non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP There is an alien invasion. The aliens are gigantic, measuring from 3 to 10+ meters. They aren't many, but each one is strong enough to destroy a ship or a tank and they also have some spaceships that go around shooting at people. I meet a random person on a subway, where people are taking cover and he says he has a secret shelter and invites a group of around 10 strangers to join him there, if we managed to reach it. We do reach it and we survive about 200 days there, with occasional incursions on the surface. One day, it seems someone decides to use nukes and there is a bright explosion not far from us and we die. Or so we think, but then we wake up back at the beginning of it all and we get again to the same shelter but with a couple new people. Once in the shelter I ask others if they remember that we are reliving this and they say yes, so then I explain it to the newcomers and say we probably have to figure out a way to stop the explosion so we don't keep coming back. But nothing happens exactly like the time before. For example, last time I naturally rose to the leadership position because I had good ideas. This time a bunch of them decided to elect a new leader and I realize they never liked me. But I am ok with it, I agree we need new ideas this time. Among the things that have changed in this timeline, is that some humans made an alliance with the aliens, so there is some level of normal existence at least for some. There is also a road near us that wasn't there before and a bunch of crazies straight out of Mad Max come race in this road with weird vehicles. The group decides to try to befriend them, I think it is dangerous and will expose us, so I stay away and ready to leave at the first alarming sign. The earth is now invaded by a secondary type of nocturnal aliens and they hunt humans specifically when night falls. Whenever they are close and getting ready to hunt, they emit a sign, like a shine in the sky with a shape of a four legged predator. I am now staying with my parents at mom's apartment on the 4th floor. It's kinda safe if we shut down all windows and shutters and stay silent all night. But my dad is out and about with some other dude preparing some ground level house with glass doors for some experiment. We go there and try to discourage him and say that whatever it is it won't work, but they are really convinced they can make some kind of trap for the aliens. To calm down my mom, I tell her we already died and came back and we are probably going to die again at any moment, so why not use this opportunity to actually learn more about the aliens and try to defeat them. I then spot black smoke coming out from our chimney and ask mom if she left something on the stove. She isn't sure. We wish good luck to my dad and his friend and we run back home, afraid we accidentally started a fire. Fortunately it was just some soup my mom forgot on the stove that burned up. I shut that down and turn to other domestic preparations for the night, like taking our clothes that are hanging outside. Unfortunately my cats are all sneaking out through the window and jumping down to the ground below for some reason. I don't freak out as usually I do, because they've done this so many times in dreams, I now have confidence they won't get hurt. My concern is when they try to come back, usually by climbing up the balconies below and try to enter through the window that we have to keep closed. They aren't at risk from the aliens but they will put us at risk if they start making noise outside. So my mom goes out and says she'll catch them, but I am worried because it is getting dark fast. In Czech Republic with Zilla and other friends, revisiting Lednice. We are leaving the Inn we're lodged at and we want to walk to the castle as I did last time I came. I suggest we walk through the woods, but my friends spot what seems to be a cable car and suggest we try it instead. They go straight to the entrance but I say we need to buy tickets at the booth first. They ignore me, so I go and buy tickets. When I reach my friends, some girls pass in front of us and argue they reached there first. We disagree and we keep fighting to get in the front, but meanwhile a long line forms behind us. Then we realize it's not a cable car but some aquatic tobogan tubes kind of thing and there are actually 4 departure points, so we can go into one, the other girls in another and other people on the remaining ones. I suddenly don't wanna go, because I see it is apparently a bit of a rough ride. But my friends insist. They take their seats in the tobogan thing but there isn't space for us all, so someone attaches like a buoy to the main boat for me and some male friend. It hardly carries one person, let alone two. Also, it doesn't look safe at all, but they keep saying it will be fun. Then somehow we're at the castle already. It looks bigger and more beautiful than what I recall. We enter it and there is a really lively environment inside. People are dressed in modern day clothing but kind of reliving medieval times. There is a tavern inside the castle and tables all along for people to sit. Not what I expected to find. I am intent on going down the catacombs where I saw a dragon robot last time, but it is again closed for visitors. It is blocked by a board announcing the menu of the tavern. My friends offer to go check it out by sneaking behind the board. I beg them not to. I stay on the look out and then I mess up by bumping into the board and making it fall down with a lot of noise that attracts everyone's attention. As I try to put it back up, I see my friends returning and taking a peek to see if the path is clear, but then an employee comes to help with the board and they hide again. After some attempts and it keeps on falling, she gives up and lays it against the wall. Meaning my friends are now exposed when they come out and everyone is still looking at me. So I go for a walk around the place trying to divert attentions to me and away from them.