Apologies for not updating recently, The wifi at home is worse than dial up. Can't even load a webpage to update my dj. Jamie dream (Almost a month ago?) I was standing outside somewhere with some family and saw my aunt smoking and standing by her Dodge caravan. Now I know she doesn't smoke so i'm really perplexed. I go to confront her on this. Someone calls behind me I look and at the end of the driveway is a woman with long brown hair and eyes light grey like a wolf. She's waving me down but somehow I don't recognize her, but I'm still focused on why my aunt is smoking so, I ignore the woman's "Ooh ooh, over here." and continue talking to my aunt. It wasn't until I woke up I realized it was a visit from Jamie. Second dream I am furiously writing Jamie a really long Facebook message... Dear God, I sincerely hope I never have to do that again. It's been 5 years?!?!?!? Since I did such a thing and no response indicates that she likely doesn't want one either. Dreams this week. 1. In this one I go to this park forest area in the middle of a city and hang out with people in the middle of the night. very vague on the rest of the details 2. Some skanky looking younger woman indicates she wants me to sleep with her. I take her number somewhat reluctantly, because i seem to be horny enough. But later in the dream and just message her that I'm no longer interested since I already have a girl coming in. (I think in the dream I was expecting Jamie to come into my life suddenly. 3. I am on a roadtrip in the middle of the night. I'm tired so I find an abandoned hospital looking place to stay the night in. While there a couple pulls up to spend the night as well. It's Victoria and her boyfriend (The victoria I worked with that didn't die from covid ) 4. I find myself on a Date with a girl from India. We just get along really nicely. Can't remember much. just that she was leaning against a railing, we got talking and went for a coffee or something. Seems like most of the dreams were trying to distract me from finding Jami in a dream... hmmm.
6.10.2023 Bedtime around midnight, awake after 7 (from my notes it looks like I wrote 7:04, but my handwriting is a bit messy). Had had the following dreams: The Machinery Sound Hypothesis Walking along, and talking about noise. I say that at any given point in time, you can hear the sound of some machinery. At first I claim it’s a specific type of machinery sound, but then I just say it’s machinery. There is a screaming sound, which turns out to just be a kid playing somewhere. We walk under or next to some fans, and think about this machinery sound idea. There is something about boxes in our way. Something about walking around, and hoping to find some new place. I think that this is a new way of looking at things, and suggest that if we think about things in this way (the sound idea, or in different ways, perhaps) we might be able to find our way into a new dimension. It’s like the story Flatland – there may be other dimensions, we just don’t see them. Maybe because we never look in that direction, being influenced by our surroundings and the chain of events...Then there is something about a little girl in the hospital. She has been in there a long time, and the machinery noises that she hears are from the hospital. It is part of her world. I feel a little bad, not sure if I was making fun of her...There is also something about someone wanting to do something romantic (for their parents?) and they hitch some machine up to an old buggy to make a sort of horse and buggy. Looking closer, it seems that it was this little girl in the hospital bed, and she hooked a motorized wheelchair or something up to the bed. Old House and Ice Cream In an old house. It might be my apartment, actually. Something about a piece of the old house stuck in a part of the newer infrastructure – a furnace or something. Someone is interested in this piece of the old house. That’s in the basement. Upstairs, I’m in the house I lived in a few years ago. At the top of the steps, I drip some water on the floor. I think I should wipe it up, and reflect on how I’m glad that the floor is carpeted now so that I won’t have to worry as much about someone slipping. As I wipe the floor, I also see that there is a broom covered with snow. It has made a mess, and is causing there to be a watery mess at the top of the stairs. I decide I should take it down to the basement. In the basement, I look for a place to put the broom. There is a little room that I take it to, where some other cleaning tool is, I think. There are also some people in the basement, and someone jokes about the broom and witches. There is also some joke about holding the broom by the proper end and not getting burnt by flames that shoot out of it, or something...There is also a scene that seems to take place around here in a restaurant/ice