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    1. Broke the Dry Spell

      by , 06-24-2023 at 03:18 AM (MeiSEKAI)
      After over two weeks without a lucid, I finally got one! And such a fun one, too! I'm quite happy. Slept at 11:50.

      Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid):
      I was at an abandoned carnival and intentionally ruined my phone with "Fn poisoning." I figured it would be fine since my phone sucks and I need a new one anyway, but I was trying to come up with a lie to tell my parental units.

      Later J&L and I were talking… (illegible).

      I was quite lazy with journaling this dream so I don't remember most of the details. Don't know when I woke up from it either, nor from the next one.

      Dream #2 (Non-Lucid):
      My childhood friend Mason was in our basement. I hid my discomfort at him being there and tried to act cheery, smiling and chatting with my brothers. Eventually I fled upstairs and looked in the mirror, smiling at myself. A circular piece of purple cardboard was wedged in my gums.

      I was terrified, although I had the sense that this had happened before, and went to my mom. Much to my distress, she yanked it out and let it bleed. My dad was pretty mad at her as well. I could feel the air flowing through the wound and tried to assure myself that this kind of injury didn't matter, that lots of people have holes in their gums.

      I was taken to the hospital and a doctor offered me three treatment options. One was a full face mask with the label: "Is this fabric bad for your skin? Screw your skin!" Needless to say, I quickly disregarded it.

      In the end I selected a nasal spray and felt quite comforted after squirting it into my nostril a few times. (I'd forgotten that the wound was in my gums.)

      Then I disappeared from the dream, and the scene switched to a group of teen boys running from the hospital, one of them jumping on the roofs of buildings as they went. The others followed along, but with hesitance, and one nervously voiced his concerns. The boy said it would be fine because they were all sick, citing a time when his poor health scored him a get-out-of-jail-free card.

      At some point they were on a bridge and started making up a gay story featuring characters very much like them. One character was described as a "sick boy who plays soccer."

      I re-entered the dream and ran ahead of them, toward a hill resembling the Big Hill in my neighborhood. A girl, or rather the silhouette of a girl, was standing there. She was made up of a gradient, flowing rainbow. I was under the impression that she was part of an MV, and I had entered the MV using virtual reality or something.

      Since I believed I was an MV, my moves were quite dramatic as I chased the girl around, spinning and doing cartwheels and striking poses. I thought that if I caught her, something special would happen. In the background was a Japanese song with English subtitles singing a song about schizoid issues. The voice sounded like a mix of Raon, Yorushika, and Tsukuyomi's vocalist.

      I kept trying to pause the video to figure out how to say "schizoid" in Japanese, which is difficult to do when you're literally inside of it. It wasn't working, but one of the "whoa" vocalizations was supposed to sound similar to it. I thought it was the most accurate schizoid song I'd heard (that intentionally depicted schizoid topics), then thought of another (false?) Japanese song that was a close second. I found it mildly remarkable that they were both Japanese.

      I gave up the chase and looked at my wrist, finding a single itchy bump there. The song ended with the girl throwing her hands into the air and the lyrics reading, "The world of human connection is so large."
      Then I woke up.

      Dream #3 (Non-Lucid):
      J and I were hunting down a monster. He had been created by some god, with the specific purpose to perform evil acts and kill people. He was also a writer, Herman Hesse I think. I felt bad for him, but he said he was not opposed to killing and requested we exterminate him before he did.

      Despite his request, he wasn't cooperating and made us chase him to a large field where families were having picnics. J threw a dagger at him and missed, and the surrounding people murmured excitedly. He shrunk down to plushie size and I grabbed him by the leg and took his gun.

      J pinned him down and I said, "It'll be over soon, Hermann."

      Then I shot him in the right side of the chest. He let out a long, piercing scream. Then he lay still in quiet agony, tears forming in his anime eyes. I sat next to him to be of some comfort and waited for him to die.

