Dream 1: I was in some militaristic video game, at first WW2 themed but later a bit more modern/futuristic. There was story about some countries that were not on war for a good while, but then one decided to start attacking the city. I apparently just arrived to that city which was getting invaded by enemies and had to retreat from a whole horde of them, allies were holding them off but only long enough for me to ask some people and figure out best way to retreat. I was going through a few cobble streets then into some alley, then arriving into some fence maze. I had to find way through and dodge some enemy squads and an helicopter, getting hit some times and losing HP, in the end i had only 19 left. Eventually allied chinook arrived, i got in and we took off. Then we had to fight enemy chinook and that other helicopter that was attacking me whole time, but soon we managed to fly out of city and end the mission. Dream 2: I was in some rich home place and i had multiple brothers and sisters, one of which was some kind of a prince. We were talking about some stuff then i went searching something in internet and there was some gaming site with red-dark visual theme, full of elitists. I thought that i should take a vacation on some island or something. Then i went to play some RTS video game with one of brothers. It started with two cities, mine's and his, and we had to mine resources and advance through tech tree. We had forcefields that acted like ones from AI War and lost of various buildings, and we were pretty near each other. I was scouting the map also with some units, also the units were created part by part, with some choices in chassis, armor, weapons and such. I started slowly attacking with a few tanks, draining his forcefields, but then suddenly he started spamming his tanks and doing massive attack, almost breaking my main forcefield and destroying bunch of stuff. At the last second i made special unit as my 'hero' unit, which used resources each shot and his shots could 'eat' enemy shots which turned into resources, and also it was very powerful, and with lots of enemies making shots it turned them into enough resources to cover the requirement per shot. It would have been good but i misclicked and turned my hero unit into some weird brown creature that spawned on the other side on the map. Enemy was out of resources tho, as he stopped making tanks, so i was fine. Dream 3(fragments): I was playing some FPS where i with some group had to hunt down some people from some gaming company that was really bad. We were traveling around some roads. Dream 4(fragments): There was some anime, group of people were exploring forest and there was some group of enemies. They started the fight but then enemies were blasted with blue blast from out of sight.
I am with three people. Two guys and a girl. We are climbing up and along a steep but not vertical cliff or mountain. It is cold and everywhere is snow and ice. We are running from a group of people. We sort of make it up this snowy mountain when I spot the people we were running from. I cant remember what happens at this point exactly but I am captured. ☹ frowny face. Gap in dream….. Cant remember what happens. But I do remember that I am being held somewhere but I manage to get help. Some sort of plan has been created to get me out or something. I remember climbing through air ducts in the building to escape. I meet an Asian lady in there who helps direct me to where I was supposed to go. For some reason there was an area in the ducts where the cameras of hostages, such as me, were kept. In the dream it was very important that I get my camera. I couldn’t just leave. I had to get it. I guess someone was behind me because once I reached that area I was in a great hurry to find my camera among the many that were there. I desperately had to get out with my camera. I just in time found mine and jumped down though a hole in the duct. At that point I was outside and I ran to the van the was supposed to pick me up. Then this guy who was apparently called “The Butler” found us. He ran whatever place I was being held in. I figured were we’d all be shot dead any moment now. He walked up to me and said my name as if he pitied me. I started looking through a bunch of camera bags that were next to me hoping to find a gun in one of them. On the third case I did. I found three bullets in the same bag and quickly loaded them in to the pistol I found. I couldn’t understand how I was still alive but without wasting another second I shot the dude in the face. There was so much more to this dream. A lot happened while i was held prisoner. I couldn't record this dream right when I woke up though. This is all I remember now
My dad picks me up from Ahmed Elian’s house after a sleep over. We are in the Nady’s parking lot though instead of the front of his house. The sky is brown and everything around reflects the hue. While in the car my dad talks to me about lucid dreaming. He asks me if I have managed it. I tell him I haven’t yet. He asks me if the methods that I am using are “street”. I tell him there is no such thing. We then begin to drive home. He talks about some new railroad being built. He say it is blocking certain roads that lead into Sherouk. He says this is why Sherouk is so empty right now. No one can get in! Halfway home, he stops the car. He says he’ll give me fifteen pounds if I manage to find a car. I get out and I walk over piles of sand and rock strewn on the side of the road in search for a car. I quickly find an old worn out van. I imagine there being people in there with guns and them shooting me dead. This is exactly what happens. I am dead. I continue the dream as my dad. As my dad, I am trying to kill the men who shot my son.I walk over to the van. I hide on one side with the killers on the other. I throw cardboard at them (because cardboard is very deadly). I think about how I am going to kill them. I decide I am going to catch the van on fire and make the gas tank explode. I manage to start a fire. I throw burning objects under the van. Then the scene changes to one of an arena. I am at the top of this arena looking into it. The men who killed my son were at the bottom of this arena. I throw stuff at the killers below.