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP At my house, but it is much bigger. My dad comes by, unnanounced, with my uncle Zé, aunt and cousins and I have a meltdown because my house is a total mess and I am not feeling well enough to receive guests. Nobody cares. They take my cousin Duarte to a bedroom where he is looked after by two nurses. He is on IV, taking shots, crying in pain. I hold his hand lovingly in support him and ask what's going on but he doesn't say. I return home after some time away and I am appalled to find it occupied and in very bad condition. The bathroom has water dripping, the sink is clogged, there is trash all over. Then some guys enter the bathroom completely naked and someone else is recording and taking pictures of them while they mock me. The place seems to have been taken over by a bunch of people who are basically shameless pigs. They invite me to join them for a meal but I refuse. They get pissed and take me and other strangers outside where they reveal they will take control of our minds and bodies, like parasitic zombies. They do something and I lose control of my body, they move it like a puppet, but my mind resists. Eventually I break out of their control and I escape and run to a mountain where I encounter a resistance group.
2022 May 9th Some in-line notes. 7:50 Fragment: (woke up sweating, vivid long dream) Some build-up or something; there are aliens and we are fighting them off as a whole, but only just barely so. It's revealed these aliens are just a scouting party and they are part of a larger conglomerate of alien species. During the dream I see several different scenes just as an observer. Meanwhile, there's chaos as a human leader, a woman with short hair, declares that nobody has rights anymore, and that we are moving into a new era beyond our conventional conception of rights. She sounds or seems delusional in some way. I think I saw her give this announcement on some TV thing, but just as an observer. Then I'm in a town, outside. There's a modern feel to the area and the previous announcement had been broadcast on the radio, though I didn't hear this myself as a character. There's an RPG element to reality but it feels absolutely real in every other way. I survive an attack and fight my way into some place. I am constantly chased by aliens or possibly their machines. Eventually, I use some fast-travel mechanic. Once at my destination, I meet up with a friendly robot. It explains that this worm thing has moved to the edge of reality, it looks like a Combine alien. (In retrospect this whole bit makes me think of the original Dune film) Normally, reality moves independently of what's in it. But being at the edge curves reality and causes this high pitch noise to be heard throughout the entire dream. And now, in it's current state, reality moves with the contents. This means there's a very big danger to existence itself and all this chaos makes it worse to deal with. (This segment made no sense at all after waking, but during the dream everything seemed to make sense; there were implied laws of reality that were taken for granted and the whole thing had a semi-mystical aspect to it) 10:15 Fragment: (most of recall lost for needing to answer door) In one bit, I'm this woman, a diver, and I'm coming out of some water into a house or apartment through the floor. It's night time or the house is dark, some lights are on. I'm sort of on the floor, tummy down. A TV is in front of me. I think to myself, "am I actually myself?" and then, just as I'm about to do a reality check with my hands, this other woman with curly hair comes out of a doorframe, smiles at me and we start talking. We know each other as characters. At this point I think to myself that I like her body. I still try to do the reality check, but because of the conversation and social setting, I end up not focusing enough on my reality check.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP I am a college student and I hit and run a man and left him bleeding to death on the road. My thought was that he was going to die anyway, before help arrived and so I rationalized that fleeing wouldn't ruin even more lives, namely mine and of those around me who would suffer immensely if I was convicted of manslaughter. So I decided to run away and pretend I had nothing to do with it and act normally. I was absolutely sure I could pull it off, even when the police appeared on campus and started investigating the students. I am heading to the library and the detectives are in the corridor talking to people and my paranoid mind believes a couple of them seem to be watching every movement I make and my facial expressions. I do get a bit nervous and I bump into a table and throw an ashtray to the ground, but I am already out of their sight. At the library I steal some chips from some kid who has a bag of chips open on his table. He doesn't even flinch. Wonder if that's because he is my friend or he just fears me. I go meet a friend at the most far back table and he is playing a computer game with cars and he is very proud that he managed to fit a car with a long hood into the back of a truck cabin and make a weird truck trailer, just to prove his smart and ability to bend the rules and codes of the game. I couldn't care less and cars actually trigger me at the moment, but I engage with his enthusiasm, to not raise suspicion. Later on I meet a group of friends, who are all very shocked with the events. One of the girls (looks my old friend Mara) says she would have no mercy for whomever the killer is. I feel very uncomfortable that I am the person