I’m on what feels like a trip with EF. We are in what feels like a hostel. It seems of average quality, multiple floors, and slightly cramped. We cannot find the guide, so I’ve been chosen to fill in. Brooke is here, and I don’t think I recognize any others. I’m not sure why I’ve been selected, and I’m not really sure what I can do to help. (fragment) I’m in some building that’s a big U shape, looking for the room in which I have a class or appointment starting soon. I can’t find the room. These halls are small and strange, like they’re dug into the ground. I pass Jennifer and Alex (from the UK EF tour) and say hi and begin following them, feeling better with at least a familiar face around.
Basically, I got evicted from my apartment yesterday before the follow-up apartment was confirmed and I was "homeless" for about 20 hours. I stayed at this hostel in a shared room with foreign tourists I had set an alarm to wake up on time, but every hour I had this"internal body alarm" and dreamed about someone walking into the room telling me to turn my alarm off before I wake up the others. In hindsight pretty funny and ironic that someone loudly told me to be quiet lol Dream was in English I'm not homeless anymore, this "sleep deprivation era" will hopefully end now, I lowkey enjoyed the insane dreams that spawned from it, but can't wait to sleep normally again.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am a warrior, maybe a samurai. I am protecting a large group of inahbitants in the mountains. My guru is among them. There is a big eruption in the mountain and the ground is oepning up and lava flowing out of it and everyone running in all directions. I manage to escape and lead many away with me and to the safety of some caves in another mountain past a bridge. Then, some sort of alien monster attacks me, the size of an elephant with tentacles. But I find a weapon that also seems alien to me, quite big, like a staph with a large bulb on top which shoot lasers and I manage to kill the monster with it. The villagers gather around for some decision making in a safe room around a table. I see my guru there and I still crave for his kind words and attention. I am expecting something from him, but he doesn't address me. I decide to stay humbly in my position by the door and guard people. But at some point I feel like I need to leave for good. I have done my job and need to find my peace of mind again, away from everything. So I announce I will be going back home, for which I need to cross again a dangerous path through the land of other monsters. They try to change my mind, but I feel too hurt to stay. As I cross the bridge separating the mountains, I see spectres approaching and I find out I have achieved super speed like Flash and can move away from them without them ever posing a threat. I call the guru from afar, hoping he too has the same powers and can meet me later wherever I am. I am staying at some kind of posh old hostel, maybe in the 30s. It is early morning and I am starving, so I go get a snack from the cafeteria. The lady serving the food says I must eat and pay for the proper breakfast but I explain I just need some sugar as I feel lightheaded and will come back later for the breakfast, so she agrees to hand me some snack. Then I am planning to take a shower and look for the bathrooms on my floor. Realize I am wearing a transparent baby doll and not exactly adequately dressed to go around the corridor, so I find a ladies toilet and go inside looking for a towel to wrap myself on. Find a strange looking mirror on the wall. Almost got lucid when wondering why there is no reflection of my image on the mirror, only to find out it is actually a door with a window covered in paper on the other side. I feel like any pervert could open a hole or lift a corner of the paper and look inside and that is stupid. As I think that, a guy peaks in from the next compartment and I get pissed. I go outside, open the door of the next compartment where he his and I punch his face. But wonder who the idiot was that put the paper on the side of the men's toilet and not on the ladies'. Some other girl comes rushing to defend him. She is his lover or something and won't believe that he was peaking. Accuses me of teasing men by being half naked on the hallways. I decide to leave and get dressed. Then I get lost in a corridor that connects to an abandoned area of the building. I go down some stairs and find a basement full of trash. I remove some stuff blocking a door and I find 4 or 5 kids with terror in their eyes. But they are not really kids, but living and moving cloth and yarn dolls of animals and other strange characters. But I consider them as kids. They don't talk, but I know what they feel and think. They've been kidnapped and are afraid their kidnapper will come back soon. I bring them with me. Meanwhile their kidnappper comes back and she is some woman wanted for murder. People thought she had died, but she has been hiding in here all that time. She sees me, she blocks my exit and I need to find a new exit. I am carrying the kids against my chest, as they are actually dolls. I find a window at the street level and I break and jump through it. She chases me. I run to a bar or casino whose owner is by the door. He ows me a favor, so I tell him to call the cops and the media and bring them to the tailor shop. I go there, because the tailor is the murderer's father. I assume he's been helping her out, or at least that bringing her to him will have some emotional effect and give me a chance to escape. And in fact he is surprised to see her, but not that much. Clearly he just wasn't expecting to see her there, but they've been seeing each other. I am blocked inside the tailor's shop and they think they got it under control. They discuss how to kill me and hide the kids again, but then the cops and press appear and they are caught in the act. I announce that she's the killer they've been looking for, that the father was her accomplice and then to top if of, I show them the children I have been hiding insde my jacket and ask them to check for matches with missing kids. Everybody treats me like I am the hero of the century.
