I was dreaming that I was at some gathering, and this black fashion dude who vaguely resembles this dancer-model I know got this purple streetwear outfit in the mail which he showed to me, the white and purple patterns suiting him. It might have been a house party or something where we were, but for whatever reason my mom showed up. When I saw her, I randomly pulled out my customer service voice asking her if she needed anything, pretending not to know who she was and we went to a different room where I talked about how embarrassed I was that she was there, bringing up this random memory from when she took me to her friend's daughter's birthday party in 2009 and I just sat there crying because I didn't want to be there. She then left and I sat by myself, contemplating what just happened, and started crying, my mom then appeared again to comfort me. I apologised and told her I feel bad about moving to a different country sometimes because I'm so far away from everyone. Then I woke up. I miss my family and my mom
12/27/20 I am in a very crowded gymnasium like standing room only with tons of people all around. Everyone is having fun and there is water spraying everywhere. Even though it is super crowded it's still really happy and the mood is elevated. I joke that this ride is basically just a line, cause everyone is just waiting to get past everyone else while walking around in the gymnasium. I start to notice everyone has different costumes on. As I am walking there is someone close to me who says that I have to leave the crowd and go to the edges, as the crowd is starting to thin out. She pulls at my overalls as if to mention my costume didn't win. I now notice there are groups of people in matching costumes all standing in circles together in the center of the room. They are doing the same dance, but each circle is different and they overlap like a venn diagram. This all feels like a well rehearsed ritual. Everyone seems to know what is going on besides me. I am enamoured by the choreography of it all. There is an Indian guy standing next to me who seems to know what is up, so I ask him if he knows the name of what's going on. He tells me this is called the 'Sitar Aaahg Sango Oood'. I repeat it several times as I have trouble hearing him say it repeatedly. He tells me of it's ancient history as a ritual. It is performed as an act of communal purification and bonding. Everyone here seems to know exactly what is happening but I am still kind of clueless. I am beside myself, I talk to the indian guy for a while standing in the crowd watching people dance in the center of the room in unison. At the end of everything about a third of the crowd is nude just walking around going our different directions. No one seems to really be paying attention to each other. So I am nude as well and walk through the gymnasium to the exit/towards the showers to clean off. It's the next day and I am still blown away by what I experienced the night before. But I have missing time between then and now and realize I don't know how I got home, and my car is missing. I remember the indian guy telling me about a restaurant he goes to so I venture out and take someone's minivan to get there. It is a Thai restaurant in the upstairs of some small strip mall. It's quaint with just a few tables and counter sitting. Standard florescent tile lights in the ceiling and large windows with tan blinds at the end of the room. I see J there and tell him about my night and what I experienced. That I thought I was dreaming but now it seems so real, cause my car is now gone and I don't know how I got home. He is very interested to hear about the ritual and so is the smaller older thai lady who works there. I tell them the name the indian man told me and both of their eyes light up. They know this ritual very well, and we're impressed I was able to witness it. While sitting at the counter top I realize J now works at this restaurant, he is preparing tea and doing some general busy work while I talk to him. I mention how nice that would be and how I would love to work at a Thai restaurant. The older lady notices my comment but doesn't say anything to me about a job. At a certain point I have to tell the story of the night before over and over again as new people show up and are interested in my situation. While talking I keep mentioning how I thought it was a dream, so I nosepinch and realize I am still dreaming, but it still feels so real so I continue to go along with it. A man I see who looks like Hank from king of the hill, he works next door and brings over a bowl of special sauce he has made for the thai lady. It is a mango ghost pepper sauce or something similar. It looks like sweet and sour sauce with minced garlic and chilis in it. I mention it would probably be really good on wings. I accidentally spill some of it while moving one of my plates to the back of the counter. I tell my story again and he asks me if I have a small black car. I say yes and he informs me he saw a black car crashed into the river on his way into work this morning. I am flabbergasted. I realize I haven't checked the parking lot of this place which is in the basement level of a parking garage beneath us. I go down there and see a car that looks like my car but it is the wrong colour. Directly next to it is my car, with all the same junk in it as my real car. I am incredibly relieved. I realize I have two cars here now and wonder how I will get both of them back. So I drive the minivan home and come back to get my car. Then I realize I do not have my car keys on me. The thai lady at the restaurant tells me they should be hanging somewhere over here, and points to a corner where their employees put personal items. Without being too invasive I attempt to move papers around and others keys looking for my own. I don't recall ever finding them. A fragment about being in one of my clients homes which is now kind of like an all white vogue apartment. They are on vacation and have tasked me to house sit for them. I know they are coming home soon. A girl called A I used to know is also there. She is manipulative and thoughtless with other people's possessions. She invites a few people over and I am not pleased at all because it isn't her home to begin with. They make a small mess and everyone leaves. She cleans the apartment thoroughly and it looks sparkling again. I am relieved because I know that my client is coming home soon. She then invites 10 people over since it is clean now and they completely trash the place again. The dogs have completely soiled the white floor and there is food and crumbs everywhere. I am beyond livid with her decision. The dream fades as she attempts to clean the apartment once more.