and imagining if it is ever found out. We go for a walk outside the campus and we pass by the road where the accident happened, but they don't know that. There is no longer any sign of what happened, besides a patch of sand the authorities spread to soak up the blood. But my friends don't know, they have no idea where the accident happened, so "Mara" asks what is this for and I swiftly say probably to cover some oil spill. They look at me a bit strangely and I say I am just guessing. We arrive at some snack-bar / pub by the side of the road, where they like to go, and the cops and detectives are gathered there. This makes me anxious. There is also Master Harry, a Scott who is like the keeper of the campus. He spots us and invite us along. But my friends feel super interested in talking to the cops. The owner of this place is a surfer and has a long board decorating the place, above our heads and one of the detectives apparently also surfs so they engage in conversation regarding the long board. I am not interested. Then the older detective throws me a bate, by teasing me about a plant cared by the bar owner. I am not the least interested. He asks me stuff like if I can identify it, if I'd like to have one too and what I think about this guy managing to have one in this climate. And I am like "why should I care?". Then he shows me it is a pineapple and asks me if I shouldn't I be more enthusiastic about plants. I realize he already knows too much about me and my interests, which means I am a suspect. I do have a greenhouse that I care for meticulously at my parents house and I care a lot about plants, just not in this context with the stress I am feeling. I am seeing my life going down the drain. I don't know how they know, but they already suspect it was me, and are just trying to catch me. I think about my plants dying if I am arrested and I feel extremely sad for that, more than anything else. Back to previous dream. I am not caught yet, but I am going crazy with the guilt and duplicity. I have to deal with several people related to the victim and the feeling that I am keeping this secret from them and they would hate me if they knew the truth is consuming me. I am wishing to go to some island where nobody knows me and start a new life. I am staying at some pension of a lady who isn't particularly fond of me. She complains of something I supposedly did in the kitchen and asks me to clean it, but I am relieved to know it is just a silly thing I didn't even do. She has no clue that some other night I was drunk and peed in the kitchen. So I go look into the fridge and instead of cleaning whatever, I steal something, like some cheese and bread to make a sandwich. Then I hear her talking to her daughter, who just arrived from school and is complaining about something. Her mother says "well, you're not doing anything, because her mom is Carolina Herrera and nobody dares to upset that family at this moment, because of the terrible thing that happened to her dad." They are talking about the man I killed. I feel guilty again and run to my room. The room looks like my mom's office and there are tigers outside of the window trying to come in, so I rush to shut all the openings and lock the door. At my mom's house, It's night and I look outside. I spot a UFO, just a white light orb dancing around at distance. Then I spot another one, static and the first one moves towards the still one and then they both move away. During the day I spot one again in the sky. I start seeing them a lot. One day I spot one very small just hovering a street. I now am able to spot them all over the streets, spying on people, unaware of them. Only I seem to be able to see them. with the help of some friends, I capture one. It is the size of a basketball and it loses the ability to camouflage when offline. I show to my friends, who believed me but had never seen one themselves. I teach my friends how to spot them, and we can see them in the sky, in strategic places, positioned in geometric clusters. They form ice crystal like shapes with arms connecting them inside pentagonal areas. These bigger structures seem to be regulating the climate or other purposes. The little ones at the street level are watching us on a daily basis. Back to the dream. Me and my friends are now a rebel force meeting in secret and collecting data on these UFOs, trying to understand what they are here for. One day, I am on a bus ride with one of this friends and we spot one in the sky, after a long time not seeing them. We wondered if they found a new way to cloak or had simply disappeared. Then we see two jets flying on each side of the orb but at some point leaving and the orb staying fixed in a position. Me and friend point to it but no one else seems to see it. As I point to it, I feel like I am pushing a button and the orb opens up into a square of squares of different size, like a virtual keyboard. On top rows are bigger blue squares and bellow are smaller red squares. So I do what I did before and also pretend to click them as if they are buttons. I push a random combination of keys. The UFO/keyboard disappears and immediately strange things happen, like some cars on the road going bananas as if they lost their electronics, and going over the rails and crashing. We rush to meet with the others and tell them what happened. They are a bit incredulous, but I explain maybe all orbs are programmable but we need to crack the code and see which combinations do what. Then the girl who usually brings us food comes in looking scared. Says the building is surrounded and they threatened her. Everyone wonders how they found us and I say I actually told them and it is part of a bigger plan, but they think I am just crazy and are in shock that I did that. I seem to have a really intricate plan, but I wake up before finding out.