Updated 07-05-2022 at 11:56 AM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP With Riverstone and Nighthawk at what I think is his place. There is a table with a feast and we are chillin. He is laying down on the couch. We have some weird interaction and I feel like he wants to speak with Riverstone alone, so I leave. He says he has some IT issues and hints that I might help out, so I offer to do so and he instructs me to go to an office room down the hallway. Outside on the hallway it feels like a hostel or guest house, not a private house. And indeed the office looks more like a cyber café, with dozens of computers and printers and people on many desks. I sneak peak into someone's work and seems like he is writting a thesis. I spot a pc that is the only one without someone working on it. By its side there are also some papers, of someone clearly working with it and maybe on a break, and I almost decide to steal the pc and leave with it, but then I don't. Instead I need to pee and go look for a bathroom. Weirdly, I have to go out on the street and walk back and forth some stone stairway at the top of some avenue, because the toilet stalls are all lined up on the sides of the street and stairway. I finally find one free, but despite my efforts, can't pee. (Wake up and really need to pee) I am in some weird surreal place, at first can't really characterize it, but looks kinda hellish, a barren land with a lake of lava or black oil on fire. I notice there is a big fuss and some dudes are fighting with some weird kind of weapons, and I try to walk away discreetly, but then all eyes turn to me because I have on my hands a bigger and more spectacular weapon than theirs. The weapons are hard to describe, but are sort of an eliptical light saber which we grab in the middle (which is void, maybe some kind of force field, but my hands can hold it). Everyone feels like I am challlenging them, so they stop fighting and start attacking me instead. I fight them off easily. I think I start becoming lucid and just drop the dream. Find myself in a dark empty space and decide to rip apart the dream fabric, quite literally, like a paper scenario. Behind it is total void and I plunge into it. The fall is short and I land with my back onto what appears to be the lower bed on a bunkbed. To my right is a wall, to the left is another bunkbed. People are sleeping in those. I get up and when walking to the door I have this clear feeling I should look up to whomever is on the top bunkbed. He just raised his head. It is my teacher. He smiles and extends his hand. I grab his hand and kiss it. I smile back and say "I am finally here" and we just smile at each other for a while. He comes down. A male attendant also gets up from another bed. I am surprised he can also see me. My teacher walks outside with me, and we are followed by his attendant, who is acting like a body guard, but not against me, against anyone else we might come across. We enter some kitchen or canteen and my teacher sits on a chair. I am holding his hand still and I lay my head on his lap and wrap my arms around his waist. He suggests I get a chair to and sit, but I hesitate, because I don't want to move. Eventually I agree to get a chair, but then wake up.
