building seems to be serving multiple functions. I’m there shopping with Saimi’s little sister, who seems to be around seven years old. After a while, I figure I’ll let her take care of a few things. She gets to do something all on her own, I get to read for a little bit—it seems like a pretty good arrangement. I tell her to pick out some plums—maybe three, whatever kind looks nice—and I sit down at a table there with my book of Rilke’s poetry, which I apparently have with me. She goes off and comes back a few minutes later with a single plum in a plastic bag. She places it on the table and then leaves again. A few minutes later, she’s back with another plum in a bag. Kids. You know there’s got to be some sort of weird logic behind this.

      But now something else seems to be happening: there’s going to be a horse race here, inside the building, and Saimi’s little sister is participating, along with three other people. But the horse she’s on is a rather strange one: it seems to be made of some embroidered red material with yellow patterns in it, while still behaving like a living horse. But the race doesn’t begin immediately, and I awaken before it actually takes place.
    15. Usual Induction; Atypical “Snowmocopter” Waking Transition

      by , 10-31-2017 at 01:40 PM
      Morning of October 31, 2017. Tuesday.

      The dream state induction symbolism here is water flowing in (most common). The waking transition symbolism here is water lowering over time and “return flight” waking symbolism (most common; over twenty percent of regular dreams and about ninety percent of all dreams). Dream state induction symbolism and waking transition symbolism are inherent to the dream state itself based on the real-time dynamics of going to sleep, being unconscious, and waking, and is unrelated to real life or the inventive untruthfulness of “interpretation”. These forms of induction and waking transition factors have occurred at least once per day for over fifty years. The water induction and reduction is biologically based on the glymphatic system and the flight-related symbolism is based on the reticular activating system (RAS) and inner ear dynamics during sleep (especially as a factor relating to the fictitious dream body as being upright while the real physical body is lying down, which is what causes most falling dreams and is unrelated to the deception of “interpretation” or cruelly fabricated “meaning” to negate someone’s livelihood under the oppression of disinformation - in fact, if you watch a baby sleeping and a noise occurs in some cases when they are in the dream state or when air blows on them, especially their face, they will throw up their arms and automatically briefly maintain a falling position - not to mention the common term “falling asleep” - how could people miss this?).

      Stepping into a beach scene in late afternoon (a very common lucid entry simply because I like the beauty of the ocean and the liminal space of the beach, which symbolizes the state between dreaming and waking), a young version of Zsuzsanna in black lingerie approaches on a black horse. The essence of beauty increases and is appreciated. Zsuzsanna is with me in an extended love-making scene. My lucidity decreases to semi-lucidity though my conscious self identity remains intact. Sexuality symbolizes…wait for it…sexuality (oh snap), at least in lucid and semi-lucid dreams, because, well, that is what I unconsciously will via conscious self identity (it is not rocket science).

      Over time, after indulging in sensuality for seemingly a long time, the usual water lowering event as a waking precursor “timer” (common since around age four) commences. (Among other analogies, this directly represents the tidal analogy of the glymphatic system.)

      We have somehow teleported, while on our sides, to a field of knee-high grass adjacent to the beach we had just been on. In the distance, I see a red combine harvester approaching, but not that close to our location. “Oh-oh,” I say, but with somewhat of a comedic mocking of the semi-lucid dream content.

      A change occurs where some of the ocean water nearest the beach is topped with ice. I see what I think is a helicopter and I assume it is the flight symbolism (end marker) out of my dream. Instead, my dream does not decay but transitions to being slightly more vivid again. “It’s a snowmocopter,” I say, noticing that it is actually a snowmobile (though was a helicopter that changed into the snowmobile).

      I sit down on the snowmobile and do some sort of kick start maneuver with my left foot as if I was on a motorcycle. As I am doing this, the preconscious (as an unfamiliar young male) sneaks up from behind me. Some sort of strange teleportation occurs again, and I am standing and watching the preconscious on the snowmobile (as I am standing on the left of the snowmobile), and he is now trying to start it. “Well, that thing ain’t gonna fly,” I say, as he looks amused, as I laugh myself awake.

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