      A strong wind suddenly rustled all the trees' leaves, and an ominous presence fell over the area, accompanied by the sound of something approaching. It sounded like an extremely large tractor, but I knew instinctively they were footsteps.

      I worried it was the god who'd created him, or perhaps his monster buddies responding to his cry for help, so I bolted. I ran down to a different neighborhood, figuring it was okay to leave J since I was the one who killed him, and therefore the one in the most danger. I decided to stay and listen instead of running farther, but
      I woke up before anything happened.

      When I opened my eyes I saw a cartoonish, squiggling black scribble on the wall. I stared at it for a few seconds, thinking, What a simple hypnopompic hallucination. Then I sat up and recorded the dream at 7:30, doing SSILD as I fell back asleep.

      Dream #4 (Lucid):
      Don't remember much about the beginning of the dream, just that there was a warrior with long red hair who was being ridiculed for being a woman and wearing a white dress. Then she used transformation magic to form a heavy suit of armor, which was apparently very high-level magic. She walked past them, scowling, and the armor changed back into a white dress.

      I entered the dream later. The setting was similar to my house, but somber and monochrome. It was being used as a base for kids in training to become soldiers. I bounded down the stairs and saw chicken on the table, while someone on the intercom kept saying ミート (meat) over and over. I asked one of the kids in charge about it, saying that I thought meat was rare in times of war. He said it was, and that that was all the meat we had. I was displeased by this answer.

      At some point had a false awakening. Now I was in the living room with my mom and brother N. My dog Nile was on the couch and my mom patted his chest, asking in an affectionate voice if he would eat his food now. He whined in response, and I was so amazed that he understood her that I laughed out loud.

      Somehow we started talking about dreams and I jokingly said, "Haha, what if this is a dream?"

      I plugged my nose
      and was in disbelief when I could partially breathe. You really can be dreaming at any moment, I thought.

      My mom and brother exchanged a look, and for a moment I worried that they would turn against me like some other people's dream characters do once they become lucid. (I know this is just a schema.) I brushed off the thought, but by that point my mom had grabbed me by the legs, restraining me.

      "Mom, let me go," I said, but she just smiled at me in a way that was simultaneously playful and creepy. I phased through her by imagining myself already in the location of the living room that I wanted to be. It took a couple tries, but then I effortlessly, without even thinking about it, phased through the window onto the balcony. It was so cool, there was a clear visual transition, and I may have felt an interesting sensation as well but I wasn't paying attention to it.

      I flew into the air, but it was a little unstable. I wondered if my mind could not properly calibrate my body size, though some part of me knew that was silly. I touched down on my neighbor's deck, looking out at the neighborhood. It was so incredibly accurate—the woods, the path, the wall, the fence, the retirement home. I refrained from thinking about stability and took flight again.

      In my peripheral vision I tried to summon a burger in my hand, but it didn't work, so I thought back to that non-lucid dream where I summoned chicken nuggets right before my eyes. I cupped my hands in front of me and visualized a burger. Just like last time, it appeared first as a dark shadow, then an outline, and then I realized I was trying to imagine lettuce and tomato on it even though I don't like veggies. Once I stopped that, the burger formed completely. I thought that if the competition were still going this would have earned a lot of points, but whatever.

      I bit into it and said delightedly, "Ha! So much for 'limited meat!'" (Referring to the pre-FA scene.)

      I dropped the burger and decided to find J, but didn't want to waste dream time flying all the way to her house. So I called for her, hoping she would appear somewhere. In the distance I spotted someone running down the path. I could tell it wasn't J, but chased after them anyway, for some reason tempted to shoot them down.

      I followed them all the way to the road, but they wouldn't approach me, so I intentionally fell off my drone (I was now riding a drone), crying out "Ah!" in hopes that they would be sympathetic.

      They were, tentatively coming over to help. It was a young girl, 12 to 14 years old, with short, curly brown hair. I quickly lost interest in killing her.

      "Why were you running away?" I asked.

      "The drone scared me, I thought it was an attack helicopter." (We were in war times.) "Also, I was getting a very 'predator-hunting-prey' vibe from you..."