Updated 12-08-2021 at 10:28 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Sitting at a table at some bar or cafeteria. I spot John Blacksmith in a table nearby, making a phone call. He gets up and is walking back and forth and I am sure he saw me, but I don't want to distract him from his call so I keep doing my thing. Currently trying to fix the cell phone of one of my friends. Then John sits at my table, right in front of me and I wave my hand to say hi but still don't talk not to interrupt him. But he keeps his eyes on the table and ignores me. I am feeling a bit awkward. He finally ends the call and looks up and says sorry and that he saw me from the beginning, but he had to really make that call. I say it's ok and we make basic updates to each other and realize we are both too busy to stay talking, so we go do our things again. After fixing my friend's cell phone, I help my friends organize stuff pilled up over some shelf and then rehearsing a play. Afterwards we go upstairs to meet the manager and owner of this place. The place by the way is some kind of boarding house and I find out that this crazy girl I know from instagram is staying here in a room. She has rainbow hair and she offers to dye my hair too. I wonder how my mom will react. She says hers really hated it at first but then got used to it. It does not go as well as hers, actually she dyed with unicorn colors (pink, baby blue, purple, etc), but I like it. Then there is some commotion on the hallway and we understand the owner is arguing with some girl. Turns out the girl is sick with a highly contagious disease and came here to hide in her room, as to not be taken away, but the manager doesn't want her there, putting everyone else at risk.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Had some lucid moment in front of a mirror, but then lose it. I hate my clothes and look, so I make magically appear a gorgeous princess dress and then get horny with myself. I pull the dress up and expose my nether regions in the mirror and summon some dildos to play with. Some dog big hairy appears and gets on top of me and humps me. And the weird thing is I let him for a while until I realize this is kinda sick and I want it to stop. So I become lucid again and break it. I get up, go out and see some scenario I think I had dreamed of before at least twice. There is a big group of people outside, then on a black horse comes some lady like a Queen, of whom people are afraid of. I remember from having this dream before, that she'll boss me around and I am not in the mood. So I freeze everyone and everything around, like even the birds in the sky. Some people resist a little bit my order to freeze, so I yell to them that I am in charge. When everything is totally still, I admire the details, I focus on the shapes of the clouds and then I see the International Space Station falling from the sky and smashing against a building. I go check it out up close. There is some kind of engine burning fuel and I climb on top of it, almost get burned by the flames, but make some joke about it, as I know it can't possibly hurt me. Then I see a door behind this burning engine and I go in. Looks like an entrance to a theater, and once I get inside I am followed by Darth Vader, who stands there at the entrance, looking menacing. I run from him down a corridor that gets tighter and tighter until it becomes a tunnel and then the tunnel starts descending until it is a sliding pipe. It gets tighter and tighter, until I feel stuck and unable to get out. Plus the walls are covered in chocolate. (Looks more like I'm stuck in a sphincter ). I start digging around to remove chocolate layers from the walls until I slide down and find myself out of it. Once outside, I am in a strange locker room and hear someone discussing how they'll clean us up and then will chose 2 or 3 girls. I don't like the tone of the conversation, and try to escape through a door, but end up cornered in a room with a balcony where some guys are assessing girls like they are meat. There is a fire in Á-dos-Loucos and firetrucks are going up the road in a long line. Then behind my mom's building, the gates of all the houses also start burning. It is clearly arson, but now all the firefighters went up the hill for the other fire, so no one can put these fires down. Checking in at some place, like a college and then hostel. The procedure involves interviews and putting applicants interacting in small groups. I pass and I am admitted without hassle. But later on I pass by the admission area and there is an enormous queue and everyone is complaining about the time it takes. Bad Wolf is among them and I have this fuzzy feeling of having him being my colleague again. I picture us becoming bf and gf and marrying and me owning half of his business. When everyone is checked in, we take a field trip and we get to meet each other and assess each other. When we debate whom we seem to connect to and whom we think will end up fighting, I say I don't fear anybody in the group because I could handle them all, since I noticed we are all about the same size (males and females alike). We have a quick lunch at the hostel, but some prefer going back to our college as the options there are better. We eat a soup and then some pastry. I then need to go to toilet and it is a unisex with two stalls and very little privacy. David the Kid is also rushing to the toilet, so I tell him to go first and instead I go look through a window on the corridor, with view over a lake on the back of the building. I spot 3 toads who change colors. Some are white with black patterns and another is blue and green and when they spot me they all turn brownish and dive into the muddy waters camouflaged. I find them awesome and then tell David about it but he tries to spot them and can't. We join an