Updated 06-14-2021 at 03:38 PM by 34880
8th May 2021 Fragment: Mom, new medications, a swap or trade for her? (not sure what I meant by this and recall is too gone) Fragment: Watching HW play an undead rogue wearing a T2 helm, he's sort of streaming PvP activity where he's killing other horde players but also alliance, not focusing on any particular group more than another. He is in a full party with some friends who are helping him with the PvP? (gap) HW is visiting me, at a mix of my current and old home. I'm with him in the kitchen, downstairs. There's a moment of intense laughter when I or he make a joke, sort of together, but I forget what it was about. We're about to head upstairs and I go into the pantry (what pantry, which home?) and grab the only two beers there, as well as an orange juice drink in a similar but clear glass bottle. I ask HW what he wants but he doesn't seem to hear me. I ask him again once we are upstairs, also asking H if he wants one of these things too. I have some feeling of concern about who will pick what? 9th May 2021 Fragment: Planet-landing, some colony and I'm? using a tank to take over the colony. Something about it being a job in planning by others for three years. I prove them wrong by myself by assaulting a base and then I eventually get some reinforcements to assist me. Then in a cave, the dream changes and becomes about wrestling or some form of free fighting. I remember breaking things up, made of wood. Dream: I'm in a place like L with H, walking across a busy street. It's sunny and looks pretty much as I might expected, considerably busy too. I see MB walking ahead in front of us at one point as we walk to wherever we're going but H doesn't notice or care. I feel annoyed and think to myself "yeah, you walk away you bastard" as I watch him go up another street on an incline, beside some kind of train or transit station. We eventually go up the same street too and H says he's going to call someone (one of our parents) but he notices the phone number is totally wrong for the contact, deciding to ring anyway and finding out who it might be. The other person answers and is equally curious and confused but they are nearby so we backtrack a little to a bit with a cafe. We approach and H talks to this person he had been on the phone with. I don't realise it in the dream but any awareness of them drops off as I focus on my aunt B who is sat at the next table over, facing an unknown dream character who is her friend. For some reason, as we get talking, this unknown character is showing me the inside of her mouth, which impossibly looks bigger on the inside than on the outside. Under her tongue, there is a pepperoni pizza pattern thing going on, but it's some kind of fungal structure that is an uncontrolled infection. I remember being told about this but in no detail. Notes: - The last dream with MB was about four months ago. - The dream recall for all of these is poor because while I did make initial notes, they were extremely brief and I had planned on getting around to typing them up sooner, whilst recall was still fresh, but the days didn't allow for it. - For some time now I have been feeling like there's something wrong internally, on a physical level. I worry on some level that part of recent dream symbolisms are related to this but I have no real basis for this other than some recent aches that haven't subsided. Recently I have been getting random intrusive thoughts about cancer, possibly since that's essentially what AH passed away from. - I had some more notes I wanted to put down but I'm currently distracted and have a headache, so I'm being unable to focus.
