I was in the garage, I snatched some brown liquid which may have been booze off the ugly plywood shelf. one of my parents waled in the room so I hid the bottle behind my back and pretended I was about to do the dishes. I walked past a hot tub or pool, there were some people talking. I didn't feel like joining them so I walked into an area which resembled an underground parking garage. I was then walking in a large tunnel, like one a highway would go through. There were a bunch of people around me, most looked normal but there were more bums than you'd see in the average crowd. I saw some people in white aprons run into a wide hall. i followed them, they scooped noodles and chicken and a bunch of other chinese looking foods into plastic containers which they took to their stand in the middle of the main hall, so they could be sold for 3 bucks.I walked along more and saw an area with a few cars and some dirt bikes. I got into the back seat of a car, and a man outside gave the guy next to me money. I forgot who started it but we were suddenly fighting, the guy next to me was being strangled by the one outside, and the one in front was elbowing me. I then left the car and continued down the tunnel which led me into a whole foods. I walk back and now the chinese food stand has switched to sushi. I keep walking, I end up in a smaller room with a lot of clutter.
I was in some busy street, there was some asain restaurant. I entered, there were several people with sushi on their plates. I checked my wallet to be sure it was there, it wasn't, so I left the store. I walked down the street a bit and then forgot what I left the store for. I reentered and remembered that I left cause I forgot my wallet. I was really embarrassed so I grabbed a straw and a pack of chopsticks off the front desk and left. [COLOR="#008000"]I got out of bed, I felt weightless, but I was really short for some reason. I walked outside and noticed that I returned to normal size. I started digging in one place to get under the house but I wasn't making much progress. I went to a part with a different dirt type and started digging. I accidentally broke off a piece of the wall. It had soggy plywood boards and fiberglass. I stopped cause it felt gross, I then remembered that I wanted to go down the street to see if it would be like the last time. I walked down my driveway. I looked to the east, the sky brain was gone. I looked forward and in the distance there were several tall buildings that resembled the Washington monument. I went down the street, I passed some houses, there was a metal gate in my way so I just walked through it. There were some cars, and I could see some buildings, to the south was a brown square building with red cloth draped on the exterior. To the north was a big hotel and a smaller hotel. I walked to the large hotel and entered. I slipped into the elevator and accidentally pushed all the buttons, so I pushed a button that deselected them. There was a man in there with me. He asked for a name, I was stunned because I had a sense that I was trespassing."E?" he asked, 'Ethan.' I then smacked my face because I definitely do not look like an Ethan. He that said the name of my favorite cousin, and the elevator moved up. I walked into the hallway, there was a room across from the elevator with the door open. I entered and I recognized some of my cousin's friends. She sat at a table, I greeted her with a hug and she said something and I said something about it being a dream, and she tells me "It's a world now because you've been here so long." we move to a couch, she closes her eyes and slows her breathing. I hear three pings like the ones from assassins creed, she gives a date "(i forgot)/24/24, I will die a horrible death from a firebomb." I copy her movements, I don't hear the pings, but I feel them in my mind, I have a hard time making it out but I think I see the words '11 MST burger' I then open my eyes. My parents have joined me and we start a conversation about something, I notice my 3ds is flashing red so I get up to grab a charger my mother screams something about me being addicted to games and grabs at me. Everyone is now pissed off so I sit in a chair, stare at the wall, and remind myself not to let a dream character make me too mad. I am staring into the wall when something catches my attention. An army or something is blowing up the stairs. I run past the stairwell, there's an explosion, I go into a room and hide under the stove. I notice that there's no wall behind it. I crawl under it, and I walk under all the shelves into a secret room. A man dressed as Luigi jumps into a pipe, I try to jump in after him, but I land wrong. I get up and some guy shows up, and a bunch of zelda dialogue bubbles pop up with too many words to read as the dream fades. [/COLOR]
I was walking around near the road in the middle of the night. A car sped past me, missing me by a few feet. I remembered hearing about this guy that speeds and smokes weed or something, so I start running back to my house. I'm about to climb over my fence, I hear his car coming back around the block, I see his headlights. [COLOR="#008000"]I am suddenly aware of myself falling out of my body and pooling on the floor like a liquid. I relax and let it happen, when I'm completely out I open my eyes. I can't remember that I'm in a competition or tell that my furniture arrangement is completely off, but I can see in a level of light where I normally can't. I walk past a chair and into my hall. I turn to the living room, something red and cylindrical catches my eye. It's a fire extinguisher, I plug my nose to make a thousand percent sure I'm in a dream cause I'm about to make one hell of a mess. I hold the can, It's weightless, and there's a black handle/spout like on a spray bottle. I pull the trigger and white foam shoots out and all over everything like elephant toothpaste but with more pressure. I empty the can, look around and feel glad my father's not here. I unscrew the spout and look inside. There is a small amount of liquid at the bottom which tastes like chocolate milk. [/COLOR] [COLOR="#EE82EE"]rcs-2 nld-1 ld-10 total-13 comp total-55[/COLOR]
Updated 11-06-2011 at 02:41 AM by 39215
Updated 11-06-2011 at 02:35 AM by 39215