      We walked beneath a tree, and she explained that she was fighting in the war to strengthen her cheek muscles. I jumped and tore a few leaves from their branches, enjoying my lucidity.

      "I thought kids and children weren't allowed to fight in the war," I said distractedly, thinking back to the first part of the dream. "Oh sorry, I meant kids and women."

      She shrugged. I clapped her on the shoulder and exclaimed, "Well, good on you! I think that rule is stupid anyway, get stronger all you want! Even though you'll probably be traumatized for life, hahaha."

      She smiled weakly. During the conversation we had occasionally been ducking behind cars and running around to avoid bullets and laser beams from attack vehicles.

      I asked if she would accompany me to J's house, but she adamantly refused, probably thinking it was miles away. Out of nowhere K appeared, assuring her that it was just down the street. Sure enough, we were somehow much closer to J's neighborhood than before, only having to turn the corner and walk to the end of the road to reach her residence. But before we could, J came around the corner herself! We all called her name in excitement.

      "How is she here?" K asked incredulously.

      "Because this is a dream!" I replied, then pointed to my old friend S.E. who was passing by. "J loves shooting and killing—J, kill that thing!"

      J made finger guns and shot S.E. in the forehead with a chi bullet. She went on to shoot other people, and each time she did, an itchy lump would form on the back of my right hand. I showed it to the girl and explained that it was the result of the dream characters' deaths, as everything in this world was made of my energy.

      A small bump formed on my left wrist and I remarked, "Ah, she must have shot in the other direction."

      We entered a building, but a black placard above one of the doors reminded me of the dream with Herman Hesse, and I was unsure if I wanted to go in there.


      When I woke at 8:20 my hand was actually itchy, indented with clothing lines. I'm so happy though, this lucid was long and stable and chill and fun and... yeah Though I did notice all of the dreams were violent and/or stressful in some way. The one with Hermann Hesse was the closest I've had to a nightmare in a long time.

      Updated 06-24-2023 at 03:23 AM by 99938 (words)

      non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment , lucid
    2. Attempting WILD Within a Dream

      by , 04-12-2023 at 10:59 PM (MeiSEKAI)
      Okay sooo yesterday I saw that April 12th was National Lucid Dreaming day and wanted to do something special. But I don't know anyone here well enough to attend a party with them in a dream (like I saw people doing on the forum post), so I tried to wrap my friend J into it. I told her to meet up with me in a dream at either her house or the elementary school nearby. I don't thin I really believe in shared dreaming but I was curious what would happen.

      I went to sleep at 11:30, using MILD to imagine the scenario. Woke up at 3:50, had a very vague idea of a dream but didn't write anything down. Instead I closed my eyes, kinda trying to do WILD, repeating over and over in my head, "J's house, J's house..." and fell back asleep within minutes.

      Dream #1 (Regular):
      Next thing I knew I was sitting up in my bed and the lights were on. I was watching a 3DMV Project Sekai song featuring Mafuyu and Mizuki, focusing more on their voices than the models. Their singing was quite vivid, at first I mixed up their voices but soon was able to identify them. Mafuyu's was less soft than usual and vibrating quite a bit, while Mizuki's was deeper than usual. I thought they didn't sound as good as they normally do but oh well.

      My mom came into the room and startled me (my door was on the left instead of the right for some reason). She was wearing a pink wig and a Lolita dress though I didn't notice this in the dream. She was concerned and a bit annoyed by my scared reaction but eventually must have left because next thing I knew I was trying to do WILD to meet up with J in a dream, only for her to come in again and interrupt me! She started talking to me about something unimportant and I was like, "Can we talk about this later, I'm trying to meet up with J in a dream right now." She didn't really get it but eventually left me alone.