21st August 2020 (DFLN Thread) Fragment: In the van with H driving around. We go through some industrial estate or warehouse district. We see people being gutted as we drive past, but we aren't concerned. We just think it to be in poor taste or something. Some of the characters that are being gutted, I recognise them from earlier on in the dream, feeling no pity for them because they were nasty; but I still feel this looks like an undignified death. Fragment: Some version of WoW, but set in a realistic city of some sort, half fantasy, half not? With H, I was taking some area from the Horde and for the Alliance. I remember going on some sort of bombing run and seeing diagrams of the region. I remember the Horde outnumbered us by a great ratio. Dream: At the end of a dream I was in some kind of classroom, in a school. There was a teacher and there were several other pupils. The teacher was first giving some theory on something. Some things like hardware and software programming were mentioned. I have some awareness of being kind of lying down on my back, and next to something. Then we're about to do something. The teacher moves, and I sort of sit up now. I'd been lying next to an old limestone tomb. We're apparently going to open it and examine the dead's objects of burial. Someone moves the lid open and I look at another one of the pupils, a girl. They don't realise it'll wreak and I instantly move my head away and breathe out, fully expecting a foul odour. But as the lid is fully removed, while I do get a whiff of something, it's very faint. This struck me as odd, but in any case the rest of the pupils started carefully removing items and analysing them. Someone next to me takes a piece of clothing from some bony hands. The teacher notices that something is off? The dead apparently has some kind of shawl, with a Discord logo on it and she says that it's impossible, since the body had been buried hundreds of years ago. I myself did not notice or see any such logo. But this leads her to suspect that the body is more recent than previously thought and now when I look inside the tomb, I see a naked white man, with fine white-gold hair, sitting up. He looks pale or lifeless as expected, I seem to recall. The teacher touches the forehead of the body to inspect the temperature and see how "recent" it was. The dream ended here, the doorbell rang and I had to go answer the door.
Updated 09-03-2020 at 05:25 PM by 95293
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening At a magical realm, where I am part of the nobility of a kingdom and I am also like Wonder Woman. We are invaded by hords of barbarians. When they strike, I am outside the fortress city with the peasants that care for the lands. Some of my warrior friends manage their way back, but I am shut down outside. I get some Japanese swords to fight, but the invaders are just too many. I realize I can't survive a fight with them all, so I opt out to dwell in the underground maze of artisans shops and their homes because there is a way to access the fortress through some underground tunnels that connect with this place.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening Once again at my friend Zilla's home, actually her mom's. I go outside on the neighborhood for a walk and find lots of new shoes from a shop discarded by the dumpster. Some are still in the original boxes, but I will need bags to carry them with me. My friends, Zilla and Licas, they come by and we arrange to go get bags at home to rescue those shoes. At some point I am there guarding it so that no one else takes it and a couple of policemen comes ask me what I am doing. They think I am responsible for all those shoes on the ground and I could get a fine for it. But I explain what I am actually doing and ask if they can wait for my friends to come with bags. Later on a department store, a vintage thing, looks like it's the 1930's. I am with a friend, a cute curly blond lady. She sees another lady she dislikes, paying for some very luxurious towels and leaving them unattended at the cashier's balcony. In a moment of distraction of the cashier, she steals the towels and runs towards me, so we go away before anyone notices. I become accidentally involved. We head to an elevator and she acts all paranoid as we descend to the garage level. I actually think she might have gotten away with it. I feel like I'm in a Hitchcock movie. I go home by train. Unfortunately there must have been witnesses or something, because days later I receive a notification to pay for the towels she stole - they considered me accomplice - and they even charged me 9€ for a pen I took by mistake that I had used to sign a cheque. Some epic story, I think in China , but could be in Korea, Mongolia. This one felt a bit like a Bong Joon-ho movie. It was about some invaders, from another kingdom or tribe, and some people being driven out of their lands and persecuted. Their rulers are probably dead but there is a prince and a princess whom they believe are still alive but were captured. They escape through the mountains and reach an arid plateau. they are walking in two parallel lines along a path crossing the plateau, when their prince and princess appear at the end of the lines, running, looking beaten down. They rejoice, happy that they escaped. Unfortunately they were being followed by the enemy army, which is coming ready for an ambush. They have like a giant white sleeve-like trap they pull along the line of people, capturing them like fish in a net. I don't know how it is possible, but it works. And I am trapped with them.