cream place. I tell someone that if I worked there I would constantly be sampling the ice cream out of the soft-serve ice cream dispenser... Fragments (1)...Talking with one of the girls that lives in the apartment next to me about why I’m moving. I explain it’s because they want this to be undergraduate housing. She says that she would have expected them to tell her to move too, since she graduated a while ago... (2)...In the lab with my friend K. She pulls a bunch of hair off of her head, apparently having just cut it. She says something about having kids that will cut it anyway (?). (3)...Moving over a large drop-off. I feel like I’m going to fall, and have a massive “jerk-awake” thing. After a cup of coffee and reading I went back to sleep. Woke up again at 10:30. More Machinery There is a game that combines multiple games – like Monopoly and Risk, but it’s a computer game. Someone is doing something in one area (or property) and then jumps into a submarine, boat, or airplane and leaves for somewhere else. Then he’s flying an airplane. It also converts into a land vehicle. There is a scene or two about trying to land somewhere, and then he brings it to rest on top of a moving machine. The machine is like a large tank, and looks a bit like something from Star Wars – like an Imperial Walker, but without legs or a head. There is a woman with the man now. She might have grown up on the back of one of these things – people were living on them, I guess? Anyway, something about her makes her resonate with the movements of the machine, and she will eventually start bouncing so much that it will alert the people inside to our presence. We/they think about what to do. She could hold on to the rails at the side. Someone says something to the leader like “It’s up to you to hold the troops”, or something. He then suggests that he hold this woman. She is reluctant at first, being shy to be so close to him. But it seems to be the best course of action, so the two of them tie themselves to the top of the machine together... Money ...I stop at a bank, or maybe I buy something. I’m given some money, one of the bills being a $2 bill. I get kind of excited at this, and the woman giving me the money then gives me a $3 bill. I get excited about this too, since $3 bills are even rarer than $2 bills. Then she hands me a picture of an elderly lady, as though it’s supposed to be something exciting too. I stare at the picture, trying to recognize it and not sure what to tell the woman. I don’t seem to recognize the picture. There is a little picture of a “MGM trophy” below the picture (not sure what that is, but it made me think maybe this was an actress). It also seems to list her birth date as 1934... PBS, the Abominable Snow Monster, and Food We are watching a TV show. It is a special – the third (or 100th?) episode or year of something. Something like the Muppets, Sesame Street, or Dr. Seuss. This episode is kind of odd – a bunch of things from over the years put together. It’s pretty funny, but at the end there is a more sentimental thing with designs that become (I think) an animation of a tree. It’s so touching that I almost tear up. I suspect that this was the original ending to the show, and over the years they added more and more things. So this episode was mostly meant to be funny, but the ending was still touching because it was the original ending. This is PBS, I think. They are doing a special as part of a fundraiser. I mention how when I was growing up PBS was mostly telethons and “Doo-Wop” reunion concerts, and joke that they should make a fundraiser show about that... Then there is something about a Muppet-thing that looks like the Abominable Snow Monster from Rudolph. We notice how close the resemblance is, and wonder if that was a coincidence. Something about looking up at the Snow Monster from a certain angle makes it look especially similar. Except for the teeth, which are a little different. At this point, we’re out near a couple of houses. I think maybe they filmed the Abominable Snow Monster scenes on the porch railing of one of the houses, and then used the same footage for this other TV show. We hang around outside of this house, and then I see my brother and someone else have gone around and inside the house. They come out to the porch (or what looks like it was once the porch but has now been walled into a sort of kitchen). A lady is there, and they start cooking some food. My brother gets to squish a hot thing onto a griddle with a special tool, which looks fun to me. Then there are some pickle-like things. Eventually, we take these things to a table nearby and start eating. I take something off of what looks like a trellis/pergola, and then worry that that ruined the scenery. Fragment (4) In Hawaii. My Mom and I are there, and I get excited because I see a filming location from Hawaii 5-0.