afternoon activity with our hosts. They take us to the back of a local meat processing plant and show us how they observe the workers conditions and denounce them. They sometimes make live vigils, often they end up dumpsterdiving and salvage lots of meat. Back at the hostel they explain they are really into meat eating not only because they get a lot for free, but they believe they need it and start telling individual stories of some of them who became strong and other BS because of their meat diet. I feel it's time to go away or else I'll end up disrespecting our hosts. So I get up with a colleague and we say thank you for your hospitality but we are leaving. I go back to the room we were supposed to stay for a night and I pick up my bags and lots of electronics and headphones we brought in for some reason. I go down to the lobby with my colleague and she asks me to do the checkout with her right away, because we have a ride. But I find they have a really nice library on the ground floor. Some guy approaches me rudely asking for help and I reply that I don't work there. He says "ok, but you study and stay here, right? I need some info about this book about Angola" I say no, that I am a biologist for many years and notice some incongruity in what I am saying. But then Marta P. comes to us, presents herself as the librarian and offers to help the dude.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am in a small dark room, white walls, old furniture. There is a table and two chairs and Riverstone is sitting behind the table, against the wall, with his head pending down and acting bizarre. I am lucid and try to figure if he is real or a shady DC. I say something but he is unresponsive. I tell him I know he is not real, so I am going to play with him a little bit. He then reacts, but I still can tell he is not really Riverstone and I actually feel he is becoming threatening to me. So I shrink him to the size of a bug and pick him from the floor. Now he is putting on a fight. I put him on the table and tell him it will be fine, I'll bring him back to normal size, but as I do it, he turns into a black snake and I stop resizing him, because I don't wanna face a giant black snake. I turn away to the door and just leave. At the next room I see my dog Hachi, but also Bernardo and some other stranger dog. Hachi is happy to see me, but then the other two start fighting in the background and instead of him defending Bernardo, he joins in attacking him. I scream in horror, but then tell myself it is just a nightmare and turn away. I plunge into the wall, I wander through darkness for a while and then come out at another dark room, very much the style of the previous two. I hear noise outside the door and open it. Looks like a cprridor of some vintage looking hostel. Some kid from another room to my left is also peaking out, sleepy. Tells me something as if I am supposed to know what he is talking about. I go to the lobby and from there goes a stairway to a living room in the basement, which is full of youngsters having fun, just like som hostel I stayed in Japan once. I am not interested, so I choose to go out to the street. There is a street market, which reminds me somewhere I have been in Germany. I recognize the memory, love reliving the details. Then hear some guys talking about getting laid and whose lady from the hostel tourists they are going to bang. They spot me and start acting menacing, like they are considering to rape me, so I try to get away from them by climbing a rope that is hanging with clothes from the top of a passageway over the street, and I run up a hill. End up in another strange house, that looks abandoned, almost like a windmill, but it is inhabited by 3 girls. One looks like Natalie Portman. They are nice and invite me in. They are having like a slumber party, all lounging over a bed and sharing chocolates while talking about this and that. They offer me chocolate, I say no and they find strange. So then I go on and on explaining my aversion to choclate since I was little.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP Spending some vacations abroad, staying at a hostel. The room is pretty basic and has a futon on the floor. I am undressing and snuggling in the sheets and I slightly touch myself, not even a big deal. But the manager barges in my room, yelling that I can't masturbate in this hostel and I have to leave now. Then he goes around the corridor, where all other guests at at their doors with curiosity, shaming me saying he has video and photos of it and I am like "how?". And then notice there is a camera in the ceiling in front of the bed, as if it was ok to film guests undressing and all. I refuse to g«be embarrassed and I confront him with his brutal violation of the guests privacy. Now, all the guests are looking at him like "she has a point". I admit what I did and that there is nothing wrong because I was alone in my room and he is the creep who is watching people in their rooms. In the end he does not kick me out, even brings in workers to attend all my needs and allows me to stay for as long as I want and I demand he shows me and deletes the tape. But I don't want to stay anymore. I actually saw the guy getting an erection while I confronted him, so he is nuts, but I need to stay one more night at least. Then I meet some friends at a sightseeing point, just outside the hostel and I am totally amazed how the landscape is a perfect mix of the view from my mom's house to my hometown and some totally different town somewhere in Eastern Europe with gothic bridges, palaces and gothic churches. The superposition is so perfectly done that I marvel at my own brain capacity to come up with such brilliant construction. I am half-lucid at this point. Then there is some heavy rain and flooding and I lose all lucidity and wake up.