Note: I have been continuing to use my dream recall self hypnosis program. These are the next few nights of dreams. The program seems to be helping with my recall at least… now if I can just remember to be lucid! A M3 Short of a Ship I am in a massive hanger filled with mechanical parts and space ships in various stages of completion. There are many people wandering around in there, though it is unclear if they are actually doing anything or not. I am working on constructing a space ship, I have a blueprint pulled up on a computer terminal as if I was playing EVE Online. There is a list of required minerals for constructing the ship, and I am sure I have everything I need to begin. But when I am going over the list one last time I realize I am one unit short of tritanium. The most common mineral in EVE Online, I should have no problem getting that. I use the computer to scan for asteroids that contain tritanium, there is surely a close one. However the computer returns that there is no remaining tritanium within 20 jumps. I stand there and look at that display… wtf? But it's only one unit… Emergency Medical Tech I at starting a new job, and once again, I am going to be working at a hospital. This is where this dream differs from past dreams, though. In most of these dreams I am going to be stuck as a computer operator / customer service / tech support person, but now I am in the emergency room looking at an array of equipment that I have absolutely no idea how to use. Several people are there with me and they are talking me through everything, though it seems they think I already know a lot. And somehow what they are saying is making sense. Maybe I know more than I thought I knew. We are talking about getting things ready for a possible emergency coming up. It seems they know about the emergency before it has even happened. One of the nurses suggests I go home and get a bit of sleep before we get swamped later, but just be sure to get back in time to help out. I say ok and leave, thinking how much easier this could be if it was a dream and I could use my healing powers. The Hunt Is On I am in a hospital, I'm not sure, I think it might be the same hospital as the previous dream. There is no incoming emergency going on, however, the trouble is entirely coming from within. Someone… or something… is loose in the hospital, and it is killing. On the third floor, something went through and eviscerated all of the patients, doctors, nurses… one doctor managed to escape and he activated the fire suppression system, which apparently has the capability of sealing off the entire floor. But now no one is sure what to do about the creature that is hopefully still trapped on the third floor. Some people just want to hunt it down and kill it. A bunch of scientists want to study it. A couple of other people are concerned it might be an endangered species. Those who want to kill it say it will be endangered when they find it. It is finally decided to go into the third floor, but only kill the creature if it proves necessary to protect ourselves. They want to know more about it before making that kind of decision. Then some dogs enter the room. They have telepathic powers. The dogs seem to be the smartest individuals in the room. The dogs tell us that the thing probably isn't even in the hospital any more… it ate its fill and no doubt returned to its home dimension. The people don't seem convinced, however, and insist on completely searching the third floor. Loop the Loop Squared I am with Alicia and we are driving out in the middle of the desert in my car, though I don't remember where we were going. There is a wide open area of green grass that is somehow staying green even in the desert heat. I wonder how much water is getting wasted in order to maintain this place, it seems like a foolish thing to do in a desert. I look across the grassy field, wondering what it is for, then I see a single structure out there. A roller coaster. There is a roller coaster that goes way into the sky. The track drops at what is nearly a vertical angle and then goes into a series of loops… one, two, three, four… four loops in a row. The track makes a swooping turn and goes through one final loop before returning to the station. The final loop actually passes through the middle of the first loop. I think it looks like fun, and I want to check it out. Alicia comes with me and it turns out they are running the ride right now. Alicia and I get on and ride, when the train drops, it feels like I have left my stomach behind. It is an exciting ride, a couple times it feels like the train has left the tracks and is just flying… but the ride ends safely. That was great! I want to do it again! Alicia looks a bit green, not too excited to ride again…