      I tried again, and this time some very intense auditory hypnagogic hallucinations kicked in right away. [It's worth noting that auditory HI is the main type I get, I even entered a lucid dream from it one time.] I could vividly hear in my head the hustle and bustle of a mall, a food court it seemed like, and voices talking behind me, that of a small child standing out. I even felt sleep paralysis setting in which excited me because I knew that meant I was close to sleep. (I also felt my face sink into my arm which bothered me, but I wasn't going to risk moving.) I hoped I would find myself in a mall when I drifted off, and then I'd go to J's house to meet up with her.

      Well, wouldn't you know it, when I opened my eyes, I was in a mall! Not a food court—I was lying down on some pool chair in front of an internal balcony—but still! Was I lucid though? No! Somehow I thought I had been attempting WILD in the mall and had stopped because a blond lady interrupted me before I fell asleep. She somewhat resembled my IB ESS teacher Mrs. B and was next to my chair, fiddling with something on a stand next to me.

      "My gosh!" I exclaimed in an exasperated yet excited tone. "I was so close just now, I had super loud hypnagogic hallucinations, I even got sleep paralysis for the first time- well, I noticed it for the first time."

      The blond lady had an abnormally large, gap-toothed smile and said something about never having experienced sleep paralysis either. There was an ant crawling out the side of her mouth onto her cheek and I stared at it but didn't say anything. She lifted her hand to her face and I don't know if she picked it up or if it just fell onto her hand, but it ended up in her palm somehow and transformed into an amalgam of a bee and a cockroach. I am terrified of bees in real life and it was only now that I got a little freaked out, pointing at it as if she weren't aware of it. She tossed it in my general direction and I immediately woke up.


      When I opened my eyes I had the sense that the beeroach was somewhere on my sheets and had a hypnopompic hallucination for the first time in years. I used to have them occasionally when I was younger and had a nightmare... for some reason they only seemed to happen when I had a bug nightmare. I don't consider this a nightmare but I saw a giant, brown, wispy ant crawling on the sheets in front of me nonetheless. I was a tiny bit afraid but knew it wasn't real. I closed my eyes until I knew it would be gone, then wrote down my dream.

      Funny thing is it was around 4:15 when I woke up, so I was only sleeping for about 20 minutes. When I finished writing down my dream it was 4:40 and I tried to sleep again even though I felt pretty alert... it took me an hour before I did. I know because I heard my mom getting ready for work downstairs, which she starts doing at 5:30-ish. During that time I was attempting SSILD but forgot what you're supposed to do after going through the cycles [turns out it's just "try to fall asleep"...], so as a last ditch-effort I tried WILD again, repeating "J's house, J's house" in my head and imagining us meeting up. Before I knew it, I was in a dream!


      Dream #2 (Regular):
      I was in fact in J's house, though I wasn't lucid. Visually it was a mix of my house, J's house, another friend's house, and some random house, but functionally it was just J's house.

      I entered a dark room and found J's twin sister L lying down on a mattress, a TV in front of her. She had "HELP ME" scrawled in blue ink all over her left arm and I (falsely) remembered J telling me that she'd done it because she was stressed out about the upcoming exams. On the TV was a video made by some History YouTuber. He was answering whether he was a pessimist or an optimist and said something along the lines of, "Well objectively from my content I may seem like a pessimist, but the answer's a bit more complicated if you take a deeper look into my complex psyche!"

      I sat on the mattress behind her and watched as the camera flipped up to the ceiling and a woman sobbing could be heard, as well as a screaming child in the background. I was very confused why he would upload his personal life on YouTube, wondering if he was abusive, or if she was abusive, or if she was being dramatic and scaring the kid, or if it was all some twist that he would clear up at the end. I never found out though because I left the room. I started to close the door but L didn't want me to, and besides the mattress was in the way.

      I was now walking through the living room and picked up a gray frog stuffed animal, which I think was S's (another friend), then threw it back on the floor. In the dream it was around 5:30 and I assumed my mom must have left for work because she wasn't there (I don't know why she would be at J's house anyway but whatever), and wondered where J&L's mom was. At this point I "remembered" a part of some dream and wanted to write it down, but my dream journal was upstairs so I decided to do it later. I also knew J was upstairs and thought about waking her up but knew she'd be mad.