Updated 03-31-2021 at 07:49 PM by 34880
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I go to my car outside my gates, to get some bags I really need the bags, but I am a bit afraid because it is night already and I am alone. I hear strange noises, so I look around and see some small boars, not so far from me. One has a chunk of bloodied meat hanging from his mouth and I feel a bit concerned. But they don't seem like they want to attack me. I look over the small cliff they came from and see a bunch of boars and cats apparently eating some corpse. One of the cats is my cat Buda. I go there and all the animals run away from me. I realize the dead animal is a giant pig, the size of a very fat human. The animal has tied feet and has burned skin like it had been cooking over a fire. But it ain't dead, it still breathes. At this point, there are other people around who also came to see what happened and all are in shock about the poor pig that was being cooked alive and somehow escaped. They can't handle it, but beg me to film and post online. Turns out there is a restaurant really nearby that is famous for cooking whole pigs but nobody expected them to cook the pigs alive. I am confused that a lot of it doesn't make sense. How is the pig alive after everything, including having cats and wild boars eating his guts? And how did it get here with feet tied up? Then I see some guys who look familiar, some famous comedians. They admit to have set up a prank to promote the said restaurant, and that the pig is actually a man in disguise, but once again it makes no sense and I find it all absurd. I am with a group of international friends at an hostel in some foreign country. We did a heist and stole a bunch of lesser known paintings of famous painters worth millions. We are saying goodbye to each other, packing bags. I am also saying goodbye to the hostel cats and I feel really heartbroken to leave them behind. Some became really fond of some of us and I ask if nobody wants to adopt any cats. They say no, that they will be fine. The owner of the hostel feeds them and they are used to see people come and go. But I am looking for one in particular that got really attached to us. Our rooms are in the basement with access to a garden where I go look for the cat. Then the police comes into the hostel and raids our rooms. I see some of my friends being arrested, others fleeing and being caught on the street. But I was out of sight in the garden and manage to escape to a back alley that zigzags through neighboring buildings. I leave everything behind, only have my wallet on my pocket. I see police starting to spread out and look for the ones who escaped. I got to another neighborhood and see an entrance to a small shopping center. It's basically closed with only a couple shops open, so I plan to lay low and wait. I go down some stairs to a lower level floor and find a kind of auditorium with people seated and watching something on a screen. I presume it's some movie so I seat down among them. Turns out it is an auction and the items are being shown on screen. I spot one of my partners in crime among them, trying to sell his painting even for some bucks just to get rid of it and make some money to leave the country. But there were some agents in the audience and they catch him. Then they start looking around and also checking bags, trying to find more of us. I don't flinch and since I only have my wallet, they let me go. I am at some kind of charity event for an animal shelter or similar and a reporter comes with a couple vets and start asking if we consider vegan feed safe and healthy for cats and dogs. We find that a bit odd but the organizers of the event all says yes. Then the reporter gives the word to the vets she brought along and they start raising questions about longevity and biology and I get into a really heated debate with them about it. I present scientific data and they question my authority on the subject. I then pull out my credentials and one of the vets looks me down, claiming I have a low paid job and no credit. So I exaggerate a bit my professional history, to prove her wrong - no lies, just a bit of embellishment. I then feel so bad for having fallen down through this ego trap.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At some foreign country in need of a job to support myself. Meet some girl who brings me to a place where they need people to welcome and serve some VIPs. All seems very proper and respectful. Most are scientists, Nobel prize winners, rich investors, all dressed up for a gala. I am helping at the entrance, checking out who's listed or not. When things calm down, the lady boss managing the workers comes to ask me if I would like a better paid job, joining a special group of girls entertaining a few select guests at an upper floor. My friend encourages me, excited about it, but I immediately think it can only be prostitution and in fear of falling into a prostitution ring and just become a sex slave, I refuse to do it. They insist I'd enjoy and I could just go take a look, but I am afraid they'll kidnap me. Later on, I find out it was merely an entertaining position, like a geisha, nothing sexual is meant to happen. At my grandparents home in Moita, but a totally fictional situation. My late cousin Rui is there and the garden and the house are magically maintained as in the old days. We are sitting in the couch talking about our past. Incestuous feelings take over and we hold hands and I cuddle his hair. Then we kiss exactly when his mother comes in and reacts with great shock. She then pretends she didn't see it and sits by his side, says he needs to cut his hair. Goes get a scissor and starts doing it. Then she also cuts bits of my hair with the clear intention to make me look awful as a punishment, but she ends up giving me a very avant-garde asymmetrical look that with a few adjustments looks pretty cool. Staying with a community living in an abandoned school and exploiting it as a hostel. I stay there for a couple days while I am meeting with some friends. Then it is time to go catch a train and I realize I don't know where my backpack is. I suspect they stole it. They deny and say they'll help me look for it, but first they need a hand preparing lunch for the guests and insist I help them. Someone shakes his head slightly and tries to warn me about something. I have the feeling they wanna keep me there for forced labor and won't give me my documents and stuff to keep me stuck there. But for now I play their game, because they don't know I can fly and have other powers and I know I can easily escape later if I want to.