Updated 12-28-2020 at 12:39 AM by 51110
These are some rough notes I threw together. I may try to clean it up later and add some pictures. Finish 30 minute WBTB and BTB around 430am *Several times I think I woke but didn't look at phone/time in order to give me best chance to keep going back in. Finally do look at phone at 637am and am dumbfounded at amount of lucidity and scenes and time lucid! Some waning of lucidity but often quickly recovered and seems like at least 90% of the time and experiences that I remember were lucid. Letter tags: HMS HM_? House mall stars hands 2nd m? 6th letter tag? May be one of the scenes below. Seems not more than 10 minutes of SSILD and I start with, what I told myself during one of the FA's, must have been an NREM lucid. It was short maybe 1 minute and very basic mostly dark but interacting with a woman. It leads to multiple FA's each one different. Several were in a busy house with lots of kids and a few adults. Hands clasp from IWL in bed become hands in bind by girl trying to free my hands. House party like. Outdoor patio girl, wife voice, both can have me! Later indoor house gathering (one of several house scenes) with an older lady still beautiful and I tell her I'll make her young again and morph massage her face and it works in the end with odd results along the way. When I finish I see a female, her niece it seems, with her back to us. She has long curly black hair and I gently take her and lead them both to a bedroom. Mall ladies sex and after a while of that I say I need to do the TOTY, car one sounds good. I try to form a car inside the mall main way but it never becomes solid enough so I look toward an exit and see a whole street of cars parked parallel, not the typical big parking lot you'd see outside of a surburban mall. I see a maybe late 80's Honda that has seen better days but it was the first car I really focused on. I open hood just from front of car but do reach my finger in for the typical final release lever under hood and open hood, it stays open and I reach in and grab the whole engine block and all and rip it out easily like picking up an empty cardboard box. I think about breaking the window with my elbow but I am able to just open the door. I decide keys will be under the visor and yes one key on small key chain tab. I stick the key into the on position and start driving like a maniac. Very quickly transitions from asphalt to dirt trail on a hillside area that brings back memories of bmx trails. I get to a top look out point and see 8-10 guys in bathing trunks just below me maybe 20 feet. Maybe they're heading to a hidden beach below. At first I guess a couple of them near the back of group look gay but as they gather it doesn't seem like anything sexual, just a bunch of guys who may even want a lone guy to beat up on. No worries though, this is my dream. I call down to them to look up at me and shoot off into the sky quickly. It becomes night and I float in the sky and marvelling at the stars. They look fairly normal but a beautiful experience none the less. Visuals fade after a minute or so and I spin in the air, still a black void, so spin few more and a FA. / some busy outdoor area at night sexual with several girls. Also at Mall and at house scenes. Unbelievable! I just keep going from scene fade to scene fade after early part where it was from FA to FA. Also Vegas casino hotel with wife she found which hotel, nice but great deal, lucidity fading, maybe gone for this final scene before waking. I am forgetting so many details. I was setting reminders in the new scenes and I have whispy memories of what those reminders were but still trying to grab them fully - I'm sure I haven't caught them all. Lots of solid, vivid dreamlets including snow falling on a couple in dark brown or black winter long coats.
Updated 02-14-2017 at 02:34 AM by 61674
It's Halloween, and I want to check out a house that I haven't been to—a local social media personality is having a party there. The dream turns into an Alex Veras-style adventure, except that I'm an exorcist, so maybe more Felix Castor. I'm casting an exorcism. I try a traditional Christian exorcism but almost break down laughing, and switch to one using "spirit" as the anchor. Now we're on a road trip. --- I'm at W Park (the one with the swans) with my family. Someone asks to have the water gun pointed at them while they're on the diving board because they forgot to shower before going in the pool. The pool and diving boards are within the park instead of across the way. --- Fragment: phone call
The dream takes place at night in a fictional neighborhood with big houses, particularly one big one at the end of a culdesac. Recently some guys from school got in trouble with the law so that is the subject of my dream. The dream starts as we're all in this big house and there are some other people in the house that I don't recognize. It's a party with illegal substances so the fear of cops is in my mind as I walk into this empty room. On this projector screen is mario-kart being played or something I don't really remember. Suddenly I'm outside and we're running around this neighborhood at night trick-or-treating houses, and it seems like there's 100s of kids my age running around. I'm longboarding down this hill when a car rounds a corner and drifts right around me. I look in to see it's the guy who got a DUI from my school and I get spooked out. Then we're all inside drinking and dancing in the house. A line forms of people dancing as we walk out of the house onto the front porch and there's apparently another door that leads back into the house on the other side of the porch. As the line comes to a halt, the police show up and they start busting people on the deck. IRL I've been in trouble with the law so I can't afford to get into anymore trouble, so in the dream I start freaking out at the cops. I look inside to see people hiding in the house away from the cops. Eventually they take me and put me on trial in the senate and I'm free to go or something.