      So instead I enjoyed being the only one up in an empty and quiet house in the early hours of the morning. I skipped into the kitchen area... and suddenly found it impossible to keep moving. I fell forward and immediately woke up.


      Here are some quick sketches of the dream scenes:
      Knowledge Base?-unnamed-1-.jpg

      It was 6:03 when I woke up so again, I couldn't have been asleep for very long. These dreams were more vivid than usual, maybe because they were so short, or because I was trying so hard to meet up with J. If you're wondering, J did not recall any dreams in the morning so I guess we can say the reason I never got to see her is because she didn't keep up her end of the deal

      P.S. I know I said a couple days ago that I wouldn't include my semi-lucid dream in my LD count, but I change my mind. The lucidity level was very low, even my awareness level was lower than in these dreams, but it was a lucid dream nonetheless so I will go back on my word and add it (I love that emoji.)

      Updated 04-12-2023 at 11:33 PM by 99938

      non-lucid , memorable
    3. 06/19/2012 and 06/20/2012 - "Pre-emptive Scare" and Fragments

      by , 06-20-2012 at 03:13 PM (Oneironaut Zero: Dreamwalker Chronicles)
      Dream Fragment One:

      I was in some large, cylindrical chamber, and had just 'acquired' a bad-ass, jet-black racing motorcycle. I spent a little while in this chamber, spinning the tires and riding up and down elevations in the architecture. Later, I had gotten the bike on the night road, and was riding along side some friend of mine, but don't remember the rest.

      Dream Fragment Two (I think):
      (I'm pretty sure this was a separate dream, but can't say that I'm certain.) I was with BR, T and maybe one or two other friends. We were riding BMX bikes and jumping some dirt ramps in the woods. At one point, BR jumped off a short ramp and didn't quite clear the gap, but was able to jump his feet off of the pedals with enough time to catch himself on the elevated platform, before falling back down into the gap. A short time afterward, I was going back the other way - jumping from the elevated platform, and using the short ramp as a catch ramp - and caught my front tire on the catch ramp, face-planting in the dirt. I remember getting up and wondering about how strange it was that it didn't hurt, though I wasn't aware enough to become lucid.

      Dream Fragment One:

      I was splitting two adjacent hotel rooms between myself and about 4 girls, some of whom I recognized - some I didn't. It was just all kinds of fun. Lol. I really don't remember all that much, besides all having a lot of laughs as we moved from room to room, and then sharing a bed with two of them, when it was time to crash. The next morning, something happened to where we found out that there were some people after us, and the 3 of us in the room I was in had to use some secret tunnel to take us from our room and (somehow) across the hall to the other room, so that we wouldn't be there when our pursuers busted in our door.

      Dream Two:
      "Pre-emptive Scare"

      One of those strange "in-between" dreams, where you can't tell if you're fully-awake, dreaming, or just having some hypnopompic hallucinations...)
      I was lying in bed with my eyes closed, facing the wall, when I heard my mom getting ready for work and talking to my daughter out in the hallway. I then heard someone messing with my doorknob, which is locked. Then, I heard CJ whispering to my mom to unlock the door, so she could come in and scare me while I was sleeping. Somewhat smiling at myself at this, I decided to play possum for a minute, to see if she would really try.

      The door quietly creaked open. I could hear it from behind me as I continue to face the wall with my eyes shut. I began wondering if this was really happening, because it was so out of the ordinary (my daughter would have never unlocked my door to come in my room), but the more I questioned it, the clearer I heard her feet softly shuffling across the carpet toward my bed. Still not really sure whether I was really awake or not, I turned really quickly and sort of half-shouted "raaah!" at where I knew she would be.

      But she wasn't there, and I was now fully-awake, and staring at an empty room, feeling a little foolish for having tried to scare someone who wasn't there.