I had a new dream last night involving my mom, sister, and granddads old reliant which is by far the most disturbing one I have ever had. This dream was set in the time when granddad was living at the nursing home in the final months of his life. When this dream started, me and mom were in granddads old reliant. Mom was driving and I was in the front passenger seat. We were on our way to pick my sister up from practice for a play she was going to be in. Soon we were pulling up to the community theater where my sister's play was going to be and where she was having the practice. Mom pulled into a spot in the parking lot and then told me to sit tight as she turned off the reliant and then got out to go and get my sister. After I had been waiting in the car by myself for a few minutes, my sister was walking up to the passenger side of the reliant and then opening the front passenger side door and then telling me to scoot over to the middle seat. I looked behind me and saw that the back seat was full of granddads stuff and there was nowhere to sit back there and then pulled my feet up on the passenger seat to give my sister room to get past me and sit in the middle but she reminded me it was her day to choose where to sit and she wanted the window and I needed to scoot. I reluctantly unfastened the tan shoulder belt and then scooted across the tan vinyl bench seat to the middle and then fastened the tan lap belt around my waist as my sister plopped onto the passenger seat and then closed her door and fastened her shoulder belt. We had to spend a little while waiting in the reliant together because mom was talking to some other parents out in the parking lot. Eventually mom was walking towards the reliant and then sitting down in the driver seat to my right. She started up the car and we pulled out of the parking lot and were heading towards home. Mom was then pulling into the parking lot of the nursing home where granddad was staying. She told us she needed to stop by and check on granddad as she pulled into a parking space and turned off the reliant and told us to sit tight and stay buckled. I told her I wanted to see granddad and she told me she needed to see how he was doing and that if he was feeling up to it she would come back and get us. She then closed us into the car and disappeared into the nursing home. Not long after she went into the nursing home, she was walking out of it and back towards the reliant. I was hoping that grandad was doing well and then we could go and see him, but as she was fumbling through her purse for the keys and then unlocking the driver side door I noticed she was shaking and looked really upset. She sat down int the driver seat, closed her door, and then told us granddad had been taken to the emergency room and she needed to go to the hospital and check on him. She told us she needed us to be quiet and then started up the reliant and drove it to the hospital. When we go to the hospital, she pulled into a parking space in the parking lot and told us to stay buckled-up and then cut off the reliant and got out and walked towards the emergency room entrance. Me and my sister then had to wait in the reliant for what felt like an eternity pressed up against each other in the front seat which was really uncomfortable. I was really worried about granddad and what was going to happen to him. I really didn't want to talk about it, but my sister did and kept asking me things like if granddad was going to die which made me really upset. She kept wanting for us to talk about granddad and I kept trying to change the subject because I did not want to share my feelings with my sister. The longer we had to wait in the car. the more worried I was getting that something was seriously wrong with granddad and that maybe he would not make it out of the hospital. Eventually I heard my sister say "mommy is coming" and then I saw mom slowly walking through the parking lot towards the reliant where we were waiting. I woke up from the dream before mom got in the car and had no idea how granddad was doing or if he was dead or alive. It took me a while to fall back asleep after waking up from this dream.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am at some kind of hospital, but it also looks like a shopping center. The beds and medical machines are lined up at a large corridor and in between there are vendor stalls. At first I am not even aware that I am there as a pacient. I am thirsty and I spot a little faucet and I open it to drink. Two nurses come by and yell at me that it controls an IV drip of a patient and that's when I realize this place is a hospital. I find the main door to the outside and decide to leave, as I don't feel sick. Outside is a vast prairie with green grass and blue sky. In front of me is a tree which somehow is also the incarnation of my past crush BadWolf. He has a hole through his head / canopy. I feel pulled to him / it and I decide to plunge into his torax / trunk for unknown reasons. Nothing weird works, he simply disappears and I land in the prairie field which is covered in a beautiful variety of wild flowers.