Fragment I was in a large field on the top of a hill, there was a massive crowd. It was a Bernie Sanders rally, there was a stage on one side of the field. We were showing up early to wait for it to start, he was walking with us at some point. Non-lucid I arrived at a place, it looked like an outdoor market. There were a few guys my age walking around looking at things on tables. I thought I was in Thailand but eventually going to China. I asked one of the guys something, then realized several of them were wearing these sideways striped outfits that were black and either green blue or red. I got the idea that they were on some sort of lockdown and now I was going to be too, not sure if it was due to covid19. I walked through the market and to this location that had a strange looking building. It had steps going up to it and then a lot of steps and other paths around it, it was very open with archs and open windows. Walking around the left side of it I get the idea that this is some sort of hostel or summer camp. I look to my left and see massive rollercoaster tracks going high into the sky all over the place colored orange and green. I go into the building and see beds in some rooms with people in some of them and others walking around. This place was mostly made of white marble or linoleum. Walking into another room there's a few hot tubs. The idea is that we're going to have to meet up somewhere at 5pm or so. Eventually the dream leads outside back behind the building. There's a lake and the group of people are all by it. There was some sort of activity going on in the lake, my view was skimming over it. Eventually I'm back in the building and the room with a hot tub is completely trashed with old food and other things inside it and around it.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At some place, playing with someone's toys and I see a gorgeous realistic doll. The owner says it is for sale and not very expensive, still it's 39€. For this type of collectible it is cheap, but still is 39€ for a doll, so I get really divided and can't decide to buy it. Meanwhile, Riverstone comes along and he asks me for some money and I go to my wallet and have packs of money. I start taking all the bills out for counting and ask Riverstone to help. He starts counting and I need to go do something else but I more or less evaluate how much money that was from my week sales and it is quite a lot. I feel glad. Dad invited for some event with VIPs. He takes me along. He joins a bunch of old white people who are down in the garden playing a kind of mini golf and Trump is among them. When it's Trump's turn, he does some weird trick and my dad is under the impression he cheated. But from my viewpoint I don't think so, so I tell him that. My dad gets upset that Trump might actually be a good player. Anyway, as I watch closely this group of old pathetic weirdos, all sucking up to trump, I just feel compassion for the poor fucks, including the Donald himself who simply looks like a clown unaware of his own ridiculousness. Meanwhile they are being watched from afar by a group of younger people and I notice some dude staring at me and quite a few others also looking like wondering who am I and why I am among the old geezers. Then I get a big smack in the face. It's a girlfriend that just saw me there and is totally surprised to see me there. I wonder the same. She confesses she is around for something else and spotted me with that group and had to come and check. Back home (childhood home), I am with my dad and my three cats. My mom has a friend and some family coming over for a dinner and she got drunk on some liquor. I ask the name of it, because I also try it and it is really tasty. When the family members leave, my mom goes out with her friend. My dad is at the bathroom and when he comes out he gets really scared at something. I heard a noise, but I see nothing strange. Then I see the front door completely open and ask if that's why he got scared. He says no, but also doesn't explain, just goes to get some tools to fix something. I close the door and immediately go check on my cats. One by one I find them deeply asleep in different rooms. I feel relieved. Parking one of my cars at home (the farm), I notice something weird: my van is not a van, but a second small car. I go check and it is a flying car. I take it for a ride through the country. People walking below get scared but I am high enough not to be a danger. Then I slow down at the next village and an old neighbor who is walking his dogs makes several complaints. We discuss back and forth, but I tell him not to worry. If we conclude the car or my driving are dangerous, I will stop it. So the grumpy old man and I depart in good terms. Then his son comes along, arrogant, no respect for anyone and he wants to sue me. He carries on bragging about his properties and his rich inheritance as if it had anything to do with this situation. Doing a Buddhist retreat, staying at some big hostel, several floors high. I find my room, I am tired and just wanna go to my bunk bed. I start dressing my pajama pants, but my neighbor from the bed below invites me to go to the cafeteria for a while. I have very little money that I can spend but I am definitely hungry., so I accept. She actually needed someone to talk to. She says she gave an interview to some media and she is afraid she might have said too much about our retreat. I tell her I always share just the basic and other things I refer to my teachers and if they need, they can ask them. She orders something to drink, I order some kind of yellow thin pancake, the cheapest thing in the menu and then some generous folks come buy with plates full of food, leftovers they want to share, toasts, pasta, sponge cake... I am so happy and don't want to look greedy but I immediately dive on these plates and eat from all of it. Some guy who's into booze comes to find his drinking bottle grew and stretched into the sky like the bean stalk from the fairytale. Some graphic news on tv about a lady haidresser and her boyfriend who became dogs serial killers, because supposedly she was going through difficulties and started eating dog meat and cooking it to sell to others. They show graphic footage of her cooking live puppies in a barbecue and cutting the neck of a grand danois.