Updated 03-18-2019 at 09:31 PM by 34880
I'm walking through some small stores. I kneel down to a box with old coins and start picking them up to take a closer look. My vision is a bit foggy, but i can tell these are not really coins, no matter how much I want them to be. just some medallions or commemorative tokens. An older lady starts going through it as well and crowds me out. I tell her piece of my mind. I start feeling tension in the air as I'm walking towards the corner of a near building. People running. I know the occupation is starting. I think it's nazis, but the armored vehicle I see doesn't look german from WW2. I see the uniforms as I'm ducking in a doorway to get away through some back doors I'm hoping to find. I see some civilian man walking inside. One is quite large. I know those are local collaborators, but to my surprise, they are quite gentle, as the big man pushes a woman towards the door with what I think it's croatian hajde.
HH Went to sleep at 6pm, exhausted from work. Woke up at midnight and as falling back to sleep, got HH. I thought, next one I get, I'll should enter it. Waited for a few seconds and a next crystal clear image appeared. I think I got up and walked into it, then lost awareness. Aliens We got invaded by bad aliens. So someone made a costume which will make us look like them. We put it on a escaped from some building, into another one. We took it off and then I realized, it was also changing our voices into alien voice. We learned about another species of aliens that also came to fight us. There were green humanoids. Now we didn't know, which costume to put on to sneak by them. But first, I had to change my shoes to tennis shoes, so I can do some running. We were sneaking by these new aliens when we heard that they realized we are also good guys, so they were not going to fight us. They were raising their arms in surrender, and kneeling in front of us to let us know.
Had a great dream last night, but by later in the morning I forgot everything, except that it was in post-apocalyptic world. I remembered it all much later in the afternoon, while watching TV and seeing a dog brought back recall, even though there was no dog in the dream that I can remember. ...I grab something from invading soldiers, run to the cliff over the ocean and want to throw it in the water to neutralize the threat. But the water is too far from there, so I run alongside the cliff until I feel like I have to throw it, because they are catching up to me. I throw it and it would have fallen in the water, but there are some sand banks and it falls on one of those. I believe though that it's far enough and they won't find it. One soldier chases me across the sand dunes with some grass on them. I see a hole in the side of the dune,bit smaller than the size of a laying person. I squeeze into it and I'm watching the soldier and his shadow as he is looking for me. He stands right next to my hiding place and I just hope he won't find me. Before all that, someone threw a revolver into a huge pile of sand. I'm looking for it, because in this lawless world weapons are valuable. Before that, there was something about a wooden walkway in the large body of water. I wish I remembered more.
Date of Dream: SUN 20 AUG - 2017 Dream No. 182 - VCE Takes A Toll I don't remember what happened at the start of the dream. From where I do remember, I was in this weird, unknown, game-like place that was subject to flooding. There was bound to be an invasion of fake Marios that my family and I were preparing for. I was now in my bedroom and I saw the clothes that I was wearing. I was looking to put some runners on so I could easily run away when the invasion happens. I was back at the flooding place and the water was rising fast, so I had to place myself onto a small island. The dream scene transitioned to me visiting Killester with my mum. My mum wanted to ask Ms. L of she had a photo of her mum. I then said to myself that it was Wednesday and then I saw the girls pouring out of the year 12 classrooms, carrying musical instruments. One of the girls I remember well was EL, carrying some sort of giant, golden trumpet. I then walked back around the corner to Ms. L's office. She was standing at the front of the door, listing all the families who were struggling, kind of like prayers of intercession. There were a whole list of year 12 families, addressed by surnames, but one was address as “WB's family”. I then sussed out that WB was suffering from huge bouts of major depression. Year 12 was becoming too much for her. I then asked Ms L about the progress of that photo. I have forgotten the rest of the scene. In the next scene, I was browsing on Instagram and had a look at WB's page. There was absolutely nothing on it, including no “following” or “followers” numbers. I was than in a deserted mall and saw WB on the other side of a barrier, indeed looking depressed and somewhat angry. I thought that maybe I could break through the barrier and reach her if I could correctly play the “Mario Party DS – Party Mode” theme. A synth keyboard randomly appeared and I started playing it. Before I could finish the song, I woke up. Dream Trophies Achieved: - None
Updated 10-27-2017 at 10:50 PM by 93119
Last night bed 9:15 pm Dream just before waking up at 3 am Home invasion We are inside, at someone else's house. Preparing to be attacked, because we have something they want. Looking through the curtains if they are coming. Now I'm with the invaders. Unwrapping tools, then a bomb. I'm intentionally reckless, trying to see if I can make the bomb blow up by hacking close to the fuse wires. It would kill me, but better than killing those others. Nobody is stopping me, so I start hacking off the ends of wires with some recepticles, to make them unusable. Now they notice, but they don't get too upset. I manage to damage one more. Back again inside. I'm asking the homeowner if he has more than one gun and to give me one when they attack. We see them in the yard, wiggling boards off of a wooden fence. I walk in a room and they are already inside. There is a mean looking chick and I don't wait for her to attack me. I advance at her with an old wooden chair, deflecting her blows and trying to hit her with it.