Updated 06-20-2022 at 09:17 PM by 34880
I'm in a hospital. My brother and his girlfriend are there too. The place is very crowded. Hayden is my girlfriend somehow, and she's on a hospital stretcher, presumably being treated for something. She notices me and we kind of cuddle (me standing over her), as she's clearly recovering well. In another scene I enter a different room (kind of a very crowded break room at the hospital). I notice one of the people sitting alone at a table is Sylar. His presence startles me, but I realize he doesn't recognize me because this is the past and we haven't met yet. Then I realize he's likely there to kill Hayden. I rush to where I left her, and notice she's gone. I feverishly start looking around and asking staff where she is, hoping to find her before Sylar does. I liked this dream when I woke up, as I felt a genuine sense of caring about a romantic partner, something I've never had and never will. I would have done anything for her. In the next dream, I am Jack Quaid (actor) playing a character. I'm hanging on the side of a helicopter or VTOL, flying along the coast of a subtropical city, likely Miami. I look up and see Nazi fighter jets flying in formation above us, then suddenly vanishing. I realize the Nazis, who won the war, have grown so advanced that by this alternate 2022 they've developed fighter jets that can literally turn invisible. I have visions of the world map. The Nazis have taken over the whole world, united under a new kind of cult called "The Black Hand" (their symbol a black handprint). Only one continent is free from their influence. The world's last hope. Our VTOL circles a skyscraper, and I fall out of the VTOL, attached only by the belt through a rope. As the VTOL starts losing control in a spiraling motion, I am crashed through the skyscraper (!!!). Finally I am detached and I fall down. As I smack into the ground (well, a lower part of the building), it is revealed that the character (seeing in third person now) is just an actor surrounded by a full camera crew. The Nazi universe is a new TV show being filmed. I'm on the set myself now. Jack walks off the set, and I congratulate him on his performance. He laughs, saying it was an insane scene.
3rd August 2021 Fragment: I am in some kind of complex, a lab or hospital. Something about hand gel at the entrance and an old man (part of staff) is commenting on its futility. Dark and moody environment, maybe some red lighting. (recall gap) I'm in a car with my cousin T and our aunt B, plus someone else I can't recall anymore. My aunt is driving and I'm sitting in the middle at the back, with T sat to my right. I'm kind of slumping and when I try to do something about it, it feels like not much changes. Our arms are touching in some way that feels kind of sensual, I feel that she is feeling as I am feeling, that it's a good sensation but that we shouldn't be doing it. On some level I'm concerned someone in the front of the car will notice, but on another level I also feel myself not caring. In the dream I think about how I haven't felt this specific pleasure of touch in so long, (as if it had been years).
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Visiting some island and something is off. I am heading to the local library and the streets are deserted. When I get to the library, I am almost kidnapped by aliens. I hide behind the shelves but they kinda mock me saying they can see me using infrareds. Some lady comes out of nowhere and rescues me, She takes me to a decontamination shower saying that I got radiation because I contacted with the aliens. Then she takes me to an area not yet taken by the aliens and she reaches out to the police. My foot hurts but I still go on a trip to the US with some friends. One of them is doing a documentary about the health system and takes us all to a hospital to inquire about costs. We use my own case to ask how much they'd charge for an appointment and right away they ask for $1000 just for just a blanket to wrap me up as I await consultation. I then show my foot to a doctor and it is swollen, two small toes feel numb and my veins are red and popping. I am freaking out that I can't afford treatment but also afraid I can't go home like this either. The doctor says I seem to have a liver problem and I am like "What? I think I just broke a bone." Again at a doctor office, but for some exam in which I need to fully undress and they have no other place for me to do it, but at the waiting room. I do it, but then spot some old pervert trying to film it on his phone. I yell and take his phone away but other people are sympathetic with the old man, who claims he was just messaging his family.