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening In Iceland with Zilla at some kind of natural hostel, with indoor pools. I left a pillow fall in one of the pools, but I am so cold I end up entering the water with my clothes on. Some people I know are there taking a swim. At the library earlier, Zilla had two of her cats with her, a yellow boy and a fluffy girl, protecting him from a third cat, which I guess was the library mascot. There is a kind of canteen / living room, which is a bit hard to understand how it works. People are playing games, but also picking up food from a buffet and each person seems to have tasks attributed. We are hungry but a bit lost about how it all works. They have soups, different yummi breads and stuff I cant tell if it's vegetable or animal, but I assume all is vegetarian. They speak in icelandic, sing songs and it is both silly and adorable. They only apeak english to warn the guests that outside it is a pleasant -2°C. I shriek and they laugh, because for them it is a warm summer night.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Lunch or dinner with Jaime. He is a rich guy now. I meet him at top of a tower, we're supposed to go out to meet other couples at an Asian restaurant, but he stays behind to watch some fireworks from the tower. I go meet the other couples at the restaurant, because we are the hosts. We all need to choose our menu at the counter and then sit on designated places. Jaime is still not coming. Driving down a street with my cousins in the car. I see a line of processionary caterpillars at a garden and a little dog getting too close to them. I stop a bit further ahead and make a u-turn and go look for the dog to rescue him. Then I see a couple with children and that dog, sitting on the grass having a picnic. There is also other people around and the caterpillars are moving on the grass between them and no one is noticing. I ask for their attention. The guy from the couple turns to me in anger and reveals a demonic face. Scares me for a second but them he calms down and listens to me. I ask if they know about this caterpillars and how dangerous they are, they don't, I explain and everyone freaks out. Some boy says they are piling up and he covers them in paper or plastic and sets them on fire. I turn away as the animals shriek in agony, but I tell myself it had to be done. Then I leave. I am staying with school colleagues at some type of hostel. First nothing seems to work, the whole place is in the dark, but I find the main board with the switches and turn it on. Don't understand why nobody did it before me, the guys are a bit embarrassed. I check where is my bed, we are staying in mixed shared rooms and I find out I will be sharing my bunk with Jaime. I leave a note on his bed just saying hi, because he hasn't arrived yet and then go out. At lunch time I meet with some friends and they ask me what I have done to my hair. I don't know and look in a mirror. I have bangs and short hair and I think I look pretty cute. Later my dad and some others are visiting me and he brings Bernardo. Outside I hear some dogs growling and I go check. I think one of them is Faial who belongs to Jaime. I worry about him coming in with his big dog because of Bernardo, but actually Faial is growling to bring attention to another street dog who seems injured and afraid. Some people step in to help the dog.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At a house with a long corridor, like my grandparents' home in Moita. I'm going around locking up the windows. My dad is there. I also have my cats and a cougar. The cougar was raised by us but seems not to like us or the cats, and picks up fights. The cats are afraid and bite me several times. The cougar then bites a cat but lets him go, clearly not with the intention to kill. Still I yell at him and throw him out in the street. A couple of twin old rich ladies, my neighbors, see it and come to rescue the "poor thing". I try to warn then that he is behaving badly, but they don't care as they always loved the cougar. Staying at a hostel, changing the sheets in the bed. Someone caught a mouse in a jar. Go to school and I am looking for my classroom. I am late, Ana Sofia and others also are just arriving. Not many places or chairs available. I sit in the back, can't hear the teacher. A girl in front row is an ass kisser to the teacher. Then in the middle of the students, I spot my guru as a young boy, he is being teased by a indian kid pretending to be fishing. A guy who's been stalking me disappears, but I think he faked his own death and will come back to haunt me again Start dating my childhood crush Marco. We've been flirting for a while, I sit in the back of the classroom and so does he. One day he sits at a piano to serenade me and I sit by his side, feeling warmhearted.