      (As much as I'm fascinated by those 'threshold-of-waking' tricks that our minds play on us, they do have a way of making you feel stupid when you fall for them. Lol.)
    4. Vividness Is An Illusion

      by , 03-24-2012 at 12:31 AM
      I had a dream before and after this one, but I was too lazy to write them down. They're not important, anyway.... I spent like eight hours helping a friend do yard work immediately after getting up so I don't remember much of this dream other than what I wrote down, but what's really important to me is what happened at the end....

      Vividness Is An Illusion [DILD]

      So first, the part of the dream I just barely remember. It was another high school dream, and there was some plot going on about some girl who wanted to kill us all and expected me to play along with it. (I don't remember this in the slightest, it's just from the notes). There was lots of really trippy stuff going on though, like when I was in a hallway and couldn't figure out which way to go, I looked at a wall and saw this guy J's face attached to the wall smiling this creepy smile and tilted sideways in the correct direction, so I smiled back and walked that way. Also, I remember being in a class and seeing my cat walking around, and people wanted me to follow them so I told them to hold up while I put my cat away. I picked up my backpack and unzipped the center area to put him in, but when I looked inside there was another cat already in there, and he looked like he was starving. I said "Oh shit! I must have put this other cat in here already and forgot about him, my bad.", then just left them both there and walked off. Anyway, so the girl that was trying to kill us wanted me to do something, but I didn't fall for her trap this time. I became very mildly lucid and just flew up, phasing through the higher floors, until I was over the building. I was just trying to get away from the girl and didn't really have any goals in mind, so from high up I just watched some kids playing soccer in the distance until I woke up.

      This is where it got interesting for me. I'm no longer confused about the last time I woke up and was still dreaming but everything was SO real, including detail I hadn't actually seen before, and I even was pretty sure I was awake at first but then lost focus, in a way that false awakenings don't. That and this were hypnopompic hallucinations. So I woke up in bed, facing the wall. It was pretty dark still, but then suddenly I heard a guy talking extremely clearly and there was sounds of cheering on a TV. I didn't see either one, but I immediately got mental images, the voice was coming from a heavyset black man and the TV (which was not actually on) was showing some soccer game. Unlike the last time where I was asked by a hallucinated M if I was up and I responded "I think I'm awake....", but then forgot about it when I started listening to her, this time I knew exactly what was going on. I started mentally repeating to myself "It's a hallucination, it's a hallucination...." I got a very clear image of what was going on in the soccer game too, there were no players at all, just several soccer balls of different sizes. They were moving in strange trajectories one at a time until they hit the next one and caused it to roll, sort of like dominoes causing each other to fall over. The man was talking about the game, though I can't remember what he was saying now, it was all rather startling and I wasn't paying much attention, not to mention my short-term memory was still pretty terrible. Eventually though he started just saying complete gibberish words, and I knew the hallucination was falling apart. I took a leap of faith and quickly turned over to see if he was there, but the room was empty. All the sounds vanished, and I felt very dissociated for a second, and then I returned to full waking consciousness. There was no feeling of waking up because I was already awake, just sort of a transitional blip.

      Basically what I can say about this is... it made me realize how much we fool ourselves into thinking that regular lucid dreams are vivid. I'm sure they can be made extremely vivid like this, but they're still nowhere near as vivid as waking life. My most realistic dream, which I previously would have said was possibly even more vivid than reality, now just seems like a hallucination compared to this. Senses like hearing and sight can definitely be waaay up there in dreams, the amount of detail in specific objects can definitely match reality, but there's so much more that just isn't present in dreams. In waking life your brain constantly monitors your heart rate, breathing rate, the position of each of your limbs and how comfortable they are, what temperature you are in various parts of your body, whether you have any itches, if you're hungry, thirsty, bloated, sweaty, physically nervous.... All five of your senses are constantly at work at full vividness, your brain knows that it has to keep itself aware of EVERYTHING in your line of sight and peripherals, not just what you're focusing on, it has stay aware of even the slightest sounds or changes in taste or smell or feeling. Basically, in waking life, your brain knows it can't just let loose like it can in dreams. Together these make for soooo much detail missing in dreams unless you're specifically focused on it, it's ridiculous. The reason we can feel like dreams are so vivid is because we don't normally consciously think about this stuff, and in dreams it's hard to remember what it's like to be in the waking world anyway, but this vividness is an illusion. Even when you're on drugs and awake and hallucinating in reality, they have a dreamy feeling to them and you often lose track of some of these sensations. This was different. I was in reality, totally hallucinating, and totally lucid. This feeling of knowing you're in a dream while being in the waking world was mind-blowing, at least to me. This is something I won't soon be forgetting. I wonder how much work it could take, what level of awareness would be required, to recreate sensations this powerful in dreams....
    5. King Of The Jungle