Updated 04-14-2021 at 09:20 PM by 34880
19th October 2020 Fragment: I was helping H. There was some kind of old lottery machine thing which we'd salvaged, but it had stops like an organ, almost 100 of them even though only about 50 were required. (Think that was dream intuitive knowledge) But as H put in a dowel thing for a stop, a wasp came out (but not really, it looked like a midge) and it bit or stung him. I suggested they might all be infested and we might be better off making all of them ourselves (the stops I think) but I think H found this to be frustrating. 20th October 2020 Dream: I was in Syria, Egypt or a country near these. I was at a USA military camp. Not sure how I got there in the dream but I remember it was in a valley. From the camp I could see in the distance steep, dusty, rocky mountain peaks. Toward one direction was a city of some kind on a sloped area. It looked more like ruins or slums and I could see flags. They were black with white Arabic script on them, but also a stylised animal trailing off the script too. This area looked vast. In the camp, I remember hearing some soldiers saying that all new troops coming in were being parachuted instead of coming in a ground march. Apparently it'd been this way since some incident with one soldier (there was a name but can't recall) where he'd been surrounded and ganged up on (by whom?). There was a female soldier sitting and listening. She had fake blonde hair tied up in a short pony tail. She looked worried and I realised on some level she was thinking of what I'd already thought of. If this place was a valley and the camp was surrounded by mountains and refugee camps and ruins, how would all the soldiers return home? (recall gap) Inside some hospital. Looks normal/clean. Similar in some sense to the one in the town where I live now. Again, somewhat vast inside. There's some kind of fighting going on but it seems like it's day-to-day business here. The fighting was happening on some other level, a basement? And there was some kind of mini plot about someone being injured and having to be carried away stealthily because he wasn't local. (recall gap) Commanders or captains. Some discussion about charging some kind of portal in a low basement level. Something about hearing reports of the portal's destination being in the Earth's core and really hot, rocky, red and black and also impossibly flat. Some soldiers openly said they didn't want to go or something. (recall gap) Inside some place, still the hospital I think. Mostly sitting on the floor? By a window, it's like a cafe or something this part. Someone tells me about being able to buy things. There are items along the sill and the prices are displayed on folded pieces of card/paper like mini billboard things. Some items were puddings and others were weapons and just random crap in general. I remember wanting some kind of dried out mousse thing, it cost 1.50. It was chocolate-y in taste and looked slightly purple but at first it just looked like a candle. (mom used to have some purple candles that smelled nice, only remembering this now) (recall gap) In the downstairs place. But looked like a warehouse area with certain bits having skylights or something. There were robots and now I had some kind of level-up system and there was another system that meant I could get upgrades from scavenged parts from the robots. I remember trying to create a new fully fledged robot. They were all about 3-6m tall. Notes: - The second dream was odd. The theme of war hasn't really appeared so directly or about a real context so clearly very much in the past. The dream setting and environment all had a very genuine feel to it. There was a certain amount of thematic consistency to the dream plots, for the most part. - The black flags with white script seem to remind me of certain terrorist/rebel groups in waking life, but in the dream they were just the flag of the nation of this place. I think the animal on the flag was a lion. The American army seemed to be there mostly to provide some sort of logistical support to the ruined city/region. But obviously there was still some kind of animosity and fighting going on, but I remember no mention of who "the enemy" actually was. - In the hospital I didn't note anyone wearing any medical equipment or the like.
Notes: I tried one of my longest WILDs 22.30-23.25. I got some very light dreams about people standing in front of me and some eyes. I think they were HH and not light dreams actually. I'm walking in a snowy forest. My backpack is heavy and is hurting my shoulders. I'm walking and walking and I don't know to where I am walking. We reach a cliff and it's no longer winter. Dad wants us (me, dad and my brother) to jump of the 10 meter high cliff into the water. Me and my brother doesn't want to. Dad grabs my brother and starts to carry him while he runs unto the edge of the cliff. Dad makes a really long jump but doesn't make it to the edge of the cliff. For some reason he throws my brother over the edge before he lands on the ground. Dad lands on the cliff while my brother falls down the cliff. I scream at dad telling him that he is an idiot. He doesn't care much and says that he can fix it. My brother is really angry and can swim here (He can't swim IRL). Dad jumps in the water to save my brother but ends up pushing him down almost two meters when he lands on him while swimming to him. I am so angry at dad because it feels as if he wants to hurt my brother. Dad is calling grandpa and talks with speaker on. We listen to the conversation while being mad at dad. Notes: My brother is having a tough time and is screaming a lot now. Dad is always going to him and trying to talk to him even tough my brother doesn't want to. I'm watching a screen. There is a man that is talking english about how to be a better guitarist. He takes his guitar and