I found myself in a city. This city looked quite depressing. The streets were of yellowish stone with a bit of sand on top, buildings were of the same yellowish stone. Streets were cramped. There weren't too many people on the streets. Maybe a couple of people per block. The searing heat from the sun made walking there almost intolerable. The clothes people had on looked very arabic in nature. What you would expect to see from saudi arabia / northern africe a hundred years back or so. All in all, it was either a third world country, or I was living in the past, near the equator. I was carrying a djembe. (A percussion instrument of african origin). I found myself a place to sit with a few people that would hear me play. And I played a little beat there. Apparently I was a beggar, who tried to gain any money he could by performing on the streets. A fight arose between me and a couple of other people (also beggars, street performers) when I'd taken the place they usually use. They threatened me with violence. So I left. ------I wondered around the streets a bit and chose another location in which to do the same thing all over again. However, that did not last for long. Apparently the other beggars were serious about being the only ones on the same part of town. They appeared to me and said that I'd better get out. I ran away at this point They (the two of them) got after me, though not running. Just light jogging. I quickly turned around the street corner and panicked. I needed to get out of here quick. I went to the market area of the block. I found a small closet like room on the side of one of the houses which was not locked. I opened it and went inside. The door had cracks, and I saw how the other beggars passed it. I waited a while before coming out of there. I found another place to perform near me and strarted. Didn't take long for me to be found by the other beggars. I ran away again and they ran after me full speed. I managed to find a cellar type structure near me, with a metal mesh as a window to the street. I cramped myself in there, trying to not make noises so that they wouldn't realize to look in my direction when they walked past me. After this I took my knife from my backpocket. I left my djembe there and started creeping around the town centre. I quickly saw where one of the beggars was and creeped behind him, and stabbed him in the shoulder. The other beggar saw me from 20 meters away and was terrified, left his junk there and ran behind the corner. END DREAM Dream end was not sudden, yet that's the last thing I remember, really.
hmm so i sleept then i remember i was with1 friend ... we were hunting for something i dont know what.. we were hiding also we went on one building and searching stufff , what i found was like 2 caps rofl. i took em and we went out then .. we found 1 girl that she wanted to bj us , there was 4 guys and me , the girl bj the 1 and had sex too , then it was my turn i tried to ,,,, her but after 1 min she said oh cmon fast i have 2 calls i must go to other 2guys.. then she bj me and i said why dont u do with the rest 2 guys , then my dream changed.. so my dream then was LOL.. i was in cyprus my old homieland and i went to the magazin near a friends building i forgot totally what i did there then went out and saw my like best friend . i call'd him to come he came we talked abt something then i had dream with this game "MuOnline" we were more people in that game and i was trying to lvl with friend lol. then i was GM on that server [game server] but i didnt had rights to do anything idk why.. so i think i woke up and sleept again then iwent to that game and the spots were full of players trying to lvl... i asked my self then why i am not gm... only 1 gm was online but i was supposed to be too.. hmm booom woke up. not goin to sleep more sleept like 11 hours karli
A Large Problem I am at Alicia's house, we just got back from a vacation of some kind and I need a ride home. There are quite a few others there with us, apparently they have been on the vacation with us, and many of them are also waiting for rides. One of the women is bitching to Alicia that she thinks Alicia should take us all home, or at least her. I think she is being rude. I call my mom and ask if she can come to give me a ride home. She says sure, she will come pick me up right away. I wait there with Alicia and the others for a while. The other people there seem to start disappearing, though I never actually see them go. I assume they got a ride home. My mother takes quite a long time to get there, but finally she does. She is in a car I don't recognize, the car is tiny. She climbs out of the car and I see she looks about three times fatter than she was when I saw her last. She had been in the process of losing weight… so what happened? She waddles over to see me and say hi to Alicia, I note how out of shape she seems. I am worried for her health. She says she is here, let's go home. I say ok, when we get in the car I ask her what happened to her diet. She says nothing, her diet is going fine. Why do I ask? Living In Filth I am in a house that looks absolutely disgusting, though I know it is not mine. I am looking through the house for something, trying to see if I can find anything of value in the place. I look into a