Bed 9:45 - 3:40am Took a 2hr nap or so in the afternoon. 3 cool dreams. DR 1: I'am in a big house. Large floor plan, lots of windows, carpets. Nobody lives there now, we are hiding there. I'm looking into the next room that sits lower than where I am, at huge amount of boxes with supplies and I wish there was some beer. I look closer, and of course, lots of boxes with beer. Someobody calls me over to taste some of it. It's expensive and rare, so we sip it from whiskey glasses. Now I am outside, in a new neighborhood. I tell the cabbie to turn by the Walmart. As I look at the distant hills, someone yelles out "they are coming". The alien worms are invading. I see a cloud that resembles the poison gas cloud in Hunger Games. I don't see any worms but I'm not gonna wait and find out. They are coming to kill us. I start walking by a tunnel, trying to remember how to get back. I need to find a guy in a hospital. After long thinking, I figure out his name is Dr.Green. He is suppose to be a partner of character named Vic from a video game GTA. I'm looking closely at people passing by. I see them in great details, their faces, clothes. But since I don't know this guy, I am asking them "are you Dr. Green?". When danger comes closer, I follow few people that enter their living spaces after punching in the code in a keypad. I walk in and apologise for the intrusion. They tell me not to worry and just stay safe there. DR 2: I'm somewhere outside near some major road. There is a turn to the left and road turns into wooden lanes, almost like at the bowling alley. The lanes are separated by walls. Signs above the lanes say which place it leads from and where it's going. They are bicycle lanes. One sign says "from china to rest of the world". I'm joiking with someone when I say, "haha, I wanna see someone in China to go visit their gramma in Korea on a bike". I get on one of the lanes and ride a bike. DR 3: I'm in an artificial lake with concrete sides. It's rather small, maybe a size of 2 rooms. Someone else is there with me. I look in the water and we are standing on a small boat that sunk. I realize we are in the lake at Universal Studios. I look up at the huge board which is right above me to confirm location. Someone from the shore tells the guy he is not swimming right, he should be more in the water. I look in the water and see the dark shadow of the boat and how dirty the water is with debris. The actor next to me puts his face in the water. I push off and start swiming to the side. A fin swims by me and that confirms I'm at the studios. It's an animatronic shark from Jaws, programmed to swim in circles on the edge of the pool.
I was just thinking yesterday why am I not having cool dreams like I used to. Last night: I was in South Amerika, I think Chile. We are looking at some monitor that's showing different beaches in Chile. We are picking a beach for a vacation. Someone says that when there is a heatwave in Mexico, it's also hot down in Chile. Few days before: It's night. We are running through some landscapa that is just dirt with occasional bush. It looks like lots of people went there, dirt is all roughed up. Someone is attacking in the distance from above. I see a hole in the ground. We go in. A huge rock blocks the entrance after we get in. We walk through some tunnels dug in the soil, it's pretty well lit with yellow light from unknown source. I have a feeling it's headqarters of resistance against alien invasion.