says that you have to practice to play only using pull offs and hammer ons. He counts down on swedish and starts playing some really good music only using pull offs and hammer ons with his left hand. Notes: I got some inspiration from this dream IRL. I'm playing Among Us but everyone has a heart over them. You are able to give other people hearts during the game to those you don't think are impostors. I think to myself how I would want to win as an impostor and get a heart from everyone. Notes: I played some Among Us with my cousins yesterday. I woke up 04.00 and wrote down the dreams above this. I wake up in a hospital and I am shocked. I have panic in my voice and asks where I am and why I am here. A doctor and mom come to me and say that it's alright. Mom says that they are here to operate my warts away (They use the swedish word for warts but they are talking about my birth marks). I don't have a shirt on me and the doctor shows me where I have different birthmarks I have never seen before (I took a look under my shirt now IRL just to be sure I didn't have the birthmarks the doctor showed to me and I didn't have them). He takes a laser and do some weird patterns on my stomach that is supposed to help the operation. New part. We are in Sturkö and I have got a big belt over my stomach, about 15 cm width. It has shining lights on the inside that are placed over my birthmarks that are supposed to take them away. White lights on the front and red on the back. I turn it on and the lights really hurt in a way I have never felt before. It is like a burning chemical feeling about it. I walk around and it turns out that the belt actually isn't secured that good on my stomach. It falls down and the lights don't hit my birthmarks anymore. I walk around for a long time. New part. I'm at home and some of my cousins are also there. Jonathan is nagging about how he wants to play a game to his mother. The belt is still there and is hurting. During some periods I go to a sofa and can't move because it hurts so much. The pain goes in waves. New part. I'm walking in city with mom and the belt is still on. I look on my stomach and see how some kind of fluid is coming from the birthmarks. I touch the fluid with my finger and inspect it. I see how the birthmarks are starting to disappear. I think about mom's cousin L who has operated some of her birthmarks. I ask mom if it is not wrong to operate birthmarks. If no one would operate away birthmarks no one would look down on people with birthmarks and no one would have to suffer like I have done. Mom's answer has to do with that the world can't change and that we have to adapt. She is not happy with the world but says that I have to suffer because the world is bad. Notes: I talked with mom about L and her operations for some years ago and havn't thought about them for a long time. Dad uses some kind of laser to cure his patients sometimes. I usually don't feel pain in my dreams. The white lights on the front and red lights on the back has to do with car lights. I study for the driving license theory test now. I'm on discord and I see a gif with a girl that is transformed to a man. There is some kind of vacuum cleaner that sucks her breasts out from her. My view comes inside the gif and I see the woman that is now a man but still has a woman's face. She raises up from a operation table with some hospital men around her. She walks out. I become the operated person and wonder what I should do this beautiful morning now when I have changed gender. I am outside my school walking up the street to Centrum. I am aimlessly walking the streets and just enjoy that I am free. Notes: When I was a kid I wanted to be a girl and sometimes walked in a princess outfit. My name in Among Us is Miss Pink and the persons I play with often refer to me as she. Notes: That was an eventful night. The dream about my birthmarks was really long and most of the time I was just idling and feeling pain.
Subnautica-like dream I am in some sort of very dark abandoned hospital, nearly everything made out of stainless steel, even floor and walls, with no sign of decoration or anything else that would make one feel in any way happy, or even at all positive. There's blood everywhere, and it's too silent. I walk through it, and I think I discover another person. Next thing I remember is looking for something outside in the water in a small submarine, like the seamoth, in some sort of kelp biome reminiscent of Subnautica, but different. I get whatever it was that I was looking for and go back to some sort of base, which you enter by going under a sort of large hydraulic opening which opens as you approach it, and you go through to the surface of the water, and it closes again, and you are inside and can swim a few meters to dry land. There were other people, and we were working on something. Then, the next thing we do is go to some exceedingly exceedingly large cave, in which a creature just a bit smaller lives. It's literally many many kilometers large and we do some sort of research mission. Then I wake up. During the entire dream I felt really curious and excited, and in the hospital part very disturbed, hence the title.
Disturbing occurrences in a hospital I am in hospital, in the room I was when I was last there because of my diabetes. I am afraid of someone or something who is also in the hospital. It seems to sort of be a person, and everyone is oblivious of it's true nature. I am very afraid of even seeing it, something is very disturbing about it and I want nothing to do with it. People keep wanting to show me pictures, but I avoid them. I feel uncomfortable and just want to watch TV but I get confused because there are constantly clones of TV channels. Laptop fragment My father tells me to charge my laptop, but I get frustrated that he seems to always decide things such as that.