room that smells particularly bad and I start looking around, though I am sure I don't want to be in there very long. I am about to leave when I see something horrible… there is a cat in there. The cat is lying in a pile of filth, there is nowhere else for the kitty to go, and the cat looks very sick. The poor kitty is missing most of its fur. The cat clearly once had a long plush black coat, but huge chunks of that coat have come out, leaving bald spots over a large portion of the cat's body. I go to pick the cat up, the cat's body is limp and unresponsive. The cat seems to be barely alive. I get on my cell phone and call someone, maybe the owner of the home? I am talking to a woman. I say that there is a cat in the filth, not responsive, and is just lying there in her own filth. The woman says there is a healing gem in the house, in the living room, use that. I go to the living room, or what I think is the living room. It's really hard to tell, the room is also filled with filth. I am digging through the disgusting filth trying to find the healing gem. What if I can't find it? A patch of my skin is turning green, rotting off… this place is making me sick, too. But I don't want to leave until I find the healing gem and save the kitty! Note: I have a long haired black kitty named Shadow. The image of the sick kitty was so vivid in my head when I woke up that I had to go into the other room and check on Shadow, pick her up, and love her. She responded with a purr. Real Life DDO Skills I am on a vacation with my mother, we are leaving the hotel to go on a visit to a local theme park that is similar to Disney Land. It isn't actually Disney Land, but I know it will be a lot of fun. We get to the theme park and go over to the ticket stand, but the tickets are around double the price we expected it to be. This park is less well known than Disney Land, so we had expected it to be a lot less expensive. Their website had indicated it was a lot cheaper… but the lower price doesn't include any of the rides at all, I really don't see the point of that ticket. My mom and I leave the ticket booth, deciding it is too expensive to go in. On the way back to the hotel we are discussing our options, and we eventually decide I should sneak inside and ride the rides for the day. She says she will give me money for food. She says she wasn't really interested in the rides to begin with, so she will spend the day doing something else. I agree to the plan, but there is one problem with it. I will have to either improve or buff my sneak skill before it is high enough to allow me to sneak into the park. Someone Is Watching I am in a hospital data center, it seems I have landed back at the same dead end job I had before I went back to school and got a bachelor's degree. That is really depressing. It is Halloween night, and I can see quite a few people down below in the parking lot dressed in costume. The hospital itself is entirely closed, so at least I don't have to worry about getting customer service calls for the night. The people down below start dispersing, it seems there was a party down there but now it is over. That is also a bummer, I missed out on all the free candy. Another worker stuck there at night comes into the room and tells me there is a suspicious character wandering around the property, so he would recommend I stay in the data center with the door locked. He leaves, and I lock the door behind him. As luck would have it, now I start having to go pee. The restroom is a short distance down a dark hall from the data center. I look out the window at the parking lot again, there is now a creepy looking guy in a costume standing there watching my window… or it looks like he is watching my window. I have to go pee worse. I am also getting a bit hungry. The vending machine is a short distance down the dark hall as well, though in the opposite direction from the bathroom. Great, I am hungry and I have to go pee and there is a creepy guy out there. I figure I will have to go eventually, so I should go ahead and go out there while the creepy guy is in the parking lot. It will take him time to get up to the third level where the data center is. Protective Custody? I am with Alicia, we are going to the U of A football field to see a game. We are talking about some random things, about how well we expect the U of A to do this season… Alicia asks me if I think my mother might take more of an interest in college football if the NFL doesn't work things out in time for the next season. I'm not really sure if she might or not… Alicia and I go into a room that is on the ground level with the football field. I look out onto the field and I can see the grass looks quite a bit thicker than it normally does, but I don't notice this as odd. Alicia is looking out over the field as well, she is also complaining about our view, saying it will be hard to see what is going on out there. Something starts looking strange to me, I look around to see if I can identify what is out of place. I finally decide