We moved into a large house with a pool, I guess you could call it a mansion. A housewarming party was planned for that evening. We were rushing around cleaning the house up, especially the pool area. There was a special painting that had to be put together and hung. My cousin did that. After that there was some sort of Bear chase in the trails behind the pool.
I've just had a job interview and now I'm at a kind of house party, which looks like it's confined to one room. There's some questionable stuff going on, and I tell them I'm not down with it, I'm not into that. I think it's going to be cool, after that but not so much. They look really put out and take me to the bus station. They ditch me there, even though it's not a familiar place to me, and take off. I get some sort of general idea where my bus is going to be departing from when I hear the platform and arrival of the bus announced through the station. I race to that platform only to find the bus is not there. I run all up and down the platforms looking for the bus that should be here somewhere. I then see it leaving. Someone tells me I should run after it, but I know they won't open the doors after they've left the stop, so I don't bother. I begin wandering around the station aimlessly looking for the right platform for the next departure. I sit down in some kind of lounge and watch the big screen tv they have there, it's broadcasting the performance of a very special figure skater. She lands a perfect triple toe loop followed by some sort of Lutz, and I absolutely melt down because I'm so happy and overcome with emotion as she does (This is strange as I am NOT a figure skating fan, and for a split second in the dream I wonder how I have all this knowledge and passion for skating, but it passes quickly). My phone rings and I pick it up, trying to compose myself. It's the interviewers. They were interviewing me for the position of Coordinator for the skater I was just watching. They tell me I have the job. They say they were watching me over CCTV and saw my reaction to the skater's performance and deduced that I would be the perfect choice to work with her. I am so happy I begin melting down again and the dream ends.
Last night's dream was filled with feelings of guilt and exasperation I was at some random guy's house, helping him host a house party because he was sick. It should be mentioned that 'I' was not me - I was female but in another body it seemed. The whole party consisted of me fetching and carrying for the host, cleaning up all of the bottles and dirty clothes (?) left around by guests, and feeling incredibly guilty knowing that I was helping this guy cheat on his girlfriend, who came home early in the end of the dream. A bit of a masochistic dream, me thinks
Updated 03-08-2011 at 02:43 PM by 40720
Very life like dream.... It seems that the theme of tonight dreams were, "almond croissant". There is a man wanting to buy a croissant, and I am trying to convince him to buy an almond croissant. I'm driving my mum's green Polo with my friend George. We are driving at night, through some outside village curvy roads. I am not sure where we go or where from, but suddenly there is a car behind us trying to race with us. For some reason, I have a feeling it has something to do with the almond croissant. So I go faster and faster, but he's still behind me. I am thinking to myself, that he must be a really good driver, as I am going really fast. He is still behind me. Then we get to a crossroad, of a T shape. I am going to go right, but want to take a short cut and pretend to go left, then suddenly turn right. However, he takes me over. I go right after him. We get to another T cross road, but I go too fast, and I fly of the road, straight through a wooden fence opposite into a garden belonging to a small house. For a moment, it seems like my uncle mum's house in "Jilove". The first thing that comes to my mind is that its ok, as the ground seems and feels soft so the car didn't get damaged. Suddenly, a young guy comes. I know it is the man from the car I was racing with. I am telling him, that he should have had the fence gate open :-D but he seems that he wants to pick a fight or so. He tells me that he won't help me in any way. I think to myself that the car is ok, so we just drive off. Then I say something about white buckets from work and almond croissants again. It really makes no sense :-D I am in a big house. There is a house party taking place and there is just Eli the customer from work and I. I am walking through the house. It is a strange house with complex structure of rooms. All the rooms are on different levels, but it is very interesting. It reminds me a little bit of George's uncle house. I'm walking through the ground floor outside to the grad. It seems like a beautiful day. I walk through the garden, and where I see a big tree. Ellie is sitting on the tree. She is wearing blue jeans and has bare feet. The weather is getting worse. I'm telling Ellie to come down. She's telling me that it's okay it's not raining so much. I tell her that if she comes down, I give her ALMOND CROISSANT! She seems to be more open to talk now. I notice that she is wearing a blue t-shirt. I can see her gigantic boobs. She has black and white crossed jacket. I go back to the house, browse through all the rooms, but I get bored soon. My family and I are at my auntie's house. We are sitting outside. There is a small dog sitting there too. It looks like Tobi, the dog we used to have, but just similar. I feel that the dog is waiting for some specific song to be played. I feel that I know what song he wants, and I feel the need to play it.