Updated 07-30-2020 at 03:43 PM by 96397 (Fixed typo)
8:00 Fragments …I used my Grandfather’s teapot, or something. I decide that I will get him a new one… …Handing out pamphlets for some kind of a program where people can work and have money for tuition (or just have tuition paid, something like that)… …I get a nose bleed. I don’t remember too much about this dream, and what I do remember is kind of disgusting, so I won’t give the details… 10:55 Fragments, with many dream signs …It is time to exchange gifts (Birthday gifts?) with my brother and father. I and am looking through some things that I had set aside earlier, I think. They are books. I think I’m worried that I don’t have enough, especially for my brother… …Something about wearing clothes that I think make me look like a bum… …People are being given credit for something. Like a movie, or a scholarly work, or something. I am mentioned, because I helped (though not very much). There is a lady who thought she had helped enough to be there too, but she wasn’t mentioned. This seems to upset her, and the guy next to her puts his arm around her (or some such gesture) to support and comfort her… …Going up some carpeted stairs. I am looking for other parts of the building for some reason. There seem to be some little kids following me… …The Doctor and Sarah Jane Smith (1970s version) are in a hotel room. There is something about a blanket. They share a bed in the hotel room, which I don’t think they should do. However, I remember that something happened to the other bed in the room so they might not have much choice… …There is something in my ear. At first, it seems to be a tattoo. Then maybe a bug? When I finally get it out and look at it, is a skull bone from some kind of fish… …I am in a hospital-like building. I’m wandering around, not sure why exactly. I don’t want to get caught, and I recall somebody saying something about how I should hang around the doors that lead from one area to another. That way, the people in one area will think I work in the other area, and not bother me. I also pretend to look at stuff on the wall… …I am underneath a bridge. The water is kind of deep, and I’m trying to think of what would be the best place to land if I had to drop there. I decide close to the bank would be a good idea. Then I drop there (I don’t know where from). I crawl out from under the bridge and into an area that seems to be like a deserted industrial area. This might have led into the hospital scene above, but I don’t remember…
Sunday Night, 5/3/20 Dreamt that I ended up in the ER due to some serious respiratory issues. They gave me a bed right next to a couple people infected with coronavirus. They looked like they could be dying from it. I asked the nurse if it was safe for me to be in the same room, especially in my weakened state. She told me it was fine and that "They're six feet apart!". I wasn't reassured, especially since it was more like two feet. Is this even a real hospital? I wondered. This isn't the right procedure. I then noticed there was no medical equipment anywhere, just cots. I laid there, fading in and out of consciousness, wondering if this was where I would die. At some point I found the strength to escape from the place when no one was looking. An involved plot followed where I got captured by a sociopathic serial killer in an abandoned industrial building. I managed to hold him down at one point but worried I wouldn't be able to maintain control of the situation until the police arrived. I don't think I did. The police did arrive, however. Three cops entered the building. I switched to the partial perspective of the lead detective, an older man close to retirement age. He/I instructed the others to split off and make a little noise to fake out the serial killer so he thought we were all approaching from a different side. Meanwhile I went off a different way as quietly as I could. The surprise ambush didn't work. The killer was holding a gun to the hostage, who was now actually a cat instead of a person. He gave me the ultimatum of taking a shot to the head to save the cat's life. I got the information that this cop was depressed and felt empty without his work to look forward to. He/I took the deal and for some reason I knew that the killer would adhere to the bargain... because he was just that particular brand of crazy. I somehow survived after taking four gunshots to the head. I was not in great shape, however, and knew I needed to seek medical attention. I staggered out of the building and into the forest at night, making my way down the path. I gradually became myself again. I came to a short, rustic stairway with a wooden railing. Around that area I noticed a few swarms of flies. I stopped and stared for a while from a distance. I wondered about what type of flies they might be and why they were swarming here. I crept closer to get a better look and discovered that there was a dead crow laying on its back and that's what had drawn the flies to the area. I stared at the crow for a few moments, then I stepped past it and continued a short distance along the path until I reached the edge of a college campus. The Narrator spoke, telling me that I was going to be alright. I turned my face to the sky as dawn was approaching and lifted up into the air, drifting above the campus. The Narrator gave me instructions on which direction to travel. It seemed odd to me that I was flying but I reasoned that I must be in some sort of virtual reality simulation. Yes, that's it, that's why I heard a voice. I figured. Spoiler for Additional Notes: The first part of the dream is likely at least partially a result of the shelter in place in waking life, although I hadn't been giving much attention to fears of getting sick, at least not on a conscious level. The serial killer was likely a result of watching a short documentary on a sociopath the day before. For me the end of the dream stood out the most: seeing the dead crow felt meaningful in some way, as did deciding to just walk past it and flying at dawn. Between the Narrator being present and the realization I could fly, this seemed like another almost lucid. Unfortunately my mind rationalized it away instead of questioning it further.