to do a reality check and I find I am dreaming. I remember I have plans to go meet up with MoSh and see about finding Sam. I think I'll just bust out a window and fly off. I guess I really only ended up being semi-lucid, because the best thing I can think of is to smash the window with a chair. I pick up one of the chairs and slam it into a window. This has very little effect, which surprises me. I should certainly be strong enough to smash out the window… I hit it a few more times and finally crack it, then it finally comes down. Alicia is asking me what I am doing, why am I breaking a window? To my surprise, the window doesn't lead outside. It leads into a room that is filled with styrofoam popcorn. The popcorn falls out of the room in huge piles, and there is a woman with long dark hair in the room. The woman is sitting on a bed, looking out at me over what is left of the popcorn. She says someone shut her in the room. They said it was for her own protection, but she thinks that is a load of bullshit. Summoning Problems I am outside riding my bike down some roads in the middle of the desert. I note the fact it isn't hot, in fact it is a very nice day for a ride. I am getting close to home, I only have one more hill to go up before I get there. I think that hill looks far too difficult to ride my bike up. I do a random RC and I realize I am dreaming. I don't become especially lucid, though, I don't remember any of my goals. I just want to play around with some of my dream skills. First to make this hill a bit easier. I focus on my summoning. I try to summon a bike with a little motor to help me with the hill. Epic fail. I try again… epic fail. Well, maybe I'll try something easier. I ride my bike up the hill, it is easier than I had expected. Of course I am dreaming… so I shouldn't get tired so easily. I get home and see that my home is an apartment rather than my own home. I am a bit thirsty after that bike ride, so I summon a coke. Epic fail. I try again, and I am finally able to summon a can of coke. Only one problem… the can is the size of a peanut! I focus on it becoming bigger. It grows a bit. I say I want it bigger… it grows some more… bigger… finally it is the size of a normal can of coke. I open the can and start drinking it. Beach Combing I am on a beach, it is a wide and beautiful beach. I feel I have absolutely nowhere I have to be right now, so I decide to explore the beach and maybe play in the water for a while. The water is quite cold, but there are a lot of interesting places to explore. I head down the beach and find a rocky area with a lot of caves and inlets. I start looking inside the small caves and inlets. I find some gems on the ground. I wonder if they could be real or if they are just decorations and souvenirs for explorers to find. I pick up a couple of them that I think are especially pretty. I continue exploring, and I finally reach a dead end in one of the caves where there is a large treasure chest sitting there open. Most likely it is there for tourists to take souvenirs. I look inside and take a couple of treasure pieces, I take a necklace and a pair of gemstone earrings as well as a few gold coins, then I leave the rest of it for other explorers to find. Demon Jungle I am at the edge of a jungle, preparing to go into the dense foliage on the hunt for something that redefines the word evil. I know I am not alone in this hunt, someone else just left me to circle around behind the target. He will come from that direction to make sure the thing doesn't get out by going that way. So I go into the forest, searching around for traces of the thing we are hunting. I find the thing has left an obvious trail. The trail is a little too obvious. It could easily be a trap. I continue following the trail, but I am also being observant for any kind of a trap. In spite of being watchful for a trap, I step right into the middle of it. I am in a small clearing when a circle of dark mud forms around me. The mud bubbles up from the ground and forms into dark mud figures that are circling around me. My mind immediately goes to DDO, and I pull a sword out of nowhere… out of my ass? I swing the sword and cut through a couple of the figures. Cutting mud is ineffective. I shoot flames from my hands and dry the mud into dust that blows away. Something is moving in the trees… I see glowing eyes in there, sinister eyes. Something moves into the clearing. I can't really see what it is, though, it seems to be cloaked in a cloud of darkness, it seems to be blurred out of existence… weird… it is attacking me somehow, I can't even see it move, but there are razor sharp talons cutting at me. I heal the cuts immediately and shoot fire back at the thing. The fire burns the cloud of darkness away. I attack with my sword. The thing blocks with its talons, cutting at me, attacking with a fury. I am finally able to block the talons with my sword and fire a blast of flames directly at the creature. The flames burn all the way through the thing and it is incinerated.