      by , 03-01-2012 at 04:15 AM
      Urgh, I'm so fried right now. -.-;; I ended up drinking again last night with my friend M, I really need to take a break now.... But anyway, I had one dream, and it ended with what may be a false awakening, but honestly I'm starting to think I may have actually woken up but just been hallucinating for a minute before my brain fully woke up. Before I went back to sleep again after that (though I don't remember any more dreams) I was able to make myself hallucinate some things by focusing on them so I'm pretty sure this was the case, actually.

      #1 - King Of The Jungle [Non-Lucid]

      The first thing I remember is trying to follow M to some strip mall restaurant, but on the way there there was a large space between the two of us and a bunch of old guys kept walking in my way really slowly and annoyingly. But I finally got there and ran into C, a kid I haven't seen since right after high school, but who I've known since the day care I went to before I started elementary school. I think I got caught up with him a little while we were standing in line waiting for food, but then it jumped forward to me being in the jungle. I got stuck in some kind of loop here.... I would wander through the jungle a bit until I ran into King Kong () And there would be some big smoke explosion or something (it's really hard to remember) that would make it hard to see him, and I'd walk off on some path extending directly outward in the direction he was facing. After a while the path would curve to the right and I'd just continue down it. Then it would start over again, and it happened at least three or four times, possibly more. I remember telling myself that this was just part of my daily routine, it was what I did every day before lunch. So on the last time I exit the foresty area and end up in a big open meadow. And I get a text from Linkzelda41! I don't remember the exact wording of the first couple texts, but he invites me to go to lunch with him and OpheliaBlue. I think to myself that I just came from eating with OpheliaBlue, but I could eat again. I ask him what they're getting and he responds with "It's a Mediterranean cuisine." I text back "Mmm. Where at?", but after that the dream ended.

      Here's where the false awakening/hallucinations thing happened.... I woke up in M's apartment, sleeping on the couch. This was all EXTREMELY vivid. Way more vivid than any false awakening I've ever had, it was basically exactly like real life. Every single detail was correct, despite the fact that it was only my second time ever being there and my first time ever being there in the morning. When I actually fully woke up, the lighting coming in through the windows and everything was still exactly the same, and there was no lapse in consciousness between this part and when I was awake, it just switched. So I'm pretty sure I just physically woke up but was still dreaming.... Anyway, so I woke up. M was walking around the apartment holding a Gatorade bottle filled with what looked like marinara or pizza sauce. She looked at me and said "Hey, you up?" to which I looked around slowly and then responded with "I think I'm awake...." Though, this is also a sign for me because I've never noticed anything was up in a false awakening before, even the incredibly bizarre ones. So she holds out the bottle to me and says "At least we've got mozzarella wine! " I looked at her confused and she started talking about how she'd gone to a class already (she had class in a few hours) and some guy kept farting the whole time, and the other people in the class were picking on him and calling him some mean nickname, though I don't remember what it was. I laid my head back down on the pillow and closed my eyes while saying "That's rude." :< M hesitates for a second and then says "What?" and I open my eyes ready to say that I was talking about how they were making fun of the guy, but when I do she's not there. Everything else is the same. And I realize that I'm awake. o_o