Two dreams from this morning. Dream: Don't remember the start of the dream really but I was seeing some pictures in a news article, I think on a newspaper. It was about two men and a woman who had returned to Earth after being in outer space, and they were being praised for their survival. It seemed odd because I thought this to be a fairly routine thing and there was no subtext of an accident having occurred or anything. Spoiler for Possibly gorey/graphic: Each one of the space crew was featured in a picture each; they were naked and in hospital beds; the first man had no lower half of his body, I remember some bloody or exposed bits, including on his face, the right side of it was like burned or torn off or something. The second man had no lower half either, I remember he had sort of short and blond wavey hair. His right arm was beside him, he was lying on his side but the arm didn't seem to be attached to his body, it just looked like it was chopped or sawn off and was left next to him. He wasn't dead but he seemed to be asleep? Something in the article mentioned "liquifacted organ failure" about this man. I remember noticing in the picture there was a bloody and jelly-like substance under him, primarily where his hips would have been. The woman had no lower half, either. But she was clearly conscious and smiling toward the camera, both arms stretching out either side and giving thumbs up, seemingly rather positive. Dream Fragment: I was in a town, don't know it from anywhere in waking life but it had the typical look of towns from my native country. It had a characteristic path that in the dream's context was commonplace for me to use. The path went up to and across a small water area that was quite deep, the only way to cross it was on some rickety wooden beams. The water looked murky but clear at the same time, and I wasn't afraid of falling in, finding myself much more concerned with the fact that I realised that recently the beams had been moved and had to be adjusted now before I could cross. I saw an old lady across from the water, she was carrying some shopping home and didn't look my way, but I heard her muttering that she wished her grandma would stop moving the beams. I had a passing thought of asking her to confront her grandma so it wouldn't happen again, but I didn't. The dream went on for a while but I don't remember any details apart from the fact that it had something to do with aunts from my mom's side and my siblings. Notes: - The first dream was quite unusual in its content and my sense of location was more inside the pictures than where I actually was reading this article from. This morning was disrupted by loud construction work at 7AM so maybe that had something to do with it. - The general plot of that dream may simply have come because I've been watching some medical dramas recently, although there has been nothing in them quite like this. - I'm remembering that the second dream took place during day time but everything looked particularly grey and overcast.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Visiting some place like an island and weird thing are going on. I am at the local library which is deserted and I am almost kidnapped by aliens there. I hide, but they kinda mock me, calling me childish to think they can't spot me. They claim they have infrared cameras. Some lady comes out of nowhere and rescues me, she is the library director or something. Takes me to a decontamination thing, saying that I contacted with the aliens, so I am now contaminated with radiation. Then we go away and look for the police. My foot hurts, still I go on a travel to the US with friends. One is doing a documentary about the health system and goes to a private hospital to inquire about costs. I use the opportunity to show my foot, it is swollen, two small toes feel numb and the veins are red and popping. They charge 1000 dollars for just a blanket to warm me up as I wait for treatment. I am freaking out that I can't get the treatment due to costs, but I am also afraid I can't go home like this either. The doctor says that I seem to have a liver problem and I am like "what? no. I think I just broke a bone". Again at a doctor office but for some exam in which I need to fully undress and they have no other place for me to do it but at the waiting room. I do it anyway, but then I spot some old perv filming me with his phone. I yell at him and take his phone away to delete the photos or videos he was taking. Other people are sympathetic with the old man who claims he was just messaging someone and plays the innocent victim but I do not apologize.