Dream Fragment One:
I was in some large, cylindrical chamber, and had just 'acquired' a bad-ass, jet-black racing motorcycle. I spent a little while in this chamber, spinning the tires and riding up and down elevations in the architecture. Later, I had gotten the bike on the night road, and was riding along side some friend of mine, but don't remember the rest.
Dream Fragment Two (I think):
(I'm pretty sure this was a separate dream, but can't say that I'm certain.) I was with BR, T and maybe one or two other friends. We were riding BMX bikes and jumping some dirt ramps in the woods. At one point, BR jumped off a short ramp and didn't quite clear the gap, but was able to jump his feet off of the pedals with enough time to catch himself on the elevated platform, before falling back down into the gap. A short time afterward, I was going back the other way - jumping from the elevated platform, and using the short ramp as a catch ramp - and caught my front tire on the catch ramp, face-planting in the dirt. I remember getting up and wondering about how strange it was that it didn't hurt, though I wasn't aware enough to become lucid.
Dream Fragment One:
I was splitting two adjacent hotel rooms between myself and about 4 girls, some of whom I recognized - some I didn't. It was just all kinds of fun. Lol. I really don't remember all that much, besides all having a lot of laughs as we moved from room to room, and then sharing a bed with two of them, when it was time to crash. The next morning, something happened to where we found out that there were some people after us, and the 3 of us in the room I was in had to use some secret tunnel to take us from our room and (somehow) across the hall to the other room, so that we wouldn't be there when our pursuers busted in our door.
Dream Two:
"Pre-emptive Scare"
One of those strange "in-between" dreams, where you can't tell if you're fully-awake, dreaming, or just having some hypnopompic hallucinations...)
I was lying in bed with my eyes closed, facing the wall, when I heard my mom getting ready for work and talking to my daughter out in the hallway. I then heard someone messing with my doorknob, which is locked. Then, I heard CJ whispering to my mom to unlock the door, so she could come in and scare me while I was sleeping. Somewhat smiling at myself at this, I decided to play possum for a minute, to see if she would really try.
The door quietly creaked open. I could hear it from behind me as I continue to face the wall with my eyes shut. I began wondering if this was really happening, because it was so out of the ordinary
(my daughter would have never unlocked my door to come in my room), but the more I questioned it, the clearer I heard her feet softly shuffling across the carpet toward my bed. Still not really sure whether I was really awake or not, I turned really quickly and sort of half-shouted "raaah!" at where I knew she would be.
But she wasn't there, and I was
now fully-awake, and staring at an empty room, feeling a little foolish for having tried to scare someone who wasn't there.
(As much as I'm fascinated by those 'threshold-of-waking' tricks that our minds play on us, they do have a way of making you feel stupid when you fall for them. Lol.)